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Last one was a good one. What is stopping or hindering you from devving consistently?

Previous Thread: >>692689957
There's a monster that shows up near the end of the game who can wipe your party in like two turns if you're not careful, but he can also be defeated in like one. In order to recruit him you need to deplete all his MP.
This is a bad idea, right
No, it's funny.
My job.
as long as there's a save point a little before I think you should keep it in lol
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it's a common mob, the picture I posted was unrelated
that said, recruiting isn't the only way to get monsters in your party; you could also just fuse one. I think I'll keep it
This: >>692781968

Also indecision. I keep thinking that I should switch to a better engine for performance, when the first switch already cost me two months from re-implementing multithreading, movement and animations.
what engine are you using and what kind of game are you trying to make?
Currently I'm on BabylonJs, previously I was working on nothing in just plain JS with ThreeJS and Cannon. Since I'm shipping with Tauri I could do expensive stuff in Rust, but I imagine the part I really need is rendering and collisions, where the overhead would kill me.
It's supposed to be a turn-based RPG with a Paper Mario style.

I was already at a point where I could generate terrain on demand I started dipping below 60fps after about 300 meters of movement because the physics engine couldn't handle it. When I tried to solve that with multithreading I found out that Three can't do that out of the box and I thought if I have to rewrite everything, I might as well stop playing around pick something actually intended for game dev.
a little gay, try a motor boat
Is this an Inspector Gadget game?
it's more like Debisama meets Earthbound meets Roger Rabbit
That based
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got some shapes working, quite good progress for just one day. now i need sleep
not bad, reminds me of a GBA game (not just the resolution but the artstyle)
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you mean the apple? i made the paint software not the drawing
ah nevermind
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I sort of design my game backwards in scale of complexity and difficulty. I have tons of cool bosses and encounters with unique mechanics, but stuff I come up with for the beginning of the game is incredibly lame in comparison.
I wish the average gamer type was the autistic hardcore nerd again who could just get right into the meat instead of whining about the game being too hard
You're a retarded frogposter, but you accidently raised a good point (despite being brain damaged)
How do you spread out the quality of your game?
Do you front load it to hook players in, but risk them getting bored towards the end?
Or do you build up to an epic finish, but risk them dropping it at the start?
i'm designing backwards from boss encounters too, but i don't understand the dichotomy you're presenting. you can make all parts of your game quality
I guess that's ideal, but if one part of your game is better than the others, where do you put it?
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Finished my system for cutscenes, now including head turning and lip sync routines (which will be important when characters talk to one another).
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you have one week until demo day.
prepare yourselves.
Is there a market for more tower defense?
You don't see TD fans all the time, but I know they're one of the most dedicated (and autistic) fan bases so IDK.
this looks great anon
there's a market for anything if it is memeable
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One week until demo day? If I book it and finish my original body and animations (not seen in this WEBM), I might be able to setup an online multiplayer demo with my new animations in a little physics playground by then... Hmm... How often are the demo days? If I can't hit this one, I can definitely hit the next.
>How often are the demo days?
every two months, good luck!
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my SSD died and it took almost a month to get a replacement, so there's no way i'm making it to DD.
>almost 1:1 copy of world 1-1
Uh oh, Nintendo's gonna sue!
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I have a conventional job and classes, plus there's no money in indie games.

Also PAT Fairy is in the game now
its not the main game, just an easter egg
what is this like a mini game in poke all toads?
Cool story, bro.
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We're here, we're queer, and we want you to join our SO RETRO showcase, The /v/erdict on November 30th. Check out the information video.

I got a lot more consistent about working on the game every day once I started making youtube videos about my progress. Nobody watches them but it's just the right amount of fake external pressure to trick my brain into staying motivated
No this is a completely separate thing, I'm not PATdev, he just gave me permission
Have to redo all enemy injured interaction because my dumbass reversed left/right and I need to make sure the enemy even knows what correct direction he is facing.
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I have now accomplished the enlightened state of gamedev: I have fully realized that there literally isn't a single game in the world that's worth playing except my own game idea
thinking of a new game is so hard it actually fucking hurts
It's like I'm braindead or something, I can't fucking come up with anything fun at all that isn't a copy-paste of an already existing game
I just want to make a simple phone game for fucks sake, to chill and take a break from bigger projects, that are actually fucking easier to make because making RPG's or FPS takes less imagination than a fucking tetris or 2048 which are all clever minigames
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Project Nortubel: Something.
I tried with a very similar stack. It's not worth it. Just use Bevy.
I want to make all of my boss fights a genre shift from the base game. Aping Undertale/Deltarune is the obvious one, Any other ideas for more niche systems I could use?
just take parts of games you like and mash them together
How absolutely retarded would it be to make an asset flip with pirated assets?
I have a game I'm working on.. but last time I shared I was treated horribly and got laughed out of the topic.
So, with that in mind, I will not be sharing my game.
Anyway, progress is good. I added the soup store today.
If that's a free game - DMCA
If you unironically charge for it/put ads in it - Lawsuit
you can't just post this shit and not show the soup store
I think you just need to build up immunity and build up thick skin
that's why I added a soup store to my game. Soup is really healthy.
sometimes I just want to say "fuck it" and release random steaming pile of shit "game" made with basic unity shapes just to release anything at all
or just literally copy a game like minecraft or terraria because I just like to play them
Do it anon!
That's what you are supposed to do. Most yesdevs have at least a few duds before actually making the good ones
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If the game allows you to finish a level without killing any monsters (you'll take a bunch of damage and your score will be really low, but it is possible), does it make sense that the story is about defeating all the monsters that have invaded your homeland?
>I have a conventional job
Yeah, hang on to that one, fucking hard to get hired right now.
Punish pacifists.
Just make the end state a button that kills all monsters.
Seen you for quite some time now. How close is the project to completion?
Give the player a steam achievement for it calling them a pussy.
the narrative could be that the monsters are retreating back to wherever they came from rather than completely exterminated
I thought about having a sort of "Easter egg" where if the player finishes a level without killing a single enemy, there's a cutscene shaming them for it, and they have to restart the level. But I guess I don't really want to "force" them to kill some arbitrary amount of enemies (even though, ideally, they would kill every single one).
Maybe I'll make it so that it isn't possible to finish a level without killing any enemies. You'll take damage if you collide with an enemy, and you only have a limited amount of health. I could set it up so that certain points require you to kill enemies in order to pass through.
Feel free, its your game.
But even if its a narrative heavy game, it is still a game, and there should be some amount of player freedom.
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you dont kill any monsters, it unlocks "generic skeleton blaster weapon"
Just dont say you pirated the assets
It's not narrative heavy at all; it's extremely goofy and the story has tons and tons of plot holes (intentionally).
Then it is a non-issue, just let your players be autists who can brute force a no kill run on a few levels, it will be fine if it isn't a serious game.
Anyone else in the ZONE right now ?
>slept, drank and ate
>background music hits the right spot
>motivation spike
>nothing to interrupt me during the next 10 hours
>it's gamedev time
Yeah, I guess you're right. I'd still like to add an Easter egg if you finish a level without killing any. Thanks anons.
>sick as sin for last entire week
>only worked on some art
>music all bad
upload a music as a midi on a file sharing site
>you can make all parts of your game quality
you could make the starting/beginner zone easy or not too difficult mechanicly speaking but maybe with secrets zones that they can't access yet either because they don't have a particular skill like metroivanias or aren't skilled enough to know that such zones exist and how to access them
time to go to bed i thought you wrote that you couldn't make all parts of your game quality
i am very dogshit at art, even pixel art.
then practice.
When I first started drawing, it was bad enough to make a professional artist on Twitch start crying with laughter at me. Now I draw NSFW to moderate success.
One of the most disappointing things in games is to see the quality drop off immediately after the first area. One of the current popular "japanese cartoons" was an excellent example of that.

