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Don't ask how I know this, but Switch 2 is being revealed next Wednesday.

It's literally just called "Nintendo Switch 2".

>It's apparently a 3 minute video showing off the new system
>First game you will see for the system is a brand new Mario Kart game
>The game has characters from Zelda, F-Zero, Star Fox and Pikmin as new racers
>Has 8 player split screen mode
>A new look at Metroid Prime 4 Beyond, showing playable Sylux and a multiplayer mode
>A remake of Kid Icarus Uprising
>There's tiny peeks at a new 3D Mario and Animal Crossing
>Shows a bunch of third party games including Monster Hunter Wilds and Dragon Ball Sparking Zero
>System releases in "May", sometime around Golden Week in Japan, same month as Super Nintendo World opening in Orlando
>Full reveal in January/February
Ok bud I believe you
>Monster Hunter Wilds
Sure bud
>Zelda, F-Zero, Star Fox and Pikmin
>All owned by Nintendo outright
I believe it
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at least try to make it seem real.
3 minute video
Shows all that shit
I don’t believe it bud
>switch 2
nintenfags seem convinced they can just will this into existence. its not a thing and never has been
Why do shit heads come here and type out their fantasies every day like autistic retards
Is it in the late afternoon?
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i bought a switch just to play metroid prime a year ago and i'm going to end up buying another one just to play prime 4
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>Smash Kart
why do retards want to ruin Mario Kart so much?
>bought a switch to play a gamecube game
youve only yourself to blame
If Smash Kart is real, Nintendo is officially dead.
If this new Mario Kart has a track builder and a Kart designer (a la Automation Car Company Tycoon or 3DS Mii Plaza Slot Car Rivals), I'm sold on the Switch 2.

I will probably get it anyway so I can play the latest 3D Mario.
>Has 8 player split screen mode
ridiculous, but may be decent on giant 4k tvs

why is animal crossing and zelda in mario kart?
What's Nintendo waiting for? Just reveal the damn thing already.

It's not gonna affect Holiday sales!
a gamecube would look like ass cancer on my 4k tv and they aren't even cheap anymore. the console plus a controller cables and memory card costs 150 now thanks to basedboys
>including Monster Hunter Wilds
I hope this is fucking true.
for every one of these, theres 20 mother 3 coming to the west threads
AC, Zelda and Splatoon were the best-selling franchises for Nintendo and they included them as fun crossover characters.

Please don't turn Mario Kart into fucking Smash Kart.
emulation + crt shader > hd textures on mid poly models
gamecube has the best emulator out of any console and its free
your the type of person that draws their own porn
your the type of person that pays for porn
Fake and gay
Real and straight
>Please don't turn Mario Kart into fucking Smash Kart.
too late, you're getting smash kart whether you like it or not
there's nothing else they can do with mario kart
I like how Capcom gave themselves some wiggle room with that investor question about why Wilds wasn't coming to Switch and that "currently" only the PS5, Xbox and PC can handle it.
>a gamecube would look like ass cancer on my 4k tv and they aren't even cheap anymore
Wiis are.
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>Monster Hunter Wilds
The GPU is a little weaker than the Series S, however the CPU is faster than the PS5 and Series S, but trades blows with the Steam Deck.
This makes it false, base PS5 can barely run it.
The PS5 CPU is crippled by this, there's no way the Switch 2 CPU can handle this, even with DLSS
BS. Its pretty obvious that Switch 2 hardware will be able to handle RE engine as well as UE5 engine. What makes this MH wilds thing dodgy af is, that the game has the lame Playstation look all over it. Making it rather possible that Sony paid a good amount of the Wilds development budget. Which also means it wont pop up on a nintendo console like SFV back then.
But how do you know that?
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>>Has 8 player split screen mode
stopped reading here
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Nobody but Nintendo's board knows when Switch 2 will be announced. Trying to predict it or find leaks/hints for it is futile.
How do YOU know that?
>Mario Odyssey logo has a plane
That's interesting, did he somehow mistake Cappy or was there a beta logo I'm not finding with a quick Google.
i believe u
>8 player split screen
lost me, no way this is true
Not sure why Zelda was there but Splatoon and Animal Crossing was due to the team behind those games lending support for MK8.
>>A remake of Kid Icarus Uprising
Total bullshit
the hogsharts game ran like complete ass on the switch and it still sold like hotcakes
Mega destruction ball of darkness and destruction
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>It's apparently
>trades blows with the Steam Deck
Anon that doesn't make any sense
>No Fire Emblem Three Houses Definitive Edition
It's going to be called New Nintendo Switch
Más por favor
I don't know when the new Nintendo system will launch, but I'm pretty sure they won't announce it right before the holiday buying season, with more details not coming till next year.
The only new systems Nintendo would announce right now? A cheaper Switch launching right away, and a holiday retro console for people to impulse buy.
a slight price cut on switch models may be better than a meme retro edition actually
After seeing the system requirements and performance, I hope it isn't. Even if Capcom manages to make it work somehow, the game will still look and run like ass. The Switch 2 should get a Monster Hunter specifically designed for it, just like Rise was for the current Switch.
It will have BASIC in the memory.
When you boot it holding the Z button it will load up a interpreter that can support 3D models you will do with a separate Mario artist like 3D program.
Honestly, Nintendo should just take the Switch hardware, put it in a retro case, pre-install a few games, bundle a controller, and sell it for $149.
>8 players split screen mode
Nobody who owns a nintendo product has 7 people willing to visit them.
I believe ever rumor and when its proven false i won't care at all.
>Has 8 player split screen mode
Stupid as shit unless the console is real 4k and you have a huge ass tv
the ps5 pro comes out soon and nvidias new cards should be out at the start of next year. if they want gamers to save money for their console, they should probably give a heads up.
the PC market basically crashed after tech jewtubers got sponsored by nvidia into scamming gamers on the 4000 super series, most people are set for years on that regard
gr8 b8 m8, I r8 it an 8
i'm sure there's still 1000 series holdouts waiting to upgrade. they might buy discounted 4000 series cards. 2000 users might be sweating a bit too as minimum specs creep higher.
What about a clamshell switch? I mean the new 2DS XL was pretty cool
People who say a Switch 2 reveal will affect holiday sales forget that less than 1% of console owners buy their hardware at launch. The majority of console owners buy their hardware three or even four years after a new console has launched.

