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i miss 2016-2018 overwatch bros...
>miss 2016 overwatch
>google overwatch rule 34
>don't miss it anymore
I never played the game btw
I think it's in the best most fun state it's been since toose years right now. My biggest issue is time to kill feels pretty high especially when there two healers up a already overtuned tanks ass but it feels like you can have big impact with pretty much any character and games move fluidly. They are bringing back 6v6 in the next season. Mabie give it a try :)
This game could've compete with Fortnite if Blizzard didn't try to force esports into the game.
She looks like she exclusively fucks shy nerdy anonymous posters from the 4chan video games board
I miss the 2016 beta. Every single gamer on this planet HAD to try out Blizzard's new project. For 48 hours it was just pure fun, nobody cared about what was OP because everyone basically was. When it released, the whole game shifted to pander to esports and balancing the game to be a boring snoozefest.
umm actually she's a lesbian
the porn is keeping this game alive
>i miss 2016-2018 overwatch bros...
fuck off zoomfagniggerfuck
>When it released, the whole game shifted to pander to esports and balancing the game to be a boring snoozefest.
What actually happened was other people started getting better at the game faster than you. You got shit on and rage quit to go play single player or casual slop
It was fun in the first year or two. But as with all of these games, a meta was established & it became sweaty and boring. Blizzard sped this process along by pandering to the esports faggots.
Explain all of the nerfs to every champion, made roadhog useless, turned mcree into a joke and reworked Mercy's ult over 3 times, the game became unfun because they kept gutting characters to pander to the esports spectacle (pro players were shredding everyone with "problematic" fun characters)
i stopped playing ow2 about 2 months after launch; qrd on whats changed since then?
You probably never even played back when there were no limits on hero picks.
I do too, it was a very comfy time. The seasonal events were so great too. I don't care how good 2 is now you can't go back to the way the community was back then
2 barely even has events anymore
anniversary is dead
summer games is dead
halloween is still a shell of pve that died
Kiriko gets sexy skins, that's enough for me and every other nonfaggot gamer
>could casually play and unlock skins just randomly
>now you need to swipe and pay literally 16+ dollars just for some basic ass bullshit skins

marvel rivals cant come soon enough, blizzard fucked it up beyond repair
kys trannoid nobody gives a shit about that turbo-wokified garbage
Blizz reworks sombra like every other season because faggots don't know how to turn around nor spycheck off angle doors/platforms. Kiriko gets a new skin every season, sometimes multiple, because she's blizzard's new favorite character. Ana gets a new skin, too. Totally not because both of those are constant meta picks that blizzard refuses to nerf or change. Collabs happen each season now because they can sell skins for $60 every 2 months, on top of the $40 battlepass (if you buy the ultimate bundle). OWL was canceled but now they're doing "community" tournaments or some shit that's basically just OW Contenders. They also gutted events and axed others completely. This year's halloween terror event has probably been their most successful event since mischief & magic (knockoff prophunt with kiriko & genji) because they recycled some of the (now canceled) PvE abilities. Forced 50/50 is still a thing, and you will unironically be put in to a heavily weighted match/team to make you lose if you win too much, so you need to learn to game the competitive system and exploit the avoid player slots. Voice & text chat is AI monitored now to make sure you don't say no-no words but you can bypass it by just putting a space between your n and iggers. The report system is easily exploitable, and the only way to win is to not be in chat or voice channels. Unironically, if someone on your team plays like shit, simply report them for inappropriate communication and they'll get a mute/temp ban/perma ban on their account within 48 hours. They're trying 6v6 again because the streamer community is crying that 5v5 causes too many balancing issues (because these fags get steamrolled and refuse to adapt to new things, like Mauga for example, and blame poor balancing rather than poor player skill. Most of them are boosted anyways) and their fans parrot it because they're usually hardstuck bronze/silver/gold.

