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What the fuck were they thinking?
>tumblrsky screenshot thread
kill yourself
because you don't want to break her heart.
Wow haha thanks for letting me know about this funny twitter account! Followed!
It's insensitive and rude to say no
Why would you say no? I wanna marry her
There's literally nothing wrong about adult men marrying little girls
>social media retard doesn't understand the most basic human interactions
Guess I'll make a post about it on /v/!
Cancel atlus
The point of Persona is to give your social links what they want, because the MC genuinely cares.
Does this make him a pedophile?
I refuse to believe there are people so autistic they dont know why the MC wont say no here
I'll think about it is saying no politely without hurting a child, how are these people more autistic than me? I haven't even had a conversation outside of work in a decade.
Because he doesn't want to hurt a little kids feelings? It's not like a little kid knows what getting married means
>can't discern between fiction and reality
Anyway, Palestine will fall.
don't let them know that there is no minimum age for marriage in the land of the terrorist flag
I think you can guess exactly why someone would see a scene like this and only be able to perceive it through the lens of actually genuinely wanting to marry the child
I feel like pedophile should specifically refer to people who are ONLY attracted to prepubescents, and this couple had plenty of kids after she became an adult, so is he really a pedophile or just a husband doing what's expected of him by society at the time, to impregnate his wife repeatedly to push out lots of kids?
I guess that makes sense. Whoever smelt it dealt it still holds true after all these years.
good morning xaar
why everybody with that flag say the gayest shit
>choose all the pedo dialogue options
>freak out when the child wants to marry you
why are liberals like this?
That was a somehow normal situation before the 20th century. But then feminists took power in society and raised the age of consent of something natural, making majority of men into "pedophiles", and everything has been getting even worse since then. Nowadays even for posting a 17 year old FICTIONAL character on X, they'll consider you worse than Hitler. What a stupid world we live in.
>She's a kid. She'll forget about this dumb crush of hers in a week, so play along.
There’s a word to describe people who say, “You’re not TECHNICALLY old enough to be my wife, but I’ll teach you how to be a good wife for me until you’re ready.” I’ll leave you to figure out what that word is.
Kaizen failed to realize you would play along to make the little girl happy
Dogwhistle in full effect
Any normal person would go "yeah sure we get married when you are older" so the kid is happy and forgets about it in 23 minutes
Extremely normal interaction but of course this freak could only think of cunny
Why do you intentionally go to xitter to get mad at garbage opinions? Are you retarded?
Oh, I know this one... uhh... Genji
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In the original, you were able to be an unironic pedophile if you chose the female protagonist.

Japs are a bunch of freaks.
I honestly think the reason they didn't include the female protagonist in the remake isn't for budget reasons like they claimed, but actually because they didn't want to deal with the debate over whether they include the part where she can date a 12 year old
It's a bit different when it's an adult woman doing it.
I just want Israel destroyed man
That's an odd thing to say in this thread.
>such a normal situation that the entire state they lived in literally adopted age of marriage laws after it
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Its okay when its an attractive woman doing it
FeMC is kinda... not attractive though
No since that word was created specifically for homosexuals who liked little boys.
>the original
>female protagonist.
stupid frogposter
Oh hey this thread again
It's just hot when it's women doing it
Well I do want to marry and impregnate Makio so that does make sense.
Whats with this becoming a bad thing? The man is called the groom for a reason.
Don't forget this absolute lad lived in Sneedville, which is shaped like a dabbing sneed.
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>UGH my daughter/little sister/cousin said that she wanted to marry me when she grows up!
>how do I tell her that, like, that's NOT OKAY?!
I've met barely functional autismos better socially adjusted than this.
The real issue is that grooming is now seen as a complete evil even though plenty of positive things can come from such a thing. We're a nut hair away from calling shit like having teachers or people you look up to grooming.
>letting your daughter hang out with a teenager every week
In a normal society the persona guy wouldnt even be allowed near the playground, dads would beat the shit out of him
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>male MC
>young girl says she wants to marry you when she's older
>"haha yeah maybe"

>female MC
>young boy says he wants to date you when he's older
>"You're perfect as you are. Come to my room now."
what the FUCK is her problem
Do shotafags self insert as tiny dicked little oys or are they transgender groomers?
I self insert as both the girl and the shota
>Why can't I say no?!
She's a kid and still figuring out her emotions, flat out rejecting her would make her bawl her eyes out and make the situation even more uncomfortable, a quick dismissive answer like "I'll think about it," is not that bad of an option.
>That was a somehow normal situation before the 20th century.
that was a landmark event that made the papers and caused statewide outrage
It's the latter but don't tell them that, they don't like hearing it.
>Do shotafags self insert as tiny dicked little oys
Honestly it doesn't take a lot of imagination for me
Why is a teenage male hanging out with a little girl so casually like this? It's creepy as fuck.
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Bro please keep your little "remember the good old days when you could groom minors" thoughts off the Internet please. It makes everyone here look bad.
I thought it was amusing how through the track athlete's social link, most of the "good" options are encouraging him to ruin his legs for good.
Actual woman post
The newspaper has always really been used as a weapon to ruin goyims lifes huh?
Both because they want to be molested and were molested, just by the wrong sex.
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Are you really arguing that preventing pedophiles from marrying young girls is ruining people's lives?
You're aware that 20th century means 1900s, right? So "before the 20th century" means 1800s. This event took place in the 20th century. As in, AFTER it had been declared abnormal, according to that anon. You're not contradicting what he said at all.
More like slandering people for doing something completely legal but frowned upon by some
the optimal answer is sure once you're 18. by the time she's 18 she will either forget about it or no longer care anymore and in the meantime she gets to be happy that you said yes to whatever she thinks marriage is and you avoid the problem of giving a vague and unsatisfying answer.
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>screenshot of a twitter post of a photo of a tv
Dude is telling on himself thinking about PEDOPHILIA and not just thinking about humoring an innocent kid.
I know bro, it's almost as pathetic as virtue signalling on 4chan of all places.
this type of mentality turns children into trannies

