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Why don't games ever have guns failing as a mechanic?
imagine how fucking retarded it would be if you were in a live firefight and all of a sudden your gun jams or explodes or doesn't work for some reason and you eat shit and die
they do
sounds based
Synthetik does.
Use to be fairly common
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Zero sievert was released yesterday and it has gun jamming. The lower your weapon durability is, the higher the chance of it happening.
Thanks for reminding me of the best article on imfdb
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I watched this video and when he talked about envisioning his kid's faces so he didn't pass out and die on the way to the hospital it made me start crying
Am I a faggot
That's some pussy shit
>Why don't games ever have guns failing as a mechanic?
Are you fucking stupid or have you just never played a video game?
Some do. But the mechanic isn’t fun so most don’t.
How does a gun explode
that happens in STALKER and Fallout. Not the exploding but the jamming resulting in your death. I'm pretty sure there's at least one game with guns that explode if you fire them too much and don't maintain em.
>op hasnt played far cry 2
In the case of the OP it was a hot round (too much powder in the casing.)
Could be a lot of things but it's usually small gremlings putting tiny bombs in your bullets when you're not watching
Americans are gun crazy, so manufacturers are forced to not meet the quality and safety standards due to the demand.
what damage would a small gun like a handgun cause if it exploded like that? would it blow your hand off?
They're usually implemented poorly where they happen way too often
Nah. Worst you're gonna get is some cuts. You could get super unlucky like Scott did and almost die but unless it's right next to your face it's not likely.
It could but its going to be largely random and you've got metal pieces going in all directions.
I doubt it, your hands are definitely gonna get hurt though
It's relatively rare with modern guns, often just caused by bad bullets.
Do gunfags just lack self awareness or what? If you have any interest in guns past your teenage years, find a different hobby because it's cringe.
It's okay to have feelings anon
I have a video of a real one exploding and decapitating the dude shooting it but I don't wanna get b&. It's not especially gory though, it just blows and suddenly the dude's head isn't there anymore.
Do you have any self awareness? If you cringe past your teenage years, go back to school because it's childish
Guns aren't toys.
This, find a more mature adult hobby like funko pops or cuckolding
You could probably get away with it on /gif/.
The dude in this one gets knocked out instantly so it looks like he died. I guess he was lucky the rocket managed to get moving before it malfunctioned or he probably would've lost his head too.
>it just blows and suddenly the dude's head isn't there anymore.
lmao fuckin cartoon shit
Found the archived /k/ thread where I got it.
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Did he lost some fingers/hand, lost functionality, got perma fucked in some way?
xcom, baby
I used to be really into guns bc of games when I was like 14 but I grew out of it when I realized gunfags were huge fucking nerds
He shot a sabotaged round by the US government. The US government is notorious for shit like this. They sabotage rounds then sneak them into enemy supplies so the enemy starts mistrusting their guns. As it turns out not every round gets fired and eventually they find their way to a recreation shooter and this is the result.
The US loves to do this so much that they even did it to their own combat rifle during vietnam, the xm16, because they got angry that it was better than their shitty nepo baby springfield rifle.

