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SA1 and SA2 had kino lighting

Some events in SA2 have additional sets of lighting data that seem to be left over from earlier builds.

The DC version ignores them, but they cause issues in SA2B because every set gets used at once for some reason.
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Bring back corocoro
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A lot of Shadow's lyrics had to do with how conflicted he feels. Even in his theme, "Throw It All Away", it comments on how, even if he is immortal, it doesn't matter and he would rather throw it all away because the life itself is meaningless.

In Rhythm and Balance, the White Jungle stage where you have to save Rouge before the island explodes, the song asks over and over if Shadow is scared, once again that if he fails, he will lose yet another person close to him.

In the Supernatural, Final Chase's stage, the song starts asking if Shadow is even the Ultimate Lifeform to begin with as he gets closer to Maria's "dream."

The Biolizard of course, is unironically what I'd call Shadow's swan song. "Supporting Me" sounds just like the title, Shadow has finally given up revenge and learned that he wants to protect the world but he doesn't really know how to do this. He will do everything in his power, knowing that Maria is supporting him in order to fulfill her last wish, even if it means his untimely end, which the song references at the end of the song as well.

And of course, Live and Learn. Pretty explanatory, but it's learning to live with your mistakes and to keep moving in life even if all seems lost.

Shadow's story was unironically a great lead up from a broken individual lead on by hatred to one of redemption, giving his life to the ones he tried to destroy in the first place. We really won't have kino like this again, but at least its here
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posting kino here from the last thread
Impregnate Maria
As a computer engineer and overall techfag, this hidden lore interests me way more than the lore of the actual store. I wanna learn more about this.
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*lore of the actual STORY fuck
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In the Tokyo International Forum, you can see the Ninja Lights system in action. Dynamic shadows, lights and other effects that aren’t seen in the final game.

The final game removed most of the Ninja Lights system, but some of it is still leftover. Some objects like the TVs still use Ninja Lighting.

The Dreamcast had the ability to perform what was called Order Independent Transparency which SA2 used extensively for things such as item balloons and artificial chaos. When SA2 and SA1 was ported to Gamecube, many of the transparency features that the Dreamcast had couldn't be replicated and they were never fixed for the PC port.

Sonic Adventure and Sonic Adventure 2 were extremely ambitious. Sonic Adventure 2 is a much, much, much more robust game internally than SA1. I cannot stress that enough. It is much more flexible in every conceivable way, and it is really impressive how much Sonic Team improved on in such a short time frame. But it is still obviously based on SA1 and shares a lot of infrastructure, albeit greatly improved.

If you haven't played SA1 or SA2 on Dreamcast, you owe it to yourself to do so.

>Sega Dreamcast had order independent transparency implemented in hardware
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kind of fucked up. imagine getting obliterated because you dont know a guy so he isnt your friend yet.
Based, thank you anon
Please just leak the fucking rom already so I can drop these shitty autistic threads forever until the next game comes out.
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Do you prefer White Jungle with fog (DC) or rain (GC)?
I've been enjoying these threads immensely tbqh. The real XCI was the friends we made along the way
children don't have bodies like that
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Shadow and Maria is just AMWF propaganda
They are gonna keep her alive in the movie. Calling it now. It's gonna be cringe.
Shadow... As you can see, the day of reckoning will soon be here. Find the SEV—sorry, NINE Maria appearances, and bring them to me as promised.
I miss Archie Shadow
Shadow has no friends. Why hasn't he obliterated everything yet?
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SA1 and SA2 were Iizuka's passion projects. Iizuka was the one who conceived of it as a "Sonic RPG". And the inspiration from games like Final Fantasy 7

The Dreamcast had a ridiculous 8MB of VRAM which allowed for high-res textures and a 640x480p framebuffer. The good quality VGA output also helped give the Dreamcast its clean look.

For comparison:
>Xbox: 64MB Unified RAM
>Dreamcast: 8MB VRAM
>GameCube: 3MB VRAM (2MB Framebuffer + 1MB Texture Cache)

SA1 and SA2 were built to take full advantage of the Dreamcast hardware. The palette-based "Lantern" lighting engine from Sonic Adventure was ahead of its time. Iizuka wanting something transparent and liquid since the technology now allowed it, the team came up with Chaos

Adventure games were all about making must-have killer aps for the Dreamcast, while Heroes and Shadow were just them trying to keep the brand alive in third party consoles. This is why the controls, bosses, models, stories and characterization suddenly got worse in Heroes. They weren't putting the same effort anymore

Heroes was made by the exact same team as SA2, but Sega had to switch from the Dreamcast SA1/SA2 proprietary engine to Renderware to get Heroes running on a PS2 because Sony effectively forced them at gunpoint. Shadow, on the other hand, was made by an indifferent team with no passion left. Iizuka was phoning in here

Heroes nearly killed Iizuka and he was inspired by Jak II to make Shadow. That's two games he worked on which were critical flops and were victims of the Sonic cycle.

