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It’s good, runs fine, and it’s stalker with a fresh coat of paint. Anyone who doesn’t like it is a retard
It's kino. Easily the goty. The people on here bitching haven't played it or have a toaster pc.
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Looks bad though, all UE games look like shit
i was watching a streamer play it and everything is the same as in stalker 1 (map, names, UI, sounds, location, etc) except graphics are better and story is a bit different. is 2 seriously a 1:1 stalker 1 with better graphics? just making sure before buying it.
It pretty much is
I fucking love stalker, I've probably replayed the original trilogy like 10 times a piece. First time being genuinely excited for a new release since Fallen Jedi Order (would be Tribes 3, but as a T:A veteran I knew any project with erez goren leading would flop hard)
First time ever preordering a game. Can't wait to get home to try it out tonight.
Good little consumer
Gotta enjoy something
It's really buggy
>first time being excited for a game in 5 years
>first time ever preordering a videogame
I feel ya.
It looks fine
>it's good
hell yeah it is, feels like good old stalker so far
>runs fine
fuck no, 50fps on 3080ti without DLSS regardless of graphics details
>it's a stalker with a fresh coat of paint
and that's why I don't even mind performance issues. It's still same good old stalkan, except now it has fancy cutscenes, loving it so far
How is it buggy? inb4 i-it just is, okay!?
gman says it's buggy slop
a bug just flew over my house!
Please tell me there are new maps and not just the old ones. Was really hoping it would take place in a part of the Zone we haven’t seen before.
I picked hard
Encountered first monster
Literally needed to put all ammo to kill it
Wepons felt like shit

Should I change to normal? Is hard going to be full of bullet sponges?
every random encounter is now a random spawn they removed the A Life director controlling NPCs and creatures and giving the world "life".
>it runs fine


It literally runs like a pile of dogshit, controllers broken on PC
I've gotten a crash so far
Bandits have clipped through a door
Physics props are interacting with each other poorly
Switching weapons and interacting wirh stuff has a high chance of just busting the game entirely (had to quit twice, mouth disappeared from all menus once)
>I LIKE all of those things
Go ahead, still bugs and still annoying
I like the game so far, but I want it to work
It runs like ass, but it is genuinely a good game and the best stalker game to date
>best stalker game to date
Calm down shill
Don't pick anything it's a shit game
I usually don't change difficulty settings much but don't feel bad about doing it here
The mutants take way too much damage to kill
My guess is that they were trying to make them something you want to avoid rather than fight which is always how the STALKER games treated them in dialogue and tips
Now it's actually true
Sorry ziggy boy, but it is genuinely more fun than CoP
Those bandits after the prologue keep kicking my ass.
>they released on GOG
what were they thinking
still might wait a month to pirate, seeing as the first patch was AS LARGE AS THE FUCKING GAME almost
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gman plays video games?
The zone's changed a bunch. Some areas are recreated pretty accurately like the Cordon, Zaton and the Great Swamp. But all but the Cordon are now in different places? Zaton is like north east of the Cordon, The great Swamp is all the way to the east of the Cordon now for some reason
Unrealslop. It's not stalker without A-life.
Controller works better than keyboard on pc lol
It’s pretty much what i wanted
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enjoying it a lot so far
No a-life no buy, simple as.
Is the game hardcore? That's the only part I liked about the old Stalker games. Does it have a mode where you can't just savescum all the time?
>UI and inventory looks worse than in Shadow of Chernobyl
>shitty modern action game cutscenes
>horrible voice acting
>unnecessary animations that slow down gameplay
>graphics and character models from 2015 (still 160GB somehow)
>bugs and performance issues
>generic combat music during shootouts
Nice game lmao.
The only "Stalker" thing about this trash pile is that it takes place in the zone.
The ai is better now unironically
that guy that shilled the ubisoft star wars game?
those are some really weak critiques.
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glad to see this bug has followed them to a new engin
Yeah, all of this is just STALKER in a nutshell.
If all that were 100% true, it wouldn’t make it a bad game
from everything i've seen it seems like they just ported all their logic to unreal
This feels like Dragon's Dogma 2 discourse again
Everyone will be posting how they were disappointed in a few months
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Is the games performance really shit or is it just zoom-noggers complaining they can't max out literally everything like they did over 8th gen?
Weapon values have always been fucking odd.
I remember that the only time i tried to play on Master in one of the older titles, the entire monolith base I was overlooking at from a high point got rushed and wiped by a single bloodsucker.
Saved, then reloaded the pre-attack save but changed the difficulty to the easiest one.
They clapped that motherfucker without losses only to get zerg rushed by some random ecologists half-an-hour later. Mind you, those idiots use Pistols of the lowest grade possible, and they won.
There's a steam review that said it goes from 60 fps to 40 and I'm over here with my potato that can't even run it wondering if that little idiot has ever seen 30fps.
Thats some really big coping.
All of that is true and those are only some of the issues. Just like with Saarfield, even mods will never fix this shit, it will never feel like an actual Stalker game.
Sound is amazing.
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the lack of enemy AI, lack of A-life or anything similar, and being nearly invincible in every gameplay video ive watched makes this nothing remotely close to stalker. thats ignoring all the other small shit and details are what makes games actually good.
How fucked is my GTX 1070? I'd test it out myself but

