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I made an indie game. Took me 3 years. Right now it's sitting at 37 reviews on Steam (including review codes) but 121 people are seeding it and it's on just about every warez site.

I honestly don't know how to cope with this.
Post your game.
No, I'd like to avoid further ridicule. Already feeling bad enough.
Post the game
How were the reviews?
Maybe should've done extensive marketing during that 3 years
you cope knowing that your game will be talked about and it's reaching more people
If you didn't market your game correctly this is what happens. Also, I second the idea that you should post the game. It's nigh impossible to provide constructive criticism without something to criticize
How much does it cost?
i wouldnt feel too bad about the piracy. thats just how games are. if your shit is playable people are gonna take it for free, nothing you can do about it
Post a link to it buddy, I'll tell you whether it is good or not.
what's the game
i fucking love this pic
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Musicfag here. I'm far from a star but between SC, spotify and yt I get like 1.5m streams per year. I started making a lot more money when I stopped selling my tracks and started offering them for free with optional donations. Reach is literally the most important thing these days, if anything you should be seeding your game, too.
Too bad nigga, better luck next time
Keep trying

37 reviews...so more sold right? 37 reviews vs 121 seeders doesn't strike me as necessarily a bad situation. The most dedicated troglodytes that find games and such tend to be in a bad situation, which often means piracy. If it's new people might just be trying it out etc etc

If it's the success part...well at least you got more in your portfolio. You're basically the equivalent of a book writer. Shit's tough.
The Binding of Isaac has been pirated out the ass and it's still made boat loads from people buying it because they liked it. Make a good game and people will buy it. Unironically
Damn son. Congratz.
Positive, bordering on very positive.
Being a musician is a joke compared to being an indie dev. Literally life on easy mode, faggot.
Any indie game I've pirated and liked I've bought. Even if I didn't like it much, I usually buy it if I played it more than a couple hours and its not expensive
Cool Story Bro
Post the game or shut the fuck up.
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>Being a musician is a joke compared to being an indie dev.
You're literally retarded if you believe this.
This. If your game is getting lots of pirates it's because pirating is free and every cheapskate probably has RSS feeds linking to new content whenever it drops and then just downloading everything. Those 121 people probably wouldn't have tried your game if there were no free options. If your game is actually good then it will spread naturally, create buzz, and attract actual purchasers.
Pirates are scum more news at 11
>refuses to show people the entire subject of the thread he's obviously trying to get feedback on
>has a large ego, see "Bordering on very positive"
>calls people giving him advice faggots that just have it so easy
OP, you're a jackass, this thread is pointless, and your game probably needs work or a price cut
Do you think your game is on par with Undertale? Should it be making a larger footprint?
If not, why is it 5 dollars more expensive?
You can't come here whining about your game and then refuse to identify it because you're scared that people on 4chan will make fun of it.
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>Being a musician is a joke compared to being an indie dev. Literally life on easy mode, faggot.
Is it this one, anon?
I will buy your game if you post it. Grow some fucking balls
>No, I'd like to avoid further ridicule. Already feeling bad enough.
Might get some sales out of the deal. Maybe even some good word of mouth depending on the game. Sometimes you gotta swallow your pride to succeed.
If this is your game dude you can't charge 14.99 when not on sale for an early access game. That's asking people to pay the price of Hollow Knight for an unfinished product.
If you want an example of a well done early access game look at Heartbound. It has a demo AND the price is more reasonable. Having a demo is important for paid early access because unless people have a vertical slice to play that sells them on the game IN SPITE of it being unfinished they're going to see early access and RUN.
Here's my advice:
Price Cut, Demo, Market harder.
That is a sweepi kibby.
Also, show game.
Personally I only pay for early access games if they're like $5-10 AND there's enough content in there already to justify the purchase. Then even if the dev never touches the game again I feel like I still got my money's worth, and if they do keep working on the game, then in like 4 years I get a complete finished game for super cheap.
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what is this image
Most of those pirates were probably never going to buy it anyway
And go fuck yourself. I'm amazed that you can beg for sympathy while acting like such a piece of shit
So it's overpriced.
Shut the fuck up retard what the fuck do you know.
Being a musician is actually creating something. Being an indie developer is copy pasting unity store assets
amongus spend years under the radar before exploding
also i must agree with all the other people calling you a little shit seeing your posts
Gee I'm so sorry I gave you advice. Thanks for calling me a retard and to shut the fuck up in return
Your ego is larger then yanderedev's.
>make cute and comfy game
>be a schizo in 4chan
The duality of man I guess
>Being a musician is a joke compared to being an indie dev. Literally life on easy mode, faggot.
If you think it's hard to compete with 50 new games per day on stream, try competing with 100k new tracks per day on spotify. Making it as a musician is magnitudes harder.

Also to be sure, making music is art, shtting out unity crap isn't.
you sound like you're in it for the money so you deserve this fate
dumb cat
Have you tried making a good game? I hear that's a good way to make sales
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Based Anon who is actually making it. I wish you all the best.
OP did you expect everyone ITT to act like your mommy when you sprain your ankle
Get up like a big boy and stop crying about free advice.
What websites can I download your game from OP.

congrats on making it!


still waiting for OP to post his game
this site is anonymous, why are you worried about what faceless people think about your game?
worried your steam discussions will get a shitpost thread or two?
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consider yourself lucky i didnt buy, leave a bad review and refund it.
fix your behavior
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You should make lots of games instead of spending years making one very shitty game. I kind of feel like making a short ASCII game based on a rangers of shadow deep scenario but I'm tired and playing games is more fun...
Op is right. Games take years to make songs take days maybe less with ai musicians are scum.
Your game probably sucks ass.

You know why? It's because you cared more about making an "indie game," rather than a good game.
Typical entitled shithead indie dev. This is why I don't feel bad about pirating.
>i spent so much time on my game .. but pirates!
>what? no i wont show you my game, you'll make fun of me!

Then fuck off, faggy OP.

