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Should i play both versions for a "full" experience?
Or does the remake "replaces" it in your eyes?
You should learn English first.
the remake remixes some puzzles and enemies in ways you would only really notice if you've played the original, and the original has some story choices that aren't in the remake
they're short games so I would recommend playing both since they're both great
Just play both, anon. They have similar story beats but they're two completely different experiences, just like all the originals vs remakes. All the RE games (except Code Veronica and RE6) are short enough for casual playthroughs.
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The demake is slop.
Resident Evil 1 is quite possibly the ONLY remake in history (past and future) that exceeds the original.
They both look good
I like both.
Generally, you're better off playing the Remake before RE1. Despite what people will say, there is no single RE game in the classic trilogy that really ever put stress on your ammo, herbs, and ink ribbons, and the restriction of carrying a decent amount around with you/routing back to what you need that's on the floor or in boxes is way less of a hurdle than it's often made out to be. REmake, however, at least tried to refine things and--while it still didn't succeed--it does to some extent actually try to put pressure on your supplies. If you play RE1 before it, you'll learn some really bad lessons about ammo management.

And for the most part, don't worry too much about any assertions about "oh RE1 was more difficult," because usually it relies on playing harder to emulate or really just fringe versions that only the diehards really care about but usually only amount to 1-2 more shells to kill a Hunter than anything. If they say "play the original American release" then laugh in their face, because the only major difference there is that it doesn't have the snap aim of the JPN and subsequent American versions, and that matters a lot less for difficulty and more just cuts down on turning time when you already have 10 years to react anyways.
I like both. I played the original first, and it made the remake really fun as it fucks with your expectations a lot if you have prior experience.

They're different enough that both are worth playing, but if you plan on playing both, definitely play the original first.
Whichever one you play first you're probably gonna like more.
If you play the original first you'll think the remake adds unnecessary bloat and annoying mechanics.
If you play the remake first you'll think the original is too goofy and simplistic.
What's the issue anon? These both look fantastic.
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If you want to play the original version, the DS version is the best.
I don't know if there is a PC version or mod as good as the DS version
You'll enjoy the remake much more if you experience the original first.
>"O-oh, it will RUIN the experience of playing-"
God, can remakefags shut the fuck up for once?
Has there ever been a more obnoxious group of people on the internet?
>I played the original first, and it made the remake really fun as it fucks with your expectations a lot if you have prior experience.
This. The remake loses a lot of value if you didn't play the first, on its own its not that great really beyond the graphics.
Original is the best imo. Remake is kino too. I recommend playing both
Original is a more balanced and simple game. In remake they added new zombies that complicate the game and add boring elements, such as additional runs to the chest to fill the lighter. In general, the same game design as in the remake was in the game RE Zero and it also feels unbalanced and overcomplicated where it is not necessary.
Play both. OG feels like The Shining, while Remake is darker, and also adds some twists and surprises. Remake has some unnecessary sections with Lisa Trevor but they are short and spare. For all these reasons and more, play OG first
They’re both very good.
I can’t say I agree that playing the remake first will “ruin” the original for you. It did the opposite for me and just convinced me I should play all three of the original games.
I’d say that it doesn’t really matter which one you play first, but if you end up wanting to play RE2 and 3 you should play those after you beat the original game.
256x192 resolution, screen tearing and ultra low bitrate fmvs, truly the best version
Everyone says RE1 is super short and a lot of the rankings have times around like 4 hours or something, but the first time I played RE1 (remake), my run took 27 hours.
Granted I was really drunk and had never played a survival horror game, but still
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You should play the rail shooters only instead
you can beat the ps1 version in like 3 or 4 hours casually
left souless right soul
good use of colors palettes
Dark and Brown OOoo so scary
as someone who had an aunt who lived in a mansion in the 90s the left one feels much more real. the right one just looks like generic spooky mansion.
are these pics taken from the hd release or the gamecube version?
I started to realize there's a difference in colors between the two
there are two rail shooters, umbrella chronicles and darkside chronicles
umbrella chronicles goes through zero, 1, and 3
darkside chronicles goes through a 4 prequel with krauser, 2, and code veronica
darkside sucks because the camera is so fucking shaky, while umbrella is a straightforward rail shooter
Remake because it actually has halfway usable controls. The original is literally unplayable don't let /v/ trick you like I did
Or better yet just play RE2make.
I only played the original and thought it was great
Probably the greatest remake of a game ever.
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I think the RE1 remake is INSANELY overrated.
I hate how its brown and bloom and just DARK IS SCARY.
However its still really good lol
>when the remake's atmosphere is what the original wanted to be
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>This looks like a fancy mansion but something is off and it is unsettling
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The remake is sluggish like this webm.
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You're going to love whichever one you pick
they have the same controls unless you mean the remaster of the remake which added the devil may cry controls.
Wait for the best definitive edition, Re1reRemake
They aren't really doing htis are they
Remake easily replaces it IMO. OG is kinda mid anyways plus it's not a 2 situation where both are basically different genres.
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REmake is awesome but has really stupid logic flaws that ruin it a bit
>Jill please I can explain
>Ok byyyee actually you go on ahead and not address this
RE1 Remake is the best remake of all time and the only one to ever truly replace the original.
Why does Jill have two belly buttons?
That was just a big jumping spider, it didn't even try anything :(
DS is the best version for replays, it ruins the atmosphere for a first-timer
>Should i play both versions for a "full" experience?
Luckily RE1 has two playable characters. If you don't want to play the same game four times, it's easily worth playing the original as Jill (or Chris) then playing REmake with the other character.
Lighting (and shadows) are everything in a horror game. The remake does this perfectly and, personally, I like the more serious tone of the remake compared to the B movie tier of the original.
Still, you SHOULD play both, remakes aren't supposed to replace the originals