long story short, never buy old ammo if you don't know where it came from or you might end up being accidentally killed by your own government.
then why are they fun
tarkov has jams that you need to inspect first with a hotkey before you unjam it with another
I watched Kentucky ballistics all the time. The gun blew up because the round was hot and exerted more pressure than the gun could contain. Dude had to literally plug his aorta with his thumb until they could get him some help.
>it just blows and suddenly the dude's head isn't there anymore.
damn you werent kidding
literal cartoon shit
>and suddenly the dude's head isn't there anymore.
But it is there, anon. You can see it rolling away. :^)
There are tons of games that have gun failure as a mechanic.
>The US loves to do this so much that they even did it to their own combat rifle during vietnam, the xm16, because they got angry that it was better than their shitty nepo baby springfield rifle.
If you're interested in this by the way here's a fantastic video about it
Far Cry 2 has guns exploded in your hands.
Fallout 3 has extended reload animation.
Stalker has gun jamming that is fixed by reloading.
Been awhile since I watched the full thing but he got really lucky with where everything hit, if you watch the video you see a piece of the gun flew and just missed hitting him right in the forehead and instead hit his hat, and a piece hit his throat and barely missed his jugular vein iirc. I think he was using hand loaded rounds and one was over filled with powder.
If you aren't a huge fucking nerd I don't know what you're doing on /v/. And you quit a hobby because there are people in it who aren't "socially acceptable"
Congratulations, you're the biggest normalfag I've seen all week
he didn't get lucky at all, shrapnel severed his jugular and punctured his lung and the only reason he's alive is because his dad rushed him to the hospital and told him to plug his neck with his thumb
he also got hit in the face with a hefty metal cap and would've lost his eye or died outright if he didn't have eye protection
his hand got mangled too
>got really lucky
>severed jugular vein
>punctured/collapsed lung
>shattered finger
>eye socket broken in 3 places
>temporary blindness that took months to fully recover
The man should have fucking died, but quick thinking and his dad being his cameraman saved his fucking life. Had he lapsed in focus for even a second and passed out on the way to the town, he'd be dead.
They really aren't. I had a ton of my gun friends be like LETS GO SHOOTING. Good lord was that shit boring as fuck after about 30 minutes.
Holy shit
I'll give it to Scott, the fact that he recovered from this so well is downright miraculous.
Dude should 100% be fucking dead.
>I don't like it so no one else should
Yeah and if you were caught there was basically a low to zero chance of surrendering. You were a prole, you and the enemy had been trained that keeping you alive when you have no worth to your masters was the gravest of sins so of course they'll liquefy you for what little profit they can scavange.
It's been tried before and people don't like it.
Far Cry 2, although if you buy fresh weapons every time you go buy ammo(which you have to do anyway) it matters none.
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What’s crazy to me is he lived because he was such a big dude, he had more spare blood to lose. Funny, I’m actually wearing a shirt of his right now. Was hoping to get the golden thumb statue.
Considering the severity of it all, yes I would consider him lucky, he shouldn't be here right now, or at the very least he should be blind and have a stump for a hand.
I remember half of the fun in mount and blade napoleonic wars was that the guns were all shit and took forever to reload
lmao fag
That's no way to get ahead in life.
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I might be retarded and thinking of a mod or completely different game but doesn't fallout 3 or nv kind of do that. Where when the condition gets low guns will jam when reloading and have extra animation to make reloading take longer as a way to incentivize keeping weapons maintained?
I heard numerous stories about Taliban and ANA fighters walking around with loaded RPGs with the safety cap off the rocket. They'd trip, rocket hits the ground and BOOM. The nose of the rocket is really thin metal and it goes off when it gets crushed and completes a circuit with another piece under it, IIRC.
>If you have any interest in guns past your teenage years, find a different hobby because it's cringe.
Okay I know you're a faggot thurdie but listen. Before cod and videogames back in 90s the only people who owned guns were boomers and hunters.
arma 3 ACE has that with overheating

