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The Paripus did nothing wrong.
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eupha keeping the other girls up at night with her furious masturbation
Del is so cute.
So, i dont get the message behind this game? Fantasy is real? The fuck does that mean? Are they saying my 2d waifu is real or what
>I am going to make all my friends ale every position of power then fuck off to travel one year after
>This is good for my country because stabbing things is nice
>Also I am taking your underage child with me
Elda are fucking shit
The message isn't that fantasy is real, it's that your love of your waifu should encourage you to become a person she would be attracted to if she were real.
Fantasy might not be real, but it is still valuable and worth striving for.
ideas born from imagination can influence the world around you
Use fantasy to fuel you into becoming a better person and live a better life because life is what you make of it. Retard.
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>is so racist he has an attack where he racially profiles you before instantly killing you
what the fuck was his problem
all he had to do is expel the sanctists
I am more wondering why they put Lucifer in a game where they are going to make him do what Lucifer wants and behave like Lucifer through it, then gave him two boss battles where he turns into - shockingly - Lucifer... but didn't just call him Lucifer.
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>boss uses one of his turns to get 5 more turns
>starts spamming giga nigga blast x5
i fucking hate this shit
Louis seethes like a baby too much to be Lucifer. Lucifer always keeps his cool.
Meh, he only seethes when he is driven mad by emo mist at the very end of the game.
He does similar stuff in Raidou games if you talk shit about his ideals.
In the promo stuff i thought Junah would be my favorite. I love the 70s style she is dressed as but that hair is far too big. I almost expected her to use her hair like magic, and thats why it had to be so grossly large. Shame, hair ruined the character
Abuse nulls and evasion
Well it IS fake hair, and she does style it for the performances. So it makes sense it's over the top.
Bro, your dodges? Your provokes + guard?
He never lived long enough for me to see his attacks
>Have Heismay in your party
>90-95% chance of dodge at all times
>This is never an issue for the rest of the game
outside of the false angelic look, what about him represents lucifer? genuine question
Dont care, already dropped junah for the 3 eyes island queen
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I mean, he does turn into a literal angel as the last boss. Then into a satanic looking skeleton demon, that then turns into a creepy white winged skeleton angel.
And he has the standard Chaos Route SMT train of thought.
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The 8 wings he has in his demonic form is pretty explicitly a Lucifer reference, and the might makes right, individualistic ideology is pretty in keeping with SMT Chaostards. Also his name is Louis.
>Del was* so cute
What a shitty ass boss design
It looks better in motion, but yes, it's pretty meh.
Is the red eye supposed to be Zorba's?
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I want to do butt stuff with the females of this game. I need to. It's not a hope or a dream. It's like a hunger. A thirst.
Your thirst is just fiction.
Spoiling it as little as possible, is the final boss kino?
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Chris chan dimensional merge
That's why I loved using him as my Mage. He's dodgy as fuck and always goes first so he can damn near always tag a weakness right off the bat if you inherit Wind/Light/Dark on him, or he can steal shit at the start of the turn which makes reset easy as fuck to use. He may have middling Magic, but once he got the skill to cut MP costs for synthesis skills down, enemy encounters in dungeons were no longer an issue outside of maybe one or two individual enemies per dungeon.

I thought I'd swap him off of it once I got dedicated mages, but I ended up keeping him on it until I got Royal Thief. Worked out quite well, especially once Basilio replaced Strohl.
Eh. Drags on a bit much.
>They killed my kid
>So i killed their turns
I thought it was really good for the most part, my only disappointment was I initially found it quite difficult, appropriately so, using magic because I built into magic, but then I tried using a physical skill unique to the protagonist just to try it and it absolutely shat all over him even though I only had like 25 strength.
i love this agile little racist gruff old ninja bat
How can any other party member compete
Listen Basilio, when Louis becomes king we will buy a nice little plot of land in the countryside. We will grow our own fruit and raise chickens.

Will I get to pet the rabbits Del?
If you do not have the courage to confess to wifu then go into the desert and bash some monsters
The referee guy Batlin was the best character. Should have been s party member.

