KEEP ALL TOURNAMENT TALK ITTTop 10 seeds:1. Maya Fey (Ace Attorney) 2032. Shantae (Shantae) 2013. Hat Kid (A hat in time) 1924. Alice (Black Souls) 1925. Rouge the Bat (Sonic the Hedgehog) 1826. Felicia (Darkstalkers) 1817. Blaze the Cat (Sonic the Hedgehog) 1818. Muffet (Undertale) 1799. Ashley (WarioWare) 17910. Isabelle (Animal Crossing) 178—Timer:►OC►LIST OF ALL NOMINATED CHARACTERS►Detailed Rules and Info: (embed) (embed)>No new threads are to be made until this one archives►Character Limit—For qualifier poll>Game or Franchise Series can only have 3 characters (i.e. 3 characters from Metal Gear, Touhou, or Pokemon)►JudgesYotsuba/v/-tanTre/vr/Samus Aran►Hosts>Ballsanon !!TSeJH+Shkly>Coayynon !!HfHRhjBcrKX>PenisAnon !KoAd713y0Q>Samaritanon !!LKu0yr+rtFu►Nominations: >>694076708 (Cross-thread)►Qualifiers: >>694169259 (Cross-thread)►Previous: .>>694245906 (Cross-thread)
Nice Queen of /trash/ seeds, y'all.
More like Furry of /v/
>>694252202I believe, bazzbros
>>694251667I know you're joking, but Samus won the very first year.
Muffetbros, our status?
>>694252175>pre-round 1For fuck's sake. See you guys in another hour, I guess.
I loev Maw wife
>>694251684She's a jinn, and they're considered monster types.
>>694252202Bazz bros, we have to be stronger!
ive been saying this for ages but rebecca sugar is basically a classic oldschool early 2000s web kid put in a position of authority and even if you think her art is lame, she nonetheless displays a genuineness that most of the other smarmy fucks in the industry don'thave you seen her chubby guy porn? or the way she draws chubby girls? in a sea of pretentious assholes who draw "body positive" art that just looks like a caricature of ugly fat fucks, rebbeca is one of the few who actually draws fat people like someone who's attracted to fat people does, and not just someone looking to virtue signal
>>694252175Vote for Morrigan
>>694252175I'll vote for your main if you can prove that she can defeat Goku
>BlazeLMAO this shit is already riggedAlso how many votes were in last year and who were the top 10? This top 10 is looking extremely sus
>all this seethingAh... Music to my ears. It's about time we have a furchad tournament on /v/.
Never forget/v/ is furry.
mmm Maya
>>694252258Disgusting, repulsive garbage
>>694251729The Tifamasons have ruled that Tifa shall never make it past top 16 so that she can participate every year
I know some are surprised by the top 10, but really most make sense if you just look at the individual pick. Muffet would be odd under more normal circumstances, but I imagine last year's incident is fresh on anons' minds.The one that sticks out is Blaze. At least curious who all here voted for her.
>>694252258I'm ready for some DETERMINATION
I still don't get why Ashley is so popular
>>694252258FEELS GREAT
>>>694251760>>>we're using seeded brackets after all.Since fucking when?
post your never-ever
Grats to all the top 10. Someday my waifu will be there... too bad her game is dogshit and even while having all forms, loli, hebe and milf, she will never be as popular as the others. Oh well.
Remember how Fang and Susie were Top 10 seeds in '21, and then they both got btfo immediately?That was funny.
A victory together we will stitch, and the girl below me is a raped bitch! Oh-ohohoho!
>Still no resultscan we at least see a sheet...? You know the top 10 let us see who the top 128 is
>>694252258readying myself for total pick annihilation before I put on my "I <3 Muffet" cap and jersey
I'm going to freeze all furnigger votes.
>>694252296/v/ has spoken, I'm afraid they simp for Felicia now.
>>694252347cute blue!
Expecting Tails to be top seed in King of /v/, maybe rounding out top seeds with Sly Cooper and Klonoa
Gravelyn anons, how are we feeling?
Poll with questions about Ms. /trash/ (which is happening on the 22nd of November), the date of Mr. /trash/ and their names going forward: of /v/: Round 1
>>694252365Since we voted them back.
>>694252360>goth 15 year old from a series people generally likeI think you're not even trying to understand desu
>>694252175My nominee!
>>694252213rape cirnocirnorape
>>694252251She won*
>>694252321Based and same.
>>694252258Good year for bugbros.
I'm a taotie, I'm not mad about this.
>>694252314Alice (Black Souls)Hat Kid BayonettaAlice Liddell (Alice Madness Returns)BabaFangThe PrincessMadotsukiShantae2B
>>694252351I just think she's cute
>interimits blover
>>694252314>how many votes were in last yearHighest vote was 194 for Alice.>who were the top 10Alice (Black Souls)Hat KidBayonettaAlice LiddellBabaFangThe PrincessMadotsukiShantae2BTwo notes: Bayonetta could not return this year, and both Maya Fey and Ashley are returning this year. All three are due to the Elite Eight rule.
>>694252321>>694252326if they're not trolling us, then there's no way NSA wasn't sabotaging the anthro picks
>>694252423ice QUEEN
>>694252175>TrashleyWho keeps rigging for this garbage literally who character?
>>694252258Seeing her in top 8 seeds has me very DETERMINED. Nominated pic related but I'm definitely voting Muffet every round.
>>694252175>hat kid that high for no reasonthe guy who pointed out how high she is alphabetically was right kek
It doesn't matter, we will use the same tactics with furniggers as with *ngel*. Just vote them out round 1.
>>694252175Fairies deserve love, too
>Blaze is a top 10 seed but Krystal isn'tHuh?
>>694252365They were forced on by NSA to give her literal who shitters an easy bracket, and pin the popular chad picks against each other
>>694252321Yes the BVLLs of /co/ love their furries
>>694252454Dill, you might not be aware but we're having Ms /trash/ right now
>>694252462She's not going to win. Screencap this.
>>694250935 Someone raped these two and nobody cared
>>694252258spiderbros win again
>>694252498twice? you WONT be forgiven
>>694252524Midna is NOT furryand for the recordMidna is NOT fat
>>694252559More people have played games with Blaze in prominent or playable roles than ones where Krystal is in that position.
It was I who voted for Blaze.
HERO's LAST RESORT:>Mari>Aubrey>Sweetheart>Lady Dulcinea>Lorina>Laetitia>Binah>Gebura>Myo>Hod>Essentia>Vella>Toy Chica>Gravelyn>The Princess>Elena>Sylvia Christel>Susie HaltmannC'mon, you know you want to sign the contract!Just respond with your waifu's name, and don't worry about that fine print!Me and the Gator Guys have made this the biggest rig list yet!
>>694252454Ocarina of Time may be popular, but Mad Rat Dead is a rhythm game. Its music is the entire point, I think we've got this
>>694252371Buddy isn't a never-ever. Sure she won't win but she's made the bracket multiple years and got lots of OC. Her and Baba's team-up that one year was cool.>>694252452This is an actual never-ever. Loved me AQW growing up but the best I can really hope for is making the 129-256 seed bracket if that anon from Mr. /co/ is still around
>>694252524NSA was a hero all this time
>>694252175>no hexerrmm
>>694252567It's that same loophole that got Geralt to go to round 3 because he beat two low seed shitters while being 126th seed.
>>694252213why are you falseflagging cirno ?
>>694252556>AngelaYou know that (((someone))) will promote her to get rid off her later for easy win, right?
>>694252558gallica is my favorite character from the 4th best jrpg released this year
Hat Kid is never going away as a guaranteed midcarder spot, is she?
You did vote for Mankrik's Wife, right?
>>694252647my fuarking HERO
>>694252351Actually Muffet has been in the top 10 seeds before, she was seed 9 in 2022, making this year a very slight improvement
>>694252360>loli performs well in Queen>none of Wario's other friends will even qualifyShit's fucked up.
>>694252351I voted for her solely because this reaction image cracks me up. Never played a Sonic game past the Genesis.
