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>Posting in a Wizardry thread is so... fun!
I love Lulu's remarks on everything I do.
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Lulu this
Lulu that
When is this little thing coming back?
>Knowledge gained
>While traversing through the thread, you realised that Anonymous' cause of death was bad taste in fictional women
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Sorry, I really wanted to make this.
Haven't played the game, is blonde Lucina an autist?
What do I spend my gems on? What do i do with dupes? How important are the bonus stats?
White woman moment, even Elmon is in on it. The men want to save the people.
The voice acting makes me want to rip me ears.
fuck EObabs
I also think that a dog's life is worth more than a jew's
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Fuck off with your gamewar shitposting, retard
You know what to do.
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Any discussion of the real Wizardry games is just dead forever in favor of this gacha trash, isn't it?
Be honest, there were never any Wizardry threads on /v/ before this. At least you can sneak is some regularly Wizardry discussion in these threads. Mods will never know and they'll keep this thread up because it's about a gacha.
Any discussion of the real Wizardry games has been completely dead for ages now. If anyhting the gacha revived the discussion of the older games.
/v/ died the moment it got infested with zoomers and it became acceptable to post gachaslop.
are swords the best weapons when it comes to raw stats? i mean good chance of hitting, decent damage x 2 and doesn't really lower your other stats(evasion, surety, etc). i really want to know if i am missing on not using them on my whole party
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Quit being a party pooper limbabs.
I remember laughing at everyone when the fates shit happened, because I could read 日本語 and didn't give a shit. Then the west was like fuck you and put pressure on japan and they started self censoring. I still get a smug satisfaction from being able to just switch to japanese audio and text in this and FEH while EOP's struggle though. If you cared enough you would just learn the language, I did.
I actually started playing the older games for the first time in like two decades thanks to these threads
Same, I finally got around to playing Wiz1-3 on SNES because of these threads.
>finally got around to collecting the animal parts for the event dungeon
>go to the 4th floor
>realize I forgot to take the fourth animal part request
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Lulu's feet in my mouth.
i can understand speech just fine, but i can't fuckin read
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>tfw too old and not enough free time to learn a 5th language
She's a psychopath
>p-people are talking about the new game that released this month instead of the 20+ year old games that people had long stopped talking about anyways??? NOOOOOOOOOOOO!
what was stopping you from making "real" wizardry game threads all this time?
The last “official” Wizardry game to get attention was the remake, and all you need to do is take a look at the “””party complexion””” they chose to advertise the game with to see that there was never going to be any honest conversation about the series anyway. At least the gacha has character designs that make sense for the setting.
Let's be honest. Nobody is looking at the catgirl in the one-piece swimsuit and saying "this is much more fitting in my medieval setting".
I hope there will be some loveleh lehdehs~
What are the must get items from the Jeweler?
probably the daily and monthly gems
What about the green bones?
green bones are your gacha banner pulls
which I kinda suggest not doing because its better to save your gems for a future banner
but wouldn't it be better to just buy them and not spend? seeing as the offer lasts a week?
logically those green bones(and points) will be invalid once the banner ends like most gachas
but Im not really sure, maybe check the details listed on the banner
>FEHggot think his opinion or his life matters
The green bones, and points from the banner, expire.
I wish my phone could run this game... I've been looking for something to keep me awake at work since Disgaea RPG got shut down.
i just beat the necromancer
should i farm the crystals? already bought 3 bones.
also are the differently priced helms any different? bought a 1500 one and a 500 one and both are exactly same
>should i farm the crystals
the skill books are good for future skill investments
>also are the differently priced helms any different?
no difference but its just an option for you to buy anti instakill helms for all your units
>no art of this cute girl
wtf bros
>skill books
those are 2500 anon...
but honestly its too expensive for what it is
hope the devs lower the prices for future events
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>I love Lulu's remarks on everything I do.
I love Elden Ring. Like a lot, a lot.
But why wasn't Melina as fun as Lulu? Fromsoft messed up there.
