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Is this a good video game?
The first one left a more lasting impression on me. The opening sequence was kino and the music was top notch
As long as you are smart enough to do moderately difficult puzzles, yeah it's really good. story is quite good. also the ancient cave built in which is arguably better than the actual game.
Yeah, if it were a PS1 era game it would get a lot more attention, the music is insanely good.
It's pretty great the first time thru, especially if you don't mind the SNES design and restrictions.
It's fairly boring trying to play it thru a second time. I gave up on it halfway, since there weren't going to be any new puzzles for me to figure out.

Oh, it's a turn-based JRPG but the dungeons have puzzles to work out to complete them. Equipment is a little bit more complex than just better numbers as well, since some "worse" equipment have activated abilities which can make it better than the ones with bigger numbers. There's also a small monster collecting/evolving side game and an entire 100-floor bonus dungeon once you're done with the main story, so you can finish in around 12 hours or still be playing after 80, depending on what you want to do.

You'll also want to play Lufia 2 before Lufia 1, since this is a prequel.
Its pretty good, but try to find a patched rom instead of vanilla
I felt bad for Tia
Lufia 1 had a major flaw though. The encounter rate is almost as bad as Skies of Arcadia Dreamcast.
PAL version fixes all the soul-I mean, bugs.
It has one of the best optional dungeon challenges in a jrpg and it did the sequel-prequel thing really well.
I understand that they needed a baby Jesus spawned from two super warriors to continue into the plot of Lufia 1, but I still think it was shit and Tia crying at the end sequence made me want to kill the developers.
i like the music for it
especially the battle theme
love the slap bass and pop
What if Lufia I and II got the HD-2D treatment?
I for one would be extremely, extremely upset. They don't need to ruin this game too like all the others they have "remastered" in that dogshit.
Loved this game as a kid, Got stuck on some plant puzzle where you had to shoot fire arrows at them though.
Not sure about 2, but the first one is the worst, most soulless JRPG I've ever played.
I remember I was a fucking retard and got stuck on the clown puzzle for 7 hours, then died without saving to the clown and had to redo it and it took another 5 hours because I didn't actually learn it.
The Ancient Cave is literally the only JRPG roguelike. You'll play it more than the main game.
Even given that I beat the main story over a dozen times over the years, I still put way more time in the cave, several thousand hours easy, I stayed up multiple days in a row many times over a period of several years as a kid just doing the cave over and over.
It's either that or a monthly subscription on NSO. I do wish I can buy a Lufia collection with the SNES ROMs instead.

yea, patch it with Frue Lufia though. The base game has really bad bugs and
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i did not care for the ancient cave
The most decent one out of a series of mediocre games
Wrong, you can bring in certain equipment.
For shame
Equipment you can only find in the cave in the first place.
>say roguelike
>autists appear
why are you like this
Nah, enemies drop certain rocks and Gades drops the Gades Blade
yw for the bump
Almost every track in the album is top tier. My personal favorite is this one though

The DS version is not a version. It's a shitmake that not only killed Lufia it killed Neverland. Neverland also made Rune Factory.
The GBA game worth getting into? Been debating playing it or just finally replaying Golden Sun.
Didn't like how that one girl got cucked though. But it was a great game
whichever one had the character grid mechanic was pretty good, I didn't play the other one.
That one was for the GBC.
The SNES version is the far superior one
The DS game is basically something completely different. I would not recommend it if you're looking to play Lufia 2.
Maybe if you want a mediocre zelda-like title, then give it a try.

>The GBA game worth getting into?
I played it and thought it was okay. It wasn't as great as Lufia 2, but it was alright. Didn't get all the way thru it so I can't talk about it completely. Probably better than a Golden Sun replay, unless you really like mixing and using the djinn system.
>that boss music

I'm playing it right now for the first time.
The best castlevania speedrunner said it was the best jrpg of the snes era. I'm gonna see, so far it doesn't seem that great, but I'm not even 2 hours into the game.
the originals are great, but hopefully you have also heard the S.S.H version
Lufia DS game wasn't bad. I enjoyed it.
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Very good. One of the best SNES RPGs, and one of the first RPGs I played. Ending caught me off guard though
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it hits some speed bumps and slow parts on occasion, but it's solid throughout and certain parts will absolutely hit you hard even if you are replaying multiple times.
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Play the original.

Boss theme, overworld theme, village theme, they're all great.
I only ever hear about Lufia 1 and 2. What about the GBC and GBA games?
It's ok.
My issue with it is i hate push-block-puzzles and it's full of them.
It's also very buggy. There are romhacks that fix that but they don't fix the puzzle design.
I liked it enough to finish it earlier this year, and i'm a cynical 44 year old so that's a big compliment.

PS - Some of the music is quite good.
>The Ancient Cave is literally the only JRPG roguelike.
What? There's a shitload of them.
There was even one way back on the master system called Dragon Crystal.
Fuck no. Never play GBA ports of SNES games.
tia a shit
Tales of Phantasia and Teranigma are both better
the game is about the dungeon puzzles. the story is literally just get from one town to the next and go on the local quest to the local dungeon, rinse and repeat.
the mystery dungeon is pretty fucking great for an snes roguelite
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Lufia 2 is a great game, that hits the right spots

-nice and quick paced turn based game
-great music
-great sidequests
-game has actual puzzles and not just "walk to point A to point B"
my only grips are the story isnt very interesting and the ancient cave breaks the whole balance of the game midway


>childhood girl friend actually gets cuck'd and doesnt get a happy ending
first time playing i was holy shit, this is super fucking sad, and then the ending hits and destroys your soul


for me is the mountain theme, that shit gets me pumped
Love this moron. Even named my cat after him
it's on par with Chrono Trigger and FF6 in terms of JRPGs from its time. You need to patch out the bugs in the NA release, but after that it's 100% pure unfiltered kino. Plus, you get an entire roguelike dungeon as a minigame.
It was trash.
The greatest of all time
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>SNES Phantasia
not a roguelike. it's not grid based and the combat is modal
At what point do you guys stop fighting enemies and start rushing floors in the ancient cave? I usually do it at around 90. The djinns and gold/silver/copper dragons are too much effort to kill usually
Gold Dragons not getting killed in turn 1 can mean a game over if they go for Stardust Blow twice so yeah dodging them is better unless you're trying to farm Golden Eyes.
I try to dodge Orochis too
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when you start encountering copper dragons, yeah, you stop fighting everything because at that point any enemy can 1 HKO your entire party
you may want to fight the genies because their attacks arent that great and have a shit ton of MP so you can cast absorb multiple times to refill your party
2x orky battles with 20 enemy attacks per turn
Young me suffered so bad
i was able to finish the ancient dungeon on my third attempt and steamrolled everything i came across, you just have to be prepared and know how to attack enemies effectively
use the djinns to heal, and use death magic on the dragons to ohko them
thats the only one i know. i didn't know they had SNES games
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>childhood friend dumped for this
Maxim was an asshole

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