Im enjoying this game so far. Just started it today. It was reccomended to me by someone here, thanks anon, i appreciate it.
No problem, hope you enjoy the rest of it. I didn't actually recommend it, but I played it before so I'll take credit.
>>695166761Love shortstacks.
This character has a penis, and that's based
>>695168147Every time this game gets talked about the subject of futas comes up but i havent seen anything in game that says they are futas. Is it headcanon? Im not against it but im puzzled.
>>695168765The developer draws porn, and the main character is a futa in his porn drawings.
>>695168765I think the developer commissioned futa art of this character before the game came out
>>695166761Gameplay was okay. I think most of the character sprites in game are ass, which is weird because some of the character art scattered about can be really nice.
>>695169271>>695169276Based and based. I want to see it now thanks for the heads up.
>>695167531pic unrelated, the fuck is that bodytype?
>>695166761I did not like Bloodrites level design, the game is still good though.
>>695166761I really loved the exploration aspect and wish more games had that Like the sheer amount of secrets and areas to explore was pretty massive for a doomlike
>>695169965Thicc goth orc girl.Personally I enjoyed the game but the last third was a fucking drag. Really soured the experience for me.
>>695171948I don't know what Hedon is like, but Selaco is packed with secret shit to find
>>695166761Nice to see someone else liking it. I think Hedon is awesome, one of few games that put me in good mood and make me actively imagine world it's set in.
>>695166761Canon futa.
>>695166761Haven't played Hedon but I thought Ashes was really good, especially Afterglow, so check that out if you want more gzdoom games.
>>695168765I'm not going to dig through the steam forums but he has an old post in there somewhere where he says he didn't want to include any of that stuff in the game and he'll leave it up to the player to decide.But anyway, he has a bunch of old commissioned art of the main character as a futa from before the game was even a thing.
>>695166761Love Hedon.Love futas.Based game.
>>695166761episode one starts great but holy fuck episode 2 takes it to a whole other level.enjoy the fuck out of it also keep in mind it has corruption cards support.
>>695173417I respect the hell out of that, allowing the player to come to their own conclusions is very commendable. Also yeah i checked the rule 34 and holyyyy great character.>>695173992Same.>>695174076Looking forward to it.
>>695174835Have you gotten to the red demon lady with a permanent bad mood? You can bone her in game.Also there's art of her online too, her author has a very different artstyle that's kind of weird, I can only get into if I'm already in the mood.
this entire thread feels artificial as fuckNearly every poster talking about futa cock, or superficial tangential stuff not really relevant to the an ad.
>>695175431>niche indie doom wad>enough interest to shill the game on a normie board >futa is canon no anon i dont think so. i think, and may allah forgive me for this that people actually just like the game.
>>695166761Came for the pornos, got nothing but boomer shooter.
>>695166761The game's an absolute gem.Played it multiple times since early development and finalized version.
>>695175653Same. I got to know about this game from a futa thread of /aco/.Porn boards are better vidya boards than /v/.
>>695175598then actually talk about the game instead of saying>THIS GAME HAS FUTA COCKokay? is that hard? because it doesn't sound like any of you actually like the game, just the porn, if you aren't actually discussing anything else about it.
It's wallhumping kinoI love how mazelike the level design is, especially in bloodrite
>>695176675The only claim to fame this game has is the futa protaganist, apart from her it's just a generically good but forgettable boomer shooter.
>>695166761i actually started to like the story lmao
>>695166761Protip: Reload does some things on guns that don't reload.
>man turns his fetish into a genuinely fun OC setting boomer shooter.I wish more coombrains were like this instead of making shitty DAZ wegs.
>>695173992Love Hedon.Hate Futas (not racist, just don' like em)Based game. Simple as.
>>695177804>hating futasWhat are you, gay?
>>695177938I'm not. That's the problem.
>>695166761>apply directly to the forehed
>>695177938Liking women with penises is gayer than liking cocks
>>695176709Bloodrite is actually where I stopped playing. The Mansion level was just too much and I saw the writing on the wall when I wasn't enjoying it.