I want to get into making games any a advice op?
He's not wrong, most musicians have to sell out to get fucked in the ass to get their music out. It's all satanic or prostitution to the top and usually people like rappers have their stuff already made for them by some jewish synthesizer.
He's a faggot. You should take advice from literally anyone but him.
>I honestly don't know how to cope with this.
Acknowledge the fact that you have created something that 37 people have took the time to engage with and that 121 (and counting) look to engage with going forward. This is a pretty considerable thing to achieve nowadays if you consider just how much shit is competing for peoples attention. Aside from that you should probably just try to have fun, all hobbies die when you stop enjoying them or do the for the sole purpose of profit. 14.99 isn't a bad price, but there is a significant step up in expectations compared to the 4.99 game so make sure you're offering something worth that value, even if your game is short/simple make sure that it is very well polished in what it does do. You need to also remember people can buy games worth a LOT more than 14.99, for that price point during sales, from keysites etc.
If the game is good, pay some streamer to play it. Test the waters with various types of advertising and see what the returns are on each of them.
Even though Steam is not the worst in that aspect we're not in the age where you can rely on people discovering your game while browsing. Products without marketing are simply sent to die.
Unless you're an industry plant or win the algo lottery it will also take years to grow an artist profile. And in todays streaming landscape musicians can't just make an album and be good for years, they need to constantly release fresh, high quality music. You're coping.
Cozy wholesome post, friend!
>Early Access
>No demo
These are why it's pirated.
nta but if you wanna go one to one making soundcloud slop on fl studio is the same as slop on unity lol
>indie dev makes yet another metroidvania, rougelike, walking simulator slop
Exactly, he's getting irrationally mad at people trying to help him. What did he want? For us to help him "cope?" This is a video games board not a vent about your feelings board.
>comes to 4chin of all places to cry about his game not selling
>screams in rage and seethe when hes told why people arent buying his game
why are so many gamedevs mentally ill
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warsim is a good example of a cheap succesfull indie game.
entirely in command window. sold 30 000 copies
>female name
You know if this is OP and OP is a woman that would explain the emotional overreactions.
have you released a demo?

i think people have to come to terms with the fact that those who pirate are sometimes evil, accustomed to paying nothing, and sometimes just don't care that much about your product.
>dating sim
>no demo
>made by a woman
can't imagine why people are pirating it kek
Fuck off idiot
>but 121 people are seeding it and it's on just about every warez site.
Those people were never going to buy your game. You should be aware of this before you even start making a game. You are going to have customers and you're going to have people who don't stop a dime. Not just your game, but big AAA slop or little indie shit. They will not pay.
Should've made a Patreon
Know your place bitch because for damn sure your game doesn't have fifteen dollars worth of production values. If anon gets the title out of you I'm gonna be seeding that shit for sure.
Those days of work is only enough to keep the audience engaged for a few minutes and that's if the song is good. You could make the lowest quality asset flip broken physics buggy mess in a day and it'll keep people engaged for at least an hour. It'll probably get youtube famous and become the next fotm too
Nah, this kind of psychotic shit is classic tranny behavior. It's all making sense now
>I made a game
>”Prove it”
>No ;~;
I don't know why OP hates music so much. Did he agree to pay his composer more than the game made or something?
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Hey OP it's me, Goku! It might not be helping you that you keep calling anyone that doesn't suck your pussy a faggot, idiot, or retard! Especially considering your behavior indicates you're likely currently menstruating!
Goku out!
For a small indie game, piracy is basically your entire marketing strategy. OP may know this, and is purposefully baiting us into pirating it. Well, it worked. I'm pirating it right now, and I always buy games if I like them.
Well that's life. Most don't make it. You're alive is all that matters. Try again or wageslave like the rest of us.
I work for Valve and with this message I can literally ban your account for violating the TOS.
Nah fuck OP for crying like a faggot.
ok and
I'm not even gonna pirate her piece of shit dating sim game.
Your game at least has reviews. Mine has none ;-;
i bought rdr and shadow of war because they took too long to crack and bought indieslop merchant life because the csrinru links were dead (no i didn't upload the fles after). I've also bought tons of games after finishing them once they went on sale.
the majority of pirates are probably leeches who never spend a cent but at least 20 of those are potential sales under a variety of circumstances
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Man OP is a fag
>pretends to be anonymous, fails
>gives too many details, gets game found out
>cries like a baby and doesn't take any advice/criticism
There's a reason your game failed and its called being a faggot.
PS, music is hard, don't compare yourself to people who don't know.
Put me in the screencap
hentai games have a very high rate of piracy.
people don't want to exchange money for porn because it feels wrong, if you steal it it feels fine.
Absolute trashfire thread. Good job, OP. Hope all your future endeavours go just as bad as this one.
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Add hentai to it and watch the buyers skyrocket.
please be my gf my discord is 0x2b
will you be my gf?
Saved this thread to laugh at later once i lose my memories again
Post your game anon, you're not a fag like OP so some of us may actually buy yours.
Do it.
OP, you don't want our advice. You don't want our sales. What do you want?
Drop the price to $7.99, and I'll consider playing it.
im sorry op i was one of 121 people pirating your game. I will buy it if I like it. but only one sale i doubt it's worth $15
FUCK OFF she's mine
That's just a random game some anon posted. Is it really that easy to falseflag and get someone fucked by random /v/tards?
$11.99 that's the best I can do
mind sync but i was first
>theyre heckin onto me this isnt cozy at all
You made an anime western style gayme.
Given how people shitted on OP's game, I'm not sure...
>OP says he spent 3 years making a game
>actually he spent 3 years making a dating sim, didn't even finish it
>tries to sell it unfinished at full price and cries on 4chan that people are pirating it
Post it, I'll buy it just to shove it to OP if you aren't a moron like her
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>see this post
>currently pirating game
>feel gulity
>check price
>it's not OPs game
wew that was a close one.
We shit on OPs game cus OP is a bitch who was hostile to everyone, you are just an innocent anon.
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Ehhhh, I could use that $11.99 to buy a meal at Little Caesars. You need to drop the price to $7.99 if you want a sale from me.
focus less on reach and more on quality 99.999% of the reason why people who make music dont make it is because their music is just not good enough

people who make music are huge fit in the mold bitches who keep telling everyone what they do is amazing just like women tell each other they re all so beautiful there is no honesty, standards or whatever its just trying to not offend each other