children say stupid shit, you just humor them for their sake and for get about it after a couple of minutes
It's unnecessary, she would have forgotten about this 'promise' you've made later that night. Hell, depending on her attention span she could forget about it right after as the next conversation piece occupies her attention.
why would I, shotafag insert as an adult woman, when there is literal hentai of trannies fucking kids or men fucking kids?
It was something that no one thought needed to be made into a law until sick fucks too advantage of the situation. Why the community didn't drag this pedophile out of his house and beat him to death I'll never understand.
Well it’s hard for anyone to tell what the mentally ill think.
>Why the community didn't drag this pedophile out of his house and beat him to death I'll never understand.
Probably because they were too busy beating their own wives
you WILL be a groomer
Joshua Moon, the owner of the Kiwi Farms, believes that having sexual intercourse with a 15 year old is repulsive pedophilia.
Because when a kid says "lets get married" to someone that's a lot older than they are, you tell them "when you're older" and they will eventually grow out of it.

And if they don't, you can smash when they turn 18.
Imagine thinking a little kid making a marriage joke and you think of pedo shit, grim
this fucker was a /tv/ time traveler
It's obviously not serious, it's a kid she's going to cringe to herself having asked that years later. Just entertain it and enjoy the cute moment.
>It makes everyone here look bad.
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>beat him to death
Because her parents were obviously ok with it and she probably was too.
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>meanwhile in reality
Persona 3 was egregious for this. You minmax social points by validating the motivation that the SL just spouted two sentence before.
At least in P4 the "good" options gameplay wise sometimes consists in calling people out on their bullshit.
The parents should suffer the same fate. They're no different from parents who would sell their child into slavery.
He used to love shota pornography. Quite the hypocrite.
Parents were doing far worse things with their kids during the great depression than marrying them off to a man who could provide for them.
His name was Chuck (formerly Charles)
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>They took this from you
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>used to
One based thing feminists did.
>Actual Shota romance in a persona game
>Meanwhile the male MCs just say "hahaha sure maybe in a few years" to the lolis
What does this say about women?
go back to sucking dicks on reddit
Okay, but that doesn't change the fact that parents who would willingly give their daughter to a pedophile should be punished too.
it was normal back in 2008
>Yeah, I know feminists have been wrong every single time regarding male/female dynamics, from voting, to working, to interracial marriages, to divorce, to abortions, etc but that doesn't mean this specific thing that I so happen to have been raised by a feminist-led society to agree with isn't right
How that Kool-aid taste, buddy?
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And make her cry? The MC is clearly just fucking around to make her happy how can redditors be so fucking dense?
Japan is a high trust society. They literally just let their kids run around by themselves.
Who's to say he had sex with her? Well, clearly he did, but considering that none of their kids are less than 20 years younger than her leads me to believe he waited.
>Japan is a high trust society.
We used to be high trust too, and if a teenage boy was spending this much time with a young girl parents would have intervened because nothing good would come out of this scenario.
of course male shotacons self insert as the boy you shit for brains retard.
You think everyone making memes about "mommy" or dommy mommy are trannies?
retard cope.
When lutherans and mennonites were making laws, they didnt mind pedophilia as long as it was marriage and parents approved
I hope you aren't american because america has never been high trust. Even when it was mostly white, all of the white people didn't trust each other because they emigrated from. Add puritanical and libertarian individualist values into the mix and you have a relatively low trust society. It's only gotten worse with the addition of browns, of course.
you're a fucking retard
I think she had her youngest at age 15, meaning he at least fucked her at age 14, and considering menarche happened late back then we could asume he had been fucking her since way before that and he just happened to get her pregnant at the earliest point she was able to bear children
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>Little girl jokes around
>Xitter freak immediately thinks she wants to fuck
And a fuck you for posting this OP
This prove all westerners think are sex 24/7. Everything is not about sex, amerimutt. There's this called "crush" and it's appears in ppl since they were a child. Either with parental figure (like MC for this example because this kid is in abusive relationship with her parents), fictional figures, etc. but no let's talk about sex shall we ? Amerimutt and their burger brain
You'd be an asshole to say no. It should still be an option for that reason, but anyone who'd make a big deal about it is simply insecure.
Yeah p3 is really bad about this specifically.
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Speak for urself, leftits
Because it happened after feminists made a huge push against it.
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You should tell me, since tradfaggots like you tend to align with them in hating men playing games.
It's based. Instead of the protag being a moral arbiter (ironic considering he's anime jesus) he just says whatever will make people happy so they like him more, just like in real life.
>used to
This isn't shit anyone just grows out of.
you can do an evil playthrough?
If they have this No option might as well hair color change option. Can't imagine makoto with pink hair
>Of course small cocked losers self insert as kids
What did he mean by this.
clean this up, jannies
Nah, it's shit because it makes the MC a psychopath that doesn't really care about these people. You're not actually forming bonds and it makes it one way.
Also there's a bunch of moments where you don't do jack shit but get the credit for it anyways (Chariot and Hierophant where it's treated like you were talking him out of it the entire time at the end and take reasonability for the movement to save the tree respectively)
It's just weird writing.
I've asked my baby sitter in marriage when I was 8. She was a high schooler living three houses down the street.

