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Now at last, I will prevent the coming of this...World of Horror.
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is there any way to really be "good" at this game or use strategies? every single run i did ended on some dumb shit or my doom reached 100% before i could even finish the 4th case. the RNG can fuck you up so fucking bad man.
How ironic.
Picking better mysteries at the beginning helps, you can cycle the options, so you can pick better ones.
What's giving you so much doom? I haven't found it that big of an issue usually
Learning to combine items, curses, spells, weapons, playable character effects, and mysteries.
>What's giving you so much doom?
Just the random events
>be given an event with only one option
>be given an event with two options
>don't know what either does so pick one
>+4% doom
repeat for a couple events and suddenly you have 40% doom for doing almost nothing
The uzumaki anime was such a shit show man.
The 1.0 release of this was a immense dissapointment and killed interest in long-term community support.

>T. someone that was dumb enough to buy this in early access
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best girl
A lot of events are deterministic. Over runs you both memorize how options play out which make cards less a gamble gamble and more deciding making, and you get a sense of how things will work out in cards you don't already know

Once you know so the mysteries, you start planning runs on game start and the main gameplay loop becomes risk calculation
I really wish this was more of a game and less of a "board game".
I dont like that while studying the mystery of the stinky peanut butter and jelly sandwich I have to get in a knife fight with a drowned corpse, nothing about the moment to moment gameplay makes any sense
Damn straight
I don't get why he would add descriptors to items such as [MEAT] or [FOOD] when none of the events in the game use those except for light sources under specific scenarios.
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almost true
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*bashes you with bat*
>fake japanese game made by an eastern european dude
Yeah nah
It really was atrocious.
I can't believe the director of that was the same guy who did Mushishi and DMC - 2 of the greatest animes ever made.

He must have left the uzumaki project really early or something.
>nnnnnnnoooooooooooooo you can't make a game set in Japan unless you are NIPPONESE
Who is the most difficult god?
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The WORLD OF HORRORs has been hard on Aiko...
Still best girl
in my humble opinion that is
Also fine candidate
wasn't that reverted pronto?
For me
Could YOU survive in the world of horror?
My favorite run was with the model girl with the massive tits, at one point I had this giant army of people following her, combat never got past one turn because of all the damage I did.
The fight against the lighthouse dude was hilarious.
probably not
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Yeah the dev quickly patched out her accidental extra chromosomes.
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Charlotte a cute.
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For me, it's Mimi
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I have the uncontrollable autistic urge to shove my hand into every dark dank hole I see.
Do you think I could survive?
Custom character mod!
I'll probably trip and fall down the stairs on my way to investigate my first mystery.
Mod character made by a fellow anon.
yeah, know every single RNG event by heart when you click any option and calculate the probability of something going your way.

in other words, it's a shit game.
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Forgot pic. Kiku cute too.
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+7 doom
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She looks cute when cursed with signs.
Also when she's bent over vomiting blood
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This game has the usual funny situation of having a brutally hard mode but noone seems to take that as indication there might be something they're missing while playing on normal.
You can throw weapons and items to deal free damage, it's generally a good idea to buy early and even if you don't find what you want you can select the best option based on how you think your campaign will go. Again, a spare knife isn't useless because you can throw it. Your random event dice-rolls are affected by the risk level of an area which you can modify with the police station. Spells have the potential to be completely busted so you can always roll to try and salvage a run. A certain combination of spells makes you invincible. The camera is game-breakingly strong and allows you to ignore DEX.
But if you can't win you should aim to unlock stuff. If you do you'll get characters that just can't die before long.
And did he patch out Miku's clothes?
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Why do these girls get cuter the more fucked up they get. Maybe the horrors and undying gods have tainted me through the screen.
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cool is this like that UZUMAKI show i keep seeing on TV?
I have no clue why cameraman is my most consistent character
Thanks nurse, like the tails. Gives me something to HANG ON TO
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Does it have any monsters like picrel
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I like this game but it needs an update that adds more events, items, and enemies. It's not hard to see everything the game has to offer after like 10 hours
Man this town is absolutely fucked, there's gods and demons under every building
stop shilling this shit, the dev killed all his good will when he didn't update the game for years before suddenly announcing 1.0 with barely any added content
>anon attempts to "stop" a thread for a game because he's mad
are you like 7 years old?
It's a solid apartment.
nigga someones been posting 2-3 threads a day for this slop for the past week, the dev clearly needs more pocket change
>threads on autosage
glad it worked
There's a floor and walls and everything.
No they haven't.
hate how random it is. they really need to code a scene director or something that at least organizes the events to make sense in continuity.
>literally cannot comprehend the notion of talking about a game and can only communicate in talking about shilling
>people want to talk about a popular horror game before Halloween
>no it must be conspiracy
It's October. People post about horror games.
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It isn't on autosage. Thanks for announcing you tried to report a thread about a video game though.
Spacious living room, good bedroom, bathroom with fine size bathtub, additional room just for solving mysteries, view over Shiokawa. You could do worse.
works on my machine
Definitely wish the game could have more thematic consistency. Like make more enemies that fit certain areas like they sort of have now, just more of it. Like hospital and seaside enemies are only found in those places, but there should be more thematically unique enemies.

