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Post your hunters!
holy shit characters and story are annoying, almost as bad as 4 and world
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Might try and revise it some more if I ever get the full game but I think she turned out alright.
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Given the opportunity, I will always make a cowboy with face scars.
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I haven't finished my hunter yet but I'm pretty proud of my cat
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>4070ti Super
>max settings
>stable fps
>game looks like a blurry mess with dog shit texture quality
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The power of modern AA solutions
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My only issue is that when I make the scar texture cover the whole face it looks too low rez so I'm going to have to change it.
Man is there a reason it looks like shit?
RE Engine
Yes, they weren't forced to stylize for it to look good on switch
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I felt the Pirate Vibe calling
This is all worse than the brown and bloom era.
>random /v/tard seethes about story
nice, downloading the beta right now
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looks kinda gay
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what weapon he main?
>30 fps
>No changes from World
>All monsters are shit
>Early PS3 graphics
>No MH language
Is this the worst game of all time??
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I tried making a brown huntressfu this time to match the setting
I also like that the palico creator got a bit more options. I was actually able to make something closer to my cat.
just like my NTR doujins
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Looks okay to me, imo.
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fact: filipino's are the most powerful race in the world
Holy shit it's so FUCKING blurry
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>menu for doing detailed changes to your hunter blocks your view of your hunter
please tell me there's a way to change this
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I'll just leave it like this
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Based chink cat
Are all the fudders against mh as a series or just risetards?
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Why does the textures look worse than World's?
most textures stream at very low resolution, if I had to guess they did this 5 seconds before the beta started so there wouldn't be massive performance issues and bad rep. game obviously runs like hot garbage and will run even worse when these desperate measures are gone.
Bow to the LongswordGAWDS, and we may spare your anus

Hammer will make tons of wounds for you to anime all over... they're your friend...
Weird, it's almost like this is a PVE game or something....

Amazing how they seem to always devolve into a dick waving contest isn't it?
Heh. *Naruto runs towards you* Dattebayo, Hammerbro *Smooch*
cool cat.
at least 4's story stuff was skippable
>Crank the voice pitch all the way down
>Sound like a skibidi toilet in cutscenes
>trying to compare 4 story and structure to world and this garbage
nice try, nigger.
Is there a way to change controller buttons? I'm using a Switch controller and every game swaps X/Y and A/B. It's not even like that ON Switch, so I don't get why they do it. I remember I could do it right away in Rise.
Only if you did only hub
>all three games start with forced cinematic tutorial to circlejerk your mary sue mc
why not
its in the options
Yes, they actually ask which button layout you want in the initial settings. Can probably change them somewhere in the options menu. Dunno if it has switch buttons, though.
Ciri if she mexican
No, that's just the icons. I mean the actual buttons.
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Is it possible to make an Engineer?
Guys, I'm not enjoying it at all
I don't care about your "visuals" complains, but it's just boring to play
No, skincolor palette is very limited in demo, you can't even make ebony black nigga
am I crazy or does this game look worse than World despite having 10x the requirements
the game is coming to all platforms except one, guess which one
Nah, visuals are way better
Sudden sunset was great, but gameplay sucks
Absolutely not. This shits on World in every way from environments to character models. Boot up World right now and compare. It looks way worse.
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I get disconnected every two minutes
Why are the characters so ugly and whats up with that weird filter? Even World looked better
Can someone explain charge blade? I just don't get how this phial system works or what the flow should be. I get build in sword, spend in axe, but what about these buffs you can activate while charging your vials that immediately spends them?
>needs 16gb of ram and a 4090 to run at 60fps with frame generation on medium settings
>textures look shit and it looks like someone threw vaseline at the screen
what the fuck is going on with crapcom
thats GORIFFISU for you
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Look how smol she is. And hunters are already manlets.
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>almost as bad as 4 and world
I had a depressing feeling this was the case.
Hoping I can skip the cutscenes and invite my friends unlike World at the very least though.
I'm about to start the playtest and I'm VERY worried that the 2 weapon system is gonna make the game even worse and I'm still upset about being able to change gear and items in that tiki hut at camp so hopefully that's been deleted.

