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Here's your WW2 game
I mean it's what they did with new Call of duty game
was it vanguard or something?
>white hands and not some whacky colored gloves
>no wild camo
correct, this is no modern ww2 game
why couldnt the nazis just use 1911s like normal people
they did in last two CODs, as well as PPSH and Thompson's during D-Day missions
Not enough transmunition.
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I want a Winter War game
will never happen
can't talk about the commies invading non-German countries for the sole purpose of conquest
there was a mod for Rising Storm 2 that was winter war themed, shame it never really took off, it had (rudimentary) skiing too
the only other one that comes to mind is IL2 Sturmovik that had a winter war campaign, but that was a flight sim anyway not an fps
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>World At War
>new Call of duty game
Been under a rock for 16 years?
this is to go further beyond poor reading comprehension and into parallel thread universes
I abused this gun in MGS 3
Gates of Hell: Talvisota is kino if you like RTS. There is a 3rd person view too but that's not the main focus of the game at all
check out some videos anyway might be up your alley
holy shit i never noticed the EZ gun was a liberator
are these the wonder weapons the nazis talked so much about?
hmm, I wonder if I could create a ww2 game but include the trans/fortnite stuff with the clothing/fabrics/aesthetic of that time? purely for monetary reasons (who am I kidding, those fags don't play games)
Battlefield V?
didn't play it but did they really do that? that's actually kinda funny
hungry hungry luger
Or whatever. /k/ommandos need not reply.
yes, they're wonderful
ah yes, long barrel upgrade after reaching lvl 25
what in the absolute shit is that thing
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m1 with a pistol grip nothing out of the ordinary
>I want a game about a war that cut and dry justified and isn't communist global homo slop (for the Finish, an Axis member at the time)
Microsoft and Tencent would never allow it for the same reason you can't play as an Javanese Indonesian fighting the Dutch empire or as an Italian cavalry officer in North Africa fighting along side with Libyan mercenaries against the French. Even though those would be dope as heck story settings.

Just keep boycotting Activision Blizzard.
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>valkyria chronicles.jpg
This is how Lucasfilms designs new blasters for Star Wars.
>for the Finish, an Axis member at the time
I dunno that's pretty loose. Finland just cooperated with the Nazis because the Soviets fucking invaded them and the Nazis didn't.
illegal in california
id never use a bad guy gun
Does it make the enemy kill themselves when you hit them?
>nazis help out the finns because they have a mutual enemy
>as the war drags on the nazis start to become unable to properly support the finns
>due to globohomo bullshit, the finns suddenly ally with the soviets and betray the nazis
>troops of both sides are uneasy about this and try to avoid fighting each other
>soviets get pissy and force the conflict anyways
>despite going scorched earth from the betrayal, the nazis kill very few people in their retreat
frens shouldn't fight, why would the allies do this
>[Nomming intensifies]
>one of the few vidya to have a working Charlton rifle
>no one has ever actually fired the thing irl since most of them got turned into charcoal chicken after an insurance fire wiped out the whole stock
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holy shit watch out!!!
Every day I learn another tidbit about just how much more I need to hate the kikes.
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>MGSV gun creator
Always funny that the stock and silencer just come outta nowhere
Any games with "everything goes" gun customisation but is not locked behind multiplayer bullshit? Something like MGSV or even zany shit like mothergunship.
that ww2 hamr sight is something else
>That's for Pearl Harbor you slit eyed fuck!
Oh come on the movie wasn't that bad
Nimrods if you don't mind the Vampire Survivors ripoff that it was initially going for. A lot of the guns are pretty shit compared to just speccing out into bazookas and flattening the map with nonstop explosions.
>I can hear John Garand revolving in his grave, probably more effectively than this drum mag revolves
That was peak Jonathan
>Fandom kills the show off
Enjoy the tanking viewcounts ya fuckwits.
how this is illegal?
conceal carry?
full auto?
im not a /k/, so pls forgive me for asking dumb question.
I think pistol grips are illegal
it's legally a handgun and not on the CA safe handgun roster
thx 4 explaining fren
Forever Winter
It was the other way around. Finland were an associate of the Allies until 1941. The reason the Norwegian front opened up in 1940 is because Britain were trying to cut a path across Scandinavia to provide a supply route to Finland so they could continue their fight with the Reds. Finland switched sides when Hitler backstabbed the Soviets in 1941. Because he was no longer allied with them, Finland were no longer fighting a German ally. Simultaneously, they began fighting a British ally. So, Britain stopped trying to help and the Germans moved in to help instead.
Kar 98K
M1 Carbine
M1897 Trench gun
M1 Garand
SVT 40
M1918 BAR
M1A1 Thompson

Did I guess any of them right
If the showrunner got scared by a legion of angry 12 year olds then it didn't deserve to continue existing in the first place
There is nothing wrong frankenguns and tacticool shit in a WW2 setting.
The problem is they are using modern sensibilities instead of what retards of the day would have done.
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>retards of the day would have done
Take that back. They worked with what they had, like the goofiness of M3 Carbine.
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>WWII claims another victim
Gee Sgt. Moody, why does the fresh recruit get TWO flashlights for his gun?!
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>ww2 game
>has real accounts of real battles from real soldiers at real locations
I dont think any other game treats war with the respect of red orchestra. Sure everyone memes japan and viet cong but shit is still grounded and war is still hell
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>admitting to playing on very easy
>not playing on every single difficulty.

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