>>694252629Eggman is a lolichad thoughbeit
Don't mind me, just posting a Rosalina
>>694252714not until she wins or top 8spedofags represent a pretty strong faction here
Dazzi has to make it into round 1 at least right? Right?
This top 10 looks like typical /v/ to me. I don't get why some are so mad even if you don't like them.
>>694252723He can take them. He can take them all.
>>694252673Would lose immediately.
>>694252175>Blaze the CatHold on for a minute here, I will go check something.
>>694252454I guess it's good way to pass the time.>
if blaze and rouge can get this level of support then surely shadow is a shoe in for king of /v/
>>694252697HOly fuck, it's my hero Bondrewd
>>694252780they're probably /tnt/roons
>>694252462I'd be fine with Maya winning since she's cute. Her or Ashley would be good.
>>694252694cirno is the shitpost queen alreadyshe's not for falseflaggers
>>694252489shantae popularity lifted despite the lack of contentwere it the posts asking to vote brown girls?
>>694252486>>694252489>>694252518Thank you.As for my thoughts, yeah, this top 10 is indeed sus. Need to see the full votes to see if this is just a rare occurence.
>>694252619I drew Midna in that picture because>I like her>I wanted to see how many people would be baited into focusing on the imp, and not the /co/ girl taking up 40% of the image
>>694252730I did but I didn't see her anywhere
>>694252770So does this mean Dipper and the BVLLs fuck the grown women?
I've seen these threads a couple times but how does it work? Do we just say our favourite in the threads and watch the number go up?
>>694252365Pretty sure you aren't /co/ voted to go back to seeded but how /v/ votes is independent
>>694252362i h-hope so...
>>694252558Fairy bodyjob
>>694252454>Up against DK64Ah, shit. Well, I hope anons take the time to listen to some of Code Vein's tracks!
Go Binah!Go Alipheese!Go Shodan!
>>694252629I knew it
>>694252371I'm content just making OC desu with you.
>>694252802Yeah, I agree. Will he do good? Who the fuck knows, but he's definitely going to get at least an early push now.
Hosts should literally kill themselves.
>>694252462I wouldn't mind seeing another seed #1 winner this year.
>>694252751Here's its source if you're interested. >>694252338>>694252760EggCHAD the WOMANIZER (not feminist, those are trannylator lies) doesn't discriminate, he digs them all.
Hosts should literally love themselves.
>>694252935this, so much this
>>694252879Nigga looks like the elephant from The Banana Splits lol
>>694252802>rayCHAD victim
>>694252832shantae voters are all autistic retards with fetishes for black childrena vote against shantae is a vote for being a decent human being
>>694252747Jimmy T is coolAt least Wario himself is usually popular in king
>One hour later and still no resultsThey're trying to rig it, aren't they?
>>694252841Biggest question is the gap between these picks and everybody else. Might make more sense once we see all the girls right below these ten.
>>694252802Honestly his round 1 match against Rayman last year may have been the push the latter needed to get to E8
>>694252629Post the song. You know the one.
>>694252980I'm not joking.
We're at pumpkin hill, you ready?
>>694252969I know, that's where I cropped it from. It's funny.
>>694252651>>694252454Speaking of which, here's a playlist with every Mad Rat Dead track.
>>694253000Trips of truth right here. You're alright Cirno.
>>694252240it wont be now that dinah or flam wont make it
>>694252452not good
>>694253000>fetishes for black children bad>fetishes for japanese children good
>>694252723It's fine, i need a lot of unpaid jannies- i mean, highly valued workers when this is done.
i hope she makes it
>>694252647You'd best not disappoint, "Hero". Someone far more worthy of that title is at the Empress's beck and call.
>>694253004I just hope they rig my picks in
>>694253019Gosh, that was kino.
>>694252975This! So much this!
>>694252747Not entirely true, on the opposite end 5-Volt is the only other WarioWare character who qualifies for Queen to balance the loli pick with a mom pickThough we'll see where she seeds this year
>>694252175>all those furnigger picksI miss NSA already, please bring her back I forgive her
>>694252175Rooting for my girl
>>694253094Bad news anon. They're rigging all your picks out as we speak.
>>694253000>Aislopper but tripsAt least get your Cirnos from danbooru or something
>>694252462I don't want to see Phoenix tanked in King, but if you divorce that aspect then Maya would indeed be a solid winner here.
Ayrebros our status?
>>694253000Shantae was confirmed to be an adult a few years ago.
>>694252975They need to commit suicide in real life. Take their own lives. Die.If everyone knew what I know, they would agree.
Who cares where's Battler?
>all those furbro picksI'm so glad NSA is gone, please never bring her back
>>694253123I will never forgive NSA for the loser's and grand finalsGood riddance
Impregnating the girl below
>>694253117JOBdow completely btfo
>>694252663>>694253062Even if the chances are low, let's endure. I hope her votes are even higher than last year's.
>>694252647Uh, Boss?You missed the countdown, voting's over. We're already rigging.
>>694253227Please, enlighten us.
>>694253154kill yourself art tranny.
With my 5, I force the hosts to reveal the form NOW! Otherwise, I'll touch them!
>>694253136Rooting for (You)r girl.Man i love red-haired woman that can beat my ass
The one below shall crap themselves in tow.
>>694253236>>694253243>>694253282Furries are /co/ picks
>>694253136Chat look! Rare Baiken-chan poggers!
Fuck those furniggers and their enablers.
>>694253261Knocked up by Nidoran btw
>>694253227what did he mean by this?
>>694252175Mayafags? Shantaefags?NonexistantThe silent majorityreveals themselves
>>694253291>>694253350>proceeds to post actual art
>>694252175Vote for Fairy leviathan
>>694253310beautiful fairy
>>694253094If Porno is out I hope Etna is in at least. I figure she stands more of a chance.
>>694252814dw it'll get better before it gets worse(hopefully)
>no ano was willing to be her Will and campaign for herIts over
>>694253136I'm rooting for ANY fighting game girl to finally go the distance. Morrigan is more likely to win it but Baiken would be swell too.
My fellow Americans, it's your favorite president Donnie T again - doing my best to make sure Sleepy Joe doesn't rig the votes again. I'm making sure that we're only counting all the best votes in all the best nominations! There will be no better qualifier rounds than this one, I do qualifier rounds better than anyone else in this country!
>>694253370I've seen some MayafagsShantaefags not so much
>>694253380Omniman's bitch
>>694252454Welp, that's gonna be and instant knockout for one of my options.
>>694253365Spider-Balls, when's the damn qualifier form opening?
furGODS on the left, seethers on the right
I rigged the poll results and the tournament is going to be cancelled once I'm done with it because you stupid losers wouldn't let me help keep the tournaments running smooth, just because of one ms paint dog pictureEnjoy your "Top 10" Blaze faggots
>he's attracted to animals
waiting warmly
>>694252454>my two top picks Ocarina of time and Mad Rat dead are against each other round 1FUCKWell, guess I'll go with Rat since his game is heavier on the musical gameplay then Ocarina is. At least sometihng I like will make it to the next round for sure.
Not opening the results is the most sus thing they can do. I SMELL RIGGING LADS
>>694252983the forbidden glasses
The poster below me has their home city wrecked by Lizzie
>>694252454>Omori and Persona 3It's so joever, omoribros
Currently putting all of screenshot of Nidoran's adventure into one, long picture. She may not qualify, but she won in my heart.
>>694252831you don't strike me as sincere.
>>694253469i voted for sex and essex
>>694252454Aper Escapers let's go
>>694253410Everyone is too busy campaigning for Bazz, no time for anyone else.
I just can't with all these host rigging you guys... They rigged Bazz out, they rigged Tifa out... I'm not supposed to tell you this but I just can't handle it anymore... Also I'm Cumanon btw just thought you should know.
>>694253365>>694253227The beansspill them
Reminder that /hmofa/ is based as fuck
>>694253370There exists at least 1 Mayafag
>>694253460This is loli country yiffag
The waiting truly is the hardest part. Anyway here's hoping for at least round 1.
