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They spent all their budget on mocapping and renting out Unreal Engine, terribly optimized, worse launch than MW5 and 10x more buggy. The effects are shit, it feels like I'm ice skating not piloting a fucking mech. It's crazy that MW5 is the better game. I'm glad I pirated it.
You thoughts on this garbage /v/?
Always nice to see Battletech secondaries complain when they find out the giant robots actually move a lot faster and dextrously in lore than they thought

Clan mechs are fast, that's like half their gimmick
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>mfw all of the new weapon effects and sounds

What the fuck is going on over at PGI? For the love of fuck bring back at least the Microsoft sound library they were using for MW4/MA2/MC2
Um where is the freaking gog release
Only played Mechwarrior 2 when I was just a little boy. I played with the Mad Dog, while my older brother played with the Timberwolf, and my Dad played with the Summoner.
>The effects are shit, it feels like I'm ice skating not piloting a fucking mech.
so it really is a mech2 remake huh
OP here again, I forgot to mention the terrible fucking UI and mech hangar like wtf you could tell they made this game purely for console. It fucking kills me, also the AI is STILL retarded as fuck.
I really think it's time to admit there isn't a single good Mechwarrior game and Battletech overall is a boring as shit setting.
go back to your gundam threads on /m/ faggot, real men are talking about real mechs here
Any good primer videos to the universe?
I played the games alot but I skip all the lore and shit cuz robots haha
They should have called it Mechassault 3
this guys pretty good, hes currently working on long form lore dumps
He's good if you want to fall asleep
Clans is a standalone game? I thought it would be an expansion to MW5
PGI are fucking retarded
They've been retarded for 13 years
Rusty Bollocks will forever be a money grubbing retard and thinking they're gonna do anything but a bit than the bare minimum is asking too much
>heres the shit you can buy
>its just a fucking list
>cant compare anything to what your mechs have
Jesus fucking christ how awful.
Yeah its stand alone in UE5 and its honestly pretty terrible. Would have been 10x better if they just fixed the AI and made it an actual expansion to MW5
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It's very funny knowing that Enad has no idea what MW actually is, or what PGI has done in the past, they like PGI because they work cheap, get modest returns(now that they're not Epic exclusive anymore) and have a well known ip.

The split fucking second there's blood in the water, they're changing the locks and firing everyone at PGI
>all those glowing 8/10, 9/10 media outlet reviews
LMAO, so a portion of the budget went towards that, huh
Not a chance, Enad are fuckin cheapskates.
I wonder where they got the 20 titles from? MWO/5 DLC packs on steam?
Audio was so fucking atrocious in the first 2 missions and the opening cutscenes I thought I'm having a driver problem.
No ambient sound whatsoever, music cuts out, horrible dialog sound quality.
Then it suddenly got a little better after the 3rd mission.
Ugh I hate consultants and their odious slide decks
The voice actor for mia is the most enthused random white woman I have ever heard
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Much like MW5, this game is dogshit in comparison to MWO.
Dude currently any name in BT on YouTube is singing the games praise through gritted teeth. Watch the live streams and they say performance is fine when helicopter blades don't even move say the mech selection is bad and complain about the weapon effects and then be like "oh it's great. I don't know where all this 5/10 talk is coming from" and then go right back to complaining
It's amazing.
it LOOKS slick
it's got grindy retardation like unlocks and "research" that every AAA game needs to have these days
Smoke Kitties have enough black characters to make them feel "diverse"