Once upon a time, dev had to resort to tricks such as culling to optimize games to run on very limiting hardware. 2024 and now devs don't even bother with this shit because the hardware is so powerful and full of gimmicks such as DLSS/FSR and RTX that gaymers don't even understand why their game runs well or runs like shit
I like both, and wish we had both at the same time
I have the game pre-ordered on steam with digital deluxe as a family gift to me, so fuck it. I'll be reporting on how this thing is and see if it crashes on my PC like Frontiers did presumably because I still game on an HDD
Live and Learn isn't Shadow's song. It's from Sonic's perspective towards Shadow. The attitude is too upbeat for Shadow.
the anime shorts showed he is begrudging friends with the rest of the cast
I'm not a techfag like the other anon, but this is very interesting information—keep it coming, please
The horsemen of the apocalypse for game rendering. These technologies and the effect they've had on games are absolute cancer.
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>tfw no modern ports of SA1 DC, SA2 DC, Heroes and Shadow on DX12

The cool stencil shadows from the Dreamcast version are gone and have been replaced by more standard framebuffer shadows. Honestly, it's for the best. The DC shadows were impressive for self-shadowing, but due to processing power limitations, devs were limited on the amount of polys they could use for them. So they didn't give the stencil shadows any joints, and frankly it looks weird when characters are in motion with floating Rayman-limb shadows.

SA2B's framebuffer shadows have a couple of issues. EFB shadows are only cast by playable characters and by destroyed cars while they're physics-ing around. Because of this, a lot of models no longer cast shadows, such as all enemies and all non-destroyed cars (cars only cast EFB shadows once you start knocking them around. I have no idea why.)

EFB shadows don't cast on some objects (e.g. boxes) and some surfaces (too many scattered examples to remember)

Pulleys are now an ugly fullbright color and they no longer flash. (Who cares lol). This is caused by that same tinting issue I mentioned earlier; plenty of miscellaneous objects are affected too.

SA2 DC abused the Dreamcast's volumetric fog features for some interesting effects, like security alarms (Iron Gate, Flying Dog, Egg Quarters) and approximated "rain waves" (White Jungle). These effects are gone in SA2B, replaced with full-screen overlays (Flying Dog, Egg Quarters) or with a rotating vertex light (Iron Gate). It could be time constraints, or it could be that the GameCube doesn't have equivalent rendering features that would allow it to do striped fog.

In SA2B, Eggman has a dynamic headlight that activates in Iron Gate and Lost Colony! This effect isn't present on DC SA2. Looks even cooler when you use per-pixel lighting in Dolphin.
I had no idea the Dreamcast had more VRAM than the PS2 and Gamecube. That's fucking wild dude. Such a shame how short of a life that console had.
>see if it crashes on my PC like Frontiers did presumably because I still game on an HDD
There'd be no good reason for it to considering it's a game from 2011, but I'm sure they fucked it up somehow
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Target console platforms of Sonic

>Sonic 1
>Sonic 2
>Sonic 3 & Knuckles
>Sonic Adventure, Shuffle and SA2
Dreamcast. Gamecube/PC for superior Chao World.
>Heroes + Shadow
Gamecube. Xbox version uses higher resolution FMVs
>Sonic 06, Unleashed and Generations
Xbox 360 - 880x720 (best on Xbox Series X as it's 60fps). Unleashed PS3 targets 60fps in some areas but would drop to 15fps.
>Sonic Colors
>Lost World
Wii U

>What are the worst Sonic ports?

SADX PC (SEGA broke a lot when porting SA1 to SADX Gamecube to SADX PC)
Heroes PS2 (PS2's 300Mhz CPU struggled to maintain 30fps)
Shadow PS2 (PS2's 300Mhz CPU struggled to maintain 30fps)
Sonic 06 PS3 https://youtu.be/qEmth0LHS-k?si=-3AVlkDluxPcEcYN
Colors Ultimate
the Dreamcast was ahead of its time in almost every regard. it was taken out back far too soon
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I'm always stunned by the texture resolution in SA2. You can play it at 1080p res in a DC emulator and it looks fine. Great, even.
That is canonically innaccurate. He is not friends with anyone.
The Generations part, no, I expect that to be fine unless they fuck up a 64bit port or the Denuvo implemetation. The Shadow part, though, uses HE2/Frontiers code, and that's the part that worries me.
What did Sega mean by this?
>I had no idea the Dreamcast had more VRAM than the PS2 and Gamecube. That's fucking wild dude. Such a shame how short of a life that console had.

Because the PS2 was the weakest of the "main three" sixth gen consoles(even the Dreamcast had it beat in a few areas, like VRAM and anti-aliasing) and it had the most convoluted hardware by far.

The Dreamcast had a shit ton of VRAM even compared to the PS2 so it's textures could be crisp and high res.

