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What’s your ideal vidya duo combination /v/?
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Good Ghostrunnerpost. A disembodied voice telling you things is almost always the best character in every game.
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Bioshock at least at the start characterizes the broadcast as someone who wants to do the right thing but is just toughened up by his experiences in the world, I don't know any games that make it obvious you're being duped
hey wait a minute this isn't video games, this is a drawfag thread
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>you keep expecting the voice to betray you
>he's actually the realest motherfucker that ever lived
>dies to save you
what is this even referencing?
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Holy shit Augustus’ mercy kill hit me so hard back then lol. It hurts to imagine that if you’d all made it out of there he actually probably would have made good on trying to help Delta reverse his mutilation
I miss Lee
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dying light?
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I fucking hate mission control, stop making NPCs talk me through the game.
(You) + (You)r weapon.
that's just Hotline Miami and Bioshock
I wonder if this will trigger one of the copycats to crash the thread.
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When ever I see silly foreign text like this I try and speak it out loud, it's a simple pleasure, thank you for posting.
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Here's one I don't see much anymore
wasn't this a thing in ugly americans
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Just think it would be funny.
What gaem?
that's basically axiom verge
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Bioshock 2
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What the fuck are you doing svennebanan
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but what's her tragic backstory?
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She can't have sex.
She's just like me! Thank you FromSoft!
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That's pretty sick.
This but yuri + role reversal
"wise old wizard + black gangster" will never be topped
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So Bioshock, Ghostrunner, what else? Armored Core 6 is kinda that, but supposedly your character would have physically met Walter, even if you don't see him yourself.
Incorrect, we're all here together anon.
Va fan är en hoe-fv?
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return the slab
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literally the only bearble part of detroit become human
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the evil within 1
love these niggas
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Wrap it up everyone. We're done here.
a daring synthesis
it was a good thread while it lasted
god i hated that zombie game so fucking much the story was so shit
But it was cool in Far Cry and Bioshock.
>well, just fucking kill me then
I'm the only poster here, anon. You're just another me in my head.
these guys cure my racism for the brief moment that I take to read the manga
Another you makes two, not alone.
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that's just the Heavy divided into two people.
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still my favorite combo
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me on the right
chaste gentleman + horny succubus
My thought was Freeman and Otis but that works too.
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I know, why can't real Italians act like that instead of being subhuman scum?
fucking kek
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I've got to go to work in five minutes, so I won't bother drawfagging shit.

