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>new intel CPU
>its fucking nothing
>new socket for that
>barely better than 5800X3D
according to this chart you really dont need anything better than a 5800x3d. most people are using 144-165hz monitors and the 5800x3d caps that out exactly.
Shitnelcattle are forevwr Destroyed. Nice.

Hope this happens to Njudea as well but theyre Led my smarter, altough equally as sniveling and greedy people.
Nobody deserves IT as much as SHITnel thougbeit.
3 years they disgustingly exploited their monopoly and as a Trillion Dollar Company, was greedy enough to Stop devlopment altogether, because "what the fuck IS the customer going to do? Not buy? Hahah".
AMD are Saints for Putting an end to SHITnel. Hope they do the same to Njudea in the GPU market
I have a 14700k currently and I will never buy Intel again after this chip. I originally got a 14900k but I kept getting crashes and shit until finally some random ass reddit post was like "you have to underclock it to 4.6GHz" and lo & behold, the crashes stop. I returned it in for a 14700k at Best Buy because what's the fkn point of RMAing a chip and being out of a PC for a week or longer? 14900k was overkill anyway.

Intel denied any issues despite my exact issue being widespread until they were forced to acknowledge it and even then they were like "we got a patch for 1 month from now to fix it, but any damage done is already done". Turns out i7 and i9 for 13th and 14th gen were all affected by this issue. Imagine spending $500+ and getting pure junk, what a joke.
>Hope they do the same to Njudea in the GPU market

but anon they gave up on making high-end GPUs and are focused on mid-tier, so the 5080 and 5090 will run unopposed.
>start getting spanked by your only competitor
>hire one of the leads behind the product that they're spanking you with
>cancel his revolutionary project and go back to doing what you were already doing because actually you didn't want to win anyway
Can words even describe the spectacular level of retardation of Intel upper management?
>mfw got a 7800x3d cpu
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>mfw I waited over a year for 9800X3D slop thats only a bit better
there is more money in mid range than high end because most people are poor. If amd can dominate in mid range they will dominate in gaming. nvidia will only be used for ai crap.
as a neet, i'd much rather buy midrange. yeah.
why is 7800x3d better than 7950x3d and 7900x3d
nobody wants midrange, not even you. you go with midrange because that's all your pocket money allows you to spend
Mutt lawmakers will be seething at Intel aviv
as a neet you should save up your money until you can buy a highend card/cpu
it will last you until you have saved up enough money for the next highend stuff
rince and repeat

t.7800X3D with a 1080Ti waiting for the 50XX Cards

no extra fuckery to get in the way and also IIRC one of the CCD on 7950X3D actually has 3D
the current high end cards are too much, i'd rather get midrange than blow $1000+ on a gpu.
I bought AMD CPU and it couldn't run Cyberpunk. I mean it was like 3fps. I tried to tell everyone that it ran like shit but everyone just posted pictures of some youtube benchmark and said it was fine. Nobody here actually uses any of the hardware they fight over.
And now that project they cancelled has started their own processor competitor. They're gonna have to end up buying them out probably unless AMD does it first.
Cyberpunk has a huge fucking issue with 8-cores that have hyperthreading. Disabling them in the task manager boosts performance a ton. 6-cores were outperforming like crazy. They released a patch eventually that kinda fixed it but it's still faster to run the game without hyperthreading on in the task manager. Interestingly Arrow Lake has big problems with Cyberpunk too, the game's kinda fucked.
>hardware unboxed
I'd wait for reliable reviews.
Even in that very screenshot he's running unstable RAM lmfao.
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Intel made them all le sad
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5800X3D is the new 2600K
will last 10 years minimum
Guide to ""gaming"" CPU benchmarks:
>get the fastest GPU known to man
>turn all graphical settings to low
>run at the lowest resolution possible
>uncap framerate well above refresh rate

It's like buying a car that can also do off-road because sometimes the road is shitty optimized and you can actually go above 100 with the other car.
I want to build a computer
is a 7800x3d and a 4080S a good investment
what monitor should I get with that combo
True. I had no hopes either looking at leaks.
But normalfag YouTube reviewers are a meme.
considering an intel cpu after they had hundreds of thousands of cases of CPUs frying themselves (and motherboards! with no refunds!) would make you a retard.
considering an AMD gpu after decades of driver timeouts and slow issue resolution would make you a retard.
This shit isn't up for debate. There's no thought to be had here. When the script flips, flip with it. While the script stands, don't pretend to be retarded.
Yes, that's what you do when you want to know how much the CPU will influence the GPU. You don't want the GPU to be limited by anything, so you turn everything the fuck down.
I'm personally going to get a 7600x3d after I drive to microcenter. Then I'll use the machine to make mods for games and avatars for virtual worlds. It's a fun side activity while I wait for good games to be made again.
How the fuck is the CPU influencing the GPU if all the fucking framerates start normalizing once you use realistic GPU utilization settings?
1% lows.
with x3d cpus you dont feel shader stutter while on intel you do.
Stick to consoles.
Don't care
Still going to only play 20 year old games and jap made RPG Maker games
new, more demanding games are going to release after you purchase the CPU
Now this is some cope lol
Both brands will get shader stutter
Not an argument
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>1080p benchmark
can we stop these retarded bait threads
If you actually care to understand why CPUs are tested the way the are, you're gonna have to watch some videos, like Daniel Owen's or Hardware Unboxed's.
both stutter yes but the difference in severity is measurable.

with x3d its a microstutter, with intel its a hitch, with a shittier cpu it can even be a long pause.
>tfw still on an i7 3XXX
to be fair, if this CPU doesn't burn itself out in short operating time then it'll be a MASSIVE improvement over the last generation which burned itself out at a criminally high rate.
its a cpu benchmark you stupid low iq nigger monkey
There's absolutely a difference. I "upgraded/downgraded" by going from 5900 to a 5800x3D and even in shit like BG3, just simply roaming a giant town and turning the camera, you notice the difference in stuttering. I essentially gave away four cores for better game performance. I had time to use both CPUs extensively but if you search around the net, you'll see a lot of people throw out copium and say the 5900 has extra cores, it'll make up the difference. It doesnt, the x3D chips are really that good for gaming.
Niggers like you should be thrown from bridges.
I'm considering the amd JeetPU due to price and not caring too much for the upscaling shit. How bad are the driver issues these days though?
Retard can u write like a normal person
Intel-Aviv is up in flames.
>hardware unlimitedamdshillbot

Intel had very good CPUs as recently as 2021-22, it is not impossible that they could have good CPUs again
They're inevitable. I had them once a week on mainstream games and way more than once a week on some indie shit. Apex had an update that broke it for most AMD cards and it was not resolved for nearly a year.
If the budget is budgeting I would look at older or used cards personally.
intel cpu's haven't really been competitive (except the high end) in ages. 2022 is when they released the first set of cpus that were frying themselves and other hardware. They did not admit it until twenty twenty four. You'd have to be retarded to trust them without 2 or 3 years of good chips.
My buddy was out 3 grand cause the cpu kept frying the mobo and ram. months of troubleshooting and schizo rabbit hole chasing. don't do it to yourself.
Normally I'd agree but they fell behind the curve so badly in terms of research and their mfgr fuckups, this feels like that period in the mid-2000s where Intel came out with their Core Duo and AMD got wrecked for a decade +. Once people start switching to a certain setup (especially long term setups like labs or data shit), they could stay on that for a decade or longer. AMD has been very good in that regard for extending the AM4 so long and probably the AM5 as well. They can keep making near end of life/EOL x3D shit and people will buy em.
>some fucking retard will buy a new mobo and this cpu