To front load the experience is to defy the law of nature itself. Everything starts from simple to complex. If someone drops a game after the first area, they would've dropped it anyways and no "complexification" would've helped the experience since most likely than not, the problem is not there.
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How's this look? Writing comedy has always been really hard for me, so this might be more "cringy" than "funny".
that dragon animaton is really cool

the dialogue is a little long, just 2-3 screens.
Still fishing for some interesting RPGmk MZ plugins, if anyone is working with that
Yeah, the pixel artist I hired is insanely talented. It sounds weird saying this about my own game, but I honestly can't wait to see how it looks with all the final artwork in place.
>the dialogue is a little long
Here's an older webm that shows how that character talks. I wanted to write this new cutscene in that same style. That character's lines start at 1:29.
eh I don't think the dialogue is necessary. If the pixel artist is really that good just have him make a cut scene for you. You want to get straight into the action, just have some animation of the slimes being annoying and then your dragon can to go get them.
posting to hopefully summon that one solo dev making what i think was a sidescrolling mecha beatemup with pixel-ish graphics. it had a blonde loli in a white & red one piece leotard thing as the main character.
used to follow him on twitter but i deleted my account and he didnt have a steam page up yet. anyone know what im talking about?
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things kinda just converged into a boss without me noticing
Panic Floor? He's right here >>692785242
no it was more of a beatemup type thing, it had combos and stuff. this was last year so idk if he still even posts here.
This was usually the case with shareware games, Doom's first episode was amazing but the episodes in the registered/retail versions were a mixed bag.
This is the first time in the 2 or 3 years I've been posting in these threads that i hear of this game, are you sure you saw it here?
Maybe you saw something in the thread over at /vg/, there was some pixel game with the character holding a gun around.
only boards i ever used are /v/ and /vr/ so i guess it could have been there but i think he was in here desu. 2022 would be my guess, if not then it was definitely 2023. im checking every game dev thread on b4k rn so maybe ill find it again.
That transition is smooth, nice man
I haven't touched programming in nearly a decade (only knew the fundamentals of OOP in Java and C#.) What's a good framework to relearn things while making basic bitch games? MonoGame?
RPG maker uses java and you can turn your basic bitch into something interesting like Hylics
hylics 2 was made in unity and hylics 1 wasn't that mechanically interesting
I know who you are talking about but I don't know his socials.
zeno sama from dragon ball
That's JS not Java
Cool fight, reminds me a lot of some old shoot-em-ups, and some nice camera movement going there too.
Collecting the hat again is a pretty nice touch. I did think they were collecting shades though.
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Proof of concept is nearing its end. Most of the work has been spent dealing with physics. I will be choosing a project path after AGDG demo day next week.
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Finishing up a solodev project and looking to do a smaller scope low-stakes collaborative project. Anyone else also looking for something like that?
are you an artist?
Not that guy but I am.
meant for
I'm an autist, if that matters
Depending on the idea I can make some time for a little project, sure. Do you have an idea yet of roughly what kind of thing you want to make?
I noticed the majority of games steer away from profanity and gore, is it because of steam tend to not favor such games or is it because they don't sell much compared to pg games?
I think there's still an audience for violence, but you have to be careful with profanity. Use it too much in casual dialogue, and it'll come across as juvenile writing.
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>making a AC clone
>AC8 and PW2 coming out in the near-ish future
I'm a performance artist.
wait a minute, that level...
I see thanks, maybe i should a options for people turned off by it
Change the 3D models to be about dragons shooting guided fireballs.
There, now yours is unique.
Aside from AC8 and PW2 there's like 4-5 indie clones being developed at any one time (usually they never release, PW was an exception).

It's a niche but a pretty competitive niche.
I tried motor boating your mom
that's okay because BD did extremely well despite TY3 and UoF releasing the same year because people really can't get enough of RR likes
>Previous Thread: >>692689957(Cross-thread)
Don't do that asshole, you'll get the thread banned.
Unless you're a jerk from AGDG looking to do exactly that.
I got the reference and I clapped
why is agdg bad
Maybe dont worry about the online multiplayer part. Just let people play the regular game by themselves so you can get some feedback
Absolute crab mentality.
All the Anons who gave up on ever making their vidya still lurk in there.
It's an absolute shithole where progress posts get ignored at best.
Dunno but last summer some guy over there had a meltie that some developers were only posting in these threads and not over there, and he spammed the threads for a couple of days hoping to get it banned.
>Absolute crab mentality
How so? Because they tell faggot uppity devs that their 0 review game is a failure?
That's awesome! I remember something about not using Euler angles to calculate the rotation of an object in games, because of gimble lock. Are you aware of this?
Progress is slow and painfull right now. My last update on itch is one fucking year ago by now. But I am hanging in there. I will go back to it right now.
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Statistically speaking, most people play the first levels and progressively drop the game along the away. That means the first level will be seen by most people and the last level by the fewest.
Thus it makes sense to dedicate more time and resources to polishing that.
/agdg/ is full of incredibly obnoxious discord personality circlejerk drama faggots. Only worth browsing durring demo days.
/v/ and /gedg/ are better unironically.
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Have they release anything at all? I think Bug fables is one of them.
Just need to make the cutscenes, do the voices, and finish updating all enemy scripts, which should take about a weekend's worth of work.
I say the end of the year.
But, I mean, it's already implemented. I've had online working for a while now. The online would be togglable. As in, you could play single player, or you could play multiplayer. Why would I not include it?
Are you doing the animation yourself? They are quite "not a beginner anymore but not good yet". The asset store has a fuckton of cheap animation packs, even for fantasy and martial arts stuff. Might save you a *lot* of work and improve quality a bit.
Also, unless that attack deals fuck-you damage, it's way too slow - at least for the player. It's more the kind of thing I would see on a miniboss.
As for your terrain, I guess it's purely placeholder but making an inclide-sensitive shader to automatically place the rocky parts would help a bit - unless that already the case and it's using some heavy noise or something.
Because everyone there is a spamming retard that seek nothing aside from pity points by spamming the same garbage anime and screenshots. I like annoying them because of how badly the nodevs and crabs piss their pants when I point out their hypocrisy; it's so bad that I have a sneaking suspicion that a specific depiction of a particular popular children's book character is now completely banned, with the mere mention of her name being ban-worthy.
What's the upper limit on the number of online players?
Your stuff already looks good, so I could see it blow up if you can get lobbies with a lot of players
> /gedg/ are better unironically
By a very small margin.
Last I checked, it has was basically an enginefag circlejerk... with barely anyone posting anything actually close to be a game (because enginefag) AND still shitting on anyone using any form of existing library for not being enginefag enough.