>Warrior or Hero in some form turned Necromancer / Evil Wizard to save the love of his life
>Love of his life now turned into an undead, monster or spirit locked in an amulet after she was killed
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Had this idea for a while
P good
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99% of people on this board have no idea what you are referencing.
Fucking amazing.
The Sixth Stamp, of course
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i tried
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it's cute :)
why would you do this to him
it's not exactly a new movie
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>if you leave him without killing him he begs you to come back and kill him
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beavis and butthead?
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much appreciated, apothecary
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>The dumber one tries something really dumb
>The other retard stops him saying what they're doing is clearly stupid and they shouldn't do it
>Suggests something nearly as retarded and they both go with it, claiming it's a really smart decision while giggling like a retard
I like when that happens
pointman and Norton Mapes
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i love these
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I need to go back to Atelier Totori.
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I miss bomber grape
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some might call them Dumb and Dumber
Heyyy my niggas
Glad I bought the books
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ok i'm curious now, source?
Cancelled manga #3497673467340708934760924768023476
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Nick & Lever
Author concluded it in 3 volumes instead of having it be longer because he's a wagie and can't just drop his job to live off this.
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it's better if their wealth is reversed and the tsundere is constantly presented with new ways to rob the retard blind but always backs down at the last moment
You are not the enlightened connoisseur you believe yourself to be for knowing babby's first art film.
actual kino ending, westerns can't compete
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Xenoblade 3
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>literally inseparable because you got soul bound to each other
>Bro doesn't want to do the quest or save the world and keeps pushing you to do evil shit for the lulz
>but together your the only one with the power to save the world
>Throughout the game he slowly starts warming up to you and the rest of the cast
>leading to the final confrontation where he sacrifices himself to take out the big bad
> he's pressumed dead but shows up a year later after being reincarnated
Gig You son of a bitch
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Elric vidya when?
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soul nomad
>purple sock puppet wearing a sombrero
Slit your throat, Ausfreak.
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Could probably make a fun Stanley Parable type game out of this.
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I thought their small dynamic was cute
Wasn't that game woke and censored?
it would just be an annoying cunt on top of over the top violence done up cartoonishly, ie sounds fun but ends up just generic reddit shit
>half the meteors land exactly where you dig
>some worm in the open didnt get hit somehow
Every time
No clue but I would like to know
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i love summoner classes
>Lawyer constantly bitches about all the shit the wizard has dragged him into
>Still stands by his side when given the chance to betray the wizard and save himself
Why would the lawyer be upset? He's paid hourly.
>Wizard about to be put in jail.
>Lawyer shows up with an emotional spiel about all the people who benefitted from the Wizard's whims and how their lives were saved as consequence of his bullshit.
>Everyone gets up to give an applause.
>Wizard had just magicked himself away mid speech.
Hard to represent him if he's got multiple counts of felonies and keeps piling them up. So, he's forced to tard wrangle the wizard so his money source doesn't dry up, because representing the wizard has sullied his reputation.
But was the coffee hot or cold?
It was cold.
Retard its like one of the most famous movies of all time. Cut the snobby elitist bullshit.
Seven Samurai > Seventh Seal > SE7EN
7th seal by Bergman
You could have just googled the text btw. Scrub
I remember reloading my save before the fight like three times because I thought there was some way to non-lethally disable him, like with winter blast or something
Pretty good anon.
I too just watched Eelis supercut of Prey 2017 and was reminded of this trope, OP.
I thought it was because the MC NTR himself with himself.
Orcs and goblins are bros
He just casted a calming spell on his lawyer, he will be double pissed and lose all his hair again once it wears off
Caim's not interested in making a name for himself, he's just a bloodthirsty psychopath trying to save his sister - until he hears about her true feelings, which grosses him out.
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me on the right
>is yuri
>nerd is the dom somehow
>gyaru instantly loses her feigned up strong personally the second the nerd goes dom-mode and melts instantly
