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>QUESTION: Can I use an employee's refusal to come to work as a reason to fire them?
The last thing Ubisoft needs right now is useless employees.
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>striking because they have to go into the office for a whopping 3 days a week
These fags havent made a good game in 10 years
>mad that they have to go to work
>troon flags everywhere for some reason
for what purpose
Fuck office workers. Lazy fucks. Can't even go into a cozy air conditioned office 3 days a week when there's people breaking their back fixing roads or nurses taking care of their sick parents
>obligatory AIDS awareness flag
why does every single protest now have to be filled with lgbt flags?
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What kind of flag is this?
Unfortunately, no. France has strong workers rights protections. There isn't much they can do to fire these employees. They might be able to force them out by providing hostile working conditions, meaning; assigning useless tasks, or placing someone in a room with nothing to do until they themselves voluntarily quit. But it's not a sure fire bet that they will. These people don't mind getting paid to do nothing because they don't like making games in the first place.
If a union has a super majority you can't do shit.
>but why not I mean that not fair
Hey you hired them. It's the consequences of your own actions.
>Ubisoft does Work From Home
>French Homos move out of the city because Paris is a shithole filled with Muslims and Blacks
>they all move out into the country to live with White people
>now they're upset the company is demanding they come back and live with the undesirables
>they still come there with flags with black pride and whatnot on it
You don't get a single thing if you don't fight for it.
Why the fuck should you have to go to the office even 3 days a week to sit in meetings listening to a sensitivity training speaker telling you how to support gay kids or whatever. You can churn out AAAA sloppa from the comfort of your own home where maybe by a miracle of god you attracted and impregnated a woman with your cushy CS degree job.
Truly pathetic crab bucket mentality itt, reflect on your cowardice next time your boss schedules you a close-open at your mcjob and you show up like a bitch.
Leftism is a suicide cult for retards
> cgt, faggot, and tranny flags in the same photo

A worker rights organization.
Nah, most work from home fags "work" for 2 hours then fuck the dog all day. Luckily my company got rid of them and everyone got a raise for it on top of productivity increase due to the fact that the actually competent people were kept around. Anyone that's still insisting on doing is a guaranteed useless fuck including yourself most likely.
All French people are unbearable. You can live in a middle class white neighbourhood and have your neighbours dump used diapers on a sidewalk (not joking).
>placing someone in a room with nothing to do until they themselves voluntarily quit. But it's not a sure fire bet that they will. These people don't mind getting paid to do nothing because they don't like making games in the first place.

I hope one day I'll land a job such as that
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>fag flags in a strike
why do they forcefully make their degeneracy be involved with everything
You need a college degree and gainful employment in a country with strong worker protections (unions). Good luck anon kun, I believe in you.
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lol it happens in Japan you fucking retard
if you're going to be so ignorant, stop being proud of it
This is what happens when you let a Leftist infestation occur over 15 years
>people breaking their back fixing roads
funny, have you ever seen these guys "work"? because i have



starting to think these strikes are just a scape goat to excuse bad products
do you work in japan?
t. brit
for sympathy from the public.
it means any group that gets angry at the protestors will hopefully get publicly shit on for hating on le heckin gays
They do more useful work in the 10 minutes a day they work than an office worker does an entire year
In all fairness, nobody really likes the French aside from the French. I mean no offense.
Which flag would cause the most amount of butt hurt and drama?
The Israel flag or the Palestine flag?
>leftist ideological behaviour uses leftist agitprop and symbols
makes sense to me
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So when Ubisoft goes bankrupt, will this officially be the end to all politically correct shit in western video games? I genuinely believe Ubisoft will not survive next year as AC Shadows will 100% completely bomb.
Well I already see the fag flag there, so Israel is covered.
Literally nobody fucking likes the French. You can seethe about the eternal anglo all you want but they are infinitely more tolerable
Nope, the people perpetuating this stuff can't even imagine giving up, it's not even thought. I work with people like this and the idea of losing is unfathomable.
This is one of most nonsense talking points and it comes up all the time. Have you ever actually seen any pro palestine and/or a pro gay rallies? There is a massive amount of overlap between the two when it comes to flags waved and people present.
>Video game employee strike
>Tranny flag
Just because I like taking advantage of WFH policies doesn't make me a leftist :(
Israel is statistically one of the gayest countries on earth
OK, doesn't change that in the West pro palestine and pro gay groups are both dominated by the exact same leftists
Close the studios declare bankruptcy.
They all get fired.
>Anti union thread

