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Monster Hunter Thread
Fuck 3dsbabs and their "Quality of Life" edition
"I want my IP to keep existing but also not appeal to people who learned of it the last 8 years"
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Real question, one to myself as well, why don't I just move to twitter? I get paid over there, for engagement baiting as well as genuine discourse. I can't say nigger, tranny (trannie?, still not sure on which one is the correct spelling) or faggot, but other than that I might as-well.

A hot take that is just
>too much of thing is bad
Is not a very hot take.
people like oldgen because it's the core mechanics with no added bullshits and layers
people dislike 3ds ones because it got gimped by the hardware
convenience and QoL is fine
>Convenience and Qol are fine
>I want my IP to keep existing for it to still follow CORE DESIGN PHILOSOPHY
Fixed it for you
"Quality of Life" is fine when world does it althougheverbeit.
>walking while drinking potions
>changing weapons mid quest
>sos flares
mhgu is the best game ive ever played.
rise is trash
world is trash.
>the game that laid the foundations for a lot of the shittiest mechanics in 5th gen is the "best game ive ever played"
Okay retard.
FU, 3U and 4U remasters when?
World was a mistake. But Rise helped fix some of it.
all shit. all absolute dogshit. especially and most importantly sos flares.
How to make not merely the best Monstet Hunter game, but the best video game of all time in general:

- remove ability to restock from a bottomless pit of supplies at camp
- remove harvesting spot respawning in general. Every harvest spot is single harvest per mission only.
- remove options for OP defensive builds, only way to be able to survive more than two hits without a heal is to take MR gear to HR, HR gear to LR, etc.
- fix literally all monster hitboxes to be as pixel perfect as possible
- fix attack direction detection to make actual fucking sense. No more getting karted from a righ shoulder nudge from a monster you're standing to the left of. No more getting half your health shredded and tossed in the air while standing behind a forward charging monster.
- Sophisticated damage system, with monsters suffering from weakness and sluggishness inflicted by bloodloss, slowed decision making and reaction time caused by "head breaks" (concussion), impaired ability to maintain balance due to a tail cut, loss of ability to fly (not temporary) from broken wings, etc. Things like tigrex's stumbles from broken limbs, tzitzi's inability to flash with a broken head, the principles of body damage having dynamic effects beyond "durr u get a stun free combo time" being applicable to ALL monsters.
- Changed fighting behaviour of the monster depending on above specified ailments. A monster with a tail cut should lose balance and collapse first few times it tries to to large sweeping attacks, after which it should stop trying to do them entirely and switch to a more defensive, back-to-the wall fighting style that is more it reacting to what you do rather than the standard monhun fare of you reacting and punishing the monster.
- dynamic mission timer. The more weakened a monster is when it manages to escape you, the faster the timer goes down while it's out of sight. Spending more time licking your own woulds and gathering supplies (which you are incentivised to do due to no camp restock) is a tradeoff that could potentially cost the mission. Risk/reward.
- remove the grind. No "chance to drop" bullshit. You should only have to kill a monster two, three times at most to get its full armour + one weapon.

The combination of dynamic timer, limited harvest amount and enemy attacks being extremely fair in terms of hit detection but also extremely lethal means you are incentivised to do plenty of pre-fight prep, that the resources you gather are extremely valuable due to you not being showered in them, and skilled gameplay being rewarded by the fact that you expend less and thus get to keep more.

These are the only vhanges the franchise needs. It doesn't need more bullshit monsters that all behave the same way, it does not need more grind with you doing the same fucking fights where you smash your sword against a monster that has no states of hurt beyond a binary "has health" and dead, making every monster beyond the first encounter an excercise in tedious, monotonous grind.

