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>no anko in storm connections
Anko bros...
Narutofags shipping him with anyone but Hinata are so weird. Most of the times it barely makes sense.
why does kishi hate anko
>Most of the times it barely makes sense.
Bro.. him with Hinata barely makes sense.
why do fanfics make her a predator so much
one minute she's treating naruto like a son and the next she's torturing hinata into her slave to get at him
>Trying to make sense out of deranged fanfiction
Why would you try such an impossible task?
Hinata is literally the one person he ever voices his insecurities to, and she was willing to die trying to save him
in hindsight, it was foreshadowed well in advance
she was stable at the beginning though
You mean anyone but kiba
not even with iruka
Imagine how smelly their room would be...
people lost interest in Hinata when in Burrito she lost her big tits.
that was even a common joke in shippuden
holy shit
look at them
Nobody cares about anything Burrito related at all
Except he didn't
He did not talk to her for the majority of the series until they decided she was the LI
Their interactions prior to the Pain fight were basically nothing
Retconning a bunch of shit into existence after the fact is dumb af
>Browse a different board for a change
>See this shit thread
>The no-life faggot moved from /a/ to his home /v/ to shit up yet another thread
Sasuga /v/tard. You ruined all Naruto threads for everyone. You lost. Boruto won. Boruto is canon and a part of the franchise. Nobody cares about your shitty fanfiction retard, fuck off.
dumb fucking idiot
literally right before the chunin exams finals
what the fuck are you talking about
Don't play dumb, no-life faggot. (You) ruined all Naruto threads on /a/ and now you want to do it in other boards. Fuck you.
He ruined Naruto threads? like, can I go over at /a/ and see no Naruto at all? dude is a damn hero
Take your meds.
That little nothing of a conversation, are you SERIOUS?
You're probably the type to fall in love with every girl who talks to you and isn't immediately repulsed.
Holy fuck they barely talked.
>Samefagging this hard
(You) singlehandedly killed all Boruto and Naruto threads on /a/, piece of shit. But I guess that's what happens when one autist with no life shitposts a general with his shitty fanfiction every single day for an entire year. Fuck yourself.
>You're probably the type to fall in love with every girl who talks to you and isn't immediately repulsed.
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Idk senpai. /a/ became shit when people couldn't gatekeep Narutofags out any more. Dude really is a hero if he managed to drive them out.
fuck me, you're stupid
see above
over the course of Part 2 they wrote half a dozen scenes that pair Naruto and Hinata up from childhood. it makes enough sense if you watch it.
>Retconning a bunch of shit into existence after the fact is dumb af
Kill yourself, everybody knows it's (You), schismfag. You got exposed.


You said naruto threads were your life and (You) killed them, dumb fucking retard.
we've got a live one here
also The Last as a movie is pretty much entirely dedicated to deepening/stamping Naruto and Hinata's relationship.

i wouldn't call it a retcon, cause most of it was written as the story progressed before it ended. that's just how storytelling works. now if all of this was being made up for Boruto, i'd consider that a retcon.
>his home /v/
you can't just dump your f/a/ggots here and claim innocence. leave this board and take him with you
Lmfao that's actually fun to read, thanks for the laugh
YOU take him, he crawled into /a/ from here, not the other way around. He fucking nuked our threads with his autism.

Fuck you no-life faggot.
I am certain you are that guy accusing everyone else of being you and taking people calling you retarded as confirmation that they are you.