PS2 couldn't handle SA1/SA2 and Heroes had to run at 30fps lol

>SA1 Lantern Engine

Shadow Generations is very much not from 2011
Don't know where you got that from, but word of god isn't canon
wasn't the PS2 version of Heroes infamous for its low quality and amount of bugs lmao
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Back from sleeping
Has the dump happened?
Not seeing it on any first search result websites
Rouge and Omega are right there
“b-but Ian said that corporate said that-” corporate is a bunch of old retards in suits who don't know what the fuck they're talking about
Someone please dump the fucking game i cant handle looking at these threads anymore
nope. we're just yapping in the meantime
>The good quality VGA output also helped give the Dreamcast its clean look.
Having VGA on the dreamcast was really cool and forward thinking. The PS2 has especially shitty video output quality compared to the other consoles of its generation, even when using component cables, in my experience.
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Just step away anon
It's funny, because the majority of hardware decisions on the Dreamcast were specifically made to address issues that developers had with the Saturn:

> A single, powerful, straightforward, well documented CPU instead of a complicated multi processor setup
> 16MB of RAM (8x the PS1/Saturn)
> 8MB of VRAM and hardware AA (which meant textures could be incredibly crisp and AA was essentially "free" in terms of performance)
> 4 controller ports and a modem that shipped with the console instead of being addons (addons traditionally have poor sales, so supporting them is a risk for devs)
> Support for either using Katana (the DC's development software, which had excellent performance) or Windows CE (which made porting games from the PC significantly easier)

The Dreamcast did almost everything right, but by then it was just too late.

PS2 Disadvantages
>Horrible early dev kit
>Both Emotion Engine and Graphics Synthesizer rely on proper code/data pipelining which is really hard to perfect without shitty stalls, lots of the theoretical power is wasted due to real world implementation issues
>The only thing going for Graphics Synthesizer is the very high theoretical fill-rate...otherwise it's a badly outdated rasterizer featurewise behind Dreamcast, roughly at N64 level or possibly even worse (lots of special effects have to do be done in software, no texture compression, video processing was easy to fuck, anti-aliasing didn't even work at launch)

This was back in the era where competing consoles still had technical strengths and weakness compared to one another, as opposed to now where the console market is just two different AMD boxes with nearly identical specs plus whatever weird shit Nintendo is doing at the time. Saturn has a dual-CPU architecture and eight processors. Sega of Japan's Katana for Dreamcast. Emotion Engine is the PS2's CPU and Gecko is the GameCube's CPU.
PS2 wasn't the weakest, the Emotion Engine was just really fucking ass to develop for. In terms of raw hardware specs, it was fairly powerful and could do some neat things, but devs only started figuring out how to actually use those specs to its fullest near the very end of its lifespan. It's why there's such an intensely sharp divide between early games made for the PS2 and later games. No one really knew how to make games for the PS2 properly until it was already on its way out.

Likewise, the reason ports tended to be worse on the PS2 was for the same reason. The architecture was horrible so devs had to downgrade their games to make them work. But it wasn't the fault of the hardware specs themselves, Sony was just retarded at making a console that was easy to make software for.
Heroes and Shadow both. For some fucking reason those ports were almost like a third-party handled them in how godawful they were. Shadow's game for example, guns mostly work pretty consistently besides finicky auto-targeting here or there unless you're on PS2, in which case the weapons didn't function properly half the damn time.
>corporate is a bunch of old retards in suits who don't know what the fuck they're talking about
While true, they still hold the final word on canon. Cope.
>It's funny, because the majority of hardware decisions on the Dreamcast were specifically made to address issues that developers had with the Saturn
>The Dreamcast did almost everything right, but by then it was just too late.
it is truly a goddamn shame that the failures of the Saturn damned its successor to an early grave. in an alternate timeline the Dreamcast would have been given a proper life and been hailed as one of the all-time greats. alas...
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I need the leaks
Incidentally, the port issue plagued the PS3 as well. CELL was reportedly awful to develop for so generally, games were developed for the 360 first and ported to the PS3. But since CELL is terrible, games were often downgraded because no one knew how to get it to work.

Between the Emotion Engine and CELL, I'm convinced that someone at Sony didn't actually want people to make games for their consoles.
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The Dreamcast has a DirectX 6 level GPU and WinCE for DC uses DX6. The Xbox GeForce 3 tier GPU on the other hand uses Direct X8.1, and DX8.1 basically rolled out as a PC update on the same day as the release of the Xbox.

Peter Moore clearly took his Sega of America and Dreamcast experience to lay the foundation for the Xbox. It's notable that the Dreamcast was discontinued in America the same year the Xbox dropped and the Dreamcast's internet support was Windows-based and Developers could choose between a Sega developed Katana development environment or Windows CE. Katana had significantly less overhead and was faster, but Windows CE made porting games from the PC significantly easier

>Microsoft developed a custom Dreamcast version of Windows CE
>Was released right after the Dreamcast was discontinued
>Literally uses the Dreamcast controller layout minus the VMU
>Sega offered backwards compatibility for Dreamcast games
>The Dreamcast was a testbed of sorts for Microsoft, with some of the console's games running on a custom version of Windows CE
>Peter Moore who worked for Microsoft on the Xbo was the president and COO of Sega of America
>The ESPN games, Gunvalkyrie, Headhunter Redemption, The House of the Dead 3, Jet Set Radio Future, NBA games, NCAA games, NFL games, NHL games, Otogi, Outrun, Panzer Dragoon Orta, Phantom Crash, Puyo Pop: Fever, Rent-A-Hero No. 1, Sega GT, Sega Soccer, the Sonic games, Spartan: Total Warrior, Spikeout, Super Monkey Ball: Deluxe, and Toejam & Earl 3 were all released on the Xbox
>Hell, Jet Set Radio Future was even bundled with it
>It went for the same audience of cool, hip, eXtreme jock gamers that the Dreamcast did
>It fully realized the online gaming feature Sega ambitiously set out to popularize despite lacking the resources