ive seen the people and ive heard some music, it was enough to make the pattern

your music is fucking mid as fuck. almost all recent music is garbage and the inspired stuff is not finished and competent enough to make it bigger. you just half ass whit and wonder why you didnt win. you want huge rewards you have to invest huge efforts. and if you dont have the talent then suck it and be happy you can even make music
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Because he said game not 0.2.0 early access tumblr hogwarts game
valid for games too
it's not fair....
She needs to drop it to $4.99. It needs to cost less than a pre-inflation meal at Little Caesars.
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If it doesn't have as much content as BG3 then I won't pay for it. That's final.
If you guys are gonna shit on this game for being Early Access I really don't think I should post mine.
Post it and I’ll buy it. I’ll post proof.
Damn I guess it is. This place really is filled with retards.
People like you are the reason why we have mediocre games. Hating and shitting on games should motivate game devs to improve their games.
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People want to, they just dont want it broadcasted to everyone.
With unlisting games/hiding steam purchases the popularity of hentai games shot through the roof.
Of course, this makes tracking sales harder so steamcharts & the like are often way the fuck off unless the creator speaks out.
Case in point, this image was from the same time. Tracking showed 100k units sold, actually sold 500k units.
Holy shit is it just in notes on a napkin phase how can it be worse?
>still trying to pretend this isn't your game
Nice try
do you just randomly jam notes together? how did you learn to compose a good melody?
>there's a discord
I'm getting ideas.
Good. You'll fit right in
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Are you going to post the god damn game so I can buy it and support you, you fucking nigger.
>still lashing out
You either study music theory and learn what patterns sound good, or you listen to a lot of music and develop an ear for patterns that sound good
i posted my book to 4chan once. people were ruthless and tore it to shreds. had some bad reviews, and a few good ones too from people who took the time to read it.

the bad reviews were later deleted as trolls, kek. but it affected me more.

post on 4chan and don't take it personally, i guess. not everyone is here to discuss games, some really are trolls.
Idea executed. Awaiting ban.
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Beats being a romhacker, at least. Spend months of your life working on something for free and all you get in response is a bunch of faggots begging for more or trying to leech off your hard work.
Wait how can someone "leech" off the work of a rom hacker. Technically aren't you already doing that to the original devs?
this sounds like "people who were nice were honest, people who were negative were all dang dirty trolls"
No it's not.
I seriously doubt OP made the game you all somehow managed to ``find''.
I got a cute react on the cat pic from one of the devs, odd.
Maybe it isn't the game or maybe the dev who posted this thread hasn't seen it. Lol
You either didn't bother with drm or completely overcharged for your game. Either way you done fucked up.
Yeah sometimes that happens. I've pirated movies and ended up buying the discs because they're higher quality audio and video. I'm just dying it's better to just go in thinking that they will never pay so you don't disappoint yourself.

I'll give u three fiddy + be my game dev gf
Yes, if literally is that simple.
most people can't learn from acadmeia without it taking over their mind and defining things forever, its just a brainwashing machine he should probably just listen and walk his own path. studying is only good if you can keep a distance

most people who go in any type of art school seem to be pretty incompetent and talentless. maybe even any school at all. just be some greek autodidact, live off welfare bucks and work very hard like your life depends on it + find other people like you and share knowledge with each other
it's the only recent indie game that matches on price and amount of reviews
>Go to the internet to spread lies!?
>Who would do that!!?
Frogposter you suck ass
>enclosing a word with two backticks and two single quotes
What is this supposed to convey
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That's brutal fren I will likely have a worse outcome than you. We were simply too late for the golden age of indie gamedev. Time is the only answer I can give you for coping. I once lost $10k on stocks. Depressed for maybe 3 months? The feeling of being a failure eventually subsided. I'm still a failure at escaping the wagecage but it was rough seeing $10k just disappear like that. I except some similar reaction when my game inevitably flops.
There is no fair criticism on 4chan, ever. It's all vitriol. Some will go as far as to personally insult you and continuously harrass you, so it's best to stay away.
>make something in a massively oversaturated market
>don't market it with loadsacash
>complain when you got more reviews than average random indies
idk man I bought an anon game a week ago and I'm one of two people to review it
Finish your game you dumb fuck
Also whatever it is
You need to shill it
Haven't you learned shit from browsing /v/?
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>game has cute girls
>but OP is a faggot
>also Early Access
Don’t be a retard retard, people here will support it if it has any quality to it
i joined the discord i think you anons picked the wrong game
How expensive is your game? I feel like most indie titles are ridiculously overpriced, don't drum up ads, don't make really engaging stuff and often just have boring coomer bait characters.
You should add a design like Bazz to the game OP and make rage bait videos on it.
OP your game isnt finished
come back when it is
or shill it on tiktok or smth
>he thinks it's this specific game
lol if only you knew just how saturated gamedev is this is only a low probability of being anons game
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Lumi is very cute, but my points still stand.
Cris gets more (you)s than the best of aggydaggy
tongue my anus and get back to making ackshual games troon
>i think you anons picked the wrong game
Why do you think that?
><looks up>
Don't be a tard and charge like 20 bucks for your game. Part of the reason indie games fail is because of poor marketing, the other part because some schmuck thinks his stock asset flip is worth 20 bucks.
yeah and my dad is gabe Newel, suck it fag
you're fat
IDA is kinda cute, where can i pirate OPs game?
guy named concord joined and posted the op pic and didnt get banned
>t. buys almost every single triple A game
link another game that's $15 that had 37 reviews when the thread started
if your game was really worth playing, you'd be swimming in it by now. And every pos ever made gets uploaded at some point, so you fucked up and probably made some bullshit only moderately entertaining. Get back to work monkey and stop using people language
>this thread
buy an ad.
/v/niggers post shit like this and then wonder why devs never post here and/or abandon them when they make it
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Truly "the coziest and most enchanting experience"
But everything can be excused with
>[Early access]
People will repackage your hack with nothing but very minor baby's first romhack changes made to it, often without giving you credit. Then there's the fucking repro cart assholes. I don't make any money off what I do and give proper credit so I'm not sure how that could be considered leeching.

What lies
Only one of the devs has reacted of the three with a non invisible status, could mean it's the wrong game or the dev who's ITT is too busy seething to check discord, we'll have to see lol. If it is the right game I wonder how long I'll last.
Of course if I was OP and trying to hide what game I mad I wouldn't do any discord bans just off the cat pic, it'd be too suspicious.
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That's not necessarily true.
Yes, I'm shilling Veritus for free.
Fuck you.
this could be OP lol
You delivered a good game and that is a massive achievement in and of itself. Ignore the pirates, they would've never bought the game and possibly never even played it - focus on figuring out how to sell more copies and how to improve initial sales of your next game.
Repro cart people are dicks, agreed
Best to ignore people that steal hacks imo. There's a seething pedo called skelenio in the sm64 community that stole a bunch of levels and he's failed because nobody gives him attention
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Not him but
why would I play veritus over Prodigal?
>There is no fair criticism on 4chan, ever.
as someone who got smeared with shit by /agdg/'s shitposters, there's plenty of fair criticism, but depending on your work's subject you might attract bad attention no matter what you do
>I worked some hundred hours where is my gorillion money!?
finish your game
cheek feedback
finish and learn
try again
You'll succeed when you have done everything right, some get it right at their first try, but that is like winning the lottery
I was thinking that guy was the one. Would make sense considering they have the moon/afk status,
make a game in 7 days,
read reviews,
then make a game in 7 weeks
Read reviews
Then make a game in 7 months
You've made a good game.
How many wishlists did you have before launch? Did you get any media coverage? Did you even try?
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It's the sequel. A bit smaller in scale, but still very fun imo.
Also, there is a cannon love interest choice in Prodigal.
It's free, what's credit for a rom hack going to get you?
I'll never understand people who moan about their mods etc. being reuploaded
Just as a presentation it has 2 problems
>Sprites look like trash
>Portrait screams gay/hipster/furry
Most will just scroll over, steam allows quick browsing so is like 5 seconds to present a game or get ignored
ugggghh that's a lot of work, you realize anon might even have made his post purposefully delayed to make it hard to even locate?