i'd say that's just about enough for an 8/10 it's alright from your average journo who gives no shits about games
FLOPwarrior 5 ACKS
everyone should have seen this coming, they took the Gamepass money upfront from Microsoft and got paid to deliver the bare minimum
do the huge mechs also move fast.
Saw a review today and i thought it was weird how fast the mech could change directions.
thought it was because of the new fps control option
wait, does the alt control scheme allow strafing?
i thought it just makes your legs automatically line up with your cockpit so zoomies don't get disoriented
this looks like the opposite of low effort
almost nothing was kept from Mercenaries but it feels janky and undercooked
which I imagine Mercs was too on release
looks like it. legs turn really fast
Its shit on console too
it turns it into an FPS game essentially. you can seamlessly move forward/backwards and strafe side to side. can't take advantage of turning your armor but it doesn't really matter when you can't modify the fucking armor in mechlab. You can change it to the traditional control scheme though, but it defaults to zoomer mode.
When I started the game it let me pick which scheme I wanted to use.
Was it r en announced for gog?
>all this complaining but no pictures or video
Being a Battletech fan must be suffering. The games have been trash since the 90's, and now the novels have been taken over by a tranny chaser and a psychotic troon who ran their most prolific author out of the franchise.
That and razorshit made himself the face of the disenfranchised fans.
Can't get much worse.
I really hope this post is hiding behind at least 4 levels of irony. Battletech is based off of Japanese mecha and in lore the mechs move like Gundams
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>the mechs move like Gundams
The only real problems is that the IlClan is just as shit as the dark age, and now our only choices are Charles II, or the hundred years in the future setting.
He's not wrong. Canonically the mechs often go prone to fire weapons, really adept mechwarriors use actual hand to hand combat techniques on other mechs. One time a guy flipped over another mech and karate chopped into it's head.
The mechs use synthetic muscle structures for movement.
yeah nah i stick to heavily modded mw5 that makes even a 4080 get a bit wheezy and the homebrew ttg a friend cooked up
Yeah they do shit like that. Only problem is that jump jets don't last as long - they kinda just jump.

>t. someone who finished the Stealth mission an hour ago on the hard difficulty
Some move because they use MASC2
But said Mechs are second invasion wave and FedCom Era

Battletech is a very mediocre setting, but 2 + the spinoffs, 3, and 4 mercs are good games, and I also enjoyed mechcommander a lot.

A hidden and dangerous style mechwarrior game would be good. It looks like Clans has some elements of it, but 5 was so shitty on release I'm holding off on Clans.

I've tried reading some of the more recommended books and their attempts to paint mechwarriors as something like the knights of the far future fall really flat. The idea of charging into mechanical fisticuffs when everyone is packing autocannons, missiles, and lasers and you move at 55 mph is just stupid. The universe doesn't seem to embrace the campiness either and just seems to play things straight.

4 mercs is still one of my favorite games of all time
that setting is in mw5 mercs too
As time goes on and targeting systems get better ranges increase, but before the clan invasion sensor systems were real shit, and even with those long range options you were still getting comparatively very close because you basically couldn't aim the guns well enough. Turns out giant bipedal robots are kind of shit weapons platforms.
Also most mechwarriors didn't load more than a ton or two or ammo, other wise you're just inviting a detonation.
Whoever wrote that slide fucked up and attributed every Mechwarrior title to PGI. Either by accident, or to obfuscate PGI's pedigree and sell them as being more established (and worth your continued investment) than they would be otherwise.
>I forgot to mention the terrible fucking UI and mech hangar like wtf you could tell they made this game purely for console
a friend of mine is playing this on ps5 and he says he absolutely hates the ui in this game
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it literally asks you what control style you want at first boot

y-you're not playing on a console are you anon?
MWO already has more or less the perfect PC mechlab, it could be adapted to gamepad controls easily, or even just me made to use selection toggles and a thumbstick mouse. I have no idea who at PGI is on a mission to make each game they make have a worse mechlab
>tfw gundam battle assault 4 will never be made
battletech lore is just really fucking stupid
no amount of EW should make the super advanced sci fi missiles used used a thousand years in the future 10x less accurate than the missiles used in real life right now
same with the autocannons that have a muzzle velocity of 50 m/s
that's not even getting into the styrofoam mech density problem
but muh novsky particles
ECM is part of it, but the bigger issue is that the targeting systems are, by the standards of the mechs they were initially made for, literal trash. It's like putting an engine from a 1960's corvette into a Prius and expecting the car to get amazing gas mileage.
Also remember, the central conceit of the setting is that everyone looked at this objectively terrible idea and decided to base their entire concept of warfare around it. The combat in Battletech is close in for the same reason you put red barrels that explode into a bad guy factory, or why you set a jackie chan fight near a ladder. It's more exciting that way.

