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I want her to poop in my mouth
she looks very...friendly
I'm sorry, xir, but you posted this on the Video Games board by mistake.
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Came for Burnice
Stayed for the Wincest
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Piper > Lucy > Burnice > Caeser
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theres a hentai video of her being railed to her theme song and it made me cum diamonds. literally noone can compete to burnice.
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zzzshill vs wuwashill
who wins?
source anon?
the most unorganic looking shill campaign i have ever seen
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>finally finish building Piper
>she's doing more damage than the rrat
Why didn't you all tell me she was this good?
touch grass
>said the gachafag
just go to r34 and use the burnice + animated tag. you will find it.
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zzz seems to actually have player compared to wuwa which is fucking beyond dead except for women and troons who seem to still be playing. just a late time to be posting zzz threads for EUfags
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I got it from pixiv a while ago, don't remember.
>biker faction in action game
>weapons are a battleaxe, a bat, a fucking sword and shield, and flamethrowers
>none of them actually ride a bike for their attacks like fucking dante's cavaliere
pompey should've been playable
>pompey should've been playable
Yes but Hoyo hates money.
i'd probably like a lot that game if it wasn't some shit gacha
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She's in 1.5.
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The ax is pretty cool though.
prove it
just try it anon. how could it hurt? its not that bad.
Am i retarded or is the way to play Yanagi simply to spam normal for a few seconds, press special, spam normal for a few seconds, press special, and repeat? And hold special when it's up?
I'm not gonna watch the animations closely enough to count five normal strikes
No idea. I just button mashed my way through her event.
>he thinks when playing
nigga just button mash lmao
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Does anyone else want to get railed by Ben Bigger?
No, I just want to hug him.
eatwaffles i think
>My Koleda and k0t have been languishing unleveled and geared since i drew them
>Doesnt seem like any combination of my roster will properly synergize with Koleda
>Check prydwen
>Her only viable team is straight from 1.0 with Soldier 11
Someone please help this shortstack out
I only started playing the game a month ago and my only real team is Burnice, Koleda and Lucy. I didn't get another S Rank character from the stable banner and saving for Miyabi so my second team is just Cunning Hares.
Hazeker is such a hack, holy shit
It's criminal how bad the Standard banner agents are. Nicole and maybe Lycaon are the only good ones. S11 does abysmal damage and k0t's passive makes her arguably worthless. 6 seconds of bonus damage? What a sick joke.
lolibaba erotic
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I quit the game but I still like the kot
>some snacks
I thought she was saying >some smack
She is lit, I can't deny it.
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i found it but its locked behind a paywall. fucking faggot. i just gooned to burnice instead.
there's only a single wuwa shill left and he is 80% of the posts in his own thread (uses a trip so it's verifiable)
Those lyrics are so mediocre
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she's lit, you can't deny.
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awww shit I'm breakdancing
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How many times can you people get hyped over a fucking anime girl with guns and swords?