>b-but monster hunter has always been like this (shit)!
I don't care. This is how you make a good game. Not dogshit for retards suffering from MMO withdrawal.
people complain about 3DS qol and not the abomination that is Worlds?
>walk while using potions
>- remove ability to restock from a bottomless pit of supplies at camp
This alone is such incredibly shitty design and really makes me question why they keep ammo stocks and limited healing items around at all.
Restocking both is just a matter of leaving combat (trivial in 99% of the cases where you aren't locked into an arena) and using fast travel twice to fill up on items and return to the fight
Thats 3ds baba for ya
They started on 4U and GU, puth both on a pedestal and ingore all casualization changes these games made because it was their first MH
Just look at
>fix literally all monster hitboxes to be as pixel perfect as possible
midwit shitter opinion. ultra precise collision with imprecise movement does nothing but create inconsistency. make the hitboxes big enough to always hit when they should hit, and be less bad.
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>Wilds confirmed fully open world
2ndG remains the best game in the series
Tri and Dos = Most Soulful
Freedom / Unite = Peak Classic
Frontier = Also pretty good
World already proved that the fights with monster who have shipping container hitboxes are dogshit in comparison to one that have tight ones. The opinion of a nostalgiafagging ludite is irrelevant.
i dropped the game because i couldnt play through the whole thing with a friend
there isn't a single monster in world with pixel perfect hitboxes, so try again bud. skullgirls already proved that, at least for fighting games, it's complete dogshit.
Ez pz get the fuck outta here
Reminder that twittershit is monetized therefore advertising.
not pixel perfect. just tight. there is a difference. you don't want what you think you want.
if you are standing right in front of a monster and it swings it's arm at you, you should be hit. no, i don't care if it's arm actually intersected with your character in 3D. you are in a position where you deserve to be hit, so you should be hit, not only to punish you but also to make sure if you're using one of those fancy new counters that capcom is now obsessed with putting on every single weapon, it should activate consistently and not fail seemingly at random.
>Fuck 3dsbabs and their "Quality of Life"
It isn't 3DS players that ruined Monster Hunter with casual alterations, it's the AAA slop crowd. I started out with 4U, where the gimmick (mounting) is optional, where the QoL is optional (subquests, item set registration) and the endgame challenge is harder than anything introduced in prior games.
Isn't Rurikhan in his 30s? Why is he still playing video games?
A few more iterations and we'll have Ubisoft towers and base building
They get ad revenue for posting screenshots here?
>Where the QoL is optional
Oh yes, how could I forget the "optional" farms that were reduced to item duplication menus
The rng gacha palicos and weapons instead of actual customization and training, the imbalanced ass new weapons were CB is the best dps, slice, ko, elemental and defensive weapon, and IG just makes you immortal
Not to mention the dogshit maps, ruined artstyle and levelling quests """endgame"""
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look at him go :)
Okay so no QOL?
in that case we should take away your ability to run everywhere. In order to start up the game you will have to take a breathalyzer test to see how good your breathing is. This will determine how much stamina you get. Next you need to input your government issued ID so we can figure out your age and from that determine how fast your stamina should regen (very slow). Secondly in order to emulate balance you have to keep the controller completely still while playing or your character will topple over.
no REAL qol features (being able to eat/change gear in the hub, not having to drag all your materials to the smithy for him to make something and it just coming from the item box) are fine
its just people call the game playing itself a qol feature these days because they are lazy
I mean yeah. Capcom's appeal to the modern audience / zoomers / dumbfucks (all synonymous) ruined MonHun.
>They started on 4U and GU
Hey retard, stop bunching 4U Chads in with GU trannies. It's night and day. For You doesn't have any of the unbalanced counterfaggotry or instant evade super moves that GU did. If you found yourself mounting the monster, God forbid, climbing off is as easy as pressing B.
In fact loading screens are a quality of life. so we are going to have you wait for as the actual travel time. want to go between kokoto and pokke village? see you in 5 business days.
>Had the chance to hit both the tail and the head and i-framed out for free hits
3dsbabs cant iframe
Bet they cant even dodge roars
fuck off psppeasant
dos is the only good game in the series
Convenience isnt good for any franchise.
>3dsbabs are this delusional
Just admit 4U is dogshit
>the imbalanced ass new weapons were CB is the best dps, slice, ko, elemental and defensive weapon, and IG just makes you immortal
Okay, fine, that's 4U's one fatal flaw. It's given me a lifelong hatred for those weapon types and disdain those who use them. Every fucking 4U video is a CB and it's ridiculous. At least with GS you need punishing draw to KO monsters.
>ruined artstyle
>levelling quests """endgame"""
You mean the ones you don't need to complete for any sort of progression? Alright, in the pursuit of some actual discussion, what would you do for an endgame challenge?
>uhhh ACKSHUALLY if you run exshtenshive teshting and analyse the playback you can shee the hitbawksh ekshtends by about two and a half pikshels pasht the 3D model sho TEKNIKALLY you're not getting REAL pikshel pewfect hitbawkshesh
Quit fucking embarrassing yourself, book a flight to the Philippines or something and get your dick wet already.
Why do people play this shit? It's not even a game, but a repetitive chore. You might as well just go stacking boxes at an Amazon warehouse, which is about as exciting, except you'll make a few bucks doing it.
FYI the only way to hunt Nargacuga or Glavenus effectively is to learn to i-frame through their attacks. Even Seregios required i-frame mastery.
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Its fun. Specially with friends
And also weirdly comfy and relaxing
Weird, I know.
Atleast its better than pokemon and Soulshit
Someone not dogshit would've cut the tail in the same timeframe
Why does a successful and beloved series going strong for 20+ years suddenly need to cater to a "wider audience"? Is it because they didn't make ALL the money?
I don't like either of the three, but if forced to, I suppose I'd choose to play Soulshit.
Actually escalating the challenge, introducing unusual monster combinations and harder variants as you complete quests and rise in the ranks instead of limiting you to a small poolcpf quests you must repeat 140 times so the monster can get 25% faster and hit 200% as hard and finally be a challenge
>this is what nintentoddlers want to go back to
>I dont see the appeal of MonHun, I'd rather play its knockoff: adventure format
Lol, suit yourself pal.
I liked world until shortly after the lightning monkey fight. The game felt like it was trying it's hardest to make me wear gear I don't want to wear to beat status effect monsters.
idk going on an adventure sounds more fun than grinding same boring blue toaster fight for a thousand hunts so you can build your le ebin optimaxxed build with your ultra shiny gemmies, that you won't even use on anything because you've already hunted every monster and cleared endgame.
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>you can seamlessly move between the game's locales on foot, or your Seikret, with no loading screens
Yeah, except for the valleys between the areas that act as hallways to hide all the assets from view until they load in on the other side. Except for those seams, it's perfectly seamless.
3DS? You mean playstation trannies?
They need to focus on the worldbuilding and connection to nature aspects of the game again
They literally removed all content that was combat
>Ecology videos
>Side modes like pvp / treasure hunting
>Training school
>Better arena quests
>Secret areas, and exploration
>Different weapon lengths
>Negative armor skills
>Actual palico training
>Diva npcs
>Now even fucking poogie is gone
>Bookshelfs / magazines / npc dialpgue that expands on madeup lore
if the last decade has taught us anything, it's that it's better that IPs die outright than go to shit for the sake of chasing the "modern audience"
As I said.
You do you, pal.
Just dont forget tondo the copypasted dungeons in elden ring, or level adaptability
I'm going to be honest. I just used base ammo throughout the whole game and only crafting healing potions. I hate playing games where I have to look for specific resource to craft specific item. For me that's not the gameplay loop I enjoy.
as if it wasnt obvious enough that its fucking over already.
Sorry kiddo I only played DeS and DaS1, better luck next time.
I think 3dsbabs forget how lock on was the single biggest """QoL""" added to the series and that started with the 3ds entries. There was a huge resistance to it, but they don't care because it was their first MH.
Good choices, sadly thats all you got.
My IP does not exist anymore.
Whatever the fuck "Wilds" will be, it's not Monster Hunter.
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>nintendies still melting
love to see it
>m-muh Nintendo out of nowhere
Console war faggotry rots the brain.
Did ANYONE enjoy fighting the same boss over and over again to get a 2% chance of getting item that you needed 12 of to craft gear from the Monster. Really fucking takes away from the reward of killing something when you get nothing from it.
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Yes. Gives me a reason to learn the ins and outs of a boss.
thats why I always play multiple weapons, I can practice while farming
If you don't enjoy this you shouldn't be playing Monster Hunter. Move on. Maybe something like God of War or Diablo is more your speed.
I don't get why people hate the target camera. It centers the camera toward the monster. It doesn't keep it constantly centered, but rather when you would manually adjust the camera yourself you press L instead of the d-pad. Why is that bad?
I said if I was forced to. I don't like boring boss fights, at least not the slow, grindy ones that take forever to finish, and that rely on rote memorization, while you do chip damage or wait for some opening. They're a remnant of an old era, when arcade games and their 8-bit and 16-bit derivates were popular. That doesn't work in modern 3D Games. It's just so boring and grindy, like a job. If I'm going to to something boring and repetitive for free, I'd rather just work out, learn to play an instrument or get some other creative hobby where I get something back for my time and grinding.
The reasons I'd take a Souls game over a Monster Hunter game, is because at least the Souls games have world building, exploration and regular enemies to fight. The games are still a boring grind, and having to waste time fighting your way back to the boss if you die is another example of wasted time, and the game feeling like a chore.
In general, I just don't like jap games. They're stuck in 1990. Their arcade-style games can still be fun, because that's what they specialized in and refused to let go off, but as far as modern games go, they're either boring, grindy shit, gachapon derivatives or childish animu/waifu games, with few exceptions.
Alright, I don't like most western games anymore either, but that's mostly because the radical left ruined them, not because they're inherently bad.
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>friend carves tail
>types gem in chat
Why yes, I enjoy PLAYING Monster Hunter
Why dont you?
What's wrong with sos flares if you were gonna play solo anyways? The people who bitch about Monster Hunter now are the type of people who say you didn't beat it if you didn't solo it. But if I never have the opportunity to interact with them who gives a fuck about their opinion. It's gonna be Capcoms highest selling game regardless of their shitty opinion and I'm going to enjoy playing with my friends who are at least the fun type of autistic
Yeah don't know why others are defending it. Dark Souls would be ass if you had an RNG chance to get a boss soul.
Darks souls is ass for many different reasons tho
The gatcha ruins the gameplay loop 10000%
You get a LOT of chances to get the low chance gem items. You can get them from shinies, tail carves, regular carves, head breaks, capture rewards, etc. A 2% chance is not as low as you're making it out to be and runs when you're farming a monster won't usually take more than 10-20 minutes per run depending on your gear or strategy.
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>pozzed up the wazoo
>runs like absolute fucking shit (fuck the openworld meme)
>2070/4060 for 1080p with fake frame gen
>jewcom updates world with a wilds ads and breaks the custom quest loader
The gacha is what gives it a loop. Otherwise you fight rathalos once and it's done. That 3% drop is the only reason to interact with the game beyond it being a boss rush
>Now in Rise you dont have to, because gems and mantles can be meldee with some specials items
Ok, so by playing I can get what I am missing
>But it doesnt matter either because gems, plates and mantles drop every single quest now
Ok, now I dont even have to play the game anymore
Speedtrannies dont break monster parts or cut tails, chud
Get with the times
What a soulless fucking way to play
darksouls is dogshit regardless and it has actual gay anti fun grinds.
I really hope the guild cards are good. Rise was pretty disappointing, but I thought world had some pretty clean cards
>guy says he doesn't like games where the entire "point" is MMO tier grind faggotry that reduces every enemy encounter to an automated process you perform like a rat inside a skinnerbox
>suggest Diablo
holy shit
either a very subtle bait and switch or your mother fed you malt liquor through the umbilical.
>In Wilds we added a "QoL" change
>We stopped wasting dev time on guild cards altogether, now you share your psn / steam profile directly
>We allocated thhis extra dev time to add nothing / rework mounting for the 6th time
they used it on zorrah magderos
i wish i was joking
Rise is one of my favorite Monhun titles and I think the wirebug is hands down the best innovative mechanic Capcom ever designed for Monhun, but let's not get it twisted, you can't blame World without blaming Rise as well. They're both as guilty as sin in breaking backs to accommodate casuals.
MHWilds wont be on Switch so who will be blamed for casualizing the game?
Good news. They're adding nameplates, so your name will appear with a fancy background in the end-of-quest awards screen. They're also monetizing them. They'll be sold as microtransactions along with the other cosmetics.
I understand where he's coming from. That being said, it's obvious to see how much money Monster Hunter has made by babyfying the game, so why wouldn't they just continue that trend? They don't want to make the game for you anymore, you're not as valuable as the mass normie audience. Same shit happened in Atelier
I just want potion flexing back, even if it's behind a skill
Its being called 4U2 by 3dsbabs
So 4U will (finally) be blamed
No, see, Wilds not being on Switch means it'll be the best game ever, and anyone who DOESN'T like it is an assblasted tendie.
at least in Atelier they made the girls hotter
>calling people insecure while pretending that growing facial hair in some way makes your opinion more valid
Rise has good combat, and switching movesets midfight is a great addition
But I would place it below world for many reasons, including but not limited to
>Arcade style as is the norm for.portable entries
>Less intricate maps
>No endemic life
>Too many fucking counters / invincible moves
>Cohoot telling you where the monster is
>No poogie
>Levelling quests endgame
Atleast they brought back some interactions / traps in the maps
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>Same shit happened in Atelier
>Cleared G-rank in all games on PSP by myself since a hacked PSP couldn't go online at the time