you guys don't understand the retardation of the normies, they will buy intel just because its intel, the jewish brainwashing is just too strong
>but anon they gave up on making high-end GPUs
you're parroting a sensationalist headline. while it's true there is no high end options ofr rdna4 gpu's (this has been known for over a year now), the reasoning behind it is becaus amd are diverting efforts for the high end cards of rdna5 due to promising early results working with an enitrely new architecture.
this chart is fake gamesirs
t. poojeet ranshit
what's a decent upgrade from a 12600k?
or its even worth to upgrade
are you noticing bottlenecks in any games, where you play with uncapped framerate but the gpu sits at like 70-90% usage?
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>tfw I bought a 7800x3d for $300 last year
I was waiting for new GPU's anyway but I'll probably just end up getting the 7800x3D for cheaper.
Boring. Waiting for the redone CPUPro review.
And beware of AMD and the Neanderthals promoting their products.....
its good that hardware isnt improving lol
i dont want a 7900x3d to become a bare minimum just so 60 can be achieved
fuck unreal engine btw
I've had a 5600XT, 6700 10gb and 7800XT over the last four years and they literally just werked. The 6700 was a bad panic purchase overall due to the market back then, but I have absolutely no regrets about getting the 5600xt and 7800xt over the 2060 and 4070 respectively
that being said in the current market and with the current prices, I'd recommend the 4070 Super or 7900GRE over the 7800XT
I think a better sales tactic from them would be inteI-aviv assuring customers that THIS cpu wont oxidise and degrade in performance rapidly like their last 2 generations kek.

You don't understand what you're talking about, these graphs are in no way, shape or form comprehensive, they're just standardised so that you can compare the components, what the components actually do throughout a multi-hour play session is very different.

I've never seen a game that doesnt have huge spikes in cpu or gpu loads that make everything look like shit at random, having an overkill cpu is very important for stability in those moments.

Of course, a 5800x3d is still one of the best cpus ever, i know, but there's plenty of reasons an enthusiast pc gamer will go for the 7000 or 9000x3d chips instead.
I got a 5600x so it'll be a really good upgrade next year
I see no new Intel stuff on that chart, thoughbeit. 14th gen is a year old.
user error/skill issue.

what is it with retards on /v/ sperging out whenever hardware unboxed give their reviews? they are very unbiased, shitting on a bad/overpriced product does not = shill for rival corporation.

you're too stupid to be allowed an opinion ITT, stop talking about this stuff, your iq is like 30 points too low to comprehend what you're looking at.
buying high end gpus right before a new range is launched, is generally a pretty dumb idea. Buy some cheap piece of crap that just works until the new range is out, then hell, go buy a used 4080S and have a blast.
besides the flagships, which cpu do you think the chart is trying to draw your attention to?
Intel Core Ultra 9 285K
It’s so low on the chart you missed it lmao
>still running an i7-6700k
>this year for sure
>it's nothing
please I don't want to buy right before things get a lot better again
The 285K, Intel's latest flagship CPU, is slower than their old CPUs because they had the genius idea to remove hyperthreading. Worked out so well last time.
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>want to upgrade to am5
>you can only get a 7600x3d at niggercenter
most people don't have a recent cpu so charts like these are worthless. Should use cpus from five years ago where it'd still lose to a 3d v cache cpu
So it's the 11th gen all over again? Where they removed cores and were shocked that the 8/16 core 11900K was slower than the 10/20 core 10900K?
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>homeworld 3 is the only denuvo game he tests
>the 285K gets obliterated when its on par with the 14900K in other titles
just yesterday the lying denuvo jews said that DRM doesn't impact performance. kek.
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Literally nobody is going to be using a 4090 at 1080p. For gaming, basically anything with 6 cores from 2017 on is good enough and won't bottleneck any GPU at the resolutions they're made for.
does ANY of this make a difference at 4k yet
people are JUST moving to 1440p now because monitors are down in price, it's gonna be like 10 years when 4k becomes the norm
so what you are saying is my 12700k is good enough for the next 10 years
unless nvidia comes out with some niggerlicious shit like ray tracing again
>because monitors are down in price
The monitors are less of an issue than being able to afford a GPU that can run it. You can get a 4K monitor for under $200 these days, but anything below a 4090 isn't going to be able to hit 60fps in modern games on it.
I don't want to buy used
>hardware unboxed
>7800x3D for cheaper
he doesn't know
Will Intel or AMD be better for emulating PS4? That's what's actually important at this point.
Dunno how anyone can still watch l*nus after gaymernexus btfo'd him
just checked jayz vid on the 285k and he hasnt even timestamped shit. he tests nothing and mumbles for 32mins without cuts. i found 2 benchmarks halfway into the video. that guys a cheap ass whore. can't feed his eating habits so i gave him a massive dislike so the algorithm fucks him up.
HUB has proven time and time again he doesn't know shit about PC's.
Would you take car advice from a supermarket worker?
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literal drooling retards. Stop talking.

then wait, and buy new, because for only a few bucks more you'll get the next gen 5080 instead, which will last you longer.

Buying anything gpu-related at this time is a bad idea, it always has been, it always will be, there's shortages of both amd + nvidia gpus, there's no discounts, and well, your timing sucks dick is all. I don't wanna write the essay explaining it.

its 2 guys retard, one specialises in monitors and motherboards, the other in cpus+gpus. Are you a shitskin shill or something? covering for intel-avivs + nvidias failings or something?
>seven hundred fucking dollars
>spends $700 on GPU that will be obsolete in 2 years
>won't spend $700 on a monitor that will easily still be near state of the art in 10 years
>its 2 guys retard
How is this relevant?
>covering for Intel + NVIDIA
Low IQ copium.
>not ultrawide
>only 27 inches, small
>only esports games (which are almost universally shit games) output past 144fps unless you drop all graphics to minimum at 1440p

what a pointless piece of shit.
Nigga you are smoking some dark ass dick if you think a 40 series GPU is gonna be obsolete in 2 years when new games have to account for the PS4, Xbox Series S, and soon the Nintendo Switch 2. GTX 980Ti and 1060 is still running strong.
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dude used to be a slob
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>only 27 inches, small
>How is this relevant?
because your very first sentence was based upon a false premise, that blatantly exposes how little you actually know about the channel themselves.
>Low IQ copium.
i accept your concession pajeet.
Why spend $400 on a cpu and $1,000 on a gpu to look at an ugly, washed out, piece of crap image?

going for expensive parts like those, that guy probably has a measly $700 for a decent monitor.
you have half a point, but your examples are just pants-on-head retarded, i pity you, poorfag.

there's loads of bettter options at similar price-points, I have no idea what kind of weapons-grade autism convinces anons on /v/ that tiny 27inch and below monitors are anything but lame and gay.

32-34inch ultrawide 1440p is the baseline for power-gamers, its either that or 4k.
The fuck are you talking about? There are single person channels or websites that are 10x more informed than these 2 baffling idiots.
Better question is what exactly I should be looking for in a monitor these days
Are OLEDs really the way to go if I want something great?
yeah but don't expect them to last beyond 2.5ish years if you use it like an actual monitor
just get ips. you will lose your shit with oleds and their dimming
>just 4080
Yes, or Mini-LED's if you're not comfortable with OLED burn-in being inevitable. It basically comes down to how poor you are, if $800+ is an insane investment to you then don't do it.
Your GPU tranny?
XG249CM is the best IPS display currently.
but my screenshot software stopped working
the fuck are you talking about? the only channel in all of gaming that puts more homework into what HU does, is Gamers Nexus.

Thus far, everyone crapping on HU ITT that actually provided an argument self-owned themselves by failing to understand very elemental, basic concepts of how you create standardised testing methods to compare tech components. You havent even done that, or maybe you have? and have just refused to admit ownership of your dumb fuck posts.

citing gpus that the majority of which are dead or dying these days is generally a sign of being a poorfag yes.