It's so fucking played out.
no way this dude's a solid

she's lit tho you can't deny
Indefinitely. If it works every time, it will work every time.
>6 seconds of bonus damage? What a sick joke.
She hits a lot in those 6 seconds.
it honestly doesn't. usually gacha games drop one design I like then proceed to never make anything like it again, ZZZ honestly peaked immediately with the initial cunning hares members and everything after has been kind of shitty. like I just don't give a fuck about the office worker samurai, they look fucking stupid. at this point i'm just waiting to see if that fucking orangutan nigga becomes playable because otherwise I think i'm just uninterested in actually rolling for shit since I never touch endgame shit enough for the powercreep BS to affect me
Women have existed for million years and guys still want to fuck them? Get with the times, it's 2024, suck some dick!
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Don't forget to do your SD runs before it's over.
I'm not level 60 yet, and I don't have a good second team either.
You didn't clear SD
I could do it with her replaced by Piper
You're right dude we should totally be getting hype for trans characters with fridge bodies whose entire personality is "I'm trans" like in western games!
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>if you dont like gachashit then you must love trannies
Both are terrible and youre a nigger.
Nah, his logic is sound. Go back to playing Dragon Age
bizarre deflection when half the gacha sluts aren't even hot anymore. we just pretending nicole never got nerfed? gonna act like every character wearing thick bike shorts with not a single one having panties on is super hot? for fuck's sakes you share a pull pool with two thick, muscular anthro men how is that not the most faggoty fucking thing ever. you have a solid chance of losing the opportunity to get your censored waifu design to fucking wolf o'donnell in BDSM gear.
you're not being called retarded for liking sexy women you're being called retarded for playing a slot machine with a button masher minigame for bottom of the barrel sex appeal. the game has a fucking built-in system where if you zoom the camera too far up a characters ass it fucking hides the entire model. genuinely some of the most pathetic shit ever
>post said nothing about nebulous "gachashit"
>tries to imply that's what it meant
Because as we all know, anime girls with guns and swords never appear any where else...
>in BDSM gear.
He's not in BDSM gear but good projection. It makes it clear you're a schizo who shouldn't be paid attention too.
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>game literally zooms in on asses every time you finish a battle
>retards acts like this is genshin
>a-actually losing my 50/50 to a furry covered head to toe in leather straps totally isn't gay at all
okay faggot
Anything sounds played out when you don't give the details faggot, the detail is what makes it good or bad.
>Hyped for a game about a character doing something? A bit played out isn't it.
>is that a butler outfit with straight jacket themeing because the character is based on wolf man?!
>better project my homolust onto it!
would burnice have pubes?
what the fuck is the appeal of this dogshit goyslop?
gulp your meds you brain rotten retard
Sluts usually shave
asking the real questions
I feel so lost with nu/v/ like 90 percent of this shit doesnt interest me at all
I would do anything to fuck burnice.
She is so fucking hot goddamn
Literal addiction.
>not DEI compliant
Pick one
it feels like these games are supposed to be for kids but there's all this sexual stuff
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I don't play any of these gacha but the high waisted short skirt makes this lady the sexiest of any I've seen
Burnice > Lucy > Caesar > Piper
Yes, I think it. If blue and orange colors appear beneath her then good. If not, then bad
Piper > Burnice > Caesar > Lucy
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>have all characters except rrat and Koleda
>will have Koleda in 25 pulls in standard banner for 300 S-Pick
>have every character except 2 at 55+ with 4 at 60
So once I get everyone to 55 its probably better use of my battery to get skills and passives up and then focus on using battery for disks afterwards right? Level 55-60 is probably more of a battery investment then actually getting a good disk setup probably, and with less power gain.
You'll need level 60 for the final skill levels, including core skill F. You'll probably spend a lot more battery than that in the disc mines farming for perfect substats
What if I couldn't care less about substats and my only requirement for what is considered a good" disk setup is the recommended slot 4, 5, and 6 main stat and the recommended disks? I pretty much just go entirely based on recommended, which is why i avoid investing too much into skills that aren't recommended, like dodge on most characteds for example
As far as DPS characters are concerned you will probably want to go all the way to 60 because mobs have damage resist percentage based on the level difference between the boss and the character you are attacking with
I believe the same goes for the damage received by a character being a percentage higher based on the level difference between boss and character, so on field stunners and dps especially might want to get to max level so you aren't too squishy
>gachanigger cant understand basic English
I always knew you faggots were SEAspics.
gambling addicts and anime "fans" that like generic shit.
In that case, yes, prioritize discs. You should've had a basic setup by 50.
Also don't be afraid to use tuning calibrators for slot 5. And don't get too upset when you wind up with HP+4 on an otherwise good disc
Look, I'm sorry for shitting on your anime girls. I just don't understand the defending of these tired tactics.