I have to say, I'm still proud of that
I like khezu more than gigginox and find it less annoying to fight
Shiet, good job dude
It's better to have a cohoot than glowing green bugs everywhere. Some of these features are so retarded I'm amazed they were ever implemented (like rampages, which they rightfully just abandoned). The maps in World are also a pain to traverse and monsters run away too quickly. I'm pretty sure the AI gets confused where rooms end and begin, so they keep changing elevation whenever they can. It's so annoying.
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I will fight you on this. Rampages were FUN.
How many of the people crying about shambling slowly while drinking potions ever camped next to a zone line so they could heal/sharpen in complete safety? Oh, all of them of course. Lmao. Glad MH is done being handheld exclusive, I don’t miss it at all. it did highlight how much more ergonomic the psp was than the 3ds though.
Atleast you could avoid doing the claw in 3ds
Neat idea
Could've been executed better
But just like underwater
Capcom tried it and just dropped instead of bettering it.
Sadly they kept fucking mounting in the games instead of dropping it
you could do some sort of tunneling shenanigans but its not worth the effort. I was fortunate enough to be in highschool when MHFU came out so we played in the classroom (seniors who already applied for college so just twiddling our thumbs). Shit was so cash. Now we cant even find the time in our normal adult lives to even play MH online
Well, at least except for all of the impenetrable waist-high fences strewn about making the map look like swiss cheese!
>Sadly they kept fucking mounting in the games instead of dropping it
And this is what aggravates me the most about the whole thing. Capcom spent almost a decade forcing mounting down our throats before finally making it fun with Wyvern riding. Rampages clearly had potential if they continued tuning it. But they just had to cave to the complaints... or rather the designer who came up with it wasn't in the position to double down to keep building upon it.
Happy Rath.
Not him, but the actual potential issue with SoS flares is that they break the community aspect of the series. Instead of lobbies being created, forming consistent groups and coordinating hunts together you sit by yourself, fire the flare and have random people drop in and out every quest.
He had a personality back in the day. You knew he was going to be a spergy cock sucker
At least unless it winds up releasing on the switch 2, at which point it can freely be trashed.
I don’t even know why they aren’t keeping wyvern riding, it’s less dps than just hitting the monster and is something people do purely for fun. What’s wrong with having non-optimal things just for enjoyment?
World got another spike due to wilds hype.
Looks pretty in-line with how much each game sold on steam
Got any activity data for the console versions?
I always get a chuckle when I wonder where the 4th guy is and he comes crashing in with a wyvern riding
Rampages could easily have been a template for improving siege battles, but they never got it to that point.
I will miss the splitting wyvernshot, though. Worth playing rampages just to fire that thing off.
>Arcade style as is the norm for.portable entries
Sure but I like mainline and portable for different experiences and I'm fine with that.
>Less intricate maps
The maps in Risebreak are some of the most densely packed and vertically complex in the series. Maps like the Lava Caverns and Citadel are up there with the Rotten Vale and Ancient Forest. But some of the early maps like Shrine Ruins and Frost Islands admittedly are pretty simple.
>No endemic life
This was never really a feature the series was known for but it probably wasn't in Rise because it and World were developed at the same time and they didn't have time to implement everything that World had.
>Too many fucking counters / invincible moves
This is probably the biggest flaw in the combat of Risebreak, there are definitely way too many counters/super armor moves and skills. I'm fine with some weapons being cenetered around them, but giving them to every weapon so abundantly felt like it devalued positioning a lot.
Agree, but thankfully they realized their mistake and completely dropped and swept this under the rug with Sunbreak.
>Cohoot telling you where the monster is
Not much different than Psychoserum or Scoutflies.
>No poogie
Kinda sucks.
>Levelling quests endgame
World had this as well with investigations and Guiding Lands but Sunbreak did go overboard with it. We did not need quests to go up to level 300 and doing them as each update was released before they increased the level gain for lower level quests was excruciating.
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I want it to be an option that you just have at all times.
Like if I'm standing still and use a potion, it's the old style with the flex. Instant health recovery but no mobility for the duration of the animation.
Then if I use a potion while moving, it's the World style. Slow health recovery but the ability to move and cancel out of it if need be.
You know, evolution of a concept instead of outright tossing what was working for something new.
I hope you can capture wigglers again.
Admittedly, I farmed the hell out of Rampages just to listen to Ibushi's theme. But I do wish there was more coordination needed. I really enjoyed when you had to have a game plan running into a LV140 Guild Quest.
>game shilled by twitch streamers vs game not shilled by twitch streamers
>The maps in Risebreak are some of the most densely packed and vertically complex in the series. Maps like the Lava Caverns and Citadel are up there with the Rotten Vale and Ancient Forest. But some of the early maps like Shrine Ruins and Frost Islands admittedly are pretty simple.