>Epilogue walk around town
>All shopkeeps talk about how they want to fuck Eupha's brother
Just finished the Glodell fight, this game is so fucking weirdly averse to having the protagonists kill people in cutscenes. Zorba jumps off a roof and then Glodell gets choked to death for no reason even though Grius was just immobilized. Seems retarded when you canonically fight Louis' boys as trash mobs mid-bosses and there's plenty of other killing
Use your Tulpa to influence world events
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>expect him to be a skeevy, double-crossing snake
>literally the most based, rational and intelligent character in the entire game
Damn, why can't I have a Batlin social link?
Meh. Cold Steel 4 tier.
Listen Bas, when Louis becomes king we'll buy a right crackin' bitta land wi' chickens and the lot, alright m8?
not really
there was no real sense of dread or apprehension leading up to the final confrontation, the team was basically had the "nah I'd win" vibe the whole time and none of the citizens really gave a fuck about the sky being on fire
I think the final boss and dungeon was good, but the atmosphere in the month leading up to it was weak. Didn't even get a new theme to go with it.
If you read compendium entry about royal magic it's not a surprise. It says the chains get tighter the more you struggle and they can choke you to death.
What was the deal with the dead bodies lying around that had what looked like black flakes of Magla flaking off of them? Was it just meant to be random dead people to show that society was a mess? I spent the whole game thinking they had some specific affliction but it was never addressed, or if it was I didn't notice, and I had been reading the Memorandum too.
You were the fantasy all along.
Hulkenberg kills those random bandits at the start of the game.
>expect him to be a skeevy, double-crossing snake
I mean he was, just on our side
Before she joins you
I NEED to FUCK Fidelio
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>state that the game has no romance
>introduce a sweet cinnamon roll who proclaims her love to you for eternity and you can accept her affections
>the ending doesn't contain any sort of cockblock for future headcanons unlike P5
>hurry up eupha we're being raided ffs
>p-please just five more minutes!
there had to be someone in P-studio that forced Hashino to add romance, didn't he say in an interview that he never had female friends and/or was afraid of women
Is it hotter if she gets introduced to the concept of masturbation by the rest of the team and then becomes addicted to it like a monkey or that masturbation is just a casual, socially acceptable pastime in her culture and she just does it at the drop of a hat without thinking anything of it?
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>Cute little animal guy is actually a jaded old man
I love this shit
That's precisely why he added in Persona 3. Persona 3 heavily draws from the original big dating sim True Love down to a lot of the social stats being the same. Hashino wanted to make a game that let loser otaku like him live out their highschool fantasies but more PG than True Love. The romance in Persona and it's inspiration could only come from a guy that was a lonely otaku.
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bonified sex haver
>defeating the minibosses makes the final boss weaker
Hate this shit, it should be the opposite - Romancing Saga Ministrel Song style - the more optional stuff you do the stronger the final boss becomes.
>Pass turn
>Cast triple almighty spell
>29 more battles to go
The colosseum is so annoying
I actually really like this party. I thought they were a little dull at first, but they're all pretty endearing in their own ways. Strohl's just a solid bro, Hulk is my wife, Heismay is based, Judah is a lovable Stacy and Eupha and Bas are cute. Even Not-Cyd even has his moments.
I NEED to FUCK Fidelio!
I hope they bring protag dialogue into the next Persona. It was jarring at first, but it grew on me quickly and gave Elda Boy a bit more personality.
BEHZEKAH! (some kind of uk accent)
>Fidellio died a virgin
I'm glad these things weren't in the version of the game I played
He could have just asked junah
she clearly saw him like a little brother and not in the doujin kind of way
The 1 time dexfags get their power fantasy of being useful. This entire system of turn tokens is designed specifically for dodgey critfags.
I was kind of spoiled in now i know bas becomes a party member but Del instantly became my favorite side character when he entered my game. Havent handed the staff off yet so i dont know what hes going to do
i really liked this game, is smtvv fun? i remember original release was shitposted to hell and back in /v/
smtvv is way better paced. and thankfully shorter.
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sugar mommies make for ideal queens
For me, it's Bas.
>Should have been s party member.
Not so much party member but like what futaba did in p5 / replaxe gallica and just did the play by play
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The message is, "Better things are possible if you dream for it, and don't give up on your ideals the instant you face hardship instead of winning instant upheaval. Incremental progress is hardcore to the mega."
Every day I can't romance Brigitta is like a dagger to my heart and my penis.
>Incremental progress is hardcore to the mega
no wonder resetera flipped on the game quickly
He only wanted a story like all jounro scum. If the MC didnt hand him a big story right away he would have done scummy shit to create a story
Daily reminder that Atlus already did an antagonist like Louis before.
it's important not to conflate incremental progress with putting up with status quop enthusiasts who are just using the notion of incremental progress to make you shut up and stop trying to change things
Be a good person
Imagine having to pay for so many voice archetype lines when 90% of players will just never give basilio a non berserker/pugilist archetype
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hythlodeus should've just been more optimistic, that would've solved everything
Lucifer is frequently names Louis in SMT games and when he is he has a similar appearance to Louis in this game.
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It's an Atlus game with social links, but with no true romance option for Gallica and Eupha?
>my fairy companion keeps trying to talk to me and share important information that is pertinent to my interests
>I can't internalise any of it because I can't stop staring at her bare legs and feet as she waves them around in my face
anyone have a solution for this?
What actually need to change is romance in Persona games. It changes nothing and is only highlighted during a few holidays and a rare day or two. I'm glad Metaphor didn't half ass it like all the Persona games do
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What a chad.
Louis's vision was ultimately sterile, he had no vision at all beyond purges every now and then.
He's right in that bad genes from inbreeding and the likes should be purged, but he fails in delivering a vision beyond that.
Louis cannot create, he can only destroy.
That's as far as a critic I could give to his vision without stepping into the obvious "haha I'm evil" shit Atlus had him do in endgame like losing his cool to Basilio and the evil laugh against the mc.
>gallica legit sleeps with you after MC has his transformation, you even see a pic of it everyday
>not thinking they are in a relationship how they act over the story and even the ending event of the pagan island if you picked gallica
there is romance in this game, people are just too shallow/inexperience to understand how real relationships come to be.
the main question is at the end of the day, how is the MC ganna fuck gallica without killing her?
Why didn't his son just level agility?
Grius deserved to be more than a plot device
Kind of a bummer, because I think these games need more older companions
I'd counter this by saying that this game was their chance to finally make a romance route that actually feels meaningful rather than just getting a few unique scenes and lines. Instead of giving up, they should've strived to do better than what they've done before.
Nah, i unironically liked the weak ass pre fights more especially with the sick ass theme
If this game has no romance i don't understand why they didnt do a reverse persona 3 where Junah and del would be in a relationship but this time its the male partner that dies
The ice dragon is such an insanely bullshit fight I'm unironically getting filtered here. No way to prepare for it either I can't even leave the town to buy the ice evasion boots.
>addicted to it like a monkey
Wait.. monkeys are addicted to jerking off?
Is the travelling mechanic what they originally wanted to do with the early versions of P5? Thought it worked pretty well, I liked the party camping and stopping at various landmarks when you went to new places. Hopefully they have something similar in P6.
You think he knew that shes actually just a weird alien midget?
Between this and Persona 5 Strikers I wouldn't mind if Persona 6 is a full on road trip adventure.
Didn't they say that he already did ask Junah and got rejected?
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Virgin Island song is just brainrot.
If you lose and select "restart on the gauntlet runner" it sets you to the day before you actually leave, so you can go to the city and buy stuff.

