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>arm cannon leaves her with only one hand
That seems... inefficient.
Samus is in an alien planet, she isnt using complex tools, just blowing radom shit that block the path. Its like using a machete in the jungle
Tell that to the Space Pirates
was the varia suit always this hot?
the new suit is a total downgrade from the previous prime games
No, see this faggot >>695137807
They sexed up her suit in dread and continued the trend with mp4
Why does she look so feminine? Isn't femininity bad?
Samus never seems to have a problem with it. She has enough mobility and upper body strength that one arm is enough to pull her entire weight around. Even super enhanced X parasite versions of aliens that she faces seem to balk at her strength.
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the new suit looks too cosplayerish and the pauldrons arent big enough. They perfected the look in prime 3
Nintendo loves femininity. Funny thing is, samus was always ambiguous or masculine in the suit, but as everyone else got gay, they kept making her sexier and sexier.
>inb4 esg poster
nintendo's esg is literally "we will pay our employees more and hire people even if they arent japanese"
she uses it to clobber alien niggers in the face
That's probably why many artists will take creative liberties and give it a little concealed robot hand thing.
They course corrected too hard with Dread. I hope they tone down on the 'Samus is ultra badass Doomguy but female' route they took her.
That plus she has the grapple beam sometimes. She really does have space marine tier strength, people underestimate her power armor.
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They've been making the suit noticeably curvier since Dread. I'm not sure why, but I'm not complaining.
i bought a switch to play the remaster and if they don't release 4 for it i will quit nintendo FOREVER
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The bigger the Pauldrons, the more her shoulders disconnect from her torso.
This has always been a problem with the design since disconnection, but since it's highly likely she was originally designed as a robot (Metroid standing for Metro-Android, which probably referred to her before the jellyfish during game development) it was intentional to make her look less human.
>gun with unlimited ammo and several other weapons that can be used just by thinking about it
>helmet scanner makes sure that Samus will never need to touch anything to gain information
>can lift 10x her own weight with her free hand and the gun has a built in grappling hook
what is the problem here again?
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Let me guess, you "need" more?
I would fuck that suit
I really hope they get the music right in Prime 4. Other than the Rundas Theme, the music not being as great was my #1 biggest problem with Corruption.

PLEASE don't skip out on the OST. Too many game studios and companies seem to put music and sound as an afterthought when that shit is more important than trying to get better graphics now.
...but she is.
she actively hunted down metroids, the most powerful threat to the galaxy, she was made to be a super soldier by aliens. I dont know what else you expect from her, especially after the extreme negativity from other m.
The only issue there would be is that it makes her attacks more predictable if she's going for a grapple. She's only going to be able to grab with her left hand, so if you disable that, she can't grab you. Still, that leaves a very powerful arm cannon free and even if she doesn't blast you, just getting smacked by that seems to hurt enough given how easily she can kill with it in Dread just by doing a dashing melee attack.
I have always hated woman main characters yet Metroid isn't just an exemption it is my favorite franchise and Samus is unironically an amazing character. How the fuck did they do it?
And yet she saved the universe ... up to 5 times.
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All the best metroidvania star women, or at the very least dudes that look like women. It's their genre.
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I hope they ramp up the badassery while also playing up her gap moe social awkwardness just to piss you off.

Also, Samus predates Doomguy by seven years, you fucking casual. If anything, he's a male Samus.
Who's the cowgirl?
It isnt about being a woman.
They waited till the end of the game (and only if you got gud) to even tell you.
Ever since then, they continued this trend, at most having her outside the suit when you die.
She's also only a woman because it was a twist, but in the second game they decided to use it to humanize her by introducing the baby.

She's infertile and cold, but a baby brings out her humanity.
Contrast that with the extremely rare instances of media wahmen with babies just being used as cheap props or opportunity to create more rabid femoid retards.
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Samus power suit is just a slim version of this shit
the hand is just to help shove the gun down whatever monster's throat
It was probably meant to be a twist but even back in the 80's everyone knew Samus was a girl. Maybe one of the maagazines spoiled it, I don't know.
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>check Metroid wiki for the first time ever
>The name "Varia" is a mistranslation of the word "barrier"
holy shit
come up with a brand new upgrade for metroid prime 4