Can't imagine ever being that much of a bootlicker for AAA companies but then again I can't imagine life without a foreskin.
Who do you think controls the unions?
It always cute when a bunch of neets have an opinion on labor.
He knows. One of their primary tactics is to lie about what they are.
And that is hilarious to me. I don't care either way though. I just wanted to call jews faggots.
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>Tranny and subhuman flags everywhere
My opinion on labor is that it's fake and gay and only for retards who don't have rich parents to mooch off of.
>Ubislop stocks on all time low
>Employee Strike
I am enjoying this.
Why the fuck are they waving tranny and other mentally ill flags?
Ubisoft isn't some alt-right nazi chud company.
NEETs unironically provide more value to the society and economy than leftist unionists. It's easier to compensate for dead weight than an active parasite eating you from the inside.
It's already on the downturn, today's MS Direct had a noticeable lack of faggotry and niggers
Maybe it was their plan all along to string these faggots along before stringing them up
No they don't. Your mental gymnastics will not change the fact that even the "parasite left" is more productive for society than a basement dweller who's perpetually online.
Not good enough. If these companies can spend billions of dollars to cater to the other side, they can do the same to me.
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Productive at what, ruining Western civilization? Get real
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>those actively seeking the destruction of the society are more productive for the society than people who are just neutral to it
No, not really
Isn't Ubisoft French? This is probably just a typical October for labor in France.
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Trannies are extremely agressive, another male trait that shows they are men.

They provoke and force their "flags", and actively seek conflict.
I think it's a little more insidious than that, these people represent the banality of evil. They commit acts of great injustice while fully believing that what they do is good and righteous. It's a type of harm to society that is hard to quantify due to how destructive it is.
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>tranny flags
Well, well well Ubisoft's Yves Gillermont how did trusting diversity and queer faggots turned out for you guys?

After all of this. Was it worth it?

The vast majority of them go to work, pay their taxes, and yes, are generally far more productive than a net drain on society who likes to pretend they aren't an active drain on resources.

Just because you neets want to pretend you're any good for society, doesn't mean you're automatically better for it than a legitimate card carrying commie.
I have exactly zero fucking use for neets and would kill them all if I could, but they are infinitely less destructive than leftists. Like I said, a useless slug is damaging my shit way less than termites
I'm sure you would believe that.
>tranny flag
no wonder they are dying. both figuratively and 41%.
That's the exact same logic as saying all conservatives are racist nazis.

Shit like this is why people tell you neets to go outside and actually learn about what the fuck you're opining on.
idk man, I had a friend drop out and become a county worker and anytime you passed him he'd be one of the four guys watching the fifth work
>are generally far more productive than a net drain on society
are you talking about the people who make ubisoft games? lol
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So then you'll be fine paying for my power bill, food, internet bill and all my other expenses. I want to be a neet. I promise to vote for Trump if you help me out with this endeavor.

If not, I'm voting Kamala.
I wonda whae
Somebody making a shit game, is making something that can be used as an example of how not to make a game for future artists, thus, providing a semblance of long term value to the industry as a whole.