The ps3 was notoriously a nightmare to develop for so Sonic 06, Unleashed and Generations were built for 360 hardware
Is there a name for this pose? I see it in manga all the time
I wish the game got dumped half as much as Maria's truck
>Sony never actually told/showed them that they can use the Emotion Engine to do fastswap allocation, their philosophy was that their clients needed to learn it themselves
>EE fastswap allocation was still limited by the overall memory size and data bus speeds of the PS2, so the technique dropped off entirely if you wanted the game to feature a large active worldspace or a large amount of objects/meshes/textures/etc. drawn at once, during the console generation where literally everybody (other than Nintendo) wanted to make Grand Theft Auto III or clones of it

All of this is why the best looking PS2 games make a lot of sacrifices in order to look that good in the first place. Silent Hill 3 is entirely indoors with small, dark areas. Shadow of the Colossus has no frames. And of course the PS2's greatest weakness: extremely strong interlaced 480i.

PS2 Emotion Engine and PS3 CELL were nightmares for programmers. the only people who actually got to use it to its full potential were Naughty Dog. People also forget that the reason Sony was so insistent on pushing their custom in the PS2 and PS3 was because they had plans to license out the Emotion Engine and Cell technology for other uses beyond video game consoles.

Kutaragi wanted the PS3 to ship with 1 cell as a cpu and 1 cell as a gpu. Mark Cerny is fucking insane for STILL having only himself know exactly how the PS3 worked and never sharing it with anyone aside from those secret CELL developers at Sony.

They were either falling behind in development, or realized that this was utter fucking stupidity, so they went plan B and asked Nvidia to give PS3's GeForce 7800 was also kind of old, being a pre-unified shaders design that was absolutely obsoleted within a year of the console's release by the 8800, bolted it on, and shipped it. PS3- 1 Core Cell PPC / 6SPE with 7800GT graphics
Desu i think when izuka said that he just meant that Shadow is to much of an autist to register Omega and Rouge as "friends" even though they for all intents and purposes are
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>tfw Gaystation kid that played Heroes, Shadow, and 06 all on PlayStation consoles
Fuck knows how I squeezed any enjoyment out of Heroes or Shadow as a kid. I recall Shadow PS2 randomly freezing near the end of runs making it impossible to complete certain paths.
to this day I still wonder how the fuck they got Metal Gear Solid 4 working on that thing
Or it might be he just thinks of them as reliable allies and is just deathly afraid of becoming intimate with anyone again after what happened to Maria.
>But since CELL is terrible, games were often downgraded because no one knew how to get it to work.
Honestly if their stupid ass crazy setups weren't so convoluted and crazy it could've competed with the Xbox 360 on an even level probably, but nope, Sony just went full retard and only won on the PS2 by sheer "foot in the door" legacy combined with broad global markets.
Yeah. MGS4 looked surprisingly good for a relatively early PS3 title.
The PS3 is SLICK
You can use emulators now.

The best release of SA1 is GDI US 1.005 (1999.10.05)

The best release of SADX is SADX PC (not the Steam release) with SADX Mod Loader and its dependencies, as well as Dreamcast Conversion and several other mods, which are sorted and configured automatically

Sonic Adventure original GDI (US 1.005, animated title screen)
Sonic Adventure DC-HD patch on flycast emulator (60 FPS, widescreen)
Sonic Adventure 2 GDI (US v1.008)

Sonic Heroes (PAL is bugged)
Shadow (PAL is bugged)

>Windows PC
Sonic Adventure Deluxe (not the Steam release)
SADX Mod Installer

>List of available Sonic Adventure (+DX) builds. SA1 can barely manage 30 fps on Dreamcast and had performance issues thanks to it using its own lighting engine, which is probably a huge factor into why SA2 runs at 60

>Blog examines the differences between Dreamcast, Gamecube and PC versions of Sonic Adventure, focusing on changes in the Gamecube and PC ports that can be considered downgrades from the original Dreamcast

>Sonic Adventure 2 Comparison: 700+ Changes from Dreamcast to Gamecube (20th Anniversary special)
I think its both - being afraid to get close to someone doesn't necessarily mean that he hasn't accidentally gotten close to them by the time 06 rolls around
Windy Valley beta pushed Dreamcast to its limits and ran at 15fps