I hope they give her an energy sword
It really is sad, but most of the negativity from Other M was.
>1. redoing the "GF are bad" when we just had Fusion from the main line games to the point of even reusing bosses like Nightmare
>2. Making the gameplay too simple for a 3d game and too on the rails for a Metroid game that completely shits on even hiding items
>3. Making Samus a bumbling idiot.
Everyone would be able to handle her having introspective monologues if they weren't so fucking stupid and borderline suicidal. It also doesn't help that everyone else in the game is almost just as stupid, making you wonder just how the hell anything gets done in that universe. Meanwhile, Dread actually has competent villain, a henchman that schemes behind the villains back and Samus realizes that something is up with "Adam" since probably the first conversation at the check in station. If they want to have her talk, fine. Just don't make her a fucking moron. She would honestly work better if someone else did the monologues about her.
I’ve wanted to fuck every power suit iteration since I got Fusion in the early 00s
I don’t know why exactly but Samus clang clang fantasies completely defined my sexuality
Not even, I just want a punch button. Don't even care if it can parry, I just want a melee option to get enemies out of my fucking face.
Who cares? It's just another cawadooty in space. Retro needs to go back to making Donkey Kong already, push some boundaries.
>go back the lemonke
>”pushing boundaries”
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Prime 2 Varia is still the best the suit has ever looked.
This >>695140565
I don't really get the neuron activation over the new suit.
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Imagine Samus being forced into a gimped suit that has no functional hands and stiff movement. The only thing it can do easily is kneel and bend over. Helmet has a hole for sucking dick and handle bars. Butt and vagoo is always open access.
the arm cannon is an omnitool. she can hold onto stuff and do everything her free hand can do without any problem,
This. To this day, Phendrana Drifts, Sanctuary Fortress and Quadraxis' themes are fucking amazing.
they make the suits sexier since everyone knows she's a woman now.
I'm pretty sure she's the strongest thing in the universe with only one hand
Enough about Samus' slight redesign, what about Sylux's new fit?
Imagine if you weren't a disappointment.
>She's only going to be able to grab with her left hand
her cannon can use the grapple beam and her left hand can use the grapple lasso. and yeah the suit including the cannon packs a ton of weight. In Fusion that thing stomps around like its a walking tank (it is).
Her Varia suit is a goddamn DIY Empire Dreadnought/Protoss Immortal with the agility of a ninja. its fucking terrifying.
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Pic didn't attach, wtf
bootleg samus
>bootleg metroids
The original Japanese tabletop game had it so she could take her hand out, probably one of the first depictions of the suit since it predates metroid 2 if I remember right.
Because she DOESNT TALK lol
She needs two hands to rub my cock
It's funny that the original idea for the suit was more like a typical space suit, not armored except for the chest and shoulders, while the rest is just a pressurized cloth covering to keep the body away from vacuum. The cannon being mostly arm guard with an interface is interesting though. I guess this would have worked better with the original idea that the suit would have to actually be taken off, before Sakamoto decided that it worked more like a Green Lantern ring.
That's a very interesting design. I like it. But I grew up with Metroid Fusion specifically, so I have a soft spot for the organic components of her new look.
where do her farts go? shes' got a little butt flap, right? she deosn't just stink up her suit all day while she's fighting aliens right lmao
The alien birds made sure to modify her body's genes in order to not generate excess gasses from eating. She does not brap.
MC of La-Mulana 2
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how the FUCK does her cannon even work
Anon, how did you think she performs the double jump ability?
ZSS chads won. The design bled into her main suit.
>>can lift 10x her own weight with her free hand
u wot, no she cant. Grapple beam does the heavy lifting
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the dread varia suit is pure sexo
Sci fi magic.
Some weird ability to convert several energy types and convert energy to matter I suppose?

The concentration thing being her recharging with psychic energy.
Space bird magic
>psychic energy.
Is it weird that I played the games as a little boy and fantasized about Samus carrying me while wearing the suits?
The arm cannon is strong and versatile though she needs upgrades to make it work well.
Because her gender literally doesn't matter. She could be an amorphous grey blob under the suit and be the same character
>loses charge beam from an explosion
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>her gender literally doesn't matter
says you, I play for she
That doesn’t mean shit.
I could break a Swiss Army knife with my hands.
It's sci fi magic.