Meanwhile here parents get into legal trouble because their kid of 10 was a 20min walk away from home.
>This is what you believe in because I say so
I'm literally autistic. But even I understand that the second option translates to "No.".
It's just being combative about it. Option 2 is not about genuinely considering the proposition.
>Meanwhile here parents get into legal trouble because their kid of 10 was a 20min walk away from home.
Are we pretending that's not far for a kid? Not a teen sure but a little kid?
>Nah, it's shit because it makes the MC a psychopath that doesn't really care about these people.
Just go play P5, secondary.
your opinion isn't needed secondary
I think you may have missed the point of what social links even are, retard.
I hate this place it's filled with secondaries and xitter like you
I think you got into this franchise with P5 and you're using a myopic framing to poorly analyze the contents of P3 and you should stop posting.
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You do realize that kids used to travel many miles away from their home to play and no one cared, so long as they remember to make it back before it gets dark?
America used to be +90% white (virtually 100% in most places) too.
Things change.
At 10 I was taking the subway to go to school but I guess it's similar to those "Congolese can't recognize themselves in the mirror before age 7" thing.
>these are your beliefs because I say so, therefore you are tied to these consequences that I have also decided preemptively
i'm sure your penis is 7 inches, anon
You might want to work on your English before crying about American "stupidity", Baljeet.
Are you talking about the french twink? He moves away before you can romance him and he just sends you a letter saying he likes you
You don't actually believe you're the majority here right? I know we shitpost a lot, but you've definitely misinterpreted something if you're this way.
what changed is that there are now a protected class of people seemingly above the law because of the push for equity. when people don't respect the law, they're more willing to commit crimes.

when you're in south east asia and selling drugs can carry the death penalty and that's actually enforced, you're not gonna find many people selling drugs. if someone gets a slap on the wrists for a major crime, they're going to do it again.
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nothing wrong with that
That's his daughter.
Even more based
daughterwife I suppose
>Already has a ring on his own finger
No fair, why does he get a 2nd one.
She blackmailed him into it. He didn't want to.
There's people out there that react like this to a fucking Futaba romance route
Those are not people, they are twitter users.
They're Mormon.
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>It makes everyone here look bad
Considering you're dating underaged teenagers, there is no moral high ground.
In the original you couldn't play as a female
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>read about this expecting it to have ended badly, with them not even marrying for real
>not only they did marry, they never divorced and they had like seven or eight children
The guy was an absolute chad too, he built their first home with his own hands and managed to be a succeful businessman. No wonder the girl looks so happy in the pics.
>looks like an inbred hick
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>>looks like an inbred hick
mirin that jawline tho
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>Hey everyone look how offended I am over the game giving me an obvious non-serious dialogue option to tell a child I'll marry them! If this actually happened to me I would never do that, you can tell because even the fictional idea of something like that happening upsets me sooooooo much I had to take to twitter and publicly tell everyone how much I would hate that!
>tankies say shit like this but lose their mind over a pronoun option that does nothing for the entire game
>pronoun option that does nothing for the entire game
So why was it added
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Only correct answer
Need doujin/eroge about a loli saying this.
MC says yes without thinking too much of it.
Then the girl shows up years later and has waited all those years for him to fullfil that promise.
>What the fuck were they thinking?
Bro, that girl is on the brink of suicide because of her parents, do you think you can tell her an straight no with a good consciousness?
That's why they added the I'll think about it option, these people literally have zero working neurons on they heads don't they?
>b-because it would hurt the girl's feelings
oh now they care about the children, fuck off pedophiles
Why, it is!
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I think the only case that count would be extreme levels of porn addiction and the shit they fap to becomes more and more extreme that can go to things they couldn't even fathom of masturbating to. Sexuality is more heavily shaped by environment and just by looking at prisons you can see this where women who haven't had any same sex relations start having them in prison.
PSP demake*
Persona fans really play underage dating simulator then complain when there's underage characters flirting with them
these people take everything at face value or have never interacted with humans beings enough to know you can just play along a little girl just not to hurt her feelings, as she will eventually grow up and forget her silly childhood crushes, problaby brainrotted for so much porn.
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>>looks like an inbred hick
and you look like this
>it's okay if it's a woman doing it
They should've added a full romance to the loli but they were cowardly
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One situation is an innocent thing that a child may say
The other is fueled by profound mental illness
You can stop projecting tubby
Kek your based as fuck my fellow anon
If option B was "I think you're parents would love you more if you were a boy; let's get a dick sewed on you!" You'd be shouting "YAAASSSS! THANK YOU FATLUS!"
>you're parents
ESl retard
Fuck off moralfaggot.
your retard
Unironically who gives a damn it’s a fucking video game.
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never in my life would I have thought some faggot on /v/ would try to twist something as simple as wanting to have sex with that one hot teacher you had in 4th grade as a tranny thing. you people are beyond help
Transgender support for Atlus dropped 5000% after they played P3 Reload. They've lost their core audience over this scene.
Jersh is a colossal fucking retard and is basically a male feminist at this point.
>Pakistani flag
Hang muzzies.
Can you actually explain why?
Of coarse they are a part of the lgtv community
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>Can you actually explain why protecting children from predators is bad?

Take your own advice for recognizing it, faggot.
Big if true.
too bad it seems like the entire world dropped their support for them by 5000% recently. super wild to see the left trying to distance themselves from them now.
That’s honestly retarded it’s not like she’s a romance option. Trannies btfo.
i'm glad westerners are finally telling japanese devs that we seriously don't want this creepy shit

We already have laws against rape m8.
If the parents of the child approve of the groom, the child is ok with it and there is no abuse what is the problem exactly?
It's not that what he's saying is the right option, it's that the guy needs support and positive sentiment towards what he wants to do and will probably do anyway, even though you both know he can't.
>If the parents of the child approve of the groom
The parents should not have complete control to do whatever they want with their children, there should be a limit that society tolerates until they step in and say no. That includes allowing child predators to have access to them.

>the child is ok
Children can't consent.

>Children can't consent.
According to whom?
According to any rational culture that prioritizes the safety of children. They are too young to be allowed to make any life decisions.
He still never explained it either btw. Literally the most you’ll get out of him addressing it is “no im not” or “it’s just lies even though
>They are too young to be allowed to make any life decisions.
Except changing their gender of course!
>pedophiles and tranny groomers use the same logic
hmmmmm I'm nooooticing
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What the actual fuck is this mememagick lolol
>to any rational culture that prioritizes the safety of children.
So the entirety of the western world, europe and every civilization prior to the1800s wasn't rational?, weird how we have been only rational for about 200 years
>life decisions.
choosing whether or not you want your genitals licked isn't that much of a life decision
Basically all of the cultures of the world were fine with girls as young as 12 marrying for most of our history. Majority of your own ancestors probably had wives that were considered underage by modern standards by the time they got together. These laws and norms you think as standard are actually extremely recent, and and there is no actual rationality behind them outside of the laughable scenario where people think that such age gap relationships are inherently abusive.

