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Tooie’s on N64 Online on Oct 24

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Tranjo sucks.
Tooie is dogshit. It's free on PC.
Your mom’s free on PC.
Do any of you actually pay for NSO? Please say it ain't so!
So is this a native port from the rare replay version?

Microsoft should put those on PC
Can I buy it for ten bucks? No? Then fuck off.
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If you have game pass ultimate for pc you can stream it. Not great, but better than shitch
Goddamn the snoys in here
Native, Tooie actually had widescreen on N64 but it was a shitty version where it just stretched the display and made the lag worse.

NSO appears to have taken the already-existing framework for that and made a legit proper widescreen out of it.
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I pay $10 for the expansion pack plan because I'm on a family group but now I just realized that I haven't touched any NSO game for over 3 or 4 months
Excellent. >>692167392

It’s actually more affordable than that.
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Same day as Shadow Generations actually, October 25th, now if only Microsoft can remember…
I have the original, the only thing I can gain from this is vtubers playing it.
Tooie >>> DK64
Not in the long run, and you never truly buy it. Getting the cartridge is more expensive, but you actually have ownership. If the cartridge breaks, then you should emulate for free because you at least have proof of ownership.
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I played Tooie last year on Rare Replay and finished it

Game isn't bad but fuck the backtracking and fuck the dinosaur world

I couldn't even get bothered to 100% it
I know they won't do it, but............GOD I hope they make Super Banjo the default walk speed, PLEASE
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Still no Bomberman games on NSO
Laugh at Bombermanfags
>has 100+ games
>one of the most copied games of all time
>revolutionized multi-player in gaming
>had the first HD game ever
>launched the successful B-Daman toyline
>good Nintendo history and had a crossover with Wario and Mario Party 2 unused content
>has other crossovers with Pac-Man, Transformers, Yatterman and Lilo & Stich
>still gets BTFO in SSB and became a complete laughtingstock by everyone
>series gets overshadowed by waifufags and coomers beacuse of Bombergirl despite them never playing the game
>R got outsold by the new Momotetsu, a fellow Hudson IP that was only released in Japan.
>no console game for 5 years
>No games on NSO
>40th anniversary came and went with no fanfare or events
What a fucking loser. Imagine being a Bombercuck in 2024
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nice, gonna play all day
Let’s face it, half the games shouldn’t have even been made.
I can emulate this for free on my phone.
I can emulate this for free on my laptop.
I can emulate this for free on my PC.
I can emulate this for free on my Steam Deck.
>then you should emulate for free because you at least have proof of ownership.
not how it works, socialist. You bought the game on n64, which will never give you the "rights" to play a completely separate digital copy you illegally downloaded.
Blame Konami

>Still no Circus Charlie and Adventure island games

Fuck Konami
>I'm a nigger and I steal, OWNED
I like how low IQ faggots like you feel the need to keep saying this like it's a flex.
Fuck that, if they don’t give the choice for long term ownership then it’s their problem.
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It's the OG n64 version then. Weird, no stop n swap...

Remember when that was the missing thing and we finally got it?
Stop asking Nintendo to do work, the tendies will shit themselves in anger.
Well yeah, microshit/rare refuses to port the xbox versions to other platforms
No Stop'n'Swop is fine since SUPERBANJO is legal again.
>super banjo
whats this?
Okay then do that you won’t no balls
Makes Banjo run as fast as solo Kazooie iirc
increases default walk speed. Holy shit it makes Tooie SO much better I cannot overstate it enough. But the Xbox banned the use of this cheat code, due to leaderboards. On NSO this isn't a problem

Again....I know they won't do it but holy shit Tooie is WAY fucking better with the fast walk on it's a stark fucking difference
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Don’t see why we can’t have all of them
>stream it
Nigga wtf?
I swear I saw something a few months ago about some group working on getting Xbox One games working natively on PC, Rare Replay included
All playable characters get a speed increase. In a game like Tooie, it's not hard to see what benefits increased movement speed would give you.

And if you want to make the game harder on yourself, a SUPERBADDIE cheat also exists which acts as the equivalent for the enemies.

It's banned on the XBox versions due to leaderboards. Switch will finally give us a version of Banjo-Tooie besides the original where you can use it again.
Twitterhouse wouldn’t dream of allowing Conker in this modern day
How bad is Hailfire Peaks going to run?
I will now get Nintendo Switch Online, only took 3 fucking years.