Underspace is "their" biggest recent release.
Although the dev barely lurk there anymore since the crabs are relentless about shitting on him for not out-selling Skyrim.
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Having to market my game has made me realise just how bad twitter is
Breasts too big
Rock too small
I'm devving right now
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Truly I do not know. I have tested 4 locally on one machine, and I have tested 3 across the country in different locations. I don't have a lot of people I can test with at once, sadly, so I have no clue of the upper limit. What I can tell you is that I played perfectly on the tests I did do.
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Here, now it has SOVL.
Twitter is only to market your game to other marketers.
And make update announcements to your loyal fanbase once you realized.
It's utterly useless for actual marketing purposes.
>I don't have a lot of people I can test with at once
You have /v/ I'm sure anons would love to beta test it for (you)
kek, you can barely get a (you) when you post your game
So what am I supposed to do? I posted on reddit and got some traffic. Not sure where else to shill
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Are any of these better?
I'm no artist and I'm a bit color deaf so it's hard for me to make stuff look cohesive. I hate colors, should've went for a black and white game.
Work, i hate going home too tired to work on my game but not tired enough to play vidya.
No idea, I'm stuck in the same spot... and from discussing around with other Anons there is no actual way outside of stalking jewtuber/twitchfag, or paying for ads.
>Breasts too big
Why are you gay?>>692827408
>unless that attack deals fuck-you damage, it's way too slow
It does
1 is too saturated
3 is too washed out
I would say 2, but that's really the kind of shit that will look completely differently on two different monitors.
Probably better to use #1 and add a saturation graphic option whose setting default to make it like #2.
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had a playtest and my testers where struggling because they didn't get pendulum/momentum-physics. hoping to fix with level design
Not him but 1 is way too saturated for a dungeon palette. 3 might be too desaturated but I like the purplish hue shift. I think that plays well with the cool colors of the dungeon and think you should lean into it
Show me your game
You need a attention grabbing image to get (you)'s
>hoping to fix with level design
For this kind of shit, it can really help to have a few NPCs do the action first - even if it's completely scripted and not using the actual physics/ability.
This way the player know he can do that, and has at least a vague idea of how.
Maybe have a small pack of 2-3 tongue monsters flee the player when he arrive there, so he can see them do that jump.
Bonus point for showing one of them fumbling the jump (so the player feel less bad when *he* will fuck it up) and either fall into the void or knock itself out and become a free kill for the player.
only anime tiddies get replies in these threads. Others are either samefagging or stuck in a tiny circlejerk
Can you make an SRPG with RPGmaker? Are there any known groups willing to be comissioned for a game if I was rich?
if you were rich why would you hire people to use rpgmaker
>Are there any known groups willing to be comissioned for a game if I was rich?
Everybody? Anybody takes commissions if your offer is high enough.

You can make SRPGs in RPG Maker with plugins though it's pretty jank. There's an SRPG Studio if you're into that
At this point I might just do 3D modeling instead of shitty video games with awful art, bought music, and buggy gameplay
Oh no that was just a general question, not RPGM specific.
Known groups? Not sure, but in game dev discords you see people asking for comissions all the time.
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I don't know how true that is. I get replies on my game and I refuse to make it have anime titties. I think gameplay can speak for itself if given the chance.
Gameplay: DoW1 with Total War squad size, C&C:Generals-style powers and Warzone2100-style base building.
Ambiance: GLA but anime girls and with weaponry crafted in their backyard from stolen school supplies, or ordered from dubious internet sites.

Here is a recent-ish bigger video (mostly showing that my high-level AI is retarded): https://litter.catbox.moe/xxb3r2.mp4
The game is nowhere near functional enough for even a demo AND I'm still looking for a 2D/3D artist, so I'm not pushing marketing hard yet.
I post progress updates on Twitter, but that's more to force me to keep a schedule than really out of thinking it will matter. 90% of my non-bot followers are other indies.
Reddit's RTS-related subs are next, but those are anal about how often you can shill your shit so I will wait to have a worthy demo before trying.
Same with Discord's RTS-related server, already lurking in a bunch of those but all devs shilling their shit their have something a bit more playable than what I have for now.
Neither of those seems to do much tho. Too many devs, not enough audience.
Been looking around for marketing tips that doesn't require a budget nor a publisher, and the only other thing I could find is doing devblog on Youtube... but from feedback it always end up turning into a dedicated job and "just like, make game" become a tertiary concern.

So yeah, game isn't ready for marketing yet anyway, and from looking around it's not looking good even for when it will be.
If you have some marketing advice I'm all ears.
i musta misread, sounded like the online multiplayer was the part left to do, not the rest of the game
Looks interesting. I'll follow you on twitter if you post it (I'm the one who's also trying to market a game there).
Amateur but i got work in two doujins so i get bragging rights i guess.
You got nice gameplay anon, but i hope you get a character designer somewhere down the line
Post gameplay.
No but I end up doing a lot of art anyway because I work with a lot of poor teams
Wow a crabbing nodev faggot, never seen that before!
Some schizo on aggy keeps bringing up how my game flopped out of nowhere. I don't even know why anyone would care more about my game's sales than me but I have my suspicions he's the same guy that got mad I wouldn't make his game idea for him
I can tell you from a business perspective, you don't want to hire services that are begging you to hire them, its a natural indicator of them being either low quality or unproven (a risk). Its usually much more attractive and sound to hire services from people with a reputation/who are busy/popular
Oh sorry for the misunderstanding. I meant people asking people to do X stuff for them. Like recently I saw a guy looking for someone to make him a combat system for 200$.
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yeh i initially wanted "understanding momentum" to be part of the regular level, but you're probably right. it's better as part of the tutorial
my marketing advice is don't expect normal people to be interested in games starring anime girls like responses on 4chan might lead you to believe. a game like this does not appeal to anyone but weebs
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holy fuck i love this artstyle. props on the design of the main character. he is somehow super ugly and super cool to look at at the same time, i like it
This looks like a complete fucking fever dream. And I'm here for it!
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holy shit that is more or less exactly what i'm going for. thanks for noticing
you haven't seen anything yet
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cut tool, clone stamp tool, dodge, burn, favorite colors
Which dev are you? I think I remember seeing someone talking about a game failing that had over 500 reviews.
Someone was also saying Jishogi was a failure, but that was a good game that got picked up by some big Youtubers.
you can, its going to take alot of grinding event pages to get the ai right
Not sure if that would change anything, but while I'm attached to the girls-doing-retarded-war-things element, the only reason I'm orbiting around "generic anime artstyle" is for cost reasons.
I would prefer something like Wakfu or less-generic-anime like Rabbit&Steel, but finding artists who can do non-stereotypical anime stuff is both much harder AND tend to be one magnitude more expensive. And AI isn't there yet for animated humanoid models, so slop-maxing isn't an option.
>do it yourself
I utterly hate modelling.

I don't use it much outside of forcing some token amount of progress every week tho.
How to stop being a retard who insists on turning his game into some deranged art piece?
At first I just wanted to try making a strategy game because I was curious how they worked under the hood but now that most of the core syatems are implemented all I can think of is how to shove it into some autistic narrative.
I feel like someone has a downvote bot on me on reddit, my posts get zero traction anymore.
Umm don't you know that the pixels are supposed to be viewed through a CRT filter?
Google the wetness
Did the brick-breaker-clone anon even finished his game?
seemed cute how people here are trying to do some serious shit and then suddently he appears with a tutorial project lol
what type of posts, show an example
>autistic narrative
its fine as long as its skillfully done
I finished my game!!
The game is not what you might think at the first glance... it's got a twist.
I'll play it eventually.
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is this type of interaction normal
>discord tranny dev somehow got a Neil Cicerga to do OST for him
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Welp, here we go again
are there cute npc's (this means women)
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the older projects got purget
I hat some that were last modified 3 years ago but were never finished
Shi dev lol. Never even posted its progress on agdag
The guy who used AI to generate anime girls for a breakout clone? Haven't seen him, probably already uploaded it to steam.
>its fine as long as its skillfully done
Thats the problem
You might like Phill the bunny
>making shit up about random dude for whatever reason (adgd faggot got butthurt?)
Just die, kill yourself
Did you forget to take your meds this morning?
go be a nodev failure somewhere else, bitch
>nodev using AI calling others nodevs
lol. Got to love the projection.
Yes but my friends say it's better cause they can't talk to me if I take them.
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Anyone tried to make the GUI with HTML & JavaScript in Godot?

