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She filtered millions
The design of this planet is fundamentally counter to the factorio gameplay loop and I am 100% sure that wube will go back and completely overhaul it at some point.
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Aquilo is cooler.
But I appreciate both Gleba and Aquilo for awakening my inner spaghetti.
To save billions of dollars at the next Steam Sale.
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Haven't gotten there yet, judging by what I've seen in these threads and what I can preview in the tech tree it doesn't seem too bad.
There hasn't been a thread all day as far as I could tell, what gives? Mods cracking down again?
And its such a contrast to the other planets too. Pentapod attacks OR the spoilage loop on their own would make for a challenging planet, but gleba gets both, meanwhile with vulcanus or fulgora you get to figure out how they work at your own pace and once you do, you just set up the export schedule and forget that they exist.
>agricultural products turn into spoilage after a set time; your production lines can rot and deadlock if they get backed up
>the main building used to make gleba items, the biochamber, runs on nutrients (which can spoil) instead of electricity, mandating filtered inserters for nutrients and spoilage on each biochamber on top of what they're actually producing
>several recipes require pentapod eggs including the planet's science packs, and these eggs hatch into enemies upon spoiling
>only resource you can mine is stone, everything else must be obtained through agricultural processes. in particular the bacteria setup for getting iron and copper can break in a dozen ways
>only planet besides nauvis with invading enemies, and these ones are much tougher than biters
>the science pack itself has a spoilage timer; you have at most 1 hour to ship it to nauvis before it spoils and it becomes worth less science the longer you take
I hope they change nothing
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It can not destroy your factory if you do not have a factory to begin with.
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Doesn't sound too bad if you pay attention to what you're building then. Inserter filtering, splitter filtering, looped belts; no building up storage, everything is just-in-time. But then again I'm just talking out my ass. I'll see for myself tonight I guess, assuming I can quit dicking around with refactoring Nauvis.
do not sexualize the moldy orange
you will get superaids if you stick your dick in it
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She's gonna be the one sticking things in you and she's not asking for permission
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It sideswipes nearly everyone at first because it's vastly different to what you do in the normal game up until that point and you're pressured to learn quick due to enemies. I had a few friends who went to Gleba first and had the worst time of their lives. Aside from Holium being a bitch to consistently get until I expanded, Fulgora was a great time in comparison.
request received
calculating trajectory
sending artillery bombardment
Is there a shortcut for rapidly targeting artillery or are you using an auto clicker macro?
i added ctrl + mouse wheel to the item use controls because my middle finger cant right click fast enough to make full use of all the research i put into artillery fire rate
I thought it was going to be just in time type of manufacturing as well but that didn't end up being the case for my build. Having a filter inserter to grab only spoilage at the end of every belt and out of every machine, and putting it all on a common belt that leads back to a heating tower to incinerate it made everything pretty simple. After that the only worries about deadlocks is making sure the flow of nutrients never stops to your buildings that produce nutrients. (Basically think of gleba buildings as all coal powered, and nutrients are the coal), and stuff should never lock up. Oh yeah, make sure to send excess seeds back to your agricultural towers and some way of incinerating excess seeds once they back up too much.
A simple circuit condition on an extra building can be used to kickstart bacteria production if that gets backed up as well but for the most part it's basically Swampy Nauvis with infinite resources.
Honestly I think Gleba's main issue is: The abundance of cliffs being hell if you dont have cliff explosives, the massive amounts of landfill required to fill in swampy areas to have any meaningful sort of land to build on, and the very small amounts of stone on the planet to make landfill with.
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Currently having the first-time Gleba experience myself. Spaghetti aside, does this setup make any sense? I can't figure out how to get it running reliably. I have the nutrients chamber set to only run if there are < 2 nutrients on the belts (started with < 1 but that was ever less reliable). I don't know how to keep the spoilage from backing up and ruining everything but also I'm setting up something similar for the copper version of this and somehow it's not generating enough spoilage to keep itself running.

I keep waiting for any of this to "click" in my head but it just won't.
By far my favorite planet. I can't believe I let a bunch of shitters convince me it was going to suck.
ive been reading lotr lately
why do anglos call the sun she?
are they that much of a fucking simps?
Use bioflux for nutrients for the most part, depending on when you get that recipe on a Gleba start.
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You get it after making 50 bioflux, which is what that thing on the left was for. I just haven't gotten to automating it yet (the nearest copper plant biome is like 50 miles away). Which was even further delayed because I've been distracted with patching holes in my defenses back on nauvis since I'm not babysitting the biter expansion anymore.
I guess once I get that done I just need to get all the excess spoilage burned and I'll be golden?
Did you unlock the heating tower already? Instead of shoving spoilage in chests, just burn it in the heating tower. Towers are also the best way of getting power on gleba.
I did but I didn't think I needed it yet since it looked like it was for the ice planet. Thanks for the info.
>Aquilo is cooler.
Oh fuck you
I don't want to go without Even Distribution just for cheevos. Or Squeak Through for that matter.
Did i just overlook something in 2.0 that does the same thing?
You get achievements in game despite mods.
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>They add a parametization function
>They don't add a guide or tutorial on how to actually use it

