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Thank your healer
I love arisu
Neru Hate
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Yuzu's a nigger...
Nobody cares about your dead tranny game with a Starbucks troon voice actor. It will NEVER compare to WoW no matter how much you cope
let's see how brakabros get out of this one
>FFXIV mentioned
Prepare for the thread to be derailed by WoWcucks and XIVtrannies and their usual mentally ill shitflinging contest about which of their dead games has the most trannies in it. These people are even more unhinged than hoyodrones
instant improvement, the gyaru part, not the negro bit
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old man love
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How close am I to the WALL, is it 75?
wait a second... this isn't the FFXIV thread!!
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>keep track of my PvP statistics
>win my coinflips
Chigyu archive
I beat floor 24 Set
[SAD NEWS] I can't beat floor 25
>tfw will never play xiv in a party with 4 lolis
I don't get it
DeepL TL

>Perf: A skill score assigned by an external tool that visualizes battlefield data. 100 is the best in the world. The average perf 100 is the best in the world. However, the use of external tools is prohibited in LFF14! Yuzu is a serious and honest girl, so she doesn't do anything that is forbidden.
>What is skill turning: Performing actions at selective timing and in order.
>There are two types of actions in FF14, one is skill. gcd (a common waiting time occurs when using an action, and it becomes unavailable for 2.5 seconds after activation. The other is apitti. Each has a tar time of several tens of seconds.
>Basically, in high difficulty level, the skill to insert the “apeitti” is required while rotating the skill without interruption and at the right time! The technique of inserting the “ッッッ” is required in high difficulty.
>The Jop (Monk) used by Yuzu is capable of producing 20% of the attack power (=DPS), and there are three types of DPS: melee, ranged, and magic (=caster), of which the Monk is a melee player.
>Unlike the other two types, melee has a directional action (attacking from behind or beside the target increases the power), and monks are said to be one of the most difficult jobs to deal with because their GCD is the fastest among all jobs.
>What is this unintelligible string of words that Yuzu is talking about? She is drawing on the name of the skill-turned-action of the monk described above, so it doesn't make sense to those of us who haven't done it.
>The original source is this tweet by Dengit Shead of Light (@Pineappryu). https://twitter.com/Pineappryu/status/15667862701052436507s +20 I haven't touched Monk at all, so I don't know anything about it, but I like it too much. Thanks for the permission to use it. Jello skills and magic for #tangential learning, but here's a good one for you.
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All you have to know is that UZQueen can pull off any kind of complicated/obnoxious gameplay. I also wish I could sniff and lick UZQueen armpits after she has exercised for hours while playing monk
Bloodborne archive
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My parental instincts fire on all cylinders every time I see Reisa
This but with Arisu and Azusa.
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where's the fucking lick
What the fuck is this thing
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anime s2 when
File deleted.
We need more timid girls becoming tanned gyarus in gaming
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Something about her is so daughtercore compared to all the other students
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dead archive
nyharuna abusers are the niggers of BA threads
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>Project KV
>Project VK
>Project RX
Bros? What is going on?
Only today I noticed that the added story event was the first ASS event
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>Project Kissless Virgin
>Project Virgin Kisser
>Project Receptor
I hate Sensei
He is stupid
Sensei hate
Sensei neglect
Ignoring Sensei calls
That will show him
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is a dead tranny game, kys
even with autoduty leveling jobs takes way too long.
what a waste of time.
I sincerely hope not because I still have to finish my fishing log. The game can't die before I am done with that
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>t. Ugly Ako (she is ugly in looks, mind, and spirit)
made for BWC
big WoL cock?
I got Stinky instead of Ako.