You already exposed yourself in your first post Ranjeesh, get a real job.
>new socket for that
new sockets are not for that, you know that
Try again Rasheed.
The funniest thing will be when they release Bartlett Lake next year for LGA 1700 (the previous socket) and it BTFO Arrow Lake.
>12p cores
it's going to actually start a housefire this time
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>hardware unboxed
Nigga. He didn't even know the difference between RAM gear modes, double downed and then edited his website 3 weeks later after being dunked on.
He still doesn't know shit about RAM because he shilled his affiliated DDR5 4800Mhz over faster (and cheaper) DDR4 3600Mhz for boards that could do both.
Even in his most recent results for the 285K, he is running unstable RAM as his results for higher speeds is less FPS.
Then he claimed 35% uplift from a Windows update... Then Admin mode etc etc.
Not to mention all the fuckups he did 6+ years ago, like testing single player and recommending said CPU for multiplayer. Or how he didn't know you could uncap the FPS in Battlefield V and he was hitting the default 200 FPS cap.

Just face it. The dudes retarded.
Except the original argument was about a 2 year old graphics card being obsolete(it isn't btw) when you have new games coming out in 2025 still running(walking albiet) on a 1660s(1060/1070 equivalent) at console settings.
>make mistake twice in your life
>be considered hitler
ayy lmao 4chan dramatization
That'll be 400 watts plus tip
At least it won't self-destruct within a year... right?
I don't know what makes the screen types different besides OLED, is burn in really that bad?
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idk anon does this look bad to you?
also https://www.displayninja.com/ips-vs-oled/
According to that chart 7600x is best because so cheap.
7800x3d was lighting in a bottle when they were going for $280-350
you don't
Majority of people buying that shit are also retarded with the amount of "TIL to enable xmp after x years" or "hehe anyone else? (Pic of monitor plugged into motherboard instead of GPU)" Posts I've seen
when you realize that numbers don't matter, you will be free. buy as many 285ks as you can, anon. do whatever the fuck you want. it doesn't matter anyway
No video games are pushing graphics hard enough for any half-decent video card to be obsolete in 2 years.
my brother spent $500 on a 144hz monitor and 6 years later I saw it and it was set to 60hz. It's really dumb that Windows defaults to it, but still.
My 9700k still plays everything I want to.
I don't feel like upgrading when that means needing a whole board and needing to get new RAM too.
Thank you for your insight CPUPro, but I’m still getting the best gaming CPU for 350€.
>arrow in the knee
it is over holy fuck
>high-end GPUs and are focused on mid-tier, so the 5080 and 5090 will run unopposed.
But look at the high-tier GPU market. Insane watt consumption and humongous heat zinks. And is the 4090 to 5090 really worth the jump. The high-end GPU market is unsustainable inflation that still can't properly ray-trace high end games without frame gen. It's a meme. You're being price hiked for early access. The mid-range cards are the real cards just artificially gimped to make the High-end look better. Atleast until they release the titan or super bersion that's actually good.
Newer OLED monitors can resist burn-in pretty well, and any decent company has a 3+ year warranty on burn-in. Worth it for the immense upsides over IPS shit, even if you try to manually burn your screen toward the end of its warranty to get it swapped.
5800X3D is basically the 1080Ti of GPUs. It's practically impossible to dethrone it. 5 generations of CPUs later and the difference is under 5% on average. To kill a king you must destroy first destroy his empire, and no CPU has come close enough to climb over its castle walls yet.
im still on 3900x
next year for sure
watch me waiting long enough for chinks to invade taiwan
Just here to create seethe
>buy 5800X
>get system set up
>3 months later the 3D version randomly comes out
>need to choose AM5 motherboard
>the cluster fuck of 2 different gens being sold at the same time with all kinds of fucked up names
>some older gens have more features than newer ones
>$400 boards still come with some USB 2.0 ports
>have to figure out PCIE config and if I will run out of lanes and NVME will steal from GPU
>then there finding ram
>have to check QVL list
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>anon so fucking mad he can't even type straight
I hope nvidia and intel's stocks both double by the end of the year, just to complete the aneurysm you're having.
As if this isn't the exact experience buying LGA1700 as well?
Hahaha 5800x3D chads continue winning
My 3080 just continues to dominate 4 years later too. No I don’t play cyberslop with ass tracing

Think I’ll just skip another generation. Anyone else?
I got a used 5900x for $150 and I think I'm good for the next 6 years. This new generations drama and defects isn't worth it.
>slower than a 5600X
>not all games benefit from the cache
>shit at everything else other than gaming
>shit at everything else other than gaming
Irrelevant on /v/ and shit in this case being defined as in the top 10% of all consumer cpus ever created by humans.
It's considered that because you can just plop it into your pre-existing AM4 build and be good to go. 7600X requires new motherboard/ram, it's a bigger investment.
You did buy a AM4 board right? You didn't fall for the 8th/9th/10th/11th gen scams? Especially the 9900KYS?
wrong. they gave up the gaming high end gpu market. They still selling a lot of their AI GPU's That are aparently good. That is the next step using the rejected sillicon on a gaming gpu.
They did make a prototype at least. it was very impressive but made no sense.
From what I've seen online its a good workstation CPU but complete ass for gaming. Intel wants their slice of commercial business contracts back.
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Man Im feeling good.
Rentable Units is still coming though anon...
I don't see how having a slow CPU for 3-6 years to save $500 is a benefit.
I could in theory afford 1440 probably but I'm just not going to do it because I don't want to have fucked up 1 1/3x scaling on everything locked to 1080 and I'm not interested in physically bigger screens anyways. I'm actually struggling to imagine when I would go to 4K, given in my experience desktop splitting has worked like ass and the physical screen arrangement seems worse than angled triples.

What you want is a TV.
>lasting 10 years
It's gonna be worthless piece of trash in 2 years unless ur normalfaggot that spends max 2h per day on pc
how do I get one for that cheap
Update your bios.
>Bartlett Lake
Won't even be sold to the regular consumer.
RX 7900 XT here, had weird stutters on desktop that were resolved by turning Fast RAM Timing on in the driver suite, no issues since then past a *very* occasional driver timeout.
They haven't been competing in the high-end for a long time now, anon.
>>still running an i7-6700k
Are you me?
No you're not because I'm building a new PC baby!
Anyway i7-6700k is a good CPU, if outdated by modern standards. There's lots of really cheap upgrades you could make, albeit you'd need a new mother board probably. But most Ryzen chips from the past few years will be way faster than that. Stay away from those new intel chips for now.
>just wait for the 50 series bros!
Yeah where Nvidia will try to jew you with a fake 5080 for $1200 for a 15% performance gain and the same amount of VRAM.
Please post success stories of people actually getting warranty service for burn-in
>picked up a 5700x3d four hours ago to replace my 3600
Looking forward to not thinking about upgrading again until mid AM6.
assuming the mobo doesn't shit the bed before then
Happy for you
870 boards are basically 650E, identically. 870E is just a 670E if I'm not mistaken. They're just rebranding the boards but not changing much about the internals, look over the reviews. It's a very misleading naming convention. But basically you can't go wrong with a 670E if you want best performance for AM5 for best price range.
If I was on one of those motherboards that seems like a really good chip to get for how cheap it is. 5800X3D seem to be really fucking expensive, like the 7800X3D right now.
I'm just skipping this entire hardware generation and waiting for AM6 before I upgrade my 5800X3D. The only reason I desire any more CPU power is for emulation, but with RDR now available on PC natively and Switch 2 emulation unlikely to happen for years, there's not much reason to care right now.
>and Switch 2 emulation unlikely to happen for years
I really wonder how that scene is going to develop with how aggressive Nintendo has been lately. I imagine they're really trying to secure their new console so it doesn't get busted open with a paperclip like the Switch. I'm sure eventually it will get hacked, but how accessible those emulators will be who knows. It will take time.
saaar Ultra 9 285k runs Starfield the best, checkmate bloody bastard
>Check 7800x3d prices
Shoot me.
Dumb fuck, chief producer for intel is a poo
9800X3D is right around the corner. Don't do it.
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It was very, very obvious Intel had nothing to show with Arrow Lake.
>wattage per hour gaming
Lol. Who the fuck cares about wattage per hour gaming except internet cafés.
Nintendo's security is a joke, but Nvidia's isn't. The original Switch models had a flaw, but once that was patched another has never been found in the revised SoC (without hardware mods). The undocumented Nvidia GPU is why original Xbox emulation is still a mess in 2024. Switch emulation progressed extremely quickly due to there being a ton of documentation available for the Tegra X1, as it was an existing (failed) product that Nvidia offered Nintendo a good deal on to shift them. The new Tegra 239 powering the Switch 2 is custom-made for Nintendo, so it's going to be far more difficult to make progress even without the legal threats.
I wasn't planning on it, I just hate the prices here in Denmark.
yeah the 5800x3d is much too expensive, at least here in aus. The 5700x3d parks itself well price wise given spending any more you may as well set up an AM5 build.
Very informative post anon. I vaguely had pieced those things together but wasn't sure on the specifics. It could be longer than people are expecting for Switch emulation to make progress. I get the feeling Nintendo is going to continue to be aggressive with chasing down hackers as well.
whos buying a cpu with like 16 estrogen cores for desktop pc gaming?
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>7200Mhz RAM is faster than 8200Mhz RAM
HUB is a fucking joke
5600Xbros... is it time to kill ourselves?
>RTX 4090 1080p
Why is it running at less than 200 on everything but one combination?
No? Still a good CPU.
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>use over 2 times the power
>can't even beat last gen competition.
Intel RAMBUS moment.
>gAMDers nexus
AMD has probably spent more money to sabotage the reviews for intel than they did on developing zen5%.
Because when you run games at 1080p it underclocks the GPU and leans more into the CPU.