You should be able to leave your apartment between mysteries, gear up, explore the town, talk to people about your cases, and stuff like that without wasting Doom.

Also wish that each god has a final climactic mystery with unique individuals trying to revive them and you go like to the museum for Ithotu and fuck everything up.
that sounds like a much larger game than a Polish dentist is going to be able to do in his spare time
We were lucky to get a full release despite it not being that
I dunno, say that the chosen god has special events related to its story that happen after you finish mysteries and then after you complete all your mysteries you have one final unique to the god instead of the lighthouse. Can't be too hard.

Maybe between mysteries you're able to freely go to any location in the game without using Doom and fighting enemies so you can stock up, heal, get items and spells without wasting precious time during the mysteries. Naturally the town status effects could be expanded so you can't just do wherever you want at any time.

Technically the game is still in development which I don't really mind, but wish he would flesh out more of what is in the game before adding new stuff. That's always the biggest complain I have about early access games where certain things just end up being half finished forever.
Mimi a best
Finding a Katana is basically the win button.
You will cleave through everything, without problems.
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Say goodbye to your secret crap, dumbass!
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Noooo don't suck my dick ! ! nooooooo! !
>Technically the game is still in development
Not really man, the guy pushed for a 1.0 out of early access release and a small update after for workshop support while trying to sell clothing merch, then proceeded to never post again. He went for the bag and dipped
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Hope someone makes a better fuller game some day.
This and Noita are my 2 biggest indisappointment of all time. Both had the potential to be perfect rogue lites, and both decided to be interesting only during the discovery phase
Noita atleast has a plethora of content/secrets
World of Horror after a dozen playthroughs just consists of clicking buttons you already know and hoping your RNG isn't shit
Oh good, the discord is advertising this shitty scam game again because vincent got forced to play some mods again.
I hate that vending machine so damn much.
The game also went without updates for like 2 years, so who knows.
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I got the game on sale for peanuts and enjoyed it. If you bought it back when it was in early access and are disappointed with your investment that's understandable, but you bought an early access game and got what you deserved.
Personally I don't think the game could've been expanded much, but if all you want is content there's no end of mods.
Forest Tapes literally never ever
Fuck you I liked it. Why is there such a hate campaign for this game, the thread last night was nothing but pure hate for it too. Which discord did this game piss off? Or samefagging autist?
Is it true that the reason the dev never finished this game is because his house got infected with black mold and he got permanent brain damage as a result?
>Why is there such a hate campaign for this game?
It's a blatantly unfinished game full of broken promises. There are features in the game still labeled "coming soon" that have been there since the first early access version.
What are some good event and mystery packs for this game? I've got the one's by C2070, Dae, and a couple other miscellaneous ones but a lot of the other one's feel like they're extremely poorly balanced with shit encounters against a bunch of bloated health enemies doing -2 STA/REA/ALL with 30 health like they expect everyone playing to be min-maxing to the max
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How do you get this ending?
The devs a fucking loser had the game almost finished 3 years ago before waiting 2 years to push out a lame full release, the guy had a great concept for a game and decided not to improve upon it
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Just play the game for a while. You'll realize that the game isn't as dependant on RNG as it first seems. Once you start a mystery, they all play out the same way, even the side-quests (or whatever they are called) in gives the same results. So once you know the patterns, the RNG becomes managable.
The only things that are really governed by RNG are:
>what mysteries you get when you start a game
>item drops, shop inventory and non-scripted enemies
>the end location when it comes to mysteries like having to navigate the forest
>level up perks in the early game, but you'll get all you want if you survive for long enough
and worst of all
>the clap bow order, what no one uses at all
After that, all pattern recognition really, which makes the game comfortable after a certain point.
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