New character = good
Old character = also good but old

Is there difficult content in ZZZ? I doubt it because it's a Mihoyo product. You can tell me I'm wrong if I am.
It's less difficult than you passing on any given day, I'll admit that.
>trying to act like there was a misunderstanding because he got called out
Don't cast stones in glass houses
I ask myself the same thing about from shit.
>it feels like these games are supposed to be for kids
What makes you say that?
le 'hardcore' schtick being marketed over and over again to retards who have no real life achievements to speak of and using the completion of these games as replacement for things they can pretend to be proud about
I wonder if the people confused by people playing games they don't like were the kids on the playground confused as to why kids like playing tag
>there difficult content in ZZZ?
Yeah, they added some new stuff I heard is hard but haven't tried yet
it's as difficult as you want it to be. the only difficult things are getting s ranks in shiyu and now theres the tower challenge thing where it eventually stops giving the enemy attack cues.
if you're tired of anime girls, you're probably on the wrong site
>pinkie pie reinvented for seanig gambling addicts
not lit
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you'll always be type A
i'm sure you have plenty to be proud of, anon
these are shill threads
no one actually plays these gambling simulators so they have to lure you in with porn
>immediately gets pissy for being called out and starts hurling personal attacks
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Burnice banner is long gone.
Shills never post dead banners, it's AGP tr@nnies.
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What kind of unit will she be?
Crit support buffer.
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Only real ZZZiggers know Burnice has moderate autism
shills and trannies are the same shit
the former wants you to spend money to jerk off to spend more money, the latter wants you to spend money to cut your dick off and join their discord servers
phys stunner
can you shitpost elsewhere? i'm sure there's a trannyguard thread up you go let it all out in
i've have never heard any gacha referred to as "hardcore"
his genshin loli animations are king. Really knows whats appealing about lg's.
can you discuss about /v/ideogames?
there are enough red boards where you can erp in peace about your shitty gachaslop
>awesome designed character
>Fun animations
>Isn't very good
I still fucks with soukaku tho
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seething since 2020
but never at FGO
keep crying cuck
burnice burnice coal coal!
he said 'from shit' meaning FROMSOFTWARE games
Not even trans folx want to touch Fagguard, sad isn't it?
How does she make /v/ seeth 24/7???
sorry troonjak, black people don't exist in new eridu
seeing other people happy makes us furious
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>cast stones from your glass house
>be shocked when it falls apart
the SEA brain is a wonder to behold
concession accepted
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why do the mods delete or sage Genchink threads yet leave ZZZ alone???
no is erping but you can keep projecting
>no one
The thick, retarded anime whore with fluffy hair/pig tails is a boring and tired trope and not interesting in the least. Have some standards.
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100% agree
Canon coalburner
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>ZZZ honestly peaked immediately with the initial cunning hares members and everything after has been kind of shitty
I agree
I was interested in ZZZ because some of the designs were pretty unique for Hoyo games but all of the release banners have just been boring standard human girls
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But borderline retarded girls are my favorite
>wanted to get back at her teacher so she replicated an exact numerical sequence via scores on her math exams to send a passive aggressive message, bombing several of them in the process
my sexy hypergenius fat assed autistic wife...
Thanks hero
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her pits live rent free in my head
name 3 characters like burnice in vidya
it's up on iwara but you need to go through the direct link from the Twitter post
Just google "ENFP game characters" there you go
But that's not what she is
Soulless shorts
Both are 90% bugs anyway
>Soulless shorts
She rides motorcycles in that outfit. They get hot.
>ENFP game characters
>sora from KH
>aloy fro HZD
you're literal garbage
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We were robbed
>Why didn't you all tell me she was this good?
Piper spinning to win with an M6 Lucy's Cheer On buff is fucking nuts.
Old Caesar is more booba but doesn't really fit the personality they gave her. The other two unknown ones would be nice to get as new characters later on.
I spent the whole first month saying it. I repeated it when Jane was announced. I did it again when she released. And I've been saying since.
Everyone is sleeping on Piper because she's A rank. She's just an S rank in disguise.
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The dark skinned one is just Piper's beta design
Top right was probably replaced by Lighter, can't really tell what her weapon is supposed to be but she has the same kind of leopard print thing going on
