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Savoring the risk with Doctor
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Fuck goblins btw
Disgusting little things are way too powerful
Etrian Odyssey
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Making sure Lana never regains her self-esteem and will to live
>t. gobbed
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So did anyone figured it out how to change alignment yet?
Yekaterina's smile is powerful.
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it sure is
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Is the helm of malice worth it? Also why are there 3 versions
Probably not
There's multiple copies for strengthening
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give her a proper bath you poorfag!
You'll probably want it whenever there is a dungeon floor or boss with instant kill skills.
Not required, but surely it'll help a lot.
Someone brought it to mauso and said it did jack shit to stop instakills which has been my experience with other "tolerance" gear
Who knows
you can either use them all in a single helmet, or keep 3 for whatever masochistic dungeon they'll throw at us at some point in the future.
i just conquered goblin goon cave
Good job!
Subjugate the gobbos.
>just cleared the true final boss of waterways
it was very kino and I overall liked the 2nd dungeon as much as the first one
b6f until the arena was kind of a slog but it was very neat once you started looping
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good job, anon
I'm still at my first loop but I'm really enjoying the dungeon so far
So unifying weapons unlocks their enchantments, but then you have to enhance them to +5 for example to unlock the first tier? Am I fucking understanding this?!! Reply if correct.
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knowing how these games go, I fully expect that in the future more discoveries will turn out that VIT was actually very important all along, and you bricked yourself by following early impressions from people too used to gachaslop. And then suddenly DEX will be important, or another stat, and on and on.
its just 5~10 points of stats
you will never be bricked unless you put them all into speed which is a dogshit stat to completely invest into
I just put all points into a characters highest starting stat.
My theory is that VIT plays a part in how fast the revive circle goes when reviving a character. Or maybe it’s Luck.
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all japanese comments in the wiki I read lately state that speed it's actually the way to go lmao. I trust their autism way more than the one from this site
This game has the story and character interactions I wish Dark Souls had.
I kinda liked this game but I'm terminally allergic to English dubs in anime games. Let me know when they let you have Japanese voices along with the English text.
Surely speed only affects turn order speed. What do the Japanese know
What lvl are and what lvl is your gear?

I have to beat the mimic on bf5 first dungeon and it's too much of a dmg sponge
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In the year that ZZZ and (slop like) Wuwa released, this is the gacha game of the year, quite easily. Even with all the bugs and bricks, even with not being able to pick the JP audio, this game triumphs thanks to it's gameplay and mood. It's influence will be felt in the DRPG genre for decades.
Wuwa and ZZZ are the best action games of the year though.
>Its influence will be felt in the DRPG genre for decades

What do you base that on
I was expecting it to crash and burn like WizOn but looks like they hit on something pretty nice
A shame bugfixing has delayed the schedule, really curious to see next banner
I was lvl45, upgraded weapons to +10 and armor to +5
>mimic hp sponge
You can kill the mimic in 3 hits even at lvl30, try defending
What level were you?
I can’t believe the goblins raped my whole squad. Why did the devs implement this?
Based on having never played Etrian Odyssey
>get first turn to rape and lock down enemies
>do 10 more damage if you dont get killed by enemies who get first turn
gee i wonder which i'd pick
I actually think that’s a good point to bring up, because most people here who are praising the game, myself included, aren’t super familiar with the subgenre.

The game is doing something right, but it’s gonna take a few more months for the essays here to come about.
lads when is this coming to pc
t. goblin who is about to get katino'd permanently
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Once they fix all the bugs
I think Nexus was kinda underwhelming, so 3
>most people here who are praising the game, myself included, aren’t super familiar with the subgenre.

That's been very obvious to the rest of us.
>enemy is faster than you

gg speedlet
never said that. i put all bonus points on speed and it was the right choice
I wonder wheres the guy who keeps posting the obligatory nigger in every gacha thread lmao. I rarely saw him in wizardry thread.
December, on steam
I usually hate anime artstyles in games but for some reason this really appeals to me. I think its the lighting. The lighting looks very.... western MMO-ish
what? does this game has relationship events with your party??? how do i get them? i have been enjoying it so far and i in the second level, but was pretty dissapointed it didnt have any event with your party besides fighting
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What? You DO know that Etrian is the most popular game of the genre for several years now? It's mainstream. Literally anyone talking about DRPG's either know it or have played it.

Knowing the genre, fairly obviously having played Etrian games AND past Wizardry games, Might&Magic, Megatens, etc, etc; it's because one has played ALL of these games that they can say this is among the best ones, straight up to the top. It's being praised this way not only by veterans in this site, but by japanese publications were they treat gacha gaming as actual gaming unlike the western sphere.
The ones saying that Etrian is in any way shape or form better than Daphne right now? Aren't playing it or are in straight up denial. There an abysm of quality in the way the represent the fights and your teammates compared to Etrian games, and YES, that IS important, and the whole reason why it has elevated the genre. The whole reason why, at this point? It has sold more than any Etrian game in the past. In just 2 weeks it made >5 million dollars, and all that money will go into making the game even better, even bigger, even more feature rich, with more classes, races, music, dungeons and gameplay. This last part is why the gacha model was the best thing it could happen to this game and genre; it'll be x100 times more updated than if it was standalone.
>Based on having never played Etrian Odyssey
Don't pretend like it wouldn't be rad as hell if EO:Next takes after Daphne a bunch in terms of presentation or even party relations.
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I bounced off EO games several times, it's just so damn boring and I didn't care about the world or characters any of the times.
Enjoying this game and liked TotFL, guess animu png blobbers just don't do it for me. Hell even Llylgamn Saga was aesthetically pleasing enough to finish it.
>cool knight
>it's general rarity
>looks cooler than any legendary fighter
Unifying weapons just limit breaks their maximum enhancement.
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>actually interesting looking modern game
>its goychaslop
Probably in another 7 months.
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>what? does this game has relationship events with your party???
Yes. And it affects how they respond to or react to you.
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I didn't even know he existed until I had been playing for a few days
I'll level him up for dispatches at least
It’s some Indonesian guy who spend 14000 on Genshin rolls and got kicked out of his parents house for debit card fraud.

So now he prowls gacha threads.
which one you played, I only played EO4 and 5 and they were really good
4 is consistently good but 5 kinda gets samey at some point
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For me it's Clarissa. Because I'm heterosexually biased.
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I hope you played EO3. Because it's soulful as hell. And does a really good job with its city, seafaring adventures, and how it ties it all into the dungeon.
Best introduction to EO. And strongest early game hook.
It’s the lighting and the color schemes.