The notion that children can't consent to anything until the magical day they turn 18 is complete nonsense as well.
Chuck bought land to that extended the territory of the town outward in order to make it the shape it is too.
According to children,or did you actualy marry your mother and aunt will dating your homeroom teacher ?
>The notion that children can't consent to anything until the magical day they turn 18 is complete nonsense as well.
Doesn't the military groom children into the service, too? Putting up tables at lunch to talk about "your future."
yes and that's why i should be able to do the same thing to find a lgf. like chris chan with his sign
>"Children having sex? Of course not, that's too dangerous and impactful for them to engage, regardless if they want to or not!"
>"But of course you can practice life threatening sports, why should you worry about getting killed or maimed in a horrific accident when you just want to have FUN!"
A lot of questionable shit used to be fine in the past. Women being second class citizens and told to submit to their husband, intolerance of other groups of people and religions, slavery and indenture servitude, and so on. We've progressed past such barbaric beliefs.
>it's a simple life cute girl is all I want to get through life.
>Women being second class citizens and told to submit to their husband, intolerance of other groups of people and religions, slavery and indenture servitude, and so on.
None of those are wrong tho
People only ever "think of the children" when you want to ban something adults find fun. "Think of the Children" has been behind every puritanical crusade for the last 2,000 years. From Blood Libel to Prohibition to Pornography, the first and loudest argument always made is, "kids will get hurt if we don't get rid of this thing."
Brother that's one of the most common tropes I've ever seen there are cousins kf that everywhere
surprisingly, the middle east didn't
We also hoisted many more responsibilities and fostered much more agency in children before. The current culture is much softer on children and they are much much less capable of making responsible decisions nowadays, despite much higher level of information available to help prevent predatory behaviors. Also the communities are much more disconnected, so a predator is much less likely to get his head bashed in by the local blacksmith and all his buddies for raping his daughter.
>pro palestine flag

Yep, this person has the personality of a bag of flour and is clearly just as soft.
would be great argument if society didn't turn to shit after "fixing" it
Twenty years ago, we were able to call those people, "fucking nerds" and ignore them.
What's funny to me is that kids engage in plenty of stuff that's way more dangerous, like your kid rides a bike in traffic where he could be ran over at any moment and he/she's done for, that's worse than having sex you may or may not regret someday
>nothing good would come out of this scenario
high trust means you don't assume the worst
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>they are much much less capable of making responsible decisions nowadays,
Post 3 of this "common" doujins.
>Also the communities are much more disconnected, so a predator is much less likely to get his head bashed in by the local blacksmith and all his buddies for raping his daughter.
Cancelling someone is just tarring-and-feathering them with a modern twist. Except people always get angry when you point that out.
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Nintendo, you sick fucks
Yes, Japan has had a long-standing pedo problem. What's worse is that they exported that culture to the West through weebs.
That only proves his point that it's about nurture, not nature.
What good is going to come out of some random teenage male spending lots of unsupervised time with your young daughter? High trust doesn't mean you foolishly assume that nothing bad will happen until it does.
Literal whataboutism.
Your argument is that some retards think children can consent to genital mutilation and chemical castration, therefore it justifies your belief that they can consent to sex.
Not reading your reddit tier meme garbage. Kill yourself
At the least this wife actually likes being around you, she isnt some lying whore that just wants your money
>basically a male feminist at this point
Wait, what? What has he said that's feminist?
Formely Chuckville
why are (you) mad though?
>Literal whataboutism
you don't know what it means. what you wanted to say is "tu quoque"
This is unironically mutual true love looks like
If only this was the truth they literally changed one scene that makes fun of trannies in the remake
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>which is shaped like a dabbing sneed.
sne*dtroons are so mentally ill, it doesn't
gud mornin' sus
go karting is safe, yes.
I'm not spoonfeeding you faggot
now imagine said 25 year as a child, litteraly the retard we protect with the warning about water being wet and you die if you do cant breathe anymore
We need to go back.
Wait isnt that dead tissue?
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Tu quoque would imply that the opponent believes the idea, instead of thinking both are retarded. It's gets mixed up in who is talking to who, but it's safe to say that very few people on /v/ think transing kids is good.

And then he published himself playing that Social Link for everyone to see
so is sex
a transgirl isn't a transwoman till she comes of age, schizo. A change of name, clothes, and "lifestyle" is perfectly fine and gives them a chance to figure out what they want, nobody is "cutting dicks" off of children or giving them HRT
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>unironic pedophiles are in the thread
oh god
Why can't these people behave in front of children?
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rip anon, jersh killed him before he could finish his post
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>Born too late to have a slave child wife
Fuck off
Ironic pedophiles like you should get the rope, you will never be one of us.
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>Anime pp
This kind of fucker is the type who'd say yes in the blink of an eye but has to fucking virtue signal they are politically correct it pisses me off.
careful, you're going to short-circuit the NPCs
>Tu quoque would imply that the opponent believes the idea
what? did you pull that crap out of your ass? anyway, look up what "whataboutism" actually means
It's a standard trope. I hate these new ironic weeb anime pfp retards.
So you don't fuck up her self esteem? Don't you think it's bad enough already? You're obviously not actually going to marry her, sperg.
>Woman describes her ideal mate
>It's an adult
He consistently goes on about how muh wahmen are not to blame for any of the modern ills of society, shits on people who critizise women as incels and what not and in general basically simps for women as if they had no agency and don't actively make choices in modern society that are worthy of criticism.
"I'll think about it" is literally the "no" option, socially inept retard.
These faggots are why games are so sanitized now, they lose their minds over everything.
worse. it's the father who wasn't there for her.
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>another twitter thread
What will it take for this shit to be a bannable offense? Why the fuck hasn't it been despite doing untold damage to this fucking site already?
Every womans ideal man is just a hot father than can also fuck her.
This site is a giant Fed containment zone, quality is not the objective of the staff nere.
I hate how people lack social skills nowadays.
No, you arent a pedo for saying yes to a kid playing pretend/being playful. Obviously you have no ill intentions, you are just playing along. Being serious and going "no, this is disgusting" or just "no" would hurt the childs feelings, since its sometime hard for them to properly express how they feel, so they say shit like "I love you" when in reality it means "You are fun, I like you".

