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Nintendo "eyes"
Nobody liked this game, why remake it
Desperate need for funds.
It's actually coming to Alarmo.
Guh uh!
Games that people didn't like the first time should probably be the prime candidates to be remade and improved on so they can be enjoyable.

I don't really think that's happening with this game though considering it looks largely the same with the gameplay and level design.
Next system is just called "Nintendo"
>the Nintendo Eyes
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why did they say Nintendo Switch?
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>Anon, stop playing your Nintendo and come downstairs! Dinner's getting cold!
Because Switch 2 doesn't even have an official project name given to the public like NX.
>the next Nintendo console is already set up to be another port machine
because you do a 360 then shitch your pants
so do they know the official name then?
Is this a new game? It looks identical to the first one, isn't that the first area?
>it's Ounce/OZ
Still won't be buying because of the JonTron drama
i will, cause i like steve mayles more than i like this fat kike
Badabing Badaboom
Take this black man out of my room
>this announcement combined with Banjo-Tooie coming to NSO tomorrow
I wish this meant we might get a new Banjo game, but i doubt it
I gotta respect that they're willing to keep trying until they get it right.
lol this is like when sonic forces was announced for NX but this time they didn't have even a name to give/make a simple logo out of for the end of the trailer
also they're already remaking yooka-laylee? why?
It's a remaster you dum dum
If I recall correctly, one of the main purposes of this is to switch engines and tell Unity to fuck off.
It's a remake in a different engine
>officially at the point of third party devs giving us more about the Switch 2 (even if just crumbs) than Nintendo
I find it hard to believe that the Switch was meant from the beginning to have an 8+ year primary lifespan.
>I find it hard to believe that the Switch was meant from the beginning to have an 8+ year primary lifespan.
they said early (or maybe towards the middle of the gen) that the switch's life would be longer than previous systems
it only makes sense for consoles lifespans to be longer as game development takes longer and longer
Well, shit. If it took them 6 years to turn out basically an expansion pack for BotW, then I guess that makes sense.
I'd argue mediocre or bad games are more deserving of remakes than games that are already good.
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I will never forget that Playtonic screwed over JonTron. I will never support their games.
Eric you lost and got raped by your uncle.
NX was revealed to be the Switch 1 week before the investors meeting.

Next Tuesday(29) Nintendo will be 1 week away before the investors meeting in Nov 5
It had potential, it just didn't deliver. Could be great if the controls are good now and the level design is improved.
I willl also never forget that they screwed over the Wii Ukickstarters, fuck these scam faggots
more like Woketonic
Look at these blacks
What has Playtonic even been doing? They made YK and then the DKC clone and have done nothing since.
The crossover to end all crossovers
laylee looks worse somehow
>First game we officially know is for the Switch 2 is a Yooka Laylee port
Nintendo's gotta drop something soon surely...
who the FUCK funded another one?
>dareen tranny be seethin'
How in the fuck is Playtonic not bankrupt yet?
even the later donkey kong country clone isnt that good, its like 6/10 but soulless as well.
Because they removed jontron
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funny timing since i just finished replaying BK and tooie, and i'd still rather just replay them again than play this
PlayTronic are racist.
they banned him because he isn't white.
>Playtonic had this to say in response: I know Jontron is [almost] white passing, but he clearly breaks our firm single drop policy
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Will this lag on the Switch 2?
I am counting on Nintendo to deliver in the graphics and processing department with the Switch 2.
Of course it will