Yeah, it's fine in gameplay and necessary for things like the tabletop game, but it just hasn't translated well into the universe in terms of lore- the setting is just kind of lame. Doesn't mean the games aren't good, but it's not like, say, 40k, where it has a large number of books and series that are actually really enjoyable, and lore that isnt afraid to get really weird or justify the stupidity of the setting at times.

The idea that a (even somewhat declining) galaxy faring civilization like that in battletech resorts to massive conflicts using equipment that objectively would get it's shit slapped by modern day machinery, is sort of weird. At least have a good justification like no nukes in dune or everyone megafucks you unless you play on the edge of the rules.
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>using equipment that objectively would get it's shit slapped by modern day machinery
One LRM can take out a modern day tank. Even the smallest launchers fire five at a time. A Catapult can fire fourty at a time. An AC/2 is strong enough to pierce most modern day frontal armor. 0.2 seconds of large laser fire would fry any modern combat vehicle. AMS was designed to take out dozens of missiles per second. You think you can hit a mech launching one at a time? Good luck. A single light mech with a well-trained pilot could take out an entire modern MBT company. Heavy and assault mechs would require hundreds of modern day tank rounds to take out.
>even somewhat declining
no "somewhat" about it my friend, this is a setting that, by the time the books start up, cannot adequetly cool the preferred weapons platforms that they use because they literally cannot make the stuff needed for it. BattleMechs are passed down through generations because for a large portion of them they simply cannot be made any more.
The first and second succession wars really fucked up a lot of everything. For the majority of the planets in the inner sphere it literally blasted them back into the middle ages, except there's a starport that only some of world people that say they rule you passably know how to use, and maybe a bunch of monks that say they can get messages from their big tower.
>stands over 1km away from you and watches you get raped by cas
Battletech is not nor should be considered "realistic" outside of itself. Realismfags are a cancer and should be gatekept out of every sci-fi or fantasy community. They're the first sign of a sickening community.
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*points a light laser at a plane and takes it out with ease*
*AMS takes care of any missiles*
*bombs don't even scratch Ferro-Fibrous armor*
CAS can, at worst, maybe knock down a light mech if they drop a bomb with large enough tonnage. AMS completely invalidates most modern anti-tank systems, leaving only direct fire to deal with mechs. Direct fire, which they are specifically built to be resilient against.
>battletech lore is just really fucking stupid
It is based on anime, so yeah
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>galaxy faring civilization
I think you have an oversized idea as to how large the Inner sphere is. It's not the whole galaxy. It's like 400 light years wide.
>*points a light laser at a plane and takes it out with ease*
you mean the light laser that dissipates into nothingness after 180 meters?
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You have an inherent misconception about the capabilities of laser weaponry in Battletech. Light lasers only stop being effective *against standard armor* at 180 meters of distance. A light laser could probably fuck up a modern day plane by briefly clipping it at a couple of kilometers of range. A heavy laser can likely fuck up a helicopter at ranges of 10km+, provided there's a clear line of sight. You have drawn a conclusion based off of false assumptions. Educate yourself.
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Is this on GoG?
that's not how it works in the games, retard
after the max range the laser stops doing any damage whatsoever and completely ceases to exist
you can't even cut through light foliage at 1 meter over a laser's max range
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>that's not how it works in the games, retard
Ah yes, because in the games you're definitely facing current day military vehicles, right? You should have just said you were arguing in bad faith from the get-go, retard. Go read a book.
>erm the videogames don't count
what fucking board are you on right now, you troglodyte nigger?
So is there anything special about that Timberwolf that comes with the deluxe edition?
I cant seem to find any info on it
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>Because this laser disappears after 180m in the games, that means it'll disappear after 180m in real life as well!
Sasuga, retard-kun.
To get a general idea as to how to think about BattleTechs armor (which, again, does not make sense when looked at outside of gameplay) is in what they call the Barrier Armor Rating, or BAR, system. The standard BAR for BattleMech armor is 10, meaning anything lower than that would struggle to penetrate it, stuff dramatically lower struggles to scratch it. Modern Mainbattle tank AP ammunition would be considered capable of penetrating BAR7.
Games all work based on interpretations of the table top game rules, not really verbatim to lore. That's the eternal squabble between the realism goobers.
I thought it was just some camo patterns.
yes, because the lore is entirely subservient to the tt rules
battletech lore only serves to give shitty justifications for why the contrivances inherent in the tabletop system exist in a "real" reality
I thought Battletech faggots learned to stop attacking anime mecha?
Yes, MechWarrior games are fucking trash.
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You guys are talking past each other. He's arguing for the crazy composite armor that's in the setting vs our current composite armor. So in the game an aerospace fighter can't be damaged passed 180 but a modern day jet might be.