>>694253459it'll be out when its out
>>694253469Sure.Not so sure that she'll make it
>>694253471>>694253479This is not Cirno's year.
>>694253571Me. Capcom is full of cowards.
>>694253227Back already Cumanon?
>>694253575kiryubro btw
>>694253541what's wrong with cirno support? last year there was a dog and a robot in the finals
>>694253596You do not have the mandate of heavebut I do
>>694253460Holy BASED
4 and the hosts get a document exposing them>Verification not required.
>>694253471CIRNO GET DOWN
>>694253596Limp back to your general, limbab.
>>694252296Spidey/Felicia is better because it's not the first time he fucked a cat girl with that name.
>>694253405Im more of a Flonne guy, but Etna is the most likely pick for sure.
>>694253469If Sex and Butts aren't in I'm gonna riot
>>694253667Damn, before the NSA Pastebin?
>>694253553das rite
>>694253596You mean this 4 I'm using to have you get trapped in the Mari room?
>Monster Girl Quest! Paradox Part 3 releases>0 campaigninglol so much for that
>>694253668>lolifags are ESLs
>>694253270You think you can hide.
>>694253592At least let us know if Bazz is in. All 3 people ITT who actually looked at Concord's gameplay (1 actually considered buying it) demand it.
>>694253641Nuh uh, i love both furries and lolis. They're the Dame Da Best!
>>694253668I will, Hat Kid. Please don't hurt me.
>>694253651Well this is awkward
>>694252790So on /vg/ Mario, Nikke, Limbus, Genshin, Girls Frontline, Granblue, 2d hentai, Outerplane, Megamen, etc generals talked about tournament. But I don't see sonic general. I refuse to believe Blaze could get top seed without rigging. Expect Discord.
>>694253596>SHIT Association jobber
i prefer randomized brackets but the rigging allegations would be nonstop no matter what the order wasi just don't think having the highest seed go against the character that barely scraped their way onto the bracket is fair
>>694253649Name one cirno spellcard nigguh
>>694253592>92its over
>>694253567>degenerate trying to justify his fetishkys.
>>694253717I'll be real brother, there are very few likable girls in MGQ and they would lose immediately.
>>694253641>>694253735Kiryu is a blacked chad
>>694253469I'm wondering if Doro and Liz made it.
Ms. /co/ 2024 was boomers vs. zoomers.Queen of /v/ 2024 will be lolis vs. furries.
>>694252556I agree.
>>694253668f-forgive me!
>>694253668That's kinda hot.Also>3th
>>694253668>3thShouldn't you be fighting for survival in Brazil right now?
>>694253668>ESLaverage cunnyfag btw
>>694253596Let's play
>>694252647Kind of unrelated but to this day I still have not beaten the Bossman Hero fight, those Gator Guys ads he spams kick the shit out of meMaybe if Mari does well I'll go back and try my hand at him again. By the way has omoFAT STILL not added console content to PC?
Not even the /an/lympics took this long to get started and Bill was both the worst host we've had and solo-hosting the entire thing
>>694253780I dunno, I've only ever played the spire ripoff
What exactly is the issue with revealing the results?You need time to make the poll, understandable, but you should have the results of the qualifiers all ready to go by now, right? There's no reason to delay by more than 10 minutes to show a doc revealing the seeding, much less almost 90 minutes.
>>694253754You're thinking too much, bozo;Like that guy few years ago who covered Ace Attorney Discord
If she made it to the top 300 I'll be happy (she'll be in 800th place)
Even if Dazzi doesn't qualify i'll still vote for the cute and funny options.
>>694253717As one of the people who did a lot of campaigning for Alice in 2022, I always campaign for my never ever pick in the qualifiers.
>>694253567Words words words, looking at a man in porn at all is gay. Solo pictures or nothing.
>>694253778Because it is always going to be rigged.
>>694253812>Millennials ended up winning Ms /co/Who's gonna be the unexpected third party to win Queen?
>>694253717Wait for the 1st round to begin
Hey guys, who are you all voting for?You should tell me.
>>694253713>>694253729>>694253737>>694253803>>694253824>>694253825>>694253828I GET IT>>694252234
I'm not sure if I really helped or not.... but I want thank you all for getting her into the brackets.
Emperor and empress of /pol/ when you /tnt/ faggots?
1. Mr /co/2. Queen /v/9001. King /v/9002. Ms /co/
>>694253851they're giving my ice fairy all the furniggers to knock out of the tournament
>>694253649>what's wrong with cirno support?cirno support is good. i just suspect you're the falseflagger that appears every year, which is to say, you're not acting sincerely you're just trying to be obnoxious so that people can associate cirno with your behaviour
>>694253592>92You know the rules.
>>694253878Looks like a Steven Universe character.
>>694253136I must inform you, that Daisuke has warned players that Baiken had better not win on the hated /v/ board's tournament, or else he will be forced to punish Baiken by making her breasts even larger than before! He is dead serious about this threat!
>>694253717there's only room for ONE monster girl game girl and it's perpetua
>>694253851the furries are rigging it
>>694253851Hosts rigging for their picks is inevitable it seems
>>694253754Garcian, you are a fool. The Mario general rigged Blaze and Rouge in so that suspicion would rise against Sonic characters. This would allow Mario girls to win the people's support.
>>694253592Welcome, to the survivors club
>>694253567lol Im not fucking subhumansKys
>>694253754Do you really have to avatarfag my 3rd favorite gamecube game with your rigging paranoia
>>694253935... in bizarro world.
>>694253863>Ace Attorney DiscordQuick rundown? I've hear of Ace Attorney Reddit but not discord.
>>694253331Eventually /v/'s tournament will be as pozzed and soulless as /co/'s shitfest, with more and more posters wondering "what happened" during the earlier tournaments to have such bizarre, unfaggy top 8 placements. It's already started.>>694253729I imagine most people who draw decently for threads are bored Koreans.
>>694253849>>694253868INCORRECTthe right answer was "icicle fall"
>>694253935...Speaking in terms of power levels, of course
>>694253959Oh no! That would be horrifying, ha-ha...
God bless you all, anons
>>694253938cirno IS associated with that behavior, which is why I like hershitpost queen
>>694253964>perpetuaPerepiteia isn't even out yet.
>>694253780icicle fall
>>694253898a MILF
3th is on heat!
>>694253907Hey, wait a second
>>694253754>MegamenWho did decide to shill?
>>694253668Why is this kid mean to me :(
All below me shall lament, for they got lower than a retconned VILLAIN.
1 (ONE) hour THIRTY MINUTES soonand still NO answer
>>694253538>>694252234It is done, the whole story.
>>694253668>eslOh, that makes sense
more cirno less uggos
>>694254014>Cirno has only one spellcard
>>694253331Furries perform hilariously bad in Ms /co/Loona is probably the single biggest jobber is Ms /co/ history
>>694254001Not necessarily defending him, but Killer7 is a schizo game.
>>694254008pornobro, are we gonna make it?
>>694253879As someone else who campaigned a lot for herI missed the whole fucking qualifiersAlso I haven't played part 2 yet let alone 3
>>694254085No parents, lol
>>694253519>EHHHHHHH? Daisy, You are having me castrated and all my limbs amputated to store in the cabinet above our bed for tax purposes, AND Wart is moving in to defile your princess holes every single night while I listen from the dark cupboard?! YABBA DABBA DOO, I LOVE BEING KEKED!!!
>>6942540613th is so sexy bros...
>>694254024faith reign all, sisters
>> terrible! It's dreadful sexist behavior. I condemn it in the strongest possible terms.On an unrelated topic, does anyone know how one can ballot stuff a google forms poll? This is entirely separate from Queen of /v/, it's for a work project.
I'm going out to eat. Don't post the results until I get back.
>>694254030fine, just don't overdo it
cirno 150th
>>694254008Why would koreans come to a taiwanese fruit basket forum?
>>694252975>>694253227Based, Bazzed even
>>694254016Droopy Dog would mog every single /v/ character combined in terms of power
>>694254178have mercy on us...