I didn't play World but I enjoyed Rise's maps if only because the wirebug and palamute made it super fun to traverse and explore.
>you get nothing from it.
I have fun
>World had its peak of players when capcom just released a video saying
>Hey go play World
Explain why you don't like rise without mentioning graphics or rampages.
Also if your argument includes anything about wirebugs, you much defend the clutch claw.
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yes, morbillion players on the switch right now, can't show the stats tho, my girlfriend in Canada has them
>you shouldn't be able to judge and avoid attacks that should logically miss you
>there should be not clear definition for where a hit will or will not land, you should just memorize abstract hiboxes
kill yourself
when you take away the grinding what does mh even become
>Instead of adding actual content sunbreak is 50% levelling quests
>Counters galore
>More mobility
>Nothing to do in villages
>Nothing to do in quests but kill the monster
>Appealing to waifus instead of bettering the game
>Brought back flooded forest, but not underwater
>Flooded forest looks worse than in Tri (Artstyle and Lightning)
>Amatsu was too easy
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We're at the point where faggots have a problem with quests being about hunting monsters now.
Series is over.
>wanting swimming back
No, I do not need to defend shitty mechanic A to complain about even shittier mechanic B
Cooldowns have no place in monster hunter and fundamentally ruin the game.
Being able to wirebug anywhere, wall running, and the Palamute are the biggest differences between World and Rise movement.
Wirebugging was kind of in World with wedge beetles, but they were only in specific parts of the map. Wall jumping was only possible in specific areas to make it easier to do aerial attacks or initiate a mount but wasn't really used to traverse maps. Raider riding was the version of mounting they implemented in Iceborne but you had to set a waypoint on the map and couldn't freely ride around on your mount. Most of the time you had to rely on shortcuts, flying to camps, and sliding down slopes to quickly get to areas on the map.
Wheres the hunting tho?
All we do is fight
>I want every single flavor in the world to be changed to vanilla or chocolate instead of the exotic flavors that are available
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>hunting isnt fighting and killing monsters
Monster Hunter world was the first Monster Hunter game i ever played and it was given to me as a gift. I will not be buying Wilds. I have not and I will not give it any money.
When I played old MonHun there were days when I was just fucking around, collecting ore, cooking meat, doing some small hunting with weapons I don't normally use, upgrading these and other weapons and hunting for cool looking armors, sometimes I was even doing it with friends.
In new MonHun I can't do that, because what's the point of collecting honey if my storage is already overflowing with great pots that the game gave me for free? What's the point of making armors or weapons when there is THE end game weapon and everything else is just trash in comparison but also transmog so there is no reason to clown maxxing.
If you aren't gonna encourage people to make their own clown suit then you might as well remove armor as mechanic from the game and make it 100% visual thing.
Guiding Lands I found much worse. In Sunbreak you could just do the same quest to level up, then level other quests down. Needing specific monsters at specific levels for specific materials, not just hunting them but trying to get as many shinies as possible, that felt really exhausting. And at most you could handle two areas at once.
The whole concept of the Guiding Lands is flawed because staying too long still lowers your stamina. You still had to go back to deposit supplies, report the monster before calling another, if it was already out there but in the wrong area you had to leave and come back anyway. So it might as well all be separate quests. Plus, if it took 5 minutes to kill a monster, you couldn't fight the others because they would just leave before you could finish them off. I hope Wilds stays far away from this concept.