Neets don't provide anything. Period. They are the posterchild of when a person is burden to society instead of an asset.
LOL. A leftist would have me do that for him and also pay for 50 more illegals, convince my child to change their gender and that I was a racist, and then arrest me for complaining when my daughter gets raped by the people he let into the country and made me subsidize. I would rather the neet.
Someone taking a good product, deconstructioning it and destroying the company provides net negative value you fucking redditor
More than that, they are destroying the light to exhault the darkness latent in all of humanity. And they worship it.
i wonder if this is on purpose, pupeteered by some chink overlord, so that tencent can buy out the entirety of ubisoft, as the rumors were saying.
>reputation in shambles
>preorders very low
>stock is as low as when the company first started
>closest "big" release was pushed back 6 months
>now, by pure coincidence, the workers go on a strike
way too many things happening all at once for it to be a coincidence imo.
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maybe thats why Ubisoft were appealing to them in everyway in the first place. Tey were terrified of them lol. But now it happened anyway.

Ubisoft is fucked, betrayed by the faggots they trusted in the first place.

what the hell is wrong with these people? any real game developer/artist would much rather be present in the same area as everyone else making the game to ensure it becomes the best possible.
remote work only makes sense if your job is a joke where you don't do anything productive.
So get out there and outvote the leftist. Raw social productivity doesn't care about individual ideology. It only cares about who is showing up to work, and who is showing up to buy.

It should've been a clue to you a long time ago when the ruthless corporate shitlords that run society started catering to the left.

Even a full on shit eating communist is and always will be considered more valuable to a functional society than someone who refuses to work and has a lot of excuses for why.
Total Ubi Death
homosexuality and queer ideology
I'm almost positive this is what Tencent, and by extension the CCP had in mind when engaging in fifth generational warfare with the west. Seems to have worked flawlessly.
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Here's a tip for you libtard: Any discussion about which groups are "a net drain on society" that involves empirical data will not end well for you.
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>society is only benefited by raw consumerism
>even the enemy is more of an ally than a neutral party
LOL. Nice reddit spacing by the way
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indeed but i dont mind Ubishit ran itself into this mess, its fucking over lol we will never see Splinter Cell remake or anything like that.

Only a pro CCP Rainbow 6 Siege at most. Tom Clancy wouldnt aprove having his IPs being lost to commies. Whatever. It happened.
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>Faggot flags
Yeah, checks out
If everybody just neets to own the libs, then who's going to organize and outfit the right wing death squads?
What's even more funny is some of us pay more in taxes than this little middle class worker bee ever will.
sometimes reddit spacing its so its easier to read but ur right 3 lines all with a



aint smart. Needs to be divided aesthetically in larger blocks of 5 lines minimum
>t. autistic retard that has a literal 'cost per year' figure that has to be accounted for by somebody somewhere actually willing to work
They trusted faggots with their whole corporate structure and even trained trannies because they had a free program to learn to work at ubislop if you were a woman and in their definition ofc they included trannies. I wonder if an ftm tranny that is biologically female would have been under that criteria or not. Probably yes they would make an "exception" there just to be "le inclusive!"
Not an argument.
I'm searching for who the fuck asked and I'm not finding anyone. Can you help me out?
basically trying to call in their social media allies when these pics end up online
Just like every single right wing protest now has nazi flags.
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>Which flag would cause the most amount of butt hurt and drama?
nazi, confederate, rn israeli, russian, imperial japan flags
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The FBI?
god damn, why do americans have such a crabs in a bucket mentality?
sadly my chud, he is lying. confederate flag is still way more common and even that one isnt in every protest.
black race admixture
I'm against unions and everyone should pull their own weight,
but I work at my dad's company so my opinion is a bit biased.
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>ctrl+F "america"
>only result is this post
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Americans believe the world revolves around them and their fart is heard around the world.
The planet does revolve around our country you fucking retard. You have to be braindead to believe otherwise.
United States makes any sort of move with the rest of the world and the rest of you shut up and pay attention.
Stay quiet, cockroach.
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>nobody in the thread mentions America
>retard starts seething out of nowhere
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I was glad that the east coast longshoremen got their demands so quickly.
hope that the ubisoft workers get their demands met quickly too.
workers unite!
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you're absolutely right, roadworkers and nurses should strike for more better compensation .
>So you're telling me I have to actually THINK about the gameplay before I code it?
>I have to INNOVATE and strive for good EXPERIENCE for the player??
>What the fuck are you saying... Next this you're going to try is to make me work more than 4 hours a day...

