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>saves your game
I saw this guy in a youtube short with a slowed rap edit
he looked fire
Honestly, had he not been sick do you think he would have kept beasting it on the mudslims?
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Actually, that reminds me, I was thinking - imagine you're sent back into the time of the crusades with enough flasks of [insert whatever the fuck this is and whatever the hell else you need to be able to cure Baldwin IV

How would you go about doing it? It's not like you can just walk into the palace and go "Hey, Your Majesty, please inject this mystery liquid regularly for a whole year and it'll totally cure your disease!"

Let's say that language barriers aren't an issue in this scenario.
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>Honestly, had he not been sick do you think he would have kept beasting it on the mudslims?
He beat the shit out of Salah-motherfucking-ah-Din at age 16, so possibly.
Yes but it wouldn't have lasted.
The problem with the Outremer has always been infighting, politicking, and greed. His disease led to a succession crisis and retards doing militarily stupid decisions. The 3rd crusade failed because France wanted to fuck over the Richard the Lionheart while he was crusading. 5th crusade the Muslims were willing to gift Jerusalem as a peace offering but the crusaders decided to try and take Cairo instead (which failed badly). When Frederick II took Jerusalem, the crusader orders (like templars) were resentful of him and thus he had to leave in shame (again, while his rivals in Europe enemies tried to take his throne).
It's just the trend.
>"Hey, Your Majesty, please inject this mystery liquid regularly for a whole year and it'll totally cure your disease!"
I agree getting to him would be a problem but once you did you could probably say exactly that
You don’t need anything from the future, penicillin can cure it. All you need is bread and water.
>make penicillin
>find leper
>have him drink it
>cure leper
>repeat until leper king notices some dude is curing lepers with bread and water
>I agree getting to him would be a problem
Didn't Kings often hold like, 'courts' where they'd hear complains from people and settle them? I could be completely wrong.

Pretty sure penicilin doesn't cure leprosy.
No, he just had a lucky streak and KoJ was more fucked by infighting. His early death made him a bigger symbol than a healthy life would ever make.
>The 3rd crusade failed because France wanted to fuck over the Richard the Lionheart while he was crusading.
The eternal anglo is at it again. Let's forget that Richard de Plantagenet (Couer de Lion) destroyed his friendship with Philippe and actively antagonized him by making moves on the remaining French territories.
Leprosy is a bacterial infection. Penicillin is a general antibiotic. It doesn’t work on some bacteria today because some bacteria strains have developed resistance to it, due to it being over prescribed as a cure all for several decades.
Treatment of leper takes a long time, and time is not something Baldwin had. Especially since it can't be too late or else the side effects from the leprosy would fuck him up irreversably anyway.
>what if time travel
>oh btw you won’t get there in time to treat his leprosy
>get sent back in time
>decide to dick around saving lepers one by one until the king that had an very early death notices you
>one by one
Penicillin is extremely easy to produce in large quantities.
it would seem so
his sickness both forced him off campaigns and prevented him from keeping his kingdom politically united
people going
>nah they'd have lost anyway
are massively underestimating or not even thinking about the second
Gee anon, you must be a pretty good chemist then, to be able to mass produce penicilin from shitty bread from the medieval levant.
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Is that the dude from Kingdom of Heaven?
The crusades largely failed because it goes to show that a united force will *mostly* prevail against a ragtag band of different soldiers from cultures that probably don't even understand each other to begin with.
The ottoman empire also had similar successes against christian coalitions sent against them, where at one occasion the european forces even fought each other due to miscommunication.
the Fifth Crusade is one of the goofiest historical events that ever happened, it's unbelievable how hard they fumbled by getting too fucking greedy
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>bald win
What kind of insecure alopecic fuck names his kid like that??
It's the English (retarded French) version of Baudouin, you illiterate shitposter.
>united force
sorry, this united force, are you talking about the turks (slave soldiers or nomadic tribes or persianised settled leaders?), or the arabs (bedouin or settled arabian or arabised syrians or mesopotamians), or the egyptians? and are you talking about sunnis or shi'ites?
are we talking about all of the above who stymied the crusader states at various points, or are we talking about the precarious coalition of all of the above apart from shi'ites that actually set the crusader states into irreversible decline under a kurdish leader?