If they showed you the 4K performance it would be much smaller differences between the FPS because the GPU does most of the work. They run it at 1080p to stress the CPU components and show you their relative comparisons between them. But at higher resolutions your CPU becomes less important.
what about 5600G
Meanwhile shittel achieved -22% lmao.
Still fine honestly.
REVVING UP THOSE NIT PICKING ARGUMENTS TO TRY AND SAVE FACE THAT X3D is completely destroying Intel left right and center?
>But at higher resolutions your CPU becomes less important.
That depend, for more CPU heavy game or future games your CPU will do more work no matter the resolution.
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I'm glad that Intel Aviv is getting btfo.
Now, if only someone could do the same to Njewia...
Nvidia gaming division doesn't make even 1% of their total profit now.
Newer games utilize more CPU cores that's true. But most games that are already out and even ones coming out don't really optimize for CPU that great. I'm just saying that when you play at higher resolutions, the CPU is unlikely to be the bottleneck. But it's game dependent you're right about that
It just seems to me that the game runs like ass.
not valid, the steam survey doesn't recognize any 7XXX AMD cards properly.
There's TWO entries for the 7900 XTX.
I'm just saying this because I got some IRL retard who saying you don't need more than i3 for 4K and now that guy suffering stutter fest non-stop because he doesn't want to be proven wrong.
>wanna upgrade from 5800x3d to 9800x3d
>750$ for cpu/mobo/ram
>dont wanna upgrade anymore
>want faster Encoding and baking
this cycle kinda sucks
we worse than bulldozer nao
just wait for the 5950x3d in 2025
Sure sure but you have the opposite problem happen as well where people buy these $400-500 CPUs and then wind up getting a shitty GPU that's way cheaper. They would have been better off just getting a "good" CPU for $200 and they'd be getting very similar performance. VRAM is the main thing people are going to need more of these days. Sure you don't want to be on a super ancient CPU, and those X3D chips certainly are the best for gaming right now but you certainly don't need the newest CPUs to get great gaming performance.
Intel is losing competition at the high end market?
as a poorfag, im curious if what would this mean for the entry level/budget CPUs
If you talking about 7800x3d vs 7950x3d then its because 7950x3d used dual CCD and it fucking up with the performance and CP2007 doesn't support 16 cores CPU.
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So if I were to switch to AMD cpu, does bigger number = better?
>If you talking about 7800x3d vs 7950x3d
I'm just talking in general.
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My AM4 mobo almost a decade old now and already got changed the CPU 3 times.
I'm waiting the moment any weird shit happen to it so I can finally got an excuse to upgrade, but nothing ever happen, all socket still working fine, the USB ports still in top condition.
I might upgrade my GPU for the third time while still using this same motherboard.
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What do you mean?
Good CPU having good results and you want blame every single games instead of the CPU?
AM4 is great, I don't see an issue with it
>hardware unboxed
Can we not use this retard?
Nigga claiming 35% increases from a Windows update, or running unstable RAM...
It's insane to me that more people don't call him out.
If you are only playing vidya you never want to go above the *800x3d part.
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I'm still using b350 mobo with PCIe3.0 and no direct storage support.
>cope laker
Wait for the 9800X3D to come out.
Get it before scalpers get it. It will be the best CPU for gaming and should be around $400ish.
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my brother
love this rig like you wouldn't belive
Maybe post your own source then?
I just expect them to run far better than this at 1080p with top-end equipment.
Hmmm...if it werks it werks. I was on just a basic ass bitch SSD for a long while.
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Anon, even other tester gave similar result within margin of error.
I don't own Intel.
And ant other source is fine. Just Hardware Unboxed is a retard.
who is using a 4090 at 1080p u nonce
at least post the 4k version
>intel-aviv spotted
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>Shop on Amazon for over a decade
>hey, why don't I have an amazon credit card?
>apply and get it with a 200 dollar sign up bonus just when the 5800x3d goes on sale for prime day
>Future proof until at least when the PS6 comes out for 104.08 minus 6% cash back. (~$97.83)
>minus the $100 I got for referring my brother and mom the next month
George Bezos gifted me a 5800x3D.
upgrade? no fkin way, 12th line can probably last another decade now because there are no groundbreaks left in this field
You don't need to upgrade.
to be fair, we have to get rid of the "fake" cores eventually to create pathway for some future advancement. if they can make new chip without it as fast as previous one. its not that bad
fucking gross
and they wonder why the socket eventually melts
You made out like a bandit, but be honest, with 200 free Bezos bucks in your pocket, how tempting was the 55 gallon barrel of lube?
ringbus sucks with more than 8-10 cores, going to be slower than the 14900k or cancelled.
It's a couple benchmark, you want to reduce the GPU bottleneck as much as possible, so you put in the biggest baddest GPu, and turn the resolution down.
They should go further, and run the game at 720p
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>how tempting was the 55 gallon barrel of lube?
Stop reminding me of the savings that never were.
1080ti still going strong, no need to upgrade
>loses to 5600 in multiple tests
>AMD sponsored channel magically has intel perform badly
>and now in reality
>amd is shitting the bed
oh no, imagine falling for amd shills
>in reality
Have they finally given an in depth technical explanation as to what their made up metric ((e-fps))) is and how they measure it?
>showing AMD trounce intel truthfully means you're sponsored despite them also showing AMD lose to Nvidia
you can read about it on their site
>AMD is just better at playing games at 1080p when you own a 4090
>meanwhile just ignore every single other computational benchmark metric which intel destroys AMD by huge margins
What CPU should I get when I'm going to upgrade my R7 3700X? I've only got a AM4 mother board, so 7800X3D is not an option
everyone talks about performance. how many gorillion watts do these CPUs use? actual power consumption, not made up numbers like TDPs
>believing anything userbenchmark
way to out yourself as a biased retard
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can someone explain to me how the CPU/GPU stuff works out when you're pushing very high refresh rate, like 360/480 now
like i vaguely remember the CPU is like the volume in a square, and the GPU fills up that volume as well as it can, if you have a sick CPU with a shit GPU you have headroom, but the opposite is what a bottleneck is