I rate it Juno/10.
>They are bringing back 6v6 in the next season.
Do they publicly admit that 5v5 was a mistake, then? Because everyone saw it as a disaster.
>Do they publicly admit that 5v5 was a mistake, then?
No. Also, 5v5 wasn't a mistake, it's just that they can't balance worth shit 98% of the time and you either have tanks taking forever to kill, or tanks dying whenever a baby farts on them.
>Because everyone saw it as a disaster.
If by "everyone" you mean OW content creator audiences who parrot the opinions of shit players that got boosted to their current competitive rank and genuinely lack the gamesense or skill needed to be there, but refuse to ever actually work on improving themselves because they can just cry that their main isn't OP/Meta at the moment and can force a change because of their audience being sheep, then sure.
She's not a lesbian, her girlfriend is
>i miss [insert goyslop here] bros...
I just want Archives back bros... And the Diablo event back if I can be picky.
No plenty of people knew 5v5 was shit. It's a conclusion you could easily reach flex queuing (aka getting all but guaranteed tank) every game. Just because you don't agree doesn't mean it's shallow and parroted.
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Roadhog nerf was the beginning of the end.

They went full tard afterwards.
Again, 5v5 is shit because they can't balance tanks. Everyone hates tanking in role queue because of it, yet in OQ, teams usually have multiple tanks over multiple DPS because surprise, when you have multiple tanks the role becomes OP since OQ tanks are just slightly beefier DPS. Bringing back 6v6 is just going to end up with people going 3/1/2 as the usual meta during that test, and 2/2/2 will end up with the same TTK/powercreep problem it had in OW1. Tanks will end up too strong when together, so they'll buff DPS and nerf tanks. And then tanks will feel like shit to play again because they die too quickly, so instead of fixing the DPS problem, they'll just buff healers, which causes tanks not to die again, which starts the process over again.
How is my nigga Lucio nowadays? I remember when he was the bhoppng speed demon who was casually a decent DPS
Tanks got buffed in OW2 for being solo, OQ barely nerfs them for that. If they bring back 2/2/2 they'll likely make it balanced for such again.
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>they'll likely make it balanced for such again.
You know full fucking well they can't balance worth shit. Because to balance tanks, they need to make sure that each tank can basically do what every other tank can do, to the point where it doesn't matter what tank anyone picks, as at that point they're basically just the same character, aka "losing the hero identity". And when they do individual balance passes that make sure the hero doesn't lose their identity, it inevitably leads to there being a constant meta combo that's just busted, and trying to play anything but that combo is basically the same as throwing the match. It's what always fucking happened in OW1. It's the reason why they went 5v5 for OW2, except OW2 tanking is just playing counterwatch, which most everyone hates, by admission of blizzard's own statistics.
Esports are such a fucking cancer
It's even crazier when you look in to the operating costs of the esports league itself. It never made a profit for blizzard, all but the top two/three teams lived in horrid conditions and couldn't afford things like food for the players or even the coach's salary, since they relied heavily on merch sales due to not getting prize money for losing. And no one was buying merch for teams that lost.
It got boring by 2017, though.
They were betting on OW being League of Legends tier popular.
Ironically, the esports shit is when the games balance and uniqueness started going downhill
believe it or not, people used to play multiplayer games and have fun even if they lost. this was the old days before the mp games were taken over by winning obsessed third world zoomies who will "train" 8 hours a day and install ESPs to secure the W
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>Overwatch dev comes out and admits the team worked 5 years on PvE side of OW2
>PvP only took 1 year to implement
It's wild how they decided to just scrap 5 years of effort instead of figuring out how to implement it into workshop and let workshop autists do their thing.
>Ironically, the esports shit is when the games balance and uniqueness started going downhill