and they're more monolithic than the universally french and latin speaking, strong majority ethnic french, catholic feudal knights?
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autistic little freak
And being bald in French is better? You are bald the same way, but you also sound gayer.
Terrible argument, really.
which is French for Bedouin
so he's a literal sandnigger no matter how much he copes
If they were culturally united, the crusaders wouldn't be infighting in the first place but it kept happening with every single crusade. The only successful crusade was the first one where it was predominantly a french effort.
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You're one hell of a balding homosexual to project like this; stop reading and interpreting a goddamn French name in English (bastardized French). It has Germanic roots and even going by Baldwin, it's the combination of Bold and wine.
>he is too autistic to get any of the two tongue in cheek jokes in a row
I guess I'll let you be, you seem to have enough problems already.
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It's quite an eye opener when you actually read up on the crusades and realize how most of them were jobbers who only succeeded at killing peasants, but sometimes not even that.
The biggest jobbers being the iconic templar knights whose only success was being jewish bankers.
>actually read up
you checked battle boxes on wikipedia
I got your gayass jokes. They were so unfunny that I simply decided to ignore them shit on you further, you beef-witted illiterate pooftah.
Probably, Saladin was a pretty average general in the field, despite being an excellent strategic and logistical thinker, it's really a shame that Europe was such a clusterfuck at the time organising a crusading force was like hearding cats.
the crusades are all one giant psyop. I really don't give a fuck what niggas were doing to get some small stretch of land in the desert
actual fucking gigasperg
Going into in depth research won't change the fact the crusader knights were all jobbers. Even the infamously brutal teutonic knights lost against a bunch of slavs.
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>be heathen invader
>Allah gives you leprousy as punishment
>die young and your little rogue fiefdom collapses shortly after
>be known forever as a failure in a cope mask.
The real GOAT arabian commander was baibars anyway. Fucker was directly responsible for the mongols fucking off from the middle east forever.
That was only the kingdom of heaven movie. There was nothing mentioned about baldwin wearing a mask to hide his leprosy.
Go jerkoff to your gacha, Richard. I know you can't read.
Why did he wear the mask?
because it would be extremely painful for you, or something.
When i think about it children back then were built differently being put in leadership positions.
A baldwin is better than a hairloss
I swear my allegiance to the kingdom of heaven and give him a handful of gifts of shit I know how to make that wont be discovered for a few hundred years at least.
As the other anon said penicillin isn't that hard to make, and introducing concepts like germ theory and basic sanitation principles while levying my military history knowledge.
>When i think about children
>Richard I
baldwin wasn't really in command at montgisard, it was mostly de chatillon
How do you know? Were you there?
he was a lepper guy
Because kings just went on crusade as a laugh. It was a holiday and gave the french and english something to fight besides eachother.
It also made shipbuilding jews and money lenders in venice rich as fuck.
It was about going to the holy land, raiding and pillaging, and then bringing shit back home. After a while they realized they didn't need to go all the way to the holy land and just started sacking orthodox territory or other crusader states.
how do you know I wasn't there? were you???
>There was nothing mentioned about baldwin wearing a mask to hide his leprosy
No, but it wasn't uncommon for people to hide it with masks.
And it looks pretty cool.
didn't Richard beat Saladin at every turn as well? I think there was just too many muslims getting involved and most Christians in Europe were either preoccupied or didn't care
Honestly, the biggest win regarding the crusades, loot besides, was spreading new ingredients and spices back to europe.
Majority of baguettes actually think he was English, let alone bongs themselves.
I'm guessing someone forgot to tell the english
I'd say they were almost about equal but Richard couldn't win a battle of attrition since it wasn't his home turf and he didn't have a stream of reinforcements back up his losses. In the end he had to give up Jerusalem since he had his own troubles back home in england.
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So that's why Louen Leoncuor is a frenchie in Warhammer Fantasy...
The more you know I guess.
Richard was the better general in the field with better armed and more experienced soldiers but he was on tight schedule. His brother, John was grabbing power basically becoming de facto King of England while Philip Augustus was threatening his French holdings, Saladin knew this and adopted a Fabian strategy to keep Richard from just steamrolling his forces and taking Jerusalem.