lets say anon delayed his post by up to 1 year and is still bummed out. we'll use anything with 37-40 reviews to judge. that's 100+ games to look through, no thanks anon
Man people really don't understand economics.
>game is priced at $15. Only 40 people will buy it. Make $600.
>game is priced at $5. Now 200 people will buy it. Make $1000.

Most people buying games will raise their noses at paying $15 for an indie game. Lower the price to $5 and you'll make more money.
ima pirate this just because you’re a salty cunt and were rude to the musicman trying to give u advice
Kek I will pirate your game and distribute it on Google drive and mega upload and gofile for all my friends. Get fucked
nta but true, i have some <1000 review games and yes some <250 review games as well. 1000 is not a stunning success once you see the money it actually generates.
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>192 replies
>ctrl+F steampowered
>0 matches
>Implying you're a romhacker
Its a product people do FOR FUN, BECAUSE THEY ENJOY DOING IT, maybe to learn how to make games or just to print their vision
If anyone asks for more it would be a superb praise, for people not just like it, but like it so more they want more
And having your resources recycled means other authors liked the sprites enough to use them
You speak as
So, of course I don't believe you
>just spend a billion dollars on your game but give me the game for way below market value, or better yet for free
You scum deserve the games industry dying out.
drop some keys nigga
maybe I'll drop you a good review
that still proves anons point 333 reviews? lel if knew how much money that is versus the effort, you're better off just waging for a year and a half versus taking gamedev as a full time gamble. or you can do this part time and push development in half a decade
>>just spend a billion dollars on your game
indiefags aren't doing that though kek
You are a retard. If you make solodev for profit then don't spend 3 years. I make phone games in months with ads that net me more than steam ever did.
Colorgrave is so goddamn underrated I hope they don't go under. So many shitty pixel slop games come out that don't look a quarter as good as one of their games
that's plenty, only somewhat popular titles can get regular 100+ seeds
something not adding up here
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Alright, DevAnons.
Shill your FINISHED game here and maybe I'll buy your game.
Lol if only you knew how wrong this is, besides actually enjoyers of the game that will buy at any price, cutting the price doesn't always generate more sales, those who don't care enough for it will not be swayed by a 66% price cut. There is a reason more indies are pricing at high prices and getting away with it. You would likely make an excuse for them too if I told you which games.
you should also post it in this very thread
Gee, maybe don't try to gamedev as a replacement for wage cucking?
>noooooooooo it will take me years to finish!!!
>Lol if only you knew how wrong this is
/v/niggers don't know anything, they're not sentient creatures. Don't try explaining anything to them.
Play my game anon, it's free
If Undertale came out today it would be $20.
it looks identical to game boy color, it's a cozy aesthetic.
>i made something so that entitles me to asspats and vagueposting when i don't my bottle
no, it entitles you to get told to suck it up and eat shit
your game sucks
you suck
if you really have a passion you'll try again, and take what is said here with a grain of salt
if you're just an attention whore who wants to make their ticket to e-fame then fuck off and die somewhere else
Pricing your game too low can also backfire by making it seem low quality, short or just the dev not having trust in his own game.