Also, even if the Switch 2 launched this holiday. Supposedly the worst timing for Switch 1 sales. LOTS of people are still gonna choose the Switch 1 over the Switch 2.

Switch 1:
>Like, what, $150 for a Switch lite on sale?
>Hundreds of different games to choose from
>Can play online with friends who also own Switch 1's
>Confirmed fun to use

Switch 2:
>Likely $450 at launch
>At max 1 or 2 games worth playing during the first few months
>No one to play with online, very small userbase
>Risky uncertain product, might be a fluke
People also ignore it's likely the switch will get a price cut when the switch 2 releases.
Nintendo may sacrifice the switch 2's launch to finally get the switch 1 over the hard cap of ps2s manufactured and support the switch 2 as basically the switch pro for at least 5 years until the install base of the switch 2 is decently sized enough.
A developer close to Nintendo has already leaked the name in their recent quarterly forecast.
Yeah, I wouldn't be surprised if Nintendo is gonna announce a few more titles for Switch 1 next year also. Games that will make us go "why isn't this on Switch 2?!". But the game will still sell decently due to the large userbase. The 3DS got games released for it for years after the Switch launched.
"Muh holiday sales" paranoia is the most retarded meme ever. Consoles are traditionally announced a full year before release, sales don't magically drop down to zero just because a new console has been announced, they never fucking did. The people who would rather wait to buy the new thing already know it's coming out next year and aren't going to pick up the 8 year old Switch now.
Nintendo will drop the reveal trailer when they feel like they should start the marketing campaign, be it this year or early next year.
I honestly thought it would happen when they showed the game and it barely looked better than World but turns out Capcom is just incompetent and that shit isn't even running well on PS5.
if true then they learned from the wii u
Yeah, we all already know not to buy a Switch, and we all probably already have a switch anyway, so even if the switch 2 is not being released next year we won't even buy another switch anyway. The people who will buy a Switch this Christmas season are either retarded normies who don't follow gaming news or parents looking for something for little timmy, and will just get whatevers shiniest / cheapest at Walmart
There aren't any other Mario characters worth adding to the roster aside from ones that Nintendo would skip over anyways.
Its entirely sensible because even if the fact a new system is coming in the near future is the worst kept secret from the people paying attention, the majority of the population has no clue.

They won't announce a new system before the holidays if they don't have a supply of it ready to go. Anything else risks killing your own products.
3DS was their handheld like the DS was when they had the Wii.
What of they go back to Home consoles, and the Switch 1 becomes their handheld?
Or what if they announce TWO new systems?
And yet during all that it'll still continue to not have a single game worth buying in it's lifetime.
Man, I do not want to wait all of 2025 just to fight with Holiday Shoppers over the Switch 2.
Nintendo has ready accepted that people will just get an Xbox or a PC as a home console instead, and they're forever going to linger in portable world. I hope they embrace it further and bring us fucking street pass back
>nintendo fanbase
Can Nintendo just reveal this shit already just to shut everyone up about the speculation and rumors?