The only hard part of investigations is finding arena quests so they go by even faster.
ok then nothing valid, got it
Are you implying that discovering an IP late means you can't enjoy it for what it was?
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this is exactly how I feel about every IP regardless of medium. we used to call it "selling out" and every time it happened whatever ip tried it died
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Not pictured:
>Prepare for
Hunting is more than just fighting, retard.
And even if in the old games you didnt do much actual hunting
You needed to do way more than you do now.
Not to mention the fact that a newer game SHOULD have better hunting mechanics than the old ones, instead of none.
Miss me with your gay shit.
3U is the only one there that is actually better.
is 3U that good? I never played it
World, Frontier and 3U (even if base Tri is better)
Shit all over Gens 0.5
>phone poster is retarded
many such cases
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Nice non-argument
Too ez.
I enjoyed fucking you up, just wish you had put up atleast a bit of a fight.
You objectively do more of this in World than prior games. No, randomly walking around blindly (or just run to where you know it's spawned) until you find the monster and throw a paintball at it is not tracking, pursuing, or seeking.
Meanwhile World has you meaningfully perusing the monster, lets you draw it to different areas, lets you use various tactics to stop it leaving, attack it while it flees, etc.
>Prepare for
This has not changed.
Yeah, world does it better
And everyone shat on world foe it.
Now rise removed it completely And 3dsbabs jerk it off nonstop
Notice something there?
I really hate worlds fanbase for embracing it being dogshit easy and having 0 preparation. Why put gathering materials in the game if you just give them away constantly? Whats the point of armor and weapons if you just give away all the stuff. It is barely an RPG. Gathering items is completely useless, stamina is useless and so are potions because outside of Fatalis you can just go to the home base at any time, you can literally run away from a monster for 20 seconds and go full heal and even change gear and refresh any items at the tent. It's a fucking joke. The old game made you actually think about what to bring before a hunt started. Rise took out hot/cold drinks which made environments entirely visual and nothing more. I hate casuals because they signify that modern gamers are incredibly low IQ golems
I like Rise a lot, but goddamn it's easy. Also I like the anomaly post-game but rerolling armor gets old fast.
>You objectively do more of this in World than prior games.
yeah and all of it is terrible.
Blame 4U for the casualization
Despite it being "open world" none of them understand what exploration actually is.
Its almost like a new game should iterate and better mechanics from old games...
Nah lets just remove them and rework mounting
They'll eat this shit up anyway
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100% of what is coming with wilds is deserved because you didnt reject world.
And world happened because 3dsbabs (the kings of QoL) allowed gens and 4U to happen.
Weird, huh?
lol we'd still have dogshit mantles, tracking flies and clutch claw if they were this awful at making games.
and if they ever were good at making games it wouldnt even have left testing.
You don't track monsters, you look for tracks and the game shoves green neon signs in your face. It's far less immersive than paintballs. At least in the old games, you're looking at your map. World even added auto-running with mounts, just pin the icon and call it.
>we'd still have dogshit mantles, tracking flies and clutch claw if they were this awful at making games.
We still have verticality, mounting, levelling quests, gacha weapons and now armor, gacha palicos, and even the dogshit shagarus too
You'd think capcom would remove that dogshit after 4th gen
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>PSP children and 3DS babies think they ever experienced Monster Hunter
none of those things are as bad as the garbage world introduced.
>It's far less immersive than paintballs.
Yeah nigger getting a perfect mark on your minimap while the monster teleports between zones is the peak of immersion.
Stop being a retard.

You're also comparing initially finding the monster in world (a complete non-factor in both) to chasing the monster and continuing the hunt in the old games (something the old games do noticeably worse).
It's not about immersion, it's about how world actually adds gameplay as you hunt the monster down instead of just giving you a break and a change of scenery every few minutes. Whether you keep the pressure up or break for sharpening etc. is a legitimate choice. Chasing it to get jump attacks or lance charging it down to build a bunch of trip, or yes even clutch clawing the monster are all important factors that add to the feeling of actually HUNTING the monster.
Wow its 1 of the 25,000 people that bought MH1 outside of japan!
And hes on this very thread
is Rise easier than Worlds?
>I'm a retard nigger and I hate anything that isn't awful shovelware slop
Kill yourself nigger there is a reason World was the best selling capcom game.
GPS flies are awful kys.
Yeah, as long as you dont spam wirefall like a retard its noticeable easier
Only hard fights are Hazard Amatsu and Primordial Malzenlo
>GPS flies bad
>GPS paint good
>I refuse to acknowlege anything else world did because MUH FLIES, THE FLIES THOUGH, THERE ARE SHINY FLIES AND THEY SCARE ME
>I'm a retard nigger and I hate anything that isn't awful shovelware slop
I dont like world though? A MH game reaching the call of duty numbers should ring all alarm bells but you are a shiteater so you lack the capacity to notice.
This is kind of a false equivalence that still reflects poorly on rise

Ride’s multiplayer DOESNT FUCKING WORK. So of course it has less players
World is highest effort, least shovelware game.
MH2-4 and all of the portable games are rehashes for morons that eat shit
I want wirebugs to come back as slinger ammo or somethinf, bring 3 per quest.
there is nothing world added thats good desu.
everything is either a detriment or superfluous.
Yes and no, Sunbreak is objectively harder at the endgame. Fatalis is only hard because Worlds playerbase is awful and people cart infinitely.
>t. MR200 player with Master hunter for a new world achievement and MR200 Rise player who has killed every monster
There is no gameplay or thought involved to following scoutflies.
Also, I'm not comparing those, I'm correcting you. Randomly running around and finding monsters is the same as running around and finding tracks, but tracks are such superficial system it detracts from the hunt.
wow they wasted years on making dogshit like zoirah magdaros I am impressed.
I played most of World and Iceborne without knowing you could restock at the tent.
if you restocked at a tent you'd get flamed anyway
I downloaded an ISO and burned it to a DVD bruh.
then I threw it away after 30 minutes because MH1 is trash.
It fucking blows my mind that faggots on /v/ would want their franchise to just stay the same for 20 years. Every single change is being cried over as literally "THIS ISN'T MH ANYMORE!!!!11"
Maybe you're autistic enough to replay the exact same game for 10+ years but I assure you, your franchise will not survive and won't be able to afford new games with his kind of retarded, jaded autist approach.
>but tracks are such superficial system it detracts from the hunt
You have to at least realize how insane this sounds, right?
Nobody can take a statement like this seriously. The type of marker you're following is on both the map and showing you a trail so it somehow ruins everything, even the parts where it's not involved? Come on.
>Rise’s multiplayer DOESNT FUCKING WORK
Works on my PS4.
Also remember playing Dos in half moonrunes
Still started on the Psp's Dual Pack
Fatalis has bullshit difficulty, it's as cheap as you can make a boss fight. But in general Sunbreak has faster and more dangerous monsters.
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I hated the Fable 3 Golden Trail, I had the lime green version of it to.
Fatalis is a lot harder than every single tough monster in sunbreak from max anomaly to the hazard’s. But yeah sunbreak is overall way more difficult. Just compare the basic bitch monsters you farm. Fucking risen shaggy vs some shitter like rajang
Hey news flash!
Fighting games are still being made retardo, and probably selling the best ever since the arcades
Most people just rush the monster in both Rise and Worlds, even if they are bad and get carted because of recklessness.
if you think clawing refers to clutch claw you never played real MH desu
The flies didn't just show you where it was, it showed you where it was going. It showed you when it was close to death. It even showed you when it was enranged so you knew when you could slam it into a wall.
you rejoice while every game gets turned into the same ubislop abomination and call that amazing progress.
Yeah, looking at a map and figuring out where to go is different from following a glowing trail. Or like I already mentioned, auto-running on your mount like it's a phone game.
The only cheap thing fatalis has is the belly flop being random, everything else is a skill issue
Sunbreak only gets hard after you farm the dogshit quests until they are level 360 or whatever the cap was.
And by that point you have like 90 armor skills
fighting games started pandering to retards who hate the genre too. pretty much like MH.
but no they arent doing better than in SNES times. just better than since like PS2 times.
>mentally ill tribab thread
lmao this faggot nigger has been spamming this same mentally ill 3ds crusade all over the board even /vg/
reminder that tri is fucking dogshit btw, worthless fucking game that casualized the series with 50 armor because tribab tendies can't handle the difficulty, less weapons and monsters than even previous games, charm table that fuck you over for creating your character at the wrong time and day of the week, and the shitty fucking underwater that got removed forever good fucking riddance lmao
It can also twist it's noodle head around and snipe you without looking.
So... The same thing as in rise but with an ingame explanation?
You can do literally all of this in Rise but for free, not even locked to a skill
>every game
If you played more games instead of reading about then on /v/ you would know that's not even close to truth.
I played enough games to know the exact truth.
even street fighter has gay pointless open world shit now.
off yourself.
Lego did the same thing when it went open world. That's just proves it's a feature for children.
>50 armor
The 50 armor was in 3U, which was on 3ds btw
>world sperm not knowing what game tri is
Sunbreak has harder breakpoints for the TU updates, like if you stopped playing before primordial malzeno on say flaming espinas you’ll come back and get one shotted by random wing swipes. The update power creep was insane in sunbreak.