but how do you find your CPU's max FPS output? just drop everything to 1080p and play CSGO or something?
The fuck does the CPU have to do with capping out a resolution, you ditz?
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>and now in reality
y-yeah... yeah! It's denuvo who is in the wrong.
You cannot make this shit up. Why did they even bother developing and releasing this product? Is it satire, or some kind of postmodern performance art?
You specialize in smelling like crusty shit and nothing else.
ITT we argue about hardware we don't own and how it runs in comparison with other hardware we don't own on games we don't play.
5800X3D is the strongest for AM4 as far as gaming goes. They're hard to get though because they're the strongest, so you can't get one for a reasonable price. 5700X3D is your next best thing and it's about $200, very reasonably priced for how strong it is.
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im not even kidding buy a 970 or something with a completely new build or just use your current card if its better
build the coooompoooter, slap the new dog in when you get it whatever you decide on
fucking seriously, everyone eventually just builds a whole new rig but if you just salvage the GPU for one more 4 month cycle of dogshit performance in modern games at the very least last gen GPUS will be cheaper(just dont wait TOO long i guess) and nothing from the 50 series is compelling so far unless they have some nuty 4k increases with frame gen or something but frame gen is gay unless you're using a controller
It's just big-corpo retarded.
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Pretty good actually.
what does updating bios do

is it a rebar thing
Absolute power usage is a seriously meaningless metric for individual parts. Perf/W is what matters and ARL hardly impresses in that regard, even with a node advantage
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Yeah, pretty much. The CPU has to handle all the calls from your GPU so the load increases exponentially with frame rate. On top of this, many modern games have gotten very CPU heavy so the whole "bottleneck" meme is kind of dead and meaningless. It's more dependent on what games you actually play.
Only CPU I need is 7500F.
Let me guess, you "need" more.
went from a 3900X to a 7800X3D, while some things are faster and sure its nice, games are not really any different. if you have a high end GPU it's doing 90% of the work in games anyway. desu with the cost of the new mobos and DDR5 i'd hold out for 9000 series or even the year later. its not like you got an intel cpu and its literally rotting in your computer.
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It's the third highest performing desktop CPU you can buy.
fix your timey wimeies
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i had a 3770k but fuck sandybridge literally might be the best gen ever created
nobody cares how fast you can encode your pedo animes on troonix
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>got 7800x3d last year
>its 30% more expensive now
i dont care nigger, there are 30 other benchmarks all over this thread showing the intelaviv faggot ultra series having its head kicked around like a soccer ball. you lost.
>vidya bord
>hehe look at these non-vidya benchmarks!
wait, calls from your GPU? but doesn't the cpu have to send that out? i think i know what you're saying meaning like, at max efficiency i can only do 200 orders a second unless i get a bigger facility.
so im kinda asking what you'd need to get to that 480hz in general. coz i have a lgc2 4k tv right now and want to play i guess those games that can get to that refresh rate just because i actually upgraded my computer last year after like 12 years.
>vidya bord
>he he look at these results I get with a GPU I don't own
i dont get why theyd release a cpu that's slower than their own last 2 gens. what is there to gain from the utter embarrassment of it?
The GPU bottleneck meme was overwhelmingly based on games being made for consoles with absolute dogshit CPUs and not remotely as applicable to PC exclusive releases even before.
I'm still using a 4670k. i was hoping arrow lake would be good
>don't buy a console, buy a PC because you do other stuffs on PC
>why would I care how my PC performs doing other stuffs, this is a gaming board
>I don't understand CPU benchmarking
>still considering intel at all after the 13th/14th gen debacle
>I think I win because my chosen brand of stuff I don't own and can't afford runs better than some other brands which I also don't own and can't afford
>Arrow Lake is much better than Alder/Raptor Lake for efficiency, but still ~15% worse than Zen5.
Can we not just skip the middleman and get Zen6 on Intel 18A?
>benchmarks don't count unless the posters in the thread personally ran them
>why would I care how my PC opens Microsoft Edge in 0.001s instead of 0.01s
I don't.

>b-but muh video encoding!
Don't care, I'm not an e-celeb tranny and neither are 99.9% people on this site.

>I often roleplay and gloat over hardware I don't own and can't afford
Intel is scarred at dealing with the 14th gen voltage nonsense so they went the completely opposite direction and over corrected.
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>only 145w from the eps 12v
Is this what tech jesus meant when gn found unusually high power draw from the 12v line on the 24 pin? Looks like Intel's trying to hide the real power consumption numbers on these from the looks of it
AMD did it with Zen5...
Sometimes you just have to release the product the promised your shareholders you'd release - even if the firmware isn't ready.
Zen5 is fine now, after a new AGESA revisions. Zen5 sucked on launch, it was slower than Zen4 on everything except AVX512.
>I just don't care about other PC stuffs
buy a console then
>says the anon trying to tell everyone Intel's latest cpu is not actually a meme
I've not mentioned any brand in this thread. I've just posted that you don't have either yet you acting like you've somehow won something
>1080p [high]

is this a fucking joke?
The IO tile is powered from 24pin, much like the IO die for Ryzen is powered by a separate vrm (but still pulling from EPS12v)
Why they pull it from ATX over EPS12v is weird though, maybe they're powering IO tile and DDR5 from the same rail?
Buildzoid will likely do a 4 hour video on it.
1080p is a realistic resolution for AMD owners to play Cyberpunk with
So we're just back to
>doesn't understand how cpu benchmarks work
>barely better than 5800X3D
>while consuming almost 3x more power
>this CPU which does one specific thing 10/10 and everything else 5/10 is better than the other CPUs which do everything 9/10
this is your logic. You have 1080p gaming. Congratulations. I guess AMD wins poorfag gaming again. whoopy
So you also complain when the GPU benchmarks are run alongside the best cpu, right?
>EPS12v only
>jesus shows it hitting the ATX connector more than usual
I'm not complaining at all. I find your clinging to some shit AMD CPU because it scores well in 1080p gaming funny.
Don't care about your grift, saar. No gaming performance = no buy.
but your pc has no gaming performance either?
Yet 9900X and 9950X are better at productivity AND vastly better at gaming on top of that.
>here's your midrange cpu with unicorn ram anon
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So it's the 9800x3d then.
Unironically, yes.
nVidia's drivers have massive overhead, using the most powerful CPU around masks that, but most people don't have the most powerful CPU of a gen, which means in real world testing, an nVidia GPU will be slower than benchmarked and might be slower than the AMD equivalent.
Without a doubt.
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My PC works just fine for games, saar. No one cares about your non-gaming performance grift.
But consoles don't have TF2, the game I play the most.
>It's a you can tell the marketing agents from the lingo they use episode
Yes you really are easy to spot
>just you see- Intel is sitting on a warehouse of super chips ready to go to BTFO AMD if zen turns out to be good
>intel's hand is empty
>just you see, arrow lake is going to BTFO zen 5% by using advanced packaging and a superior TSMC node
>intel's hand is empty
You do not know how CPU test work. You use a setup where you have something that's overkill (4090) running the something that it can easily handle (1080 high). Now the CPU can show minute differences and subtle changes. The same is true in a GPU setup - you get the goddamn best CPU and crank it up, then show the differences between the GPUs.
Neat. I'm going to sell my 3070 and get a 7800 XT I think. Does AMD work with G-sync monitors like Nvidia works with Freesync ones yet? And can it do DLSS?
>My PC werks just fine
>1440p image low/medium settings
and you used the word ditz incorrectly lmao
What's currently good for single-core performance? Games like Rimworld and Starsector still chug on my otherwise good machine.
Any of the X3D CPUs
AM4ever isn't a meme...
They should've used that as a slogan.
7800x3d rn or wait for 9800x3d and then compare prices for both
Single core simulation games thrive on big and fast cache
>Does AMD work with G-sync monitors like Nvidia works with Freesync ones yet?
Yes, it always has.
>And can it do DLSS?
FSR3 is just as good and works on anything.
dunno boss
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>FSR3 is just as good
Wait, so this thread is just SEA people accusing each other of being Indian?
>FSR3 is just as good
>FSR3 is just as good and works on anything.
FSR is known everywhere to be fucking shit. Shill
>playing competitive games in anything but 1440p
Lmao casul shitter.