Some ways you can get through it otherwise:

You can just attack with another fire spell and lose 2 turns to get rid of the shield and attack with the other 2 attacks. Or you can use Junah's dance debuff to inflict weakness to an element. If you have a good General leveled up with their ice move then you can do ice dance > general's ice attack > keep doing it over and over again since the general attack also inflicts weakness to ice again.
yeah that idea morphed into the palaces.
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It really is, I tried all sorts of repeals/guards like Hulkenberg's magic knight synthesis to no avail
I ended up going all in, one party member clears the block with a fire stone and loses 2 turn points, but then the rest of the party can actually deal damage, it helps that the dragon keeps wasting 1 turn reapplying the block
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While listening to MC and Gallica trying to have interspecies sex.
Having played Persona 3-5, I was legitimately shocked when the final boss turned out to be Louis. I was sure there'd be a classic "oh, the true big bad is the embodiment of the fears and anxiety of the people and Lous was just either a pawn or a tool to bring that about."
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But anon Louis IS the embodiment of the fears and anxiety of the people
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there it is~
nah it's not THAT bad, I'd say more like CS1
this is why the game doesn't let you romance anyone cause gallica (best girl) is the cannon romance.
they legit sleep together once the MC transforms, even before MC transformation, they slowly start becoming closer and closer to the point they care for each other more than friends.
even how they act around the end game, you know they are together but keeping it on the downlow so it doesn't distract the others.
i truly believe after playing this that she'll be the queen.

>the main question is at the end of the day, how is the MC ganna fuck gallica without killing her?
maybe something like how junah transforms? surely fairies can do something like that.
wait for metaphor rerefantazio
I mean, technically Louis is powered by the fears and anxieties of the people.
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>'ate Paripus
>'ove caves
>simple as
Mozgus if he was a woman
ST not even once
This description can apply to two different characters, impressive.
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idk why but it felt very odd for the game to have a happy ending

i guess since ive only been playing games with depressing endings lately, it honestly made me uncomfortable.
>these games need more older companions
we got 2 1/2 older companions (if you could Grius). That alone is better than 90% of jarpigs. You should be grateful
am i retarded, what is this? fordens relic was blatantly the holy grail from p5 and the piggy was kaneshiros boss
it's peak kino, could listen to that shit for hours
everyone says Shinjuku is basically a EO level but honestly it reminds me more of 7th Dragon 2020
the helmet from strange journey
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>hates life
>goes monster cave hoping a beast will kill him
>actively dodges and fights them off when they attack him
Was he stupid?
just wait for the Super Deluxe Ultimate edition of the game in a couple years
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Is the whole popularity ranking stuff scripted or does it depend on your actions?
Because i'm at the start of July and i'm already down to the low hundreds.
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really bummed how not hot the bird women were tbqh

the bird men, on the other hand...
he didn't want innocent people to die, obviously. The dude was still a knight at the end of the day
oh i see it now, for some reason i thought i was looking at some weird robot thing
>spams Wanton Destruction
You lied. The dance doesn't overwrite his shield.
you can get your progress gated depending on how far in the story you are, but it all adds up in the end. Basically you have to do every request, bonds and virtues to hit max popularity
Biggest anal slut in this game? Females only.
Radiant Crusher also sustained me for a pretty long time as well
I'm going to spam kisses on his face.
Yeah it does. But it only lasts 1 hit, and you have to have done it after they put the shield up.
Hulky, obviously
brigetta 100%
Hulk has no ass
so anons who played it with the EN VA?
cause that shit was so good, the range of accents they had and the voice acting was amazing too.
I literally just tried it and it doesn't. I used the ice dance, passed to someone with an ice skill, and he still nulled it.
What happens if you don't do any popularity stuff and reach the final dungeon?
ended up going with the jap VA and was very happy with my choice. Seems like shockingly both EN and JP got good voice acting this time
I played in jp but heismay and neuras had good en voices
>Females only.
idk, you have to be fucking braindead not to get everything done with all the time they give you
>increased crit chance on strohl
>double crit passive
>double crit damage accessory
>never fucking crits even when using brave blade
FUCK this idiot. a crit brave blade hardly does more than wanton destruction. only thing strohl is good for is a charged up crit hassou tobi or that one synthesis thats better than hassou tobi and even then if it doesnt crit then fuck you
have you seen what Hulkster eats? That poop chute has to be in tip top shape to keep up
MC being revealed as a pseudo-dragon that is just materialized magla just means that he needs to reconstruct/rematerialize himself as fairy-sized, then he can fuck Gallica all he wants. Failing that, it'd be a completely non-penetrative relationship where the furthest they go is freaky shit like bodyjobs or cumjars.
>Hulkster eats
Sounds like the name of a food delivery app
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it's all worth the crit fishing when you see that 8x hassou tobi crit pop up
EN VA player here, it's very good. Gave me flashbacks to FFXIV (and I believe it shares at least some of the VAs with that game)

They refused to be good little cock addicted pets as they were so clearly designed to be.
>xiv troon
go back to your containment threads, tyvm
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>Will you defeat Louis
Yes, I Will.
You cant romance an onahole anon...
I will be sure to mention it more.
The message is beware of jews. Louis, a native fantasy jew whose people got holocausted, puts on horns and pretends to be of the priviliged race only to undo the society they built and hold together from the inside. He believes the new world he creates from the ashes will be better for the chosen people like himself while the rest of the population are slave cattle.

Based Alus warning us again.
You were more help than anyone who tried to give me advice on this post >>692792316 lmao
How does this meme narrative fare with the fact the protagonist is also jewish?
> ywn have tsundere fidelio cautiously give you a palm job while rolling his eyes and denying he's enjoying it
> ywn hear his near silent gasps as you nuzzle the crook of his neck as you rub your penis against his thighs
> ywn see fidelio cover his face as you thrust into him.