Nintendo never releases a console with good performance. They are targeting toddlers who don't care about that shit
not to defend nintendo but YL already runs like abject shit. A game as ugly as it is has no business running worse than Monster Hunter World or Hitman
They must make a double-digit teraflop handheld.
It's a miracle that Mario Odyssey is able to run on itty bitty phone hardware.
But Nintendo needs to make a system that is able to run all games, first and third party.
>Goat Simulator, a less detailed game than Odyssey is running poorly on Switch.
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>modern game engines
>tick the box to autogenerate lightshafts
>tick the box for bloom
>Tick the box for gamer fogâ„¢
>Tick the box for lens smear technology (TAA)
>worse banjo gets a remake before the real thing
And it's still going to suck as much as the real thing does.
>moms were right all along
thatl be 79.99 plus tax plus vat plus tip, guv
I enjoyed both YL games, fight me
you arent obligated to hate it. My 5 year old loves it, the worlds are uninspired, shitty, overly big even before expanding them, and theres no real flavor either. The aztec world and the casino world are up there with Banjos worst levels and everything else is shit.
>add shit ton of bloom
>throw textures in an upscaler
>call it a day
every time
Nintendo Piik
Quick rundown? I don't follow ecelebs
Jontron for some odd reason debated destiny and stated "rich blacks commit more crime than poor whites" which is in some cases true but in some cases false to which Destiny stated "whos thats racist" meaning Destiny won, Jontron was then deemed persona non grata by everyone. He should have stated that Blacks commit more crime than whites in all economic brackets which is undeniably true(ie: poor blacks commit crime more than poor whites, rich blacks commit more crime than rich whites) but hed probably be depersoned for it anyway.
Thankfully the flextape guy needed a new admonkey so Jontron came back baybeeee
The first game was fine. Shitters just couldn't handle getting exactly what they asked for
The Wii had more 60 fps games than PissThree.
>Games that people didn't like the first time should probably be the prime candidates to be remade and improved on so they can be enjoyable.
Great point anon, this is the ideal case study for a remake. Unfortunately, it just looks like Yooka Laylee again with bloom everywhere you look, my expectations aren't high.
Wait, is that true?
carnival games and imagine party babyz running at 60fps isnt the flex you think it is
But how is this related to Yoka Laylee?
Yes, that may or may not mean the reveal next week though
He, being a huge banjo rareware shill, was given the role of voicing some random throwaway character with like 3-4 lines of gibberish, after the destiny debate he was replaced, which was cause for much criticism
Super 1up Galaxy 1+2

meanwhile the Piss3 got some shitty Prince of Persia rip off, not even running at 720p and can't hold even a stable 30 fps, despite having dog shit graphics
I wonder what these woke companies are doing when le evil guy is actually the good guy.

will they say sorry?
will they patch him in?
or will they just keep quiet to not hurt fee fees?
Wrong, you have exactly 1 chance to impress me and if you fail I will never, ever, ever buy or play anything you make ever again. Failures belong in a graveyard. All other mindsets are cuckshit.
I think we'll see it like the 'Covid immunity' pass the left kept proposing where "I know I wished you and your family starved to death for not taking the jab, but you have to consider my feelings and let bygones be bygones"
Surprisingly were seeing the window shift somewhat back to normal, people dont have the time or energy to be as psychotic anymore and zoomers are bullying these weirdos into borderline submission
Based Sega with their 30TFLOP monster system
That's on them, not Nintendo.
It wasn't fundamentally bad or anything, just kind of dull and unpolished. Impossible Lair was pretty good, so maybe they can actually fix it.
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Sega does what Nintendon't!
these companies are evil
they would have also done Hilter salutes
They also had Grant Kirkhope publically disavow the guy, you know, when Kirkhope was desperately trying to become an eceleb himself suddenly despite being in his mid 50s. God I remember that fucking awkward as hell moment in GDQ where they got him in to speak to the speedrunners as a "surprise" and it was awkward as fuck.
It was funny seeing the public realize that kirkhope was mostly responsible for all the xylophone seizure tracks whole David Wise did most of the actually great tracks
of course they would, they have a completely fluid moral compass, they simply believe what a bunch of retards with no moral foundation believe.
never gonna give these fags a dime after they removed Jontron's cameo in the first game
Publishing completed indie games and skimming off the top.
I may be wrong but I think this business is running on fumes, seeing as adult swim games had runaway successes and they shuttered, and now playtonic is pretty desperately pimping a barely touched remake, Id say games publishing is in the shitter. BigMode is also in trouble now that Animal Well wasnt a huge success and they dont have much else in the pipe
>but they bought monolith/star of providence
a game everyone already bought
Trans rights!,
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say hello to the new nintendo console logo
>2 eyes
SwIItch bros, we won.
>tfw your swiitch keeps giving you the "Fuck me" eyes
>re-release the same exact game 5 years later with a few lines of shader code tweaks
>double the price
>pull the first release from all stores so nobody can buy it anymore
>advertise it as a "remaster"