Next MH will be back to my cute girl as is tradition.
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AM I crazy, or can I not make the language the monster hunter language
I will never stop hating deferred rendering and it's crimes.
You build up phials, place them into your shield. Buff lasts longer the more you put in.
You can also charge your sword once you have a charged shield by holding attack when you're doing the charging animation, let go when it glows for a strong attack. It gives your sword a bit of phial damage but it feels more niche than the other options.
thats just he second white skin default hunter with buzzcut
Elizabeth Warren hairstyle
It's both.
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been making the same looking dude since Freedom Unite it was either that or making a brown tomboy, but it seems we can't make multiple character on the beta
you can cancel the SAED into a shield charge. the shield charge makes the shield as good as a lance/gunlance shield and it buffs the axe mode attacks too because the shield is the axe head.
>Shanghai, Hong Kong, Egg Foo Yung!
>Fortune cookie always wrong!
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I wonder how many other people saw that hairstyle and just made Griffith
You could probably make a weird-looking Pikachu.
Like all MH weapons, especially CB and GS, all perceived complexity is a lie. Hit monster > charge shield > hit monster > charge sword > hit monster > charge phials > spend phials > repeat until it dies. Literally just have fun guard pointing stuff and spend phials on whatever when your sword turns red.
the eyebag shadow isn't doing it for me
already been made, saw it on twitter i think
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What can I say, the game does NOT look good. For something that requires current tech, it still runs and looks mediocre. Hope they will optimize it, and fix these issues. I'll still play it. The early game is always boring with Monster Hunter, so I don't count that.
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For past games, 90% of the time you will be in SnS mode and 10% axe mode when the monster is down. A cursory glance on the CB changes tells me its going to be the same for wilds
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Tried to make her appearance fit the setting. Will ask my sister to do the makeup later since I don't know how to do makeup obviously.
>looks like Duncan MacLeod
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Chainsaw mode lasts longer than in World. It's got some of the improvements of Rise, feels really nice to spam phial attacks.
Book Conan, not Arnie Conan.
I did notice axe mode is risky, it doesn't have any guard or parry does it? Or can you parry by switching to sword, if that's possible I haven't been able to pull it off yet.

I'm having problem with blocking too, because when I block when in sword mode it changes me into an axe counter, even when I don't want to because the monster is doing a combo, or I havce no phials to spend yet.
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I saw the albino kid and had to make Pete White.
Wait till the body/armor mods then it'll make sense.
>Will ask my sister to do the makeup later since I don't know how to do makeup obviously.
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I'm just happy she looks good in-game
The beginning of the axe morph animation has a guard point (you're holding the shield in front of your body before swinging it around). You can tell because the weapon glows white. What you usually do is morph into attacks or roars to punish the monster, once you're full on phials.

If only the cat could be Billy.
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I can't speak for wilds. But usually CB doesn't have a GP when in axe mode. When you morph your axe form to sword form you do have a guard point there that is meant to catch attacks rather than react to it since the timing is sort of slow, in exchange for the GP lasting a bit longer than normal.

When you morph from sword to axe form, that is your reactive GP since it is fast. However, if you do not get the timing, the recovery of going into axe mode will usually punish you since it is relatively slow.
Why are they just pumping out monsterhunter games right now. Everytime I come out of the bathroom from having taken a fat shit I see a new monsterhunter game on steam. What's the deal with these japanese money mongers?
Play the game at higher than 1080p.
Unless you have a very large screen there's no reason to. And if you're not sitting well away from that very large screen, you can't see shit anyway and will go blind before 50.
Only consolefags with several feet between them and the screen has any real argument for anything over 1900x1080/1200
mega cutie
>I did notice axe mode is risky
Axe mode is damage form basically, use sword and board for mobility to position for big hits. By which I mean all the time and don't just wait for a stun/down to spam SAED, CB should always be morphing or you're gay. It's a fluid and reactive weapon type where you don't stay in one form for too long, opposite of what GS and Hammer typically are portrayed as.
Obviously I mean general design, and not the meta playstyles where every weapon becomes horribly boring spam.