if your gun gets too hot it starts to jam really badly
people that are at risk of getting into a genuine firefight aren't loading absolutely fucking NUCLEAR hot loads in a caliber that's had an established manufacturing procedure for 30+ years.
Depends if they're fighting the us or not, or they're fighting at all in vietnam where the us sabotaged both the enemies ammo and their own guns.
Haven't seen documentation but I bet what ammo the Vietcong were loading and not importing were light if anything considering powder availability outside of USSR imports.
I used to practice alone cause I live way out in the boonies and there is nothing else to do. But I've seen enough of these videos to grow sufficiently paranoid. Only go to the range now.
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Dayz has had this for 10 years anon....
If you dont clean, repair and maintain your guns and magazines they jam at the fucking worst times.
Damaged scopes also have cracks and muck across the screen so you can barely see through them.
If you make a game with jamming mechanics do it so that properly maintained guns never jam. Reward the players who keep their guns in great condition. Once the condition/durability degrades to a certain point then jams should start happening. You could have catastrophic failures happen close to 0 durability that make the gun inoperable without proper repair.
Gun jamming mechanics are fucking annoying, some things are never meant to be gamified.
It's like adding a scope cleaning mechanic or a foot powder mechanic.
What is the difference between a Rocket Propelled Grenade, a Missile, a Rocket, and a Grenade?
>shooting bubba's pissin' hot bargain bin reloads for anything larger than 203
What level of retardation is this? i have done this exactly once buying random shells in a plastic bag i found in a gun show, fucked up my very expensive 870 wingmaster beyond repair and hurt my shoulder
It could work if its made trivial by just cleaning your guns and only happens to the laziest fucks, gives you something to do between combat and adds to the kinomersion
>random chance of your gun stop shooting
What a fun mechanic
Tarkov has your gun jam if it's condition is too low. Problem is your guns lose condition way too fast, in reality you could shoot thousands of rounds, without any cleaning, out of a modern rifle and it wouldn't jam.
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Dayz already has this.
If you use a badly damaged scope you cant see shit through it.
If your gun and magazines are in bad condition and you dont repair them they jam sometimes.
Overall I like it, because it forces you to make important decisions on what you want to use and what you want to keep. Finding an AK or an M4 is good and well, but if its badly damaged, dont have any mags for it and dont have a gun cleaning kit then its just a waste of -10% to your stamina bar.
A short-distance, smaller caliber shaped-charge projectile
Usually a longer distance, MUCH larger caliber munition with more advanced targeting capabilities and not man-portable, with the exceptions being things like Javelins, Stingers, etc.
In this context rockets are dumb-fired propellants meant to carry a projectile without a targeting system besides basic directional sights.
Just a general term for small-arms or man-portable explosives delivered by throwing or with a small-arms launcher systems. They come in tons of different types from lethal to non-lethal.
A rocket propelled grenade is self explanatory. A missile is a projectile. A rocket is a device that propels itself using expanding gas. A grenade is a handheld explosive device
nothing happens to that guy tho, he gets away with some burns and thats it
kentuckyballistics got hit in the neck by shrapnel and probably wouldve bled out if he didnt finger his newly acquired neckussy
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>find a badly Badly Damaged KA-74
>use an entire gun cleaning kit to fix it up and a magazine for it
>find a Pristine condition one in the next barracks
>only happens if you're being a fucking retard
Then why bother adding it? At that point you're just wasting time on dumb shit instead of polishing the actual game mechanics.
Reloaders are so fucking dumb. Did you know a 300 blackkout will chamber in a 223? It doesn't even feel like something is wrong.
Scooter would've tanked that
Rockets aren't necessarily explosive, beyond their fuel while a rocket propelled grenade has an explosive warhead.
Rockets fly in a relatively straight line from their launch point while missiles are capable of course correcting.
A missile knows where it is at all times. It knows this because it knows where it isn't.
Escape from Tarkov, Far Cry 2, Red Dead Redemption 2, Metro, DayZ, Arma, Hunt: Showdown.
Sure, it's a tiny list, but better than nothing. Far Cry 2 is probably the best in this respect.
Why don't games have bowel motions as a mechanic? Gameplay would really benefit of you had to stop once in a while to have violent diarrhea and then search your inventory for tp or wet wipes
shrapnel is about a billion times more lethal than a bunch of fire and smoke
Far Cry 2 did and everybody hated it.

because you haven't played synthetik
>Rocket Propelled Grenade
Retarded soviet designation for rocket assisted projectiles
Anything that uses the exhaust from a chemical reaction to propell itself, from a firecracker to an S-25 to the fucking Saturn V
A rocket that contains a warhead (explosive or otherwise), is guided, it can change its trajectory mid flight, and is unmanned
Any sort of timed explosive that is thrown, if it moves by anything that is not someone throwing it then its not a grenade, despite what russians say
In real life guns only get clogged up with residue, dirt, and other crap to the point of jamming after 3000-5000 rounds or beyond in a good environment. It's recommended to clean your gun only after 500-1000 shots. And even a clogged up gun in bad condition won't get jammed so often after they're cleaned. And a properly maintained gun should degrade much less.