Who is churro and why is she blue
>>694253945>4 minutes agoSurely it just because of the results, right?
>>694254178Sooooo, who will do it?
>>694254129Why does that damn hellhound have to be my favorite girl, if it wasn't for /trash/ I'd be in shambles
>>694253964Tabitha is best girl
Name my spell- Wait a minute... I'm from PC-98!>Where you goin'? Don't you ignore me! This is a perfectly good time to enter the Windows canon!
>>694253754has there been more from limbus? this is all ive seen when searching the archives
>>694254024God bless you too
>>694253959oh no!
>>694254129Lola almost got into the E8 this year, if anything Ms is less harsh on them than Queen.
>Babylonians talked about the tournamentNot surprised. They just HAVE to ruin everything.
>>694254007Honestly, i forgot the details but overall it happened when some anon promoted Franziska in Reddit and some Discord channel... I think
>>694253945Honestly another board coming to these threads really doesn't bother me if they behave themselves. It's still 4chan voting, it's not the same as discord or facebook organizing a brigade.
>>694254194dont worry, I have a job as all cirno posters are successful!
Any expectations MomoBros?
>>694254276I voted for yuucan't
>>694252175So is there a losers bracket like last year?
>>694254169BVLLposter btw
i can't take it anymoree, I need news about bazz
>>694253910We all make mistakes.
Let's ask some ice breaker questions while mods are rigging the votes again, how many forms does your pick have?
>>694254359/vg/ is a /v/ board though.
>>694252850any more sexy art you have stored?
>>694254365I give you strength.
>>694254236she likes it cold that's why churno is blueshe hates furniggers too
y'know I'm beginning to think maybe we need to add a character limit to these.I really don't like the idea myself but the messy qualifier poll, the long wait times?This is clearly taxing for all parties involved here, and it's only getting greater each year
>>694254236>Who is churrothe strongest >and why is she blueblue is the strongest colour. the earth is blue because it's strong
>>694254351This is a post from 2017, and the tournaments didn't start on /v/ until 2019? What does this even prove?
>>694254359/vg/ is also just a /v/ spinoff so it's still technically /v/
>>694254401>rs may>emerald may>oras may>sapphire>does animay count?It's a lot.
>>694254439UranusCHADS... are we... The STRONGEST??
>>694254401At least 4.
>>694254436We have a character limit in the tournament.
>>694254401You mean, the Crawling Chaos Emeralds?
>>694254401>loli>loli (succubus)>hag (succubus)annnnnd that's it
>>694254432Changing ny vote to Suwako
Outsider here, are all years like this or are you being raided by furfags and shitposters this year in particular?
>>694254436We say this EVERY YEAR but then Euros cry >noooooo, our time zones we needed to nominate chill the skylander while we were sleepingI'd prefer nominations be 12 hours, and then there's just a 12 hour interim round with no links up OR the qualifiers are extended to 36 hours as compensation.1,400+ characters is absolutely idiotic
>>694254351The Franziska Reddit shilling happened in 2021 iirc. I don't recall discords though.
>>694254324Lola is probably the only one left who could (the one year furries made it it was rigged), and even then she never hasShe also only made it so far because people focused on her Looney Tunes Show iteration
>>694254556yes to both
>>694254439>the strongestthat's bazz, you dumb fairy!
>>694254556Don't be fooled by seed ranking alone. Plenty are going to massively underperform.
>>694254556>vt>not anything related to my oshileave
>>694254375GIVE ME NEWS
>>694254550like she could even qualify HAHA ha
So where's the Round 1 form?
>>694254556yes>Outsider herenewfaggot BITCH
>>694254505>child>teen>red mist (early)>lobcorp gebura>box gebura>meltdown gebura>ruina gebura>ruina red mist
You DID vote for every fairy you saw on the form, right?
>>694254556If you can believe it it's usually worse, just ask ammyposters
>>694254556NSA was insanely biased against "furries" and went out of her way to delete votes she thought were "furrigging"We're just seeing what a contest would look like without her bullshit
>>694254548Vinum?She has a hag form?
>>694254594>minor spelling error
>>694254436There is indeed a series limit. It, along with multiple characters receiving the same amount of qualifying votes, is what's keeping things. The organizers need to go through the threads and see who was nominated first (received their 10th endorsement).
>>694254436/co/ asked in poll to reduce qualifier round threads and lost by a 75-25 splitYou are just about never actually going to be able to reduce the qualifier round time or character limit
>>694254447Server is/was active at that time AFAIK>>694254582I guess; quick b4k search gave me this at best"queen%20of%20%2Fv%2F"
>>694252873>how does it work?You vote, watch the /co/ larpers and The Final Rumble larpers
>>694254517"Clawing Chaos Emeralds but yes. Anyways she's got over 1000 forms.
Cirno will lose R1 like a BAKA.
Is it finally our time Mayabros?
>>694254573You can cut it down a little by not allowing whitelists or "Yeah, they're not vidya, but I like them anyway" characters. Plain and simple rules instead of contrived schizo babble would also help.
>>694254145We're all gonna make it, anon.
>>694254723to Bazz
>>69425455621 was the worst
>>694254556We always get a huge amount of furfag picks that always get voted out round 1/2. They're kind of like Angela, spitevoted out while stealing spots from better characters.
>>694254550>not cirno>not the vampire twins>not the short witch>not ZAWARDOU maidyou never even had a chance senpai
>>694254439>blue is the strongest colortrue!
>>694254685Dogs aren't women and thus shouldn't be eligible at all you bestiality freakazoid.
>>694254693counterpoint, /co/ threads can stay up for a good 4-6 hours even at tournament speeds. At least on that board it'd make sense why there's a longer time period. We do NOT need over 1,000 entrants. Even 500+ is ridiculous.
>>694254726The stench in the toilet wasn't troll's fault
>>694253754>Omori general didn't talk about it for onceShame, I wonder what happened to that poster who kept posting pirate links and mods for the game
I sure hope Maw wife made it into the bracket
>>694254685NSA was truly a hero for the lolis
>>694254692But why aren't the qualifier poll results open on the google form?
1 hr 35 minutes btw
>>6942547692022 was the worst tournament yet thoughbeit
>>694253945kek this absolute cope of a falseflag
>>694254401>Snake lady>White woman>Loli snake
>PMfag is one of the anti-furry seethersOne of many reasons for why we hate you faggots
>>694254116Based as fuck
I don't know about all that but Sumireko WON the 2hu vote
>>694254737Unless someone will try to falseflag her she'll be fine.
>>694254723Cirno isn't a baka, why would you say that?
>>694254436>This is clearly taxing for all parties involved hereYeah, it's hard to rig when you have to go through 5 pages of characters each time.
>>694254594The strongest cannot be from a game that lasted the shortest! The Black Mage of Final Fantasy 11 is the strongest under heaven. Oh-ohohoho!
>>694254851Don't worry, Limbabs will never get a win, they hate each other more than they hate everyone else.
>>694254851I vote against them all the time since it's gookslop and gachaslop at the same time.
>>694254791All of those choices? Shit. There should be a 2hu vote someday there's over 128 of them.
>>694254837>White womandear god...
Alright, I'll just say itNot even NSA took almost 2 hours to release the results of Qualifiers
>>694254797wtf I don't remember posting this
>>694254436>>694254573>>694254806Who gives a fuck?
>>694254806Both Mr and Ms had over 1000 this year and that's with having less threads then /v/ gets
cam the fuck on lady
>> the opposite world
>PMChad is one of the anti-furry seethersOne of many reasons for why we love you faggots
>>694254857she won bigly but the hosts rigged her out
>>694254008Speaking of Koreans, why was so much of the Bazz fanart drawn by them? I mean good work but kek
>>694254726TROLL IN THE DUNGEON, TROOOOLL IN THE DUNGEON! And an ogre too. Thought you ought to know...
Okay now the next 5 is to blame for our lack of a results sheet
>>694254249I will.
Where do I vote?
>>694254851The feeling is mutual. I hate furfags with all my heart.>>694254898>/vg/ lingo
I'm losing my fucking patience; if these lazy hosts don't bring the result, I'll shot this whole place down!