>it doesn't have any guard or parry does it? Or can you parry by switching to sword
Every single morph animation has a Guard Point (parry), but what actions that leads into changes a bit each game. An easy to visualize way to land them is that the GP is when the shield is directly in front of your character during the animation.

>I'm having problem with blocking too
Blocking is pointless as CB, it's a very weak block that leaves no room for anything else. You need Red Shield charged state + an actual GP to reach close to Lance levels of block, otherwise it's just a slightly better SnS practically. Keep your shield always charged no matter what.


scars look stupid

not bad


uber gay
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ya missed sum'in luv
just find ur post number if u are interested in the objective verdict.
not my fault u cant mass reply in these threads anymore
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Ain't nobody that can match my hunter!
I'm claiming this thread and placing you under the protection of the West Pokke Highschool 'Rexes

You've got a tough face, I'll let you be my right hand man
Teme... You think I'm small huh?!
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I need to upgrade from my 3070
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>female character
>maximum muscle definition
>voice 5 (male)
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The game runs poorly and looks blurry on Series X. Visually it gets mogged by DD2.
Based HH enjoyer.
But you did it right on the only reply meant for me. Thank you
generic doll
blue gay
I started with hh too, it sucks even more than world one, and cuck circle being on the dodge button triggers roll 80% of time
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I have a harder time controlling the direction of my attacks with the horn in this game.
The game is kinda choppy and the textures are awful, I also hate the forced story shit. Overall I got a weird impression from that beta. Game probably need at least 6 more months of polish.
Im glad they did this beta because I was ocnsidering buying this shit before. But it's janky with horrible UI and confusing controls. Will not buy.
here's the melanin enjoyer I made
You guys suck at making hot female characters but somehow you're all good at making middle age scarred men
Snuffelumpagus or whatever the weird new Snorlax-Rajang monster's name is is hard.
Very nice
I think that's a combat design problem overall, the whole gameplay is far less committed. Even Charge Blade feels floaty and non committal in both forms, you accidentally dodge like 90% of monster attacks somehow.
Would colonize
never played monster hunter, whats a good entry point for PC?
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Not gonna lie, it feels like more of the parts of world I fucking hated. I might still buy it because its more monster hunter but damn
4U on Citra.
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I think I still need to adjust some parts around the mouth or jaw, but here's what I got so far.
Not playing a monster hunter game with no monster hunter language option.
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>CB should always be morphing or you're gay. It's a fluid and reactive weapon type where you don't stay in one form for too long

To butt in, you are changing forms to get access to CB's guardpoints, not because you're trying to use axe form as equally as sword form since that is stupid. You lose a lot of mobility and defensive options to get higher damage, but the attacks themselves are also relatively slow.

>Blocking is pointless as CB

Normal blocking is great against fast unreactable attacks. Sure, ideally you'd position your way out of everything, but between chip damage or risking a dodge because you couldn't position yourself in time, the chip damage from blocking is better. Usually you don't have time to punish either but its a great safety option. All of this of course depends on your strength of block and if you have high enough Guard, you can just lazily block a lot of stuff
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my hunter wife
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chances crackers will take this beta to overwrite and bypass denuvo on release?
>when I block when in sword mode it changes me into an axe counter, even when I don't want to
is auto counter a new mechanic or are you mashing