>story is a slow burn until the sexual tension builds up to the point they end up fucking like animals in every chapter until the end
peak fiction
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i wish i had an intelligent friend like you
this was such a funny move, Lloyd was an asshole sometimes
Yeah, i agree. I adore kurosawa.
lich and his favorite corpse is my favorite
never saved that one though
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7 Doors of Death > the rest
Could someone explain the plot of this series? I don't get how we went from a knight playing chess with Death to samurais protecting a village.
There's a necromancer one in the thread : >>695164487
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I think it's cute.
More importantly, what do the samurai have to do with a modern day serial killer? I must have skipped some scenes
How are you so good at drawing?
Has the childhood friend been raped or is she somehow untouched?
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remember when people would actually make OC in OC threads
>Childhood friend is the one person he will never rape
>But she desperately wants him to rape her
Nigga, what the fuck do you think "rape" means?
Dan Marshall and Big Bo.
Why do you think he's never able to rape her?
Love this
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Oh fuck yeah.
That game rocks.
>the cake is a lie xD
>a man chooses, a slave obeys
sequel never
The ideal combo is an adult man and a female child. I don't care what the context or what kind of relationship they have. It is the ideal duo
The most kino trope. Gigantic bonus for evil hand (Siegfried/Nightmare)
Damn bro right in the feels
how dare he refence videogames on /v/. i'm disgusted.
audible kek
I'm guessing those are player slot indicator lights? I only ever had handhelds growing up.
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Good for me forget to write.
Was supposed to say based thread but took so long doing captcha that I forgot
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Prime candidate for a recursive meme.
Did you draw this?
can't draw but
>kung fu super star
>"Nobody gets injured on my set!"
>his childhood rival
>"you've humiliated our assassination martial art. I've already punished our master for teaching you useless techniques and now you will meet him."
A fucking Ingrid Bergman reference on /v/? Kino.
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>Not "tutorial fairy trying really hard to nudge the MC to not rearrange her guts like he's trying to survive an Estonian winter"
This is how every single one of my modded skyrim playthroughs ends up
This thread + Twitter
this film is so incredibly kino, but you will never fully feel it unless you are scandinavian and understand swedish. so much is lost in translation.
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>the crazy powerful Eastern martial artist who constantly trains no matter what
>his (usually rich and eccentric) Western martial artist rival who is just as equally skilled even if he doesn't train as often
*sips* yup, they don't make them like they used to anymore
so? does something have to be new to be known? the seventh seal is a classic and iconic film within cinema where you don't need to be a film buff or anything to know of it. its like going "godfather? whats that. never heard of it because older than 20 years"
this unironically
I never played Far Cry but Bioshock actually had a good story.
Wow it's Poppy Playtime Chapter 3!
I see you, anon, good one.
This is literally every thread on /v/
he was clearly saying that it's a very old and culturally significant classic - so fucking everybody knows what it is. it's not remotely obscure. he wasn't saying new things are more notable, he was saying the opposite.
>ok, now that we lost, can we talk about how both sides are the problem?
>99% of people on this board have no idea what you are referencing.
>it's not exactly a new movie
this make it sound like hes saying that its not surprising that the board wouldn't know it because it isn't new and its way before their time. i dont know how you aren't reading it that way.
has the sequel been translated yet?
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Is it stlll good subbed or do I need to watch more Vsauce Joey to build up my fluency
trenger en norsk versjon
yuri is trash and dumb to smoke
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da best
binary domain feels like a low budget game, but a really well done one.
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its definitely still good so don't worry. i'm just saying that there are many small details and nuances in the way they speak with their dialects and word choice that is hyper specific if you are in the know of swedish culture, language and social dynamics. its like how russians say you cant really fully appreciate people like dostoyevsky within being a native russian speaker as there is so much lost in translation. its hard to describe though. but yeah, give it a watch anon. its very good. just keep in mind that its not a normal film and is very theatrical and archetypal in its characterization and story :)
aww yeah
>i wasn't training a sidekick... i was training a successor.
Update the image, blue checks are based now
it's so bizarre yet so obvious that it's by the yakuza team
strange game, good though, and cain is one of the most based robo bros in vidya
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Crazy retard with a sane inner voice