Kys spammer
>everyone so vanilla they don't see this for the hagxboy thread it is
You underage rape baits are insufferably bland
Anko was hot but hardly used and then they made her fat
>we'll never get anything like this for Ichigo or Midoriya
Goddamn it, Kishimoto... I kneel...
you mean killer b
i cant believe there were "people" who thought ichigo and orihime made more sense than naruto and hinata
>hot 30 year old math teacher when i was in high school
>preyed on me when i was 14
>spent all of high school having sex with her
>sex with girls my age never even come close to half as good as it was with her
>33 years old
>still haven't had sex that good
Should have used a better couple than literally Narushit. Maybe even make it vidya related, like Loyd and Raine.
fuck man, you were raped
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Also (You) said you would leave for good, twice. But you're still trying to force naruto threads cunt. kys
Fuck man, you lived the dream.
fuck Man, you were raped in a dream
you're replying to yourself
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>tfw no fuka dlc for uns
you deserve to suffer you coy slut
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The schizo linked this thread on /a/ so I'll provide some context (I know you didn't ask)
>There was one Sasukefag who, last year, started an event called The Schism, where Naruto and Boruto threads split due to how terrible Boruto is
>For like 10 months there were daily Naruto threads that hit bump limit consistently while Boruto threads were a ghost town even during new chapter days
>Everyone would tell any Boruto post to fuck off, and anons effectively made all that shit non-canon
>This went on for so long that eventually, regular posters started leaving, as usually happens when the novelty wears off
>At some point Boruto posters started crawling back to the Naruto threads out of desperation, because their threads always archive at like 20 replies
>The guy that started it all had turbo autism and would ALWAYS reply to them with "Kill yourself bortnigger", every single day every single time, the fucker was relentless
>He posted this for whatever reason once >>692618621 so now people identify him as "the /v/tard"
>Eventually the people who also trolled Boruto posters left too, leaving him alone
>The guy sperged out that no one was helping him contain the plague anymore, so his posts started to be seen as spam since he was the only one left who even cared about that
>Now everybody hates him for it
>One time he admitted to not sleeping for 3 days because he was too busy replying to boruto posts to fuck off, and at that point he realized it was pointless and either died of exhaustion, killed himself or just gave up and left
>Now other posters who still seethe over that shitshow accuse each other of being him (AKA "no-life /v/tard faggot")
This is only half the story.
Shit like this is exactly why we have to wait 15 minutes before posting on 4chsn if we don't surrender an email first.
it should've been me ;-;
>not Naluto x Tsunade and then Boluto x Tsunade
You're a fucking joke
Ichigo not wifing Yoruichi might be the biggest fumble of all time–and i love redheads.
>(I know you didn't ask)
Kek I'm glad you went ahead to tell the story because I am laughing my ass off.
Naruto x Tsunade is the saddest and most boring pair ever. I know people with low mental capabilities can only self insert as the main character but I know you can do better, dattebayo.
Also Boruto is only good with Hanabi.
>Also Boruto is only good with Hanabi.
They are nephew AND aunt, anon!
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Top quality thread, toasting with some bread
Tsunade also makes sense
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While all of that was going on...
>There was a meme about Hinata hating Sasuke based on filler episodes where she's looking pissed off at him
>It evolved into elaborate shitposts about why she hates him and funny interactions between them
>A particular drawfag started drawing stuff about it
>Sasukefag self inserter had Hyuga fever, he LOVES Hanabi
>He figured it would add to the meme of angry Hinata if Sasuke became close with her sister (he already stole Naruto's first kiss from Hinata so why not)
>Related to the other story, he hated Boruto so much that he actually made up an entire fanfiction/alternate timeline where Boruto isn't born (le aBortion joke) and Sarada is erased because Sasuke divorces Sakura before she forces him to have a child, and starts dating Hanabi instead
>It became known as "/nart/ lore"
>That one drawfag also liked the idea so he started drawing lots of Sasuke x Hanabi memes
>They had this dynamic where one would come up with shitposts and the other would draw them
>This managed to piss off three kinds people: Boruto fans, Sakurafags and people getting tired of the anti-Boruto spam
>Now people HATE the SasuHana fanfic
>Eventually whenever drawfag posted a new drawing it would derail entire threads with him getting insulted to the point where Sakurafags decided to spam one thread to almost 1000 replies exclusively with piss posts (Sakura pisses herself in the manga and it became another meme) just to spite him
>Another time, drawfag posted another drawing in the drawthread and those people actually raided the drawthread to insult him there, which pissed off the other drawfags and they banned drawfag from the drawthread too for "bringing the narutards"
>Sasukefag and Drawfag became the most hated posters and are generally unwelcome in all threads
>Drawfag quit drawing for good
>Naruto threads became unusable and nobody posts in Boruto threads
>One guy and his drawfag singlehandedly killed two /a/ generals
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You are only making me harder, anónimo.
Refer to my second reply here >>692622413
Meant second reply here >>692622117
>He posted this for whatever reason once >>692618621(You) so now people identify him as "the /v/tard"
I meant to quote >>692618131
the only good thing burrito did was turn hanabi into the hot christmas cake aunt
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Here's some of the drawfag's stuff
>thread has devolved to one guy shouting at his boogeyman
was fun guys, see ya next week.
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>hot ninja lady with close connection to one of the biggest villains in the series
>do literally nothing with her
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This is more interesting than the actual series, I'm glad I didn't grow atteched to Shippuden when the world building and power level went to straight up shit.
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Agree. Also having almost all girls with high heels in the manga but that's, of course, my fetish.
I want to fuck Narutos daughter
I like Kawaki for the most part.
The seething of the sakuratards must have been glorious. They have to admit Sasuke and Hanabi make a good couple, a thousand times better than him with the pink haired thing.
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Naruto is for Tsunade.
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>The seething of the sakuratards must have been glorious
I tried to save as much as I could from what was posted over the last year, but the archive is always more reliable so here you go
So Naruto threads in /a/ had a good artist willing to draw for them and they let sakurafags scare him away? Sakurafags have so much power over there? No wonder /a/ is such an awful place.
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>and they let sakurafags scare him away?
If it was only Sakurafags they wouldn't have been successful, but regular posters also fucking hated his guts for drawing Sasuke x Hanabi. In fact you can't even mention Hanabi in n/a/ruto threads because everyone will think you're the Sasukefag and start shitting on you.
Man, sakuratards are the worst scum on earth and in the entire history of manga and anime.
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I should also mention this guy said he didn't know how to draw before the shitposts and he learned in like 3 months just for /nart/.
>regular posters
Nah, those are Sakurafags too. Hanabi is a good girl, only Sakurafags would get mad for bringing her up.
What's with the gaslight that the shitposter that killed Naruto and Boruto threads is gone ehrn he's clearly still here >>692623347

