Any game franchise would become kino and benefit from open world gameplay structure like FC3. Wolfenstein, Dead Island, Resident Evil, Borderlands, Metro, Red Dead Redemption. Fucking you name it. Capturing enemy camps with a variety ways to do it is too much fun - why are so few games doing it? It's freedom of expression
>>695179590farcry 2 unironically. the worst part of that game is its map.
>>695179590These types of open world games are always piss easy.
>>695182937And ?You dont have free will to self impose challenge and various restrictions upon yourself ? Games arent meant to be hardGTA is beloved franchise and its "piss easy" tooFar Cry 3 offers cool replayable playgroubnd
>>695179590I loved Far Cry 3. Did not love the games that came after.
>>695183374the self expression usually isn't that permissive which makes taking camps the same soup most of the times
>>695183625You have lack of imagination + high expectations
>>695184363the game is just very limited by design, i would have more fun if it had splinter cell's stealth mechanicswhat made it sort of fresh is the far cry 5 arcade mode where players could make their own camps
>>695185103Splinter cell's stealth mechanics are designed for different type of playing environment than the open air FC3 campsThe FC5 arcade mode is not relevant, because the game design remains the same. I do think every game should have with tools that let people at minimum to create new placements of enemies objects and triggers, but that doesn't matterI am talking about how Far Cry 3 lets you go to a variety areas on the map and you can approach each of them in many different ways - almost in any way from an action movie imaginable. Terminator, Rambo, Dirty Harry, whatever.ANd now that you mention Splinter Cell, it & Rainbow Six would also benefit from similar game world structure!
>>695183432Wasn't 4 like "everything that 3 did, but better"?
>>695186313General combat was fine I guess. Didn't think that the story or pacing had the same nuance.
>>695186313I like 3 a lot but 4 feels extremely shitty to me I couldnt even finish playing it yet 3 I replayed multiple times
>>695179590It's always funny when people bring up RE4's tank controls being kino and how we should go back to that; forgetting that REHD on Steam and XBLA, had analog support and no tank controls. I mean, the only way to play the original GCN/Wii games are to own them, so are 99% of the users just buying GCN games? Or are they just explaining the most recent iterations of the franchise don't count at all?
>>695179590>WolfensteinWait, what?