Why even live?
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The message is literally just pic related. If you can dream of a world you can make it a reality.
Isn't this an MMO?

Why are the cutscenes so long?
I got him to phase 2 in 3 turns
>Eupha and Junah
>spam fire spells
>tetrakarn on one guy
>dragon acts first, does a melee aoe
>gets reflected, loses turn, can't set up its reflect bullshit
Because it’s a final fantasy game first
I played with EN voices. The voice direction is a problem and Will's voice is shit so I won't say that I think the dub is amazing, but I still prefer it over the JP voice track. Certain voice performances like Batlin, Hulkenberg, and Basilio's make up for the weaker ones.
its a visual novel with a subscription fee
MC is Jesus.
Yes he wants you to stop fighting and believes in him. No he doesn't have a plan for what comes after
it's basically a single player RPG with MMO elements. EVERYTHING revolves around the main story, it's not like ESO where you can just pick a direction at spawn and start walking
Is the story good?
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ye, it's the main reason to play the game imo. The endgame raiding is pretty good too, but the content is pretty sparse compared to other MMOs
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Basilio won't refuse.
I took the wanton destruction pill and won on my next try lol
I still can't telll if Paripus are supposed to be cat-people or dog-people.
I thought they were horse people at first
Isn't it just "animal people" in general? We see all kinds.
at first I thought dog but Basilio can be seen cleaning his ear/face like a cat.
Guys guys. Hear me out. I just arrived the castle cities and talking with the guard in there about the kidnappings and I'm kind of bored.
yea, Catherine resembles a fox.
>cat-people or dog-people
Neither, as they are not people to begin with.
quit the game faggot. bye.
Its really funny how Atlus games revolve around creating a future and this whole shared timeline/universe thing only reinforces the idea that no mater what you do its all for naught. Your actions do not mater. Everything you strove for will be torn down and suffering will return.
calm down heismay
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t. heismay
how do you tell who the clones are in the heismay fight?
>the game was actually a stealth remake of Last Bible all along
Sasuga, Atlus-sama....
>hasn't played SMT 3
The shadow
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how would you react in this situation? Be honest
pacing really takes a hit once you hit that final city
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Basilio's tail also emotes distinctly like a cat's.
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no fucking way, I just guessed my way through it during my playthrough
I've been in this situation as a kid and she just wanted me to agree to talking to another girl who couldn't ask me herself cuz she was shy and I just said "sure"
The first part start off slow then gets better and better, it free for easily hundreds of not thousands of hours
>immediately folds
just as I expected
>scouse accent
wtf were they thinking?
That reminds me, it's super weird that if Strohl joins you in the hot springs, you see he has a tattoo on his bicep. Wouldn't have expected that for the setting.
They wanted him to be cute and they were extremely successful.
why did gallica hide when neuras told them he loved her and the mc
Has the community come to terms with the battle music being the dumbest and most annoying in jrpg history?
Fuck would you have done?
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/ourgal/ ryne is junah
pissed myself
I like it.
It's kino
nyoo you were supposed to be tolerant after playing the game
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how did neuras fucking survive ramming himself face first into a destroyer
she blushed out of embarrassment of course
Its about to come to terms with you being tonedeaf, retarded and tasteless
my immediate reaction was confusion, but it started hitting so hard I just went with it. consider it one of the better battle themes I've heard now
A girl once pinned me to the wall and kissed me when I was like 10 but I was too prepubescent to realise how hot that was then.

Or maybe I internalised it and that's why I'm into femdom now.
he's based. all there is to it
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I hope Persona 6 copies Metaphor's social link mechanics and removes the hidden affection meter that prevents you from ranking up, it got so bad at one point in Persona 5 that I wouldn't spend time with anyone unless it was a rank up, otherwise I would just spam Chihaya's power until they were ready to rank up
The way Metaphor does it is much, much better, if you spend time with your followers you WILL rank up
shut up communist.
this is the correct reply
This is mostly because you objectively have less time to spend in Metaphor.
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if you see right before he crashes he starts to archetype out
looking at the localization choices I'm glad I went with the jp dub, it would be so fucking cringe actually listening to
>wee ones
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fairies find a way
I get what >>692797073 is saying, but also I 've never liked how rigidly you have to follow guides to get your stats and social links maxed out in Persona games. I'm not the type of person who likes to do back to back playthroughs, so it just means missed content for me.
The worst is when they change something that was already in English in the Japanese version. Like... why? It was already in English dude...
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finished the game

when's kingborn mode
Chibi race must be wild in bed.
why is dragoon so shitty and not part of the knight lineage for whatever reason
I really enjoyed the dub. Apparently it was the same team that did the voice casting for BG3, so that explains the quality. Then again, I'm not a complete weeb elitist so I'm not bothered by dubs to begin with
Get to Shinjuku, you fucks this isn't a deep Persona sequel it's an Etrian Odyssey prequel. Right down to getting raped by mp mismanagement!! I've been had. HAD.