>>694255013it was me
Top 10 seeds:>Bland babby's first visual novel first girl>Sexy, cool, and cute>Cool, cute and funny>An over-meme'd RPGmaker H-game villainess>Understandable Bat Tats that always gets nominated>The better version of Bat Tats - Cat tats!>The worse version of Bat Tats - Cat flats>The best spider girl in video games>Cute and funny from a good game>The unavoidable common girl from a normie gameSix out of ten isn't that bad, at all. I am pleasantly surprised.Honestly more surprised there wasn't a flood of Pokemon and Touhou, considering they were a 10/th of the nominations.
>>694254401At least 11
>>694254826Blatant rigged votes have to be removed. Spideranon gave a fantastic explanation as to the full methodology of determining empirically what qualifies as one during Ms. /co/ I believe. I don't have anywhere near the math knowhow to explain it myself, but everything he posted checked out.
>>694255013the guy below my post
>>694254754I don't why the new hosts are so afraid of just setting a hard limit. The way they're polling it too sounds insanely flawed. If you want AM and Geralt you have to vote for Mike Tyson and AVGN? If you don't like the Whitelist, your vote is split THREE ways meaning good fucking luck getting a majority consensus on the "no" option?Ballsanon even said in the past he wanted to keep things strictly vidya if he was running these, I don't know what changed. It's the fairest and least headache-inducing option.
>>694255013Yuuma is stuffing the ballot. She never plays fair.
>>694255013Was it even a question?
>>694254956My nominee!
>>694255030>The feeling is mutual. I hate furfags with all my heart.Who is your pick? CirnoGODS will vote her
>>694255030>/-/-/-/-/v-Cry MOAR LimFAGGOT, you're never even getting into the E8 regardless of whether you spitevote Cuckgela out or not.
>>694255081my brother!
>>694255056To be fair only like four of those are actually the character proper
>>694254851Don't care furfag, yiff in hell.
So you're saying a woman and her simps created the rules? No wonder its such a mess.
>>694254926>>694254797Somsnosa is so sexy, bros...
>>694254948I do, I don't like waiting 2 hours every year for the polls to start, I don't like the high error rate dealing with the sheer volume of entrants causes, and I don't like taking fifteen minutes to go through the qualifier list.
>>694254851Guess I'm voting for PM characters from now on
Let's dance until the results come out!
>>694254815What are those things on her chest?
Oh my, everyone here is just absolutely tired of waiting for those ballots to return...Here; need a drink? The first round of my new Dr Thirst is on the house...
>>694254737God, I hope not, but good luck, anyway.
>you've been a bad doggy. it's time to go to the farm
>>694255085I KNEW IT!
I'm guessing the dupes are what's holding us up, and one of those dupes qualified or was close to
>>694255097Binah and Gebura. And I hate Angela, so vote her out too.
if NSA was still hosting we would have gotten results 2 hours ago
>>694255169DR. T-SAMA
>>694255206-because she would have hand-chosen them herself
All my picks are going to lose since I'm the only one giving a damn about them since I love their games.
>>694255085Of course.
>>694254975That ghost's kind of hot...But enough of that,HEY, /v/!Who'd you nominate?We're all friends here. Just respond to this post with your nominee. Nothing bad will happen.
>>694255194I'm IN with all 30 of my gmail accoounts!
>>694254851Everyone hates furries thoughbeit
>>694255002No clue. Some sort of east meets west thing in SK metro culture maybe. Whatever it is, I love artwork and so I reap the benefits.
>>694255169HE'S BACK
>>694255132I would lose my shit if this character ends up being somsnosa in 3
>>694255206NSA was even slower than this if you can believe thatAnd that was for normal rounds
>>694255065/co/ made the decisions please understand
>>694255264Not enough to keep them out of the Top 10.
>>694255085Simply devilish. A master work in dedication of one's pettiness
>>694255132i'd simp for unless one of my waives make it to the bracket
>>694255264BRIMSTONE post.
Well, I'm going to go play Anno. Yell at me is it's so over or if we're so back.
pray with cirno that every furfag has a stroke!
You need to be THIS tall to enter Queen /v/
I'm curious to know how the Helltaker girls did.The top seeds were nice and all, but who are our other 118 girls?
>>694255263Congrats! That's enough to drink.
>>694255256I kneel
>>694255264...on planet retard
So what's your favorite movie?
>>694254401>Regular>Mirror>Baby/Child/Young woman>Mirror (Corrupted)>Champion of Light
Guys please, don't vote for any furchad picks... I have to admit, they... Did something to me in a dark alley in the summer of 92...
>>694255051>villainessShe did nothing wrong, unironically
>>694255085I knew that nigger was behind this.
>>6942553582hu won first so it won the most
>>694255065This is why I hate the hosts. They're retarded.
furCHUDS are ruining this event...
>>694255161You're going down this year
What kind of matchups do you think we're going to get this year?I'm very curious who you think is going to win.Also, Fuck the hosts, am i right?
may we have a kind and fair tournament, anons
>>694254401hundreds as she's made to reincarnate and balance the forces between two retards
>>694255463Sick .gif
>>6942554299GET baka...
Rya came back from her prawn dinner feast and saw no results.
5 Minute Warning! The roster will be out in 5 minutes!
Are pokefuckers furry adjecent or not? I've never really seen them this way.
final threadly 'no
>>694255476Your brain is still forming in a test tube in the lab.
>>694255321fur discord raid
>>694255519brothers, cope with me...
>>694255065>I don't know what changedGeralt got barred when The Witcher videogames were exponentially bigger than the books ever were
>>694255519Kiss your sister
>>694255536Pokefuckers are 100% furries.
>>6942539102024THE YEAR OF THE CUNNY
>>694255519About fucking time; why are these hosts so goddamn slow during /v/ tournaments?
Since anthros are doing well, will we see a furry vs scalie war at first hand before /trash/?
>>694255506>9GET baka...
>>694255228>>694255273>>694255343Ah, nice to be greeted by an adoring public! Yes, your hero is here ready to quench your thirst! As you drink your cool cans of Dr Thirst, my own minions are currently going behind the scenes to see just why this delay is happening! Your glorious supervillain genius Dr T will see to it that this matter is resolved!>>694255519And just like clockwork, my minions are coming back with good news!
>>694255601ME ON THE RIGHT
>>694255601Always vote cute and funny.
>>694255549ORE WA
>>694255536kiiiinda depends on the pokemon in some cases, but more often than not the answer is yes
>>694254915i didn't draw your goat btw. sry about that
>>694255612are there even any scalie picks on the roster other than lizzie?
>>694255612>feathers end up being the dark horse upset
>>694255414It's okay Ayin, I know how it feels like to be a SURVIVOR... I'm here to support you.
>>694255601>loli yurijust lost my votes
>>694255549>Bejita is a 2hufag>gets a 9
>>694255445If the whitelist issue has to be decided by a poll, it should be two options. Which would be>Any character that has previously qualified will be eligible under the grandfather clauseOR>There is no whitelist, entrants must have video game originsThose are the only fair options that don't show favoritism nor artificially split the vote in any way. If you want /lit/, you want youtubers. If you want to keep it to "real" video games, you don't get to make special exceptions. Or if they qualified before, they can qualify again. Hard, objective rules that end the bullshit.
>>694255529>It was me! Mima!!!
Two minutes, everybody! I hope you're wearing your Sunday best to meet our Top 128!
Don't kill this thread until the 5 minutes are up, or we'll have one thread of people not looking past the first 2 minutes of comments to find the results!Save the next thread from the unending tide of;>where link for waifu
>>694255601/u/ gross
>>694255715Oh no
Get ready to see who got less votes than a fucking jpeg of a cat.
She won (in my heart)
>>694255715Holy shit!
>>694255549>jobber spams about a jobberA match made in heaven
>>694255712It shouldn't even be up to a vote because this is a video game board, not a le heccin intertubes based cullturino board.