Nintendo isn't that based, although they should if they brought Tooie.
>Zoomzooms are streaming their games now
I've been using it a lot more often than I have before because there amhave been a lot of game additions since I last checked in, but that doesn't mean I'm not still dissatisfied with it.
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It's nice to have for the sake of it. But I played it a few months back on original hardware and I have no desire to replay it. Tooie has some cool ideas I can respect, and even has some worlds I absolutely love like Jolly Rogers Bay and Witchyworld. But it's just so tedious to play in most areas, and a lot of the charm the first game had was stripped away entirely. The highs are decent, but the lows are miserable. I swear Terrydactyland and Grunty's Industries are the 10th and 11th circles of Hell.

One playthrough of Tooie is more than enough, so at least newcomers get a chance to go through it as well.
I could totally see conker happening considering that Nintendo made a separate NSO 64 app for mature games
>Nintennial: the game
I notice you didn’t mention saucer of peril or canary mary 2
I have the original game and the Rare Replay but I know I'm still gonna play it on the expansion pack because Nintendo does in fact track what games get played in the NSO retro services, so hopefully they'll bring DK64 if enough people play Rareware
>They track
This is why I waited until BK came out to upgrade to expansion
Rare actually had anamorphic widescreen for most of their N64 games. That was the problem of course, anamorphic wasn't true widescreen it just squished things in so your TV could stretch it back out. NSO uses proper widescreen using romhack wizardry.
>Still no Bomberman games on NSO
And? Tons of great games aren't on NSO. I don't know why being on Nintendo's ROM rental service is so important
If you want a handheld to play retro games on the go you should buy a chinkheld instead of paying a subscription to only be allowed to play a limited amount of games
>lot of the charm the first game had was stripped away entirely
Such as?

Do you think Nintendo will let all the adult humor intact and uncensored?
Most people don't finish the game so most of Conker after the farting poop will be new
>Copyright 2021
Why 2021? I don't get it.
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>Paying for emulation
Tendies are cultists
A game should only be played if Nintendo allows them to play it on their consoles
Grunty Industries is the best level in the series tho
They'll pay for anything. They'll even pay for a toy clock for fuck sake.
I don't pay for these but It does get the game on people's minds
Scrolling down a huge list will only get me so far personally when looking for something to play.
And I say that even while having complete romsets
Even on Xbox it was the game majority of people played alongside Battletoads on Rare Replay but very few ever finished (the achievement for clearing the game was a diamond meaning it had less than 10% IIRC)
I think even on achievement hunting websites with a smaller pool and more dedicated people it's a low percentage
did they finally add DK 64 to the switch online?
Personally, Terrydactyland and Cloud Cuckooland was my Tooie faves. Hailfire Peaks was also a banger in my opinion.
>Now in widescreen mode
Bomberman is supposedly an iconic and revolutionary franchise that is over 40 years, How can the current generation know of his long history of games if they aren’t on current hardware? Mega Man gets collection every console generation.

This is why everyone assumes every Bomberman is the same, they never do any collections or ports of past games.
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I found Saucer to be pretty fun, though I'll admit I didn't even fucking bother with Canary Mary 2. I'm only human, anon.

Though yeah, that's another issue I didn't touch on; this game is padded to all hell with minigames, of which vary wildly in quality. It's not as severe as DK64, but it was pretty noticeable as I was playing it.
There is a Tooie decomp?
its fun
You didn't play the game
Saucer of Peril might be my favorite Tooie minigame since it's Witchyworld's equivalent of a rollercoaster (I like videogame rollercoasters more than the real thing) along with being a mobile target shooter.
I can see why people like Grunty's Industries, it has a fantastic concept to it. But constantly running around and climbing up and down through floors was just too much. Plus the respawning enemies are just obnoxious, and gives you little room to think about where to go unless you leave the building.