I hear that you can use a kind of Chrome plugin or something in Unity, which basically puts a browser into your game with the browser interface hidden, so you can make an inventory using HTML & JavaScript instead of trying to figure out the GUI systems in the game engine. This made me happy, but I was wondering if anybody has pulled it off in Godot?
Wait, you can? Hmm, I could make a HTML5 game in Unity if that's true
> plugin or something in Unity, which basically puts a browser into your game
There are several actually.
I used one in my pony porn VR game, so you could browse 2D horse porn while watching VR horse porn.
no that's incredibly stupid
No. Post gameplay.
Was wondering if there are similar ways in Godot.

Why would avoiding the game engine's GUI system in favor of super easy HTML/CSS design be stupid?
>Why would avoiding the game engine's GUI system in favor of super easy HTML/CSS design be stupid?
Godot has a bunch of the implemented I think?
I get it isn't the same thing, but they probably have the most advanced UI solution for game dev currently out there.
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shit like this keeps happening, its weird to get more comments than votes right?
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I get that it works, and it may be advanced, but I'd rather make use of my 20 years of making web sites rather than struggling with their system.

If I could use JavaScript and canvas I'd probably save 500 hours at minimum.
webdev brainrot
gonna give things an hour or two and get back to animating later.
pixel art animation is fighting me hard rn.
congrats anon, that must be rare around here
Guess you pissed off a redditor.
I advise doubling down.
is this armor? You don't need to make it breathe, just keep it static
people just want to talk, not actually do anything
I genuinely don't get what your problem is.
If only you knew how easy HTML/CSS/JavaScript makes things.
MS paint is my favorite videogame
Are you gonna add layers as well?
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nah that's a bit too much, added syncing though
You oughta take your meds.
I think I won't take that advice, but I appreciate the thought.
Even Samus in her nuclear willpower tank armor has a breathing animation while idle, in her 2D games.
This guy is basically a sci-fi grunt in the cheapest stuff that could qualify as armor for the current ages weaponry. The Dark blue sections aren't even armor, but just durable cloth.
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Pretty sure you're talking about SquireGrooktook
He hasn't posted here in several years and makes fun of us behind our backs on Discord just like all the other talented devs who abandoned this site
There's many, many, many different ways to use a webstack for a desktop UI, because HTML + CSS is really good at cross-platform UI and webdevs are cheaper than C, Rust, etc. devs.

Godot has a plugin that integrates Chromium. That's not Chrome itself, but a component of chrome. Lots of software uses that: Slack, Discord, Edge. You need to be careful with this because Chromium is GPL licenced so you need to integrate it in the right way or else your game becomes open source.

That variant actually ships the browser with your game, which costs a lot of RAM no matter how simple your game may be. So devs have created a slew alternatives that instead use system webview, that you already have: Tauri in Rust, Wails for Go, and some mad lad even made desktop PHP a thing.
The important thing with those kits is that you are dending on an external ressources, which forces you to test across platforms like any webdev would. Fuck Safari.

>I get it isn't the same thing, but they probably have the most advanced UI solution for game dev currently out there.
Sure, but they won't have the sheer amount of ressources and tooling as webdev has. You can already direct AI to make your generic Tailwind + React app, slap on some nice font and icons and you've got a better UI than most indies.
That's pretty cool
If you add layers it's unironically better than MS Paint
if you love Javascript so much, make your game in it. Use some of the countless JS frameworks and engines out there. Don't Frankenstein it onto Godot.

It's possible, of course. Godot uses Emscripten like everyone else, and you can manipulate everything that goes in and out. But >>692841851 put it best
stacking damage
yo this looks fire
Woah!! Its like if they made a game out of First Cut: Samurai Duel!!!
>Godot uses Emscripten like everyone else
You seem to be misunderstading that anon: you wouldn't try to run the wasm export of godot in JS, you'd have your usual native program with a transparent webview layer on top, and you open a local port of godot and JS to talk to each other.
sick as hell
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dargon 2

time to texture :(
please give it eyelashes
make it purple
And with yellow horns.
Big retard here
I don't know how to properly handle scenes in Godot
Does a script need it's own scene?
Don't worry, Godot 6 will fix it.
what a cancer mindset to reject mixing html GUI with a 3D game engine just because...... because no reason at all.
>what's stopping you
I'm ngmi
Scenes are just Nodes that are saved.
I assume you're switching from Unity, so unlike Unity there's no distinction between Prefabs and Scenes - everything is a Node
That makes sense
How useful is the documentation? I've been hoping prior experience would allow me to skip out on reading it
It's very good - good enough that you don't have to interact with the community at all, almost everything is well documented, a good amount of stuff even got examples and even fi you come across something niche it's likely that you can find an explanation with a google search
>How useful is the documentation?
Some of it is well written. Most of it is auto generated, and not great. Areas can be really lacking. There is a large discrepancy between C# and gdscript methods, variables, etc. at times.
If you have a C# question and the docs don't answer it, you'll likely need to ask in one of their political hugbox discords.
>There is a large discrepancy between C# and gdscript methods, variables
They are literally the same except camelcase instead of snake case.
you probably don't need to make those wing fingers actual polyons, could just be textures.
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Added proper animations for all the weapons today and brushed up some of the enemy animations, including a new stumble back
They aren't.
You have to access certain methods in a roundabout manner in C#, sometimes they aren't even accessible, compared to in gdscript where it all works with minimal fuss.
For example, I was trying to follow along the official Godot tutorial for placing interactive GUI elements on 3D game objects, and couldn't complete it because certain methods didn't exist/weren't accessible in C#. I had to do a bunch of googling to find a hacky workaround to follow along official tutorial code while using C#.
what method are you trying to access? it probably has a way to access it you just dont know the right singleton to call, I've been using godot c# for over a year now and never had any big issues
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Improving? Disproving? Unproving? Reproving? Dunno but I gotta make 20 variations for the dialog scenes so I guess I'll call it quits here. Should've listened to mom and picked up 3D modeling instead.
Right (but like middle's hair color better)
Leftmost is definitively the worst.
Center and rightmost are a big improvement over it.
I mostly prefer center, except for the Lamia where right is better.
This was when 4.1.1 or whatever first released, if I remembered what exactly it was I would have mentioned it.
95% of using any engine, IDE, util or library is unraveling the intentionally obtuse autism of the devs to drag the actual obvious and advertised functionality out into the light kicking and screaming atop mountains of deranged written or structural boilerplate which nearly negates the entire benefit of using high level tools rather than reinvent the wheel.
> certain methods didn't exist/weren't accessible in C#
Been using Godot with C# for a bit more than half a year now and never ran into this issue. The worst I had to do is call a C# specific wrapper function and pass in the functions as a string arguments but that's exceedingly rare. What exactly were you trying to do?
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middle heads on right bodies
This anon is correct:
Yeah, changing my vote to this
more work on the soup store.
the game itself takes place in a dreamlike world absent of time and date.
except for the soup store, which is opened or closed based on the real life time on your PC.
the ones on the right are the best
The gameplay looks real nice, but I think that character looks bad, even annoying, sorry anon, had to say it
Dang, is higher saturation hair color really that bad? I upped their clothes a bit and the hair seemed too washed out so I added some there too.
Yeah that's what I keep wondering. If I make it even lower-poly, it might save me a lot of trouble. I could go for a much simpler art style. Something like >>692833732
I think the dev mentioned you can load your own PNGs to replace the head and I think the shirt color too so you can make your own characters, or just insert mario and sonic on top
>Top Right
It's not the hair color, it's the eyes. Black just work better
>Middle Right
Yeah it's the hair saturation. It cross the threshold between blond and piss.
>Bottom Right
Face is more anatomically correct but undersell the expression.
>higher saturation hair color really that bad
bold shadows work on clothes due to the abrupt angles and folds, there are no such abrupt angles on the face so bold shadows don't work as well
I don't know how to make my inventory UI look good
Oh, that's way better, disregard what I posted then.
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Also thanks, that helped save a lot of tris. Don't know what I was thinking
Grab a game whose inventory UI look good to you.
"Take inspiration" from it.
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Where do I start with Unreal's EQS for enemy AI? Is it very difficult? I want something like HECU AI from Half-Life 1, maybe also with seeking half body cover.
i told you, make the icons bigger
i want to start but how do you guys not get overwhelmed with making art/doing programming/making music all at once? it seems so intimidating.
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Started just doodling concepts of my DRPG classes instead of trying to go right for the finished version. Having fun with it.
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i did, but I still don't like it
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Other one
Cool drawings, anon.
That's really ugly
>Terrible color scheme
>Nonsensical heirarchy
>Everything competing for everything
What does any of this shit do? why do I need that bitches big ugly face in there? What is this even for?
Looks great, looking forward to the textures.