>>694255718I'M SCARED /V/ROS
>>694255796Isn't that a PNG, since it's partially transparent?
I believe in Dazzi for round 1.
>>694252263Mr. Incredible's harem...
Qualifier Results:
>>694255804shes too animal and green. im sorry
>>694255194nta but i can't do that, angela is blue and I'm voting for anything that looks blue
>>694253910Thread moves too fast>>694252234
>>694255641OR EH WA
>>694255829I mean, I agree with you entirely but you'll get /tnt/ >ONE GUYfags frothing at the mouth over it.
>>694255718I can feel it! The biggest result yet! 700% efficiency!
>>694255718Of course!
>>694255884>Bazz at 16SHE'S IN
Please, start rigging results faster.
>>694255884>worst seed yet for HornetWHAT THE FUCK
>16We're in bazzbros.
>>694255884TOP 16 BAZZCHADS
>>694255884>Lizzie got 31 votesWOO! LET'S GO, BABY! THAT'S SIX MORE VOTES THAN LAST YEAR!!
>>694255912Todd Howard is Hexanon!?
>>694255884>geb and angela deadlol lmao
>>694255712How about neither and we just stick to /v/ characters as in characters that debuted in a video game, it's not that hard
>>694255747Is this the fateful chilly winter of 1992?
>>694255884WE MADE IT
>>694255884WTF is this?You will all pay for voting against me with these demon scums!
>>694255264Evidently not
>>694255884>Sex at 20th and Essex at 31st
>>694255884jesus christ mine didn't even get fucking CLOSE
BAZZ MADE IT? Well shoot, I've got kino planned. I'll get to work.
>>694255884>no ak-12unironically rigged wtf
>>694255884>mari is my only pick that got inALL IN ON MARI
>>694255884>Don Quixote made itHoly shit
>>694255884Touhou looking kind of shit and finished bro's...
>>694255884>Cirno is the only one to make it in
>85Hornetbros I don't feel good.
>>694255884>splash outFuuuuuck
>>694255884GALLOP ON
>>694255950>>694255884WE DID IT BAZZ CHADS
>>694255884>toy chicaOh yes!
>>694255961uh huh, cirnochads run this bitchwe expect ALL 2hu support
>>694255884Oh no no no it's so over for 2hutards
>>694255884>Etna 33rd seedIT'S HERTIMEPeople are boring for not getting Flonne in though
>>694256065just have to wait for hylics 3 bros........
>>694255884Shouldn’t Pauline technically count as a Donkey Kong character and thus should be included?
>>694255884>Misty is inLET'S FUCKING GOOOOOOO
>>694255884WE CAN DO IT
>>694255884Mawilebros....Nidoranbros....We've been HUMANED
>>694255943Too bad if they get mad. Rules are designed to keep out retards and illegitimate things. When you let Chris Chan run things, it's just going to be a mess.
>>694255884>Maya at number 1 Holy shit
>>694255884>>694256036>Mari doubled her seed from last yearMariGODS... WE'RE BACK
>>694255884>>694256030>someone made a full length fanfic>80 votesfuck off, she got double that last year
>>694255950A qualifier was wasted for this...I mean, it would have been Tiny Kong, but that's still an improvement.
Roxanne Wolf 29? Wow, nice going Roxybro! Hope she can make the elite 8!
>>694255884>Renee actually made it Hagchads.. We're going home
>callie and marie had the exact same amount of votes
>>694255884Tifa got higher seed than Cirno btw
>3 girls who were the OP pic overnight didn't come close to qualifyingum....drawfags? your response?
>renamon that highKEK
>>694256065Darn, I was rooting for you Somsnosa bros
>>694255884IT'S FUCKING RED AND LEAF AGAINFUCKING GREATThey're just gonna spitevote each other out R1 like last time
>>694256163Mari's best result yet!MARI!MARI!!!!!
>cirno is the only 2huI'll take it i guess
>>69425588452 votes? I'll take it.See you next year, for Emerald.
>>694256183>Beener somehow made it inNow is the time to job to another bird again
>>694256020Do you still not believe retards are running this?
>>694255884JOBrika once again doesn't qualify
>>694256176They'll get their pet admin Black Hand to doxx people they don't like, but here on /v/ anonymous CHADS can talk how they pleaseFuck the whitelist, fuck readtards and booktrannies, and fuck pootubers
I was told that in QoV, its the 2hus against everyone else and that they were this complete monolith. The fuck happened?
>>694255912>Gotta go fastCute as always
>Vicar made it inbased.
>>694255884>Bazzare you serious
>>694255884>Don over Gebura>Don more votes than BinahKekaroo, gacha has successfully overtook Project Moon fanbase
>>694255884>marisakeks at 161HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAAHHA KNEEL
>>694255884>only two Alices this yearBrutal
>>694255884>Bazz in the top 20 seedsI'm laughing, but why?
>>694255884Helen (Undead World Hero Survival) bros...
>susie that highgod damn
>>694255884As usual, we missed +20 votes to reach the top 128.See you next year.>t. Dinosaur (Google) fag
>>694255884how the fuck did vidya butts only get 87 AFTER the shit that mods pulled this year
>>694256258>Cheshire was 2 votes off
>>694255884My hole 3x3 got obliterated. Sad but expected.
>>694256314You were told wrong.
HOLY SHITAyla just BARELY in by a matter of timing
>>694255884>Touhou is ONLY CirnoWhat the fuck?>Koishi was #3 AGAINDamn...
>>694256020>>694256290I think that's why Fire Keeper made it in?
>>694255884>Nyan Nyan at 134Damn, we were close. Oh well it was a good run. At least I don't got to worry about choosing between her and Muffet.
>>694255884The Project Moon fanbase is so finished
>>694256314NSA can't rig for them anymore
14 NEW JANNIES HAVE BEEN BORN!HERO'S LAST RESORTS>Mari>Binah>Toy Chica>The PrincessHERO'S CASINO JANNIES>Aubrey>Sweetheart>Lady Dulcinea>Lorina>Laetitia>Gebur>Myo>Hod>Essentia>Vella>Gravelyn>Elena>Sylvia Christel>Susie Haltmann
>>694255884>thought Bazz didn't make it>she's top 16
>>694256130Too bad nominate her under a better series next time
Pixie and Alice are in but Mermaid and the rest are so far behind it's fucking funnyAlso Sue is weirdly high but I nominated her (and Pixie) so all's good
>>694255718Oh, I was born and dressed ready with the right body type, my dear radiohead friend. Unfortunately it was deemed too glorious for the image limit...>>694255884Oh my, is that the lovely GLaDOS? My, you look shinier than ever; did you get a new can of compressed air to get all those dust specks out from your cracks~? I'll definitely be voting for you!
Dare I say... KINO
>>6942563353but how the hell did Alipheese not make it in
>>694255884Holy shit this is some legendary shit taste
>>694256342Because meme magic is real.Just, this time, it was also black magic.And a waste of everyone's fucking time.
What the fuck is Doom Daisy doing in the top 128 lmao
>>694256363Same, bro...
>>694255884I'll fucking howl at the moon if Bazz somehow wins
>>694256453No campainging?
>>694255884>Leaf>>>>>>>>>RedKilling all of you and then myself.
>>694256065Expected, to be honest. In fact, all RPGM franchises I expected to lose or win did exactly that
>>694256274Thank you for taking the 300th image. I didn't realize the thread had reached its bump. I don't want to close out Annette with a Tamers12345 joke. Anyway, I love my wife, Annette.
>>694256378Imagine that people were afraid of Touhou picks a few years ago because they'd take like 30 spots. How those times have changed...
>>694256453She's kind of an annoying bitch
>these resultsYup, Queen is the best tournament as usual.
>Hornet sank to the lowest seed she's ever had by a drastic amount>Alipheese didn't qualify>Every other 2022 E8 is still in the upper ranksWhat the fuck happened?
>>694255884>Bazz in top 20I can already tell this tournament's gonna be a shitshow.