This kind of scam should be illegal.
>"remaster" 2 year old game because muh PS4
>downgraded in every single way
>delist original
I was in those Sleeping Dogs threads while retards assured me the definitive edition was "so much better" That first mission is so kino with the heavy rain and wind effects, completely blown out and uggified for the definitive edition
Massive tone deaf racist
2(-1) more weeks
The amount of people itt right now who haven't played or seen footage of the original game recently is staggering.
I can see about a dozen level and mechanic changes in that trailer from the original game that you blind motherfuckers refuse to see.
>puzzle changes
>platform movement and interaction changes
>move changes
>new collectibles
I was a backer of the original game and disappointed by the okay nature of it, I played it through again last year for the first time in 4 years so I can tell you it's still mediocre, but this looks like genuine improvement and I look forward to seeing the rest of the changes not in the trailer.
tatotata taaaaa malalalagala tata daaaa
subtitles: $0.05 in Yooka coins were just deposited in your account
I've seen retards claim the DE is "better in every way"
There's a entire new generation of gamers since it came out, anon. Stop thinking only about yourself, that's autistic behavior.
nobody can tell the difference because the game is so forgettable
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Square Enix was in a real "fuck up all our game a couple years after release" mood back then. Ruined the look of all their games and then some.
>Replaces the Banjo speech bubble with a white text box
>No talking animation on the text box
>I'm gonna let myself get suckered twice
that's nice buddy
Didn't like the original, but Impossible Lair was a good time.
It's not a remake until his voice is back in the game
>Desperate need for funds.
>gimp a hundred great games for switch because any updates are le bad
The first game was fine, cost sunk fallacy need not apply.
It had some fun puzzles and interesting mechanics but was just kinda wonky overall.
Most have always deemed it a 6-7/10, which is basically 'mediocre/okay'
Unlike most of the bitter retards on this board, I don't get salty when a game doesn't meet my expectations.
E celebs aren't your friends.
fair enough, I've had mediocre/okay games I've enjoyed myself
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I prefer codenames
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>Nintendo Cappy
Bold name
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The gameboard tier was robbed.
I need some Sonic accessories to go with my Sonic motherboard.

Thinking action figures (it's in a case with a wraparound glass panel so you can see inside it from both the front and side).
>Go into editor
>move some barrels around one afternoon
does anyone have the one where the JT is voicing the paggie keeps on saying racist stuff and characters keep getting confused
they confirmed Kazooie is always pregnant
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snoygger, this is a Playtonic game, not Nintendo
that's the problem, anon
it was just "fine"
after tons of media hype about how it was going to be THE NEXT BANJO KAZOOIE SPIRITUAL SUCCESSOR MADE BY ORIGINAL RAREWARE DEVS the final game was just....."fine".
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I still think it's hilarious that there was so much fucking drama over this, when Jon's only involvement in the game was "voicing" a single character in one level in the entire game, and it was only unintelligible grunts and yells and you couldn't even tell it was him unless you listened really closely or checked the credits
its less than fine, cereal mascot slop from the snes era had more soul. As it stands YookaLaylee looks like some Jeet made a killing selling Offbrand Banjo Kazooie models on the Unity store. Yooka and Laylee for example fucking suck on design alone
>100 Dollars
Source right fucking now
/v/ whines about e-celeb threads but worships this fat faggot that doesn't even play video games or make videos about them
I liked it

It was literally Banjo Threeie
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it's funny to think that they are going through something similar to the original game
yooka laylee was going to be on wii u after reaching its kickstarter goal, but because of the hardware they had to wait for its successor.
the same thing is happening now with this remastered game
also, since that day it's been almost 10 years....
It's gonna piss me off when a game I loved, suddenly gets a bunch of threads and youtube videos about "HOW IT'S GOOD NOW" I literally liked it how it was, FUCK YOU.
>less worlds than Tooie
>less bosses than Tooie
>less multiplayer content than Tooie
>less unique characters than either Banjo game
>worlds emptier than DK64 and Tooie combined
>needed routine patches to put in basic "QoL" shit Kazooie had at fucking launch
No it wasn't, stop parroting this shit.
>I literally liked it how it was
nigger the fucking game didn't even have pause music day 1 and the camera was worse than n64 games
The games still not that good. I played it recently.
>rays through a canopy lighting
>the entire area is open with literally no large trees on the outer rim
he says while defending a mediocre kids game
oh, should've known you were shitposting when you said it was a game you loved
And what engine are they using now?
Man that looks shit.
correct, censor niggers don't deserve your money. simple as
>see sunshafts through dark clouds
>aww inspiring pictureesque beauty
>playing game
>sunshafts in an open field, no clouds in the sky, and lensflare for some reason, looks cheap and retarded
It's still unity. They confirmed it on their YouTube page.
Word of the street is that Nintendo will reveal the new console on the 30th
word on the street*
I'll buy it if JonTron is in it.
Hello new nintendo console logo
Lol okay then. Unity is fine, dont think switching to unreal would help them. Godot would be a straight downgrade too. Game’s problems are about game design, stage and level design namely. The engine wasnt the problem
>It's a remake