In video games, there are no separate stats for gun cleanliness and mechanical condition. It's all merged under a single durability umbrella. And guns degrade and get jammed so fast, after like 100 rounds the difference is noticeable. It's made worse in games like Stalker where the enemies are bullet sponges.
This taught me that I never want to fire questionable .50 BMG loads from a breach-loader. Not like I'd ever have the opportunity to in the first place.
He just gave you a reason in the very post you're replying to
That's not even fucking remotely close to being true.
Like not even slightly
Riddle me this
>far cry 2
>guns can jam
>guns you take off enemies are all rusted pieces of shit barely maintained
>they jam all the fucking time
>but only in your hands, never in enemy hands
Explain. Fucking explain. The guns jam BUT only in player hands.
>synthetic, that isometric shooter rpg whatever - can enable jams. Only jams your gun
>far cry 2 - only your gun jams
>stalker - you guessed it, only your gun jams
In EVERY fucking game with overheating, breaking, jamming - it plagues only player's gun and player's gun only.
Fuck this shit.
thats why if I'm ever mugged I plan on throwing my gun at the mugger just in case
Factory-made M16's were jamming in the first magazine during Vietnam for a lot of different reasons.
I know what you're saying, but there are literally hundreds of different factors to why a gun might jam.
You just explained the entirety of the Vietnam war
That just happens to be when they jam. If you let them live a little longer they'd have jammed or ran out of ammo on their own
I forget if it was WW1 or an earlier war where the Rockerfellas knowingly sold defective rifles to the US government and lots of american soldiers had their thumbs blown off because of it
This always bothered me. Some rusted FAL that was buried in an African farmer's back yard for 15 years until a week ago and shooting the shittiest brown """""steel""""" case ammo won't jam until YOU pick it up. They spent all this time making animations for the protagonist to jam and unjam his guns but didn't consider the guns should jam no matter who's using them.
>Factory-made M16's were jamming in the first magazine during Vietnam for a lot of different reasons.
Because no cleaning kit, unchromed barrel, and nitrocell residue. It was due to cost cutting.
>there are literally hundreds of different factors to why a gun might jam
Cheap guns with poor QC maybe. HiPoint C9 has crappy magazine feed, RIA M200/M206 revolver has timing issues, MAC-10 doesn't play well with steel cartridge ammo, TEC-9 is just crap all around. A well built gun shouldn't jam so often though, and even in poorly built guns, the jam rate shouldn't increase so fast.
Vietnam, people literally died while trying to clear jams from M16s
It's just one of those gay videogame things where the AI doesn't play by the same rules as the player. It's the same shit in tarkov.
There are literally videos of AKM's shooting under-water, with dirt and water filling the barrel, clumps of mud in the BCG, big fucking dents and holes in the bolt housing and barrel, gas system made from surgical tubing and duct-tape etc.
Kalashnikov was just a level 100 gunsmith and nobody has come close since Stoner.
Yes it is. Obviously the bullet can't actually fit in the bore but the cartridge is shorter and so it fits in the chamber because only part of the bullet is in the bore. It's a perfect fit, right until you pull the trigger, and 30 cal bullet can't actually fit into a 22 cal bore
The AR-15 is a more reliable gun than the AK-47. It's more protected from getting debris and mud inside the action than the AK, InRange proved it.
We're merely a man anon.
>be american
>get shot
>your gun explodes when you try to shoot back
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they do, it was called far cry 2, was pretty based but the literal next game was the beginning of the "UBISLOP" trope coming to existence
>no report of effectiveness
>inb4 the rounds just fired twice as hard
7.62x39/30 cal is God's caliber.
no, stop. you are going to end up summoning those leftoid larpers on /k/
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You failed to maintain your weapon, son.
it's not fun, see every durability mechanic ever. it's why i can't stand plasma weapons in 40k
>half the bullet kind of fits in the chamber
>this means 300 = 223
The other guys scalp was rolling away like a tumbleweed
I’d say he’s at least a little lucky
Gun malfunctions, especially catastrophic ones like in OP and that's a lot of fucking work to make a simulation of something the average player is going to hate.
Gun randomly going off then it's up to RNG again as to whether or not it just spooks or instantly drops you.
I'm sure there's a die hard simulation crowd out there that'd nut oceans over guns dynamically failing but for stuff like CoD, Ghost recon, BF or other "main" market shooters that just too much work for something that either goes unnoticed or just plain hated.
Even if there was a dev who did something on that level how do you abstract it to the point that it works in a vidya?
That's the point, fucktard, it's a major safety hazard. The cartridge will physically load but the bullet can't actually go down the bore, and your gun is now a pipe bomb.
I bet that's not even enough headspace to close a bolt besides whatever redneck hillbilly machine shop made your reciever.
>too low
93% is the gun "health" that your weapon starts to jam at. Coupled with how your weapon loses condition way too fast, like you said, you can enter a raid with a factory fresh firearm and if you had a hot run then you can be jamming by the end of it, it's retarded. I don't mind weapon jamming, but the MPTarkov server that I host for my friends has it lowered to 80%
>the cartridge will physically load
I doubt it will on any gun that isn't made in a pakistani sweatshop.
>Rocket Propelled Grenade
projectile with an explosive head
>a Missile
guided projectile with an explosive head
>a Rocket
big fast thing
>a Grenade
explosive device
on .300blk cartridges with weak crimps the strength of the recoil spring can (and has) slam the bullet down into the brass, allowing it to be chambered in a 5.56 barrel.

I have a .300 blk gun, I love the round, but because of this I am extremely careful to segregate .300 blk ammo from my boxes of .223 and 5.56.
>cartridges with weak crimps
I live in a first-world country, sir.
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>one post and it's not even about the game
Look at Receiver 2 OP
>that's a lot of fucking work to make a simulation
>Even if there was a dev who did something on that level how do you abstract it to the point that it works in a vidya?
I don't really get what you mean? What about this would be difficult? It will just be basically rng, maybe based on a variable of how often you stop to do some slightly tedious action like clean the gun or something. Or based on some value that the devs decide is the chance of getting a botched ammo or something.
You know, basically how it works irl
A lot of "heroes" died because of stupid circumstances. You can be really good at killing and if your equipment breaks you're fucked.
>tfw you finally achieve CHIM
the sort of person who happens to have .300 blackout sitting around wouldn't make that mistake
That female world champion scott had on his channel recently was cute and i want to fuck her.