>short hair

>desert tribe with big nose
I just thought the short hair fit her face better.
You're clueless.
Why you gotta be racist bro?
I don't like when it clips with armour, so it's either high ponytails or short hair for me.
Shitposting aside. I'm not really feeling it. There's a serious lack of polish and I'm not sure what direction they're trying to to towards. Feels like an identity crisis where it tries to be too many things at the same time.
>take niche series with a dedicated autistic fanbase
>try to appeal to the widest audience possible with World while still trying not to alienate core fans
>smell normalfags money and double down even harder on normalfags features in the sequel
No way
You're right.
The beta for world was far more polished.
i truly hope this flops for the sake of MH
Really? I think the game is much more fluid than world at least with gunlance the added mobility and repositioning options the game allows for constant pressure where in world you had to constantly wait for the monster to finish it's attacks before taking your turn. I really enjoy this aggressive approach.
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Russian audio while i larp
In progress. I'll give her freckles because black girls with freckles are my kyptonite
her pubes are white
>Feels like an identity crisis where it tries to be too many things at the same time.
That's exactly how it feels
anon settings please!
runs like arse, looks like arse.

Fun as hell with hunting horn still and i can have my SNS as a backup.

I hope Capcom fixes all the shit attached to it.
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>not because you're trying to use axe form as equally as sword form since that is stupid.
You misunderstand. I'm saying you should be constantly switching between forms for combos so that you're always attacking, not to hold the weapon in Axe mode and dodge around or simply spam SAED on confirmed hit times. If you watch a speedrun video it's usually just something like pizza cutter spam for example, but that's not really a fun way to play even if statistically it's a better (faster) kill.

>Normal blocking is great against fast unreactable attacks.
It's fine to have as a panic button, but it's a significantly weaker block rating then GP and offers less follow ups. The point is that GP is what you should be aiming to use. it's akin to SnS/GS blocks and Superman dives. Be aware of it, but don't factor it into how you play. The goal is always to not be in that situation in the first place.
Standard white guy MC a decade ago
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forgot my stupid image. I really wish there was a dutch braid to bun/crown hair.
Can we craft things or is it not included?
>ti Super
niggas running sli on the same gpu
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r8 pls
Old aunt/10
>much more fluid
It genuiy feels choppier while the textures somehow look worse. I really hope they can polish it more.
cheekbone and jawline too pronounced
i like it man. looks like Mordor or something
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this game is so..brown, i think i'll make the whitest monster hunter bimbo possible. the game seems to want you to run upscaling /frame gen to reach over 100 fps, but it just looks so bad. i turned it off and imp at around 60. but my pc is good. i hope it;s just a beta optimization issue.
I hate this era of games so much, are devs fucking blind?
Even at native res it still looks like shit
Faggot ass shill thread