lol and lmao
Word on the street has been coping about an imminent reveal for months. If it doesnt happen October, chances are it doesnt happen until next year. Nintendo are probably scared to release a new console right now when the Yen is down, video game sales are slumping and people’s wallets are tight due to inflation.
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This just means that they're pledging to port it to the next system. I seriously doubt that they have a dev kit at this point.
Seems like they removed the meter for the roll attack, which is a massive improvement already.
>BigMode is also in trouble now that Animal Well wasnt a huge success and they dont have much else in the pipe
am I in bizarro /v/ what the fuck are you on about
>Yooka Laylee has less content than a n64 game
Banjo fans dodged a bullet.
Who is Eric
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Nintendo about to get their asses sued
>altered level design
>better controls
>a map
>collectibles are placed in sensible locations to lead you around the map instead of being hidden like easter eggs
are we back?
no, it's a remaster
>400k sales is a runaway hit
Streets of rogue estimates a million sales with considerably less marketing and noone calls that a big hit
Wasn't there also footage of a Switch 2 game leaked recently?

Anyone care to explain?
That was fucking years ago how can you hold a grudge for this long?
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I thought he was racist about hispanics?
Sega is releasing a new console?
The Holocaust was 80 years ago...
Jews still salty about that
Announcement in 2025 or 2026
"Nintendo will be stomped"
"Sega will curbstomp everyone"
Wait, this is a remake of the first game? not a cleverly named sequel like Banjo Tooie was?
It has that weird realistic lighting and textures with cartoony characters. I don't like it.
*changes my name and releases more tempting-looking slop*
nothing personal kiddo
This looks like shit. I remember the original also looking like shit. Where's the difference?
No it was not. It was a 0/10 and I say that without a hint of irony. The first world is unbelievably poorly design. Stop projecting your shit eating onto everyone else cuck
>The first game was fine, cost sunk fallacy need not apply.
I got a free humble key from a friend and I felt ripped off. It was pure garbo.
How big is the discount?
He said more than that. Something about wanting to keep the country white. Funny enough, he himself isn't really white and his family migrated to the U.S.
And Hitler wasn't German, Blond and 6 foot tall. Funny how that works.
Destiny already got his karma when he dragged Jontron under the mud. He's cucked and divorced with regular meltdown spergs on Twitter. Even The Daily Wire laughs at him now.
it was pretty nuts watching him get mollywhopped by Owen Shroyer of all people
>nobody cares about the Switch 2
delusional, take your fucking meds
Gotta love how it's not even a 1:1 comparison, they literally zoomed in on the second screenshot. But that only made the ugly textures more noticeable.
jesus christ whoever made that graph is a fucking idiot
>Impossible Lair was pretty good
Came here to say this. Was free on Epic iirc don't know if it still is.
looks like shit
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Everyone who says mean (i.e. critical) things about Nintendo. As it so happens, apparently I am Eric too. Nice to meet you, anon.
Jontron needs to come back from the safe shillvoid and make a video dumping on these losers wtf are you doing re releasing this shitty game make a new game I would have bought a new game from this team if they showed they weren't so lazy and retarded
Oh jeez that's sad.
Banjo Kazooey has been a hot topic lately so they're desperate to try to earn some rent-money.
>the first time
It was a sequel to a series of games that were extremely popular, made by industry veterans.

It wasn't a first time game at all.
It was just a failure. It should be left alone.
Oh boy now I can play Flatipal Cashino in HD
Uh-oh! Arthur meltie!
>a port
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still more games than pshart5
those fire particle textures look really fucking bad
Okay? Console players are retards
fucking grim if this is a launch title on your console
So are you going to off yourself after one failure
>h-h-h-haha just kidding I'm totally not a snoy! all consoles are le bad!
Simple. They asked him to Voice in their game in the first place.
and then they removed him acting like what he said was wrong.
"Hey I don't want the same fucking Muslims my parents fled from coming to America and running trucks over children"
It carried even more weight at the time after a slew terror attacks and disgusting behaviour by migrants.
I agree with that 100% so if they're saying they don't want to associate with that view, then they don't deserve my "tainted" money.
We hold long grudges lefty.

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