Try ultra lol.

No one cares about your non-gaming performance grift, saar.
>but I play lower than console settings on purpose
sure you do poorfag
>can't even beat 3800x
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>uhhh can you like... STOP talking about this? Like seriously y'all......
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Kek, games like this don't exist on consoles, retarded casul shitter trash.
I bet all those console players are gutted they can't run windows rainbow spreadsheet game
Depends on the manufacturer. MSI have explicit warranty conditions for burn-in.
I accept your seething concession, retarded casul shitter saar. No one cares about your non-gaming performance grift.
Actual gsync monitors, like the ones with Nvidia's proprietary module, don't work with AMD cards and never will.
FSR is a software solution, DLSS is a hardware solution.
Its like the difference between software and hardware encoding/decoding. No contest.
>you're seething because you're not playing a rainbow spreadsheet game at 1440p low settings on a dogshit AMD PC
lol ok
maybe we should start responding to these sorts of things with something along the lines of
"where have you been for the past decade?".
>You get the CPU which scores best at 1080p so when you run it on your own PC it scores exactly the same as any other CPU in gaming but is worse for every single other CPU task outside of gaming.
I'm not that retarded, sorry
>7600X over 7700X
i knew i made the right choice
>this CPU which does one specific thing 10/10 and everything else 5/10 is better than the other CPUs which do everything 9/10
Its more like 10/10 at gaming and 8/10 for some things and 7/10 for others where the competition is 8/10 for gaming, 10/10 for specific workstation shit. You could just choose the best one for exactly whichever job is most important to you. Trying to pretend the AMD cpus are horrible for any real job is laughable though. Oh shit it takes 80 seconds to encode something instead of 50 seconds like the best video encoding cpu, this is the worst ever, only works when you ignore that most people using the benchmark are on CPUs worse than all of the stuff on the list.
Except for the 12 months that AMD lied about Zen3 not being able to run on X370 for technical reasons, until Alder Lake launched, then suddenly all the technical reasons disappeared.
None of them are your friend anon.
If AMD did anything else good you'd be posting the benchmarks of it. You aren't You know full well it's shit at everything other than benchmarks at 1080p.
Or maybe this is /v/ so the gaming benchmarks are the most important here.
You're seething because you're a retarded marketer who got told to eat shit with his non-gaming performance grift no one cares about lol
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I'm just saying that this 5 year old chipset persists and the only explanation must be black magic.
So what CPU/mobo do I get next? currently running a i5 10600k but it's getting long in the tooth so I'm gonna be replacing them soon.
been hesitant to get AMD because emulator have always seemed to have issues with AMD that Intel doesn't have or just straight up doesn't support AMD
Correction: 8 year old chipset. I'm retarded.
>you're a marketer trying to sell stuffs to people who can't afford stuff
>I'm not that retarded, sorry
True, you just lack the bigger part of your brain.
>not 1080p gaming , don't count
>emulator have always seemed to have issues with AMD that Intel doesn't have or just straight up doesn't support AMD
Not true at all AMD is the best for emulators now especially if they use AVX-512
No one can afford your grifter dogshit that shits itself in games when they already own 7800x3ds lol
>you must be braindead for not buying in to my chosen brand of CPU so you too can game at 1080p with a 4090
>emulator have always seemed to have issues
Hey 2012 called.
All I see is Shitnel getting eviscerated.
how many in this thread own a 7800?
post your HWiNFO
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It is impressive how awful it is
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gonna get chink 5700x3d once aliexpress sale starts
i could've gotten it for $130 last time but decided not to because i don't like the higher power usage over 5600
but now i know there won't be anything as good for the next 5 years
>grifter shill btfo so hard he's now in denial mode


No one cares about your non-gaming performance grift.

Getting my 9800x3d on launch by the way lol
AM4 bros
we won
>Getting my 9800x3d on launch by the way lol
anon spends his first 500 dollaridoos
congrats lol
>grifter shill still seething no one buys his e-waste that shits itself in games
who are you quoting?
We won big time. Not pictured: the mobo from 2017 (and in my case my mobo supports am3+ coolers so even on day one I could use my giant silver arrow ib-e making the buy-in cost even less!).
Yep, the shitnel grifter shill is utterly mindbroken now. No one cares about your e-waste that shits itself in games.
>puts my gpu into 10 year old PC and is still faster than anon's AMD PC
Zen 5% is still better than negatives, I guess...
Yep, I mindbroke the grifter shill. No need to thank me.
intense curry smell emanating from this thread
also not video games
you don't anymore, that was a bundle (mobo ram cpu for about 450) shortly before the Intel 13/14 gen issues and before the amd 9000 series 2
after the 9000 series was confirmed to not have an X3D line immediately (and the base models are barely an upgrade from the base 7000 series) and Intel lost favor because of the issues, 7800x3d sold out everywhere because waitfags had no more reason to wait. they're still expensive because of that
So what do I get if I make the move to AMD? probably going to get a 50-series card when they come out since I skipped two gens already
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why is intel doing this to themselves?!
Israel can't create, it can only destroy
7800X3D or wait for the new 9800X3D
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at least 3
>wait 15 minutes
at least 4
Shouldn't this be at least 14900k-tier?
>new socket
This is the main reason why I stopped using intel. Fuck those fucking jews.
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Let me guess, you "need" more.
>bragging about playing fucking mechwarrior online

Most pathetic shit I've seen in weeks
Does it even have 3D?
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>hardware unboxed
I remember back in the day when Intel bragged about being the best and there's no competition.