Social media rotted peoples brains
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>everyone discussing the scene in the image except people crying about twitter
Reassess yourself
State enforced pedophilia.
He who smet it dealt it.
>Being serious and going "no, this is disgusting" or just "no"
There is nothing wrong with saying no in this situation. Whatever hurt feelings she might feel at the time she'll get over with quickly. It's better she learns not to say certain dumb shit to people older than her.
So you're retarded enough to take this shit seriously. Jesus Christ.
Why would you want to hurt her feelings like that
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>named chuck
>lived in sneedville
>"remember the good old days when you could groom minors"
trans right or something like that
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It's virtue signaling. How many twitter faggots have been exposed as pedophiles after whining about this sort of thing? the answer might surprise you.
You'd think after a while they'd catch on that their extremely vocal virtue signaling would just make people more suspicious of them, but the other shoe has yet to drop on that.
Why are frogposters always the most retarded faggots in the thread ?
Why are all leftist memes like this ? I really need to know what makes a person become so unfunny.
Lefties in general are humorless. Every aspect of their lives is political, and they're used to holding everything anyone has ever said against them, so of course the means there is no place for humor.
Yeah probably by now
Their memes are like their viewpoint on reality. For it to not completely fall apart instantly it requires layers of carefully constructive pretext which is why it's so wordy and makes no sense to anyone sane.
>X clone (Formally Chuck's)
>picture of the screen
go back
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A vagina connects to the cervix which connects to the uterus, this is just an inverted and mutilated penis. God these freaks make me sick.
>work at a daycare
>kids routinely say shit like this, flash me, try to poke my butt, climb on me, rub their faces in my crotch, etc

im afraid how this person would act around an actual kid
LMAO you are mean anon.
They were probably thinking the audience would be normal people who understand the answer to the question is a playful joke. They were not thinking that xitter anime avatar troons would be actual pedophiles who took the joke personally and felt the need to projectingly virtue signal on social media about how "disgusted" (horny) they were about it.
No because they had a family and were married for their entire lives. In Sneedville of all places.
Social media has ruined literacy apparently.
>I’ll leave you to figure out what that word is.
the word you're thinking of is "man"
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thread got jannied just yesterday too
Wanting to have legislative access to the children of others is vile evil.
Good parents will never want to bring harm to their children, who are you to tell them what to do? Kys retard.

Society tolerates what is normal in its area, if the parents in one community marry girls at 10-14 then that is tolerated, some fuckhead from elsewhere where it is 13-16 does not get to tell them to stop it. "Society" is only the local community we live in, this whole entire nation shit is unimaginable to the human mind.
"sick fucks" used to be lynched by the community when they reared their heads, before the ADL was formed to protect them.
You're not going to win anyone over with the flawed argument that every parent has the best interest of the children at heart. Some parents and even societies tolerate evil actions and should be stopped by others
women actually racemix less than men do
>and considering menarche happened late back then
it only started happening late in the industrialized urban areas due to the rampant factory pollution. people who lived in rural areas were still normal.
None of our business, our business are our families and not those in bumfuck elsewhere. Using that as an argument is retarded "we should all let a higher power access our children because people elsewhere are bad!".

The only reason your side wins anyone over is because the ruling class wants people to think that so it is seen as rational, when things change around it will be the same.

