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Ratto Rising trailer in few minutes
Looka very boring desu
>She's just Platinum and Rachel pasted together
Why did they do my waifu so dirty?
>gets skin on pass right out of the gate
>also Yunicorn lobby avatar
Well shit now I actually have to play for that second one
oh shit
a rat
I want to steal her ears.
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So when are they adding not-Kamen Rider?
Never, FKHR totally wants him but KMR keeps stopping him because it wouldnt sell as much as more wank of already known popular characters
One day they'll let me pull out Ultra Robo Grand God Kaiser in a match.
only cunnyfags find this character appealing
I just remembered this has a f2p version
If I jump on am I just gonna get stomped by the usual fgc autismos or is it alive enough to have other newfags?
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>Versusia SSBA blows up the entire planet
>Vikala SSBA turns you into an idolfag

I dont know what is worse
we hate mr. pkala around here
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Already got my giant mommy milf dragon, now every character that comes out is like a bonus I didn't ask for.
So, thanks, I guess.
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worst zodiac
bottom 10 character in granblue total
if I find the person who greenlit that design over the other concepts I will inflict suffering upon them
I hate all the seaniggers who like her
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Canon Oxwife when?
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I await for more draphs
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You wont get another real draph you will get Galleon.
Nah, I believe
Ratflop stay flop
Sexoest rat. Even sexoer than her swimsuit skin.
Looked underwhelming but I prefer my DLC characters not breaking my bones.
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>shit battle pass rewards
Neat, I don't have to buy that one. At least the free BP gives you Yunicorn
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Should've been monki. Fuck Vikala and fuck Vikkers
Viki > sheepFLOP
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She looks really boring even for Granblue Versus which is honestly impressive.
I'd still lick every square inch of her body though
game sucks ass
I haven't played this since May is it still an unbalanced shitty mess?
They nerfed all the top tiers except Belial and buffed all the bottom tiers except Ferry. They blew Nier's brains out
>Belial was already top 10
>they buffed him to top 1
I fucking hate FKHRs homo bias and how he won't let his favorite character be mediocre or bad
How are Eustace, Versusia or Bubz?
Also fuck you cygames, I bought the original GBVS, gimme a coupon for supporting your delay based proof of concept.
Welcome to modern fighting games. We cant have jank fun because evo or something
"Jank fun" is how you get abominations like Nier and pre-nerf Beatrix
>Versusia and Bubz
Actually solid, especially the former.
Lower midtier. Too much effort
Then make every character an abomination. Its better to have a "failed" game that is memorable than a "balanced" game that no one is excited about
DNF Duel was that and no one plays the damn thing because of it.
It's the players who are wrong. DNF Duel is unadulterated 2D fightan kino, and I'm tired of pretending it's not.
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*dead unadulterated 2D fightan kino
Shilled flop.
When i say failed i mean something like blazblue or DoA. Maybe mvc2 to a certain extent. DNF duel was very clearly developed with evo in mind, all new arcsys fighters are. The former games i mean put fan service and the game first and are relatively hands off when it comes to player organized activities
>private video

Don't let it distract you from the fact that she pisses herself in her yin form anons
For some reason they deleted the premier video and then reuploaded it after premier was over
Versus gets boring quick. Can't play this shit more than 10 mins
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bikki on the log
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bikki's log...
one rat one jar
Vikki Leaks
most heterosexual men? Yeah I'd guess so
Hag seething

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