That is all i wanted to say.
Eddie Hall has been his cutest guest so far.
Escape from Tarkov
>start your solo ambush on a duo
>gun jams immediately
Far Cry 2 had it and I have one fond memory forever burned into my brain for it
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It has a loose mechanicsm that makes it reliable, but also susceptible to gunk build up. The mud test put the AK reliability myth to rest. It's easy to disassemble though. And shooting underwater isn't a metric for reliability, it's still not meant to be shot underwater and will stop working after a couple of rounds.
it does yeah
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>93% is the gun "health" that your weapon starts to jam at
How is that acceptable? Why do tarkovtroons love eating shit?
Why on fucking earth?
The bigger isssue IMO is that jams take fucking ages to fix no matter what the issue is since there's not transition between problem - checking - fixing
You need to wait for each stage to finish for no reason.
>pakistani sweatshop.
but 300 blackout is a western platform lmfao it was designed to be received by 5.56(.223) lowers with a simple barrel change in the upper and the cartridge and mags are 1:1 the same which is why it can chamber but will fuck the gun if fired.
Kentucky ballistics is the best gun focused youtuber, brandon herrera acts like too much of a faggot so does garand thumb, and demo ranch feels like a daycare channel.

Has anyone played into the radius 2 yet? the first one had a weird way of itching my gun autism.
>bullet didn't fire
It's "realistic" and "hardcore"! Just like in real combat! No, I've never been in real combat, why do you ask?

Since you mention it, we also removed the check requirement. A little less "realistic" I guess, being able to blindly clear a malfunction, but it's so much smoother for gameplay and like you say, it should be something an experienced PMC can do in just a couple of motions
Kentucky ballistics is too entertainment focused. Democrat guntubers like Paul Harrel, Lucky Gunner, and Ian are better.
Happens in Tarkov all the time
>It has a loose mechanicsm that makes it reliable, but also susceptible to gunk build up
And also fucking dogshit inaccurate.
Other solutions had too many problems, so they just made it as similar as possible to 5.56 NATO.
I actually enjoy weapon maintenance in video games and how they can fail if you yourself fail to take care of them. just like real life
I guess if you consider "I can't afford real .308" a problem
Survival mechanics are for a particular mood, more often than not I just find them annoying and tedious.
It's used by SOCOM, affordability wasn't a hinderance.
This has probably happened to tens of thousands of people, war is hell
Into the Radius 2 hasn't implemented durability or cleaning your guns yet.
I do think it's pretty neat that this guy went through a crazy life threatening accident doing what he does and then continues to do it anyway
Mostly due to the sight and poor handling.
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>if it moves by anything that is not someone throwing it then its not a grenade, despite what russians say
What are these?
He takes extra precautions now, he only fires Barrett from a distance ever since. Also, can't quit your job that easily.
because its funny when peoples guns jam. its another mechanic to keep track of.
If guns didnt require maintenance 100x faster than normal, you'd just never need to do it. Because people die extremely often in the game.