Grind enemies on B4 and you get just under 100 every chest even at the easiest difficulty. Even more if you raise the difficulty to medium or hard.
this nigger really shows up every thread huh
It doesnt even make sense because you cant switch the audio to JP which is a common complaint.
how much harder in medium and how much more do i get?
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Don't look at Gary's balls.
Every thread huh? So this is what they call rent free, lel
lmao even
>Wizardry went from a from a fun western RPG to souless anime waifu gacha slop
It would have been better if the IP just died and was never touched again than a fate this bad.
Wizardry has been exclusively anime since 2001
nvm i just tried.
not worth it changing to medium difficulty.
farming in B3 instead of getting around 70 gem per chest you get 80 instead, but enemies has more hp thus takes more turns to beat
i see, thanks anon
>keeps pestering your and bitching at you even as they drag you to your execution
The audacity of this hoe is unbelievable. Why do you even keep her around after the first loop anyways? She's of no use whatsoever.
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so is this game fun or is just gacha shit? how far can one get without spending a dime?
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I only rolled the free rolls you get in the beginning and I've had no problems yet. I expect it to get extremely jewish in later updates though
It's fun. Paying makes the game less fun, I assume.
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thx anons, I'll give it a try. Not a big fan on playing on my phone but I'm craving some honest dungeon crawler action.
it's fun but there's no PC release yet and it's a wizardry dungeon crawling game, which might not be for everyone
So do you get to fuck the ghost waifu when you beat the game
Her personality wasn't as good
She looks like she would mock my small penis
i tried some wizardry games just before and they wasn't fun(for me)
How much do the choices matter? I kind of go with stupid choices most of the time because the majority of the games don't usully care.
its fun but its also gacha shit
They matter a little bit.
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>none of my 2(one outdated 2nd some ching rugged phone) can run it, blueshit(i mean blue stack) dont work on win7, need start win10 to run it, need to physically rotate monitor so it looks good enough
its fun tho, even with gacha elements
>Paying makes the game less fun
Let me guess. You play gacha using 2 star units instead of SSRs to give yourself a challenge?
The ones at the start that determine your alignment and stats, or just in general?
stats are random, only alignment
Just be yourself
Not really
Most of the Legendary adventurers only have a small advantage over the normal ones so you're free to pick whoever you want without feeling like you're screwing yourself
She does
MC stats are not truly random, they have balanced metrics that every MC character will be nearly the same with 1 or 2 stat differential
Can you go on dates with the girls in this game or is this a serious game where the girls just happen to be pure sex?
No dates, no sex, just hot girls who walk along with you as you explore dungeons. You'll also hang out at the tavern and they'll mock your inability to talk about beverages.
dont forget they put 2 and 3 in the wrong order!
This game looks interesting but I don't want to add another gacha to the list of daily obligations. How bad is the system in this game?
You can pretty much just use the Bones the game gives you and not worry about doing dailies for more since you can basically have every character besides the Legendary ones
This isn't wizardy. Remove gacha then we'll talk.
how is it not wizardry?
She looks like Lucina.
She is the retarded Lucina rare variant where Chrom just fucked his sister instead of the regular options.
its pretty good i was mostly using common units and doing fine i switched in my rare priest to do aoe dmg so id suggest getting one of the rare mages if you try it out
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please tell me there is at least some good porn of her online
You're going to need to hunt that down yourself. Here's the JP name, which will probably make searching on Pixiv and so on a lot easier.
>ウィザードリィ ヴァリアンツ ダフネ
why are all the prologue segments taking ages to complete? the game starts with some dude panting and opening his eyes and I could swear that alone took a few minutes to complete.
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Adventuring is sooo fun
Wizardry being so popular on /v/ opened my eyes to why games like diablo immortal could go on to become one of the most profitable games ever made
My IQ is 12 :)
>My IQ is 12 :)
>posting in a gacha thread on /v/
We already know.
managed to fix this shit by forcing the language of the phone to English
are you serious? is this actually true?
i don't have to play this game every day?
>why wasn't Melina as fun as Lulu
she wears shoes
Melina should have sat down next to you at every single site of grace. Every single time you sat down.
Not just at select few sites of grace. And only the first time at that.