I was drunk when i tried playing this game and was fired up for some shootan but ended up wandering around a cave and couldnt figure out where to go, got frustrated after doing circles and turned it off. any tips for a second crack at this game?
>>695181082There aren't that many confusing maps, they're just frontloaded.
>>695181082I know which one you mean, it's a little confusing for a bit, being drunk probably didn't help.
>>695169408 that's the dev.
>>695181783It's honestly impressive how this game came about.The guy's an architect who had a hobby of drawing orc and goblin girls on the side. Eventually comes up with lore for them and their world.Decides, fuck it, I'm gonna make a game out of this. Doesn't know how to make a game, so becomes laser-focused on learning how.Creates all game assets and maps himself. Earliest test versions ever made were a simple Doom WAD total conversion style that you could even combine with regular Doom WADs.Gradually the scope and complexity expanded to start making full use of GZDoom capabilities. Kept improving the game years after the initial release. I heard he's been working on some dwarven stealth game set in the same universe. The guy really loves the original Thief games.
>>695166761It's really fucking good but I don't like talking about it on /v/. Genuinely one of my favorite games of late.
>>695183689Funny enough. I was drawned in by the futa fanart, but the game itself was pretty damn good! I bought it on both steam and GOG just to show some support for the dev.
The design of appeasing the primarchs is really cool after doing it more than once. You can't finish one without also progressing theirs, and you can end up doing it in any order you want. The only one where you have to do one before the other is Greed before Lust since you need the pendant of true sight.The setting, while a bit generic, is really easy to buy into as well. It takes itself pretty seriously, which is refreshing in a sea of FPS games where the point is campy fun. From the small dialogues to the names of maps. Like who makes games like this anymore? Who puts clues as to where you find a key item by having a journal entry in lore in reversed writing? Who makes 4 of a kind pillars each having some parts of missing letters to a sentence to the location of a completely optional item in this day and age? The first time I got to Paradise Lost is burned into my mind because of how fucking cool the shift was, and Place Afoul also grabbed my attention immediately > It's rare that I get this invested in something, I was truly blown away that this is the result of some coomer who said fuck it and made a game off of his OC and it was largely made entirely by him as well, other than getting some help for the OST.
>>695166761>female protagit's okay as an ass viewer but otherwise pretty tranny shit, unless you a gamergirl
>>695172151I thought it picked up towards the end. The weakest part was the first hub of levels in Bloodrite.
>>695177656This game literally inspires me to try and take a crack at modding GZdoom with baby steps of map making, player making, weapon making & enemy making. I have a bit of weird experience since I've modded SRB2 but I feel like that's way easier then a project of this game's scope. I'm also not an artist!
>>695184876I don't agree with him but I can see where he's coming from, the game sells you the final charge with like 11 other orcs after you get the bloodrites, and then you're put to another map where you gotta unlock the door holding the Baron, then another map where you gotta unlock the thing holding Abhaoth, then the final blue baron fight, but there's the fake out ending too.The game throws a fucking ungodly amount of enemies at you in all of these fights.
Reminder that the green potion launcher oneshots the forge elementals
>>695166761i bought this for the futa protag. would buy again, we deserve more non-porn games with futa protags and a little titillation.
>>695166761Personally, I've beaten the main game, but I dropped Bloodrite during the big Mansion part where you have to find 5 colored emotion heads and I haven't touched it in years.>>695185646Don't see the point since the futa part is almost never brought up in-game.
>>695175431>thread that isn't about twitter or reddit or the bullshit drama of the month>"BUY AN AD"kys
>>695185796You didn't beat the "main" game then. You beat the first episode. Bloodrite included episode 1 as a bonus, but everything until the ending is the sequel episode its advertised as, "Bloodrite."
>>695185796>almostI don't believe the futa stuff is ever brought up. The dude kept all of that exclusive to his OC art (fortunately)
>>695184569Aside from the basics of "high fantasy" like the presence of dwarfs, minotaurs, and demons, I wouldn't call the setting that generic, personally. It all being some kind of underground world and being infested with hapless cultist humans. and living in a magi-gun society felt pretty unique to me. Demons as the badguys is bread-and-butter stuff though, granted.