It’s still Japanese, you can compare it to Berserk and Demons Souls and get an eye for the same colours used, but the Daphne team used more of the original Wizardry media as a reference, which means a bit more of that 80s D&D colour theming.
how do i access them?
Really an indonesian? I mean, its normal for chink or pinoy to do that but an indonesian? Kek.
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it's just tavern/campfire "events"
but it does change a lot of their voicelines and expressions as you improve your standing with them
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the creature/monster design was made by the legendary Katsura Terada, a guy that may as well be a fine artist than just an illustrator. He is so fucking good; look up his work outside this game and kneel at it's splendor.
>There an abysm of quality in the way the represent the fights and your teammates compared to Etrian games

It’s weird, because mechanically, Daphne is not much different from say SMT3.
Compared to stuff like Skelter and Etrian though, I’m guessing a large portion of players just won’t touch a game with static sprites on screen.

It’ll be very interesting to see where this game goes. It reminds me a lot of Demon Souls situation, this niche thing that came in the back of older archaic titles (Kings Field) and upped the presentation to such a point for normal consumption, just like Daphne.
When returning to town, chances are a party member will invite you to the tavern. If so, go to the tavern.
When camping at an in-dungeon fountain. chances are one or several party members are up to converse. If so, do so before resting.

Longer dungeon crawls appear to raise the chances. But frankly we don't quite know the underlying mechanics behind affection.
But a bunch of small stuff appear to matter. Like party formations. Alignments. And probably even buffs or item use or such.

Anyhow. As the affection raises it'll start affecting how they react and speak. And you'll even unlock additional pages for their biography on their stat-screen. So you'll have to max their affection to unlock their full story.
>Like party formations. Alignments. And probably even buffs or item use or such.
whats your party formation? is it all good, mixed? i have tried a few different formations but nothing ever happens, they just shit talk each other after every fight
This is the Fire Emblem Awakening of DRPGs. Seems popular, and has probably brought in new fans, but its hardly doing anything influential.
Not that anon. But I'd second basically your entire post.
That said, I would like to point to the Curse Wheel mechanic.

While not explicitly novel in itself, it's not as if there aren't plenty of videogames with time travel. Even in-depth time travel.
But I would make the claim that the time travel of the Cursed Wheel actually suits something like a DRPG really well. Yeah sure, there might not be a ton of different dungeons or total floors in Daphne as is. But the Cursed Wheel has been really excellent in maximizing the value of the content that actually exists. Without it feeling particularly bloated or cheap. Or so I'd claim.
Chinks doesn't know how to do atmospheric, wuwa is lameass cringe chink fagtasy shit and ZZZ is just cringe
>But the Cursed Wheel has been really excellent in maximizing the value of the content that actually exists
I agree, I would say that its a much better implemented Radiant Historia cause/effect progression even
Good lord that progression to a wink
whats stopping you from having 3 mages backline, anons?
It's got 2 good, 2 neutral, and 2 evil.
With 2 good and 1 netural in front. And 2 evil and 1 netrual in back.

But I've also got my (good alignment) MC in the top left corner. And my (evil alignment) thief in the bottom right corner. And they never once had an event together ever, from the start of the game, until earlier today after I finally swappped the formation so that we ended up directly in-front of and behind each other.
>characters stop you before traps of affection is high enough

What? How do you increase affection?
The ghost asked me go try several on some corpses but then they disappeared and I couldn't. Is that what's supposed to happen?
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Project Gotham Racing is atmospheric though, WuWa was just a horrendous mistake in general caused by kuro's incessant hoyochasing
need thief for chests. and priest for undead instakill. i did run 2 mages instead of priest for the first 5 floors though.
I'm waiting for the perfect 10 point mage
It's alignment locked and seemingly influenced by formation. I think front liners gain more affection than back liners, I think you can slightly change your alignment throughout the game through choices and dialogue options.
This game does feel Fire Emblem Awakening like to me in the way you said and the models remind me of it too. Hopefully more dungeon crawlers will invest slightly more in appearances and have party members visually clobber enemies.
Goddamn this nigga did all the original stuff for Zelda 1 and 2.

I feel like the Wiz Daphne team pulled out all the exact people they wanted to work on the game, just these real niche artists and audio people.
Disappeared as in bug? Try restarting your client.
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Terada did bussin' so it wasn't a real stretch to pick him for this
this is false, i havent had a single affection event with my thief(who is a evil elf bitch) and she stopped me from falling into traps multiple times, you just need to have her meet the required skill level
Idk where they went after she asked me to
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the fact that they go as far as destroy your requests timers, your quests themselves, they dare to break anything and everything because it IS time traveling is bold, it's hardcore, it's daring. They don't give a fuck about QoL, this is a Wizardry game, it's an oldschool level of punishment. And this sentiment is everywhere in the game; in the way of the gold value, etc, etc.
Being this way in any modern western game is breaking their bible of videogame design, of the simplication of anything that may bother the player. Here they throw everything out of the window, it's a return to roots. Of pen and paper. Quests won't give you marker, you can't even find quests since so many are hidden, and the requirements to trigger them are obtuse. The billion little systems in the game itself are esoteric, giving it a feel of it all being... WIZARDRY.

Bravo devs.

The legend.
>oh it looks cool
>gacha game
Nah, I am not going to download this. I am already playing Nikke and I know very well how it ends when you start stacking gachashit
I think it affects their voiceline and expression as they do save you from traps.
If they dislike you they'll be genuinely annoyed having to stop you from walking straight into spikes. But they'll be more forgiving or genuinely concerned if they actually like you.
Is this a mixed toilet?
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You could download it and try it as if it wasn't a gacha game.
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he isn't just "the guy that did Zelda" holy shit, that is such a minuscule point of his career.
but yeah, vidya wise, he has done work that you surely have seen if you love art; like the super famicom cover of Prince of Persia
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Why did she ask me to bring people back to life and then that leads nowhere
She wanted to see a cool party trick.
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because she's curious
plus that's the good thing to do
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>has more soul then modern games
you love to see it.
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Yeah but you’d still rather play Awakening than Sacred Stones.
Sometimes, polish is a big factor.
Is this the mobile game I keep seeing in advertisements?
How did a mobile game catch on on /v/?
what? where?
I've been playing a lot of android games recently, they make you watch ads for in-game benefits and I see this Wizardry Variants Daphne game a lot
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>Body retrieval request
>Just be wary of rabbits
>See rabbit, should be easy
>Fuckers chopped me for half HP per attack
>Manage to beat them retrieve the first body
>Frantically going through the dungeon looking for the next body before they get snatched
>See the fucking rabbit again, this time with Hobgoblins
>Rabbit hits for half. Hobgoblins fucking oneshots you
>Won the battle barely any HP left
>Body gets snatched in front of you
Yep fuck this, I'm going home in shame with one corpse and reduced gold.
Her voice is an acquired taste desu
There’s side stories tied to them, occasionally check the request board
Huh. Didn't think they had the budget or the will to advertise out here.
In any case it's a solid dungeon crawler with pretty easy to ignore gacha. I wouldn't say it's caught on here exactly.
This artist just doesn't fucking miss.
Also fairies when?
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You didn't let Gary die did you?
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>new biography entry
What the FUCK, this is the first I’ve heard of it, this game really like hiding shit from you lol
Whoa who’s coldsteel on the left?
I saw it here first, but then I started to see shorts on YT and full blown ads on Insta, thank god too cause I completely forgot about asking for its name
kek I just noticed O GOD hiding there
they modeled his fuckin SACK
>that its a much better implemented Radiant Historia cause/effect progression even

What IS this game where people are bringing up Radiant Historia and Vagrant Story and Demon’s Souls in this thread? People are honestly comparing this to some of the best RPGs ever made
Gary has huge balls, figuratively and literally.
Desperate marketers, it's by and large an average DRPG.