Her adopted parents were a species of future seeing transcendent bird people.
Psychic power or life energy is just a thing, you can headcanon it as being similar to the "energy" that metroids suck up. Because they can seemingly suck up any energy.
only needs one arm free to kick ass
Prime wasn't considered canon by Nintendo for a long time, it's unclear how its really considered these days, but in OG metroid lore the idea of the suit was that it was part of her transformation powers from chozo and MB. Essentially, having focus is what enables the suit because her biological state becomes trasformative goop, that's why she can morph ball. The zero suit was designed after Prime 1 concepts showed samus in suit without her helmet attached. I think in a way it convinced JP devs that the way people interpret samus is different than they had in their minds.
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>the idea of the suit was that it was part of her transformation powers from chozo and MB.
fusion, prime 3, dread and other M all show us that her suit works through her thoughts and emotions
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read metroid comics. She was never badass, she is living forced individualism because she became orphaned 3 times by the time she was a teenager. It's why she's a bounty hunter, because she is afraid of committing to bonding. It's why she immediately gave the metroid to the GF even after acknowledging it needed her and she desired it.
I prefer the gravity suit. Purple looks better
Prime > Super > Samus Returns
Using the x-ray visor and changing beams in MP would indicate this is still the case, since the position of her fingers is how she controls what the cannon is using. But Prime isn't canon so w/e
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At this point I just want them to give Samus the ability to transform both her arms into canons and back at will.
Rate the eroticism of the Fusion suit
Ruined by the bottom right meme pose.

A bit broad shouldered.
And the loose blue parts make it feel like torn up skin than sexy clothes.
what's the point you're trying to make here? When she is focused with task and duty, she has armour, when not, she reverts to human female. If you're saying that the x reached her nervous system through the suit... yeah, that's kinda the point
she's not concious during the surgery to remove the X her suit
I could buy her being trained so that the suit stays on even when she's KO'd.
Or that (contrary to Other M) she has to consciously will the suit on and off.
>I could buy her being trained so that the suit stays on even when she's KO'd.
how the hell would you do that, she was near death. The X parasite kills everything and she only got saved by a vaccine
we haven't seen her lose the suit do to loss of conciousness, but it happens in both the comic leading to Super and in Other M when she panics and loses connection to the situation at hand (meaning, even just acknowledging that she is in an environment)
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samus my beloved
haha imagine if she needs to pee but cant move hahaha...
quick tell us what is wrong with that pose without making it sound like "I hate new things reeeee!"
This sounds like made up bullshit
Nintendo didn't come up with the "Power suit phases on in a sailor moon transformation sequence" until around Primes development.
Prime also established her arms are in the suit via the X-ray Visor, so this idea that her body is warped to accommodate for the suits inhuman physiology is completely false.
skill issue
Man I wish Space DK and Link were canon. That's like the only good part of the manga.
>both the comic leading to Super
not canon
>and in Other M when she panics and loses connection to the situation at hand
terrible writing because she's afraid of Ridley for some reason, not canon in my mind
keep sakamoto two continents away from the script of all future games
God I hope this gets a reissue when Prime 4 comes out.
wrong. super metroid has a move you can do with power bombs that strips her and puts her in a floating orb of energy to regenerate, when it finishes, her suit reappears. It's called the crystal flash.
I think he is needed for story beats to keep his expressions in-tact with the franchise, but I agree he should not be a part of script writing again, ever.