>149GB archive file size
Old stalker ai had them just running into walls during a blowout
IIRC my brother has a 4070ti and some newer Ryzen 5 with 32GB RAM.
Says it's unoptimized but liked the little he's played so far. Obviously this is just my word plus second hand info seeing as I've not played it myself yet.

Thankfully, family share through Steam, so I'll be able to play his copy.
Hope it'll run fine enough.
Has anyone in this thread tried the game on something in the ballpark of the minimum specs?
It's on xbox series s isn't it? Can't be that demanding
buy an ad
is the virus eula thing for real or an edit?
i'm still not installing anything that could have malware in it
Watching your bros sleep is gay, Stalker.
grab it for free guys
Sounds like a steam deck can run it on low, 20-30fps. That’s about in line with more demanding newer releases
skibidi toilet man?
I'm around 35-40fps on my 1080gtx, but desu game feels mid - nothing cool or exciting, I don't see the hype
are you retarded?
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it's real
guarantee this is cover-your-ass 'you can't sue us if your AV picks up some bullshit' type deal.
steam would never allow that in their own contracts with developers.
>runs like shit on a 7800x3D
>160 gigs
wtf are they doing?
I survived day one Cyberpunk, this couldn't be that bad right?
It's fallout/farcry with post-soviet unwashed hobo skins.
Oh christ, what am I in for? Should I just move all the money out of my bank account before hand?
This game has shitass ai enemies, stupid storywriting, zero exploration fun. No motivation to play though the game at all.
It’s third worlders and poorfags complaining as usual, game runs fine on good hardware beyond minor visual bugs that happen no matter the power level
This is actually mostly complete unlike that
theres another uploader that isnt capped on speed, gonna be done in an hour. i'll update how it went
>This is actually mostly complete
it's not
it's basically a SoC/CoP reskin/lazy remake
it's a scam basically? original Stalkers were good for the 2000s, they were barebones but with the mods and atmosphere and iconic status, imagination went a long way for the roleplaying and that was good enough

it is as barebones. in 2024? that's not good
A Life was not good at all, did you never play base clear sky? Everything goos you’re remembering is from mods
it’s way to crashy, i’ll wait for a couple patches
The originals were barebones too, so mods will eventually boost this up too
Clear Sky was the weakest of the three anyway.
Yes but the ai wasn’t very good in the base original games either is what i’m saying
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the dude that hates every game is loving it
This isn’t an ubisoft game pidor
that's my thread on the left. you mad?
I would hope a game with ps3 visuals would run ok in 2024
saaarrr game runs fine stop with the poorfagging bloody bitch basterd
Are you?
gonna have to see the moistmeter on this one
I can't take criticism of the game here seriously because 9 times out of 10 it's just zigger seethe
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Looks like you're going back into trenches Mykola
when is it getting a russian voiceover? The English dudes sound like retarded Irishmen and onions boys that can't voice act.
looks and runs like shit you retard
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>waits almost 20 years for a sequel to his eurojank
>eurojank sequel is hot shit
>post cope thread on /v/
>if you don't like this game... you're dumb...because... huh.. you just are, okay?
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>Looks like you're going back into trenches Mykola
because UE5 games always have great mod support
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cracked already lul anyone know any good direct links that will sat my 500mbit connection?
one of the worst most poorly optimized games of 2024.
>sees happy comment
>compulsive need to say a grating thing

sorry you feel you're a loser
I'm a miserable faggot who finds everything wrong with video games and will bitch and whinge in the thread to bring myself and others down.
Videogame bad.
See here
sorry, try >>>/vg/503008927
i have a 8k pc and the game still runs like dogshit. forget winning game of the year. this game is horrible. The original trilogy is miles ahead of it. goty goes to elden rings dlc.
2hrs to go
you have to be 18 years or older to post on this website
the input lag makes this unplayable on kbm
hurry and get your zelensky-karlik mod
it was released 5 minutes ago
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Try it on gaypiss first for free. Lotta trial codes floatin around. It is buggy as shit though. Audio cuts out all the time and quest blocking bugs happen frequently. I'd wait a few months for at least audio to be fixed.
Old stalker didnt have NPCs that had routines and not spawn in 50m from you
why did you put a figure inside your bog?
>runs fine


The vast majority playing are coping with frame gen either FSR or DLSS or else they can't even get a solid 60fps
Also I suspect a large majority of the reviews are shills or fake reviews.