Broken, disgusting game. Same exact shilling strategy as DD2
>>take niche series with a dedicated autistic fanbase
P3rd sold 6 million copies in Japan.
I love looking at /v/'s custom characters in games. It's like you guys have genuinely never seen a real woman and only have anime girls as a frame of reference.
These are the only two that look like they didn't try to make little squash-faced retards
are any of you actually able to play the game at min specs?
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>Looks ok
>It's like you guys have genuinely never seen a real woman
>is that an asian face?
>noooo it's anime!!!!!
Greatsword kind of works but everything else handles like giga shit
Please tell me somebody figured out something since last night to make this run slightly less shitty. There has to be some magic trick
Disable frame generation and super resolution, it's shit. Set the framerate to 60 capped and up the resolution rendering to whatever allows you to stay at 60, also disable silly shit like motion blur.
Just alt f4'd because of this, what were they thinking...
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Much thanks. I agree.
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Chad Gaming
I think she turned fine
I hate the HUD and especially the health bar.
How are you failing this hard everything handles great except SNS
I deserve a 4 foot tall Filipino bride to make mentally unstable hapa children with
so can I import my character sliders from DD2 so I don't have to make a new character again?
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The game looks blurry even at 1440p native and motion blur off.
Damn, very nice
SnS is great though, adept guard and charged chop are great additions
also removing the third triangle hit makes the weapon feel amazing to play
The combat feels floaty as fuck and not nearly as satisfying as MHWorld or the older games but i really like the Wilds gunlance, it looks OP and fun as fuck.
That's considered niche compared to the normalfags chasing that 5th gen pulled off in the West
Asian women do tend to look a lot like anime girls, just with chink eyes and ugly noses and teeth
Rise was also floaty and slippery as fuck. I assume Wilds is using the same code, physics and assets, being on the same engine
SnS is one of the worst feeling weapons what is this shill garbage that disgusting strafe attack is unbelievably bad
Can I reuse my Dragon's Dogma 2 sliders to replicate the same character in MHW(ilds)?
easy on the caked on eyelashes
No, demo creator is very limited, you can't even use fun skin colors
>that disgusting strafe attack is unbelievably bad
lol what? that move let's you attack while repositioning instead of stopping your combo every single time or rolling to change places
you're shit at the game
The wonders of unreal engine 5. It causes motion blur by itself. I haven't seen any UE5 game without this problem.
Alright thanks!
What is this chatGPT shit
>Most weapons feel off somehow
>Bow actually plays like it used to
>It also gets its new Magick Archer tracers
>Ends up the undisputed best weapon in the beta
I wonder how much of that comes down to muscle memory since Bow main didn't need to completely relearn their weapon to use it effectively.
I have completely forgotten how to play long sword
Why does society make pretty girls hunt monsters
oh don’t worry the game feels like shit, just hold focus mode and build meter -> spend meter
>pretending to be retarded
lol ok then faglord
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Too bad you can't save the character on a slot yet, and you can only have one character for the demo.
didn't ask for your seethe
What? dude, capcom doesnt use UE5, MH Wilds is made on RE engine.
SnS is fun
They removed rising slash and added some slide garbage, they removed spiral slash and added some slide garbage, SnS more like slip n slide why is homie sliding everywhere
>muscle memory
every single game since FU changed something about the moveset
faggot worldbabs think a change in combo route ruins the weapon or something but don't know crap like SAED being an easily accessed move made CB in that game the most braindead version in the series
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veilguard character creator is so fucking better. both games are equally woke and in wilds all you get to adjust is your physique that contains all the good stuff in 1. you need to make your fem character swole as fuck in order for her to have tits. what's extra funny is that veilguard at least has M/F selection whereas in wilds that concept simply doesn't exist. you go by preset LMAO
10/10 cutie
To nobody's surprise the shit eaters at /v/ happily gobble up the newest crapkek slop. You are the reason the games are shit
Annnd there’s a pajeet shill to run damage control for wilds nuking every weapon except gunners and GS
our wife
made me laugh like a retard
kill yourself worldbab kek
>pc too shit to play
>decide to seethe and throw shit everywhere instead of getting a job
many such cases
Reminder if you're a man and LARP as a woman in a video game you're a tranny in training and gay
>spiral slash
what does the dual blades wirebug skill have to do with sns?
How do I turn off hard lock on, seriously. This is annoying me so much.
have you tried opening the menu you retard
It was apparent since Souls slop got popular here.
That was when videogames truly fell
I'm trying to look for them too but no dice
I will not play a MH game without the top button being normal attack and the right button being secondary attack
Why are you confusing an SnS attack from world worth a silkbind on a different weapon? If someone is talking about GS and they say draw slash do you think they randomly are referring to a CB draw slash?
What’s with the basic controls?
>literally no option to do so
>just open le menu loooool
When you fill out the survey, remember to tell to put the fucking D-pad camera back in. We already have Hold Interact and a Radial Action for calling the Seikret. We don't need to devote THE ENTIRE D-PAD to it when it does literally nothing else when you're not riding it.
I had to use another playstation controller I had. Hopefully it's just the beta missing features.
The huntress outfits are really hot in this game it's taking me some effort not to just jerk off.
a draw slash is common in all weapons retard
and "spiral slash" isn't a move in monster hunter world
It's in the settings somewhere as Lock-On Type. Switch from Focus Camera (target stays in view) to Target Camera (the camera centers toward the target)
>consolekek pretending that silky smooth 20 fps on upscaled and blurry 720p is something le good
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Steam controller layout
For some reason they have it as the snoy's buttons there but what I did was pic related then change the button layout ingame to the Switch's.
kek i'd spoonfeed you if you weren't such a mouthbreathing nigger
Okay thanks, that makes a lot of sense.
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Deferred rendering and it's consequences have been a disaster for the human race
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That's a Steam system setting, especially if it's doing that for every game. Go to Settings and under Controller make sure this setting is turned off. It'll then properly match the position of the buttons. There is an ingame option to swap the confirm button from X to O, as well, which will set it to Nintendo's A.
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Man, these breast sizes are just sad.
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Gato sexo, or no?
>tfw no emo haircut this time
BAHAHAHAHAHA capkeks aren’t sending their best pajeets