it is canon but you don't accept it because of the 80's manga tropes you don't like.
it is bad writing but it's consistent. She did have fear of Ridley but from the point of facing him in metroid 1 because she had become so powerful by that point. I think sakamoto wanted to reinforce his idea of samus to people so they stopped interpreting her differently, but he kept forgetting that it made no fucking sense.
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Retarded + fake fan
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>fake fan
no, I've been obsessed over metroid since 1997.
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Samus is supposed to be sexy.
What are your hopes for this game? If the music is bad, I'm fucking out.
I wonder if midwits back in medieval times sounded this retarded as they theorycrafted about the drawbacks to holding a shield. Shut up.
I hope the new Metroid game has crafting and open world.
Instead of Samus being stranded on a planet, her suit ruined again and the Chozo somehow was there millennia ago and left all the suit upgrades that were destroyed.
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>open world
>If the music is bad
What's up with Nintendo games having worse and worse music tracks anyways? M&L Brotherhood OST was such a fucking letdown.
captcha: SATAN
it would fit metroid really good. you can craft like a wood man suit, and then in the next area you craft more like a metal man suit.
I'm tired of Samus crashing on a planet, losing all her gear and somehow the Chozo was there and conveniently left all the gear that broke on her suit.
That little bit that was at the end of the Prime 4 trailer wasn't enough. I want to hear more of that track.
It excited me sexually. I don't want to disrespect the character of Samus, who I acknowledge is fictional yet her psyche is real in the narrative sense.
i'm cracking up rn over how retarded this idea is.
this shit is probably why nintendo canned the original metroid prime 4.
so true sister, they should also make it a roguelike and add basebuilding!
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Seriously, they stopped hiding it... I want to say by Corruption, but I could swear it was earlier. Hell, Prime 1 had the first Pirate log refer to her with female pronouns. I'd have to play Super again, but surely they just just say she's a woman there, I think.
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How is your relationship with your mother?
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That reminds me. What do we think of armored Zero Suit?
could be genuinely fun to do something with the idea
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But isn't this the first depiction of the suit outside of the game?
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I like how armoring the zero suit basically just turns it into Mass Effect armor.
>The original Japanese tabletop game
the fucking what lmao
Bretty gud. Cute butt on sprite
Opening cutscene of her on the operating table activated some serious neurons and the talk about how integrated the suit was with her body led my mind down deep roads
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She is
New trailer at game awards?
>game awards
It would be neat but, uh, I'm not counting on it lol
Those knees gaps are driving me insane
Her arm cannon also allows her to USB-C all known galaxy terminals like a sonic screwdriver.
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>missiles mapped to right D-pad
If each direction is its own item wheel, I am going to fucking nut.
My favorite part of Dread is how the suit has an ass now
...with lust?
No I want to shank her at the armor gaps. Why didn't make the joints tighter like before ?
somehow I can see them letting you swap between missiles and super missiles and maybe a unique type by pressing on the right d-pad
honestly just alright
This made sense on zebes since Chozo soldiers would all be wearing power armor but when on other worlds not everything should have a slot for her arm canon or need a morph ball to unlock.
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Yes, please. While I like the missile combos, It'd be raw as fuck to be able to use multiple Super Missiles at once.
>Literal garters and thong
The secret is out. Sexy is okay if it's power armor.
and you felt the need to tell us because...
>since Dread.
I'd say Samus Returns
... True, she does do that sassy little hip strut when walking into an elevator. Anyone got a gif/webm of that?
based schizo
>woman, helmeted

Why am I like this
The Gravity Suit is a sling bikini.
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I liked her looks in prime 1, her bimbo face in prime 3 is dreadful
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I agree, her action-movie stunts were overdone in dread.
I love vidrel, though
The arms are too long here. Long arms look to masculine for my dear Samus
Yes the Varia suit is made for heat
>she doesnt have the shitty dread peashooter gun arm anymore
thank fucking god
I hope he's a brown girl, like unironically. Would make a nice opposing contrast, or sumthing
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>The power suit goes into heat
>PUNCHES with the missile
lmao, that's awesome
Very nice thighs
Its just symptomatic of the growing divide within the fanbase for Metroid titles. I don't really know where the line in the sand is drawn at, but one side is obsessed with Dread and the Samus returns remake, and the other isn't (its more complex than that, but too much to get into)
At first, it doesn't appear to have anymore appeal than the regular suits, until you realize its almost entirely the organic parts of her suit, which also end up kind of fusing with her body while its equipped.
In my mind, that also means everything the touches her suit feels the same as if it was directly touching her skin, which means its halfway to one of those weird living cursed sex armor doujins.
>fusing with her body
where the fuck do people keep getting this retarded idea from
The opening narration of the game.
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Did you even play the game?
The ones who knew the impact of music in games outside of generic "movie like" OSTs and just stuff that falls in the background all the time are either retired or left for other reasons. That's what Im chalking it up to being since the problem is looking like an industry wide issue now.
Nah, I'd say Environmental Station Alpha mogs pretty much all of them.
for me it was prime 2. the overly feminine look nowadays is a bit unappealing as i always saw samus as a very utilitarian function over form type character, but yeah whatever ill just be called a tranny by you guys
Don't feel bad. Prime 2 is my favorite as well.