He's wrong because there's rules for primitive armor and it doesn't magically give your weapons more range. It does mean that in a real life VS battletech scenario it'd be a boring as fuck watch as modern munitions kite for zero damage and battletechs can never get into range and thus do zero damage.
So what I'm hearing is this is like American 40k with less skulls and instead of space marines its giant robots.
I refuse your batchall
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Not really. 40k is based in satire and thus it's allowed to have fun. Granted GW has spent around 10 years trying to take that away but as long as there's orks and Tau it'll have a bit of humor. Battletech is srs bsns which has it's pros and cons. It's pretty much the only setting do any lip service to military hierarchy and regimental command that isn't straight up historical in nature and does good political intrigue. Even it's silly shit like Solaris, Canopus (and by extension majority of periphery powers) has an autistically detailed and not too far fetched backstory as to how it came to be.

Plus unlike 40k Battletech always has shit changing. Sometimes places align, have a bad leader, have a good leader, develop technology or whatever. The map is constantly changing and named characters die all the time. Mostly of old age or mundane things but sometimes in pivotal moments too.

I don't get why people compare them besides the fact both have mountains of lore to get lost in and both are good settings being dunked on by their parent company at all times.
>primitive armor
Is actually better than our modern day armor, primitive armor has the same effective BAR as normal BattleMech armor, since it's fewer armor points, I'd take that to mean it's not as durable.
Basically it can turn away a tank shell, but it'll get gouged out and sanded off faster, while standard battlemech armor would be able to take more punishment before failing.
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Right but if you want to get into that level of nitty gritty our current armor is comparable to Battletech more than you'd think.