When you actually get everything farmed, it’s not really different from world.
So it's worse, yes. Old good, new bad. The explanation was the owl, your Cohoot. Everyone forgets about the Cohoot.
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>Literally all of the complaints are about shit added on the 3ds version of Tri
Cant make this shit up
wilds will be the first MH Im not buying at launch or at all in over a decade.
its over.
>Cohoot can magically tell when a monster is near death
>He bou
>tribab mental breakdown lying again
apparently 3U removed the dual blades and added charm tables absolute state of tribabs HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAA
>He bought Rise at launch (prior to any updates)
Damn, I am so sorry dude.
3U did add the charm tables, yes
Ah yes the game was definitely better watching my character take 1000000 years gathering bullshit off the floor and mining rocks instead of HUNTING MONSTERS
Yeah. Owls are birds of prey. They can tell when something's gonna die.
don't forget tri didn't add underwater btw, it was a 3U exclusive mechanic according to tribabs
I wouldn't if they made him more Poogie-like. Dude barely has a presence in the hub, though I do like his nest.
It really blows my mind that people STILL treat Rise as if it was never updated past version 1.0
Do people still treat World like it doesn't have deviljho, lunastra, etc. or 4U like it doesn't have G-rank fatalis?
No, retard. Rise doesn't have obnoxious magical trails telling you where to go, when to go. In world as soon as the monster decides to leave they fly out of your pocket and light up the area.
had a better time with base rise than base world desu.
just didnt enjoy having to redo it all on PC later.
It's how everyone played those games: everyone bought World when it was the $20 Iceborne Master Edition on sale, and everyone got Rise at launch and never played it again.
Base 4 was probably the worst Monster Hunter game ever.
It was literally unfinished
Thats why it wasnt even released overseas
Is that Time Gnomes rurikhan?
Rise had the issue of adding too many animal buddies
The poor owl got overshadowed by the bugs and the dogs.
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I imagine that everyone who creates / saves / reposts these "i am a surgeon" edits has to be a miserable faggot IRL. Just about every game that comes out people seemingly make an edit for that game or another game that's somehow a "rival" game. The more I lurk this board lately the more I feel like 80% of the content on this site could seamlessly be replaced by A.I
So people are retards who have no idea what they're talking about and refuse to listen when corrected.
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Good monster hunter games according to ''''true monster hunter fans''''':
>monster hunter /freedom - BAD
>monster hunter dos/F2/FU- GOOD
>monster hunter frontier- BAD
>monster hunter tri/3U -BAD
>monster hunter 4/4U - BAD
>monster hunter generations/GU - BAD
>monster hunter world/IB - BAD
>monster hunter rise/SB - BAD
>monster hunter wilds - BAD (probably)