oh how the script has flipped.
>most people are using 144-165hz monitors
I don't think <5% is 'most people'
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you don't need hardware unboxed.
tech jesus, Linus, jay and just about everybody has been making videos on this Intel shitshow.
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me me I do I do
at least 5
>buying ultra expensive ram just to get margin of error FPS gains
cry more jeet.
im getting one to NGL
Tomshardware is the only legit reviewer left.
Man I was so close to getting a 13700k instead of a 7800x3d for my last year build just because it was like 30€ cheaper, that would have been a big oopsie
I'm literally never leaving AM4
CPU plays the game. GPU draws the pictures. If CPU cannot play the game as fast as the GPU draws the pictures, you have a CPU botteneck, and vice versa for a GPU bottleneck. The idea of a system-wide bottleneck under all scenarios is a meme, it depends entirely on what game you're playing and what you're trying to do.
I think I'm going to do 4th upgrade to 5700x3d, I will used this mobo for at least 10 years.
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from what I've heard, the x3d cpu's are better than non-x3d
I don't know what x3d is, but those seem to perform better with gaming
>everybody making videos
Slop alert.
285k is trash but at least get reliable info.
>upgrading 4 times
And people harp on Intel users for buying once every 5 years.
I've been on a 9700k since 2019 and I feel the urge to upgrade but really I only have a 144 hz monitor anyway so kinda also not seeing the point
MY first CPU was Ryzen 1200 in 2017 because I got dupped by /v/ saying you only need two core only so I bought i3 sandybridghe instead of i5
Upgrade to 2600 in 2018 because MHworld need more cores.
Finally upgrade to 5600 in 2022 because I saw a huge discount for $102.
I almost bought i7 6770 in that same year I first moved to ryzen, not only I will stuck in older gen with no upgrade option, I wil also stuck on 4 cores shittery for another decade.
Also every time I did upgrade I can sold my old CPU in less than a week for extra $60 instead of buying the whole system all over again.
Its easier to avoid GPU bottleneck with simple CPU upgrade every two years instead of waiting another five years and in pre-ryzen era there was no consumer 6 cores intel CPU.
Good luck getting one within the next 6 months.
7800X3D original MSRP was $500, so is 9800X3D.
7800X3D only started selling like hot cakes after the price dropped to $350.
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>terrible in gayming
>not even top in productivity
who is this Intel CPU gen for
>amd shills coping for the 30th year in a row
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Yeah bro we should all get an Nvidia CPU
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>Chip oxidizes
>what does updating bios do
Fixes issues, increases stability. There's always a chance a new version might introduce some bugs or whatever, because pretty much all of the programmers are chinese. But still, the benefit outweighs the risk. You should always keep it updated. 50% of intel's 13th and 14th gen cpus would eventually fry themselves if you don't update your bios to the latest version which contains the necessary microcode fixes. And people don't talk about it much now, but amd had a somewhat similar problem in the first half of 2023, though they've addressed it much more swiftly.
I'd core your shitmech before you'd have the chance to shit your pants, casul shitter.
Aren't Bios updates not recommended unless neccessary because they can go wrong?
Announcing that you're retarded is not the slam dunk you think it is
What do you mean? I guess if you live in a shithole where the power might go out at any moment, it's better not to update.
>You're a retard if you don't buy my chosen brand of processor.
Like how sometimes a windows update can blue screen. Logic being that you should stick with what works instead risking said bugs or update going wrong.
As oppossed to YOUR chosen brand of processor?
Smart people buy good products and don't worship brands.
yes. I have previously owned AMD processors and will never buy another of their products.
I tried them. I gave them a chance. They failed. I learned a lesson.
You haven't learned your lesson yet, but you will.
Interesting because the Core Ultra CPUs don't have hyperthreading
What's windows has to do with anything? A bios update can only go wrong if the power goes out mid-update or you literally pull out the usb stick.
The only lesson I learned is that the 7800x3d is a pretty damn good CPU and that I don't have to worry about it shitting the bed with oxidation or acting as a space heater in the summer
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Those are somewhat misleading numbers, as often those tests are done with settings on low to remove GPU bottlenecks, but lower lods and removing rt heavily reduces the cpu load as well. That being said, I have very little inclination to upgrade my 5800x3d.
>for cheaper
Buddy, you're on the same boat as me. We done goofed, because AMD raised the prices after 9000 series came out.

You're better off just getting the 9000X3D for $500 at this point.
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>i was a retard and bought the bad product from the company in their bad era so i will continue to be a retard by switching to the other company and buying a bad product in their bad era
It's even funnier when you consider that their new i5 can't even get close to the $180 5700X3D. Fucking pathetic release.
I wish digital shillery would test games people actually play.
I don't care what your reasons are. I have my reasons why I won't buy AMD.
Glad youre happy with your 1080p gaming chip
>their new i5
The reality is that you don't need anything more powerful than a 7500F for 1440p gaming and definitely not for 4k gaming since you will be GPU bottlenecked anyway.
Given the fact that you can't elaborate on said reasons, it's probably because you're a retarded intelshill trying to justify a recent bad purchase
I don't owe you a reason. You're not in charge of my bank balance you fucking dumb retard. I'm not buying your shit AMD chip. Go shill you shite elsewhere
>shits his pants and gets outed as a shit-eating shill
Not him, but I will accept your concession in his stead, shit-eating subhuman grifter.
low IQ seethe
>buy AMD
>buy AMD
>buy AMD
>but you're an Intel shill if you don't
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>I don't owe you a reason
This is codespeak for "I don't actually have a reason beyond blind fanboyism". You know why I know that? Because there are legitimate reasons to still choose intel over AMD that could have easily shut me up and won you the good internet points you're so desperately seeking out, but you can't figure out what those reasons are.
I accept your concession, intelshill
>ummm I don't have a reason but I will but intelaviv anyway lol
Kek, this shit-eating shill is mindbroken.
>you must care what I think
not really. shill. Still not buying your 1080p cpu
>you must care what I think
You absolutely do, considering that you're still replying
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>It's so bad een Intel shills are having a hard time deffending this crap
>you must care because you're here
not. I'm here because I'm watching you lose your shit when someone doesn't want your 1080p cpu.
Big mistake, buddy. Once you get addicted to generative AI, you'll regret not having 4090 or 5090 once it's out.
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don't you have a chatbot to fall in love with
i already played around with generative ai in the past. granted, it took like 40 seconds to a minute for a single gen but the local models seem worse than the newer version of novelai for anime pictures.
I'm just having a laugh over some pajeet on 4chan desperately trying to come up with an own against AMD and all he can come up with is "muh 1080p"
I'm on 1440p btw
It's a good cpu, i am not going to lie.
All I have said is I'm not buying AMD and just look at you lose your shit over it.
There's nothing you can say which will make me buy one. Even if you give it for free I would never install your shit 1080p CPU
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Yes but not by much
And all I ever said to that is that you being a retarded intelshill isn't something to brag about. You were the only who was convinced that I was some sort of AMD salesman.
Based. I still have an i7-68??k and I can run 90% of the games. The 10% I cant run are triple a goyslop moviegames.
"Like". Similar too. Like how you can have problems with x, you can have similar problems with y. Anyway power outage is still a risk and if it happens you can have a hard time recovering. And this assumes it's even worth it because updates can bring new bugs for no real benefit.
>no u
Not buying your 1080p CPU shill. Go sell your junk products elsewhere
>"Like". Similar too. Like how you can have problems with x
There's no connection or similarities between bios update and windows update.
Do you have any other retort other than "muh 1080p" because it doesn't even make sense
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In the sense that it can cause problems. Not how they function.
>just because it's only good for one thing, 1080p gaming, doesn't mean that you shouldn't buy one
Is APU desperately trying to get his sales numbers up for his bonus?
Booting problems
Which is why that response doesn't make any sense, because a), it's not just good for 1080p gaming, and b), if the market leader is only good for 1080p gaming then that would imply your intel cpu is also only good for 1080p gaming
Try again
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People who built their pc on X99 with 6900K and 1080Ti basically set themself for almost a decade. Crazy stuff.
A bios update can't cause 'booting problems'. Not setting it up properly after the update may cause some problems I suppose. That's not on the update though, that's on you.
>look , I know it's a 1080p gaming CPU and why I only post 1080p gaming benchmark results , but that doesn't mean you shouldn't buy it
Show me the 4k benchmark results
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Got a 5800X was thinking of sidegrading because of gaymen for a X3D is the 5800X3D much different than the 5700X3D? Since it's mostly out of stock it's a 150€ difference here.
Sunk cost cope. 4k is a meme resolution. Just like 144hz refresh rate. You pay premium prices for a worthless upgrade.
For VRChat, the 7800X3D is a beast
>I can't afford to run high resolutions that's why I shill my 1080p CPU
fucking lol
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This contains no information what so ever.
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about to pull the trigger on this
If you only play 1 game whatever it was benched on sure. But then you play game X like Darktide and see that you drop below 60 during gameplay. Having more overhead is always better in CPUs because for some reason AMD and Intel don't make series like xx60 xx90 etc, just buy the newest gen CPU that has enough cores for the current games.
You need to move on, anon. I went from a Haswell to Alder Lake two years ago and the difference was day and night.
Your trusty Sandy Bridge doesn't cut it anymore.
What are you doing. That moniter isn't even 3000hz and 1080p? What are you stone age. It's not even OLED. You have to buy the newest display Otherwise you will never be happy.
Acer sucks dick these days. My latest acer monitor came with dead pixels. Called customer support, the cunt on the other side told me dead pixels aren't covered by warranty.
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Ok https://youtu.be/KZI708B2K1U?feature=shared&t=411
But 4k vs. 1080p is largely irrelevant for CPU benchmarks because at that resolution games are largely GPU bound and whatever differences in CPU performance is minimized. You would know that if you weren't a desperate intelshill
>cpu test
why the fuck is dlss on at all in a benchmark, except for df being tech retarded shills?
>you must be shilling intel for knowing that if you game at 4k you're GPU bound and so your CPU is irrelevant.
No. You're promoting AMD with 1080p benchmark results while knowing that they're pointless to anyone gaming above 1080p.
You are the literal shill.
>F1 2023 favour intel
>F1 2022/2024 favour AMD