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Nanny dog
Could PS2 handle Halo or Shenmue?
What was his name again?
Ebony Cucker Tucker
Burakku Buru.
Umbral Pug
Blue Falcon
Dark Dog
alabaster cow
Don't go there!...yet!
Nice to know Vector is supportive of suicide under the right conditions.
Surprised Charmy is still alive
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Hilarious how much better SA2 looks
>we'll never get another moment where Vector attempts to talk Shadow out of killing himself
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>After this post you now see the drill spirals as eyes
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Escape from the City
Tyrone probably
Kino as fuck, and also scary when I was a kid. Biolizard freaked me out.
Was ARK defense just punishment? Like nobody goes there
>"I'm gonna be desperaaaate~"

Soul Kino, that set the foundations of the early 2000's.
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So is this the final boss or what
Yeah probably, Neo devil doom
Biohazard always kinda seemed lame to me. Like it didn't really seem like that big of a deal. Even when it merged with the Ark, it was kind of half-assed.
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What about the weird biblically accurate angel doom thing?
> be globohomo corporations
> create new whizz bang cpu they think might make them money
> looked awesome on paper
> underperforms
> very complicated to program
> games developers given fuck all time to learn a devkit for a cpu completely alien to everyone
> open source, middleware and game developers spend years mastering it and developing better tools and games
> sony gives up on this abortion and moves to intel x86
> loses billions of dollars on the cell meme
the end
I always assumed they were some kind of cybernetic eyes and never conceived of them as drills.
That would ruin fucking everything.
There was a webm where it had a hole in the top so I think final level is platforming into it
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Bros...Uhh, what exactly are they doing here?
It always bothers me when /v/ debates controller layouts and there's always some guy who comes in complaining that the Xbox layout was just different from the SNES to be contrarian, or to avoid a lawsuit from Nintendo or something. Like no, retard, it's literally the DC controller layout, which you can trace back to the earliest SEGA home consoles having the leftmost button be the first button.
Jerking off the Chaos Ghosts.
kino. Supporting Me is the best Shadow-related song in the entire series for a reason
>kino. Supporting Me is the best Shadow-related song in the entire series for a reason

I would presume so. where'd you find this?
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A thread or two back, anon posted a mega link of leaks that have been posted.
I don't think my tired stupid ass can really articulate what I think good enough at the moment, so I will refer to >>692186795
>The Biolizard of course, is unironically what I'd call Shadow's swan song. "Supporting Me" sounds just like the title, Shadow has finally given up revenge and learned that he wants to protect the world but he doesn't really know how to do this. He will do everything in his power, knowing that Maria is supporting him in order to fulfill her last wish, even if it means his untimely end, which the song references at the end of the song as well.
Supporting Me is a song and it's the best one? The fuck kind of a QRD do you expect for a statement like that?
ah. could you link it to me? I can't be bothered to go digging myself because I'm a mega retard
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SA2 is actually sick, you're just bad
Treasure Hunting.
I rest my case.
It doesn't fart like her does
Based Cory Beck
Those are sick as well and I'm tired of pretending they aren't
NTA but I have a link. Not sure if this is everything but it's the link I have handy atm.
SA2 is sick, but Crazy Gadget can go fuck itself.
thank you!
So you are a shit eater?
holey moley
i will now buy shadow's game
How is Sonic able to boost when his feet aren't touching the floor?
No, I'm just a nuanced and sophisticated young man
>he cant instantly generate speed
holy shit I was in the voice call where some of these fucking edited leaks were made before dipshits reposted them onto Twitter. the goddamn premydaremy Mephiles lmfao
If Shadow's boost comes from his shoes, how come he's able to boost while grinding even though his shoes aren't active?
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Can Sonic Generations even run on the Switch? Lol
Could they spam more of these generic platform assets?
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>the one vid that literally has the idiot leaker's reflection plastered all over it
Why wouldn't it?
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Sonic is often implied (but iirc never confirmed outright?) to have wind manipulation powers or some kind of affiliation with wind.
Did that halfpipe really need that spring?
Shadow's boost doesn't come from his rocket-skates, but he does use them to propel himself forward during the boost. probably just because he's a fucking show-off
The xci still hasn’t been leaked?
>4090 or 7900 XTX

Can I run Shadow Generations?
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how many days until we get a switch versioin leak?
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this shit is cold as fuck tho
That CUNTING xci remains unleaked. Zoomgroid retail workers aren't as smart as they once were. Can't figure out how to dump it I guess
unfortunately not
that isn't the leaker; that's premydaremy, a retarded Sonic YouTuber
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the original version of All Hail Shadow...
The Szuters/Magna-Fi acknowledgement in 2024? I never thought I'd see the day
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damn shame that, since it went unused in '05, Who I Am isn't gonna be in here, but still. fuck yeah, Magna-Fi
How is he retarded, mate? Hating on his British accent?
Does anyone remember Cobanermani456? He had a literal schizo meltdown a couple years ago.
Someone better mod in Tripod Baby (m-flo loves Shadow the Hedgehog).
Yea. Apparently he's in recovery now. I guess him doing SxSG could make for a good com-



the guy who did Sonic Generations mod videos? yeah, I remember him. last I heard, he disappeared off the face of the Earth several years ago. I wouldn't know what's happened to him since
Forces-tier level designs
Can't risk the player deviating from the intended path or potentially having FUN now can we?
Those are indeed sick. However the nerfed radar makes half of the treasure hunting stages a living nightmare.