Diamond weave layers in their armor? Wow. They invented carbon fiber. Holy shit
>I don't get why people compare them
Lost old tech good. Religious technology. Interstellar talky hard
Battletech is sort of like 40k but it plays itself very seriously instead of being a giant joke.
Which actually is to it's detriment because you end up with 100 ton robots with weapons that can only fire about a couple hundred meters, and we're expected to believe this is a 100% serious and viable method of combat.
When Battletech doesn't take itself seriously, like MW4, it's a much more enjoyable experience.
Like I said before, looking at BattleTech's numbers in terms of armor and weapons and such outside of game mechanics doesn't make any sense.
It would be like asking what an AC/10 looks like. It's just a gun that can deal 10 damage to a battlemech in one "shot" Is that shot a burst? Is it a single shot? Is it a salvo from three different guns fired at once? Doesn't matter. If it's an autocannon and it deals 10 damage in one "shot" it's an AC/10.
That's part of why I like it. It means I can make almost anything look like anything I want. One of these days I'm gonna make a mech with an AC/20 that's a battleship turret.
Yeah pretty much. While most games are made by writers that can't do math Battletech is unique in that it is Historical writers who cannot do math.
Also some surprisingly good science stuff, just not with any of the mechs.
>It would be like asking what an AC/10 looks like. It's just a gun that can deal 10 damage to a battlemech in one "shot" Is that shot a burst? Is it a single shot? Is it a salvo from three different guns fired at once?
Canonically there's like a hundred models of each AC class, which range from huge guns that fire a single shot, to hyperburst cannons firing multiple shells. So yeah that's pretty much right.
The major issue with the Battltech fanbase at large is they THEMSELVES do not progress. A majority of this fanbase only stick to one specific era and ignores the current timeline. Barely anyone on this website for instance like to mention Jihad.
Who the hell actually cares that much about the story of Battletech? It's been going for decades and is even more of a mess than 40k.
BattleTech has a story?
The terrible ranges are just a gameplay thing. It's not how things are actually meant to be in the fluff.
What you're doing is like saying that humans in Call of Duty or Battlefield have super healing abilities and can survive being shot hundreds of times as long as they have a short break between shots to recover. If you go by the gameplay then yeah, that is how it works, but in the setting it's not. In the backstory being shot in the head is pretty fucking serious, not something you'll have recovered from in a few seconds. And similarly, in Battletech guns are meant to have ranges that aren't a joke, even if the gameplay doesn't agree with that.
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Part of that, for me, is because I like the tech differences between the clans and the inner sphere. Pretty much the only thing I like from the Jihad is the Revenant. Also the Dark Age really fucked up the Concordat, and I liked them the most.
>At least have a good justification like no nukes in dune
But it does have this, the first succession war was basically only fought with nukes and orbital bombardments. Everyone kind of figured out that it was a poor idea to irradiate the few habitable planets they have especially after terraforming tech was lost. And most combat capable space vessels are rare and horded over strategic locations.
that kind of fucks things up though for video games because developers never know what to do with them. which game was it that had the weird blue ball ppcs? also it doesn't reall make sense that an ac/5 has longer range than a ac/20 when in real life bigger guns almost always have longer range.
Uhh yeah? Between the games, books, tabletop rules and shit there's heaps of story. It just so happens to be irrelevant to the games/media and generally sucks ass.
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Well a big issue is that wizkids really fucked things over with the dark age. And CGL hasn't really improved with ilclan lore.
The performance is terrible, but I'm mostly enjoying it. Or at least, I was until the dogshit stealth mission with the superpowered helicopter boss fight at the end... That was miserable and I hope not indicative of the rest of the mission design....
I consider it really fucked up that the game started off with battlemechs being super rare heirlooms that were passed down between generations and with the owners being nobility, and then over time turned into battlemechs are built in factories all the time and you just join the army and get assigned one like you'd be assigned to a tank in the present day.
It's like two completely different games stuck together. It went from "the old technology is lost and will never be replaced" to "oh it totally was and actually we can do way better now, let's invent some more cool shit". Strange stuff.
>also it doesn't reall make sense that an ac/5 has longer range than a ac/20 when in real life bigger guns almost always have longer range.
Your problem there is thinking of it as "bigger guns". An AC/20 is not inherently, say, a 120mm gun while an AC/5 is a 30mm gun. The classification of the weapons is only to do with how much damage it does at a certain range, beyond that it has zero meaning.
Terrible ranges are canonical, Mechs engage in melee all the time, doing martial arts kicks and stuff. That's not possible unless ranges are laughably low.
I mean it does make sense that eventually they would rediscover the lost tech. Can't be stagnant forever.
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To be fair we kinda have to even on the best days. Way back matches were done by Cbill costs or ton for ton and the game is NOT BALANCE FOR THAT let alone when clan's show up. Then the dark ages happened where they literally threw out a bunch of the setting and the company caught a giant embezzlement scheme in the middle of it. When they finally fixed that BV (the new balance standard) is now horribly outdated and when they finally fix that the ilClan era happens which has some of the worst books written so far. All the while the sidegrade options are starting to get insane that cards are just garbage to anyone who hasn't gotten the tech advances spoon fed to them all this time
You right now might know the difference between SRMs and LRMs but do you know ATMs? MRMs? Thunderbolts? Arrow 4s? Artemis IVs? Artemis Vs? MMLs? How about Lasers, pulse lasers, binary lasers, X pulse lasers, Variable pulse lasers?