It's a gamified version of reality, that's why it's interesting. Same reason you cant sprint as long as a real person, same reason you need to eat more often than a real person. etc.
Tarkov crybabies are so fuckin annoying and have already sapped a bunch of the unique mechanics of the game. I'm sure they won't stop until it's just Insurgency Sandstorm with more downtime.
imagine living your life, training, studying, preparing for the adult life and end up being decapitated by a malfunctioning gun
That's one lucky mf. Also pretty dumb. Also actual balls of steel.
launcher-fired explosive projectiles
shame, i was hoping they would expand on that feature and make it so you could find rusty old piece of shit guns and restore them. Never liked how there was a no manual repair point in ITR 1
because gun failure in real life is extremely rare and only happens when guns are neglected for a long time.
in games it's a mechanic that is trying to force you to use different guns
Yes you are a faggot but not because you cried but because you're so insecure that you have to ask permission from strangers to cry.
>uses a powder charge to propell itself out of a chamber
Thats a bullet, sir
>buying Vulcan/Hesse/Blackthorne rifles
lol lmao
it happens in fallout but for the wrong reasons, mostly because of actions being qeued and your gun "jams" when you want it to shoot or reload and its fucking annoying when it happens jn a fight.
I'm pretty sure critical misses could actually hurt you in Fallout 1. At least it did with enemies.
The guy said it was the bullet's fault not the gun's.
I honestly hope I die instantly from a stupid accident or bad luck instead of rotting in a nursing home.
i know. he was able to recreate the failure using the same ammo, and that the ammo was loaded to extreme pressures.
put the /k/ down and enjoy the posts for once
RPG-7 rockets only arm after undergoing the rapid acceleration of firing, so that's probably bullshit. Or maybe they were using RPG-2s. Or maybe the CIA pulled a funny prank on their ammo.
>artillery shells are just really big bullets that aren't fired directly at enemies
so are caseless bullets not actual bullets?
Paul Harrell died bro
>Democrat guntubers
That's fucking retarded
It's a shell, not a bullet. Bullets use only the kinetic energy of their propulsion for damage. If it has its own explosive charge, it's a shell.
It's always a case of hand-loaded rounds whenever a gun asplodes.
I've seen it
it's pretty looney tunes shit.
there were explosive bullets at one point in history. literal bullets that explode on impact. I don't know much else about then other than they were outlawed though
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>amerisharts is so afriad of a Big Black Man with a BBC (Big Black throbbing Cock) impregnanting their White Wife's pristine tight pinky pussy , that they really do be glorifiying barbaric weapons of mass destruction such as firearms.
thread closed
Because games are supposed to be fun, imagine a game forcing you to reload one bullet at a time and clean the weapon every few 100s rounds. There might be a marker for it but not every game.
>there were explosive bullets at one point in history
they were shells fired from autocannons and the like
/f/ is dead no one knows that meme anymore.
>dumb nigger shooting dangerously eroded rounds out of a fucking el cheapo .50 cal with a fucking screw cap
I'm actually fucking sad he didn't die.
Yes, because the guy looks like faggot.
Realism isn't always fun. It can and does work for a certain type of game but it would be shit in others.
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>be American
>shoot gun
>get shot
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Play Far Cry 2

It's unironically a good game too
Receiver 2 is the only answer here. I hope Receiver 3 has more than just handguns
>Think about replaying it
>Malaria mechanic
Yeah, I'll pass.
Only if you install redux mod
On average I like guntubers, but the vast majority just aren't very interesting from an informational standpoint. Nobody's going to draw any highly impactful conclusion from seeing some history/video game nerd gun, some outlandish meme gun, or some tacticool glowie gun get shot into gel for the gorillionth time. The videos stress testing actual consumer model guns are nice, but rare compared to the piles of videos about lighting money on fire or shooting an inaccessible zoomer wishlist toy into dirt or metal 50 times. Harrell's lectures are good if long-winded. Taufledermaus' custom shotgun ammunition videos would be cool if they weren't so repetitively and abundantly clear that you can put pretty much anything through a 12 gauge and almost always get the result of killing someone in within 40 yards and not much further than that. Hickok45 gets no views nowadays and I think it's abundantly clear why, shooting demos are fucking boring.
The US sabotaged ammo and left it lying around. They did similar shit in the war on terror, and also left ammo out and then told the locals they could turn it in for money, then told sniper teams to shoot anyone that picked up any ammo for any reason, so their sniper teams would blow kids' heads off for fun when the kid was trying to help them, then they'd laugh about it.
It means that you have empathy.
If you think that not being a sociopath makes you a faggot, then yes, you are a faggot.
not fun
quite a few of them do have that mechanic
went through like 80% of the thread everyone coping and praising this tard the reason it blew up he was doing really retarded shit and the barrel was getting fucked over time and any remotely learned gun person would have stopped after 1 or 2 shots but retard here kept going
How's my boy Hop doing? I haven't checked the channel in months.
Bad news
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>he knows the names of the Youtube fags
>he actively shills for a bunch of Leviathan Group plants
Die OP
i don't mind guns failing, i just hate gun durability as if shooting an ak will break it or something
All machinery needs maintenance, video games just like to make it "You get like three magazines before this gun is junk".
What a jackass
Halo Infinite had it, it fucking SUCKED.
Army man games don't require you to build toilets so no. bad idea
this is FarCry 2 right? i seem to remember it having guns that can fail/jam
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found it
link please
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>what do you mean I have to think quick and swap weapons?
>I play videogames to do the same thing over and over without engaging my critical thinking skills!
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>all shitty, unfun game design is just the player having a skill issue
This is largely a myth. Or at least an exaggeration.
Project Eldest Son 100% happened.
The way he described what happened was genuinely horrifying and if he was shooting videos alone he would have died right there staring at the sky while he waited for all of his blood to just escape his body. And ironically enough he wouldn't have died from getting shot, but from the gun just becoming a fucking explosive.
>barrel was getting fucked over time
It was an overcharged SLAP round, not a barrel obstruction.
So basically Synthetik with its gun jamming?
no its been literal years but if i remember correctly it literally was barrel obstruction from condensation or w/e after the first shot and it was due to the attachment/muzzle type he had
nothing to do with the rounds, his first shots were all fucked and he was like "huh thats weird" and kept going, literal retard tier behavior and thats what you get from it
this shit is old news and every person called out his dumbass behavior at the time, youtube must have recycled this content for newfags now and a new level of cope around it
heres a video for an explanation
his gun was fucking up and 5 feet off target and yet he just kept going like a tard