Actually happy though.
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Whenever she shows up I always shout

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>no sound
as expected of a tranny spacing faggit poster!
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Imagine not buying this
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>Imagine not buying this piece of merchandise instead of a proper high quality jacket
Meant for
Lmao, imagine being poor
No it wasn't it was meant for >>693026779 you pretending shit!
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Neru Marriage
damn i was hoping we could get an xiv x ba thread, maybe that would drive away all the schizos
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Sorry, BAfags are too powerful
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Words that kill.
1000 BWC stare
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I don't want to look like these freaks
what's wrong with the dog? it looks cool
Jesus Christ
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I'm getting this
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Don't forget to give thanks to pic related for saving Blue Archive

Here’s the translation of the text in the image:

Alice's First Dungeon


Character on the left (green text):
"Alice-chan! You forgot to turn on your stance!"

Character on the right (blue text, top):
"Huh? The monsters keep attacking me!! Why is this happening..."

Character on the right (blue text, bottom):
"Stance...?? Uh, which one is that...!?"

Character on the left (red text):
"Nooo... Please, go over there!!"

Character on the left (orange text):
"Isn't there a yellow button called Iron Will?"

Character on the right (blue text, bottom left):
"......!! Found it!!"

Small text at the bottom:
This is an explanation you don’t have to read.

This seems to depict a character's first experience in a dungeon, where they are overwhelmed by not knowing the mechanics (like activating their tank stance) while their party members try to guide them.
DeepL is obsolete, use ChatGPT like >>693030362
Arisu a cute
what about this one >>693012527
Here’s the translation of the text in the image:

Go, Carbuncle!


Girl on the right (pink text):
"Since Alice started, I restarted too!"

Girl on the right (pink text, large):
"Summon Carbuncle!! Now go!! My servant!!"

Girl on the left (red text):
"Why aren’t you attacking?! Is this a bug?!"

Blue creature (Carbuncle):
sits, scratching itself

Girl on the left (yellow text):
"Whaaat?! No way?!"

Small character on the bottom left (green text):
"Big sis, that’s just how it works."

Small text at the bottom:
Explanation you don’t have to read.

This scene humorously shows a character's frustration with Carbuncle not attacking as expected, only to realize that’s just how the creature behaves (idling instead of engaging aggressively). The character on the right is excitedly summoning it, while the one on the left is surprised and confused by its passive behavior.

Here’s the translation of the text in this image:

Big Sis Takes Charge of Life and Death


Left panel (blue text, top):
"Midori~!! I’m going to dieeee!!"

Left panel (pink text, bottom):
"Uwahh, I don’t want to dieeee~!!"

Right panel (blue text, top):
"Midori~!! Heal me~!!"

Middle character with feathered hat (green text, top):
"Big sis, you know it’s your own fault for pulling too early, right? At least cast Physick on yourself."

Middle character with feathered hat (green text, bottom):
"You have way too many fancy status effects on you; I can’t do anything about that anymore."

Middle character with feathered hat (pink text, right side):
"You know pouring water on hot stones doesn’t work, right!? Just give it up..."
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Mari is a bad girl now...
She was a cat all along...
chatgpt won't ocr without an account
Put the sound
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This will be BA graphics in 2030.
guys grow up and choose a random ryan gosling movie character as their entire personality
>Had a 10 pull ticket about to expire
>Use it
>Got Ako and wappi
Am I unbricked now?
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homogaki is buruaka culture (truth)
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this but Haruka
>only getting Ako now
might as well uninstall
>Forced Gacha
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My daughter…
post her full dress sprite i need to see her visible fupa again
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No, you're not.
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Saves the game in both Global and Japan.
Our heroines.
Yoshimi sacrificed her thickness for us. Now Natsu is the only tubby of ASS
/v/aca fucking LOST
b/a/ca fucking WON
you know who else lost? MY MOM
anon's mom...
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Congrats to them, what did they win?
this guy's mom>>693036684
You're Cumstock.
when is this getting an actual game? doujin are nice and all but come on
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top left
2nd from top right
onizuka bottom left
and the dog all look great in this jacket