Modding the game to make a better radar is a must. Not an option, a freaking must.
It's lukewarm and tepid, zoomer.
damn. Already seen everything there
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Almost Dead?
It's good song, dummy. What are you doing here if you don't know that?
>waking up
uhhh, I'm thinking BASED
When it comes to Radical Highway, that clip was bit by bit just the original stage's opening lol
Are any of the original sonic generations level designers even working at sonic team anymore.
I only ever saw his videos around some time, and from what I know, after Etika died he just kinda snapped for some reason. His latest video was a mental health update from around 2023 winter I believe, and it's fucking astonishing how much of a basket case he was from the beginning. He has an extremely unhealthy attachment to Sonic, the characters, to the point of literally using Eggman as a weird father figure and strangely bonding with Eggman's breakdowns in the comics. He may as well be the black version of Chris Chan without the incest. This is why I never trust people who are always so happy and cheery, they're more likely to be mentally unhinged, immature children.
Why are black weebs typically so fucking weird and broken? I keep asking, and no one can give me a good answer.
It still baffles me that they chose Forces and Frontiers to bring in stages from. There's a shitload of side games they could've picked from and instead they picked two of the blandest games in the series visually
More like Shadow the Hedgehog tier. In general, Generations does make some attempt at kinda mimicking the overall designs of the original stages.
>It still baffles me that they chose Forces and Frontiers to bring in stages from. There's a shitload of side games they could've picked from and instead they picked two of the blandest games in the series visually

It's easier because they're on the same engine

Having to remake SA2, Heroes or 06 stage is a lot more work.
Where are the planes bombing the road?
All footage from this game seems like Press X to win.
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Is Shadow really a Vegeta clone?
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(sick-ass solo)




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>Only has one spring in the center
Completely soulless
Yes except Shadow loses to his rival all the time.
>It's easier because they're on the same engine
Sonic Team needs to lose the source code for this shitty engine and be forced to start from scratch. I'm gonna be praying hard to manifest this reality this Sunday, and I encourage all like-minded sonicfags to join me.
They took a stage from Frontiers? What stage? The fucking cyber challenges?
I don't care. Sonic Team needs to stop being so lazy. They also need to start putting out games more regularly
The thing is that, most employees are new and don't really have a single idea on how HE2 works
They made a stage based on Chaos Island. The volcano one with the annoying 2D sections.
It's retarded on every single level
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Do y'all really want Sonic to be on UE5?
Could that really be worse than the state we're in now
But the islands don't even have any real level design. It's just wide open areas with haphazardly placed challenges. It has no real setpieces.
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Fuck off
But also yes, it being on UE would be preferable to them continuing to use HE2, because at least UE was made by people more competent than modern Sonic Team. I'd rather they just go back to HE1 but that's never gonna happen
they should have kept this in and used it as the final boss theme because, thematically, this fits so much better in the Devil Doom fight than I Am... All of Me

but, nooooo, they just had to leave that track unused, and now it's just being left to rot in an album from 2007
I know, but that's what they've done. Maybe they'll be cute and shove in the pinball table.
It does beg the question though of why they chose Forces and Frontiers but not Lost World.
>I'd rather they just go back to HE1
Not to mention how Sonic's control and physics have just degraded with each game. it's so fucking dumb
Imagine if Shadow came out during the trophy and achievement age. You would need to do all 326 routes for the platinum.
Lost World probably doesn't suit Shadow I guess.
>The assets of Forces and Fronteirs are more recent and thus - easier to use
>Lost World has literally no levels or ideas worth Salvaging
Because Unleashed was the last time Sonic Team had an actual budget. It's a shame that they effectively perfected boostshit controls and level design for the original Gens and then just threw it all away for Lost World and we've been putting up with the consequences of that decision since then
>Implying Forces had anything worth salvaging
>Lost World has literally no levels or ideas worth Salvaging
Having a parkour system is a good idea. If Sonic Team had a clue about anything, they would have realized that was a good idea worth salvaging, rather than just mindlessly throwing everything from Lost World out with the bath water. And no, the shit in Frontiers doesn't count.
>just mindlessly throwing everything from Lost World out with the bath water
They've been using Lost Word as the base for all of their games since what the fuck are you talking about? That's why every Sonic game has controlled like shit since then, because they keep building off Lost World instead of doing something new or using the Unleashed/Gens controls
I like Infinite and the Idea of a level being a town in the middle of egg man sanctioned rape, but that's why i specified "IDEAS" because forces doesn't do jack shit with anything

That is just actually true. My apologies
I meant throwing out the IDEAS from lost world. I'm pretty sure the only reason they used Lost World as a base is because that's just the newest code they had lying around, and they're literally too incompetent to retrofit the Gens controls into the new version of the engine. That, or they don't even notice or care that what they're doing is bad.
What went so wrong with Forces again?
Very weird the xci isn't out yet, wow
What didn't go wrong with Forces?
Awful graphics
No good cutscenes like in Unleashed
Awful laughably bad story
Essentially mobile game gameplay of press X to win
I'm sure it's a mix of all of that. Somewhere there's a world where Sonic Team instead ported the parkour back into the Gens controls and stopped relying to nostalgia.
I wish I lived there
Team Dark. Shadow, Rouge, and Omega were excellent characterization-wise, despite Pontac and Graff. damn shame that that came at the cost of Shadow doing fuck-all in the actual plot
>Essentially mobile game gameplay of press X to win

Sonic had a ...rough... transition to 3D
So I found this comparison graphic, and I thought it was neat, so I went down a giant rabbit hole.
I went down a giant rabbit hole too if you know what I mean ;)
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Look familiar?