If the entire crusading force had actually made it to the holy land it might've been a different story.
a lot of what kept Saladin at bay was his lack of control over his entire territory between Egypt and Syria, seperated by the crusader states
his full might was brought down upon Jerusalem only after he was able to consolidate his realm
also Raymond III is very overlooked in his role of leading when Baldwin was too sickly
he had a lot to do with Baldwin's victories
everyone knows the Hospitallers were the better order anyway
medieval combat medics, yo
Ironic that the dark templars chapter in 40k actually have the hospitaller colors.
Mein Neger.
Hospitallers are so underrated it's insane. Them and Lazarus order just mog the fuck out of (((Templars))).
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You son of a bitch.
the only "successful" crusades were the reconquista and the northern crusades
Coolest part of visiting Malta was seeing their fortresses.
he never looked like this. never worn the face mask and display his poxed up leprous mug everywhere he went as a display of strength as in, even if he looked like that, he accepts it and will just keep pushing through until his body fails him. i get it this looks "cool" but it's retarded nonetheless and completely destroys that basic idea i just mentioned.
lmao tell that to Constantinople
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How the fuck were the Spanish more successful in driving out the Muslims out of their lands and reclaiming them for God but they couldn't get the few piece of shit plots of land around Jerusalem and keep them? Was it just because Spain was in Europe and right next to France along with England as well having easy naval access to it or what?
what type of retarded fighting formation is even this?
>fighting formation
they're marching in ranks you knobend
God's Army, you blind retard. Watch your mouth when you speak of it.
Did you see their caves?
Where can I find a mask in the style of Baldwin? It looks cool
Because the spanish genuinely wanted to drive out the moors from their country meanwhile most of the crusades was a half hearted effort, mostly powered by greed and desire to loot and pillage. But also yes, logistics, especially in the desert, was a major problem for the crusaders. I think napoleon was the only person who successfully tamed the middle east. Even today not even the US could hold that shithole together.
Basically yes.
Spain was able to integrate the taken land into a close and relatively supported and stable system of holdings with a population that bought into it.
The crusader states were just polyglot enclaves that people in Europe cared less and less about over time and were slowly chipped away.
If Israel falls, can we finally return it back to the Christians or does it just become Muslim land again that someone at some point in history will try to take over once more?
not to mention brownie points with the pope
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israel's policy is that in the event of their destruction they go full belka
>If Israel falls
nevermind that, how the fuck did it even end up jewish land in the first place? from what i understand, it was mainly egyptians or something like that who held the land, then kikes conquered it by looting and pillaging jersualem then integrating it with their newly growing kingdom or some shit
I saw the tunnels beneath Valetta if that's what you mean, I also rented a boat and did a lap of the islands and saw plenty of costal caves.
wouldn't the nukes mainly just affect the middle east? they can probably intercept them too if their being shot over a long distance. and how would that even help them in the long run? they launch nukes, if they do hit some place and cause a total meltdown of some place, they will either forever, or for a very long time become number one enemy to every single person out there and people will be completely willing to genocide every jew they get their hands on now for actually going through with launching nukes. it will take them all back to the middle ages, if not worse in terms of treatment.
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it's cool to see that they are one of, if not THE, only militarized Christian holy order left, even if it's devolved into a free mason-esque conspiracy theory attracting boys club for the noblemen and upper class of Europe
the Muslims in Spain had no effective diplomacy with the rest of the Arab world and were essentially left to fend for themselves (or even actively attacked by other Muslims from Africa) and unlike the Crusaders in the Middle East, the Spanish were actually trying to build a unified, functioning state rather than just stealing everything that wasn't nailed down and burning everything that was, then trying to rule the ashes
Scorched earth policy, basically fuck up as much of everything else as they can before they're exterminated. Its a deterrent not against nuclear threat, but just from them losing.
Or rather, it's just taking down the nearest enemy with them if they're going to fall anyway
For whatever reason, in Crusader Kings 2, whenever a Crusade is called, it's very fucking easily winnable for the Catholics. Maybe it's cause of some mods I have installed fucking up balance without me knowing, but whatever Muslim doomstacks people would talk about usually aren't there, and if they are, in some cases, I manage to beat them despite having less soldiers, IF the commands I put in charge of the army are really good. I remember seeing people talking about how it would take them like 10 years sometimes and it still being a long way from winning, yet most of the crusades I managed to finish in like 2~3 years if I took a super active role in them by sieging shit down and hunting down muslim armies. Makes the whole thing way too fucking easy at the end of it all.
this shit looks so fucking ugly. the plate armor and horses were way better.