Holy shit, I’d forgotten what actual games journalism was like, and that is a sponsored article. Great read.
Try playing it beyond the tutorial, you'll get why I brought up Radiant Historia
>beat 2nd loop Helmut
>But three of my party members died
>Costs 14000 in total to get them all back

A pyrrhic victory...
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What's this I hear about having bricked myself not dogpiling all of my bonus points into speed
statbricking is a meme, natural stat growths dwarf everything and your gear matters 100 times more eitherway
I didn't realize that the OST was composed by Basiscape (Hitoshi Sakimoto) at first, and there is a lot of dungeenering, so there is your Vagrant Story comparison.
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sucks that gerulf cant use 2 handed swords
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give that to me fucker
Who is this even good for?
I don’t think the story is getting enough credit in this game.

There’s enough mystery boxes that you’re always invested to push on in the story.
>Who’s Lulu
>Whos the MC
>Whats the Abyss
>what’s the reviving power
>Whos the abyss wizard
>What about the other kingdoms
>where’s the king
>what are the troops hiding

I’m a few hours in and there’s already enough intrigue to keep me invested.
this is basically bis for any fighter units for the 2nd dungeon
where do u get it
I’m gonna say it. This is better than Metaphor.
I feel like Metaphor is dropping off the map pretty quickly.
its a random drop that has random grades with random bonus stats
Just get to the rewind time shit

He can though, his inherit skill is a mistranslation anything 2hand is good, the 1hand guy is the banner guy
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>my dogshit huawei phone from 2018 can't run this game so I can't play
bros... I don't feel so good...
>he's finally here
we made it bros...
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damn should i job switch my lana
you can make her a dodge counter tank after she learns both classes' skills so why not
Post pics on what she looks like after, I haven’t seen a single job switch yet
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she becomes a little boy, which is awesome
Ok this is lit, I’m sold
Any femboys in this?
cute i wonder if her wanderer skin gets another skin as well i guess ill try it and post results
How do you guys do your pulls? All in or one by one? And does the timing of the reversal affect quality?
this guy is a homosexual posting about daphne here and there:
look up if there is anything there you like
all is cool homobro
My game hangs on a black screen everytime it tries to leave the main screen.

I have a OnePlus 10T, so im sure it xan handle the game
>gushes all over the elf priest
I knew it. Surprised he’s not talking about the elf mage, is that one more for hags?
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which banner is worth to roll on? I already have all the basic legendary fuckers, tho I'd like a copy of Yekaterina
Its an elite goat. Its stronger than normal and the fighters guild will like it if you kill it
Theyre watching you wherever you are
just emulate it
I might wait for the steam release, but seems that will take a while
>all these time loop hints

Didn’t think the story would go that direction.
wanderer does not change skins
Steam client when
Why couldn't they just release a video game
This is essentially a reboot. Long term investment needed to be established before making more Wizardry games.
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>spend 14000 on Genshin rolls
Who knows. Mobile games have a weird relationship with releasing on PC.
Is this game running in Unity? I’m surprised people haven’t decompiled it if that’s the case and rummaged through everything.
cant i am on win7
What did you name your main character? I went with “Elon Mask”.
that sound gay
How do I raise my level cap for characters that didn't participate in the exams, I can't retake it for other characters
Why are there all these doors that lead to an empty storage room in the abyss
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There's a wizardry gacha? It any good?
It’s not bad so far.
I like it. Though I'm honestly not sure why they included permadeath if it's only really a feature if you fuck up tremendously, but I can see more than a few people accidentally killing a character they whaled for. Probably be some drama eventually.
But you can?
Everyone needs to beat the Grade Up exams to unlock the next level cap
Wtf it doesn't show up
The exam passes everyone you brought who is still alive after the boss battle. After that, you need to have the appropriate guild tag for EACH party member to rank them up.
I have a OnePlus 12 and the latest update broke the game for me. It just opens to a black screen.
In the Training Room of each character should appear the Take the Exam icon
Also in the Capital there should be the quest available
Are you trying to take the Lead Exam?
Did they fix the black screens?
heavily encrypted; it was made with government funds, extra security protocols are in
it's more than good; it had nips kneeling over it's quality
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I can't even play the game for some reason. After a few line of dialogues, the game takes forever to load the next few lines, and whenever I go in or out of a dungeon, the game keep crashing. Shame, I'm really interest in trying out the game.
where are you playing it anon? It works really well in bluestacks.
On my phone, haven't try emulation yet because I might as well wait for the PC port at that point.
you'll be missing out on the free 5 star you get from your first week of login. A big chunk of the players in /vg/ play on bluestacks; come and join us as we learn the game since it's first month will always be the best since everyone is blind. People are starting to do a lot of art, so it's a very exciting time.
You'll be missing out, anon
Emulator is good enough for now
Change your phone language to english
>Emulator is good enough for now
no working for me
Space problem maybe? It asks for 5GB and more off the bat. Other than that the only other issue I know about is that the system language must be set to English.
you need to set up different parameters for it to work, they can help you in the vg thread as right now I don't remember them; just that you gotta be in vulcan, 8 cores and the best phone ID (Rog or something)
cant even install this shit
>named anime girls
is this gacha?
I just told you the reasons anon, your bluestack config have to be improved, change it and restart
cant even install blueshit
You guys do realize that EO6 is gonna BTFO Daphne's presentation now that they're not locked to handheld systems right?
>it was the phone language issue
Okay, that's dumb. Thanks, anons.
What the hell is EO6?
This is a gacha, right?
Gary had some fuckin' balls.
You can't save him. Don't lie
My hopes and dreams. Although tbf, I'm sure Atlus has been paying attention to Daphne. It's the first DRPG with such immaculate presentation.
They'll definitely be wanting to do it better.
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>My hopes and dreams.
She looks ready to die
what do you guys do with your legendary dupes?
Inherit to MC or discipline
>BTFO Daphne's presentation now that they're not locked to handheld systems
I don't think anyone has drawn cooler evil wizards.
Saving them for now
is there a limit to how many skills a character can inherit?
>he doesn't know
Should be 14 for passives and 6 for actives
I thought the 3DS games looked generally nice and I don't dislike Fatlus, but I don't think that's happening. Part of the reason being because the way the presentation is handled is likely more difficult or more expensive with a party you're meant to customize instead of a party with pre-made characters.
>muh soulful
Meaningless buzzword when you don't have anything concrete to praise the game. No thanks. I'll just stick with WVD.
for some reason I could never get into any of the EOs
but Daphne has the right atmosphere/combat loop/style for me

Usually both the Chinese and Korean developers tend to release many of their mobile games also on PC, especially Chinese companies like Netease(many of their Battle Royales) and Mihoyo(Genshin, Star Rail, ZZZ) and Kuro(Wuthering Waves and Punishing Gray Raven).

