Was this really necessary to add to Higurashi, DragonKnight-sama?
if shitokonigger posts here then go to hell
>>695143627it means let's go back to /a/, spic
>>695143627Sexy legal butt
im here to post butt queen
>>695144663alice from smt
>>695144842i know that, i'm asking about the manga page
>>695144929a shitty raidou manga
>>695143998hii aliceschizo
>>695145306Feeling butthurt yet?
Yes. Fuck off.I'm tired of you literal faggots going to pride parades where people prance around with their dicks out, wearing dog collars and ball gags.Or the autogynophillic troops and sissies prancing around in slutty clothes subjecting everyone to thwr fetish.If you can demand to be called they/ them, I can masturbate to a cartoon in my own home.Leave me and the creator of this anine alone and gi enjoy your freedom to masturbate at the pride parade.
>>695143627Videogames you pathetic excuse for a human being?
rare Rika
>>695145523i just said hi im not even the person you replied todo u post on r9k i feel like you'd be happy there
>>695143998>>695144842>>695145523>offtopic and avatarfaggingWho hurt you?
>>695145540sperg more tardo
>>695145692I'm happy everywhere!
>>695145789hey! thats a good attitude!
This aliceposter is better than other aliceposter
>>695145774She's more on topic than any VN.
>>695145990i always hated how that smile looks someone should edit this so it looks less retarded
>>695143627is this the moment where "the fiction peaks" according to RyukiSHIT fans?
>>695146232RyukiSHIT knows only how squeal and wail
>>695143892Anything fertile should be legal as nature intended, legal if father agrees. Imagine how good life would be if people had young wives again.
anyone is excited for AC7?
>>695146737Absolutely agreedCurrently everything works to oppress both fertile girls that hit their peak treating them like retarded pets and adults naturally attracted to those girls
bumpin this gay homo thread