moral of the story don't be fat skinnyfat ugly or unstylish if you want to wear eyepopping clothes
I look like these
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I play BA, Wuwa, and now Throne and Liberty. Wouldn't touch WoW or FFXIV because of all the troon devs and troon players, simple as
yes we know chud
uhh its actually chvd, sweaty
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Today I learned Project MX (Blue Archive's codename) was short for "Moe X-com"
I wonder what KV, VK, and RX could be code for?
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Raunchy Xcom
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was waiting for a thread.
Here's my 5 min OC
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>Miyu charging at the enemies with her sniper rifle
She's so cool!
I was about to point that out
My HERO is an elite
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Strongest rabbit
All three on the top have massive futa cocks btw
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made for rape
that's really not a fupa considering the rest of her body is very lithe
Project KV when?
Project TOT when?
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my heroes
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we're getting an actual SRPG to compete with GFL2, trust the plan
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Thank you, C&C!
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I love the Blue Archive girls so much, I wish they could all get more attention. Like we need a spinoff game series for every school/club.
>Splinter cell/ghost recon spin off with the RABBIT squad
Yes, please.
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look at how confident that dork looks. cute
No, fuck off. I'm tired of Gourmet shit.
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What a badass.
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I want to BE Natsu
My apologies Comrade. For I can only celebrate our great leader while she's in a swimsuit.
I suppose she doesn't think I deserve to see her in all of her grand power.
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Cant escape them even in fanart
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Sorry cherino i cant wish you a happy birthday in game since i need to study for my exam in 2 days
Fuuka's gonna freak.
what's next
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She's next
Momoi (Racist)
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A real human bean and a real sensei
is there anything epic about blue archive?
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Epic sex
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Epic ( | )
Imagine if he actually went on a random rant about some game his son plays, what a weird ass timeline
Someone post the EPIC fight between perorodzilla and kaiten
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Her suffering is my amusement
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You can get into some EPIC fights with other players around the world!
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Yeah. It doesn't fit her personality nor her modus operandi. Nor any sniper modus operandi.
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Based Fuuruna poster.
Cherino is best student change my mind
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shut up tomoe
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Hey ummm......was this ever explained?

Any JP bros was there a translation issue. It was creepy and just ended suddenly with no explanation.
Don't worry about it.
What are you talking about? Nothing happened
I hoped there would be something happening with that too, but then nothing happened at all. Like, what the fuck? As if someone thought of a fun idea but they never followed up on it, or simply forgot.

Nigga we got an SCP on the loose and I will worry about it.
It was just Miyu. She got lost for a little bit
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I think it fits her, she's very serious about her job in the squad but outside of shooting she's a mess. And in the context of raiding the valkyrie school I think they were on a timer or trying to escape, I don't remember well.
What's going to be her alt?
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Holy fucking epic...
Trinity student
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she was moments away from being raped
It'll probably get referenced some time in the future. 3 of the 7 prisoners have yet to be revealed, after all
I fucking hate L-san, he gets to be super racist without being censored...
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My theory is that it was either Underground Nigger or the illusion is starting to fall appart
Yes cherino is great
Glory to red winter academy
So is there any benefit in increasing the papers needed to level up stats in the band event?
I noticed you gain more credits but the stat growth seems to be exactly the same
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I think it just exists so you don't have to go through it a billion times, you can just max your multiplier at the end of the event and clear it one time.
Its just so you don't have to do so many runs if you have a shit ton of papers.
I'm still salty that I missed 50 AP today, fuck
I missed so much AP, gems and what have you since I started, I stopped caring.
/v/aca means cow
yes we know shut the fuck up holy fuck
Keep talking!
Either a main Volume teaser or a badly explained tie to the original owner of the diaries Hina finds that somehow became a ghost(?)
Keep being shut up but talk
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Neru Love
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Kira Kiri Archive.
>not a single Millennium student
I'm thinking it's gonna be either Aris or Neru.
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No rio lmfao
Instant EOS if that happens.
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>having a Special as anniversary student
She might get in as a side bonus like how Makoto sneaked in last year but she won't be the meta striker.
>not a single Red Winter student
I'm thinking it's gonna be either Cherino or Momiji.
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Good god delete this.
Because she's actually a good girl if you read her momotalks. Same thing with Izuna and Kokona. Too bad Cherino is a little shit with a bad personality. Fuck Cherino
>no sound
I'd like to see Striker Rio too but I don't think it's happening unless she's assisted by Avant Garde.
They haven't fixed the emotes yet?
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Its gonna be her
And im gonna laugh
And im gonna have sex with her later
You won't do shit
They are "aware" aka they'll fix it when the event is almost over probably fix the ESL typos too around that time but funny thing is that it's global as a whole, not only NA
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Yes i would
And im also gonna fuck your favorite without you
unless you wanna join?
This man right here Koharu.
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Meanwhile in Akibahara...
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Holy SHIT!!!! IT'S KAEDE!!!
>secondary's are retarded phone fags
why does she like yugioh?
look how flat she is holy SHIT that's hot
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Stop avatarfagging
i'm too fat for it
More of a T-Station kinda guy myself
https://youtu.be/1JoZkahjO1Q https://youtu.be/rHp6YHjALUM