Also the autist falseflagged as Sakurafags with the piss thing to artificially create some fake war eith "Hanabifags" since thst shit only appeared when he was around.
Those people are pure evil, my favorite threads have no draw anons at all, and they had this one willing to contribute and let him go.
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fuck man, you were reading word-up magazine
>since thst shit only appeared when he was around
Everyone was around back then, retard. /nart/ was a meme factory when it was active. And there were some genuine Hanabifags before everyone turned on the autist, even them.
Let it go OP. She hit the wall already.
Reminder that the drawfag is theorized to be the shitposter since he keeps whing about how the drawfag was bullied and innocent every chance he gets and now his art is being shilled here.
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Now we get into the drawings that caused the shitstorm
>and now his art is being shilled here
Do /a/fags hate OC? wtf
I like how you're outing that you're the sperg that killed the threads sonce he was the only one who got autistic about "/nart/" and it's forced memes because he was the ones who mostly made them.
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I think this is the one that triggered the piss spam
>cute stuff triggered sakurafags
What's wrong with them?
>DUDE what if we made a gag comic inspired by Naruto but the premise and punchline revolve exclusively around SEX LMAO
riveting OC. gtfoh.
They hated hiw he brought drama and contributed to the fandom wars in the Naruto threads. Every time he is brought up is how he did nothing wrong and how it's someone's fault for not loving his free OC. The only time I've seen shit like this on this site is when the drawfag themselves are butthurt. Tale as old as time. I'm not falling for it.
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If you don't get it, the joke is that Hanabi jobbed to a puppet in The Last movie so she's afraid of them now
To the guy crying over "the shitposter", I just want you to know that you're a delusional fucking moron, and almost as bad as our resident /v/ schizo who makes up and then samefags about imaginary critics of games he likes
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There was a shitpost of yet another alternate timeline where the Part 1 Valley of the End battle is Naruto + Hinata vs Sasuke + Hanabi, this is when Hanabi leaves for Orochimaru training with Sasuke.

This is also the drawing that got the drawfag bullied out of both Naruto threads and the dr/a/wthread, he quit drawing after that.

/nart/ had a good run on /a/. That's all folks.
>Schism drama has has been brought to drawthreads and now /v/ threads.
I think that speaks well enough that the whole thing was cancer.
The shitposter killed Naruto discussion on /a/. Literally accomplished the life goal of every Naruto hater on this site.
I still don't get why all those anons were mad at this drawfag. The only ones who could get mad are sakura schizos.
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All I got from this is that Narutards were always faggots.
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>One guy and his drawfag singlehandedly killed two /a/ generals
Hear me out....
Because he was a troll and everyone could see it?