>If you ever kill an innocent person, I will destroy us.
Shut UP!!
>No. That's the deal. You can kill as many of the deserving as you like, but the second your axe touches the flesh of an innocent, I'll end this. All of it. A razor to the veins, just like that fugitive we tried to grab on Hera, remember?
Nnnnngh, get out of my head!!
>...I'll take that as a 'yes.'
>He asked for a van with NO WINDOWS
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i like to think he inherited his based-ness from his french sidekick, rest his soul.
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his story and character is essentially this.
>Dolph Ziggler and Action Hank
fairy dark_skin lactation would let you find it pretty quickly.
she is infertile or maybe has a genetic condition that their children can inherit, whatever is sadder


What would happen if she tries to rape HIM?
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I don't know any games that do this. But:
>2 rival characters.
>One is passionate, one is cool.
>The cool one is typically part of the status quo, while the passionate one is rebellious.
>The are both doing what they think is right, and butt heads ideologically.
>After many clashes, and battle s won and lost, both sides have undergo a change, where they finally learn how to feel compassion for the people on the opposing side.
>Alas, reluctantly, they work together to remove the real evil upholding the system, and bring reform.

>The cool guy was actually planning on changing things from the inside this whole time. He only wanted the passionate guy to stop ruining his plans. But by being challenged, he had to concede to oversights/flaws in his plan. Together, they can bring about a more hopeful future.
I haven't thought about s-CRY-ed in what feels like over a decade.
Damn man.
I should re-watch that one of these days.
That's literally the plot to Tales of Vesperia.
I feel like this happens in a tales game, or some other mildly obscure JRPG
Maybe I should actually play it. I never did, because I don't like the purple guy's feminine design
I was about to say that, I figure that's the way it goes but I've only gotten to the forest area
yuri looks kinda faggy but he's based as fuck
>morally grey introvert protagonist doing shit to get paid
>extrovert companion dragging him into world saving plot, actually grows on the protag
Would be kino, but it's usually never that way. Technically FF7, although everyone in that game is a bit standoffish
god this manga was fucked
I have not found it. Got a name?
she wouldn't do that, that's not ladylike!
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~nya ~ nya~
Sounds like blindy and blondy.
It's worth it.
Give it another shot, Tales games tend to snowball.
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I like this one.
>instantly recognize the art style
very good lad
I want the left to be my gf.
Fuck you.
I'd read this.
Who is it, anon?
i'd rather let the drawfag say than me
tamada heijun How to milk your fairy
If you're going to make an artificial bioweapon, might as well make it cute.
There's a graphic novel about this topic that's really good, but just knowing it will happen is a major spoiler.
Aww it ended? I was letting chapters build up.
Guess I'll go read through it again. Thanks anon.
The male fantasy
Can you try to explain an example of what you're talking about? I just find that sort of thing kind of neat
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I like having a serious character with a mascot character.
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Don't be ridiculous, anon, /v/ is super fucking gay.
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Nowadays, everybody's gotta go to shrinks, and counselors, and go on "Sally Jessy Raphael" and talk about their problems. What ever happened to Gary Cooper? The strong, silent type. That was an American.
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Reminds me of this.
what does it all mean?
Based thank you
Villain from the first game
Hero from the first game
>Villain from the first game (female) becomes the love interest
I will now play your game
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>tfw no game with actually good looking goblin girls
It ain't easy being green.
>Why should I let you borrow MY scissors?
>He can wear his final boss outfit in the sequel too.
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What's with this recent goblin obsession?
They're fucking disgusting.
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Don't be ridiculous, anon, the ideal duo combination is the yehat's children + returning from oblivion.
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>protagonist, who is going down a path of death and carnage over his ideals, becoming the main villain
>his team/party/buddies, who have decided to follow him to the bitter end, also ending up as villains
I dont know how to draw
This is how it started... before the Arcane Alzheimer's showed their symptoms. The world may see the walking disaster that is the wizard now, but his lawyer will always see him as the cool grandpa he never had.
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SImple yet ideal combo
is this a reference to something?
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God speed lil nigga, god speed...
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He is with his waifu in heaven as we speak.
RIP in peace, Grape-kun.
>what else?
Metroid Fusion and Dread
>the slightly dumber one has moments of brilliance
>you eventually realize that he's actually the smart one
if you like metroidvanias, you should check out Ender Lilies
He's in a better place, with his waifu at his side.
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I can't draw so I'll just type it out
>Player is a Dark Wizard/Knight/Lord
>is an previously ambitious villain on a path to redemption, who made a deal with an evil entity for power in his past
>The consistently smug or reeing dark source who the protagonist bargained for power with (Demon, spirit, devil or some possession)
>Starts out snarky, condescending and pushes buttons like "you'll never be able to atone for the things you did", but gradually becomes impressed, then shocked and eventually terrified

>bonus points if protagonist finds a way to negate the pact while keeping the dark powers or finds a "holy" strength that's stronger
>Protagonist sympathetically shows gratitude to the source of his evil powers for all the good he was able to do thanks to it, before sealing/destroying it for good
What the fuck happened to him? Seriously
I hate talkative compaions with silent protag
ALF if it was good
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>live a live
>the protegee is killed unceremoniously in the final act, and the old master goes on a suicide mission to avenge them

Was not expecting kino from a short story
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The Chaotix campaign in Sonic Heroes
Funny, but Magus is Piccolo.
wtf thats me
There's a manga about a succubus who goes straight for a guy she loves. It isn't the main plot but I thought it was cute.
>proves the point
lol, lmao even
if I reply to your post your mother dies
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who this
also nice trips
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Vegeta makes great Magus images though.
is there anything like that
not only it could still hypothetically be good, you also dont have to do it "over the top" and "cartoonishly"
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It's a concept used in a few stuff. But I based it in the story of Pope Sylvester II and Meridiana the succubus.
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>one of them gets gravely injured
>shit looks serious
>the other goes into a state of exceptional competence
shut up you you're just me posting backwards
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The Dynamic Duo