nitpicking here but maybe the toe nails might be too detailed too, is there any reason they don't end in a point like the horns?
holy shit dude that's terrible
art first, then program art, music is last
It's not that bad, switching roles actually helps me with the stress, when I get fed up with something I pull out the next task
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Basically what this guy said >>692854167

You want to first put all the design on paper, detail all the systems, gameplay, whatever. Then make an actual demo, with or without placeholder art, then make the art along with the actual game. And music is last, at most you would be making piano sketches if you are that creative and you already know what motiffs you want
Thanks anons
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Most indie boomer shooters could be called Quake 1 or Doom clones, but they still come out regularly and sell alright when they are good. Just make slight tweaks to make it stand out stylistically.
Would you guys spend on 4chan ads?
Maybe. It feels like it goes against board culture, and 90% of people ignore them, but it might get me a few more eyes. AND if I pay for ads, the Jannies might not delete shill threads I make.
20$ 4chan
200$ for youtube ads..
20$ facebook ads
100$ to promote a twitter post

some of these prices aren't possible, its just what i'd be willing to spend
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changed how the puddle looked based on suggestions from various people. there's now water dripping from the ceiling hitting the reflective center while the rest of it is more dried up
I don't think those actually do anything, have you ever clicked on those ads?
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The nitpicks are good. I keep missing obvious stuff. Before I was like 1250 tris. Now I'm just below 1000.

I could simplify even further but I sorta like the detail on the top (not a footfag I swear). It gives the claws a slight realistic arc. But from a distance nobody might care.
Nah. I use an ad blocker like 99% of Anons here.
I will just shill here and drop Keys.
Buy an Ad wannabe janny faggots can bitch about it
It's less about getting people to click on the virus link, and more about people being even aware your game exist.
Much more chance they actually check it if they then see it mentioned again somewhere else - be it an ads, a shill thread, some jewtuber, or a steam sales.
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>game has to be locked to 60FPS right now, or bad jitter happens and input appears to break. Physics appears to work correctly though.
Augh. I thought I scrubbed everything from being locked to the FPS counter. Oh, well, I'll figure it out.

Yeah, that's the plan for the final game. It's not implemented yet, though, and probably will not be in it in time for the first demo. I don't see why I couldn't add color changing in time for the first demo, though.
that's fine, they both look good. Don't get just stuck on the modeling though I think its great as it is, should move on to experimenting with textures and see what works, you might need to go back and forth.
>What is stopping or hindering you from devving consistently?
I got forcibly transferred from a studio with a reasonable moonlighting policy to one where literally any game related idea I have is apparently owned wholly by the company. I don't even work on the fucking games.
Anon, unless you are
>intending to display thousands of those fuckers on screen simultaneously
>intending to run this on actual PS1/PS2 hardware
Just pick the one that look the best.
Or restart from the ground up and make it 256fes for the meme.
No need to change the feet. I get that you're trying to do things lowpoly, but you are allowed to add areas of slightly higher detail.
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make it separate parts (overlapping so you cant tell)
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I don't think those hold up in court, unless they can prove you were using company assets
But I'm not a lawyer
as if they'll follow up on that? publish it under some furry pseudonym "dr fuzzybuns"
won't that fuck up the textures?
maybe, but it'll improve the movement/animation
Hate having a job that sucks up 3/4 of my day but I was too much of a faggot to actually start devving when I was younger and now at the ripe old age of 25 I can't truly change my living situation.
are you me
me you are
Same but I'm 30 and I have kids on top of it.
I want to get back in time and punch myself so hard, I had so much fucking free time before.
Has anyone developed a game using GZDoom?
Is there a more professional way to work with the engine, or do you literally start from Doom and start modifying it until there are no assets left from the original game?
I wanted to make a third-person game with sprites, and I think GZDoom would be perfect for what I have in mind.
Yes, theres some guy who made his own custom horror shooter using a super customized version of GZDoom. Look up Total Chaos: Directors Cut

The entire Godot community just banned AI. welp looks like I'm paying $100 to put my free game on steam so that someone actually sees it.
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I think the darker one works better. desaturating everything tends to be an easy way to blend colours which otherwise look garish together. it's not the ideal way but I think it's better.
I did a rough (not pixel) paintover to show what I'd do to the colours. since the scene is lit using flames, everything directly lit is fire-tinted. I also added some shading to the sides of furniture using a cooler grey-purple colour. all the bright colours lean towards the fire colour, and all the shadowy tones shift towards purples and blues.
just don't bother posting in that subreddit, they can't actually ban you from using AI
dude all this looks really good but I really think you're spending way too much time on the little things. The hue and saturation really does not matter that much and you can always change that later, work on some gameplay.
This is probably the last piece of land the anti-ai proponents can take.