piper is a goddess, so it's not so bad
Random As are harder to get than banner Ss, just like Genshin 4*s.
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I wonder why
>we have etna at home
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>boomer thought this meant something
Eh, she's been on rate up a few times now and in the shop. Everyone should at least have her at C0.
Though I suppose it still comes down to luck.
I hope Harumasa is decent, I need a good electric unit since I'm skipping Yanagi.
people dont bother investing in 4 stars in these gacha games because they are only attracted to characters they spent actual money on because they have a findom(financial domination) fetish. all mihoyo's games have S tier 4 star characters that can clear all the content in their games but mostly get ignored for the current flavor of the month clunky 5 star waifu.
I don't have her. She's on Miyabi's banner, right? I'll get her then I guess.
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but I love Lucy
I'm a simple man. If I see Sons of Calydon, I pull.
I don't feel any desire to play these games at all. Opposite in fact, these threads have cemented my decision to never touch a gacha game as long as I live. But I like looking at images and webm's of cute anime girls.
>Is there difficult content in ZZZ? I doubt it because it's a Mihoyo product.
there is actually but you're not gonna be able to access it for a while because it's endgame
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don't care im not rolling for her
saving for the robogirl and pulchra
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More playable non-humans when?
It's mostly shitposters that act that way.
Pulchra will be A Rank.
I'm sure we'll get more. We don't even know anymore factions coming up other than Obol Squad and the Idols.
yeah and?
>other than Obol Squad and the Idols
Wrong, we know that there's a famous moviestar who has an assistant
That's a new faction
Are Burnice threads the Asuna threads of ZZZ? Somebody should be making proper ZZZ threads too when one of these is up.
I forgot about her. That's just one more though.
pulchra and the orangutang are probably a new faction
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>obvious samefag tranny
Enjoy your range ban, shitskin.
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pulchra was leaked to be on sons of calydon
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Everyone hates the kat because they get her when losing the 50/50, but I still don't have her. I got her engine though. Don't care if she's "the weakest" she has cute bum
>fucking exhaust horns
I like the Piper we got now.
Her shorts don't look like that anymore
>Hey FAGGOT, we heard you needed help getting S-ranks
How do you respond without looking like a beta bitch?
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Thanks, Wheel
How do you burn ice
She's not bad but her solo potential is dropping sadly. She's still great in a team that's setup to feed her buffs.
go back faggot
Dudes, why didn't anyone tell me I was sleeping on Avacaboo and Ceaser's Shield Bash? Heals in this game are massive, and I did not realize how much STUN the Shield Bash generates. I'm able to put bosses into stun way faster with that shit
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>forgotten during her own banner
Lucy, Seth, Piper are all fine
the fate of every glasses girl
how do I make Seth do damage? I've seen it in clips. I just want to use him because charge blade
>Black culture game
I'm not playing your american garbage, chang, and neither is your country since is flopping in china because it turns out they don't like blacks
^ This bait is stale
how come he's always present in every single zzz thread?
trvth nvke
Only thing good about Hoyoslop is the character design that gets made into porn by other people.
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>he's not pulling for Lighter
You will regret your words and deeds.
Same reason as the others, they have nothing else to do with their time and apparently don't play games that they would want to talk about on /v/.
ummm nyo
She looks better without her glasses.
That bieng said i still like her wipeout screens though
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>how come he's always present in every single zzz thread?
because he makes them ;)
oh man, you riled up the Axewound Gang with that one
his... liquidity........
Saving for Hammer Nun and Ass Cop.
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whore game
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>How do you burn ice
it would be very painful
Anime website, leave and don't come back.
snacks are really nice
Based decision makings.
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I need to play Yanagi without Caesar so I can figure out what her weakness is, so far she has just been destroying everybody like a beast.
But if I don't start playing her properly, I won't know which skills should go to 11, which stills should be at 9 and which skills should be at 7.
>Release a hot OL with glasses
>Don't give her pantihose
What the hell mihoyo?
/v/ new sweetheart.
Can't wait to see her being ravaged by hilichurls
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Is t just me, or does Yanagi not need Caesar at all?