This was never a priority for me. Dunno why people are so obsessed with it.
i love this pulpy 70s sci-fi look. wish it would come back.
why are the pauldrons so small and also holy fuck what a pencilneck. why do people like this design? is it just because le coom?
It's called the Light Suit
Its just how people treat new metroid content now, they suck the IP's dick now because they're afraid daddy Nintendo will put everything on hold for another 10 years if people get upset.
Metroid Prime 2 and 3 remaster WHEN
I felt like this design was awful since they showed the trailer and I still feel that way today.
Super starts with the "THE LAST METROID IS IN CAPTIVITY. THE GALAXY IS AT PEACE" quote said by a feminine robot-like voice. 'Samus is a girl?' is more of a gaming inside joke and a in-universe thing. I think from metroid 2 onwards they kept showing her as a woman one way or another before the credits reveals. Super has the game over screens and the transparent visor.
>that botched aim
>too relaxed
she wasn't aiming at the birb at that moment. she was never going to shoot. the suit probably blocked a squee or two because that's the first live chozo she saw in a long time. Raven beak doesn't really count at that time because that dude is built like a torizo
i do not enjoy metroid games
however, i want to fuck samus (the suit stays on)
you're going to love the SA-X then
>i always saw samus as a very utilitarian function over form type character
She's more practical than before, but go ahead and cry about the suit. Tranny.
God I love the SA-X. I bet she can give freaky blowjobs, all with the "helmet" staying on.
anime cartwheels and autism transformations aren't practical, they're corn syrup slop for retards like you.
well, she turns round and probably relaxes quite quickly after realising it's just a bird
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Spider-Man for ice missiles
silk-keks, we are so back
true, but maybe the robot is a woman
MegaMan's buster switches back to a hand, though
this is what a remaster should be. Is on par with the Majoras Mask HD fan project.
Concord tried it.
>illegal fan work that just slaps textures on everything.
ehhh, I think I'll stick to the Nintendo seal of approval.
>M&L Brotherhood OST
I just looked it up and they didn't bring back Yoko Shimomura for that? Are they stupid?
When Samus shits in her suit, where do her turds go? Does bird magic magically open a rift around her asshole that sends the turds elsewhere?

Also, does Samus have a cloaca?
>intern gets saddled with translating a language he barely knows using an old Japanese dictionary they had lying around
>gets stumped and just makes up new words
>it becomes iconic because no one knows any better
Language has always been funny like that, but it feels like this is something that can't happen anymore.
yeah and like wouldn't it be thematically compelling if vanilla samus and chocolate samus took off their suits and started kissing? haha it'd be a real narrative curveball if they started scissoring while the space pirates watch dumbfounded at the brilliant subversion of conventional writing tropes currently tonguing each other's pussies before their very eyes.
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>ermmm yeah, kinda doing a hecking crimerino, much..?
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Are people still memeing that the Shanoa fame was the best Castlevania

This should be a crime. No wonder Nintendo hates fanworks so much.
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Haha look! Everyone point at the tendie and laugh!
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As usual, PC remains the best platform to play nintendo(n't) games. Best part is fan support.
>Prime wasn't considered canon by Nintendo for a long time
Sakamoto straight up said Prime was canon all the way back in 2003, just a year after it's release
Super Metroid
Zero Mission
Prime 2
Prime 3
Prime Hunters
Other M
Samus Returns

>haven't played (or have only played a few minutes)
Metroid (NES)
Metroid II (GB)
Federation Force
anything not mentioned here