This game runs like garbage. With just FSR native AA and high settings you need like a 4080 just to get 1440p60fps.
that's nice technobabble. because that's all you have since you haven't even played the game to be able to comment on the actual gameplay itself
Saw people on /v/ having TORtanic aneurysms, got home from work and played it for a couple hours and it literally feels like playing one of the original entries for the first time with a fresh coat of paint. Bit more of an emphasis on epic cinematic cutscenes this time which I could do without but otherwise the atmosphere, pacing, structure of the game is carried over exactly. Kino IMO. I always liked the way Call of Pripyat basically just plopped you in the middle of the map to just go fuck around and once you get through the 10 minute tutorial of this one it has the same vibe.
it's children and /pol/faggots having an aneurysm over a game they aren't even going to play anyway
>meanwhile, the massive mod discord channels for stalker, that have been running for years and full of thousands of people absolutely fucking hate the game
>i-its children and /polfaggots/
who gives a shit? stalker never needed mods and the kind of people who think it did probably don't like STALKER as a base game to begin with
The new UI is soulless :(
Do you think they would be happy with the game as it is?
Post a screenshot, you won't
>w-who gives a shit
>after saying its just some /pol/tards and some kids when its a core of stalker enjoyers
I just want to say thanks to the anon from another thread who pointed out the guitar on the radial menu
waiting out emissions with the boys has never been so comfy
story is incomprehensible and the enemies are bullet sponges. very pretty game though, nice animations. modders will fix it.
I'll tell you in 2h when my download is done.
story is braindead
you are just looking for the rock that landed in your laundry hamper and some assholes are making that difficult
its meant to be janky and full of bugs just like the first stalker, the community will fix it with mods and patches, this game is a true return to form
I didn't like the first Stalker to begin with.
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I have doe. It's garbage, good riddance.

20fps in town on a fucking high end gpu and cpu.
>high end gpu and cpu

Which are?

There is a memory leak issue that needs to be fixed, but this is not indicative of regular performance which isn’t great but is acceptable on modern hardware
I turned FSR Frame Gen on and haven't noticed any input lag and it gives a nice FPS boost. Everyone should be sure to turn mouse smoothing and mouse acceleration off in the config files since they are enabled by default. It's Silent Hill 2 all over again.
>Max Saturday

What the fuck kind of name is that

>His rival: Min Sunday
>pirating a game that's getting patches every 12hr
are you people fucking retarded
>i-it l-looks fine
>i-it runs fine i promise
based shill
its not 2004 anymore you can patch pirated games
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>164GB download
it seems like you're the retard here as updating pirated games has never been easier
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i got the ball
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Just about playable on low with FSR set to balanced. looks like shit though
ITT: poorfags
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Its fucking solid so far 2.5hrs in. So happy to be playing a new stalker game but minor note the hand expressions and voiced character are weirding me out

Also weird writing
>pic related
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They got Chud in the game
might pirate it after a few patches but there is no way i'm paying
A-life is gone, billions must pirate
does the time_to_aim mechanic still exist or did they finally remove that garbage
pathetic character honestly I should have fucked his shit up
So are there any new mutants? I’ve only seen the classic ones.
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voice actor/character is gay, right?
>time_to_aim mechanic
wat is this
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He was a good man. He knew what he liked.
It's kind of what I wanted. Flashlight should really cast shadows tho. How did they fuck that up?
in the prequels, your bullets turn into bb pellets for 3-5(depending on gun) seconds after the first shot
>Climb windmill
>Nigga gets killed by his own traps