Popeye and wimpy

Rick and Morty
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I want tsunderes to suffer
Seven Brides For Seven Brothers
kek gdi
very cute
Caim and his dragon from Drakengard (aka Drag-on Dragoon).
Great game. Don't ever play it. But it's also steaming dogshit that you should totally play.
Some kind of supernatural bitch with a huge fat ass
Wasn't there a pope who reportedly summoned demons every night just to mock them before banishing them again?
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How many "teenage boy falls in love with supernatural hot girl" stories even are there at this point?
He was extremely based.
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For me, it's Nazuna
there was so many plot thread that just didn't get addressed at all
Boring protagonist and bad cop out ending, but at least it gave us Nazuna
Opposing Force.
OP and cocks in his ass and mouth obviously
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>What’s your ideal vidya duo combination /v/?
still my favourite version of death cause he just fucks around like a medieval looney tunes character loving his job
need a lightgun game with 2 fellas
>not kaz and vic boss
Goddamn, I think I'm having a stroke
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>Story about a young giganerd who becomes the leader of the church with the help of his super hot succubus gf
Why hasn't Japan adapted this yet??
What does Toguro have to do with goblinas?
This but a little boy instead of teen.
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I'm more of a Chiyo guy
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I want the literal opposite. Two dickhead geniuses who hate each other.
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Yes-yes, that all sounds nice and good...
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A movie with these two would be kino
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Are you the guy who drew that 100% OJ stuff back in the day or nah?
He did like a womanlet and his brother sat on his shoulder like a monkey.
So i guess he though a goblina would fit him.
>i must flamewaaaar ooo im flamewarriiiing
did the manga not teach you a single thing?
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What a chad.
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yes, I did
this but right is female
feet sighted
Nice, I knew I wasn't going crazy when I saw random drawings over the years that looked like your style. Was worried you might've died when your website went down or stopped updating or whatever way back, glad to know you're still alive.
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s-CRY-ed had such a banging soundtrack. I should listen to it again
Failguard has necromancer like this except devoid any charisma.
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How could you forget the most kino part?
>all is said and done
>they still don't like each other, but respect each other
>but they still need to have one last no hold bars brawl where they kick each others asses simply due to pride
What are some not so ideal combinations?
A surgeon with a delicate stomach and a very important operation in a few hours.

Taco Bell for lunch.
The series or the art? It's Wednesday.
Ohh, thanks anon.
These days I'm mostly working on a game with ugly colors. Sometimes I draw on threads like this one, because I can do stupid rape jokes I can't do anywhere else.
I wonder if the old OJ steam group still use the avatar of the black mob holding the rape dice in front of Sugu lol.
Flower Knight Dakini
I fucking hate this setup. I'm so fucking tired of the silent protagonist and chatty quest giver setup.
Just bring a portable loo into the operation room, easy
Sensou Kyoushitsu
danke, doktor
Takobi's original sin
The guy who voiced chief from that show just died
Make one blonde and you've got a deal
This except it's the buddhist.
fucking based
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>morally upstanding player
>tutorial fairy trying really hard to get you to kill and or rape every NPC
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I'd play this game (pic).
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delet this
It's Black Souls
Oh I played that already. 2nd one eventually.
The living penis and a pool filled with double edge razor blades.
Nu reaction pic dropped
games like this?
I know exactly which game this is referencing.
Extremes are fun - to a point.
> Tall girl = kino
> Short girl = kino
They stop being fun when you can no longer meaningfully interact with the girl.
> Skyscraper+ tier girl = Lame
> Ricegrain- tier girl = Lame
In my experience, everyone into the two fetishes above have been gurofags or vorefags.
>daughter of the devil
that's just any woman
> Ye old 4chan
>no game where you play as a ricegrain girl exploring the outside/inside of a skyscraper girl
xenoblade doesn't count
I wonder what the last thing she said to him was, for her sake I hope it wasn't something hurtful.
The absolute state of /v/
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Homosexuality is lame and cringe.
Yes, even if they are women.
Wait until you realize that fairy either lied to you or is the god of the world you're in.
I see what you did there
I love these retards like you wouldn't believe.
there's a sequel series, can't remember if it's ongoing or not
Nice, I hope that pans out for you! Have you got any sort of way to follow you or do I just have to stumble onto random threads you're in?
Cute Don
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