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fuck your cuckchrist
How? Supply limit usually fucks every crusade that doesn't have you in it.
I'd read up on the local history as well as any major upcoming battles and then "predict" stuff while claiming to be a prophet of God, also I'd make gunpowder and make shit explode
look at the title emblem
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puts me in the mood to stare at the M2TW Kingdoms Crusade menu for 3 hours
>supply limit
I keep forgetting that's a thing and it never really caused me issues cause my usual go to is to just walk on the fringes of Jerusalem and Egypt near the ocean where the supply limit is higher to the point you don't even need to actively look at it then immediately go siege down Alexandria along with the more fortified cities around it and then the Capital. Sometimes I'll send a smaller group to just pillage the smaller, unfortified tribes down around the region of Ethiopia and that's about the only time I might have to pay attention to supply limit. Again, it might be cause of some mods changing some shit, or possibly some of the commanders skills being something that causes the supply limit to not matter as much.
why didn't they just sent someone to china to pay tribute and have them send one of their physicians to cure baldwin through old chinese medicine?
unfortunately the plate and chainmail meta was ruined with the gunpowder expansion
Honestly I'm surprised you don't here more Christian nations/the catholic and orthodox churches seriously asserting their right to the land, I guess it's enough of a clusterfuck as is.
surely they can just replicate it with kevlar or some shit now but they won't since people don't care about shit looking beautiful or intimidating for combat or anything like that anymore, they just seem to make it seem as efficient as possible and make it look like camouflage
I'm pretty sure most Christians realized holding it is basically impossible and invites all kinds of clusterfucks from fucking with the muslims
all the Christians who actually give a shit already live there and Israel is doing everything it can to kill them all
barring the romans, about 100 years too early before the first yuro went to china, unfortunately
the current pope is a cuckold faggot controlled by kikes who keeps preaching about how every nation needs to affect invading immigrants into their midst and shit. if anyone could, it would be the head of the catholic faith, but this one specific is sure as hell not going to say anything about it since he's the slave of kikes.
the smell of indian shit kept them at bay
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I know this is already bigger than the Roman Empire at its height but what about the Mongol Empire?
pilgrimage isn't dogma anymore and rome is more important or you're a protestant and the point is that there isn't a center.
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Nah son
the best you got is molding level IV AR500 plates into a knightly aesthetic but it will end up being as heavy as people think actual suits of knight armor are, if not heavier
>here you go, 3 juiced tiger cocks and a shark fin. This is the elixir to cure leprosy!
Chinese "medicine" is literally voodoo bullshit.
what is this? CKII?
Because wars aren't fought by two armies meeting up in a field on a date they both agreed too to slaughter peasants and trade nobles for ransom.
the Mongols more or less has similar borders except they stopped at Iraq, not going into North Africa or the Saudi peninsula but made up for that by holding China, Korea, much of European Russia, Belarus, and most of Ukraine
it's magic placebo. if he believed truly that it would have cured it, would have due to his body fooling itself into believing it's getting better, and then the body cells in him would actively work to destroy the bacteria that was causing the leprosy, thus curing him.
And then, Anon was the Jesus
yeah, they're fought by drone striking civilians and holding hostages for diplomatic negotiations.
OP's pic is mobileshit trash
the other posts in the thread are CK2
wait, what the fuck? penicillin is made out of mould?????
should I play CKII or CKIII?
In fairness I have heard orthodox christians say things that'd get you put on an international watchlist when the Hagia Sophia is brought up, I imagine Catholics would feel much the same if there were minarets on the Vatican.
3 is easier to get into but 2 is a better game.
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>saves your game
For me, it's the Norwegian crusade.
CK3 "fixed" this by having it be either a total Muslim stomp or total Crusader stomp with no inbetween
it's down to whichever side's AI can keep their armies together
if the Crusader nations are dumbfucks and have their armies sail to Jerusalem piecemeal then it's guaranteed joever for them
ck3 is if you want to play pseudo-sims and RP more as your character while you customize everything about their 3D model, clothing and all that shit. ck2 is if you want to actually play and conquer shit.