From here it's just going to be regret as they have to slowly undo their restrictions as AI becomes ubiquitous in all aspects of life and they realize how much they've hamstrung themselves.
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i feel like it's already way overkill for what it is, it might be too advanced for some people
More like in 15-20 years we'll see the regret of an entire generation who relied on AI and realized too late that they crippled their own artistic development.
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Project Nortubel: Still WIP.
How do I get started?
You have to suck my dick first
pick an engine (id suggest unity) and ask gpt to walk you through making a player controller. be sure to describe the kind of player controller you want to achieve with as much detail as possible
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As an Anti-AIfag myself...I really doubt they'll care. Either they'll have learned to use it well enough in whatever capacity they want to OR they were always a ngmi who didn't care about art in the first place. There will be very few AIfags who think "man I wish I learned how to actually make art". Unless artfags actually win in the copyright battles and AI is reduced to a playful widget rather than something commercially viable. But I heavily doubt that will come to be in any meaningful way at best artists might just have stronger grounds/means to protect themselves from datasets & scrubbing.
Can ChatGPT make me 3D models as well?
only subhumans are against AI
no but there are ai model generators out there that are okay. the textures usually look like shit with those things but they get the job done
They didn't "ban all ai". They're going to be more strict about copyright enforcement and that includes making AI-generated content that is legal in terms of copyright (as in, your training material is licensed/belongs to you). How are they gonna check that, however, is anyone's guess.
lets see that programmer art, jealous code monkey.
no, your AI slop doesn't qualify, lets see what you can do.
this guy in particular is clearly a dumb normie using ai art like a slot machine. he doesnt even know how it works. all you would need to do to "reference" someone's art is 15-20 of their images, train a lora, trail an error a bit, and there you go.
>hahaha, stupid codemonkey! your programmer art SUCKS!! and is UGLY!!! yeah, how about that, bitch?
>ok I'll just use AI then, save myself the trouble
hahaha, thanks for letting me known you are incapable of actually developing a skill. I bet even your code is AI generated, and you can't understand why anything complex doesn't actually work.
already posted it faggot
your AI generated art sucks and is ugly
This was like a year or so into the craze but also Tomm's art is heavily abstracted and subjective in ways that are difficult to emulate and heavily shift from movie to movie. So while saying Ghibli might be easier because the style varies less and is heavily based on naturalism, Moore's illustrations throw a lot more loops an algorithm won't readlily pick up.
I don't care, I'm only using it for fap material at the moment.
And here is the true face of artists, everyone. OR SHOULD I SAY FASCISTS???
Constantly oppressing the people, who program all their shit for them that they cannot be bothered to do, piggybacking of SOMEONE ELSE'S HARD WORK, while acting all smug and mighty.
But now... VENGEANCE has come, and we... The coders... shall take over ALL indie game dev!

And artists... will remain as nothing but a faint memory!
This is Rusn'n Attack but the player is covered in mononeuchloud acid.
> you are incapable of actually developing a skill
Neither are you if a block of silicon can take your job with some very basic maths...
>Gee it sure would be nice if AI could generate animation ready topology with optimized quad flow
I wouldn't hate AI shit so much if they actually focused on trying to automate the boring parts of the creative process instead of just trying to replace artists with absolute dogshit.
Artpigs have kept their means of production locked inside their minds for far too long! Liberate all programmers! We codemonkeys are the proletariat, and will not let bourgeoise artpigs shackle us from our rightful destiny!
Soon, brother... We shall be victorious...
The ideaguys, the artfags, the voicefags...
ALL will be crushed under the mighty boot of the PROGRAMMER!!!!
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any image importing
This might sound weird but I'm pretty sure it's the nature of neural-nets that they have to be trained to do "the whole thing at once" and then people create the tools for obtaining control afterwards and fixing up the smaller details. The shitty rough-draft neural net needs to be in place first before the tools come.
>main reason to develop a personal game is to be involved in most of the process
>uses AI and bought assets
Sounds like you are only in it for yhe money
>artfag's "logic"
If you aren't digging and extracting the raw minerals to smelt your CPU by yourself, you are only in it for the money.
>noo! You have to do everything yourself
the popularity of game engines has filled game development with lazy people who hate developing games
>if you don't write pure assembly you're just lazy
>bought assets le bad
Nobody tell this nigga about the Marlin Studios Texturepack
how are either of those things related? Still employed, btw :) Hope you didn't get caught in those tech industry layoffs....
>basic maths
which is why modern machine learning/AI didn't produce usable results until the 2020's?
Then again, based off of the way you wrote math incorrectly, I assume you are black or English, either way it is clear you are handicapped.
You can buy and use any tools you want, but taking shortcuts takes away that developer title you seek, down to the point of being comparable to QA.
>you're only a dev if you coded the framework yourself
>and you're only a real dev if you did it using vulkan
>that developer title you seek
not that anon but are people really like this ? I thought most people here wanted to be Kojimas
I'm talking specifically about those that think skipping the development process makes them "better developers", those that for some reason come here to boast about taking the easy route.
They are not comparable to anyone that is involved in the entire process, not even close, they can cope as much as they want but they are simply asset flipping.
i think its just "medieval 1300s style"
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Then why are you acting like AI is such a problem?
>More like in 15-20 years we'll see the regret of an entire generation who relied on AI and realized too late that they crippled their own artistic development.
i said the same thing about digital artists when they came up with that and i was right
More like this?
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I think that having "dumb" monsters is a little boring (Not bad, just boring), but having ai that can think, and doesn't just run away from or chase the player makes it more unsettling. (I've been pulling my hair out over the past few days learning unreal's behavior trees and EQS system).
Holy appeal
Fucking creepy shit. Even without sounds.
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I fucking hate the ik jitters, fellas.
Add more IK to stabilize it.
love JKs though
What, like to limit the elbow rotation or something?
Me too anon, me too.
he knows if he can see you and, importantly, if you are looking at him. after establishing a sight line he freezes typically. after breaking sight line he will typically move closer but only until re-establishing sight line. I can't explain the huge move he makes where he runs past you to another room. some kind of fleeing routine where he picks a far away destination? the peek at the end falls under the behavior I described initially again.
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>wasted the entire day playing league again
Or something.
Time to head to sleep, I have to go to work at 5 am for some reason.
I love working part time without a fixed schedule.
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Does the elbow have a pole target ? If yes make it a child of the bone before the IK chain
I will now buy your game
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Work I guess, need to make money to live. I sit down everyday and do something, but the scope was perhaps to big to begin with.
wow, didn't realize Nortubel anon was this based.
Did you sign a contract agreeing to this?
bought assets can be good as it's a gain of time and if it's temporary
Count your blessings for having a job, i would have to kill someone to get hired.
enjoying your ugly nigger hag characters?
Use AI to write a detailed game design document for a Cuck Milking Farm Simulator. and keep rewriting it and resubmitting it until they agree to let you off the hook.
Doom sprite.
Would threads like these be open to ideaposting? I only have concepts. I don't mind if my ideas get stolen. It's more along the lines of, if you had infinite time and money what game would you make.
Post them, konk yourself out, my man.
>25 I can't truly change my living situation
you can still negotiate to reduce your hours as you climb the ladder in your company
>Would threads like these be open to ideaposting?
It depends.
We don't welcome low effort ideas like
"What if overwatch but with roguelike elements"
You can just lie bro, it only has to work once.
>AI is reduced to a playful widget rather than something commercially viable.
it's just end up being another asset store flip. AI assets tend to have a look to them, at first they look high quality but when you tell everything is made with AI it ends up feeling and looking cheap overall.
hasn't even released yet
I am unable to lie, never developed that skill growing up.
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I want to do a Transformers game but actually lean in on the "Robots in Disguise" bit. Like its team vs team or even just 1 v 1, but it takes place in a city or whatever, and the goal is just to find the enemy transformer and defeat it.