Japanese tend to release for only consoles and later port to PC while developing separate games solely for Mobile. Although Kemco makes a lot of games for consoles and mobile.
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That's because Atlus took the easy lazy way with pic related. WVD feels so soulful in comparison because the dev actually cares to animate, characterize, and develop your party members that they feel like real characters instead of static pngs that only appear in battle.
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>we're too lazy to add cooking
>we're too lazy to expand on camping
>we're too lazy to add party banters and relationship
>we're too lazy to add expressive portraits
>so just use your imagination bro!
>that would be 60 burger bucks, you're welcome
>it made >5 million dollars, and all that money will go into making the game even better
Lmao, stopped reading there
Full dump into speed every time. Going before the enemy will ALWAYS be useful, and if the devs do something retarded like make an arena/PVP mode, you’re going to want to go before your opponent shuts you down with broken, power creep crowd control abilities.

Some of the microtransactions go up to nearly a hundred dollars, so yeah.

$99.99 for a pack of 5120 purple gems and 1280 Green gems.

$54.99 for Unique Remains which is 20 Legendary Bones for reversals/pulls.

$1.59 for a small pack of miscellaneous items like healing potions and some gems.
I'm probably going to wait for steam, but if I did make a bluestacks account would it transfer to steam? Or are they locked in some way. I don't play mobile shit.

On another note I'm playing through wizardry 2024 remake right now and it's fantastic. I hope this company does the whole series.
>dying in 2 hits to a goblin
>still in the first dungeon
Am I bricked
>What do you base that on
everyone is gonna copy the first-person POV perspective that makes blobbing actually feel immersive and like (You) are actually right there among a party exploring the dungeon. Stuff like the post-battle animations, characters turning to look at you and make eye contact before using skills, the tavern events, etc. is gonna be (rightfully) copied by anyone with a brain.
>My hopes and dreams
You're supposed to leave them at the entrance of the dungeon
>no dual audio


Video where a YouTuber had an interview with the music composer for the remake. She was the same woman who composed music for God of War and Assassin's Creed games after her job making music for a radio show that did radio adaptations of sci fi and maybe horror literature stories.
>Yeah but you’d still rather play Awakening than Sacred Stones.
daphne btfo the remake by long margins; specially in the art and music departments were the nips invested in some of their best talent for it
pretty wild how fast /v/ pivoted from "bro can't imagine an apple lmao" to "holy shit i love the way this revolutionary phone game looks"
It's literally as easy as releasing a good game on something. Phone gaming for the last decade or so have been a billion gacha games that all copy the 0.1% that's successful and either grow or die like it's the primeval soup at turbo speed, or shit like the RE7 port that no one asked for or wanted.
What Wizardry?
Which Floor?
Are you still lvl1?
Goblin rape cave?
the phone gacha one
Why is there a dude crying about EO in every wiz daphne thread here?
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She likes it when you drink milk.
Metaphor is just persona without the name persona. And the name is 90% of the popularity of persona. It could have been the greatest game in the universe and it would still have been forgotten in a week.
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I've always wanted the "first person with your teammates by your side" perspective in a drpg
this is a dream cone true and should have been the standard ages ago but these games are nieche nowadays and are meant to be cheap as fuck to develop so we never got it
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I just started. How to build fighter/mc? Are they just everything in to strength, or do I need other stats too?
Party building and combat is so fucking boring in this game compared to EO. Shame because the atmosphere is great but the whole time I play it all i can think about is how unengaging it is compared to EO
Wait, the character designer is the no more heroes, fire emblem guy? No wonder I liked the aesthetic
put some points into speed, you're gonna wanna be faster than a fucking killer rabbit
Etriean Oddysey 6. Maybe it would be 7, actually, depending on how they count Nexus.
I don't believe EO's gonna top this game's presentation though. Because this game's presentation is about as good as it gets, so best case would just be copying it wholesale.
Buy MP potions from the cash store and pull maybe $200 of gacha so you get a few SSR dupes and then buy some of the one-of-a-kind weapons and armor from the gacha currency exchange with the tokens you get for pulling gacha. Now you’re set to crush all content easily
People are being really hyperbolic about the presentation of this game, yeah it's nice having 3d models but it's not the world changing breakthrough people seem to think it is

That said, I agree that if we get a new Etrian Odyssey it's going to have to follow suit
>wizardry gacha baby doesn't know what EO is