OPs game definitely doesn't seem worth 15. Maybe 8.99 would've been more appropriate.
Hey good job anon that's at least three times the reviews I got for mine!
You're completely brain dead
Is not even an insult but a fact
How do you waste millions in an indie game?
>I dropped my job and spent my life savings publishing an early access game
I mean you have to do something as retarded or else i am not seeing how you can answer like this
>1000 is not a stunning success once you see the money it actually generates.
1000 reviews at $15 a piece is around $500k gross revenue, that leaves you at around $250k after taxes and stuff. If you work in a team and have a publisher, it's not great, but for a solo dev without ties, it's very solid money. It lets you live very comfortably for 2-3 years with no other sources of income if you're in the first world, even more if you're not.
Supply and demand. Sellers don't exist in a vacuum
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I didn't make this game, but more people need to play Rental. It's really good.
What's your game? No one gives a shit if you post on 4chan.
>give me the game for way below market value
There is no ‘market value’ for a downloadable video game because consumers don’t need to compete with each other to buy it.
Do visual soft porn novels sell?
Alright, I'll go for the Zelda top-down 2d clone then.
They were mildly popular as flash games... and i think those were mostly porn ones
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>Slay the Princess made more bucks than the actual game the devs made
Yeah, kinda.
soulless games don't sell without a marketing budget
It's okay OP, i will buy it just for you :)
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OH it's sequel based I'll check it out.
I liked the entire cast but cant say im surprised she got picked for cannon. probably devs favorite.
I really like prodigal, I liked it a lot more than fez or other indie games that got more attention but that's all subjective.
I guess the only real reason to be a game dev is becasue you're passionate about it or have something you really want to create, the guy who made the foggoten city is meant to be lawyer or something and all his coworkers called him crazy for droping his job to dev it full time.
it took him four and half years.
I can't say even with the sucess he garnered if the monetary reward was equvilent to what he would have recived had he just kept being a lawyer.
And for every sucess story there's 100's more failures, sometimes you just got to be content your game is incredibly niche and happy you turn a profit or at the very least have something you've created that has moved others, if you only cared about money you'd be foolish to try and game dev, asset flipping probably has a better ROR
If you actually made a proper game people here will support and encourage you.
4chan is not as bad as you think
This game targets coomers with the romance aspect but looks like a game for le wholesome reddit crowd.
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that is more like a VN
For the little difference it makes
Still, horror, mystery, romance with nice writing, art, voice acting, and music
Its all sorts of quality
If you give me a review key I can get my subscribers to buy it. They're fucking idiots
Release the goddamn video, Sseth.
>>4chan is not as bad as you think
>first few posts are people shitting on op and his game as soon as they find it, and claim that his work has no value
Yeah, right...
>generic cutesie game for redditors
>early access
get fucked. you deserve this
First few posts were shitting on OP for being a bitch. I doubt anyone here even has an opinion on his game
It's already shared up, typical feminine visual novel shit with cutesy characters (it's 0.23 something version)
>I doubt anyone here even has an opinion on his game
Literally look at the post above yours.
>one game
>one trick pony too
As a dev, I'd be scared to even price my shit near that, I generally would go for $5 - 12, in my mind Hollow Knight set the golden standard for Indie pricing in terms of it content to price ratio, it's an exception most likely, but you should always keep in mind what people are willing to pay for and the state of the economy.
>Hollowknight kills indiedev pricing
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I wait until AAA games are around 15-20 dollars on key sites/steam sales, like fuck am I paying that for an indie game. 5-10 at most.
15$ is completely fine for an indie game. If I made a real game I would never sell it for 5$ because this is the price range of meme games.
generic is hardly the worst insult you can receive.
Just gonna reiterate whatever one else has been saying. Piracy isn't necessarily a bad thing. Especially if you are an unknown dev, and in fact shows th a t there is interest in your game, if it's not this game that is fiscally successful, it very well could be your next one based on the buzz around this one. Not every indie game is gonna be an undertale or whatever.
Sounds like a huge cope on your side. His numbers are already pretty respectable.
>im gonna cheapskate independent small devs at every opportunity and never support them in any other way
>wtf why do so many indies get abandoned in early access!! fucking shitty devs!!
You people really have zero self awareness, do you?
>>wtf why do so many indies get abandoned in early access!! fucking shitty devs!!
I don't say this part because I don't care, I've played hundreds of indie games and out of all them only 2-3 were good. Fuck indies!
Oh, so you're a subhuman with no taste. Probably brown as well.
$5 is too low unless your game has an hour of content. $10-$20 is the standard indie game price range. People will tell you many different things, like games are too expensive, early access bad, shilling is dishonorable, good game will market itself, etc, etc, but a lot of that is bullshit noise with no grounding in reality.
>noooooo you have to pay more than you would a AAA game because it's an indie and I worked hard on it, you just have to okay! if you don't you're brown!!!!!
cry more tranny, your Earthbound clone asset flip shit isn't worth the shit on my heel kek
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>expecting people to pay top dollar for amateur work
>he thinks i'm a dev
Not a shred of intelligence in this one, huh? Don't worry, you'll soon be drafted and maybe you'll learn a thing or two when you'll be screaming in agony in some filthy trench as a drone drops a grenade on your subhuman ass.
indie cartoon creators have this issue as well, fixating on their dream cartoon instead of doing what successful people do: just making game after game (cartoon for them), trying out different stuff and not fixating on an unsuccessful dream idea that no one is really liking.
yeah I'm sure churning out 1000 episodes of teen titans go is much more fulfilling
ah so you just simp for indiefags for free and think I should pay full price for their slop? go figure.
I didn't say that and yeah making bank from a successful show is probably way more fulfilling that trying to shill your bad indie cartoon when it's making almost no money and no one really likes it. Like Monkey Wrench for example.
>I'd like to avoid further ridicule
You know where the fuck you're posting right?
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nope, fuck the devs
So how does indie pricing work? 1-5 dollars for short meme games, 6 - 10$ for fully fledged games highly replayable but short games, and 10 - 20 with games for over 10 hours of content?
This. Indie gamedev is an extremely taxing and time consuming hobby as is, it's better to iterate quickly and throw shit at the wall until something sticks instead of slaving away on a dream project that might bring nothing but heartbreak.
More or less. Do market research, find games similar to yours and see what works for you.
My main point was op's game wasn't successful, thus he must make another and another.
All game studios have catalogs, not one game they fixate on. It's about being realistic and having perseverance.
Do not believe this bogan, this game is 30 minutes long with 0 payoff
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The nastiest motherfuckers are always these fags pretending to be cute and quirky. Unironically the edgiest fags with monster/serial killer profile pics are most likely to be the chillest people you can find on the net
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>Being a musician is a joke compared to being an indie dev. Literally life on easy mode, faggot.
you deserve your suffering
You should ban your life with a rope around your neck tranny
I know I'm not paying $15 for whatever the fuck that is, even if it weren't early access
I do, in fact miss that.

Time to buy the game.
I probably pirated it. If its good enough I will pay for it.
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>upsets tendies
I'm interested now.
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Deal with it nigga. You're the one who's livelihood is on the line. Give us what we want or don't. Sell your ass on the street if that's not good enough
Kill yourself jason. You have spend like EIGHT fucking years and your jarpig rip off and it's STILL in early access.
>it's the only recent indie game that matches on price and amount of reviews
Yes, how convinient.
If you have to ask, I don't think I was trying to convey anything to you.
Who the fuck is jason? Lol.
>Being a musician is a joke compared to being an indie dev. Literally life on easy mode, faggot.
Seething "musicians" in the replies
It looks interesting, but too pricy for early access. Lower the price and include a demo.

I'll promise I'll give it a shot if you make it cheaper.
Good shit bro
you genuinely believe OP picked a random indie game dev to impersonate? that's a level of mental illness not even this site reaches
Prodigal was like a 3/10 for me and this didn't sound like an improvement

>make a game
>viral market it on /v/
>tons of people buy it and talk about it because they want to fuck the MC
>sales literally outweigh the pirates
>made $349658 this year so far because of it
i feel so validated
on opposites day yeah
Which game, you coward?
it has already been posted multiple times you fucking simp
By the looks of it, only women and cunnyfags will play this, so you need to market it for them. Add some pretty boys and lolis making sure they are on the steam page pictures, cut the price (too high for EA) and if possible add a demo.