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already have it
>dead inside
>neru jacket
Ironic weeb alert
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I mean was into heartstone in highschool and now im playing lor
She is just autistic
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my entire life is ironic
Already know that, thanks.
The TF2ification of DoD:S was a fucking disgrace.
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Is this really the kind of character design we want in our video games?
Have you ever worn it in public?
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i hate dragons. if it had a tiger on it, sure.
>TF2ification of DoD:S
Jessy, what the FUCK are you talking about?
I think this counts, pretty sure it does. https://youtu.be/0ho8Pc5fG8M
>i hate dragons
This fucktard doesn't even know that BA is a phone game
The zoomed in TF2 style kill cam they added in like 2010...
Tablet game
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dragons think they're hot shit. someones gotta put them in their place.
>XIV archive
What class does arisu play? Paladin?
pan paka pan!!
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I leave the m on the filename to trigger autists <3
Shit taste, everyone knows warriors are the superior tanks. Gunbreakers are chads too and experts in giving the healer a heart attack.
>he was pretending
Bros... We lost...
>didn't leave the m this time
>pretending to be retarded
Gentlemen, we won.
Goddamn bros I'm gonna SAAAAAVE
Her little uniform is so cute too
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Oh it's the guy who seethes in the thread when anons won't ERP with him and got laughed out of the thread a few months ago.
Does Blue Archive have a Wuk Lamat equivalent?
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I am both pretending to be and actually am retarded, just like my wife
The m doesn't always save nerds
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>clearly a preset downscale
>original res is 2250×4000

THAT is your problem, the kill cam? You call that TF2ification of an otherwise very clean title from 2005? 555-Come-On-Now
its gonna be almost 4 years of blue archive and retards are still biting on bad asuna ragebait posts
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Your timing is fucking evil. Been waiting, just to see you post seconds before me.
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I liked it better the old way but I'm also a salty bitch who was playing it since launch...I feel like there were a couple of other annoying things they added in that patch but I don't remember what they were.
It's her!
She's here!
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>but I'm also a salty bitch
Know what? Fair fucking enough, not going to argue then. Personally I find it "eh, could be worse" territory, but that's just me.
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Still obsessed? Jeez anon I'm flattered

I hope you have a nice day fren I'm not here to shit up the thread today just posting best girl
/v/ doesn't play blue archive tho
these threads are always newfags, secondaries and ERPfags
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GNB+PLD is the best tanking duo
Character most want dead?
>Not even the best version https://youtu.be/-J9pcprLTN0
Shame on you, D, shame on you... https://youtu.be/aJIDqYZ7qM0?t=651
True queen Yuzu
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No, not even close.
Maybe the blue nigger when she doesn't give me what I want
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I love Kaede.
its good but i like the orchestral
Orchestral is nice, but man the Guitar version fits so fucking well it's insane.
B A S E D ? https://youtu.be/ivvEDZw79dA
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No double posting a game, that's boring. https://youtu.be/rpMRlpfo-uI
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ok :(
Sorry, but I REALLY like the idea of being forced to post something fresh, makes me remind fun games I've played.
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A fellow movies enjoyer? Talk about rare, especially these days...
Get a room you faggots
May the reign of the victor be sanctified by the blood of the fallen.