Respawning enemies are an issue the whole game suffers from. Seriously, there's no reason for these assholes to come back mere SECONDS after I defeat them. But it's taken up to 11 in GI.
>Scrolling down a huge list will only get me so far personally when looking for something to play
That's why I never download romsets. I download a game and only that specific game when I actually want to play it at that very moment, so my ROM folders only have stuff I'm interested in enough to actually want to play
Xbros...I don't feel so good
A lot of people know how to emulate, you're not that special.
yeah it's why I prefer slowly adding stuff to my folders overtime. I like having a lot but I only end up playing a handful. I've had similar experiences with shit like Game Pass when trying it out for cheap or got it as a gift. All these games to choose from but only play a couple.
Microsoft might as well not be competing anymore. Though they also have had a decent relationship with Nintendo for a while now.
Sony on the other hand is the equivalent of a schizo who thinks everyone is competing with them and trying to snuff them out of a console race they're already at the top of and have been for over 10 years.
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Rank them
>Rare Replay Included
Yeah that game has been playable on PC in its entirety for years
Yup, it's him
Perfect Dark>Diddy Kong Racing>Conker>Everything Else
>Banjo-Tooie runs like shit
>making it not run like shit desyncs the sound in the cutscenes
Game literally runs at 10 fps on n64.
>renting ROMs
That's why the Perfect Dark PC port from the decomp was a godsend
I don't care what purists say, it's the best way to play the game now
Stop n swap was such a massive disappointment in the xbox versions.
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>Such as?
The game itself is a lot darker in tone than the first one. There's still jokes here and there, but the jokes themselves tend to be more morbid. Death never came up once in Kazooie, at worst you risk Tootie becoming an ugly troll. Meanwhile in Tooie dying tends to be the punchline. Like when you have to dance around Bottles death when talking to his family, or the Ice Cube couple being sacrificed to complete missions. Plus characters are just a lot less cherry in general.

Not to mention a lot of the quirks of the orignal game got sanded down. Grunty no longer speaking in rhymes. Grunty only having dialogue during minigames and places she owns instead of the random teasing in Kazooie. The Health Bar no longer changing expressions, instead opting for the same static Health Bar from Grunty's Revenge. I could go on.

Overall Tooie just feels closer to Conker's Bad Fur Day than Kazooie.
Pretty sure that has to do with Konami being greedy bastards more than anything.
I wonder if this will bump compatibility with the emulator? with a modded switch you can inject games to varying success. BT last timed i tryed has some weird audio issues in particular idk.. retroarch feels like its being held up by glue sometimes.

This has been my autistic thought for the night.
BK> DKR>Perfect Dark>Goldeneye>Killer instinct>Tooie>Mickey>Conker's> DK64>JetForceGemini
I've never played Blast Corp so i don't know.
I love that Promo VHS they sent for B&K but the Starfox one is better. these were peak soul
I pay $10 a year with 8 others. Given it gave me access to MK8D, Animal Crossing and Splatoon 2's DLC, all of which I hadn't played prior it's still paying for itself.
I'm glad nintendo is still trying to improve on the n64 emulator. I thought they were going to stop and just throw in whatever rom that worked. Have you tried Smash Bros or Conker BFD on NSO 64?
Hailfire Peaks is great. Fuck the fire colosseum though, that shit is a headache to traverse.
Twitter didn't throw any hissy fits when Live & Reloaded was put on Xbox One backwards compatibility, why would they do it for NSO?
I have not, laptop kicked the bucket sometime ago
Fire Ice combo levels are always awesome. I feel like Tooie used so many unique concepts that nobody's seen in most platformers before
That's great to see, but
>still no Diddy Kong Racing
>still no DK 64
>still no Conker
>still no Rare Replay
I don't understand this
Yea I've noticed every time I replay Tooie post-childhood I always stop either there or at Grunty Industries. Mind, my last couple plays were on emu so maybe on actual hardware I won't drop it this time lmao
Tbh he might benefit from a reboot. Or were those switch games basically that?
They are great levels but if you're going for 100% the backtracking starts to get overwhelming by that point unless you put it all off until the endgame. Something I intend to do for my next play.
Tooie alone is way superior. who asked for this?
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> he doesn't just emulate whatever N64 games he wants
Purists are retards. ALWAYS disregard their opinions.
What's wrong with simply acknowledging Banjo's getting a rerelease?
Xbros are already gone, anon. You have to let them go.
emulationfags don't like that people pay money to play roms on the switch
>emulationfags don't like that people pay money
Rare replay on pc? The fuck are you talking, anon?
Wait a minute...Nitentoddlers pay for easily emulated games?
How long has this been going on ?

He's talking about xbox cloud gaming where you can stream xbox games on your PC
I don't know why everyone has problems with canary mary. Just take it at a leisurely pace then mash like hell in the last quarter and you'll beat her. She rubberbands.
Streaming is not gaming
Ok, thanks anon. Thought i missed something interesting.
I can emulate this game for free on my switch
Oh right xbox cloud gaming where every game feels like molasses unless you're in the immediate vicinity of an azure data center.
To be fair, $50 in the span of a year is almost nothing.
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Gregg showed up quick.
So long that Sony did it better on PS3, then caved and have the same model Nintendo does now but worse.

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