t. indonesian looking down on other SEA monkeys
>Radiant Historia
It's got a time travel quest divergence mechanic you unlock that's why.
I wish I could play it but I can't bypass the root detection at launch.
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EO and its contemporaries, give you dick all, not even crumbs to work with for that roleplay to kick in, I care about my party members about as much as I do when I'm playing Darkest Dungeon.
It's not just 3D models though, every one of them have personalities and different voicelines that change depending on your party alignment and relationship level and not to mention the interactions during exploration and off-dungeon. Seeing these guys actually eat and be tired and dirty goes a long way too.
>mage misses staff melee attack
>"I don't like exercise!"
>put an evil (self-centered) character in the middle of a mostly good/neutral party
>"Methinks I'm not well-liked in this party..."
>"I don't feel safe with any of you."
>the complaints for a shower after a long dungeon
>their death voice lines
>that one priest more concerned with money she asks how much gold it cost to revive her
This shit took a lot of effort to come up with, and that's just party members, NPCs got their own game going on too, different NPCs for other towns for example, other games wouldn't even bother switching the sprite or putting one on. It IS a breakthrough in the genre, most DRPGs are made to be cheap as shit, this one dares to break that mold by pumping money into it lol
Root detection on phones is the most retarded thing imaginable. Every Windows user has "root" detection. How would they protect their game against that? Why is it such a sin to have admin access to my phone?
As someone who fucking loves EO and played every single one of them, this game absolutely BTFOs EO at DRPG immersion, especially in combat.
I still think EO has better dungeon design thanks to FOEs being an amazing concept and the full party customization but I would love to see EO have animations and combat presented like Daphne.
first obsessed schizoposter?
>It's not just 3D models though
Yeaaaaaah it's still all just visual things that I don't care about. To me EO will continue to be the better games as long as new games continue to have difficult combat with classes that you can make a lot of different builds for and parties that synergize with each other. Personally it doesn't matter to me whether or not the loli says "good job" or not once the battles. In fact i turn off the voices for my party members in EO5 and I'm about to do the same thing in Wizardry
Immersion sure, but it's still shallow compared to EO unless you only compare it to the first two
Depending on the thread, one or more of:
>Falseflagging autism
"we've detected someone is admin on this computer therefore you can't play this game" would be stupid as hell
>but it's still shallow compared to EO
Most DRPGS are. This is one of the best alternatives though along with Dungeon Travelers 2.
I imagine Daphne will get more fleshed out over time as they add more classes and characters.
If this was a full DRPG and on the Switch or something with no gacha it'd be great. Mobile really holds it back
>Most DRPGS are
Ain't that the truth and it's a shame. Would love another developer to pick up the slack there
You can basically just play this as a normal game. It's designed like an actual DRPG with a tacked on gacha system instead of the other way around.
Not really. I've been playing it. It definitely feels like a mobile game.
That's fair, we want different things, I can respect that.
I can say that if this mobile game ends up giving us an actual Wizardry game on consoles later, I'd be all over it
That would be the dream, there is a decent momentum behind Wizardry with all the games and media for it right now so I'm definitely rooting for it. I hope someone gets inspired enough to start work on Busin 0 too.
I just downloaded the ps2 wizardry game. I know next to nothing about this series but the phone game got me interested.
Enjoy the Labyrinth of Duhan, anon. Don't get filtered by floor 2 boss
Pretty sure it's confirmed.
No clue about a release date though.
They talked about it last year but never mentioned it again.
What is this, quick rundown? Should i bother
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Dungeon Crawler
6 niggas in 2 rows
is there any scat? any newfag tips
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yeah, this one after getting blasted went on full "b-but i don't care about le graphics, I even turn all of them off!!!1"
pathetic desu
I said I turn off voice acting.
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Encounter design is way more thoughtful and immersive; detect not being reliable; enemies still spawning randomly AND being able to actually see them while your heartrate is beating when you sense them closer. It's masterful, it creates the atmosphere of delving in hellish scenarios. EO never could match this sense of horror.
People that has never played an eastern Wizardry just fully show off their ignorance about the game systems at every EO comparison; it's not even close, they are as similar as a Virtua Fighter to a Guilty Gear. Same genre, completely different approach to mechanics and visuals/atmosphere. EO is never as esoteric, mean, or mysterious as Wizardry. And this is something the nips KNOW, this is why this game has been so popular, it has even been topping the charts over god damn Genshin Impact. Holy shit, do you imagine? A DRPG being more played than goddamn GI on MOBILE? And not ever catering to the casualization of the RPG genre? It's unbelievable.
Read this *beautiful* 4gamer review of the game:
This is a videogame aimed at old school players. It got all the ojisans so excited, they keep showing off their Wizardry collections in twitter.
In reality Wizardry's influence has already been felt for decades. It and Ultima are the basis on which almost all JRPGs are created on
None of this applies to Wizardry Varients.

Real Wizardry, sure.
yup, that it's known, though not my point there; I was specifically talking about Daphne itself as being a new pinnacle in the genre. This is a good video about it for anyone curious:

holy shit, all I wrote was about Daphne you IDIOT. All the mean spirit, esoteric, non-sense, horrific atmosphere? It's all in Daphne. It's why it's being called a true Wizardry by the japanese themselves holy shit. Go and dive into it's 2ch threads; they are over in minutes.
Who's the autistic retard who keeps writing misleading novellas to try and sell this game

I know it's you because you keep calling Japanese men ojisan
>Wizardry Varients is esoteric
There is nothing esoteric about it it's quite simple actually.
what the hell is going with apex legends? i thought everyone loved this shit? could we get titanfall 3 now?
anyone knows if it's possible to select multiple items for the auto-replenishment?
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there is nothing "simple" about how this game; you have either played for 10 minutes, or are just plain dumb lil bro. The very second you stumble with it's quests you already know this game will fuck with you, and when they introduce THAT mechanic at the end of the tutorial, it's when everything is thrown out of the window for any kind of hope of you figuring out this game alone.

there is an auto shop items in the INN, it's icon is always shining
Based skellyman
The game is not that complicated ESL-kun
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>change MC's class with lamp
>level up a few times
>desire to play literally gone
>is there scat?
what? what the hell kind of question is that?
no, of course not
Tips? Enjoy the game and don't be afraid of asking questions or reading the Help page
Ooooh! No-pan tulpa wife!
>no, of course not
lost interest, but thanks
>The ones saying that Etrian is in any way shape or form better than Daphne right now? Aren't playing it or are in straight up denial.
EO games have bigger and more elaborate dungeons, more classes with way more abilities, more party building synergies, bigger enemy variety, more interesting and more challenging bosses, no level scaling, no dailies and other form of FOMO cancer and much better music.
The only thing Daphne has going for it over EO is presentation.
Don't get me wrong, Daphne is a good game... for a mobile game. Meanwhile EO is just a good game period.
kill yourself
this shit keeps crashing for me, shame it has to mobile gachaslop
Careful he's gonna write another page long reply addressing nothing you've said other than saying Varients does all of that but better
Speaking of the music, holy shit did Basiscape phone it in for this one
So it's only third worlders who like this right? Since it's a phone game it's the first time they've been able to play a DRPG
>EO is just a good game
>Play first EO in 2011
>Drop it because its a boring slog
>Play Steam release
>Drop it because its a boring slog
>Play wizardly and legitimately enjoy it
Gameplay by itself can't sell this type of game.
That honor is strictly reserved for shit like Devil may cry and ninja gaiden.
A cracker becomes much more appealing when it has a topping on it.
NTA by the way,
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>play EO1, the first game in an 18 year old series with 8 games
>"nah this series isn't very good my mobile game released in 2024 is better"

uhhhh lil sis? You OK?
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Just started the game, rate my party, also how much does the bonus point allocation matter? I just winged it, don't even know what do stats do, im assuming its like this :
>str damage
>iq magic damage? sp?
>piety heals and stuff?
>agi turn speed
>vit Hp pool/defense?
>dex accuracy???(no idea)
>lck crit chance?
Hope i got my party's stats right
I also tried to play 4 in 2014 if you want to be a little fag. Sorry your game is so ass. People usually have more standards than uooh loli art.
Yeah sure for what like 5 minutes? If it was for any significant amount of time you would've mentioned it first
>Retards spam the board with posts talking about how great this game is and that it's goty
>download it
>it's an easier etrian odyssey with a gacha

So none of you have played a DRPG released in the last 20 years eh? This game does nothing new and is also casualized trash compared to real Wizardry games
only the ones shitting on EO
Seethe I'm from america the best third world country.
solid party desu
basically each class corresponds to a stat, you can kinda tell which one, the only ones that could apply to everybody is AGI and VIT, luck is for knight and fighter classes, they have a counterattack and extra attack skill that's based on it.
I've heard that the help menu spells things out more.
Detect trap and remove trap are tied to DEX/AGI (I don't recall which is which) and Piety is apparently magic defense now. Mostly, I.Q. related to Mage effectiveness and Piety to Priest effectiveness, but until the game is on PC I can't give you too much details.