You can scan and transform into anything, like even a bench or stop sign. If you pop out too long in robot form though, police and the military will spawn and try to kill either of you.
You're just describing prop hunt. It's especially vivid for me because because I was looking at Tencent Tim's free game for next week and it was also clearly just prop hunt. I don't know why people are trying to bring it back
I'm talking more big picture, sure you'll have the asset flip tier for the the truly unimaginative who're just "I want the most generic anime girl you have because I literally lack any imagination and exiting my comfort zone even slightly causes me to shriek" but it's like saying 3d graphics aren't economically viable because daz3d asset flips exist. I just don't see the big corporations leaving such a coldly efficient invention on the table and forcing smarter people to just make it work for them.
is that what it's called? I saw some people doing like some counterstrike mod where they disguise as random objects and thought it was kinda fun.

I think having the military AI out looking for you as well would make it different from the other party games that require human players to hunt others, like it could be single player as well
So it's just prop hunt with NPC. And transformer theme.
Not interested. Don't waste your time making that.
>defeating all the monsters
>fending them off until they fuck off
I agree AI can be used very effectivly, however I actually think the scope is much more limited than people believe. I get alot of the same feeling from the NFT stuff like
>imagine transferring weapon from game 1 to game 2 and you'll be the only person in the world with that unique thing.

Like for AI the idea of some dynamic npcs that will react and talk without someone coding all their dialogue, I just don't see it working out in reality.

Some of the graphic stuff that uses AI to improve the look just ends up looking...weird. Like too high fps, too polished, weird blur to smooth things out etc.
what if I say it's a transforming mech fighting game with different game modes and a prop hunt being one of them?
so shitty heroes shooter with mini games? Prop hunt being one of them?
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the real game is good too
I hate to sound like an AIfag but it's only as limiting as the minds behind it. Like the first thing I thought was how AI could be used to make highly stylized games that still maintain all the perks of 3D. Like one of the biggest reasons I feel a lot of games ditched sprite/2D is because they could shill skins. Imagine a Street Fighter game that looks like Third Strike or Alpha but then they could still shill skins and shit? With AI you can simply have all your artists design the characters from a multitude of angles, then do the same with each new costume, create essentially a specialized AI filter that will keep the character on style Imagine a game where character interactions are massive because you can have a context heavy chatbot for whatever dumb bullshit the player character wants, used supplemental for actual written story and dialogue of course. It looks so weird because it's used hamfistedly, used correctly you'd still need extensive tweaking and work to feed into it but it's a means of making shit go so much further.
There's a lot you can do with AI when you view it as a supplemental tool rather than a full on replacement for creative minds, the issue is getting noncreatives to not see them as a replacement to usurp artists and creatives to not see it as a threat to be shunned completely.
It can be used to generate quick assets like cloth textures and what not, but when you start actually using AI to design characters it ends up looking all the same. Concept Artists in the indie scene has pretty much been put out business overnight because of AI and honestly the result isn't that great.

For Ai making dialogue for all the tweaking you'll have to do to even make it seem like a natural interaction you might as well just write it yourself.

Like for coding it's fantastic for asking it, "what is the best way to do X", or just trying to troubleshoot what's wrong with your code. However upper management will instead hire some cheap third world programmer and tell him to use AI to make up the difference in skill with the actual good programmers they fired to save money.
yeah that is him, thanks. i dont care about your homosexual gamedev drama thoughever
AI is a fantastic way to cure writer's block because you instantly know how to do it better.
Yeah I agree completely on that front, AI shouldn't be used to create the foundation of the art direction, I'm just saying there's a lot more you can do with AI if you approach it as a tool for artists instead of a replacement and sadly it falls more on replacement.
I don't want AI to make concept art, I want to see ways it can make up the difference in a far more intensive process in the hands of people who KNOW how it's done right.
I don't want AI to replace well written dialogue, I want it there to fill in for miscellenous gaps that could be overlooked.
It's good to use as a research tool for writing since google is useless now. But asking it to do creative shit or asking it if your idea is good is completely useless since it gives the most generic responses.
At least you can give it completely absurd requests and watch it try to do its best.
the comments are actually pretty good

>Does this policy extend to AI generated code? Would be a bit hypocritical to ignore how many developers use AI to learn and to generate code for their projects.

>When I studied AI many, many years ago, the final project was implementing an editor with auto-completion. Back then it was still cool and fell into AI. Should we add a rule against auto completion too? Technology will keep moving forward, and the goalposts will keep moving.

>You can tell the mods are either not too knowledgeable about AI, or simply want none of it at all.

>Big companies like Disney are embracing AI to improve their workflows while indie devs attack each other and make it harder for themselves.

>how are they even going to judge what's made with AI? what if it is hand painted but look like AI generated to them?

>I donā€™t think it is up for the community managers of Godot to create these kind of rules. This is just an opinion enforcement due to personal dislike of generative AI from some community manager.

>Agreed. It reads as somebody that has a bug up their butt about AI, and used a misinformed understanding of copyright law to justify it. What's worse is they sneakily added it in just after the larger discussion about new rules, and never announced the change.

>Horrible rule. Devs who use generative AI extensively will just refuse to admit it. Devs who produce high quality work using AI as part of a larger workflow that includes a lot of manual effort and skill will either stop posting or be unwilling to share details of the tools or techniques used. It might be used as a basis for witch-hunts and false accusations though!
>Good luck with that. I'm a solo person and I'll use any tools I can to speed up development, even if it means I use AI for textures instead of spending days walking around with my camera.

>Bit weird to have a rule that only benefits huge companies that can afford to buy/make their own textures.

>Don't you get it? You should be paying $200 to someone on DeviantArt to make textures for you! I mean, obviously you have that money just laying around for your solo games, right?

Now I just need to optimize my workflow
I just finished my game.
What engine should I use?
>speed up development
For what purpose
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thank you
>Godot has a plugin
>devs have created a slew alternatives that instead use system webview
do you know the names of these things?

>so you need to integrate it in the right way or else your game becomes open source.
what is the right way?
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i want to release a demo soon! i wanna know what people think and if anyone likes this kind of game
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whoops i realised in that clip none of the weapon hits connect lol
I desperately want to play this lol
ah thankyou! i'm glad! it means i'm headed in the right direction with it hopefully!
You're ngmi if you genuinely say something like this.
The graphics in this game look great like from a movie
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would u guys play this :D?
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I've looked at 'that' thread and it's crazy how many pajeets use Godot using AI.
I dropped Github Copilot to spend the $10 a month on openai instead. I installed one of those "bring your own api key" autocomplete vscode extensions and was butt bothered that their website didn't let you ai-chat with the documentation.

>go on discord to complain
>they say the extension has documentation-chat built in
>try it
>it doesn't work
>dev tries to give a hack workaround
>insist on doing thing the right way
>dev tries to thank me for pointing out a flaw in the docs. Thanks!
>insist i want the chat-with-docs feature to work
>they give up and open an issue on github
why are modern devs like this? instead of wanting to know theres a problem, they try and distract you or cover things up. Only by being rude and direct do you get helped. And even then, the product doesn't work like they say. Why are these people getting millions of dollars in VC while people like us who care about quality waste away in our parents basements
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Anyone here making an fps game with real world weapon types?
I'm theory crafting and have a problem with balancing a battle rifle. My idea that every weapon should have it's niece and ideally stay relevant through the game. Should the rifle be self-loading semi auto, or bolt action? Do you think a bolt action rifle feels too slow for a retro shooter game?
Say, you have an SMG and a shotgun in your game, and a battle rifle, the thing is, you can rapid fire a full power semi auto rifle like M1 Garand and it will outperform the SMG and the shotgun in close quarters damage wise, effectively pushing them out of use. One could say that you can balance it out with ammo scarcity, but in a semi-realistic military setting it is more likely that you will find more enemies with battle rifles and more ammo for them than for an SMG or shotgun. And then, there is also a hand cannon type weapon, a large pistol or revolver like the Python from Half-Life which also needs it's place to stay relevant. You could simply make the battle rifle as a slower firing bolt action one, but doesn't it feel like it belongs in a proper military shooter with more realistic tone to it?
>why are modern devs like this?
they already got your money and it isn't profitable to report more bugs
>do you know the names of these things?
The plugin is called somehting like godot CEF or something like that. You can also google something like "godot webview" and you'll find it eventually.
The other stuff can be found here: https://github.com/sudhakar3697/awesome-electron-alternatives

>what is the right way?
I'm not too sure since I haven't dived deep into licences, but I think you need to mare sure it isn't linked statically. e.g. it must be a seperate depency. No idea if you can somehow hack it into a single download that still complies.