Play as Chris, dont be a faggot.
Play both
For your first time playing I recommend the PS1 version with the Ultimate Director's Cut hack for the original and the GameCube version for the remake, if you want I can elaborate why, you can just emulate both
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The remake is too linear and cuts too much content. Besides Barry, it also removes about half of Rebecca's possible interactions.
Not OP but why should he emulate the gamecube version?
What makes the pc ports worse?
Arrange Mode is actually fun if you're willing to do it, the first time I played as Jill on Normal Mode and after that, as Chris on Arrange Mode and it felt pretty different
it was the only actual good REmake imo
I think the Wii version is identical to GameCube, just one disc. You can use a normal controller.

To me, the "HD" version just looks off. The backgrounds are upscaled poorly. I also recall some effects with the firearms playing too fast. I'm sure another Anon who played it more recently could tell you more but that's all I remember.
>I like the more serious tone of the remake compared to the B movie tier of the original.
It tries to be more serious but it ends up being even dumber than the original game with shit like Lisa, the Trevor diaries, and Jill being an utterly braindead retard.
The RE1 and RE0 remasters (both on console and on PC) have worse lightning, colors and some effects were removed compared to the original GC version, I've seen mods that try to fix this but I don't know how good they are at doing their job since I haven't tested them
Also the remasters default to 16:9, cropping the BGs
I would just play the GC version as my first time and later play the remasters
Recently that's been succeeded by Silent Hill 2.
You could, but I hear good things about the remaster/remake of RE1; I'm thinking of piccking it up on sale for a Halloween playthrough.

That said, it seems many think its equal or better than the origiinal. However, is it closer to "Remaster" or "REMake" in the way 2, 3, and 4 have been? Those games remakes were significant overhauls in ways besides graphics and controls. However, is RE1?s For that matter, what about Resident Evil 0's remaster/remake? it seems to be more similar to RE1's approach rather than the RE2 and beyond REMakes, but it also apparently has new content including playing as Wesker so maybe there's more to it Are RE1 / RE0's PC remaster/remakes worthwhile and are they closer to the remaster or the remake side of things?
how does it compare to RE2 REmake?
That's what I'm asking more or less - does RE1 and RE0's new versions on Steam add as much new content or new ways of doing things as REMake 2 , REmake 3, or REMake 4 , or is it mostly a graphical focused remaster? It sounds kinda somewhere between the two - it has graphical overhauls of course and the option for modern style controls, but there seems o be some degree of new content or different approaches etc... too. I may just grab them both for the heck of it on sale and find out, but I was curious. It would be nice if there was as much "new" stuff to experience in RE1 or Zero as in REMake2.
lol ok pajeet
It doesn't change amything nearly as much as 2 changed the second half, or all of 3. Biggest difference is the addition of crimson heads
I want to play the RE games but I want to play the most modern/updated version of each game, so I'm starting with the HD remaster of the remake of 1 and then I'll move onto 2. Am I gonna have huge whiplash going from the more modern game to the clunkier 2/3 then back to a more modernized 4? This is excluding the remakes of 2-4, I'll play those last.

Also I'm only doing the mainline games, should I also play the games like Revelations and the Chronicles games?
release order
wouldn't calling me a polak make more sense? then again, OGfags aren't known for their intelligence
Play the original, not the director's cut
I'd like to see what a remake of the original's backgrounds would look like. It's not fair to compare a 1996 PS1 game with a low budget, to a 2002 Gamecube remake with a high budget.

I don't like the remake

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