It's Maria from the anime Maria von Trapp. She is voiced by Yuri Shiratori, the same VA that voices Maria in the Sonic series.

The Japanese love doing these kinds of things don't they
>"From the makers of Sonic Colors and Sonic Generations" (very few actual devs from those teams)
>Brought back Classic Sonic for no reason, made him control like absolute shit
>Also made all his stages have awful music
>"Green Hill's looking a lot like Sand Hill"
>Pretending to do a "serious" story but not giving it any stakes
>Tiny, pathetic levels broken up by cutscenes in the middle of them
>Reuses the Nega Wisp final boss AGAIN
>Modern Sonic controls like shit because they retrofitted the boost into Lost World instead of just going back to Gens gameplay
What have I missed?
And then after Sonic Adventure 2 came out, they did pic related in the anime movie Inochi no Chikyuu: Dioxin no Natsu.
Unfunny retard
maria wears red tho?
Looks like I hit a sore spot
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Hilarious Scholar
Funny genius
And to follow up on this: Look who is sitting under the tree in the Inochi movie.

This "Maria" character has been going on for three and a half decades at this point.
Except you ain't got nothing to hit on
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Why couldn't we have gotten Sonic x Ecco Generations instead?
do you have any proof or is this just a meme graphic?
It was directly confirmed.

Oh, and you know what the best part about this scene is? If you haven't watched the anime, you'd think the two characters were having a lovey dovey scene, but guess what? The male in this scene just got finished raping the girl in order to get back at a scientist colleague. It's messed up.
first typhlosion and now this
i can't take this japan is too weird
>Knuckles was suppose to be cool this year
>Instead he got a shitty show starring Wade, and Jobs hard to Shadow in the movie
>It's the 30th anniversary of Sonic 3 game too
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Why is AMWF so common in anime?
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>be me
>waiting for game leaks
>get this instead
Don't get me started on Cream's origins...
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Nobody tell Reisen wife's husband about this or he's gonna freak
next you'll tell me sonic the hedgehog is not actually an original character
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Japan literally always pushed amwf in every anime
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>next you'll tell me sonic the hedgehog is not actually an original character

Parkour was too slow.
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>just want to see the game
>get a giant mountain of lore dumped on my head
>This "Maria" character has been going on for three and a half decades at this point.
Oh I'd say much longer than that.
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Too bad it's only a tech-demo and the dev is MIA
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smash or pass
Where the hell are the reviews for this game?
Is this the leaker we're all waiting around for?
why dont one of you cuts hit up your local target and try to get the game yourself
i wonder how much he actually took from that anime
Ever wonder why Shadow was in a pod in that scene?
Ever wonder why Maria's last request was to watch over the Earth to give humans a chance to be happy?

It can be a pretty eye-opening experience when you learn that a plot you thought was original and creative had parts of it directly taken from somewhere else. But this is true of nearly all Japanese media. It's just their culture.
I disagree, Sonic controls so much better in Generations, but I enjoy how slippery and buggy Sonic is in Unleashed, Colors is whatever
Terrible fucking level design with linear paths that don't stray too far from the designated path. Said levels also filled with absurd padding like having literal walls of robots or boost pads that serve no purpose than to highlight how linear said level design is. Double boost is a laughable gimmick. The QTE cutscenes that interrupt the levels suck ass. The Avatar is just a poorly thought out concept top to bottom.

It wants to prioritize style over substance while simultaneously having neither.
The cherry on top is that their reincarnations end up marrying and the guy is like 9 years younger than the girl.

Japs deserve the low birth-rate.
japan why...
It makes sense from a narrative standpoint since the boy endured 9 years of insanity thanks to the treatment but looking at it out of context it does look pretty horrific. But then again this is 1990s Japan we're talking about it here so it could be on purpose.
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Maekawa has stated many times that it's his favorite anime and he directly made Shadow and Maria based off of it. On his Twitter, even. Openly retweets and leads Shadaria shipping as well. Or "Shadmari" as he likes to call it. https://x.com/mizuhano/status/1076067225386110977
When people say the Sonic fanbase is "messed up", at least there are actual reasons why...
Nothing messed up about it. It's all as it should be.
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>Shadmari police, hats off !
Christ, he really is a shipper
>Nothing messed up about it.
I'm not talking about the Maria x Shadow pairing.
I'm talking about...other things...
Im going insane, nobody post this fucking XCI game, MY GOD just share already XD
The kid was a giant asshole in his past life because MUH TRAUMA and he even raped somebody and he proceeded to be an asshole because he was mad about his 9 years of being TRAPPED AND BETRAYED. Only women can think he's sympathetic and not just a massive karma houdini.
>Complaining about an age gap that small
Are you gay?
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>being on UE would be preferable
>fast gameplay with constant stutter
>waiting for xci
>autistic retards arguing about a hedgehog and a child fucking
i hate you all please somebody post the rom so i never have to come here again
Someone is making a Shadow mod for Frontiers.