There is hope. It doesn't look bad, just not a game for me.
that cat looks like he's balding
I don't think you've met enough people.
Profile pictures are a terrible way to figure out somebody's personality. Just look at their posts, nigga.
Stop making up some random unprovable bullshit to reinforce your retarded points.
Your problem is that it's a womeme game in a market dominated by men
A selfproclaimed genius and mastermanipulator that totally made games for blizzard (he was nepo hired by his uncle and only did QC). He also bots his view count on twitch and uses a voicechanger.
he's right though
the most evil people always try to cultivate a harmless/innocent image for themselves
see: pedos
>tendies got so butthurt they made them apologize
fucking kek
nu-zelda is garbage btw
Having something cute is common because people just like cute things. I don't think anybody with their dog as their profile picture should be labeled as a sexual predator.
>Literally life on easy mode
You literally get dev tools for free. Not to mention how braindead easy they are to use these days
and then you woke up
Runescape for trannies
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my game is not finished yet
thats the thing, 99% of the /v/ posts for games they made are 100% sloppa garbage appealing to not even 1 person on /v/ but the most braindead.

OP should've made a pron game from all the data he collected from /v/ and have been 100 times more successful
That sounds like exactly what a narcissist sociopath with a cute and quirky profile would say
Literally nothing is unique or quirky about cute profiles. They're EVERYWHERE.
What the fuck are you on about.
>Being a musician is a joke
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>b-being a man obsessed with girly childish things is completely f-fine!
>choosing the girl character does N-NOT make me gay!
>*uses the word "cute" with suspicious frequency, often in inappropriate contexts*

You're either a tranny or a furfaggot. Either way I know for a fact you shove dildos up your ass
lmao this
No. I think you're just compensating for being an attention whore so you choose to attack random strawmen a mongolian image board.

Look, I can do it too. Only trannies post like that!
I will continue to post animals on your board no matter how many times you yell "tranimals".
You got 37 reviews and 127 other players, are the reviews mostly negative or something?
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I will continue modeling depressed 3D women for all my prototypes and you will never be able to stop me
I'm a solo dev and music is by far the most difficult part for me.
>I'll prove you're a tranny by spreading tranny propaganda
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If your game has a little girl for a protagonist, I WILL shill it and buy a copy.
>Makes your entire soundtrack in your path
Nothing's personal only, just give credit.
>early access
>black women
>You can befriend (or romance) a variety of characters of different genders and personality.
I will now NEVER buy your game. I can fucking tell there's faggotry afoot.
I wanna know is she is cute :)
Shit game dude, I don't even understand what the gameplay is
No i don't trust him and that cabal of fags, he's tried to change copyrights retroatively before. I've used their music in some projects before albeit heavily modified but I never finished anything yet. Feature scope is a hell of an issue when you're doing it alone. Gotta remember to Keep It Simple Stupid.
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give me a few years
Good for you anon, sincerely
Not a dev but I strongly recommend supporting these games:
Yeah it's always fun thinking about what will be there once you get gameplay figured out more than it is making the gameplay actually work.
>Shut the fuck up retard what the fuck do you know.
I know what gamers want. You need to give the girls big butts and make them really smelly. They should force the MC into situations where he unavoidably must smell their butts and they should tease him about how bad it must smell. Mmmm, yep, I'd buy that for a dollar.
Forgot to mention she has ezcessive amounts of body hair, has a pot belly, and a micropenis with excessive amounts of foreskin and smegma.
>I honestly don't know how to cope with this.
make another game
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Could be worse OP. You could've made https://store.steampowered.com/app/1411700/Doko_Roko/

Shit fucking game by the way. I genuinely regret ever having backed the Kickstarter after some nigger here posted it back in uh... 2016 or whatever.
this would've done alright 10 years ago
I don't understand the "self insert" mindset. Why do people do it?
It achieved its kicksharter goal almost a fucking decade ago back in 2015 and the game was supposed to come out in 2017. The faggot dev sat on his ass and released it in 2022. That's a motherfucking seven year dev cycle for a game that can barely fucking support controllers and whose dev gave up on bugfixing the game the same year it came out. If it came out when it was supposed to, it would've already missed the wbin 8bit platformer craze of the mid 10s and Hollow Knight would've raped the shit out of it, so the same result as what really happened but with the added benefit of no one giving a shit about the game except me because I wasted money on the faggot dev's kickstarter. Like $15.
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OP, I've been reading through this entire thread and honestly as much of a retarded seething asshole you're being, I pity you and wanna help. if you're ever looking for a writer willing to work for jack shit prices then keep an eye out cause I'll buy your game and leave a review saying the same, DM me on steam if you accept.
Unironically it's just low IQ people being incapable of thinking outside of themselves, so they need a character to see themselves in to enjoy fictional content.
Holy shit! You literally just sold me that game.
Most of the feedback itt was constructive. Ironically it's OP who is the vitriolic one.
I'm buying Veritas. Any other cool incel games I can buy with my wagie crumbs while I'm at it?
>he doesn’t know
good stuff dude. Happy something you like doing is working for you and making you some scratch!
this comic is retarded, I play as a girl sometimes in games because I like to roleplay and think of cool characters to fit into the game, examples being
>Dex samurai girl in elden ring
>bitchy corpo woman in cyberpunk
>casca and/or schierke inserts into dragons dogma
genuinely fuck off with people acting like self inserts are the best thing for games you can roleplay is
>game is priced at $0.00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001. Now a gorillion bajillion people will buy it. Make infinite money.
Wow I'm so good at economics
1. If it was worth it to them people would pay for it which could be for a number of reasons that are relevant to the current times, devs can't force anyone to do it
2. 99% of "gamers" have bad taste and will consume total slop as seen in today's indie market which is only indie now in the name only with all the big boy publishers who are farming said people's money
3. The ultimate outcome of one's effort isn't decided by them. If you think you made a good game that's all that matters. Making a lot of money for you passion without sacrificing integrity is reserved for a very lucky few, odds higher than lottery but lower than most things
I'd buy a game that cheap just because of the price. I don't even care what the game is
OKAY YOU TRANNY FELLATORS. i just bought Veritas and Peter Shorts.
Juno's Darkest Hour. It's been years now, I used to post some progress and demos back then on /v/ dev threads
Make it hardcore porn and you have a product. Add incest in and you got instant success.
>Only 39 reviews
Sounds like you attracted the entire female gaming market!
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Poutine or baguette?
Well u scrumptious niggabitch, I just bought it. Thank you for youe service.
shillsisters, we won, we finally won!!!
Shill sisters! Somebody brought to our attention the existence of games that actually look interesting to us! We in fact have won over the boring faggots who play no games!
One of the reviews should clue you in
Thanks anon but dont expect much, I won't be mad if you refund it later
I don't refund things unless they're legit broken. Should never be allowed otherwise.
>makes generic looking game
>surprised nobody is buying it
be glad 121 people are interested enough to even pirate it
it baffles me how high indie/solodevs think of themselves, they'll put the lowest effort first try on steam and expect gold in return
like I get it dude, you're proud of yourself, doesn't mean the game is any good
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I guess I must support the local economy...
producing music today is about a thousand times easier than producing even one average short snes tier visual indie game
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I don't understand, why does everyone think it's this game instead of someone trying to trick people into thinking it's that for (you)s and ruin that game's reputation? Was there something I missed?
>how to cope
Upload it to any torrent site yourself. Seed it for a few weeks. The increased attention will lead to increased sales.
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Worked for pic rel, never underestimate the power of shit takes and outrage bait.
You'll be competing with the plethora of slavic DAZslop that shows tits on their store page.
>e how high indie/solodevs think of themselves
Indie devs are highly delusional.
I told you man
gamedev is carboard box life
creative-based careers are almost as risky as academic-based careers. i would have loved to study things i cared about and make meaningful contributions to the world, but instead i elected to join a company where i dont have to worry about my 1 LCK stat and it paid off bigly.
risking it in those kind of pay schemes is terrifying.
>Also to be sure, making music is art, shtting out unity crap isn't.
music is far cheaper to create than a game
and your music can sound like absolute garbage
you could be banging on pots and pans for 2hrs and you're done
you dont have to worry about playback issues