No idea why MHfags claim to love a series in which they technically only enjoy a single entry in the series
do people miss swimming? the only thing i didnt like was how hard it was to see shit
You forgot the 4U ans Gens dickriders that think anything olden than gen 4 is too clunky
And anything from gen 5 is too casualized
FU is literally the only good one thoughbeit
from best to worst
Not exactly, I miss the monsters that could swim/were in water. And the Ceadeus encounter was something special.
It unironically was the right direction
Instead of hunters magically being able to fly
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it was not all there yet but it was super interesting.
if they had refined it over the generations we couldve had something very nice by now.
but instead they keep reshuffling the dogshit rodeo minigame instead.
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FU-4U is golden era. GU is a bonus meme for those who want more.
Anybody who disagrees is a newnigger and shouldnt be allowed to post here.
>1 - Good base
>2 - GOOD
>Frontier - peak classic
>Tri/ 3U - Most soulful
>4/U/Gens - shit
>World/IB - Peak modern monhun
>Rise/SB - dogshit
Underwater dlc for wilds all but confirmed at this point.
there's nothing interesting about dedicating an entire version of the hunt to just using the lances because moving is fucking dogshit and you have no choice but to block
Reminder that in the time it took for world to get deviljho, Rise added
>dos elders
>allmother narwa
>crimson glow valstrax
>hunt quests for all apexes
>Allmother narwa
>Rise literally didnt have a final boss at launch
shill opinions don't matter
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I don't want a seamless open world. Everyone already has that. I like dropping into a 10-30 minute hunt in a singular zone then leaving when I'm done. It was part of the charm for me (worldbab). World and armored core 6 has me gaining great appreciation for short containerized levels instead of open worlds.
>World got post-launch content
>Rise got the rest of it patched in
he's a tribab tendie too
every single one of those big MH influencers like this dude and gaijin were filtered by FU and only liked the series with tri because it was easier
>This 3dsbab doesnt even know Tri is probably the 2nd hardest non Ultimate game in the series
All of them began on 4U btw
Sounds more like World locales stitched together than a true open world
It did. Narwa.
Yes, it's the final boss of the base game, no matter how hard you seethe about it.
>buy world because steam sale
>enjoy it
>look up stuff about the game online
>new monster SUCKS because
>my pickaxe isn't made of cardboard and doesn't break after 3 hits
>you choose to darksouls summon some buddies to help me kick the shit out of a boss
>you don't have to pause the game every 3 minutes to navigate via a map on a separate screen
Are all monster hunter fans autistic masochists that take fun in inconvenience rather than the actual gameplay or is it just proud hipster faggots that want to gatekeep their series to death? Genuine question
Sounds like you got filtered, hammer also played perfectly fine underwater, not to mention had they just refined it every weapon would eventually be just fine underwater.
The other anon is right, fuck mounting I don't get why it keeps coming back especially with how fucking brain dead it is in gen 5.
Is that why world launched with armor skills tied to status ailments that weren't even in the game yet?
Wilds looks so boring
world is dogshit sorry that you missed out on the good games.
Which one was that, again?
lmao they literally have a podcast called "third fleet" because they're tribabs KEK
defense lock
Didn't the bugs in Rotten Vale do that to you? Still way too niche.
I dont know ecelebs, sorry
I just like stirring shit
No, they inflicted something else.
The only thing Wilds needs to do to be 10/10 is bring back Queropeco and give us panty shots of the armorer
4U is fucking unplayable because of no walking while drinking. You literally cannot ever at any point in time drink a potion safely unless you change area.
>Just change area then!!1!
Really? That's good game design to you? That's WORSE than walking while drinking because now you're 100% safe.
>complaining about mounting, a mechanic you have to go out of your way to literally trigger on purpose and can cancel with 1 button
>b-but le hecking swimming could have been good though even though it was fucking garbage and forced mechanic!
ok retard
always knew you were a braindead mentally ill tranny
Every game has cut content or unfinished stuff
Some minor, like 1 skill like world
Some major like literally missing the ending of the game like base 4 and allegedly Rise
>seething tendie is seething
tri didn't even have all the weapons lmao
>Not knowing ecelebs
>Being mentally ill tranny
>You having to go out of your way to mount monsters
Thats why they added the option to NOT automatically mount a monster after just attacking it in Rise?
>PSP fag thinks he ever experienced Dos
>Thats why they added the option to NOT automatically mount a monster after just attacking it in Rise?
Hilariously, /v/ seethes even harder about that than any other mounting system.
lol rise didn't have mounting fucking retard
rise had wyvern riding and was triggered in a different way and was also forced on you like swimming, that's why they let you get rid of it just like how they got rid of swimming kekaroo
That option took until sunbreak came out to be added, thought that was worth saying
When it doubt assume it's tendies.
Mounting is aids, straight up. It's extremely easy to activate it too. Since the love putting ledges and slopes everywhere.
Swimming was a great idea. Sure some weapons played like shit, but that can be fixed. It also adds a lot to monsters and maps.
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Skill issue.
Lmao Rise is so
>*wallbangs monster*
fucking easy, there's just
>*wallbangs monster*
too many QoL improvements
>*puts on mantle of invincibility*
that make the game
>*wallbangs monster*
way too easy
>*wallbangs monster*
>*Counters your post*
Not an argument
Now post 3DS footage instead of faggot emulator shit.
>It's extremely easy to activate it too.
nope, you'd have to be a retard to trigger a mount on accident
>Since the love putting ledges and slopes everywhere.
skill issue lmao there are hundreds of videos on youtube with full hunts that never trigger mounting, go watch those videos and learn to play the game
worked on my pc this last year
That game is ancient man
>It's extremely easy to activate it too.
Turn off attack to mount, mongoloid.
>Tribabs are the cancer killing the community
How could we know, they would be the last sane Gen
>Just turn off thus dogshit mechanic
Tell that to everyone playing for the first year and a half after Rise launched
Literally impossible to do
*Invincible move thru your post*
>Maps like the Lava Caverns and Citadel are up there with the Rotten Vale and Ancient Forest
Least delusional Rise enjoyer
If anyone is killing the game it's Capcom searching for a larger playerbase
Have you played hammer? Charging on the slightest slope will cause you to slidey. If I wanna attack I can do a jumping pound or the spin move either one is gonna cause me to mount.
>Dur just stop sliding
There have been several times where I release a chaege the fucking instant the character slides. Then I have to do that stupid flashy spin move, then I have to watch my character mount, before I can fucking get back on the ground.
Where's that option in world? When I said gen 5 mounting is dogshit I meant it for both games.
I agree with you. Context sensitive actions in MH are AIDS.
that's not a problem of mounting or slopes, that's a problem of sliding that got introduced in world
>you don't have to pause the game every 3 minutes to navigate via a map on a separate screen
Not really, I'm just about over this series after World and Rise
Maybe if you had complained about the maps in 4 being 60% slopes...
Capcom wouldnt have expanded on it
Sure but why does one move activate mounts? In world one jumping pound from hammer is enough sometimes. It's so odd to me that it's that easy.
You are going out of your way to mount dude
This 4U feature is perfect and completely optional
slopes don't break the game, literally just learn to position
it makes the game even more dynamic if you know how to place yourself so you can hit the brachy's head with a sword and shield
shitters complaining about ledges and slopes like they're impossible to play around with or even be used in your advantage
if you don't like the area then throw a dung pod, you did your preparation didn't you?
this but unironically
After you learn to fight underwater and learn to navigate ancient forest
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sexxo guild cards
lmao no, I'm not interacting with your garbage underwater mechanic
No I'm not, if a monster decides to hang out a slope, I i even fucking tickle the charge button I have to slide. So either I don't use one of the most fundamental mechanics for the hammer or I'm force to trigger one mount and hop off.
Filtered pleb
No wonder you like dogshit maps like Ancestral Steppe
Go back to climbing walls and slopes all day
been climbing since FU
keep seething tribab kek
>no u: the thread
saved you reading 300 consolewarring posts
I'm glad that people love their first monster hunter (world) but I hate seeing their take on the series when their only exposure is world.
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>hecking yes sister imagine if you can not only whiff from distance, you can also whiff because the monster is above and below you! also you can't fucking dodge lmao pick the lance dildo and block faggot KEK
>3dsbab tries to side with FU Chads
Water doesn't break the game, literally just learn to position
it makes the game even more dynamic if you know how to place yourself so you can hit the Lagiacrus' head with a sword and shield
>shitters complaining about underwater like its impossible to play around with or even be used in your advantage
>if you don't like the area then throw a dung pod, you did your preparation didn't you?

YOU, the CONSUMER don't get it.
You had MH games since 2005 be the same, then World hits in 2018 and to market to a wider audience.....things were made easier.

>tries to copy paste and still fucking fails
holy kek amazing display of iq from tribabs
get filtered by FUGODs tendie sissy
Looks kino as fuck
Looks like it has the best ost in the series too