Everyone... Every single one of these protesting faggots is a net positive for gaming, get them out, leave them, abandon them, nothing of value will be lost.
I didn't post the original bait, it's just you have to be new to 4chan to be incited by someone posting without referencing another post ID, denigrating a group that is not involved in the post whatsoever. Lurk more.
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Lower your tone when addressing your superiors, slave.
The only reason Ubisoft is removing WFH is to hope people will quit rather than firing them
Firing them in France cost money and the employee can sue the company if he wants
By removing WFH Ubisoft is hoping those angry will quit thus saving UBI money on salaries which can be used somewhere else
I'm pretty sure 100% WFH doesn't exist and the employers have the ability to force you to come into office if he wants
>QUESTION: Can I use an employee's refusal to come to work as a reason to fire them?
Technically yes you can, if the contract says that the employer can ask you to come in the office
If you keep WFH even if you do your job, you can be fired, but that would depend on your contract
T. French

Just admit you neets got btfo and triggered. Go get a job.
I'm sorry that you were called out for being retarded and obsessed. I am sure you will find the strength to move on from this.
No. In fact, I'm taking your blanket and dipping it in a big tub of lesbian pussy snot.
>workers rights = tranny flags
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Then I'm even more on the workers side on this one. Ubisoft had no problem demanding these people change everything for a common cold and now they don't like that it had an unintended effect on their bottom line.

Fuck Ubisoft, yet again. Even the faggiest striking pink hair is right on this one, but once again, the majority of /v/ is willing to like corporate boot for no reason at all.
They're all post-wall lesbians and have extra rancid pussy snot.
Yeah the workers are in their rights and since Ubisoft isn't firing them makes me think they may have fucked something in their contract
Since Outlaws flopped and their stock is at the lowest since 10 years Ubisoft is trying to save itself
If no change is made they'll definitely be bought by Tencent or someone else
Not that I would complain
I'm russian and I like frogs
never talked to them tho
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Fuck it, if my company made me go back to office at all I'd cheer the tranny strikers on. I made sure it was clear in my contract that I'm full-time remote even though I live a 20min walk away from my office
Waking up 5 minutes before work, never having to dress up and being in the comfort of my own home instead of an open office are luxuries I'm never giving up.
>Waking up 5 minutes before work, never having to dress up and being in the comfort of my own home instead of an open office are luxuries I'm never giving up.
and how does that benefit the company or the customers
you're not doing any work at home
These are not baits, this site is full of genuine down syndrome slavs who think about the US 24/7
And even if it's bait it's just as cancer as real retards. Stop defending shitposters.
>Any community that gets its laughs by pretending to be idiots will eventually be flooded by actual idiots who mistakenly believe that they're in good company.
>>QUESTION: Can I use an employee's refusal to come to work as a reason to fire them?
interestinlgy enough, up until a few years ago, it wasn't considered a good enough reason by the french law, as in you had no drawbacks to not come if you wanted to change your job, because you'd get fired with all the social benefits. Macron changed that though, now you get fired with "faute grave" and lose most if not all the wellfare
it's not even about working harder and crunching, it's just moving your ass to the physical office 3 time a week.
>itt amerilards shitting on unions, because they would rather be fired on the next day just because
It‘s always incredible how your real overlords are corpos
communist union yeah.
Huh? Leftoids are corporations personified, just look at the OP image and you'll see that.
Just because you make the assertion, doesn't make it true, corpo bootlicker. The vast majority of people who work from home, do their shit, and meet their deadlines/quotas/projections/etc.