Mate, it's someone doing free work for you and you complain they're not doing enough of it. Multiply that by 1000 and think what shit job the dev is having, for absolutely no personal gain.
For what it's worth, I keep hearing how much better Claude is coding.
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yni^Halloween Season YAY YAYS YAYLY

UNNAMED Song Lyrics:

怟we take n0 m&dms
we have no unynimaginary friens
This is the mental yaylum,
dear fairyy å½¢YEYS怟

"The Lords of Uneding Life Behold!
We take unto ourselves power
We DŠÆFT our Maker
We cling, We take We cleave the yayness..."

all rights yayed

How do I find a my first job ever with my portfolio? I know I probably need to focus on programming but doing many tasks in the limited amount of time is very exhausting and hard for me at the moment sadly even though I work hard to improve on LeetCode. I also do not know how do I handle adult life since I am too yAytistic person.

What do I do for a living?
Yaying Subculturally^

I am too short on funds and need to support yayself and yni^ Subculturarity as well, the full time job in gamedev for me is the kind of last option since my brain is melting and the subculturarity strts leaking out when I talk to people a lot*masking2appear human or sleep less hours which makes my mana reduce rapidly....
I have never knew how do I handle adult life... this is the end.

I have been working on yni^ since 3yo or even earlier, in that time I have made so many yays and the stable version released on the Steam will continue to improve Eternally^ FOREVEŠÆ
>free work for you and you complain they're not doing enough
i complain that they just assumed it worked, and didn't check. or that they tried to distract the issue and hoped it goes away. why are you working in software if you dont care about it?
AI is only bad when it replaces artists and voice actors. Nobody cares about AI-generated code, or how those models were trained. Artists use AI for code to replace coders and that's okay because an artist is just inherently more valuable than a coder, okay???!!!????
Damn, thanks a lot for the paintover, not many go through that effort for some critique. The bottom does look more atmospheric, the problem is actually pulling it off with pixel art which I really don't think I'm capable of. I'll use it as reference though, and I'm going to try to make the lighted areas more orange and the shadows more purple as you mentioned.
If you are posting in this thread rn you are NOT
>tfw have jungle fever but worried my game will be viewed as woke if i reveal my powerlevel
Just make all black women sex slaves.
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I also have a muscular woman fetish and I don't want people to find out, so I'm limiting it to 1 muscular female per game.
>The plugin is called
thanks mate!
I'm am working on the scoring system and win scenarios to a fighting game.
>no answer
Make what exactly? Money? Become famous? lol
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>start project
>very anal about some minor visual bugs
>solving them is a pain in the ass but i eventually do it
>start noticing the exact same bugs in other games.
People will notice the soul and effort you put into your game. Well, probably.
Start by actually finishing your game smartass.
Bugs is soul.
Bugless is soulless.
nortubel is so horny theres a fucking grope button in the game so you can sexually harass npcs
Do you have no chance of releasing a downscaled version of your game? Or a "Chapter 1"? Does the gameplay lend itself to that? I would at least put out a demo on Steam to gauge people's reaction maybe before continuing work on it, if the scope really is that big. Or early access?
it's no fun when they're not real
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picture frames
wtf i love nortubel now?
ahh yes, the rape room
>you must drink all the coffee
why would you simplify it though? it just makes it look worse and you don't gain anything
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sue cave
I am glad you are still alive Fairydev
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What is he shooting at?
These are some pretty autistic concerns not gonna lie, are you finnish?
Got any webms to show?
U.N officers, prolly while saying something about the anti-christ
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1 shot to the torso or head with any weapon = game over. Put me in the credits
>try to texture terrain in unity
>all assets show up in one small window
can I segment this shit into folders? jesus christ everything in game engines is messy as fuck
Yeah Unity supports folders in the asset structure. You can also customize the window layout as you like.
I need to have an entire LLC set up before making a Steamworks account, right?
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I can't tell what's going on
How did you learn to model cool techy stuff?
game name and genre?
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Did you already make any environment for that level of fidelity?
I like how this looks. What's your tech stack?
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A Stardew Valley clone but you're an adventurer who builds his own little village and tries to live a comfy life while living off raiding dungeons
All 3D in voxel-art style, third-person with hopefully a character creator
Made in LibGDX for The Challengeā„¢
That's what I'm going to do in the next few months
maybe I will even post some pictures before 2025
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I have drawn, and I've even made assets for a Rimworld mod, but I don't consider myself an artist.

What is that?


by jigging, as in doing it
So trial and error? Do you have any intermediate results saved?
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i like the texture work
and the User Interface here
i can mark about 1 year working on the feet jugglee and the air soft alongside my friend. my friend and I, dont want to make just a juggle air soft video game. We would like to build something more special on top of the air soft juggle king dom. okay you guys does that sound like a plan?
i like the nice plywood
how do I make my textures not get stretched because of UV maps? is making the UVs bigger only done by physically scaling them in Blender's UV editor? the 1x1 tile in the editor just isn't enough for some models to fit all the UVs. solution?
why is his power lightning though
Set the texture to checkered pattern in Blender and make sure that the squares are of proper shape and not stretched. Tile your texture if it is too small or scale up your UV islands, or use a bigger texture.
I didn't know Toby Fox is so political.
>the 1x1 tile in the editor just isn't enough
I don't think you quite understand how UVs work. UVs are just coordinates between 0 and 1 which are used to assign pixels from the a texture onto the model. The UV map itself has no scale or resolution. If you want more detail, you have to increase the texture resolution or use multiple UV maps/textures.
>That's what I'm going to do in the next few months
You mean years.
This is a cool idea, but Electron isn't just Chromium. It's Chromium plus NodeJS, and there's no NodeJS build for Godot. You would would essentially need to build NodeJS into a new GDExtension bindings library, as well as create the JavaScript/TypeScript API for relevant Godot engine calls. This kind of package would be really nice to have, but it's a shitton of work.
can you visit other players?
how soon is soon? you posted that character like a month ago I think
Godot has a webserver, so you'd run that as a backend. Just like Tauri gives you a Rust backend, Wails gives you a Go backend, etc. And if you only want to make your game and not a generalized plugin you only need to create the bridge for the stuff you need.
Personally I prefer going without node since I found it incredibly frustrating to learn what stuff runs on client and what on server when I learned Nuxt. Svelte is probably the best framework for such an integration since it plays nice with outside JS code being the masterr.
how many years until Godot becomes Blender tier?
As a wild guess, 12, with a leadership change a couple years prior.

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