Still absolutely kino though.
Each eye represents a race, pretty sure.
The red eye is Eugief, the green eyes are Mustari, the yellow eye is Paripus, the grey eye is the Rhoag, Blue I think is Nidia, not sure what the Purple one is supposed to be, but I imagine it is Roussainte or Ishika.
i hope you guys spent time with him or his bro after the homo squid
This nigga carried my ass hard. He just bashed the shit out of literally everyone in the end
It's the last dungeon where mp management is a thing. After that you get mp healing items out the ass.
I played JP because my wife Gallica sounded abhorrent in the dub, but I watched some clips and it seemed pretty fine otherwise, especially Strohl sounded very nice
i love how you try to change the topic when the brothers come in and heismay just goes "no I was being racist to you"
>everyone else gets an official role except Gallica
yep, she's the queen alright
It was hilarious in the scene where the prince is reawakened the VA puts on an english accent for two lines and then immediately gives up
this song gives me the urge to go walking in an exaggeratedly slow pace
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that's why it's kino doe
Thoughts on this song?
thanks i fucking hate it
its good, probably the best city song
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ay m8. Are you 'avin a laugh? YOU 'AVIN A GIGGLE M8?!
Please tell me FOEs show up as a gimmick now from now on. I'll be dissapointed if they're just going to use it as a single one and done reference.
equip thief to the MC and murder butterflies
He's the most adorable member of the cast.
it's one and done
there are no more major story dungeons after dragon temple really
Thanks i fucking love it. Kill the previous commenters.
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They do once
Rella and the Ice Dragon is a bullshit fight.
Can't dispel the magic shield so forced to used physical.
Frosts you non fucking stop.
where's the option to tell this autismo to fuck off?
makarakarn on the party will dispel his shield if he uses his frost breath
I went from "wow this is weird" to singing along with it pretty quickly
Is there any point in using anything other than the Royal Archetype once you unlock it?
Don't talk shit about my wife
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They show up like 2 or 3 times
The second he got powers and it didnt give me a social link i knew that mfer was dying. Should have been later in the game through, like midway through cathedral dungeon
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Make a vocaroo of you singing along with it
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our WHAT
We were truly in an etrian odyssey all along.
Heismay pls
I knew something was amiss since he wasn't in the party menu on a certain point. ATLUS should've still included him even if he was gonna be offed to progress the story.
one of the best in the game
Actually terrible. Probably the only song I actively disliked.
I like how her third eye opens slightly wider too when she's shocked/surprised. Peak cute
just personal preference. Maybe you want Basilio to be your mage, etc. Once you start mastering your royal archetypes you get a-exp items out the ass, so it can be useful leveling the other archetypes with them to get the permanent stat bonuses
Arguably any time there's a high level chimera/minotaur/whatever roaming around a dungeon they're conceptually FOEs even if they don't borrow the grid movement gimmick.
Actually orgasmic. Probably the only song i came to.
sometimes they get really evil with it too, like making those bird/chimera monsters fucking sprint around the dungeon and ambush you
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How often did Louis take Zorba in the ass?
>Probably the only song i came to.
I've ascended to at least 5 of the tracks in this game
I don't like how the third eye doesn't match the expressiveness of their other eyes. Make me feel like it's doing its own thing
I like it actually, it's a nice touch. That eye is exclusively for sensing magla anyway, so it should operate differently from her normal ones
Their dot is red
I came on the third eye.
It is. The third eye doesn't move around at all because its purpose isn't vision but sensing magla, it's kind of like a literal sixth sense rather than a third eye proper.
Basilio's awakening was really well done
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Maybe you need to learn to open yours like the musari's.
What is going up mine? Her?
not a big fan of it but it fit the island at least
my real problem was the performance on virga island. I have a high end pc and it ran great everywhere except there
Gallica make your tits bigger and hug my dick
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>mfw the fairy wasn't evil
fucking finally
My Fairy Queen Wife is so cute
So since (Dragon Temple spoilers) Shinjuku is underneath Virga island, does that mean that Euchronia as a whole is located in a geographically shifted and distorted south-east asia?
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Demifiend lore
I love how Del tells him off for it without missing a beat too.
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This is where you belong now. You better get used to it.
Wants to sound peaceful but it's just anxiety inducing. Really made me uncomfortable
I just can't deal with turn based games. I tried this one and the whole game is just pressing A looking at fancy screens and then reading text.

I can understand enjoying turn based gameplay, but do you guys geniuenly have fun when your game is constantly interrupted with loading screens and result screens and transitions?
i don't know why exactly but i found it very hot whenever she threatened to just flat out go and kill someone
Just started the game, 4 hours in

some impresisons
>so glad they dropped the persona systems, i despise the fusion garbage and how disposable the personas are unless you grind your ass off
>still, seems like the game is very grindy, but the elementals seem to give you decent mag to level up
>graphic wise is kinda bad
>music is great
>story is one the same levels as persona games...very expositive, characters talk a lot, and not very creative
>seems like dungeon crawling is finally back to be more hard unlike persona 5, now i actually have to go back to recover MP
>brawler good, knight good, first aid OP
Not enough, given that Zorba died seething that he didn't get to fuck him
I just can't deal with people born after the turn of the millennium. I tried reading one post and the whole thing is just retardbabble.
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I've come to the opinion the game takes place in Mongolia
So if Louis is Lucifer's Expy, what's Forden an Expy to? YHVH?
closurei for this artist
just prompt your own porn dude lmao
Good one fucktard, The only issue is that there is only one good turn based jrpg and thats FFX.

If you are getting to old and your dementia is so tough on your smooth brain I guess I can understand why you enjoy looking at the same thing over and over
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Reverse image not working?
wait why does that work perfectly
the black frost redesigns a bit on the nose, no?
i meant it more as a prayer
FFX is older than you, fuck off
you still ride around in a horse carriage too? Geezer
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Rate my build
>be Anon
>be a complete retard
pottery, 10/10
don't be a hero, go all in on str while you still can
the Euphabuild I see
finally, real incremental progress
Fantasy affects people irl which has real life effects
Honestly probably not even that bad, with the abundant stat items and accessories+Archetype bonuses you could pretty much do everything
The three faces are a reference to Satan in Dante’s Inferno
>with the abundant stat items
fool that you are, he'll just use them to even out the next stat
It drags a bit too much but the final boss theme is kino
I meant stuff like the weapons/armor
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Unpopular opinion:

I love when the final bosses are long as fuck with tons of phases, it really gives you a sense of finality and that you're at the last stretch. OG Persona 3's Nyx was one of my favourites for a long time for that exact reason.
and i'm saying that noble tuxedo's gonna be well crusted
I'm genuinely embarrassed by how many times I got ambushed in the overworld because of me fucking up the dodge rolls
And yes I've played soulslikes
MC voice is really phoned in (the guy who voices him didn’t even post anything about the game on twitter) everyone else is really good.
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holy shit this guy played soulslikes
>her face when your dick is twice her torso
meant it more as in i've played other shit than turn based and dodgerolling isn't a foreign concept, so it made it even worse
how come Gallica doesn't act like any of the other fairies you encounter throughout the game? No whimsy, no scatter-brained behavior, no detached morals, etc. Really just seems more like a tiny human than an actual fairy
I share your sentiment, anon. Love long fights with multiple phases.
She's been anally trained.
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>(the guy who voices him didn’t even post anything about the game on twitter)
imagine seeing this as a negative
she acts more like the fairy that oversees the dragon trials. seems like they're like that until they're given a goal.
The fairies call her out on it too. It's probably just that she's traveling with people instead of doing fairy shit
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why didnt louise just have sex?
even that fairy was more of a brat than Gallica, who seems to be way too mature for a fairy
Wasn't that fairy just this one >>692799480
Literally too autistic for sex
too laser focused on his goal. He only kept Junah around because he enjoyed her singing
Forden is Mastema.
That's a good thing. We have too many people being idiotic on twitter as it is.
Is More YHVH then?
Metaphor was my first SMT-like game, what would you recommend I play next in that series? Are all of the summons demons from those games too btw?
play smtv
the demons are from those games yeah
More is closer to Stephen in terms of role initially, then he sorta becomes like Salmael from Tactica or Meme-Aleph - literally delusional but believing what he's doing is "right" in rejecting what he views as a "false" ideal or fantasy and to save his son. Nobody in Metaphor is tyrannical or obsessed with worship enough to be YHVH.
cool, thanks. Am I missing anything by jumping straight into smt5, or are they all separate from a story standpoint?
they are separate enough
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>MC voice is really phoned in (the guy who voices him didn’t even post anything about the game on twitter) everyone else is really good.

Do normalfags really?
pssht hey kid, IV/A is better
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Depends on what you like, Persona 3 Reload or Persona 5 Royale would be the most similar on bonds and time management. If you want more focus on the gameplay and focus on morality conflicts with less interpersonal relation stuff, Shin Megami Tensei V Vengeance or Shin Megami Tensei IV for 3DS are great choices.

If you want to go older, I would highly recommend Digital Devil Saga for PS2 because it also balances a lot of the gameplay and character focus more than the other two. It's also cool to see as a heavily Hindu-inspired mythology focus.
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the amount of streamers that get filtered by homo margo and can't figure out the simple gimmick blows my mind.
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Play the Sequel dumdum. The OST(s) and the gameplay blow out of the water every single other FATLUS game.

i wasn't really sure if i was doing it right since it wasn't giving me more press turns as a reward
it was a trivial boss anyway, it had nothing dangerous (at least in my run)
I fucking hate how mage is cockblocked by this fucking fairy shit
>have most final version of archetypes
>not mage though
am I ever allowed to be taller than my love interest in these games
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Yes, now.
I'd never ever play any Atlus game dubbed because they never cheap out with big name seiyuu.
>Etrianfags still seething
Dead franchise, also post better music next time if you want to convince anyone.
he was waiting for you to do it to him
Louis would be a strategy game player in real and not entertain the lie that is women
Oh anon in case you haven't noticed all the IPs are dead, long live persona.
>Wanting to be taller than your wife
couldn't be me
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I actually got autistically into EO1HD for a while (pic related), but burnt out around the 4th stratum (the desert one I believe)
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why do jap games ALWAYS have to make the protags androgynous? Is it too much to ask for a big burly strong dude as your main character whose strength I can respect?
because this one specifically is playing off the tropes of the hero's journey. of a boy that comes from humble beginnings going on a journey and becoming a hero king.
Asians are usually pretty androgynous anyway and in Japan androgyny is often considered attractive in men.
I get its like the one gimmick boss where characters don't outright give you the answer, but it can't be that hard to figure out.
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>This is the STRONGEST enemy in the Coliseum
>One shot it with Gold Rush

Oh okay.

Also LOOK at the arse on this Paripus, god DAYM
he's so smug
The gimmick is simple but it took me a while to figure out the elements cuz a lot of the colors make no sense. Why is lightning purple and not yellow.
racism does that to a man
A shame that the bad ending where you side with him is such a rushed nothingburger
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I'm prompting Brigitte as a basketball player and there is nothing you can do about it
One look and I already know it gimmick but
>physical being white and lighning is black
like wtf
what actually happens? Do you get a new cutscene or anything? Was wondering about if you accept More's offer too
I just want to eat bugs and spar with my tall autistic muscle elf wife
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>Gallica, not in front of everyone
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>entire tribe of people wearing buckets on their heads
>summoner class summoning SMT demons comes from them
mustari are kinda based
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why did he do it
Is there a good stream play this game?
What the hell were they thinking with this job system? You can either setup an interesting team or autowin everything with 4x tycoons, berserkers, or samurais.
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Disgusting and unsanitary
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Fairies are influenced by the people they spend time around. The more they care, they more like a person they become. You meet fairies later on who talk about how different Gallica acts way different than she used to.
Remind me the gimmick, was it just a cycling through elements or buffs and debuffs?
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>prevents underage drinking
Just a bunch of lame ass text that says the world as we know it is gone and yada yada
I feel like the ESRB cockblocked him from sharing a drink with us
It just fatlus being retard
You dont need to tell what kind of water in the cup
It's cute because it means that when she does her cute smile with her eyes closed, she's purposefully closing her third eye
This band they got for the OST is legit kinda cool
How he did keep the horns on
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>the barrier change weakness dances
Why is this game so short. About to land at mage academy and just hit 20 hours
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>enemy turn
>heat riser
>soul scream
>loses all turns
In that dungeon I already had my masked dancer just put on a thief mask and suck mp non stop whenever she got low I also already had 2 mp regen items from that tomb dungeon and of course I was rich thanks to merchant do I had also bought mp regen consumables.
I also managed to save MP thanks to Pugilist+Merchant on the MC who was equipped with the skill that increases the money spent for attacks and the Q one crits constantly for like 700-800+ damage.