game needs to technically work and needs various components, including music
needs to run on a bazillion different computers
and then zoomers complain about your game because they're retarded
if that were true, many good devs would still be making games
>He's not wrong, most musicians have to sell out to get fucked in the ass to get their music out.
probably like 15 years ago. big music labels have no power. they only chase after musicians with a big social media presence and if you don't even have that they ignore you. you make more money independent if you make merch and make social media reach, oh and also concerts
you dont make games for profit.
>Caring about anyone who doesn't have the same potato as you
>Caring that someone wants music instead of wind noises for 80% of the game
Fuck 'em, I'll gladly bang pots and pans over here making the game I want.
Yeah I love making games but never considered living off it, too much of a gamble
Thank you I will then support the local pizzeria or chinese restaurant with your contribution
The other option is to spend millions on marketing but I don't think that's going to happen
500k sales wtf how? I know its an easy market but i didn't think it was that big even for top of the tower tunnel vision, were they just really good at marketting to like 50 individual countries or something?
Positive karmic behaviour, do this
t. rittzler
Yeah cause the sheep lad guy is funny and based
Did OP's game get doxxed yet
Describe your game now and I will tell you if I can give an honest review.
He's right. Outrage culture is ass and not fun to participate in seriously.
Pissing into an ocean of piss.
You have to be literally metally ill to become an indie developer, the thing is, the successful ones are mentally ill AND talented. Op is just mentally ill and a faggot on top on that.
He's wrong, Outrage culture doesn't exist, only marketing does
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there's 304 games released in 2024 with 37 reviews that cost $14.99 according to SteamDB. I might be doing something wrong though because the review count filter doesn't seem to be working properly
>>Positive, bordering on very positive.
So what’s the problem? If you expect to make more money, well, your game is VERY NICHE = small audience.
>t. fucking obviously entitled dev
You know what... you deserve SUFFERING MORE!
Matches the review count and release day OP gave.
You deserve NOTHING! LAZY BUM!
Dumping your game onto steam's oversaturated store with no marketing or twitch streamer bribes is a failure recipe.
This will force me to check out and wishlist.

Streisand effect ftw
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>I work for Valve
funni joke, Blazehatten contract is still broken nigger, get to it.
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I like animals. Its the cringe tranime shit that looks disgusting to me. Because I can just smell the HRT and the shit covered dildo through the screen
And yet you come to a site where anime is constantly at the top of your page and on every single board? Are you just stupid?
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I come here to establish dominance
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Then you're even stupider than the damn orks
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I'm just marking my territory
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when rougelike platforming with digital anthros coming out? and thanks for adding map.
>asking for someone to break the no shilling rule
Not that anon but got a serious and legit question, does that rule still have a place in today's /v/? Or should it stay but at least be amended to allow talking about games you made?
I remember the Ruza dev was posting his game here, but it's free. Should that be where the line's drawn
You don't look like that in real life. You are a man with beard growing on your face. Probably very ugly and unpleasant to be around. No cute little girl would ever want to be at your side. And your obsession with them will lead you to either jail or death some day.
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Of course you faggots would somehow find it
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Why everytime a /v/tard decides to make a video game its always tranny shit?
The problem isn't being EA, the problem is being paid EA, and the price too.
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>Being a musician is a joke compared to being an indie dev. Literally life on easy mode, faggot
sounds like you should go be a musician instead if it's so easy, fag, LMAO
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read Chris Zukowski's blog since he has great free advice for marketing on steam
importance of wishlists before launch, when to use early access (early access should be treated like a full game launch, and games with poor early access performance rarely make a comeback), steam festivals, capsules, etc
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oh yeah well my dad is roblox builderman and he'll ban you even harder!!1 !!
With good writing, yes.
just got to the thread my niggers, did this faggot ever post his game?
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The truth right here.
Being able to smell things that aren't physically present is a sign that you have strong memories associated with the smells