One of the most kino fights in the series
>rabid shitposter still seething about 4U when the online servers literally have been shut down for almost a year
Actually hilarious that there are people who will argue World isn't the best MH game. Numbers don't lie.
Sorry dude, servers being dead doesnt stop this mediocre slop of being the most overrated.
So you must think League is an amazing fucking game then.
Fucking sheep.
Kys or learn to think for yourself.
Bad example, League is one of the best games ever made with insane depth and monumental skill ceiling. Just has an awful community and is hard to get into so people shit on it.
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11 years ago this is still better than 5th gen downgraded features of all Monster Hunter. Can you guys from 11 years from the past imagine the excitement thinking would it be cool to have 4th gen monster hunter in newer high fidelity graphic like World? Oh well.. than again, we will never get to go back to past, the end is near, the false prophet, the antiChrist, is coming.
what souls game did that
>wow this monster hunter game is cool, I wish I could play a version of it with a real controller/screen instead of playing on a shitty handheld, imagine how much content and cool stuff they could add
>finally get a console monhun game on a modern console
>whoops we made it play completely differently lol
Dota 2 is better
T. Played LoL since season 4
Fine if that doesn't work for you.
You're not gonna sit there and tell me it's good right? Especially in modernday.
Has all the high numbers to boast about and yet game after game is buggy and dogshit.
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Should have said Kirby
Pokemon atleast has decent tv series and a tcg
Kirby is just fucking slop and RtD rehashes
>tv series and a tcg
Sir this is a video game board.
Yeah, I am just saying theres a reason people buy those dogshit games
Even if its misdirection from superior products
What's your opinion on Lao-Shan Lung?
Not him.
An alright first attempt, could've been vastly improved upon further iteration
Shen Gaoren and Kushala are better
Iceborne's Fatalis and Velkhana are literally the most modern attempt at these battles.
And they did it pretty well I'd say
Unless you wanna count rampages.
>Shen Gaoren
world does the same shit too
Not really Zorah is closer to Ceadus and Lao than fatty and velk.
Fatty is just fatty, Velk is the standard box elder in an areana fight that has happened a few times throughout the series.
Zorah had pretty good voice acting and set pieces
Too bad the entire "fight" is kinda dogshit
Pretty good spectacle, bad fight.
I see Velk more like another iteration of Gen 2 Kushala
City siege but with an elder, too bad velk was restricted to just 1 zone
Where does Yama Tsukami end up?
>Gen 1 Lao Shan
>Gen 2 Yama Tsukami
>Gen 3 Ceadeus
> Frontier Raviente
>Gen 4 Dalamadur (?)
>Gen 5 Zorah
What will 6th gen be?
Out of all of those only Dalamadur was actually a good fight, they really should bring him back
Jhen Mohran is pretty good too
This is what Halo and Star Wars fans wanted but they got the opposite and now those franchises are dead.
>It fucking blows my mind that faggots on /v/ would want their franchise to just stay the same for 20 years
Yes you fucking retard. Sometimes people want more content for the same game, rather than new game just for the sake of having new content.
Dalamadur also isnt quite the same of a "spectacle fight" as the rest are, but I dont remember if Gen 4 has a new monster like that
I'm playing mhgu and failed the G2 lao shan lung quest like 10 times, I hate that you apparently have to do a full meta build with pro transporter and felyne pyro to just abuse the cannons. I have a very good hammer set that doesn't get the job done.
Cannons do less than most weapons dps his ass.
Just grab use Valor GS or Striker SA, both do a lot of damage and have high vertically reaching moves. It's braindead as shit but it will get the job done.
I cannot believe that anyone who put time in this series wants to do that. You wanna do all this shit that is not fighting the monster x 2000+. Doubt.
The line of mentality that MonHun is just fighting comes from the simplified babyfied rise, Gens and to a lesser extent, FU entries that stripped all content thats not just fighting a monster.
Thanks for exposing yourself
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Raviente was a nice concept of a fight, where you take multiple quests against it as the day progresses.
However the grindy nature of the Raviente gear made the fight feel less of something to enjoy and more of something to grind.
The fact that you have a specific quest to simply carve him is fantastic though. Never know what MH zen is until all you hear is the wind blowing and 4 hunter knives carving away for 5 minutes.
AKSHULLY im a worldbab, but if you wanna get super duper technical, I played the first one 500 years ago. Anyway really happy/sorry about your autism.
Thanks pal, appreciate it I really do
i think even worldbabs will hate wilds
its gonna be a step further in the wrong direction
Plenty of people still clownsuit.
They deserve it
I've been playing since 1. Monhun has always been about the fights at the end of the day. How many times did you actually do gathering quests by G3?
Wild Hearts did base / Camp building just fine what’s the issue?
>Update graphics keep format the same
What's hard to understand about that?
File: spookrex.webm (3.9 MB, 1280x720)
3.9 MB
>introduce a mechanic that makes every player at end-game run away from the monster because it reduces damage dealt in exchange for a tiny knockdown that gets less and less effective as you progress
no, really, what was capcom thinking?
>play the easiest weapon ever (LBG) in Rise
>I'm still bad
It's over for me.
I have so many hours in MH but I can't beat Hazard Primal Malzeno no matter how much I try, and I continually get filtered by low-G rank GU.
I can understand bringing in the right items for the hunt like sonic bombs for Diablos or flash pods for flying wyverns but I do not miss having to paintball a monster or having to bring a failure rate to crafting items and needing other items to mitigate that. Having to buy whetstones and breakable nets, picks and rods were annoying as fuck too.
he does have a pretty good design
i hear the original idea for the elders recess would have been this hell scape where you would see 2 big fuckoff elders are constantly fighting in the background and he would have been pure kino in that instead of lao shan lung again
so just guiding lands lol
You’re a tranny
As many times as I wanted max potions and ancients.
the only VA i have burned into my head from sieging zorah is
>here we go
>Stand at the ready! Nergigante is upon us
>Dont let that fiend have its way
>Let your courage guide you
Series peaked with freedom unite
Ready to go old man
>Bait monster into doing an attack
>Run around it and heal while its locked in animation
Wow so hard anon.
how long would it take for 3 dudes to farm the safi siege on our own
>redditphone user
as expected of a groomer
No real reason to do it on your own, there are still plenty of Safi lobbies running the siege when it's active. A full online session will regularly get the kill every 2nd run.
huh, neat, we've been trying everything on our own but that sounds much more bearable
Both the siege events are definitely intended to be done in a dedicated online session, because they both have meters that build up from the WHOLE SESSION'S hunts that affect everyone. Specifically for Safi every hunt in the session, successful or not, drains his energy and reduces how much he is able to heal himself before moving to the next area. So an online session with 3 or 4 parties can basically always drain him dry on round one, eventually time out (only 20 minutes) because he heals too much, then push his shit in on round 2 because he's already used all his heals. Also note that for carves you have to be in a quest that results in slaying him, if he escapes in your quest but another group gets the kill you get no carves but you do get a partial reward.
hey gang, you need to break more parts off this thread! gnarlycuga!
oh wow, siege sounds more complex than i assumed. thought it was just ticking off those checklists
if you wanted something unorthodox you probably shouldn't be playing japanese call of duty
Technically if your group is all god gamer MH vets that have been curbstomping the rest of the game then you could potentially one run Safi, there are even people that one run solo him, but that is absolutely the exception.
Casualizations will kill this series regardless of how much better they make the presentation value. But it's ok, they've already effectively replaced their old fanbase. 90% of their fanbase started with World.
Do people still play online for older games that aren't on steam?
Through private servers, yes.
Yeah, infact a private server for Tri just came out like last month

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