For the gold tooth boys I just gave them weakness to dark with masked dancer and then almostone shot them with Heismay.
For the trees they actually get the burn affliction via masked dancer on top of weakness to fire and then you can just pound them with pugilist+Merchant
Same but I’m at 90 hours
>equipped with the skill
Meant to say equipped with the weapon* yeah merchant has been incredible for saving MP in this game, as long as you have the cash that is
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same, beat the game with almost 90 hours
I still find it funny how people got there underlevel and need to fight literally every single battle in squad mode
I kneel
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about to start the regicide run
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What's with the skelletons after the second Louis fight. The difficulty just ramped up again + no extra turns.
So all the races in this game are humans mutated by magla, right?
What do you do when its HIS turn doe?
Auto attack
For me, it's pass.
Wait, you can steal and keep shit after reset?
He isnt into beastiality
Louise? What a cute name
Pass, he's busted at dodge tanking, but his damage is pitiful. He could act as a buffer/debuffer, but that would require a lot of extra investments that I couldn't give to him.
>oh boy I cant wait to go into the air ship and fuck up a bunch of guys
>do a easy stealth section and fights 4 guys
>now go surfing and fight the boss

The second and third dungeons were such massive disappointments compared to the first and fourth.
It's decent. It has some really high highs and some really low lows. Pacing is generally awful and most of the interesting stuff is incredibly backloaded.

They also love to introduce plot points and drop them, or make them very vague and then forget about them entirely.

Honestly XVI's story is kind of fun if you don't think too hard, but when you do think too hard you'll realize how messy and improvised it is.
XIV** not XVI, fucks sake, though it's the same writers so I bet it's also filled with the same problems
Taunt or buff. He has to go through both Commander and Knight for his Royal Archetype, so he should have Knight's Proclamation and Formation of Vigor. Or attack with his hit/eva down skill to make extra sure he dodges.
Are you guys gonna bother replaying the game? I might go and try one of the atelier games or that granblue one
More like
>always gets first turn because fast as fuck
>restart fight until his Steal on first turn succeeds
I see, still good strat.
I mean if I voiced the MC of one of the most highly rated games of the year I would at least post something.
The blizzaton sound effect reminds me of that other dead IP
16 is basically FFT but done terribly, if you haven't played it yet anyway.
Wtf would be the point lf replaying an atlus game? They are so linear its basically on rails the entire time, you just decide what order to do you social skills chores
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Message is literally told to you at the end of the credits
"Dear guest, from a world I shall never know... In your eyes, I know our journey was ultimately a fiction. However, I hope your memories of this fantastical adventure burn as bright in your reality. I hope the promise of our world echoes in you. With all my heart, I hope that fantasy gives you strength."
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Based as AF
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bravo hashino. anyone else find the superboss pretty easy?
>remixed Akadamia theme
Hell yeah
how do access that superboss?
it's ng+ only sadly, so you basically have to replay through the entire game again. which was fine cause I missed a few trophies anyways
Rella and her stupid dragon are fucking niggers and that fight sucked. Alright time to run away from this thread so I don't get spoiled
that's fine, I'm ng+ and just finished the 4th dungeon, how much farther do I need to go?
i hated that boss lol, I have a MAG build and had to brute force the shield off
i wish we coulda fixed him. he wasnt evil at heart.
Masked Dancer is so busted I didn’t bother with the mechanics at all just kept giving it weakness to frost and then nuking with my wizard.
Meanwhile General kept buffing my team and it wasted turns removing the buffs.
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why was hythlodaeus such a giga cuck king?
probably until skybound avatar. I beat it at lvl 70
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>crown your new Elda king
>this is how his portrait comes out
yeah i thought he looked uncomfortable, it was hilarious
did they show how his mother looks like? i bet shes hot af
Dead waifu, dead kid, retarded subjects, greedy churchniggers. Pretty understandable combination.
>Rella ded
Without spoiler, how much do i have left?
What % am I at?
lucifer has been defined by his seethe for 400 years
Like 80ish if you include side content you can do pre-ng+
This is so short compared to P5.
It's a pretty alright length, though it is clear the third city got massively cut short as basically nothing happens in it except the big thing before you are already fucking off.
My assumption is that the Rella business was suppossed to go on for quite a long while in the race where she is trying to gaslight you into killing her/proving to her you can be the King, taking properly over Forden.
Instead of the weird...
>Ok guys I take over
>But also I am killing myself lmao
Scene we got.
>10 days until the duel
>Eupha s.link rank 1
>havent started the black cat s.link yet
>Catherina stuck at rank 4 and i dont know where the fuck she is.
I am doomed.
Am I the only one who thinks the story falls off a cliff after the 9/11 event? Or at least Louis starts becoming a mediocre/terribly written Antag? Final act of the game nigga becomes a Sephiroth clone lmao.
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Holy shit are the requirements on these royal archtypes real? I didn't look this stuff up beforehand and didn't keep many characters on their starting class. So I doubt I'll only get to see Basilio and Eupha before I beat the game. Did you anons actually unlock most of these in your first playthrough without grinding out the ass, or did you know ahead of time? Feels bad anons
I didn't know they existed at all, I only got Junah's and Heismay's and neglected the rest of the crew
Shame that nigga became a bitch during the final fight. It's like they looked at Shido from Vanilla P5 and said "Wait.... we should copy that"
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nah louis is based af, my favorite shartlus villain with maruki being second. didn't like his ending though.
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Well it's something you get specifically by grinding out the ass to break the game, so it's not exactly shocking you would not get it without that.
You even get a synthesis that purposefully boils down to "instantly win the fight" if you have 3 royals + prince in your party, so yeah.
That beside, keeping everyone in their original paths usually just makes sense. Their stats are garbage for most alternatives.