Children should always be the property of their parents, nothing changes that. Marriage means access to a families wealth thus it lays with the parents to decide for good partners, this whole do it yourself thing has been a disaster as seen the past 60years.
It depends on the race. Women from races with desirable males have fewer reasons to want to race mix, for example.
how is
>I'll think about it
not a polite way of saying "no"?
You just say "sure when you grow older I'll marry you" and everyone is happy and live goes on.
If she actually approaches you years later for it then that's a different story, you got a girl interested in you now.
it's pretty consistent through all races. black women for example are the only group to rate black men favorably on dating apps, despite this feeling not being reciprocated.
It gives the false hope that your answer might change to "Yes" in the future. Which is the nicer way of handling this situation.
>born too late for a child bride you raise to be the woman you want
>born too soon for advanced AI girlfriend sexbots
>born just in time for women who complain about porn addicted men while also wanting to sleep with multiple partners
it's a special kind of hell.
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>unironic twitter loyalist
how can you tell the difference tho
Wrong you pedantic paedophile.
File deleted.
not a day ever passes where I don't curse the timing of my arrival to this plane of existence
>Saying this about japan
>The invertor of child rape
Really? Japan isn't the utopia you think it is
holy fucking shit leftists are completely retard. i'm not reading all that unhinged schizo shit.
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/v/'s silence is deafening
No, he's right.
In the state of georgia earlier this week a woman was arrested for letting her 10 year old walk to the store alone. In japan, not only do children younger than that take the bus and trains to get to school, they even have a tv show dedicated to watching kids do it for the first time called "my first errand" because it's normal for kids in japan to be autonomous. In addition, child rape stats are WAY lower in japan than in other places. If any anon could post the jp to uk rape comparison comic, that would be great
>Cute children marriage promise trope meant to be taken as playful and lighthearted
>Retard immediately think of sex
It's always people with Palestine and/or Rainbow flags.
Pedophilia is a paraphiliac urge to rape pre-pubescent people. That image doesn't provide enough information to determine if he has that.
>In addition, child rape stats are WAY lower in japan than in other places.
They don't report sex/molestation crimes as much in Japan because it's shameful. Gropers have become such a huge problem women are given their own train carts.
>nobody is "cutting dicks" off of children or giving them HRT
They just give them puberty blockers that cause long term side effects after prolonged usage.
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this is an alt-right myth.
i only look at gay shota so
Why are you denying life saving gender affirming care to children? Are you a nazi chud?
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>Pedophilia is a paraphiliac urge to rape pre-pubescent people
What if I want pre-pubescent people to rape ME instead?
The moment people realize children are brainless animals with barely enough thoughts in their undeveloped brain to breathe, the more you understand them
not him but it literally doesn't matter, people from bluesky are just twitterleftrannies but 1000x worse so it should always be shamed when posted here
>because the MC genuinely cares
you mean, because the MC is an absolute sociopath who happily manipulates people's feelings for demonic powerups. Dude is happy to put on a mask and act like a completely different person for each friend he hangs out with, its creepy as fuck.
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There's a similar scene in Binary Domain where a little girl asks to be the protags wife or something, and you can answer yes or no. If you say 'yes', you get called a creep by your NPC teammates and lose reputation with them. Pretty sure wanting to humor a little girl caused me to miss out on the best ending. Fucking devs.
I would give them more credit than that, but still not enough to be a romantic partner for an adult
That applies to most people, specially women
>it's underreported!!!
worthless, baseless claim. There's no point in bringing this up because if it's not reported, there's no way to tell if it ever happened. Sure, you could make some sort of arguement for adult women not reporting it, but I find it hard to believe a familty would ever be okay with that happening to their kids.
>daddy I want to marry you :)
You know what other country has a female only train ? India, and just to humor your stupid ass my disgussting third world country "allows" children to go around alone but its drilled into our skull every cunt you see around is probably a organ harvester at best, japs hide their shame. And I can assure you my country does not
Na, unless you think Teleiophilia is paraphilic.
kek, I remember this. You lose rep with the entire party at once, and I'm pretty sure that's the only time it happens with more than one person too.
whats the problem? kids say silly things all the time you just play along
>im a princess/hero/pirate/dinosaur!
>yeah you really are
whats so weird about the pic? unless the fag is actually taking the responses aa serious
They use the same argument for any lopsided statistic.
>immigrants commit more crime
It's called Tactical Nihilism
>im a girl/woman/nonbinary!
>yeah you really are
>erm crime is le underreported
myth created by unironic jews in an effort to browbeat japs into accepting millions of third world migrants who will drastically increase that crime rate
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this made me a vanillafag
everyone should read it
Women are grown children, anon. Are you seriously gonna be upset at a child for making a stupid decision?
what's worse? isn't it just sjwfags instead of antisjwfags
Why can’t these people separate fiction from reality?
yeah same shit, you play along you arent actually serious about that and you also expect them to not be serious about that too
Anon, twitter doesn't actually ban people for being leftists. There are still millions of troons on there
>still making baseless claims
India is visibly a shithole and even in cases of women only train cars I've seen videos of some smelly jeet jerking his dick in front of the women on that cart. Can't say I've ever seen that happen in japan, and they probably have 6 times as many phones and cameras recording shit. Your arguement would be convincing if every other crime across the board wasn't happening way more in India compared to japan.
I'm sure the detrans sub on faggit is an alt-right myth too...
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>le underreported
Not an argument. You're repeating a western feminist fantasy concocted to demonize Japan for their anime/manga culture despite abundant statistical evidence proving that it does not correlate with real-life crimes. This destroys their narrative so they have to come up with bullshit stats that retard NPCs (like you) continue to parrot.

Even if you assumed Japan only reported a mere 2% of sexual offenses, that would only be enough to put them at par with England.
playing along someone's delusion is dangerous
is detrans like a new breed of them or are they trying to un-surgery themselves
The latter, it's really tragic and it's happening more and more as impressionable kids get tricked into this retardation.
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you don't believe that's a comfort thing in the case of Japan?
hell, that's a misandrist thing to me
where are the male-only trains where a 童貞キモオタ can take public transport away from the prying, judgmental eyes of a female?
It's only dangerous when they're old enough to know better. A child thinking they're a ninja or some shit is just a natural part of their development. A teenager doing that shit is worrisome.
The loli issue has a Venn Diagram similar to the incest, beastiality, and rape fantasy issue, in that some people who find appeal in the abstract fantasy and its fictional depictions overlap with people who hold invasive and potentially dangerous thoughts about real people, animals etc., while many outside of that overlap would recoil at real life examples (and may even be survivors of past trauma themselves) and only enjoy seeing boundaries transgressed when explored in a “safe” context disconnected from reality.

Anyway, if you’re lurking this thread and have no interest in children but nonetheless find yourself attracted to young anime characters with provocative presentations you aren’t a bad or sick person. However if your attraction is an extension of real life desires—or seems to be slowly encouraging real life desires—you have an obligation to regulate yourself and take steps to avoid enabling, avoid internally normalizing, and deprogram to the extent possible these patterns of thinking, which may include stepping back from anime and manga or any community with many young fans and/or generally young characters.
Kids don't grow up anymore nowadays. with the internet and care bear communities catering to their delusion, they never have to hit the reality. even when they're working age.
It only turned into a bad word because people started using it to call out fags/trannies as the predators they are, and the fags/trannies responded by trying to spin it around against everyone else.
>The parents should not have complete control to do whatever they want with their children
I want my foreskin back...
That's doesn't count!!
Kill 21 people in retaliation.
I feel sorry for American men. One of your first moments in life is having your genitalia mutilated so it can be used it in facial cream.
Oy vey that's anti-semitic goy!
Actually, memeing aside, American hospitals really try hard to side step parents on circumcision. A lot will fudge the paperwork, trick parents into signing paperwork, just do it anyway and say they didn't notice the paperwork not being there, and all kinds of other tricks. I'm guessing they get more insurance money or something so they try to do it every chance they get.
Females should be married to a suitor that her father chooses after her first monthly cycle. The suitor should provide an appropriate dowry to the father as proof that he can provide for the wife and their incoming children.
No, jew.
My parents explained how they were viewed with disdain by the doctor and nurses when they refused to get me snipped. They never challenged them or attempted any shenanigans thankfully
>I'm guessing they get more insurance money