The rest you have right.
ok pablo
Sorry Tyrone my name is Jimenez.
IQ is magic power (mage spells) + MP
Piety is divine power (priest spells) + SP
Dexterity is hit and avoidance.
Generally it's a good idea to distribute points between the main damage stat, Vitality so they don't get one shot, and speed so they can act before the enemy. Especially useful for characters that can debuff or sleep an entire row.
Adam is very good. His light magic btfos skellys and other undead, and he does good damage without hitting elemental weakness too.
The old mage guy you've got is cool. I haven't seen him.
Daphne is not that complicated tho, it's more lack of documentation
Also, I don't know if I can't save Lambert becase it's bugged or because I need to race to unlock B7 and then backtrack to revive people on B5

this was my experience, but maybe I'm more used to western aesthetics
Or maybe EO was too hard/complicated for my brain

I not sure if you get that much HP/SP from VIT/IQ/Piety
I need to check if each level up HP/MP is fixed depending on class, but I'm too lazy
Jarmil is ultra based, surprised no one's posted about him yet.
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Thanks for keeping the schizo occupied here for us guys
is this on bluestacks? looks kinda goode
I would post in your /vg/ or /vrpg/ threads but then I'd be the only person who actually posts in them
That's what some people are using
But apparently it requires specific settings
doesn't sound too complicated desu, my only issue is that it's a smartphone game so it'd be annoying to navigate the menus plus i'd have to sit my ass down on my battlestation to play which kinda blows
You actually can, but you don't get his bondmate if you do, because fuck you.
He does seem like a cool evil mage.
I should probably level him through dispatches.
Yeah, bluestacks with an android 11 instance and graphics set to vulkan and asus rog 2.
Some of it you can set to regular wasd keys like dungeon movement but the menuing is more or less mouse only. Hope they sort that out with the steam release.
I don't care about the bondmate shit lmao I want my nigga alive
Me wanz rownd klink-klink.
I happy here.
Many empty houze.
Good life.
Me givez my treazur.
White womyn!
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Do you not passively replenish skill points? How do you replenish them in a dungeon then? Also, i inherited skills onto the wrong character. I dont care about losing these skills, i just want them gone from the character. Is that possible
the fuck is your problem faggot
Fuck womyn!
I actually don't know if they say "white women" or "fuck women", I'm ESL.
You'll get a camp where you can rest after venturing far enough into the dungeon
There your HP, SP and MP will be restored
Besides that there's a consumable that restores SP
thanks bro
*spreads asshole*
Does anyone has the "you have the power..." mystery nigga section recorded?
Your fighter is bricked. I would advise getting a new one.
what's wrong with 80 fortitude?
Have you ever tried reviving a character in battle after it died?
Surely a 20 point difference isn't that drastic? I've never had an 80 but 90 ones aren't too bad either.
Gary may be gone, but his linage will continue.
Judging from those nuts

His fortitude will rise back up until it's a hundred if you let him rest for a while, don't engage in combat.


The lower a person?s fortitude, the lower his or her morale. If the person dies with low fortitude, it may be difficult to revive the person at the temple.
Some characters have a fortitude cap. I haven't seen one with 80 but my Lana and Yekat are capped at 90.
>EO games have bigger and more elaborate dungeons, more classes with way more abilities, more party building synergies, bigger enemy variety, more interesting and more challenging bosses
EO is indistinguishable from other static anime jpg blobbers on the market. Real talk, if I want real dungeon crawling experience and gameplay alone, I'd rather just replay back Beneath the Stolen Land DLC from Pathfinder Kingmaker rather than EO. You EOfags really need to broaden your horizon.
>EO is indistinguishable from other static anime jpg blobbers on the market.

Simply not true and you have clearly never played one.
doesn't the game explain that beastfolk have lower fortitude due to being more enclined to excess compared to other races?

Oh, thanks for the explanation.


I guess I don't remember everything I read in game. I prefer to read books in print form or from a digital reader like Calibre or Kindle. I don't really take notes when reading stuff in game, otherwise I would be a YouTuber putting out guides for the game. However that stuff is beyond me, I don't have the brains for that.
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And because of what's in the pic, the game doesn't need to whore itself with the dogshit miasma that is gacha.

You are a 5 aren't you?
Imaginationlets on suicide watch.
if you want to imagine shit just blast some tunes and make a story in your head needing a game to do it makes you weak.
>use your imagination to bring your party to life
correct but hilariously ironic from the guys who thought making you use fixed story characters was a good idea
Neither of the untold games make you use fixed story characters
So this game actually punishes your mistakes and also rewards you paying attention
Definitely wasn't expecting this from a gacha, it actually somewhat feels like an old school game which is crazy to think how a GACHA of all games managed to do that, hoping the game keeps being this good as time goes on
>tribalism in every fucking thread
>disingenuous posts about the game
>even for "dead" gacha games
Im so tired
>Sar, please do the needful and redeem EO Collection for only 10,000 rupees, or I'll rape and gape your mother you bloody benchod!
See >>693827772
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nobody would mind the fixed party if they were actually well written characters
Being a gacha was the only way something with this production value could get funded. Most dungeon crawlers have presentations on the cheap side, either showing static images for enemies or animated enemies, due to it being a niche genre. This is one of the few that has animated party members and animated interaction between them. To quote another anon, this is like the Fire Emblem Awakening of Dungeon Crawlers.
I think it's supposed to be "Want Woman"
Oh no i can't see my party members sitting at a campfire in EO what am I gonna dooooooo?
OK but have we figured out who the fuck Daphne is yet?
Yeah i love hearing my party members repeat the same lines ad nauseum in wizardry, and i also love the poorly translated dialogue when they talk to me
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It's more like people are getting fed up with EOtrannies barging into every thread to shill their slops, when EO isn't even the biggest or the best blobber series in the genre.
MC's wife
Wiz Daph fans are defensive because they're so desperate to shill their gacha game that it upsets them that EO is not only a subjectively better game mechanically, but also the most popular and well known
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are we talking about Wizardry or EO?
It pains me how this obviously botched machine translation for Daphne is somehow more competent than any of fatlus's EO localizations. Fuck fatlus USA.
Stones, glass houses.
At least that's proper English minus punctuation. I feel like a Chinese scammer is trying to speak to me everytime I read dialog on wizardry
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>B-but muh loli portraits by Himukai
>B-but muh draw your own map!
Gotta agree, Daphne takes me back to the days when I used to religiously play M&M6 and W5. EO or Refrain or Mary Skelter or whatever the fuck tranime blobbers that zoomers play these days could never evoke the same feeling.
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Never ever played mobile on PC

How does this shit work, what's the best emu? is the game ROM (or whatever) from shady sites? Must I use my phone account to access the game instead, since I assume it's online only?