Now Heismay's
>Lmao and also merchant and gunner because fuck you
can indeed go fuck itself though.
I did a bit of grinding at the end to hit 100% archetypes on the MC but heisemey was the only one of the royals I actually had to worry about but thats also because I kept most characters in their classes. It's really not that bad. Heisemay is the only one who has kinda fucked requirements everyone else either has the pre-reqs foreshadowed by their main class or joins late enough that if you were just keeping them in their native class trees you'll see the pre-reqs before you max it out.
nigga taunting makes you block and blocking makes you unable to dodge.
Well, Good news is Basilio's is probably the best of the whole lot for shear damage output and Eupha's is great for the number of weaknesses it can exploit.
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Yea this is what I meant. The final battle with him was kind of lackluster for him imo.
Thats holy knight's proclamation the basic version from the tier 1 class just taunts
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More like the Plapus
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jrpg end bosses always have to go through some hideous transformation i guess, or you literally fight god/satan
why the fuck was she not a party member anyways, she looks like one, a lot more than Basilio does anyways
God I wish we had gotten her as a party member instead of fucking Junah.
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Story is fine and Louis actually never disappoints in his personality all the way through. I enjoy that the final fight is everyone going,
>ackshually you just don't have friends you incel
but the guy just takes it and commits to it anyway.
I also enjoy that he really does genuinely try to convince the main character three times with patience to join him, (and actually follows through with it if he does by choosing the bad end), and even outright relents from killing the prince instead trying to force him into turning human until he PURSE-OWNER's himself.
Overall the best delivered antagonist Fatlus has made.
The pace of the last bit of storyline could in fact have used polish, but not due to Louis himself.
The message is play a real sin megumi tensay
She kinda is at least, what with joining your dungeons.
How much time after rella dies do I have to get royal classes? Getting third eye blind 80 ranks seems tough
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>9/11 Louis
Unmatched. In the running for best JRPG antag of all time
>Last two forms of Louis
Wtf were they thinking? The design was awesome, everything else was meh
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They don't know
I didn't like the first phase much but after I realized it was a divina comedia reference I got warmed up to it.
Still prefer the second a bit more though
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If this was the true final boss with only the MC playable this would've been a top 1 final boss fight of all time
I don't know why Hashino keeps giving characters attacks that can destroy the planet, but won't give bosses the health to match. SMT still seems to manage, outside the ridiculous set ups. Hell Hashino worked on Nocturne where Lucifer is a good fight even if you grinded.
i was hoping something like that would happen but the instant the entire party came back to the rooftop after some bullshit reason i knew its gonna be a disappointing cliche fight
>9/10, 9/11, 9/12 events back to back to back
Fatlus was in their Michael Jordan era in the writing room.
Once they learn what it is, they are. Monkeys get addicted to shit pretty much the same way we do, just with infinitely less sapience. A person might be able to ween themselves off of an addiction, but monkeys aren't intelligent enough to practice self control once they develop the ability to crave.
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>Loli and shota race
ANOTHER onahole wife
We're really spoiled in this game
ZAMN, Louis was fucking THAT ??!
While Del stood watch outside the door.
And Basilio was invited to fuck because he's that nigga
>when you realize that Alonzo also looks like that and the epilogue teases you about him showing the prince later
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It's all in that doujin smirk.
i wanted to see that so bad he must look like a boss baby
Yea you can tell he's half black. Basilio's AURA alone radiates 90's gangster(not the gay ones)
>perhaps the day will come when our tribe can walk in their true shapes
>"literally nobody knows you have those, this is a problem entirely created by yourselves, just walk around however you want, nobody cares"
>truly a shame that is not possible, woe and such, society etc
It still is a persona sequel, I don't know what compelled you to think there's a contradiction there
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Literally the opposite, he was a good king until they killed his wife
I would lick her boots like a dog in the Sahara desert.
Glad I wasn't the only one that noticed that, his mother also drops her accent in her final scene
Playing any medieval game with JP voices is like actively wanting to slit my throat just like trying to play any Japanesse-setting game in english tends to make you want to scratch your eyes out.
No matter how anime the game may look, the JP voices end up retarded in a setting with knights and pajeets and other shit.
The overall EN cast was pretty great, though I can agree Will's voice was very whatever. Specially during the speech as King, that was hilariously weak. Not as bad as it could have been though, for a silent character with minor voice acting that IS supposed to be an overall meek person for most of the game, the voice fits well.
Heavenward and Shadowbringers stories are good. But the pacing gets worse and worse as the game goes on, newest expansion is nearly unplayable.
yeah that was jarring
>bitch I am dead I don't have to pretend anymore
>wooo wooo wooo ghoooost blowjooooob
>i'm so fucking tired of pretending to be british
>glad that shits over
Best girl, deserved better
Pearl from Steven Universe looking ass
So the morale of the story in this game based on what happens is basically,
>Anyone can do anything with the power of fantasy!
>Assuming you are part of a seclusive sect of extremely magic enhnaced people
>And you are royalty
>And both of your parents are omniscent ghosts that can bring you back from death several times
>And they decide to sacrifice like, entire generations of people on the slim chance that you have the same morals and mindset as you did when you were 10 and obsessed with that one book they wrote
>And also everyone else is incompetent except one guy
>Who is also part of that super secret sect only nobody ever heard of him in your clan of like, ten people, so he does whatever he wants
the message is you need to import 400000 haitians to your country immediately
Everyone in the game is from the same country though.
wtf is a steven universe

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