So tired of twatter threads with leaks and shit.
That's why they'll announce it in early 2026, and launch it in early April of that year.
That's the correct assessment to make because third party exclusives are dead these days. A Nintendo system being weak means it either doesn't get the multiplats or it runs them worse so there's no point in buying it the on the Nintendo home console. At least with the Switch you might buy the games on Nintendo's hardware due to the portability.

Nintendo functionally got pushed out of the home console market, the hybrid model suits them. It's good enough to run their exclusives and the portability might entice multiplat buyers without having to sell at a loss like Sony, Microsoft, and Valve.
We already know the Switch 2 is backwards compatible so half of your cons literally don't exist
You probably won't have to wait that long, TOSE's financial report is hinting a launch during the first half of 2025. Also, I doubt Switch sales can hold as Nintendo's sole platform for another full year before investors start rioting. That 13.5 million forecast is already looking way too optimistic.
God, I wish they would. I miss when we just fought over Smash picks.

They can't wait that long. The latest to reveal is March, so it'll be about six months after that.
Its existence was leaked after people broke NDA at last years Gamescom. It's also why Nintendo was a non attendee this year
This argument is dumb because the Switch itself was first revealed right before holiday season. I'm sure your next argument will be "b-b-but it doesn't count since the Wii U was already dead!"
we don't know that
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I proposed in an earlier thread that they go the route of the sega nomad and genesis, make two systems that can work seperately, or together, in sync with eachother, and also function like a Wii U.
The TV system can have like 10-12 teraflops, and the handheld system can have like 5-6 teraflops, and they both run the same games, both systems can run them with high textures and ray tracing.
You can get just the handheld, or you can get just the home console, or you can get both, and they can both download the same game library and save data to their hard drives, wirelessly, or connected to eachother.
The handheld can be $200, the Home Console can be $400, and then the Handheld/Home Console bundle can be $600.
You were doing good until Kid Icarus
Is this the ONLY real leak in /v/ history?
Go play some more Warframe or watch shitty anime or send DMCAs or touch your nieces whatever it is that you like to do but stop shitting up threads
>2017 was 15 years ago
>splatoon 2 instead of a port

Yeah definitely fake, believe me I'm a leaker bro. Also Star Fox Prix happening soon, trust me.
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I'd assume he mistook Cappy because without knowing who Cappy is, the logo looks very similar to the traditional "plane flying around the world" image but with a weird red plane
So, to make that, they'd have to announce it, when? Sometime between October to... January? Maybe February?
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>He thought the silhouette of Mario's hat with eyes on it looked anything like a plane
There probably was an old logo, and the new one with cappy wasn't revealed to the employees until the first trailer.
So it is not just a hardware reveal but a full blown Direct with a shit ton of games? Would be cool but I don’t believe it. I think it’s just going to be to be a boring hardware trailer and then they will show games off next year.
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Only beta logo I could find doesn't fit the bill either
But at the same time you're all apparently okay with Smash Bros which used to celebrate Nintendo and Nintendo history only turning into a third-party wankfest?
Depends on how long they want the marketing cycle to be and when exactly is the launch.
Regardless, if the reveal is happening this year, the latest realistic date for a teaser would be before the next earnings release in November 5th. Beyond that they might as well save it for January.
If other Nintendo characters get added to Mario Kart then it stands to reason that Mario Kart will end up with the same way with third party characters. Which is why it's better that it doesn't get that far and stays in the Mario universe.
The playtest for that Nintendo Online feature also ends on the 5th of November. I wonder if that's intentional?
Yes because Smash was always a crossover series while Mario Kart is filled with original stuff
If every track in Smash Kart has to be a reference then there wouldn't be original ideas like Rainbow Road, Coconut Mall, Cheese Land, Sunshine Airport, etc. etc. because they'd need to put in Green Greens, Route 1, and Brinstar instead
He was setting up demo kiosks for journalists in the New York City event the day after the presentation, it was the final logo he was looking at. He likely only glanced at it from a distance. Looking at it up close and knowing who Cappy is, it is hard to see a plane, but it is entirely reasonable without that and especially given the speed trail and the globe.
Why "ounces"?
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fake confirmed
Because it's lighter and more portable than the gaydeck.
Not ounces, just ounce.
Because the new feature is something that weighs an ounce.
The thing is Nintendo will want parity between systems. One idea I had is a dock-only Switch that uses no battery or touch screen that comes with a pro-controller, SD card slot, game card slot, USB port and ethernet port/WiFi. At best the system works like a docked Switch despite having no limitations with USB-C power pass through.

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