Foreskins are a burrito filled with intact stem cells, anon. They are hugely valuable to the cosmetics industry. Women's anti wrinkle cream is literally rubbing macerated foreskins on your face.
>viewed with disdain by the doctor and nurses
Yea, that's another trick they like pull. Glad your parents didn't get swayed by it.
>marriage = slavery
the feminist reveals it's true position
I dont need reality anymore i can be married to my child gf in my dreams
they were literally just recently caught suppressing a study showing that hormone blockers fucking destroy your development and cause irreversible life long changes, which honestly should have been fucking obvious because the entire function and goal of the drugs is to stop a temporary maturation mechanism that only happens once in a person's life.
But that would make her feel sad.
someone sounds like a twiggewed widdu snowflake~
Because made up issues and studies by kikes meant to destroy natural socialization (sexuality is part of it) and pairbonding between soon to be husband and wife.
If no one comes to harm and enjoys it it is okay.
Applies to all women.
Children are willing to learn as they yet did not develop an ego and rely/trust their peers. Abusing this innocence and trust is pure evil, understanding it and treating them with this in mind is how you raise good children.

But more importantly, just like any other human (and many mammals really), they crave physical touch and comfort. For anons who have kids, I never let them sleep in their own room and we all sleep in 1 huge bed instead since hugging is nice and being close to those you care about is a good thing (even if offered kids prefer to sleep in their parents bed over their "own").
This whole being independent thing is a meme, independent cus money from work, finding own partner for life, everything is meant to destroy communities. Humans depend on each other because that is a good thing, somewhere the kikes flipped this on its head.
It's not autism, don't give them that out. If anything, it's the opposite of autism. It's the product of a mind warped by oversocialization, of someone who lives or dies by what's socially acceptable on twitter dot com.
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i'm not gonna hold you, i'm about to migrate over there too, cause Elon keeps changing shit about Twitter for no reason. and not for the better. their app doesn't even work when your phone is plugged into a charger anymore.
Thanks for mentioning the artist.
Humoring kids is not an uncommon situation. 100% of the responsibility lies in the more mature individual to act appropriately.
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>Not playing this with the Maiko Bikini mod

>their app doesn't even work when your phone is plugged into a charger anymore.
How in the goddamn?
Source on the doujin they are from?
>their app doesn't even work when your phone is plugged into a charger anymore.

For what purpose?
>Noooo why can't I hurt the little girl's feelings! I have to take the route that I think would look socially acceptable rather than make me an asshole!
Now we're talking
holy based
how does she look from behind?
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Get that shit out of here.
>Say no to a young girl and destroy her feelings just to tell yourself you are not le pedo
Soulless generation
You will never pass
It makes him a sneedophile
This is quite literally the best time to groom minors.
I mean have you heard of Discord, my brother?
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You know why, stop pretending that it's the same.
>The invertor of child rape
>The parents should not have complete control to do whatever they want with their children, there should be a limit that society tolerates until they step in and say no.

Then society can have, raise, and pay for the kids. Whoever is paying to keep it alive gets to indoctrinate it how they want.
I don't get this argument. You guys argue the crimes must be underreported because it brings notoriety to the country, but creating an entire separate train cart won't?
>no women have ever held down a boy and forced his dick to get hard and ridden him aggresively until he came against his will
It is not only the same, it's worse by the fact that cunts like you don't treat it seriously when it happens and the boys kill themselves or develop seriously mental health problems when they're older.
it has to be something to do with the app not operating when your phone's battery is above a certain temperature. i actually tried to open Twitter before coming back to my browser but forgot my phone is plugged in until my home page refused to refresh. lol