why does passing out == you die? wouldnt it be better to save your energy by passing out???
Luck is all relative. He’s lucky he didn’t die instantly. He’s unlucky his gun exploded in the first fucking place.
C&Rsenal for the pictures and autism level detail. You will learn far more than you will ever need to after you watch his stuff.
Hurts seeing that post-wall chick though. Man she was so cute just a couple of years ago.
It does when you’re only alive because you have your thumb shoved into your severed jugular vein and your heart is working triple shifts just to move enough blood into your brain to keep the tissue oxygenated past that outflow.
>haha oopsy
>didn't see that coming
>thanks for the youtube money you fucking retards AHAHAHAHAHAHA
how much would that hurt
I still don't know how did guy survived. Wasn't he in the middle of the forest with a cut to one of his neck arteries? I have seen some people bleed out and fall unconscious in seconds
It's so fucking fun in Receiver 1/2, it turns a simple fight into a hectic mess
his dad is the one who films him and they had a truck with them, and they both have some degree of real training so his dad both got him in the truck ASAP and got him to shove his thumb in his neck so he didn't bleed out immediately
are they still making games? I thought the devs were too busy sueing valve on sweeney's behalf
forgotten weapons is the informational guntuber, no? shame he got bullied out of publishing the book about the ukraine war
consider the size of the barrel and then the volume of "splody" powder in it, if it approaches anything close to any part of your finger in volume thats what is at risk at minimum
is that a manchu ponytail
>no replies
the dire state of this board
Nah, it's the shadow of his cap which just got blown off by the explosion.
I was in a traumatic accident and I don't remember anything about it until I was already in the ambulance
seeing this guy not remember shit either is freaking me out a bit
I mean it happens, I can't deny it. We did the same thing in Algeria by leaving boxes of rigged ammo around.
The problem wasn't the gubenment bringing them back, it was soldiers keeping them as memorabilia, then their descendants would find it, not know what it was, and try to shoot it.
he could have watered the explosion away if he did have one
RPG stands for Ruchnoy Protivotankovy Granatomyot, or Hand-held Anti-Tank Grenade launcher. Rocket Propelled Grenade is a capitalist pig bACKronym.
His dad who is the camera man rushed him to the hospital probably helped that both he and his dad have law enforcement experience and have probably dealt with their fair share of bullet wounds
games should add a first person foot massage mechanic haha it would be funny haha
>and is unmanned
what are manned rockets with warheads called?
>if it moves by anything that is not someone throwing it then its not a grenade, despite what russians say
That's stupid. There's an entire class of projectiles which aren't thrown by hand, but don't contain propellant themselves. Would you really call a 40mm grenade launched from M79 or M203 a "rocket" or a "missile"? Keep in mind that it doesn't contain any fuel while in flight, all the momentum it has comes from the initial explosion of propellant. It's basically a big bullet with explosive payload.
>american government decides to create a law to give citizens guns for the sole purpose to fight against tyrannical governments in the future
>fast forward to the future
>americans just use their guns to ding cans in their backyard when they're bored while they get facefucked by corporations
Wrong. Germans and russians had explosive bullets for airplane machineguns and sometimes they were acquired by groundforces and used by especially rude snipers for some extra "fuck you".
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would have been fine if not for all your picked up guns exploding in like a few shots
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>Agent 47, your target is guntuber Scott DeShields Jr, a member of the international illuminati and gunrunner for the Hawk Tuah cartel. He fronts his operations with a delightful youtube channel for boomers and zoomerboomers. Today he will be firing a 12.7mm anti-material for his show - good luck, 47. Rendezvous with Skallagrim and extract when you're finished.
seems like you don't understand the rural vs city dynamic and just the general atmosphere of the country.
it's not a soviet designation retard
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Because it isn't fun after a while, it's easily avoided by using repair items or, at worst, running to safe zones where you can find a repairman and almost always the enemies don't have any problems with their guns, only you.
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FC2 has already been mentioned at least 12 times, but I want to say the guns in that game also typically explode in the most retarded manner possible. Weapon maintenance in that game is also a joke at a given point since you can keep getting fresh new weapons and it becomes a non-issue (AK-47s can last through at least a third of the game without jamming and completionist autism). Anyway, its IMFDB page is a goldmine.