Way underutilised. And for the worse.
This is one of Kozaki's best designs to date.
I like that this jp fansite for the series is still up. Has a bunch of neat stuff like pretty much every enemy and npc sprite in the series from every version of the games
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Posting best Priest
its both and as with all gatcha it will become unplayable time wasting bullshit if you play it enough. The best way to play anything like it is take advantage of the free shit they give early adopters to hook them, ride it out till the grind starts and monetary hooks sink in then quit.
This is Lucina with Gold hair
This is Lucina if she was a good character
i already liked lucina
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We love evil women here.
She looks like she enjoys the company of goblins
When’s the last time you saw a Diablo thread here

There’s a reason everyone’s talking about wizardry
Don’t forget your supplies!
>tfw realising Daphne is giving me what i wished Elden Ring had from the start
Yes, Galina is the best priest.
If by goblin you mean me then yes.
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>Are you.... A Goblin Male!!!?
Does she smile if she gets to know me? Or is she perma-tsun?
I've got enough affection for the little icon to pop up and she's still pretty much the same. Perfect.
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Wait what the fuck???
What is this game?!
So many crazy interviews between greats.
Is this an anime version of some classic western game?
And on mobile only?
If you understand japanese then you'd know that they're self censoring a lot of games these days lmfao
Good morning, sir.
Wizardry was one of the classic CRPGs from the early 80s, before even official D&D computer games were being made.
It's had Japan-made games for decades, and this is just the newest entry.
Yes, mobile only, and gacha only.
>Is this an anime version of some classic western game?
You have to be over 18 to post here you know
If they turn one of the pillars of the JRPG genre into a gacha you know things are bad.
Where are these interviews
She's never talked to me at rest sites yet
I knew I should have been fudged the test and pretended to be evil

The SSR mage helps a lot, cancelling ambushes + better detect, bonus vs undead, access to early screenwipe nuke, and earth element
She's right though.
Why would I save a generic dumb humanoid #509588575 instead of the only dog in the game.
Later on against enemies with high defense it would be smart to have a spare two-handed axe
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>finally a wizardry game with appealing art and designs
>it's a mobile gacha
Life... is unfair...
It's weird how some SSR are so much fucking better than the others.
Yekaterina is like, literally, a must pull.
>finally beat Helmut and got the reset
>found a teleport thing behind some fallen rocks that I can reverse back at the start of the game
>went into the teleporter but decided to go and grab my party first
>came back and teleporter is no longer worker
Fuck how bad did I mess up? Also just remembered I never went back to that one goblin liar either...
Lanavaille's perk can save you hours of grinding because it's so efficient. That's the appeal, is besides cute girls the legendaries save on grinding time. But if you're a roguelike autist like me, the grinding is the whole point.
I don't understand what you are talking about, but...
Do not go to the goblin rape cave.
If anyone asks later for gold or for an odd job, pay gold.
The odd job is getting raped in the goblin cave.
Not at all, it's not anything yet fleshed out (and you wouldn't be able to continue in there anyway just yet)
There's nothing to do there, it's just a preview of the second dungeon.
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It's okay you don't have to roll to get best girl so the gacha part doesn't matter
If it wasn’t for Astro Bot beating it out this would be my game of the year.
On the main Daphne site.
>Where are these interviews
Official website.


There's also this one, which isn't on the website.
Oh good, thank you

Gobbos in that cave were like level 23, my party is level 19 so I was planning on going in there before I beat the boss but completely forgot about it. Do they get giga-powered up on NG+?
Unlocked Priest MC after Port Town.
Alice is acting too friendly and lovable with me.
But I know it's part of her nerfarious plan.
Alice exudes such malice.
She's not only evil, but also a woman and an elf.
Alice wants to kill me in my sleep.
I ate her and inherited her power.
Now I'm the Priest of the party.
2 Mage 1 Priest formation.
Feels good.
wait for the game to eos then you can enjoy the best from both worlds
Just started this. Any tips?
They do not get giga powered up, but they scale.
Dangerous even to my lvl 30 party if I'm not quick enough.
Does she actually act the way OP portrays her?
You don't necessarily need SSRs in this game since the only thing they have over other named characters is 1 passive and 1 active skill/spell.
I only have 3 SSRs, Yekaterina, Lanavaille and Gerulf. And I'm doing just fine in trade waterway.
But if you want more SSR, you absolutely need to reroll because the game is stingy with rolls.
pretty much yeah
Ghhh, evil opinion! Need rape correction immediatly. Only alternative is death.
Class changing MC to mage will absolutely gut his strength and physical stats, won't it?
And changing back will gut his MP and render him a useless mage?

is it worth it?
There's very few SSRs that feel like they have a notable impact over SRs.
1) Lana, because 12 HP after every battle for the party is convenient for dungeon crawling.
2) Yekaterina, because the worst thing to deal with is being ambushed.
3) Alice, because +1 duration on buffs is very good for boss fights.

Everyone else is varying stages of 'whatever'. Either they do a bit more damage, or save a bit of SP, or give a passive bonus, but it's all so marginal in comparison.