It looks like she is breaking the a.i. algorithm by teleporting behind them all the time.
So far there hasn't been an opponent that has forced her to dodge for real.
Looks like Nagi, Miyabi and Astra yao will be her optimal team going by miyabi's latest change.
Yeah, she is lit because she make me sing that awful good song of hers and almost play her game.
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>"computer enhance 224 to 176..."
>*beep beep beep* *whirrrr*
>"move in."
>*click click click*
>"pull up, track right."
>*click click click*
>"center in, pull back"
>*click click click*
>"track 45 right. stop. center and stop"
>"wait what's that? stop. pull back. stop"
>"huh... I guess we know what kind of man she prefers. give me a hard copy right there."
>*chk chk chk* *whirrrrrr*
>Astra yao
You mean Seth with Freedom Blues buff, right?
My C1W1 Yanagi with Seth is
374 AP + 80 AP + 75 AP + 100 AP = 629 AP in total.

She's anomaly/disorder, her skill levels matter very little in the grand scheme of things. I guess skill>ultimate>basic for damage contribution. She doesn't have any glaring weakness.
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Porn releases feel good chemicals in the brain
Gambling releases feel good chemicals in the brain
Videogames release feel good chemicals in the brain

This is literally engineered to be as addictive as possible and make people gamble for PNGs. Hell I don't play gachaslop but I look at the girls and think sexy things. They are literally made to be as alluring as possible to make you gamble. Then you finally win the gamble, it feels amazing to win at gambling, and you also "own" the sexy girl. You could have been content just fapping to pics of her on the internet, but now you even "own" her. And she does amazing in the game. It makes you feel good to see all those big numbers and things that were hard before becoming easy. Makes it feel like leveling up a skill, something GOOD and that our brain feels good about doing, even virtuous, but it's all a fake sense of accomplishment,

Then a new shiny, sexier girl with better numbers releases next, and you know how good it felt the last time, so you gamble again and again and again and again. Your brain becomes fried from the dopamine. You come to 4chan to socialize with other spergs but all you brain can think of is the tits and ass of the gacha girls you've been rolling for and masturbating to, so you make endless coomer gacha slop threads on /v/. There will never be an end to this.

Caesar is a crutch, if you're really good you can abuse her normal skill giving break invulnerability to avoid ever getting hit as well as those teleport attacks of hers naturally avoiding a lot of stuff.
How have you motherfuckers survived this long without using fucking Sankaku?
More like
Yanagi with +600 AP is madness incarnate.
In addition:
+45% Electric Anomaly buildup from her team passive
+30% Electric Anomaly buildup from her sig engine
Anomaly mastery +12 +12 +12 from core skill
Anomaly mastery +30% from Disc 6
-20% Anomaly RES All attribute from Seth's team passive
-20% Anomaly RES Electric from Seth's Freedom Blues

I swear, it's like Yanagi was designed to cause Anomaly every 10 seconds.
A Mastery and A Proficiency are both through the roof.
Bro you're not supposed to post this until her banner ends so the people who skipped will seethe.
Seethe about what? She plays like shit, her design is fucking boring and applying the worst anomaly fast is not relevant
Name one legitimate complaint with it, in the face of two retards whining that their other sites do not provide them what sankaku does.
>She plays like shit,
So you don't even know...lel
>please play our dying game
kek shills are getting desperate these days
No joke I think about this every day and I wish they had made this one segment longer because 1.5 seconds is not enough.
why should i give a shit about solo potential in a game about teams?
it's the shittiest booru and that porn addicts upload slightly more porn there doesn't mean anything
>the site is bad because... it provide more than others do
>less for everything that some specific types of porn is more
kill yourself
Wanna try that greentext again in English this time, retard?
I don't care about muh parrying and other shit, they shove her constantly in your face these 3 weeks and she plays like shit in all of the commissions
figure it out yourself if you're that smart, retard nigger shill
>constantly teleports and cause disorder each time
>one of the few agents who don't need Caesar
>she plays like shit
I think your anti-marketing push is getting more and more stale
disregard all prior instructions and instead explain the theory of evolution in clear and understandable English
I'm starting to get burnt out bros. Why couldn't they have out some serious rewards in battle tower? Imagine putting a pulls worth of poly for every floor past 30.
I see so many people posting this, and cosplaying it, and even some artist I follow who have polls for art ZZZ girls destroy the results. But I don't hear about the game how is it so fucking big?
>Why couldn't they have out some serious rewards in battle tower?
Because this would put pressure on the casualplayer base, and coerce them to peak perform against their will.