If Naruto threads and drawthreads got sick of him that signals that it was HE who was the problem. And the dude is always brought up because *someone* has to randomly rant that everyone is retarded for not loving him.
>I still don't get why all those anons were mad at this drawfag
"b-but he instigated drama with his drawings". That's literally it. The guy posted like once a month but every time he did the threads would get derailed with insults.
>Because he was a troll and everyone could see it?
A troll that dedicated time and talent to his shitposts. But I can see why a subhum/a/n like you would enjoy DBS cuck edits instead.
>The guy posted like once a month
Yeah, like he was restricted from posting if he wasn't drawing.

It's increasingly obvious he's the one making posts defending himself and blaming everyone else. Drawfag pattern recognition.
>instigated drama
What drama? Who cares about fanfiction about Sasuke getting with Hanabi? Which Narutofag cares so much to get mad about it?
I have never seen someone seethe this hard
>He was a PROFESSIONAL shitposter so you should love him!
Everyone knows Hanabi is for /ss/ with Burrito
You lost.
Who wouldn't be angry about Naruto discussion being literally murdered on /a/?
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>What drama?
Schizos viewed Sasuke x Hanabi as spam because it came from the same guy who told boruto posters to fuck off every time he saw them.

There was a time when people liked it until they figured out it was him, because they disliked him specifically.
The fanfiction wad used to shitpost and pick fights with people and it was demanded the fanfiction was talked about instead of canon and if canon WAS talked about the fanfic needed to be used as a serious argument. Supreme autism.
>Naruto drama in 2024
Jesus Christ whats going on /a/??
>Supreme autism
Based. You sound like you're super fucking mad.
>boruto posters
But boruto is shit, and you know it, I know it, Kishimoto knows it, boruto fans know it, they should be used to this for liking a shit manga.
Reminder that this pic was samefagged because the dead slow speed of the thread never accumulated that number of posters and most of them were a minute apart each time.
What's going on is the same thing in every thread with "drama", some autist retard goes on a crusade against a figure of their own imagination
For >>692625873
Okay, you think it's shit. Are you going to dedicate your life to hating it and chimping out to those who happen to like?

I think Boruto is a step below Naruto too but it's haters seem to actije they belong in insane asylums.
Yeah, that's how it was when The Schism started, nobody could stand Boruto, but now not only do they allow Boruto discussion, they encourage it just to spite the Sasukefag. That's why I stopped bothering with Naruto threads on /a/.

See >>692619006 that was his last post, I think he honor-killed himself.
That was not his last post. Lol don't be naive. He claimed to leave about 4 times before coming back. He's less open because he knows his spam gets him banned on sight and I doubt he's keen on waiting 15 minutes between every evasion now.
>Okay, you think it's shit. Are you going to dedicate your life to hating it and chimping out to those who happen to like?
What fucking board are you posting in, buddy? Christ the seethe is unreal
Schismfag has been gone for a month and you're still obsessed crying about him every thread, "no-life faggot" spammer.

In other words

Why do shitposters always pull this when their cover gets blown? I can't they ever bravely state that yes they shitposted like a man?
>Naruto discussion has been destroyed sitewide.
Her chainmail fishnet design is hot as fuck
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Is the shitposter in the room with us right now?
quit responding to yourslef
Unironically yes.
You are admitting you have some random guy living in your head rent free. At least he killed a general with autism alone, what have you done with your time other than crying?
The one thing I can't forgive Kubo for.
Is this what /a/ is like regularly?
They telegraphed that shit from the literal second arc
i know right
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They at least seem to stay on topic albeit in a very twisted, autistic way. I'd rather watch two autists argue about videogames than about twitter posts or other inane faggotry.
>They at least-
They bullied a drawfag into dropping his hobby.
Don't be a troll and people won't tell you to fuck off. Simple.
>inb4 baaaaawww he dindu nuffin *shits pants*
sasuke being i to anyone doesn't make sense
>Hinata is literally so BEST that she causes immense anal devastation board-wide
hinatachads cannot stop fucking winning
Well in this case it was Hanabi, but everyone knows the Hyuga reign supreme.
Man, /a/ is a shithole.

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