I know jack shit
>Daphne's translation is better than EO's
Has the tribalism gotten so bad that now we're just saying blatantly untrue things?
just follow the settings here
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If you're seriously defending EO's translations you might be retarded. EOV's localization might be one of the worst translations ever made.

And I'm saying this as a EOfag.
play on a tablet or just wait for the steam release
>swears are le bad
grow up, EOV localization was fine, the problem with EOV is the story was complete dogshit
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Taxative reminder
The gameplay itself is dogshit. EO as whole has never been a big money maker for Atlus, that's why the company only focuses on SMT and Persona now.
The only issue with 5's translation was they removed the lines about the game taking place on Mars
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>Completely removed any and all suggestion that maybe the game doesn't take place on earth in this one, resulting in the final cutscene not making any sense
>Oh actually it's fine, swearing funny
It's still better than Daphne's stilted machine translated text
wait the game takes place on mars? I finished it but thought it was just some space station on 5th stratum
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What a copout. Every dungeon crawling JRPG plays basically the same (empty corridor walking simulator + DVD menu simulator), so I'd rather play one with more efforts, budgets and souls put into it. God, Etrian Odyssey has been ruining the genre for years.

2 moons, areas are named after areas on Mars, Iorys probably supposed to be Aeolis, 6th stratum is about getting arken to earth so she can terraform it
It's directly stated to not be earth, and while it's never directly said to be mars it is constantly told to you indirectly, basically every location in the game is named for an actual location on Mars. But that's the japanese, the english version scrubbed every mention of it off and directly said in the text the game takes place on earth, despite the plotholes it causes.
ah yes, getting amazing localized lines like "lady boner" is way better than text that's actually accurate.
In that instance, yes, and that's EO4 not EO5
How much is fatlus usa paying you?
That's a different game lil sis
Honestly I never do all the roleplay thing people seem to like in EO
Class fantasy sure, but actual characterization for my units just seem pointless to me unless they actually have a base personality associated with the PNGs and you can actually interact with them.
bout tree fiddy
that level of RP is autism dw, for most people they probably just make themed parties and go with that
do the elements actually matter? im just picking my party based on character design but they all have the same element.
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I never realized EOfags were so cancerous what the fuck
Should've guessed from the pushy mapautism though
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>Not fully commiting into Speed stat regardless of game
Heh, nothing personnel kid, I'm sure your party was great and all, too bad I didn't have time to see it.
I wish I could find the ost. That guild theme just sounds right. Same with boss Ent encounters
they do, there's dungeons that are element based, there's fire gobrins and air niggas, and you deal more or less damage according to the element chart
It's so obvious that I don't know why he's still here
The guild theme is awful. Honestly in general I expect a lot more from Sakimoto and it's like he just didn't care with this game
And yet people try to say there's no gacha BS in this game.
Go create your own thread instead of trying to leech off this one, dumb EO poster.
what are you on about lol
Gacha games purposefully do that so that you roll to have element specific teams
annoying, all my waifus have the same elements.
if you ever get an Adam dupe, you can inherit his passive to your waifus to remove the elemental penalty
>my units need to have no weakness
nigger is pokemon also a gacha by that logic
Absolute retard. This is clearly a gacha mechanic. It's in EVERY gacha game.
what do you do with dupes in general, is it like every other gatcha where you combine them to power up?
>fire>water=more damage
>water>fire=less damage
>earth-light-dark-air-leaf>fire=normal damage
>earth-light-dark-air-leaf>water=normal damage
IDK dude, it's like, I don't really give a fuck lol, just have 2 parties or an elemental weapon
Should I play Etrian Odyssey or this?
>6th District
you can inherit their passive to any unit, combine with the same unit to get a stat bump or dismiss them to get grade up tokens (probably don't do this one)
>should I play an actual DRPG or a gacha game
Up to you.
what are you even on about? are you saying if a unit has an elemental weakness then that game is a fucking gacha now? You know that you just can wear elemental equipment to mitigate the damage right? And even in the water dungeon if you take more damage on your units thats weak to water then just buff your units and debuff enemies then? like holy fuck my god
If you're new to DRPGs and 6 niggas in a row games somehow, I recommend this.
The games a gacha because it has a gacha
play both, there aren't enough good DRPGs to be picky
The thing about playing EO first is that it will ruin every other DRPG for you
Untrue, I still really enjoyed Dungeon Travelers 2 and this game. It definitely does make some of the other ones not so fun though like Mary Skelter and Demon Gaze.
You should play both. If you like RPGs.
Play Labyrinth of Refrain and Rance6 as well.
I'm surprised this game is gaining so much attention. I thought the difficulty would filter 90% of players. Fascinating.
It's one guy spamming the board with this game then he samefags the fuck out of it with the same posts again and again
You know if this game succeeds, there's a chance Atlus will try to gachafy Etrian Odyssey.
why is the adventure log pool separate from the recruitable list? is there any reason to not register a character?
Are they even big enough for that?
Dupes can be fed for skills.
>is there any reason to not register a character?
I think the only reason is to not clog your roster of characters you actually use.
While the adventure log still remains available for you to recruit if you want to, or to inherit or sacrifice for skill level ups or disciplines.
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Why does my game keep crashing randomly?