Even the benefits of the 'big 3' are marginal, but they're at least tangibly useful when it comes up
It's not advised to use Fighter skills when mage. It's advisable to use mage skills when fighter.
The important thing to recognize is debuffs do not care about magic power. Katino at 1 magic power is equally useful as at 100. If there's scaling, it's so marginal as to be invisible.
This is also true of debuffs (and buffs, like Cortu), so even if you switch to fighter the spells are still useful. Just don't use nukes.
Fighters need a row cleave skill ffs.
The low MP will still be really rough though. But I guess you'll still be able to use it for a few fights. So yeah, I should probably get on that.
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Swords fail against certain enemies, have a backup axe or halberd
She can be a bit smug, but other than that alright.
Katino is 3 mana my brother, even if your mana is 30 you have 10 casts.
Martial MC with caster skills is still better.
You use one resource (SP) to deal damage and the other (MP) for support and utility.
Fighter MC can also effectively use ailment cure skills and buffs.
If MC was Mage/Priest, you'd have to share your damage resources with those.
I have lana, adam, debra, and gerulf as my SSRs, who should I use the skill EXP scroll from the event on?
>even if your mana is 30
Haha... yeah...
Probably nobody, right now. We don't know nearly enough about what every skill does on level up. If you had a gun to your head and you were forced to level up a skill, Lana's passive hp for the group goes from 12 -> 22 on level up
I'm waiting for advanced/promoted classes.
Game hasn't been out for a month yet.
My idea is using it for skills that you can't level up with inheritance.
Halberd is only useful for backline fighters. So just Axe.
>Halberd is only useful for
Not quite.
It's still a two-hander with enough attack to get past the def of high-def enemies. While having more accuracy than swords, hammers, or axes.
And when equipped on the front line, it allows you to hit the enemy's backrow without penalty.
I'm on floor 4 of trade waterway.
Just unlocked thief.
How much longer until I unlock the next class?
6 knights
Final destination.
By the end of the dungeon, you unlock them all.
I want to say you get a lantern for doing the Count Guisane quest, one for completing the Arena, one for completing the Arena with a good end.
Which would be VIT, IQ, and Piety.
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I can't believe someone killed her instead of raping or pumping and dumping her. What a waste of huge boobs.
Dude, Wizardry is one of the 3 pillars of RPG you can trace almost any game back to, the other two being Ultima and Rogue, the whole JRPG genre being the most obvious, basing itself on Wizardry and Ultima.
How do you check a character like that?
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If I'm a paypiggy is it worth it to get the Mission passes? I'm really enjoying the game so far so helping it not eos would be good too.
>If I'm a paypiggy is it worth it to get the Mission passes?
Well. If you want to paypig, they're the most value to dollar out of everything offered. Easily.
any news on the pc client, i want to play this game bad
>No PC version
There goes any chance I'll ever play this. Not gonna download a rootkit just to play f2p shit
>biggest booba are stuck on a generic
Ahhhh why would you do this to us Kanayama

None, it comes out when it comes out. Pray for 2025. The gacha monetization scheme isn't fit for PC gamers anyway, they all want lots of gameplay per dollar instead of pay2win.
Genshin Impact is on PC and seems to be doing fine.

>biggest booba are stuck on a generic
That just means you get a lot of copies you can merge together?
She's not a generic though? Her backstory is that she's a country hick that came to the city to find a husband, but then got killed when she thought she found a guy.
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Elf wife is starting to open up to me
Genshin is a money printer phenomenon with a huge budget and staff (like its initial budget was $100,000,000, probably 20 times as much as Daphne). Given all Daphne's bugs I wouldn't expect anything but a skeleton crew working on a PC version.
Fuck you Lulu it is very fun
(You) are the autist. She's your tard wrangler, and also a psycho
bros, whats the best wizardry to start with? i don't want too old and slow but maybe not full anime mode either
Tale of the Forsaken Land, ps2.
But I choose scared Saber..
Wizardry 1-3 on SNES with a translation patch is unironically an experience that will change you. Highly recommended, may destroy you, will definitely add to your sperm count.
If you want a middleground, Wizardry 8 is like Might and Magic 6/7/8.
If you want traditional, you can start with Wizardry 6.
If you want the japanese take, Tales of the Forsaken Land also is fine.
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>not priest-chan
But lulu said go into the rape cave
Genuinely interesting. Can’t remember the last time I’ve bookmarked links on /v/.
I just learned that fortitude plays a part in damage and hit rate, at least I think.
It runs like shit on emulators and has a lot of bugs even on the mobile version, so I'm sure there's a lot of people waiting for the planned Steam release.
Lulu is a rape enthusiast, as long as it's not her. Why do you think she wants you going deeper and deeper into the Abyss?
PS1 version is better and more accurate to the original versions imo, SNES changes floor layouts and puts W3 before W2.
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Asha my beloved
Asha my request fodder. Good job on that B2 expedition. That gold will be put to use improving the main party.
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my princess
Is that so? Are there other changes you found important for the PS1 version?
Bless Chloe and her giant tits.

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