>>695186614Oh okay.>>695186719I took being called a stud as an implication. Also the fact that there are no male orcs.
>>695187186>there are no male orcs.Keep playing. I won't spoil specifics, but yes, there absolutely are. And it's lore important.
>>695166761This game fucking bricked my pc yesterday it shut down and wouldn't turn on for like 15 minutes. there's some insane leak somewhere, stay the fuck away until they fix it if that fucking lazy bastard ever decides to update this piece of shit
>>695187398How many hours straight did you play this shit? I marathoned long portions and had no issues.
>>695187398worked on my machine
>missed the rifle at the start of bloodrite>fight like hell but eventually get through >when you rejoin with the other orcs they give you one and say "I don't know how the hell did you manage to survive without it"
Futas don't have balls right? How are they supposed to impregnate chicks? This is the biggest downfall of the concept.
All this futa discussion is a real meeting of the minds
>>695187538Ball-less futa is a dying breed. 90% of futa have balls these days.
>>695187792this image is extremely problematic and transphobic! you can't post something like that!
>>695169965It's a goblin but warped by doom's handling of poorly drawn sprites.
>>695187538Dick + vagina on the same body looks ridiculous, balls or no balls. I don't care about the semantic debate of shemale vs futa, I just want to know what tag I need to type in.
>>695187398my computer did this when my power supply was dying. Mine wouldnt turn on for 15-30mins but im guessing that was some fail safe shut off that kicked in. When i would play a game it would increase load i suppose and it was more likely to trigger.
So is that rumored side project where you play a goblin operator made by the Ashes dev still an Aprils Fools joke or is it an actual indevelopment thing? I can't find a definitive answer.>>695184569I think the whole puzzle leading up to the permanent explosive kick upgrade, even if it's kind of useless since you receive it at the ass end of the game where the remaining map is a bunch of tight corridors packed with dangerous enemies is my favorite bit of the game.Even more than the ridiculous amount of effort they put into the final boss which I honestly didn't like much but it's more because of personal preference and my dislike of the phase where it's in some huge ocean
>>695188336Unfortunately, for most sites there isn't a separate tag for shemale or dickgirl, not one that people really use anyway. You're pretty much stuck using "futa" and just searching through the stuff you don't like to find the stuff you do,
>>695188419I didn't even know about that one but I do know about the melee ring that you get by placing circlet you find in the Greed dimension to access a hidden section where you have to outrun fire turrets and stepping wrong causes you to have to move back to the start, which I found on accident because I was trying to remember where the lost gem was that gets you the 3rd nuke spell.
>>695188962I vaguely remember that one too, the explosive kick was in some lava pit where if you dropped in just the right place there were platforms to the sides of the lava and you could find a hidden teleporter.Also talking of loads of effort in a game that shouldn't warrant it, I absolutely loved how there was a separate difficulty that gave you an entirely new and unused in the main game melee-focused arsenal and balanced the enemies around that weaponset.It's the kind of effort I'd love to see from more developers but realistically you don't see much of because it's a lot of effort just to make the player enjoy himself more for no gain on your end.
>>695189112Yeah that bearzerk mode is fun, but you have to get really good at throwing those axes.
>>695187391I did and now I remember why I stopped playing. I had no idea I had to bring something to a brain over here, and I never found the Withered Vine key.
>>695189584There are a couple of hints for it, the surviving monks give you a very strong hint and there's a soft one about Yzbeth talking about making her most devoted goon an eternal gardener here >>695184569On my first run I knew I needed the brain and to put it in the pendant, but couldn't find the pendant to trap it in because it took me forever to realize you can just swim into the area to put the greed primarch.
>>695189584If you can't interact with the brain, you just haven't found everything you need to. The game is driven forward by key items that enable you to interact with things. If it says "I can't do that" go searching everywhere you haven't been that is open to you.
>>695189739>>695190019I never made the brain connection because I forgot and was just stuck exploring the mansion forever thinking I missed something. Now I'm the mind zone apparently.
>>695166761This game motivated me to create my own smut.
>>695190785Well, let's see it then.