Should I bother with any of those last ones? Is there anything I'm missing?
Only Dread has the sexo suit.
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Would you guys play a Metroid game where Samus is only in her zero suit and the game is more similar to Castlevania?
>Is there anything I'm missing?
I want to LICK her crotch.
Metroid 1 is actually pretty fun.
>nice character
>nice costume
>nice castlemania
Why would someone NOT play a game like this. I wouldn't call it "metroid" though.
Nah I think I like Metroid staying Metroid. There are so many other great metroidvanias but only one Metroid series.
Is the next metroid game just gonna have a bunch of samus clones? She's the only thing left to be cloned in a lab really.
Not a fan of the coom suit. It was a cool section in Zero Mission but making a whole game around it kind of misses the point of Samus as protagonist.
No matter what she starts the game with, by the end she's a techno-magic powered one woman apocalypse. If she looses the suit, she salvages a replacement. Then an upgrade. Samus is basically a tomb raider that assimilates local technology in a manner that would make the Borg blush.
NEStroid is rough. There’s a lot of face tank areas you just have to slog through, the ice beam is a hindrance unless you’re ok with having to switch to missiles every 5 seconds, the sprites for both regular bosses are…not great, and respawning with only 30 health sucks ass. BUT it has the best exploration in the series because you CAN go almost anywhere with some exploring and testing out possible sequence breaks. Great chiptune music, no exposition dump or cutscenes to slog through(fusion), and in my opinion, a setting by that really rewards you for getting a grasp of your surroundings and not getting lost. I can 100% understand modding it or playing the JP version for saves, better farming rates for health, or modifying the respawn health to full power, by all means use a map, but you should at least give it a try, because zero mission takes it in a vastly different direction. Just keep in mind this was 85/86, it naturally won’t stack up to stuff the Super Nintendo or GameCube could do, but for the time period and early years of console gaming(that wasn’t shitty ass colecovision or Atari), NEStroid is very ambitious and, imo, fun
Why is this inefficient when the gun fucking vaporizes anything it lands a shot on?
Shoulder bits too small.
Neck too exposed.
Chest lights too narrow.
Hip/leg area is off but I can't put my finger on why.
Overall: downgrade from prior Prime games, but can be easily salvaged.
? I never asked for some coomer pairing.
Imagine deez nuts
I want a stealth game where Samus sneaks around in her ZS like solid snake and where the biggest obstacle is Samus getting huge jiggly ass stuck in narrow corridors hahahh
well you got one
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Not a game where she's only in the zero suit but another zero suit section would be cool.
dark suit literally has a high legged thong
No this is the hottest version of the varia suit yet. Homos might gripe that it doesn't look as good as the older masculine designs but they are wrong.
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samus culo
rare non bimbo drawing
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She doesn't have a good face in any of the prime games. The best version of her was the artwork in Fusion and Zero Mission.
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If it's a Castlevania crossover DLC where Samus is in Dracula's castle and she get a baby Metroid familiar then yes I would play it
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other M*
Think I'd cream my pants if I saw an hq Samus cosplayer irl
Prime 2 varia suit is still a bit feminine. She got a buttcheek upgrade from the Prime 1 design.
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For 3D I will agree.
Other M is the best version of the zero suit.
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>gonna do another playthrough of the Metroid series, in chronological order
>watching Rankin Bass christmas specials
>snug as a bug with a blanket and some cocoa

It's time for comfy kino.
>watching christmas movies before december 1st
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Cool suits, cool beams, cool environments, good music, wacky enemies, sexy Samus.
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I like how this game subverted the quick time event. A QTE impossible to react to. Just die and reload from a nearby checkpoint and uh... don't get caught this time.
Corruption was definitely the worst of the 3 but there were still a few good tracks. Most of the combat and cinematic themes were movie score trash though.
For some reason she doesn't do the plasma beam gesture, I think it also uses the ice beam devil horns.
I like Prime Samus, looks like a pretty woman, and nothing more: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GKkMiFCXgnw
she looks too much like a doll in your pic,
and here she looks like anime blondie 712
You can do this funny reaction prediction mix, but it's anything but reliable.
Prime 1's was definitely the worst, it was so bulky and manly looking. Fitting I guess because Samus also looked a tranny in that game.
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Samus Returns gravity suit SEXO
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Her proportions are so bad in prime 1. Still not as bad as when she had a bulge in Smash.
its bait but still made me seethe
You've got 3 versions of Metroid II to play.
I don't like the Prime 1 suit because of the rounded details. Compare the helmet, chest, and boots to 2 and 3's Varia suits. Tiny autistic things, yes, but they help it look a bit 'sharper.'
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For me, it's the humble, standard Power Suit. I'll do without the football helmet shoulders.
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I think I could survive sex with Samus.
the prime 4 varia suit looks weird, 3 already perfected it
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After how well Samus Returns and Dread turned out I'd like to see MercurySteam have another crack at Castlevania.
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>Samus also looked a tranny in that game.