That's because they balanced around the top 500 players/OWL players, rather than balancing around the majority of the player's skill level (gold). And when they DO balance around the majority of players, it's usually not because a hero is busted, but rather that the playerbase can't adapt to them. That's why launch brig was nerfed to shit. Blizz introduced a hero that was designed to help "train" the players in to learning basic game sense. Brig was supposed to teach players to respect ability ranges, shoot shields to break them, and focus the fucking healers. If you stood the fuck back from her and just shot her shield, she was fucking useless and a throw pick. But because people are retarded and wouldn't just, y'know, move the fuck back and shoot the shields, they got punished. That was the entire point of her. Punish players for not learning basic, core mechanics of OW. But nope, gotta fucking cry about it rather than learn. That's why sombra keeps getting reworked. She's not OP, people are just stupid and lack the basic idea of "turning the fuck around". I mean shit, Juno is probably one of the best balanced characters they've released, but she STILL got nerfed because she upset the ana/kiri meta, and I guarantee she'll get nerfed again because she's still getting picked in t500/esports matches.
I still hate how they ruined Mercy's ult and turn it into a lazy TF2 serverside mod
Mercy mains are forever cucks that can be satiated with a shop skin.
What went wrong
Right at the launch it was good, then they nerfed Mercy so I quit.
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My guess is that some insane political shenanigans started at highest levels in the company during the process of microsofts acquisition and everyone else down the ladder got fucking dunked on in the process. Whatever bullshit sex scandals that got out in public are just ripples on the surface of a lake of corporate warfare.
Dunno what exact intentions behind brig were, but my personal theory is that she was introduced to break genjis and tracer kneecaps, cause supports were whining how game devolved into support hunt with mobile tanks and dpses just deleting some poor mercy/ana/zenyatta souls.
As a result, instead of dynamic, fastpaced meta we've got fucking Reinhardt boss raid goats meta that was even more cancerous than previous one.
The problem was Kotick, and now, Keller. Kaplan was part of the old guard, very much still in the mindset of, "Release it when it's ready", rather than releasing early for profits. Kaplan was able to hold off Kotick for a while, but eventually the hammer came down and he was given an ultimatum - Get something they can ship now, monetize, and fix later, or get fired and have team 4 gutted and reassigned to other IPs. Kaplan & the team rushed out OW2's PvP because of this, but when Kotick saw that they could use it as a money printer without doing major features or changes, he scrapped PvE entirely, and Kaplan called it quits because he couldn't deal with what they were doing to his game. Keller got Kaplan's position because he was a massive yes man to Kotick and was more than happy to have the team focus entirely on microtransaction content. Now we're at where we are now, with fuckall content and almost all the resources going towards cosmetics and crossovers, and even with that T4 was still gutted and they keep having to make shitty recolors of existing skins (see - Witch Mercy having 3 different recolors) because they have nothing else to push out. And M$ doesn't give a fuck about adding gameplay shit because they only care about the shop money.
>They need to make sure that each tank can basically do what every other tank can do
Not at all, especially if there's two. That's part of why double tank is missed, you could have a disruptor and a protector, or other combinations. DPS and Heals can cover each others flaws, Tanks are lone roles.
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No. There were several weeks before competitive was added to the game. No one cared about winning or losing
to be honest i dont think pve was ever going to be good. i dont think kaplan or his team has the kind of grasp on fps game feel to make a coop shooter that is fun to play. very few devs do. overwatch just doesn't really feel like a good "shooter", at best it's a game that is fun incidentally because of good visual/audio direction and technical execution. games like apex legends and l4d2 absolutely shit on overwatch in terms of feeling good to play, in pvp and pve settings respectively
The point I was making there was that if they go back to balancing Main/Off tank as they did before, you're just going to end up in a forced two hero meta that synergizes so well that playing anything else other than mirror in to it is throwing the game for your team. Blizzard is too stupid to balance tanks in a way that allows for multiple viable comps without one prevailing meta taking hold.
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The solution? 8v8. If that doesn't work? 12v12.
The PvE had promise, as shown by archives, but the PvE they delivered in OW2 was just unfinished garbage that everyone played once then never touched again. But now you have the Junkenstein mode that lets you pick abilities they made for PvE, and it's extremely popular. So clearly there was shit in PvE that could have worked if given the chance to be properly developed, but now we'll never know.
juno_(overwatch) -futa -anal -dark_skinned_male sort:score