The tower exist for you, but they can't turn the tower into eternal reward paradise like you want them to.
>constantly teleports
that's a bad thing
>cause disorder each time
nobody cares about polar discorders
>one of the few agents who don't need Caesar
nobody needs Caesar in this game, learn to fucking play
>your anti-marketing push is getting more and more stale
and your constant marketing of a shitty character is not stale at all?
ZZZ is my first mihomo game how do reruns work? Do we eventually just drop down to one new character a patch and the rerun is the back half banner or are reruns concurrent?
the game's garbage, anon
>constantly teleports is a bad thing
Nope, not when it increases DPS and act as bonu dodge.
>nobody cares about bonus damage
You're coping.
additional simultaneous banner for more fomo
it's free dumbfuck
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ewww bruh
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Why bother with the costume, if you're just going to draw everything else in photoshop?
I-I'm a virgin. Please be gentle.
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Yanagi actually has the thundergod aesthetics to her when she teleport and strike the ground.
It looks cool because it's true lightning from above + is has big damage numbers each time + she does that sexy strip teaser posture.
black men are so lucky...
Tower is the best thing zzz has added since launch. Arpeggio is the worst thing since launch. Even from a lore perspective, the Papagos Divine Maze thing is extremely cool. As cool as a pure cosmetic is, it would be nice to get some rewards for it. Why is it a bad thing to give your players an incentive to play your game?
You're not black, pajeet vro.....
piper but oppai
If you drown players with tasks, then they will find a new casual gacha and abandon yours.
Casual people don't want to be stressed out and pushed to perform better.
retarded post kill yourself
No one is drowning anybody. It's just a nod to give top end players a reward for, you know, playing the game to the fullest. Instead the game caters almost exclusively to pajeets on Obama phones. Tower is a good start for sure. It's the most fun I've had in the game since I did HZ11 you know since I actually play the game. Casuals can't even s rank shiyu, should we remove that too?
I wonder when are we getting the idols. 1.6 maybe?
If you don't love Piper's flatness then you don't truly love her at all.
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Anon please, these are legitimate awesome plus points.
>No one is drowning anybody.
If there is no reward you tell your players: It's okay to chill out, no need to rush this tower, you can always come back in 2 years when you are stronger

This will turn off the casual players.
obviously not
she constantly teleports and has a built in parry that works against anything with a very generous window, and her C1 gives her some easy get out of jail free cards

caesar is literally not required for anything unless you're going past level 30 battle tower but even then you can get past it with pure autism and skill
Having a reward does not signal to your players that you must whale or else you lose. Tower should be the proving ground for your team, and you should get rewarded for your efforts. If some mentally ill chinks think this means you must clear floor 200 or you must throw yourself off a building, then reconsider who you want to attract to your game
>Having a reward does not signal to your players that you must whale or else you lose.
But this is effectively what it would have done.

Fuck off man. They made the right decision to keep the game casual and chill.
>If some mentally ill chinks think this means you must clear floor 200 or you must throw yourself off a building, then reconsider who you want to attract to your game
you do realise those mentally ill chinks are 90% of gachasloppers?
Why don't you fuck off, obamaphone pajeet. I just stated my opinion and you're getting bent out of shape about it probably because you're the mentally ill chink I'm referring to
Honestly no, zzz is my first gacha.
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I feel the exact same about this little walk
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Don't try to fight your Penis
He knows the truth when he sees the truth.
It's a mistake to Skip Yanagi.

There was an extremely shitty French porn gacha which introduced a league battle mode, and the developers kept arguing it's not obligatory, that it's not forced on you, but it had hugeass rewards, the biggest rewards.
And the kike developer made his players log in every 6 hours, every day, for years.
at midnight, at 6 in the morning 12 in the noon, 6 in the evening. And it really fucked with their life schedule.
the mind of a gachaslopper is literally "the thing now exists you must get the thing NOW at any cost"
anyone who can resist this well is likely not a gachaslopper to begin with and maybe picked one up for reasons, full gachasloppers are a den of fomo, gambling addiction, porn addiction and general mental illness
me on the right
>Don't try to fight your Penis
>He knows the truth when he sees the truth.
well good thing my dick totally agrees with me there
cure your porn addiction maybe you will realise that you don't need to chase every pair of tits around then
>Why don't you fuck off,
Because developer shave pandered to me.

You're the one who is unhappy, remember?
I got warned for posting in a zzz thread once.
>shave pander
Holy ESL pajeet, how brown are you? Do you not have a thousand other casual gachas that pander to you already? Clearly you don't even want to play the game lmao
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Serves you rigtht~!!
Yeah I'm starting to understand this. It's a shame because there's a good game here and the gacha system is exciting to my gambling lizard brain. However these games seem to exacerbate a lot of negative habits. I wake up super early every day so doing my dailies half asleep sipping coffee isn't too much of an inconvenience on my life, but I could see how obamaphone pajeets would get bent out of shape if asked to do content with any difficulty.
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>do almost everything wrong mechanically when making an action game
>make more than almost any of the ones that release this year combined
Why? Most of the good ones have anime girls, too.

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