>>694255884Princesschads our time has come
This may be Mari's best seed, but she is forever doomed to matching up against a Nintendo waifu within the first few rounds and will never make it past Round 3
B-B-B-B-Bros, I though we were supposed to be better than Ms /co/, why is a TRANNY a top 20 seed..................................................
>>694256483Heckin' wholesome reddit chungus
>>694256536The Silksong blackpill is setting in
>>694255884>Mario and Paper Mario are counted as separate series
>>694255884>not a single UO character made ithmofa lost...incest lost...
>>694255884>Don made itFIXER OF THE YEAR BABY
>>694256562Mari vs Peach : 3rd Strike
>>694256591As they should, series limits are gay
>>694256229>frye and shiver also got identical votes>meanwhile marina qualified and pearl didn'tgrim
i’m making a cum tribute. Do I send it through catbox?
>>694256589That doesn't make sense, were people literally only voting Hornet because of Silksong's potential? Nothing about her changed between now and Queen 2022!
>>694256536Hornet has no game
>>694256589This desuAlso nobody nominated other HK characters unlike in previous years so she was harder to notice.
Who would win between Sex and Essex?
>>694256483The demons are everywhere
>>694256536Hornet competed when people thought Silksong was next year.
>my girls I rigged for didn’t qualify>my girls I didn’t rig for qualifiedHmmm
>>694256525They're /co/ and /trash/ retards. They literally only come here for drama farming like the women (trannies) they are.
>>694256545When is it not?
>>694256563>even the tranny board stuck to only women for their tournamentOh no no no no no no
>>694256663No, through your urethra, dumbass.
>>694256378>Koishi was #3 AGAINWas Queen for the 3 time again? We know
>>694256663it better be for darlene or bazz
>>694255884>miriam and shanoa failed>aradia nowhere to be seenthe fuck? where is she!? I wswoear I voted for her!
>>6942566922021 was super comfy.
I fucking love bread bros
>>694254851I don't hate furr characters, but I hate these threads being flooded with furfag porn.An enemy of my enemy is a friend.
>Misty cucked Arceus by TWO VOTESMY SIDES!
>>694256727I mean I like the swimsuit she wears in the games
my GOAT curly won last yearI had some I wanted to see this year but they all failed to qualifyfeels bad but I guess I can't really complain
>>694256727For Rachael
>Ayre didn't make it inI'm out.
>>694255884>tied 15 with Baba at 164BAZZED BAZZED BAZZED
>50 votesHoly shit, alright we're gaining traction Mimabros. Still beat by many options of course, but I'll take what I can fucking get.
Gebbros...we were off by one vote...
>>694256682Who would win between Mr. Hyde and Dr. Jekyll?
>>694255884Why is Aigis the only Persona girl who qualifies every time? And Goddamn, Chie got knocked down to 274th place.>Bazz that highI hate ironic shitposters so much.
>only 2 of my main picks made itI guess I'll get to work tomorrow...
I'm not looking forward to the inevitable complaining and "worst tournament yet" during the final rounds
>>694256591They should beThe characters that would get voted in are completely different between them
>>694255884WHERE IS Option 1LET ME SEE HER
>>694256238my response >493 pompy (psychopomp)>1212 peony (fae tactics)>1306 interrobang (rebound rpg)i make OC for fun and the fact that peony and interro got enough votes to not be dead last ++ pompy getting to the upper 35%~40% is enough for me>buddy 204this bullshit is rigged FUCK
>>694256727I actually hated misty in the anime as a kid. I only started liking her in crystal
>>694256687Same, wtf
>MonikaAh, I see BanJOB of Qo/v/ is once again ready to lose round 1
>>694254851>no vidya butts??????????????did she get top seed but you took out a bunch of votes?????
>>694256789Yeah, I feel this. Not taking this year as seriously after she won just last year.
>Voting for the bitch basic Red AGAIN>Voting for fucking leaf only to spitevote her on round 1 because LEAF HATEI fucking hate every single one of you who voted for them.
i voted for every 2hu but at least my queen cirno made it
>nidoqueen over nidoranhaglovers all along
>>694256848Chie being that low surprises me.
Honestly surprised at how close some of these wereLike Nyanlathotep? That's a lot more votes than I thought
>>6942566922019 was peak comfy
>>694256861deltarune and undertale should be separate then too, same with moon project
>>694255884>Molly, a Mismagius I used in my Platinum playthrough earlier this year (Pokemon)>250Holy shit lmao can you imagine if we were doing 256 and somebody's random waifu pokemon got in
>>694256857It might just be the worst tournament yet thoughever
>>694256857Well nsa is being off as usualAnd the staff pushed the troll characters pretty highAlready i am not liking this
>>694256727Welcome to coomerville.
>none of my picks made itExpected, honestly. Waiting for king now
>>694256937Someone get on Next 128!
>>694256536Meanwhile Shodan probsbly has her best seed
>Butts is outNo... The jannies got her
>>694256876I bet Buddy lost support because of the Joyful/Painful rereleases that came out in the last year being censored.
>>694256934They should be, but I'm not the boss
Somehow, the only interesting furry options are Blaze and Vibri... Yeah, it's over
>>694255884thats actually depressing, i knew porn posting didn't work last year and she only won against a furry in loser's bracket but making an entire VN styled video only to get outed at qualifiers is bullshit as hell
>>694255884>3 of my nominations made it to 128 while the other 3 didn'tThe ones that remain shall carry on for the ones that have been lost.
Baiken... it's all to You...
>>694255884>Monika and Natsuki both made it>Could've got a third rep but people either were lazy as fuck or complete retards who thought someone else would've done itWhack.
>>694256957She's the pity pick not the coomer pick. Although sometimes there's overlap.
>>694257001More than likely rigged out.
>>694257009only the playstation release got censored because sony is retarded
>pyro in>deadlock outgentlemen...
>>694256909I mellowed out, I'm no longer planning to spitevote Leaf. I think she's a well-written character who makes BS what it is, she gives it its identity.Now, Angela? Spitevoting her to oblivion.
>>694255884actually disappointed about ak-12
>>694257070pyro is literally a man
>>694255884Koishibros... I'm so sorry....
Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you, the lineup for Round 1 of the Queen /v/ 2024 tournament!
>>694257107Thanks dad
>>694252907>>694256986>Shodanwe're so back
>>694257050If coomers can be attributed, they should and will be.
>>694257070It's funny, but I'm once more mad about Administrator
>>694256986clearly NSA deliberately nerfed her last year
>>694256909i wanted node and dodo...
>>694253864>>694255884>Dragapult - 832ndWhat a surprise (no one said so)Welp, see next year guys
>>694257106She is still in Anon.Just gotta look at it very carefully.
>>694255884Thank you to the 31 anons who voted for my wife, Annette. I underestimated how many contestants there would be, but I'm still glad to see Annette get some attention. I love my wife, Annette.
>>694257107natsuki is a stupid slut. cirnogods lets destroy her
>>694257107>Shodan vs Chun LiIt's so over
I don't really feel like drawfagging any of this top 128maybe if there's a funny matchup or something I guess
>>694257107Sex and Essex are the same damn character.
Please let characters that can enter both tournaments in King if they enter Queen.
>bazz will never qualify>okay well she qualified, but she'll lose in round 1YOU ARE HERE>that was an easy matchup, she won't make it past round 2>campooner picks always lose in the third round! it's over for bazz>she made it this far but she's not elite 8 material>hah! bazz will lose this round and have to sit out a whole year!>w-well, bazz will never make it to finals!>there's no way bazz will win the whole thing!>NOOOOOOOOOOOO RIGGED RIGGED ******
>>694257107>>694257132>shodan vs chun-liit's so over
>IB made itI'm glad but OUCH, there are some really sad cuts this year. I was looking forward to Kumatora finally doing better after barely losing Round 1 last yearHeart goes out to all of you guys who couldn't make it. You fought well.
>Ashley 38>Renee 94Hagfags lostImoutochads won
>>694255884Illya bros...Still gonna weasel her into some OC
>>694256937To be fair mismagius is a really pretty waifumon.