Even if the people pirating it had no way to pirate, they would not have bought it anyway.
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>make low effort porn bait "game"
>pay shills to spam post it 24/7
>pay mods to keep the threads up
>make millions
Life is literally so easy.
Darkwood devs literally uploaded a torrent of the game themselves.
Being a musician is not ez mode.
Oh lol it's marmo's thread
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>make fishing game with animal crossing style characters + multiplayer priced at 5 dollars
>dozens of people buy it with 2K+ reviews
it's that simple
succeeding in music is probably one of the most difficult things a human can attempt
the odds are far lower than getting paid making porn meme asset flips on steam
Fucking retarded faggot. Stupid double nigger scum.
I can see why it didn't go anywhere. But, the fact you made it is a hell of an accomplishment, which you should be proud of.
No one cares
Damn nigga. No1 gives a fuck.
how long until the furfag groomers infest it
Your music is probably ass and Indians listen to it.
I like the implication in this post that you can just viral market a game, like it was a decision you make ans games that fail should have just instead gone viral
>>dozens of people buy it with 2K+ reviews
Makes sense bro.
Sure dude
Given that most actual serial killers were obsessed with violent imagery, im gonna say you are factually wrong.
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Should have made an appealing loli game and I would've bought ten copies.
Be honest OP, no one's seeding your game. There's almost always a direct correlation between the popularity of the game and the amount of people seeding it.
faggot pedophile
honestly didn't know musicians were so stuck-up. They're resorting to saying their stuff is "real art" lmao, who even says that in the current year? I mean, people will nitpick a game cuz they saw one piece of code with if instead of switch-case and you need art assets, music besides code who even does all that.
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*straight pedophile
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>I'm on 4chan!!!!!!!!!!! I'm a pedophile on 4chan!!!! haha!!!!!!! gotcha!!!!!!!
no, they just posted low quality bait, someone made a high effort post, and they just agreed to fuck over the random person, you're reading too much into the intentions.
>Oh no, I've attached extreme language to non-extreme things and now more people are identifying as the extreme thing, how could this happen
Classic leftoid behavior
So how many sales?
why is cat balding :(
ur talking about trannies and furries too much, I think ur a tranny furfag pedo, i also bet u hate shit, so through low effort reverse psychology I put it to u that u actually like shit, thats why you hate it so much
>I'm on 4chan!!!!!!! Talking like a pedophile isn't extreme here!!!!!!!!! It's the culture!!!!!!!!! You fool!!!!!!!!
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>that's a level of mental illness not even this site reaches
Today I shall remind them of the depths of autism 4chan beholds.
*Being a
You got me dude! You're a pedophile!!
Shut up.
Sit down.
Be humble.
I don't think you know how to read
You just suck at explaining yourself
nice anon, i'm happy for you
>t. failed but-still-aspiring musicfag
Looks gay as hell
And your zoomer retard desecration of the english language is actively running defense for real life child sex crimes
this is probably some faggot who listens to video game music
>some really are trolls.
no fucking way??
Okay then.
what a horrible thread
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Congrats for the game, bro.
If early access at least put demo
Why did you make a gay witch game? Come to think of it that woman who was crying that EA dumped 20 Command & Conquer remasters right after her indie title also made a gay witch game
>indie games now cost billions of dollar
damn the market is fucked up
They hated you because you told the truth
If you are a solo dev your job is way harder and need shit like code, art, music, etc.
I get why they make fun of you, specially since music anon seem cool, but you are still right
Hope you're not one of those fags just gening shit through Suno and calling yourself a musician
>The problem isn't being EA, the problem is being EA
Smartest /v/nigger everyone.
holy shit ive only ever seen the before picture of this
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monke stole his hair
Based. Fuck BOTW
it's just an image
not great, not terrible
>If you want an example of a well done early access game look at Heartbound.
Spend six years in early access on a basic bitch game maker project and blame the dev time on "long covid" despite having made public posts during that same time period about how you tested negative for it?
Well, the creator is making bank, so maybe you're onto something.
Better reviews than Concord and Dustborn. We made it, indiebros!
I’m gonna draw your characters getting impregnated by various animals/monsters
based warsimCHAD
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WTF? Is this real?
>anon draws porn
>uses to it to make a h-game
>proceeds to earn more money than OP
Ah, sell it on Itchio, then. You'll get better results. Steam is sort of a grave yard for small projects like this. Especially romance inspired, in fact you'll generally want to do the patreon/buy me a coffee routine while slow rolling a project like this.
People worrying about their works selling bad and stalking the sales and reviews all day will never improve. Just move on to your next project and make it better and more fun.

Doing the things you are doing now will just break you down into suicide.

If it's hole dweller I already bought it
if your game was good people would've bought it instead
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>This place really is filled with retards.
It's OP samefagging, should be too obvious... how she gave ((exact)) review count etc
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>indie game
>it's a worse version of a better game that came out in the 90s/2000s
A good dev is like a good woman.

True but I think thanking people for playing/good reviews is also cool. Never ever engage with negative shit ever
You cannot market your game at a better place than here - the schizo energy is so powerful we made Ubisoft cry.
What's the game, faggot? /v/ require the sauce.
>this thread is still alive
so what's the conclusion
was that game some anon posted the actual game?
Prodigual was good but too short when compared to the oracle titles. I hope they push things further with Veritus, even having just one optional side dungeon to get more exploring would be amazing
nah it's marmoreal he's a /v/ and /agdg/ poster and his game is kusoge that he worked on for way longer than 3 years but I guess he's coping by saying 3 because the newest version "only" took 3
At least post a news/update or something so people know you are still keeping track of it
>I honestly don't know how to cope with this.
those are not lost sales and you know it, they are probably future sales even
working in silence for years and pushing out your game into the void is a good way to get 0 players
thanks for the free game faggot
What is the majority of people's first game ever.
Gotta start somewhere, better to start with everything figured out for you rather than try and make it all up yourself.
I'm not sure why people complain about this. It's the 2 cakes meme in practice. If there's not enough of the better stuff, the other stuff will do fine if its flaws don't ruin the experience.
no one works in valve
yeah and it would be worth it
>Right now it's sitting at 37 reviews on Steam (including review codes) but 121 people are seeding it and it's on just about every warez site

With those numbers the piracy did basically nothing against you. It actually helped. Now people know your game.

Why do you want to make things that people waste time on? Did you really tell yourself you wanted to be gaming, not doing other things?
I'm surprised people cared enough to pirate it, and I say this as someone who plays bottom of the barrel shit, stuff that people don't even bother pirating.

play nekoba rocknroll
Please play hakoniwa explorer plus anon-san.
I tried the demo and unironically really liked it, hopefully it will come out someday
Already have, loved it, I wrote a very positive review. It's soulful as fuck.
Damn, you my nigga. I mean it.
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>You don't look like that in real life
You post selfies for all your reaction images?
Wow this totally wasn't a stealth marketing thread
if only we knew for what game
I will review it with 1/5 - dev was whining on /v/. What a crybaby. Shit was so cash
Too much praising, you're music sucks ass
<everything must be balanced, as it should be
Lmao cope curry wigger
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many hated on him for telling the truth
Whoch is to say, NONE.
How stupid can u be to believe thats his game jesus christ
>t. marmo
Dude , /v/ is actually giving sound advice and you just shit on it. Years ago you would've just shitted on.
guys, I think OP knows the dev and came here to psyop it
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nice try marmo
Give DEFINITIVE prove its Marmo RIGHT NOW
Boobs or GTFO
>marmoreal is actually out
the fuck?!
>early access
Basically the worst kind of games + horror for some reason.
I'm just saying, man, who the fucks comes to /vee/, whines about their own life and proceeds to antagonize everyb- oh, that's like half the board
when you start indie dev you accept that your game WILL be pirated.
why are you shocked? did you learn nothing?

always choose a target audience that actually pays. never make a game for thirdies.

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