How does this happen?
people got poor quick
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I literally showed you the 4k benchmarks retard
>b-b-but the difference is 3% fps @ 4k
>this schizo
god will you fuck off and die already? you are such a pathetic brown subhuman it's actually unreal
>It's not even OLED. You have to buy the newest display Otherwise you will never be happy.
this but without a hint of irony. OLED is life changing and i will never use anything else for as long as i live. until something better comes out, of course.
>I so delusional that I actually believe I have the power to tell people what to do over the internet
>you're schizo
pffft lol
going from
>AMD can only beat intel at 1080p!
>I-It's only a 3% difference!
lmao even
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No, I do need more.
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based poorfagbro
no, he doesn't. he says the same shit in every single hardware thread like a broken record, despite getting BTFO every single time. he's either overdosing on cope or a literal paid shill.
EVERY SINGLE hardware thread this retard is in, ruining them. all he says is that 7800X3D or similar are only good for 1080p, despite having 1440p/4k benchmarks shared in every single thread proving him wrong
then he calls people poor for using the best cpu on the market, and links cinebench scores to somehow prove that intel is better than AMD for gaming. he is a fucking mongoloid pajeet and the biggest faggot on this website next to the guy who posts pics of new ps5 games and his cat and arms and says "we played ____" referring to him and his cat
show the post where anyone claimed that?
All I've said is I'm not buying your shit AMD 1080p CPU
your grammar is slipping, pajeet
I know it's hard when you're angry and the tears are blinding you but you still need good grammar to at least keep up the facade
YAY!! we are at another point in tech stagnation!
WAHOOO!! thank you silica!
half the price
half the power draw
better performance
get fucked, nigger subhuman brand loyalist shill. i sure hope the pay is good.
oops, meant for >>692846403
golly, that's awesome how much you're mindbroken
It's a CPU benchmark, you want the GPU to be under utilized so the frame rate is dependent on the power of the CPU
why would i be mindbroken? my pc mogs yours and i get to laugh at you in every single hardware thread. try to take your meds starting tomorrow, it will be in everyones best interest, especially yours.
>half the price
not third world
>half the power draw
not third world
>better performance
at 1080p gaming
>get fucked, nigger subhuman brand loyalist shill. i sure hope the pay is good.
Still not buying your shit AMD CPU retard, go shill someone else
Im tired of people doing benchmarks on cyberjank, shits still unoptimized as fuck
I'm convinced he works at userbenchmark and comes here every time there's a new CPU launch to run defense for intel and shit up the threads as much as possible to prevent any actual discussion
It'd be nice if hardware could be discussed on /v/ without shitposters for once. Just one thread. People actually get good advice instead of barnd loyalty "what are you poor" bullshit.
>my pc mogs yours
nope. try again
All I've posted is I'm not buying AMD. Do you only wish to discuss things with people who do want to buy AMD?
Intel is the definition of a has-been.
All their leadership can still hope to achieve is manage the decline.
it's one guy. it's this same fucking retard ruining every thread. he's always around at this time of day too.
>Still not buying your shit AMD CPU
good, subhumans don't deserve to have the best hardware.
>I dream up a life of someone on the internet
you're a faggot
That's not actually contributing to the thread though... The quality of the thread would actually be better if you just didn't post...
Looks like I nailed it
>say you don't want to buy something
>get called retard and shill over and over and over
>stop ruining the anti-intel thread by not sucking AMD cock
lol cope more 1080p cpu shiller
Why is there not a chip yet that has the L3 cache of the X3D chips but all the other good stuff of the normal X chips

I want a 9950X3D that does everything the 9950X can do and then more.
>I can't give other AMD owners a reach around if you keep saying you're not buying one
woo woo, here's the internet police to tell me what I'm allowed to post.
Why don't you just not post?
disingenuous jeet faggot, i'm not even going to further dignify you with more of a response, you are simply a brown-skinned subhuman and the world would be better off without you in it
It is legitimately retarded that you're still choosing to buy intel over AMD in a period of complete AMD market dominance, yes. Just like it was retarded for anyone to buy AMD over intel in a period of complete intel dominance about a decade ago.
>you're brown
and you're poor
if the prices of the 7800X3D and 14900K were reversed, the 7800X3D is still a better piece of hardware. fucking retard
>you are retarded because you don't buy the CPU which runs games at 1080p
I don't game at 1080p. Why do I need a CPU which is only good at 1080p?
@1080p gaming,
at actual CPU tasks the 7800x3d is fucking terrible. lol
I don't game at 1080p. I have no use for some 1 trick 1080p cpu
i wish i could get through life ignoring objective facts. i hope you get hit by a bus before the next hardware thread
They still contribute more because atleast they bring up pros. That isn't just misinformation.
power efficiency
lower cost
better performance beyond 1080p
competitive performance in productivity
There are still reasons to go intel but they're very specific and you still haven't listed them because you don't actually know what those use cases are
>power efficiency
not third world. don't care
>lower cost
not third world. don't care
>better performance beyond 1080p
not third world. don't care
>competitive performance in productivity
absolutely incorrect
>There are still reasons to go intel but they're very specific and you still haven't listed them because you don't actually know what those use cases are
I don't have to list my reasons to you. I'm not buying AMD.
5800x3d + 2080ti + 1080p monitors = futureproof budget system
>>better performance beyond 1080p
>not third world. don't care
kek. stupid fuck.
>1080p monitors
1080p hasn't existed in my world for over 10 years. the fact you think it does shows you're broke as fuck
Can you list any intel advantage?
Didn't actually edit anything
for what purpose?
So you can dismiss them? So you can go on an internet hunt to see if it's true or not? So you can call me a shill ?
So that you can have some grounds.
I don't care about about proving myself to you. I'm not buying AMD. Why can't you grasp this?
You don't have to be third world to know that having to crank up the AC all the time in the summer because your PC turns your room into a hotbox isn't an ideal situation, retard
basically what I got, 4080S right at the launch so I got a founder's edition
you don't want to prove yourself right?
How would you know? You don't have one.
All those words just to say no, you can't lmao
That's not the point.
Yes it is
Are you implying only third worlders recognize the correlation between higher power draw and more heat being generated inside a room?
You're not that important. My life will continue on regardless if I prove it or not.
I have my reasons for not buying AMD. Sharing them with you won't change anything.
Shill elsewhere
Important enough to have 30 posts in this thread.
>not third world. don't care
how to say you're ignorant of income adjusted kilowatt-hour prices globally without saying it

or do you think Germany is turd world
We have windows. it gets warm we open them.
My 4090 heats the room up a little. My CPU doesn't.
You literally contribute nothing to the thread.
I'm not that poor that I have to measure my computer electricity.
what do you stand to gain from this besides epicly owning amd shitters?
I seem to be important to you. You're counting my posts. All I've stated is I'm not buying AMD. lol
>open window
>to let the hot summer air in
Sasuga retard
Holy shit you're retarded. I'm telling you that you can only have problems with updating because of your own stupidity. Your link only proves this.
>this CPU will heat the room up
>while its 40c outside
that isn't the CPU moron.
you replied to a post of me calling 1080p disgusting with the implication that i use 1080p. learn english and try again, mr. patel
oh, what electricity do you measure? At what point does the efficacy of an appliance which runs most of the day (if not 24/7) hold your attention
>what is insulation
Hard for a turd worlder to relate with but I digress
Look at the reply chain. He totally wasting more og the other anon's time than his own. What an amazing troll/...
Did I? I can't remember. Glad to have spoken to you.

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