Hell yeah, STALKER
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oink oink oink gib another trillion dollars
>to win the war right
gonna cry?
when are you going to nuke them?
How much does the protagonist talks?
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Ive played slav jank games older than you
I don't pretend they are good because the Clinton pedo ring tells me to. They are all shit, just like filthy slavs but most at least try.
I'm not enjoying it at all, feels like amateur Fallout, all the loot is found in such predictable boring places and the gunplay is just bad
Ukraine firing missiles into Russia was supposedly the last red line unlike the last 20 red lines so I'm sure it's going to happen any day now
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This game rules.
>it’s stalker with a fresh coat of paint
It's not. They completely removed the persistent world, the soul of Stalker, and replaced it with generic open world random spawn slop. Any serious Stalker fan should be furious.
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I've beaten multiple post-tutorial quests and it's literally just stalker 2 idk what the gameplay complaints are about.
>runs fine
Yeah, nah. Waiting on some autist to give me some hot settings tips.
haven't seen any new ones but only 2hrs in - there's a poltergeist and bloodsucker like 20min into the tutorial


all dialogue options
>Waiting on some autist to give me some hot settings tips.
There are none. All snake oil. It's UE5 jank on top of a studio that ran out of time.
>running game in pajeet mode and everything is eye-blindingly blurry
>why am i not enjoing this?
By the time my lazy ass finished the original games I might have a PC that can run this one.
That's some clean gunplay anon.
Post stolkers
Man this game looks disgusting
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>Anyone who doesn’t like it is a retard
They're just a bunch of ziggers, I hope they're getting paid at least to spew all that nonsense.
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>UE5 bad
ya'll fucking retards. UE5 is exactly the same as UE4 but with extra libraries for shit like lumen and nanite.
maybe try having a cpu that isnt 10 years old and a current gen gpu that supports that shit. Most devs fuck up porting projects over by not enabling the correct worker threads so anyone who does not have current gen hardware gets fucked over.
poor fags
>it’s stalker with a fresh coat of paint.
I personally think it's wasted potential because of that. They could've taken inspiration from Anomaly, CoC, and other mods (especially the realistic gunplay ones).
game changes a lot in next edition
>it's fucking over, they killed the series, feels nothing like original
game changes a little
>what the fuck it is, just shuffled a bit here and there and calling it a new game? what a lazy cashgrab
am I retarded or do I have to press "i" or "esc" everytime I want to close the damn loot window?
have you tried running it with a gpu thats not 10 years old
Disabling Core 0 nearly doubled my FPS
had to turn down graphics to medium running at 75 fps 1080p on an rtx 3060, might turn back up layer but still getting a bit of stuttering.
that flashlight is so fucking bad, not flashlight shadows either
have you ever seen eastern europe?
yeah im sure you're miserable, go back to skyrim
>maybe try having a cpu that isnt 10 years old and a current gen gpu that supports that shit.
less than 70 fps with a 4090 on 4K DLSS. ohh, so amazing.
Reminder there's already performance fixes on nexus. I got like an additional 5-10 fps just by installing one.
Did they really go with hitscan weapons or is that just bullshit?
How will that fix the textures looking like vomit blended into minecraft?
They're not hitscan. You need to lead enemies that are running and can upgrade bullet velocity.
>the textures looking like vomit
so i'm not the only one who thinks that the textures look like blurry last generation crap.
Shot a scoped AK and could see the bullet travelling and making impact with bandit skull.
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I'm liking it, havent played stalker before so the anomalies kept killing me for the first hours. One bug forced me to reload save but othervise its been running great.
I do despise how much health these monsters have on hard. Have to sink so much lead into them that you could build a car with all that metal.
>I do despise how much health these monsters have on hard.
so you don't actually like it.
>fresh coat of paint
it looks like a 2010s game with 2000s gameplay with unnecessarily high fidelity textures
good goy, consoom top of the line hardware just to be able to play at 1080p on ultra
I do, its my only real complaint that I could probs solve if I turned down the difficulty.
i hope we quickly get some mods for monster health (and maybe spawn distance).
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The game hinted that there are future consequences for the things you say and do and that people might like you less or more in the future depending on how you handle situations so now I have to be Zone Jesus. I already helped glasses and didn’t take his stash and I gave the icon back to the guy who wanted it originally. This better pay off because I’ve already missed 2 guns for mission rewards
>he doesn't always play as a good boy even if the game says there is no consequences

Grok (gamma dev)'s already made one lol
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When I see people that hang flags with creases in them because they hung them up straight out of the package without ironing it first the first thing I think is "wow what a faggot virtue signalling fraud with no respect", it's reactionary I have no control over it.
A-life status?
gamma discord have the mods to fix life and mouse latency
Non-existent. They lied. Everything spawns within 150m of the player and nothing is persistent beyond that, nothing roams around the map or is 'simulated offline' like the older games or Anomaly. They lied.
Yeah, yeah. I just wonder how quickly you kids will get tired of pretending you're stalker fans and move on to another product.
You could have the best computer ever and it will still be a buggy ue5 piece of shit.
Everyone played with a big bugfix patch, no one with sanity actually endured the broken vanilla. Also original stalker was made by just a bunch of slavs with a dream, this was made by dozens of actual developers funded by microsoft. There is no excuse.

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