i do think that, to a point, the way VR has those little interactivity dots might be a way to engage with these
so instead of a baked animation you say pull the bolt back, then theres something or nothing wrong, then go from there. if its mucked up or jammed you enter the unjamming animation.
if its a dummy you do that and anything further its to your digression if you just fucking "J" out and drop the gun and continue on

im a noguns if you cant tell lol no idea the exponential levels of firearm failures

i mean a barrel exploding might be indicative of your next action
DayZ does this, you have to maintain your guns and mags or the chance to jam becomes higher when using a damaged or badly damaged gun and mag.
And let me tell you it's not fun when you're in a gun fight or you get ambushed by wolves or bears.
>Any sort of timed explosive that is thrown, if it moves by anything that is not someone throwing it then its not a grenade, despite what russians say
"grenade" is not a russian word, so this is something lost in translation, as in russian their word could easily include other types of explosives that are not hand-thrown. on the other hand, in english there are grenade launchers, which are not hand thrown either, and of a completely different construction than the ones that are. so your definition is wrong or english terms for weapons are equally if not more retarded.

>A rocket that contains a warhead (explosive or otherwise), is guided, it can change its trajectory mid flight, and is unmanned
the earliest missiles were arrows and bolts, so no
and if you're restricting it only to modern weapons, this would make another term retardedly redundant: the "guided missile destroyer" which is then functionally just a "missile destroyer" since they're all guided. so it would seem that it is english language military that uses retarded designations.
Please remember that /v/ is so full of limp wristed casuals that they'd die on the coast from starvation.
But yeah DayZ is one of the only games that has real enough world mechanics in game that makes it challenging but rewarding. Especially when it comes to gun play and mechanics.
nothing i said is incorrect
>why game never have this not-fun feature?
Gears of War
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Beyond the Citadel has gun jamming as an optional feature. It also has manual reloading and quick unloading of cartridges, so if you don't remember to fucking pick up your cartridges after a fire fight, you'll never get more in the demo since all the vendors only sell ammo, not cartridges. Hopefully, that's something that gets fixed for the full version of the game, but it's also really funny, lol
They do in STALKER, it's fucking annoying
My brother you are on an image board discussing videogames
his dad put his finger in his neckussy though
Yeah you could accidentally blow yourself up with a rocket launcher if you're unlucky enough. Only happened to me with a negative hit chance though, wasn't an annoyance.
such an underrated game. It still holds up.
>Am I a faggot
yes but only because you posted a shitty anime
The AK-47's strongest point was that it always fucking worked no matter what you did to it and it's not an accident it became so popular, anon.
Pathfinder does, but no computer pathfinder game includes firearms or gunslinger, so it is what it is.
Do you mean that his dad helping him put his thumb in the neckussy or that it was his dads thumb in the hole?
his dad recognized he wasn't thinking and got him to do it so he wouldn't fucking bleed to death before he could speed his ass to the hospital
AKM's strongest point is that it was manufactured in millions by USSR and they were always willing to give license and tooling to their socialist allies, which ended up producing millions more. And for the less industrially gifted allies, like some African socialist countries, Soviets shipped AKMs themselves, without tooling.

But yeah, it's also a pretty rugged design, intended to be used by an army of barely trained ex-peasant conscripts.
I'm not watching that faggot talk for an hour. give me the summary. why'd the US gov sabotage their own rifles
shit like this is why I keep my guns maintained for self defense and rarely shoot. live by the sword die by it, rule still applies even if youre playing with the sword. also because my shooter friends are kinda thrown off mentally in ways they don't even notice
you mean it's been deboonked?
This is that guro fetish game right
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LoG II has
The guro is just a smokescreen for the devs INSANE shota impregnation fetish.
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It's funny how rare japanese FPS devs are, but when we do get one, they're always huge gun autists.
you nigger nigger nigger
Ill be honest, this is why I prefer modded servers that have traders and things like that.
At least it's not a total loss when I find a gun that only takes 7.62 ammo and finding piles and piles of 5.56.

Though i still get stung when I buy a weapon, only to find a better one down the road in the mil barrack.
We've had one backblast, yes, but what about second backblast
buy sol
Language changes over time. It is ever evolving for better or for worse.
Is he ok?
>Am I a faggot
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Happens in STALKER and METRO games. Using badly degraded weapons carries a risk of jamming.
im noguns
fr fr no cap

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