Spiral slash is in world as a sword and shield and part of the infinite combo, anyone who played the game knows this
I wish the abs were more defined
Actually I ended up looking into the Steam community controller layouts and there were a bunch for NS Pro controllers
The first one I tried worked perfectly
man i spent ages on this shit and it looks like ass in-game
I run it in 4k >>693441021 >>693457636
And game is pretty bad, outside of pretty visuals
>spending time building a character's face that you will never see in game
what the actual fuck did he mean by this, shill posting is hella deranged
>seikret 2 feet away
Incredible work Capcom
I'd be okay with dogshit optimization if the game even tried to look good, but this game is visual anal leakage
there's no such thing as a move called "spiral slash" in world lmao
if you're talking about the side triangle attack then that move doesn't have a name fucking retard
also that move wasn't even a thing before world, and it was crap, base game world was backhop spam, iceborne was PR spam
kill yourself brown mongoloid
Man I guess I somehow glitched the character creator last night because now one of the face paints I set is completely different and I can't recreate what I had.
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These monsters are not a big deal. We can handle them.
Hammer feels so fucking good bros, I wont ever use the weapon swap feature
>Cant prove me wrong
I accept your concession


Faggot PAJEET! cant fucking shill to save his life
The game just doesn't look great in general unfortunately
There is a hide helmet option, anon
uh oh pajeet melty
what drives a man to be this brown and retarded
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His fists
For those with the big ass 4090s and such, are the visuals salvageable or is it still a blurry mess even when maxed?
Notice how the only “person” defending wilds SnS has no idea about basic moves from the previous game
talk to me again when you find the word spiral slash in game you brown mongoloid LMAO
why are you brown
you've never played MH before
go try spamming your precious "spiral slash" in FU, 3U, 4U, GU
>No argument
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I think I'm going to use Bow
Indians really deny reality forever must be ingrained from the caste system they have to argue they are the brahmin sar or some shit
post skin pajeet
Looks fine on my 7900xtx, 1440p native.
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There’s been zero positive wilds posts since ranjesh here has been arguing spiral slash doesn’t exist in world
>can't post his skin
it's over
it was all projection
Never liked bow much, but seeing that stinger missile move is making me consider it
they aren’t beating the allegations that’s for sure
I have the least chance of understanding russian, so I'd pick that considering monhun lamguage is not available.
where is the hunter gibberish language?
I'm so happy they brought the sliding attack back
Please tell me the drilling stab on SnS survived. Please. Please.
i'm new to MH, what weapon kills monsters the fastest?
No but that slide switch skill no one used did, enjoy
Use whatever you want and enable this feature in times of need. Don't bend to some youtuber faggotry meta. Shitty game design is inexcusable but at least you can work around it.
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lots of looney troons big mad about Wilds
the one that isn't fun to play
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it's not on the switch

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