>napoleon was the only person who successfully tamed the middle east
quick rundown??
Yes, Baldwin the 4th, The Leper King. He was a real historical figure. Hes mostly famous for holding together the stupid shithole that was Outremer for a few years before dying young. Very much a figure famous because he died young on top of his came like Alexander
he used the sphynx for cannon target practice and blew its nose off
is that still true with all the new DLC for 3 that came out?
I know the DLC that just dropped finally lets you be an unlanded adventurer in Crusader Kings without mods
Napoleon defeated the previously mighty mamelukes that ruled egypt and the levant. His grand army was that good.
Honestly just watch this trailer.
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technically, i hold china too
CK2 is free and just creamapi the DLC.
It's better than CK3 anyways.
It's been getting better with DLCs but as that other anon said, it's still basically just The Sims with a map game addon.
I like the bit I've tried of unlanded play but I could see it getting repetitive unless you were really into the RP side of things.
the Brits conqured the Middle East for a solid 40 years
Sykes-Picot Agreement, Egypt campaign, Iraq occupation, etc
I'd even argue Americans are getting what they want out of it with Saudi Arabia basically being a vassal and Turkey in NATO.
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what did YHWH mean by this?
He's a real prankster, that guy
Conquest is one thing (especially the incompetent arabs) but holding onto it is something else. Not only bongs couldn't hold it since day one, they deliberately created countries in that region with fucked up borders to keep up the tensions among the locals when they decided to leave.
Brits are just that good at being evil.
muslims claim over it is not legitimate due to the fact their faith as a whole is a complete piece of fucking shit that's purely just based on a bunch of schizophrenic mudslimes writing shits in manuscripts and stealing from christianity. jews could have some sort of "legitimate" claim in the idea that they're the "chosen people of god" but that also doesn't work since they're clinging on a thing that no longer stands as they've been forsaken by god a long, long time ago for being complicity in the killing of jesus christ. christianity is the only one that may truly hold that place due to the fact they would dedicate it to jesus christ and make the city his and god's once again.
>Judaism, Christianity and Islam all existed at the beginning of time
atheist education
Why did Asmongold claiming Palestinians have an "inferior culture" due to them being able to legally marry and fuck children along with killing everyone they please under Sharia Law cause such an absolute fucking chimpout from everyone?
He was literally right and just said what most are thinking, especially Christians, but are too afraid to say for some reason.
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>being able to legally marry and fuck children
thats literally the entirety of everywhere up until the last hundred years
Muslims are kind of like niggers in that regard. The moment you say anything to criticize their faith, they become hyper aggressive and will try to kill you as if their hooked up on rabies.
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if you're not willing to stand up to your faith, you're literally a cuck.
Same with slavery.
have you seen the all of palestine protests since the gaza shitshow?
and then mix that with a culture that has already established that they will kill people that criticize their faith
of course they'd chimp out
what an absolute fucking subhuman. who was it again that managed to push this retard "jews are our allies" shit within christian circles? protestants, evangelists? i recall there literally being a version of the bible written to turn christians pro-zionist and it was in circulation for a while or some shit before finally being taken out and somehow it seems to have done its job on boomers specifically. they're willing to put israel and jews first before themselves and christ.
the wage cage is literally slavery lmao.
literally jewish lol.
the problem with those kind of idiot Christians is that they listen to the Old Testament too much
the New Testament is literally what defines Christianity vs Jews and is meant to override anything conflicting in the Old Testament
the Jews stopped being God's chosen the second they killed his son, end of story
you'd be lucky if they let you leave the place alive without throwing you off a roof. that would be the best outcome out of it all if they decided to just show you mercy afterwards and let you walk away as thanks for helping them instead of just immediately killing you. their religion is fucking savage.
The priest at my old church is in the order, its not just for the upperclass, Fr. is from south carolina and went to clemson, not exactly a school of nobles.
does he get to fuck any children?
By middle age and even rennaisance standards, rge argument would have felt as reasonable
This except it's literally not
I'm sure they were never his "favorite". There is an obscene amount of the bible that has been edited, to the point where it constantly contradicts itself. I'm sure kike hands touched them, to make themselved seem better, because it is the nature of the kike to lie, steal, and kill.
but that's jewish lore, read the Talmud retard

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