But we all know you couldn't even be bothered to wipe your own ass with some zeal, neet.
>>QUESTION: Can I use an employee's refusal to come to work as a reason to fire them?
it seems you lack the information on why strikes hold power but nice larp as a manager.
the trannies are advocating for a week of paid mentrual leave per month for all women identifying worker btw.
You have to prove bankruptcy
>strike because you hate your job
>bring a bunch of tranny and commie flags
These mentally ill people deserve to be fired
I'm a janitor and even I work remotely.
WFH niggers are the worst thing to come out of the coof era. If you work from home, you don't have a real job.
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>faggots and troons infest ubisoft
>ubisoft ACKs itself
who knew hiring worthless people had consequences?
are you serious? lol wouldnt surprise me. they are that delusional.
How going back to the office change that? I'm kind of mesmerized by the inability of people to realize that people slack off on site as much if not more. Most job in the west are fake job anyway.
When you are at the office you can't just seat on your couch all day bigewatching tranny shows on netflix then tell the team "I worked a lot I will push later" at the daily.
I agree I don't have a real job but sending me back to the office won't make it more real
It's not just about getting off your ass, although commuting every day does suck balls, it's because offices are full of nothing but managers breathing down your neck and endless meetings after endless meetings. The only people that like it are middle managers because all they know how to do is micro manage. Fuck ubisoft, but also fuck working in an office.
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I can't wait for the day when we'll have the tech to remotely control humanoid robots so we can be neets 24/7 and just work from home remotely.
I unironically had youtube video essays and other shit on my second monitor all day when I was at the office. Thankfully I pass as autistic enough IRL and my work quality was good so they let me do it when I told them it helped my productivity.
/v/ is against wfh now?
>I invented 5 bad excuses but won't address that I'm actually an incompetent piece of shit that waste his working hours on TV and games
Seriously, you have no cases there.
>work from home
>don't have to bother paying rent for offices
>don't have to deal with endless harassment lawsuits
>workers happier and more productive
>noooooo you have to heckin' come in and do the same stuff you where doing at home
I don't get it, I thought corps followed the money
I assume it's just baiting schizos, that or morons who compulsively have to be against literally anything the other side is for
it's managers whining that they can't have their personal fiefdoms anymore
Gaming as a whole WILL be better off with out ubisoft.
don't care about muh culture war, there's only 1 struggle, solidarity to the workers of the world.
Tell me what is the benefit to working in an offices. If people still deliver, then who cares where we work? If someone doesn't deliver then fire them.
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>every faggot "working" from home: haha i'm not doing any work i'm just playing games and browsing 4chin all day lmao
>gets told to go back to the office
I like the mario + rabbids games. but then again, I think those were made by pastaniggers and not frogniggers
bros if ubisoft goes down what will happen to the Anno team? they're the only part of ubisoft I care about
Working from home revealed that much of the work hours in office are wasted on unnecessary pointless bullshit and management is mortified by this discovery because it unveils their fundamental and systematic incompetence.
The same reason the rainbow flag now has tranny and black colors, even though trannies were already part of the rainbow before and being black is not a sexuality.
>be french
>literal commietroon flags
Good riddance
To the whole company
>tranny pedo flags
yea wouldn't hire you either
Worker's "rights".
Anytime they're involved, you will absolutely be fucked. You're definitely going to lose your job and the factory is absolutely going to do everything they can to move to another country.
The thing that pissed me off the most when my company started requiring us to come back, was that on their first big "back to the office" company wide meeting. The CEO wasn't there and just tuned in for a speech via a video call from who the fuck knows where. The fucking audacity
>for some reason
The exact same reason why their games suck
Leftist game devs will just metastasize to other game companies
that's because you are 200kg overweight, you fat fucks
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I have never seen a lefty protest without a tranny and/or a Palestinian flag.

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