Jesus fuck anon, go outside.
they need to be tard wrangled like nintendo does
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>isn't needlessly sexualized for 5 seconds
>accuse her of being a tranny
Terrible, compare this to Samus in Other M
Oh really? Other M Samus who has a panic attack over a purple space dragon she's killed several times already?
Personally I think the smash suit is the perfect balance of proportions. Just sexy enough for an armor fucker but not overly obvious.
>Samus silently looks over the wreckage of a chozo temple, making her think of her second family growing up
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Of course ACfag shows up.
>my legs hurt
>i wanna go home
We're talking about her looks, disingenous-kun
She has a grapple beam.
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Haha...can you imagine her coming home after a long day fighting space pirates and you climb in her suit after she goes to sleep? Can you imagine what that smell would be like? Her stale sweat and farts? That would be gross right?. If you stayed in there too long you'd probably catch a whiff of her pungent feet, too. So gross...haha
Having the personality of styrofoam is a bad look.
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She doesn't look anything like a tranny, she looks like a hag.
But you know that already, tranny...
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This is what Samus should look like.
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best suit.
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Marvel fucking wishes.
Quite possibly the most homosexual thing I have ever seen.
Where did her boobs go?
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Nah. This was.
That just looks like a thick blue shirt. Doesn't even have a pattern on it.
What is with the left's obsession with androgyny?
That looks like Samus cosplaying as Samus. Very weak looking.
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Just what were they doing?
Makin vidya gaems
>So many failed projects.
Its a wonder why Nintendo didn't shut them down.
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What manga artist would (You) commission for the series next time?
Disgusting image.
Shut the fuck up
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Armor + cloak is raw as hell.
Drop the next fucking trailer already this year has been so fucking boring
Would be cute without the feet pandering.
>Guys never made a bad game
>Every decade or so, just needs the stupid knocked out of em
No reason to shut em down
I hate this outfit so fucking much. I like sexo as much as the next dude but it was just fucking stupid.
It has always had big ventilator pauldrons for cooling, dumbass
Don't worry, the cannon also functions as a USB device.
I don't dislike it, but I absolutely do not like it either. If this was Samus from the start, I'd be fine with it, but as a reimagining or whatever, it's not good.
can turn into a ball and this mofo is worried about a hand
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Armor +cloak is always cool
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They hate him, because he spoke the truth. People often say that the Varia Suit looks impossible to wear by a human being. But that's because everyone is familiar with Prime's suit. If you look at Metroid 2, she still has all the bulky features, but proportioned in a way that makes it look feasible to wear by a normal person. Prime over-sizes everything.(typical Americans)
It's just the shoulders that got oversized.
Was It really necessary? That thing is a sealed shit and resists extreme heat already
And it's Orange in a desert
The pauldrons not only got larger, but her shoulders got much wider too. Not only that, but she got all lanky too. Longer limbed. Shaped like that one angel from Evangelion. You know the one I'm talking about.

And the arm cannon was made bigger. Though, that's arguably an improvement. Because it's difficult to imagine Samus's hand inside the smaller arm cannon.
Literally everybody knows Samus is a woman by now, it hasn't been a twist in fucking decades, there's no point in trying to hide it with male shaped suits
Hot take: I like Dread's proportions not only for the more feminine sexo silhouette, but also the fact that she's more human proportioned with magic sci fi armour on top. I understand the smaller shoulders were done to better improve side profile visibility when in animation in the 3D space.
If she lets you
Obvious bait but I could maybe appreciate something similar in a timeline where she's a scruffy angry teenager just starting out after leaving Zebes where she doesn't join the GFEDs and is acting out her grief by trying to take down criminals and hostile aliens with none of the Chozo's zen or compassion sinking in
Then she has a mission where she finally starts to understand the role she can play helping people instead of just lashing out. Maybe she can meet that black guy I don't remember and Adam who is preferably not a psychopath
Gonna have to grow out that hair tho
the gravity(?) mechanics could have been an interesting experiment but thank god the style changed
The remix of Dark Samus theme was a banger and you could listen to the Elysia theme for hours without ever growing tired of it.
I'd win
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Dread takes place after Fusion, so her suit is partly organic now, which means sexier curves.
a pet metroid would literally anal ravage the entire castle, please don't let the jellyfish drink eldritch magic
I wonder if she's even human enough to give birth to human children.
if her womb ever works, metroid eggs are coming out
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It's weird but curious, how the fuck did they alter her with "giving her Chozo DNA". The manga made it out to be enough to give her superhuman physique and senses to be able to move about like she does, fairly quickly. If the "armour" is indeed bio scifi magic skin extension of her, it'd be unfathomable to think what her womb can do post-alteration.
after fusion i wouldn't be surprised if her womb is shaped like a metroid
Now I imagine a Metroid game set in the lair of and guarded by the remnants of some evil Chozo sorcerer's powers
>Alone in the Dark style where it wants to steal Samus' body to live again
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>but with a super fucking missile
caw caw motherfucker

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