>>694255884Since the duplicate Essex is probably about to get removed it looks like Tiny Kong will be the new 128th seed...That is definitely a pick
>>694257001Hosts rigged her out. I put 10 votes into her myself and there's no way the entirety of /v/ would ignore her while going for everyone else ESPECIALLY after getting high tier quality OC
>>694257107sex and essex are the same character retard
>>694257204No, kill yourself.
>>694257009dammit.>now is susie's best chance but she's gonna be associated with furfags and homfagsDAMMIT everything is going wrong it's OVER>peacock 79nevermind we're back
>>694257205It's seeded
>>694257205Oh that hurtsThat really hurts
>>694257107>Daisy vs Dark SamusWe're quick in with the demons
>>694257107Let Fire Keeper in
>>694257168how can they be this dense kekI guess they don't even read these threads
>>694257207Oh nooooooooo
>>694257207she can't win because cirno is in the bracket
>>694255884 >Obscure pick was somehow still too popular to make bottom 128 despite not making a peep about herWow, I guess I ain't the only one who cares about her. On the bright side stp's princess did make the main tournament so I will support her>Bazz actually maib tournament Holy shit
>>694257107>Misery vs AigisDON'T MAKE ME CHOOSE MAN
>>694257107Thanks for proving how utterly incompetent you all are.
>>694257107>Princess against Jill Valentinethis cannot be how it ends for us princessgods
>>694257107>muffet vs marina>susie vs mai>noelle vs alicegg, we'll get em next year
>>694257107WATCH OUT MS.PAULING!!!!
>>694257107>Amy Rose vs Blaze the CatOH COME ON! THAT'S BULLSHIT!!!
>>694257107Loli on Loli murder
Eyes on the prize /v/
>>694257207did you really copy this from that dronepost on /tnt/
>>694256993But BABA IS CUTE AND GIRLRead 'em and weep, BABA is 15 on QUEEN
>>694257275Surely they realize it when they make the poll and realize their images look identical
>>694256021>SYBILhell fuckin yeah
>>694257107Fix Sex and Essex, it's the same character
>>694255884>Angela and Beatrice didn't even made itKWAB
>>694257258>It's seededThen why the fuck is the 1st seed fighting the 2nd seed? That's NOT how seeding works
>>694257107Concord is a failed TF2 clone and fuck whoever voted Bazz.
>>694257107>Ms. Pauling vs BazzOh boy, this will be fun*.Also Essex and Sex are apparently the same person.
>>694257208Not so fast, if sex gets removed the bracket changes. Same shit happened in Mr./co/.
>>694257249You like men.
>>694257107bazz bros, i think we have a chance
Okay, that's not a very good seed, but im sure that she still can w->>694257107It's over
>nu-hero shooter vs the OG hero shooterDown with the old, in with the new, Bazzchads
>>694257107>Kaine finally gets to compete>gets put up against a furchad in the first roundHer suffering never ends does it
>>694257187>>694257208kek these posts were made at the same time
>>694257332jazzniggers steal literally all their posts from former campaigns
where's the roster image guy
>>694257107>Muffet vs MarinaDon’t do this to me.
>amy vs blazeKEKAROO
>>694257275They're from /trash/ and /co/ and only do this to hunt for drama.
>>694257217Kumatora was close. I think the forms being so messed up with the Mother series going by three different names across multiple characters and Kumatora getting the worst name is what failed her.
>>694257107>Amy Rose vs Blaze>Hat Kid vs AshleyHow
I fucking told you that Bazz would qualify and you didn't believe me
>>694257447No they weren't???
>>694257207Bazzed reminder anon
>>694257107Remove both sexes and add my nominations pls
amy rose vs blaze the cat is genuinely hard
>>694257107Randomized brackets MY ASS, this is completely rigged
It looks like the push for different 2hus had consequencesI don't care though keep it going
>>694252175>203DAMN! No one fucking voted this time. >>694252309Ain't that guy Gokuversal? It's just not possible
>>694257475yeahI would accept them taking another few hours to post the voting sheet if it meant they fixed all these stupid clerical errors
>Ame is not even close to 128Brb gonna kms
>>694257529It's seeded dummy
>>694257107>Princess PeachMaribros...We know what we must do...The picnic begins!
>>694257529what do you think they spent 2 hours on?
Sex? More like Sexus
>>694257529as long as my waifu got art, i won
>>694257531Guess we better all stack Marisa next year...
>Vicar vs DollYou time has come you boring porcelain bitch.
>>694257107Deeply rigged bracketing.
>>694257504I hit enter on mine and while the cooldown was counting down I saw the other one pop up.
>fair bracketing is called "rigged" by newtardslmao
>>694257531All part of the cirno master plan
>Aigis vs. MiseryDefinitely want to try and do art for this one even if it's not great quality. Aigis is a top pick for me and I love Cave Story.
See you next thread
>>694255884Alright, I wound up with ten nominations making it, and two more that would have made it but for the series limit. Not bad I guess.
>>694256085Keep your head held high Hornetbro, remember Amaterasu got an anomalous triple digit seed last year and she still made it to finals
why the fuck are sex and essex still in
>Hosts completely ignored the posts pointing out they have a duplicate character in the Top 128 and made the bracket anyway, causing even more confusionNice
>>694257107Nigger, you took out a bunch of votes out of ak-12 to let in sex twice
>>694257325>>694257469>>694257483>>694257516randomized isn't truly randomized
>Dark Samus has Daisy in her hand.>She is about to crush the bunny.>Doomguy appears in the background in a terrifying way.>Dark Samus caresses Daisy as she tries to leave.Have drawfags, I did your creative job.
>>694257584I'm stacking Mima and Marisa.
Post yfw Bazz creates a brand new rule because of her causing too much seethe
>>694257207>Miss Pauling>Easy matchup
>>694257107poor Pauling...
>>694257107Is this a joke? Essex and Sex are the same character...
>>694257556Not seeded, otherwise Maya (seed 1) would be going against Tharja (seed 128)
>>694257662True that. It's a strange placement but I still believe in her.
>>694257521Ah shit I saw ANOTHER beatrice.Technically Im still right.Anyway, easy round 1 kick, beatoricheeeeeeeeeeeee!
>cirno is destined to face a furry in the second roundfate has it so that good has to fight against evil, and it has been always destined for evil to fail and for justice to prevail
>>694257639If aigis wins she will most likely face 2b too which is a great match up for art
>>694256416>All the qualifier jobbers who took out a contract got turned into janniesKEK that's actually really funny, based HERO
>>694257727Honestly, Bazz getting in after all the screaming and crying for characters like Vivian is fucking top comedy
>>694257727>The NSA Rule: NO TRANNIES
Paulingbros I'm not feeling so good....
>TFW voting for my girl BazzShe's actually from a video game, and not some shitty comic book.
>>694257752Only the cunniest will survive
>>694257727>the NSA rule against trans character comes backWas this her grand plan?
I need a list of girls who's game released this year. I love my new niggas
>Etna vs MorriganOuch.
Hosts purposefully outed vidya butts this year, mods compromised them
>>694257763Sex is Essex's evil alter ego?
i can't get over the amount of furry picks
>>694257814Can I play said video game?
Reminder that switching out Sex will change the seeding and thus throwing the entire bracket out of the window with it
>>694257821Of coursch!
>>694257773amen 2hu brother
>>694257828Bazz>new niggasYes
I respect NSA's strength and trust her implicitly.
sex? more like hex
>>694257631Don't trust the retarded hosts to not rig.
Don't pay attention to the matchups, hosts are gonna have to redo bracket anyways because they have TWO OF THE SAME CHARACTER ON IT
>>694257828Concord did release this year but then it got unreleased so it's not even from this year
Sorry to butt in the middle of a heated conversation, but uhhhh barred submission will open in next thread in a plentiful amount of minutes. Reminder only rules are they can't be in the Top 256 or Bottom 128. See you all soon.
>>694257793My casino has only the finest unpaid workers.At least all these Limubs girls look good in suits.
>>694257107>Amy vs BlazePlease don't tell me you guys put this on purpose.