yep, it's gamer time
>axe PvE idea
>watch as Helldivers 2 make a fucking bank and then some, while your company lost last bits of goodwill that been built over years
The irony is palpable.
Eh 2 lucio 2 zarya 2 mccree spawned almost immediately, definitely before competitive was added. Stupidest meta of all times, i genuinely hated it.
PvE would've been fine in terms of design. It helps that gave hero utility purpose. Retribution was easily their best event on all difficulties because of the balance and function it had. The REAL issue would've been exactly what their already existing pve had: people get bored of it. Not because it isn't fun necessarily, but because choice of four heroes in a story event that stops to say lines (even with some variation to it) will wear on most people. When Junkenstein or Archives were back, they'd be hits, and then the novelty would wear off and finding a game in it stops being immediate. If it were year round, I can't really have faith that it'd be a constant hit, unless it had a baffling good and long campaign. I say this as someone who really loved the OW PvE and wanted it more often. That being said, tossing out a trash freebie for the new PvE (and then removing it) and getting rid of Archives for good was a wretched choice defensible by almost nothing.
You're crying about that instead of multi torb/bastion bunker comps? Or multi symm carwashes?
>Playing on defense
>6 Winstons come flying in and roll us
Kino, but nightmarish
The original Junkenstein gets old after a while because they stopped updating it after Ashe. The Junkenstein's bride event also gets boring fast because again, they didn't even update it. But Junkenstein's lab is extremely popular.

Remember going through the Hanamura choke only to get instaraped by 6 different level 2 torb turrets, a bastion, a symm who set up 6 turrets at the bell, and a rein just holding M2? Or Lijang shrine where it was an instarape the second you stepped on point, with everyone camped in the corner?
multitorb and carwashes were a meme comps, double lucio-zarya-eastwood basically cemented future of a competitive landscape and probably not in a good way.
we were doing 6 soldiers on KoTH maps with a point always being covered with healing. Stupid shit, but worked way better than it should.
>That 12 year old kid is 20 years old now
God I do not miss that retarded twitchspeak. I'm glad that shithole got ruined by normalfags and simps.
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This but unironically.
I hate 6v6 fags, you can tell they NEVER EVER play support. If you throw in another fatass tank into the mix. Then support players cant do anything but healbot the braindead tanks until they die.
5v5 is the only way
>"Healers.... have LE HEAL!?!?!?!?!"
Do you play Final Fantasy 14 as well?
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>its been 8 years and it just keeps getting worse
and yes you are USELESS if you don't heal, look at Symmetra. She couldn't heal and was thrown into the DPS dustbin
Overwatch is eternal through rule 34
would genuinely consider playing ow2 if they made casual 12v12 with no hero limits
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I hate overwatch so damn much today because of how shit it is compared to yesteryear. but if they release overwatch classic set in any patch before Sombra was added I'd play it like crazy. I'd prefer keeping all the cosmetics though.
this is the worst bait imaginable. Overwatch 1 was a complete dogshit game and Jeff Kaplan is a retard who rightfully got fired.
If they release overwatch classic and his name isn't McCree I'm not playing.
Chuck Cassidy (formerly McSneed)
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but they got femboy deku now it's the best game ever
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based his name will always be McCree
fuck that faggot ass cassidy name
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>they are bringing 6v6 back next season
5v5 is literally one of the few good things about OW2.
making DPS even less relevant is not what OW needs at all.
remember triple shield? or fucking GOATS? of all things you OWfags wanted 6v6 back, especially now with the HP buff?

next thing you fucking dickheads will tell me is that you want Hanamura and Anubis back as well.
the only people that are more retarded than OW players at this point are the OW devs.
>next thing you fucking dickheads will tell me is that you want Hanamura and Anubis back as well.
Absolutely. Should've said Paris if you wanted to make a point.

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