>get into battle
>enemy attacks or moves
>cast a spell

I already changed my phone's language to English to fix the text lag issue, how do I fix this?
DRPG players are starved.
Because it's a low budget gacha game
any tips for noobies?
is your phone okay? maybe it's overheating or something, turn down the setting for 60FPS maybe, it doesn't really change much in a game like this
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I played the EO games first (though I did play Might&Magic 1-3 as a kid if that counts for something) and then the cheap experience games like Demon Gaze and I didn't like EO much but Demon Gaze is my favorite drpg
I don't know why people always repeat this "it will ruin every other DRPG for you" meme the game is an extremely standard game in the genre, at best it's fine
What causes this cultish behaviour? Is it more approachable to casual audiences and thus more widespread? Is it babby's first and thus best in their mind?
It's concerning because I've been seeing this "omg perfect games" defense force shit since the first game which apparently we all agree is absolute trash now
The difficulty is overstated. I won't say it's easy necessarily, but there's enough mechanics that make things a lot easier like how revives work.
>go on /v/
What do you gain?
Very obvious that you're the samfagging anon from before honestly
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Demon Gaze Extra is not my favourite DRPG. But finding secret paths in that game and then farming high quality gear at the gem circles was a very satisfying and exciting experience.
I really like Demon Gaze Extra. Oh, it's sexy too. That's cool.
>Stuck on the oar boss for 2 days now
P2W trash. Japs should be review bombing this shit so they give us more than 3 tags a week. It shouldn't take literally a year to level up on character.
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which part of my post was a lie little dude?
I know I shouldn't bother responding to such low effort garbage posts like these, but here, have pic rel
use the defense/opening more often, it's actually really good
use sleep spell when you can
learn to use spacing in combat > there's a major accuracy and dmg debuff for melee users in the back, bows and spears circumvent this but obv they have less defense, all of this applies to enemies too so play it like chess

other than that just enjoy the game and level up if you're getting your ass kicked
But the first week of release playing it, no one knows anything about the game, needing to sleep in stables, you face a hobgoblin like every other mob pack and they can oneshot you while having the threat of permadeath looming was just adventurekino
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bros...howd you know
just lower the water level first retard
The difficulty is actually understated. It's just most players quit or haven't mad it to the second dungeon yet. Seriously, that place is bullshit.
i imagine most casuals will quit when they get to the grade up exam, that shit is fucking brutal
It automatically rises in 3 turns.
This game is fucking easy for a DRPG the only easier one is demon gaze
If you have graded up. And have decent gear. You can win if you can just fight the boss without being fucked by the water.
In a way, I would call EO the anime fighting game of DRPGs, the later games more than the earlier ones. It's flashy, there's a good variety of unique skills that aren't typical in RPGs, it focuses on a very explosive experience. But at the same time, you could argue that the design takes away somewhat from exploring the dungeon, such as an overly high focus on combat skills to the detriment of dungeon exploration skills. Personally, I really like it when physical classes have something to do, I got sick of games where your fighter or your archer or whatever equivalent get maybe one or two offensive skills, or even worse are just attackbots.

Some guides on Gamefaqs. Hopefully these are all in English. Most of the YouTubers for WVD tend to be Japanese.
Oh no doubt. But in comparison to normie games and especially gacha? It's not even a question that Wizardry Daphne is torture.
do you really need help with the boss anon, it was really easy if you plan around your consumables and buffs
>setup dilto and masolatu, and the atk down spell on last turn before water rising
>carry scrolls if you need buffs and debuffs beyond it, the cortu spell is pretty good for magic defense buff
>put all your expensive potions on your priest and heal to full if possible before water level rising
>have your tank taunt and defend to exploit openings
>also just play it safely and dont use war cry unless you're really confident
>If you have graded up
I only got two adventurers graded up to bronze. Can't get anymore without dismissing adventurers unfortunately.
Don't get me wrong, I'm making plenty of mistakes. But I'm also not really playing carefully enough. That said, party makeup makes a big part of it. It's easy to say you're not having much trouble when Yekaterina was pretty much made to tackle what's currently in the game with undead advantage and earth magic for the second dungeon, or Lana making the early game much more lenient.
Weekly gives 3 tags. Doing it twice lets you grade up your entire team.
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BA raids with a top score are harder than this game dessu
>>also just play it safely and dont use war cry unless you're really confident
Tells me all I need to know you haven't actually fought this boss. Once the water level rises your mages and priests become useless and it heals 70 HP each turn. It turns into a raw DPS race so put gravel scrolls on your entire backline and hope you can kill it in 2-3 turns after the water level rises otherwise it will win the attrition war.
EO's popularity only hinges on character designs by Yuji Himukai, that's it. Most people here never bother to discuss about the gameplay, because it's a fairly standard dungeon crawler. If you go to any EO thread, 95% of the time it's gonna be an art or forced meme dump thread.
just dismiss generics
>grade up your entire team
Yes, to level 30 ie. lead. If you played since launch you literally do not have enough to get a full team of level 40s ie. bronze without dismissing adventurers. Some Anons did that, but not me. Too risky given the VERY low roll economy in this game.
Well. In 8 days we're likely getting another banner. And then you can spend your green gems for rolls.
It's your loss if you don't want to progress. Final advice from me: just buy consumables on all your units and you'll clear the fight.
I don't think you understand what I'm saying.
I already beat it. I'm saying "playing it safe" is the worst advice you can give because the boss is just a DPS race unless you are overleveled (which I am starting to suspect you are).
What level are your characters?
say what you will, I beat it at level 30 without being F2P and not complaining about P2W when its just basic rpg mechanics.
What's new in Demon Gaze Extra? I only played the original on vita.
Not him, I kinda just spammed Wild Strike with an earth 2h sword. I'm not sure if I was or am overleveled because I've been playing kinda slow though, the exp gain on some of the dailies is pretty absurd, and I haven't even used my books yet.
>play both, there aren't enough good DRPGs to be picky
Retard logic, That's like choosing between solid turds and diarrhea, because there's not enough good chocolate to be picky.
Sometimes it's just better to say no to both options.

But in this case, Etrian Odyssey is the obvious choice because it's an actual good game. Gatchashit can fuck off.
Wizardry Variants may be "decent" for gatchashit standards, but it's still shit.

t. Played it for 3 days.
I mean. If you had 30 more adventurers. Then you could always dismiss some if you really want the tags.
I probably still wouldn't though since you can use them for skills instead. But still.
He won't listen since he thinks dismissing generics is "bricking" or something
>What's new in Demon Gaze Extra?
I'm unsure. Because I only played Extra.
They'll push it to someone else probably, but this opens up a revival as a gacha zombie.
>see someone
A HUMAN....!?!?
>Stellar Blade
Wuwa and ZZZ are good action games by GACHA standards. Jesus motherfucker, play a real game once in a while, your taste is getting all fucked up.
For me it's honkai star rail and wizardry variants, the ultimate gacha experience
This is why most people dont see gacha players as human.
That sounds chinky and inferior. Is that a chang attempt at trying to gain relevance?
This is almost as dumb as saying wiz Varients is a good DRPG
I don't play this game. Who is she? She's cute.
>got a resident schizo already
oh yeah, now it's a legitimate game
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Eulalia keeps telling me she sees a bleak future for this party.
What do I do?
Will the Malice Dungeon boss wreck my shit?
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Every RPG should have cats.

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