If anyone starts they HAVE to start 3025 because the game is complex even with the simple tech, or run alpha strike. Lore wise you got to catch up on events from the god damn 80s. It's a hard sell.
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Battletech peaked with the Clan Invasion, story-wise. FedCom is my favorite, tech-wise and actual tabletop-playing-wise, and after that it gets way too goofy and bloated with bullshit. The Inner Sphere will always be cooler than the clans.
The Helm Memory Core let the IS make a hell of a lot of stuff again.
how are you supposed to imagine a gun that does 4 times as much damage but with less range though?
technically the damage the gun does in one turn isn't a single projectile, it's the gun firing multiple projectiles over the time an entire turn takes
you could theoretically have an ac/20 that is a lower caliber than an ac/10, and it gets its higher rated damage output entirely from having a higher rate of fire
Theres a mission where you fight 3 at once.

But you have heavy mech access by that time so they go down rather easy and dont have enough firepower to matter.

But "boss vtol" is in fact some of the gayest shit ive ever seen.

Also seethed that in our trial of position you get cutscened into losing against the 3rd mech.
I coulda took the faggot.

Even on hard, the game is stupidly easy if you upgrade your survivability first. save for a mission or two that are overtuned.
Armor damage reduction research and maxxing everyones evasion stat ASAP.
this isn't any different from any other tabletop game really
oldfag dnd players all hate everything after 3.5, for example
It has a lot more barrels. Here's some descriptions of AC/20s
>As an example of the rating system, the Crusher Super Heavy Cannon was a 150 mm weapon firing a ten-round cassette in a ten-second period, while the ChemJet Gun was a 185 mm weapon firing a four-round cassette in the same period. As both weapons were capable of firing 200 kilograms of ammunition in a 10-second period, at an effective range of just under 300 meters, they were both classified as autocannon/20s.
I usually think of larger ACs as being multi barreled turret systems. Also how far the ammo is flug has nothing to do with the size of the gun.
But you can also have a very big slow firing AC20 and a smaller faster firing AC20 and they still have the same range. And the same everything else, for that matter. They can even share ammo.
that is just a gameplay contrivance, by lore you will never see mechs mixing ammo types unless its for an LBX
Imagine a game set in the Jihad where you're fighting like a dozen of these things led by an Archangel that swoops in after you're busy engaging them.
Would make for a good MechAssault game.
>Also how far the ammo is flug has nothing to do with the size of the gun.
it usually does though.
>saw a battletech starter box at the store today
honestly considering picking it up playing a table top game or dnd is one of the things on my bucket list
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Jihad is not mentioned for some very good reasons least of all wizkids fucking up support for their own setting (metal only kits? and you dont even get a box?). Then there's the fluff for the setting....
For catalyst, they would rather people start at 3152.

For the vidya, Piranha Games will make games for whatever the loudest voices on reddit or twitter tell them to. They only do licensed games, and the only licenses they own is Diehard and Mechwarrior.
For a series with an emphasis on customization MechWarrior could've leaned into the idea of giving weapons and equipment much more variety in their respective classes. I get Tabletop stats being the way they are but in a real time game it feels weird that despite there being all sorts of factions producing their own stuff they all function exactly the same. And while there's "variants" in the sense that there's things like extended range lasers or autocannons that can ramp up their shot count in later eras the video games particularly have the opportunity for some really granular options
>reversing direction instantly without having to fight against any kind of momentum
this is fucking atrocious
MW5 had the single shot and burst fire AC variants that roughly did the same amount of damage.

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