Man's just staying true to his original vision.
Yes that would be preferable to HE2
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>53 years old and acting like a DeviantART kid
How does this happen?
Have you seen Frontiers' pop-in?
Now this kind of autism. I can get behind.
That's typical Sonic Team incompetence rather than an actual tech issue. Imagine that Sonic Team with their hands on Lumen and Nanite on top of typical UE shader compilation BS.
God forbid a man have a hobby
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Why the hell are people shitposting about Sonic beating Shadow again as if that's news?
We played Generations 13 years ago and know that, unlike Adventure 2, the end of Generations can't happen if Shadow won. This feels like shitposting about information that's a fucking decade old.
Also Sonic beat Super Emerl in 30 seconds while in base and Shadow outright calls him the ultimate lifeform in SA2.
This feels like a /dbs/spic psyop to just start shit for starting shit. Get a hobby.
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Sonic will never be good...
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>Sell your kidney if you have to
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The man is passionate about Shadow.
Sonic was never good
Reminds me of when Iizuka said he hears Sonic talking in his head, and Aoi saying she wants to be Shadow's mother.
This, but Mario
So like Vegeta
Nope, Vegeta has never lost to his rival and have in fact only won.
Dilate furfag
Vegeta won both his fights
Based kek
Vegeta lost all the time but Bejita is 3-0 against SHARTku
And Sonic's girlfriend/wife. It's also how that Game Awards fight between the Sonic and Genshin fandom ended up spawning the ship of Sonic and Lumine because one person drew it as a joke only to find out she's voiced by Aoi in the JP dub and more art spawned from there. She also voices Sticks.
You know, what can I say? Bitches love hedgehogs.
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Bejitafags are getting uppity again, you know what time it is.

Fucking kneel.

Literally saves a bunch of animals from eggman
Good as in high quality games
No one cares about sonic in japan
Vegeta has a higher winrate than SHITku btw.
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THE SCORE speaks for itself
This meme died when Frontiers came out. Japan loves that game and Sonic's been more popular there since. Though, he's always had a dedicated fandom there, even if it's smaller. Idiots like you just like to pretend they never existed.
Black Bull status?
Nothing sadly.

Now that we are talking about Black Bull, how fucking retarded is it that both bosses in the true hero path of Shadow 2005 is Black Bull? Did they run out of time and forgot to place the 2 fights in different paths?
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If I recall Etika and his then-girlfriend were involved in a luciferian cult (verifiably true as Etika before his death had a lot of masonic symbolism in his videos) and I'm pretty much positive that Cobanermani knew about it before hand, it's not some random mental breakdown like most people would think
Who cares at this point every game is made on UE5 now
HE1 mostly deals with graphics and lighting but honestly, it would be better if they just made games in UE5 from hereon because we're pretty much at that point in terms of the graphics technology, not to mention HE2 limits what kind of graphics/artstyle you can really have always defaulting to that Pseudo-realistic shit you see from PSO which got old years ago.
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Real shame about that one, the controls felt great. At this point I wish Sonic Team could get a handful of these fangames to just study for a while. So they can then base the core gameplay on them, and then go from there. It obviously won't fix the level design problem, but it's an actual step in the right direction. Unlike Frontiers' "Eh fuck it, you fix it." comically granular movement options in the menu. Still both amuses and frustrates me to no end. Literally just Sonic Team admitting defeat, in a way. And I guess that'll just be the standard, going forward. Which might not even be that bad, if the physics had real momentum and not... whatever the fuck webm related is.

Of course, Sonic Team seems to have an issue with interpreting what people like about things, so even if they did study some fangames' frameworks for Sonic's movement, who fucking knows what we'd actually end up getting in the final product?
I remember him from the early lets play days. I also remember all the etika shit and then during the covid era he was uploading videos where he'd hit himself in the abdomen with bricks and metal pipes and called it "Eren Yeager hardening", basically promoting a pseudo technique where you train your body to resist extreme impact blows.
They should unironically just use the bumper engine physics that the fans made and tighten it up a bit like what Spark and Rolling Rascal did
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>He may as well be the black version of Chris Chan without the incest.
what the fuck are you on about? Cobanermani is no where near as obsessed and immature as Chris Chan and was stable enough despite his troubled past to make a successful lets play channel. There was only so much he could do before his trauma resurfaced and he went on those schizo rants but everyone would prefer that over the horrible shit Chris Chan did with even less baggage(he did more than just rape his mother)
Because it's funny. /dbs/ shadowfags were getting uppity so seeing them get btfo by an event we all knew was going to happen is funny

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