>Final day before server shuts down.
>Nexon reveals sensei (you) was in a coma the whole time and just woke up.

I would be so mad.
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Be nice.
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/a/ hates neru
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No limits will bind me! Begone, along with my pitiful past.
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Arona Arousal.
Don't talk bad about her, she gave me 2 purples with a free ticket today. She is OK in my book
https://youtu.be/MW4fASDkQXA https://youtu.be/Oeo2VCCtUZQ
/vg/ tier thread
How about I kill you? how about that?
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How about I shove your disgusting face into the toilet and give you a swirlie before I curb stomp your head against the rim you cocksucking piece of shit?

Be nice.
I talk like this.
Miyu butt…
try /trash/
shit like this is how some keywords get autosaged
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This can't be /trash/, nobodys started ERPing yet.
what the fuck is this thread
The effects of loneliness and the consequences of forming a clique
NTA but I don't think we're headed towards "It's all a dream" path. It's more like Kivotos is closer to being something akin to Gensokyo where old and forgotten forgotten ideas end up dropped into their world (hence all of the artifact collecting going on in the game, Decagrammaton information sleuthing, outsiders coming into the world, etc).
the WORST /v/aca thread of the month
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Nagisa daisuki
I blame the nerufag
Arisu shooting a laser beam out of her asshole would be more lore-accurate than what Miyu does in this webm.
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The worst /v/lue archive thread of the month so far*
Anime is so ugly
the worst /v/acanon of the month...
...award goes to...
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Mika love
gonna mimir
gnight /v/aca
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do we like himari here?
that seems highly uncomfortable to wear
She's kind of annoying sometimes but I still like her.
She's ok
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not really, tailor made suits are super comfortable and even pre-made ones should be nice as long as you know which one to order, just make sure to stay hydrated while wearing them
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I love weird latex anon.
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Me too
What the hell are you talking about?
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I'm not weird. See the sweat puddles on this image? that's an accurate depiction of a latex session, you WILL make sweat puddles no matter how cold the room is
>I'm not weird
>hey want to know this obscure latex fact
Keep on being you, anon!
Panpakapan! Arisu Archive!
I'm not weird. got any questions?
How do you clean the inside of the suit after all that sweat and friction
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What is your favorite beverage?
xivtroonies lost
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warm water and neutral soap, put it to dry on the shade and finish the seams with paper towels, use a bit of talcum powder when you store it to prevent the latex from sticking to itself
black coffee
I bet Gematria did this.
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>why is this 300+ post thread not about ffxiv?
>why has krile or wuk or yoship not been posted?
>why can't I attention whore and avatarfag?
>guess i'll just go back to playing other game
time has really made you bored lately huh? been pretty slow on the uptake lately
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wowfags are niggers, but xivfags are unironic agp turboniggers. glad their game died this year
My daughter/wife/roomba Arisu
I think all of you (and me) deserve a slow and agonizing death
rent free
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this is what a week with a grindy imas wannabe minigame and units made for a meme gamemode do to your game.
Hmmm nyo
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I think nips theorized that it was a ghost pf previous student who was in that abandoned piano room and decided to stalk Hina because she practiced piano there.
nyou little cretin >:3c
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haha what a dork