MAYBE it's a very roundabout attempt to curtail bot accounts, but it would only affect those sweatshops where they have someone sitting with 100 plugged up phones glued to a dry erase board spamming on them all day. but that's a big maybe. lol
>you have to put it in, you just have to!
Mexico also has that separate cart thing and India doesn't, what's your point?
kys footfag, nude with shoes on during sex is peak
probably Monchan rev3, おそわり上手
dunno the proper TL for that title
Looks similar, thanks.
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>they hated him because he spoke the trvth
Where do you even get mods like that? Allthefallen?
I actually watched this video out of fascination. He's a great example of what is wrong with the American male. An ugly troon who shows off the hatred of normal male heterosexuality that he's been trained by society to display. What a disgusting place America is. I'm going to download this video for posterity.
Persona going mainstream was a mistake
Age of consent used to be 10-12 years old until the feminists changed it.
>Women being second class citizens and told to submit to their husband
Before we eradicated small pox and solved the famine problem. If our ancestors actually practiced feminism, the human race would fucking die off.
The same reason why marriage used to be a glorified land inheritance contract for a husband to his family. Even the bible depicted an arranged marriage.
Do you not like posting skeets anon?
Xitter or reddit is better for your taste
This. You're supposed to humor children not go
You'll look like a fucking loser/weirdo. Just humor the kid and go on about your day. She'll forget about it within a week.
>I just want to have sex with the hot teacher!
>That’s why I hyper focus on the little boy and how small his dick is!
>And that’s why I avatarfag and roleplay as the older girl!
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>situation so retarded he comicalized it
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They totally can, with people their age
>retards that have consumed nothing but complete normalfag movies released in the last 10 years
Little girl that only knows marriage as "you do this with someone you love a lot" has been a trope in so many things, they would have a mental break down if they ever experience the father daughter variant of this
Childbirth is riskier the older the female is. Get them young
Kids are dicks, that's not a good idea. They will take advantage of each other much faster.
I am not proposing an idea I am relaying an observable fact
Kids fuck. They always did. Legal parent permission requirement doesn't mean shit.
Americans are truly fucked. I dread to think of newer generations that won't be able to handle their kids because they think that even such thing as them talking to their own children as adults is highly inappropriate.
I'm just saying that kids are naturally crueler than adults, Jack.
>Christian supporting Palestine instead of being a blind slave to Jews
Rare based Christian
No you said "thats not a good idea"
Their kids ?
They are gonna be handling other people kids anon.
Because they can be cruel. Keep up.
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Children can go to jail for making life changing decisions
>it's better for little girls to have sex with immature boys who don't even know what protection is rather than with responsible adults how have jobs and experience
>we got to protect children from rape
>lets throw the bad children into the rape pen- I mean jails
Literally every love interest in this game is a fucking child. You are a rapist no matter what you do unless you go for Toriumi.
You're not wrong there
That would be worse, I imagine the cucks keeping some unreasonable distance between them and "their" children
You are not the MC. He's not a rapist.
but what if she spends the rest of her life waiting for me, then what?
Are you aware that it implies setting a taboo relationship with a minor student and a mature teacher?
Oh wait... Women can't rape. Yep, that's a good option
They don't take up space and they aren't always particularly ugly to look at when they come into view, so /ss/ is always based.
I kneel
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>zoomer minds can't comprehend the idea of playing along with children and that playing along with the shit they say aren't actual commitments
What the fuck went wrong with them
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Serves em right after they claimed Naoto as one of their own, thereby completely missing the point of her arc
Okay but you don't need the ability to marry a 13 year old under any circumstance. Marriage and bearing children are semipermanent things. Their brains aren't fully formed and they are not yet experienced to discern red flags in partners. They're also not able to obtain real employment in order to support themselves financially. And they need the option for independence if you or any failure of a husband starts hitting them. Just marry an 18 year old if you're so amazing that you can charm and fully support wife that has no career options. Surely you're capable of proving yourself a worthy mate to someone with a developed brain?

Also kill yourself.
Is that why he is staunchly against lolicons?
You're retarded.
>If no one comes to harm and enjoys it it is okay.
Read The Trauma Myth and realize no one was "hurt" before others started convincing them that they were.
I bet she gives great hugs
fucking retard
What's even the purpose of bluesky other than complaining Harris lost?
All the lolis artists are on X
It's the same kind thing that happens with cults and why they are so effective.
>It makes everyone here look bad.
Good, then maybe you normalfags will fuck off to whatever shit hole you crawled out of.
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/ss/ are like the male equivalent to what handsome dark triad inmates are to women
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Yes there is
That girl should have been placed into institution because the parents didnt take care of her!
>early sexual experiences warp the mind of a child and affect how they view and relate to their own boddies and the opposite sex. Which can also make them nymphos or psychos
>being underage, they are far more influencable and far less likely to recognize dangerous situations and be able to ask for help from their male relatives if they are being abused
>being physically able to get pregnant does not guarantee the ability to carry out a pregnancy nor taking care of a child while contributing to the household
I can see some arguments after 16, but anything before that is just you wanting to fuck kids and get away with it. There are far more downsides if a 12-15 y.o. girl marries an adult than there are upsides.
Based straight man
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The latter.
My parents explained to me that there was no question of this or even about it when I was born; benefits of living in a first world country.
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I just want cuddles
Sex is overrated
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Men only want one thing.
>damn it, she needed to be in the work force! someone do something!
I am going to jerk off to pokachu lilo art today
the first two are modern inventions to justify the change
they were never problems before they made the solutions and needed problems for them to fix
Its because they have the minds of children theirselves
still are
look up panty color and skirt requirements in school
like penis inspection day
That's what happens when you infantilze people.
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>have an uncontested cultural stronghold for about half a decade
>push out anyone right of lenin to ineffective intellectual ghettos or 4chan (Gab, Truth Social etc.)
>then out of nowhere an autistic African billionaire decides to buy out your tech hegemon and do a clean sweep
>he inadvertently ends the woke decade and stops the election steal from happening again
>meanwhile leftists get a taste of their own medicine

I remember when people on twitter were casually throwing out "nigger" and other gamer words when discussing Star Wars until about 2018
These women don't give a shit that the little girl would have 99% of get violated in the institutes, right?
he failed the autism check lmao
Most don't care as long as the state is doing it
>early sexual experiences warp the mind of a child and affect how they view and relate to their own boddies and the opposite sex.
most humans have their first sexual experience in their teen years

>Which can also make them nymphos or psychos
psychos can't be created, sociopaths yes with bad enough experiences, rape, abuse, bullying etc

>>being underage, they are far more influencable and far less likely to recognize dangerous situations and be able to ask for help from their male relatives if they are being abused
relationships dynamics are something that can and should be taught just like math, physics, biology, psychology

>being physically able to get pregnant does not guarantee the ability to carry out a pregnancy nor taking care of a child while contributing to the household
because palestinian women have no rights
Note the "contributing to the household". He wants her out working.
Yes to both
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>this fucking bitch thinks it's 1924 and not 2024
>why can't I hurt a little girl's feelings
What's wrong with this guy
He's a fucking faggot like all ironic weebs
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She was actually a brat tho
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I look and dress like this
Remember when gays used to be bashed because it was a fruity tooty choice they made?
>thread about child marriage and age of consent
>almost 500 replies
What did /v/ mean by this?
child marriage is vidya core
this is fucking absurd
kill yourself you pedo groomer.
Jews rape kids, looking at how many pedo's infest this thread then there are alot of jews hanging about here.
It's a topic of contention even to this day. In hindsight maybe we shouldn't have been so rash to set AOC so high so early.

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