Yes but footfags are cancer.
>nigger janny makes a reddit cancer registration system
>every ban-evading nigger spammer still spams his shit like nothing happened
The absolute state of this pozzed tranny shithole.
I thought you faggots could read japanese. What is this AI translation bullshit?
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Some anon pointed this out, so it's probably teasing at some future story.
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I'm not a footfag i'm a latex connoisseur
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And nothing of value was lost
EOS now!!
>thread STILL up
but why
Because OP was a retard and didn't make it clear enough which game he wanted to make a thread about. That's why it's so slow.
So how's Chok(on)mah binah
Haven't touched it yet
Ask on 5ch.
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wish chapters for his were more common, they come out way too far apart.
Anon where can I buy some dope latex suits? I'm sure there are many factors to consider but I've heard they have different thicknesses.
>/v/ - Latex and Fetish Clothing
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i like big puffy tails
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>blue archive
What is going on in this thread?
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video games
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I wish girls with big fluffy tails were real.
I wanna hug and fluff her to happiness
don't worry about it
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It can get better
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Noa love
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o mai gotto
it's the ( | ) girl
I saw a guy with a Kurimura Airi on his keychain on the train.
Wanted to say something but I was too shy.
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Probably for the best. Airifags are psychos
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too big
Wasn't Toki fired?
No, she's still part of C&C but went from working as a bodyguard for Seminar to assisting the SPTF
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Ako love
i read it. the chatgpt guy missed the background girl's いたっ bubble and also it translated やめ as "Nooo", so much like John Henry, us N5 GODS keep beating these shitty machines.
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Yuuka sexo
( | : | )

( ° |:| ° )
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Avant Garde is a stupid name
Shut the fuck up Himari.
youre a stupid name
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His name isnt stupid, you're stupid!
Name a good robot name
Godkarmachine O Inary
You said it, fellow poster on daily-gacha-thread-with-daily-generals-on-multiple-boards #354!
Omega weapon
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they still havent fixed kaede dialogue
I find it amazing that YoshiP completely tanked any credibility he has had in a single year. Years and years of built up reputation and it was destroyed all in a single year. The best part is he is doubling down on ruining his reputation. It's as if he is self aware FFXIV is ruined and he wants to keep it that way. My question is, is it hubris? Or intentional and he wants to get away from the game any way he can.
What's to fix?
ermmmm sweety.... sensei is they/them
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The Vatican should had made the Collab with Blue Archive for a loli mascot instead
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troon game
i know there's a ba x bloodborne fanfic but it's practically abandoned
do your daillies sensei
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Miyu was BUILT to be cherished and loved
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are you guys getting the cards?
I'm not getting ANYTHING here in Russia. Even if I wanted to, I can't even whale, let alone order physical merch.
>no original artwork
you can give your account to happy merchants that will buy pyros for you
they will give it back of course :^)
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hmmm ok
Nigga just hurry up and annex Ukraine, why is it taking so long?
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Yup, that and the english version of the wixoss cards.
jumbo josh is going to be an alcoholic
i just know that
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What the fuck are those prices?
best girl tax
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You should try out libidex for your first suit. Buy a suit without hands or feet and then get them separately, it will be easier to clean. Make sure to buy lubricant and latex polish while you're at it
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>neru only 9k
>izuna waka more than double that
we win again!
>Mika and FAT 100k
>hoshi 70k
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My wife is so cheap.
are you retarded?
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holy shit
she's got a skeleton inside of her
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But the crying...
ur cute!!!!!!!
Do you get anything ingame?
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Thank you!
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Where can I get a plushie like that for another anime girl?
amiami is usually the best place to order these ones
Azoo my beloved
El azoowoki
This happened to me in real life.
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Damn Mika, why are you so expensive?
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Damn Uongives you her apartment key on the first date.
What a slut.

Why did auto translate switch Ui to Uon?
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Expensive fat ass.
Ui? More like Uoh heehee
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Momoi and green Momoi bros...
Why are they so cheap?
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>weighs 100kg
>costs 100K
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It's almost ime.
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I don't want to do HOD
Shut the hell up
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You don't want to do any raid.
Is Hod easy?
If you have good CC students, yes

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