Would it fucking kill them?
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Yeah I get it, but they didn't show anyone that through the book with the "tutorials".
para what?
>used uranium fuel cells get dumped in a chest
You didn't beat the game.
There's an option in the settings menu specifically for power users that want to turn that on. Kovarex knew that the only people that would want to use that feature would dig around to find out HOW to use it. 99.9% of the rest of the playerbase won't give a single fuck and doesn't know it even exists.
Is the green circuit necessary? I understand very little about this display.
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Is this enough to keep the pentafucks away from my spoilage factory?
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I'm just a humble farmer in Gleba
Probably enough at like 40% evolution but might need more later.
Pic related is mine, it's more than enough at 50% evo. First I just stamped down turret blueprints with yellow ammo, but I got stomped so I switched to red ammo and added landmines, missile turrets, tesla turrets, and now artillery cannons too. Don't know if this will last until 100% evo
You can stamp down a blueprint and configure it easily without having to fiddle around with different windows or click different inserters/combinators. Everything is in one screen and adjustable depending on how you made the parameters.
That's it.
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Until they get bigger.
You know, that's cool and all but he's right. There should be a more comprehensive way to learn about how to work with this stuff.
Let's say you want to make stuff that cycles through blueprints, because apparently that's possible now, but the game just doesn't have a training mode or anything to show you how to make it.
It would really help new players if there was a tutorial or such, and although there is a creative mode to help you play around with it all, it's not like that could be called a real tutorial. A guy could spend hours fucking around with something and still not get it because he's flying blind.
>filtered inserters for nutrients
this isn't impressive
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Fuck, as a new player Fulgora is filtering me because I cannot build an ordely base in such a tiny islands and now things are biting me in the ass. How you plan your factory so doesnt clog and leaves you space to build more and expand over time? I mostly patched things up with robots on Vulcanus and I fully abandoned my Nauvis base but I want to make things right.
Just get in a car and drive around until you find a big fuckoff island
Here's some basic advice. Use filter splitters to separate items off your belt. Now you have belts full of all the different types of crap. From here you can go two different routes. One option is just using bots to take those items to wherever you want them to go. Alternatively you can run those belts past EM plants/assemblers like normal and make items that way.
>But anon how the fuck do I stop things from jamming?
With bots you could set up requester chests that feed into two reccylers facing one another and only active them when that item goes above a threshold you set.

With belts you do something similar using chests/inserters or just have recyclers at the end of each of your final belts. Any item that makes it that far clearly isn't useful right now.
>But it's a waste voiding items!
Don't stress about it. The little islands contain tens of millions of ore that you should be picking up with trains.

That's another way to do Fulgora by the way. Load all the different items types up on trains and take them to other islands to be assembled into different things to avoid power and space issues.
>With bots you could set up requester chests
You could also just use splitters with priority output toward assembly lines. Once that gets backed up the rest gets sent to the voiding area.
When I started on Fulgora I built a starter base that's just one belt for everything. Scrap gets recycled and all products are dumped on the belt. Belt flows past assemblers that pick out whatever they need. Anything not picked goes into more recyclers, then the output of that gets looped back onto the belt, and repeat. It's a simple design, works good for getting basic buildings to bootstrap your real base. The design isn't p5ractical for big bases because it's limited to 1 or 2 belts of throughput.

Then I explored and found a big island and used that starter infrastructure to set up a bot base. Scrap recyclers dump into chests and then bots sort out the shit for me. If you have too much of one thing, build a row of recyclers for it, with requester chests, and use basic circuit conditions on inserters to make the base auto-regulate everything. For example, there's recyclers for copper cable that only turn on when copper plate < 10k or copper cable >20k.
My problem is I cant build things in order, I super disorganized and my bases are beyond clumped pasta in all planets. I dont get how people plan ahead so you can keep expanding.
Kinda like what >>695196017 said, I'd recommend a system like this. If you're doing quality sifting as well, build entirely separate systems per quality level, and have the overflow/unclassified end of the line going to recycling with quality modules that then outputs back into the top of the scrap processing line. Got a setup doing this running the last fifty hours with nearly zero clogging.
The island your building on is probably a tiny one. move somewhere else. Pack everything into a couple cars and drive them over to a new place
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This was enough to finish the game for me, but teslas kept getting stomped, dunno if using artillery actually makes defense easy like people are saying
>finally get around to buying Space Age
>the nigh infinite amount of high-posting-rate threads on Factorio dry up
I don't know why i expected anything different
/egg on vg is pretty much factorio general these days
What were you gonna do with a signal that says there's nutrients in the fuel slot?
My Gleba base used to be swarmed every minute but after adding artillery it's been silent for 20+ hours.
So, when you're in your ship or map view, how do you actually access your inventory?
I made a new blueprint while traveling between planets, but I can't figure out how to change it or move it to my blueprint book while I'm on my ship.
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So I finished Fulgora and got the mech armour. It's pretty cool, flying over obstacles is very handy, and now I actually look cool when running as opposed to whatever the engineer was doing previously. I think I'll go back to Fulgora and try out a quality base next. My science base also sucks because it's just one belt of scrap and surprise surprise that results in a trickle of science.
I think I'm just putting off Gleba though. It's the last stop left and everything I hear about it scares me.
It's a shame, but it has been over a month and most people have either finished it or burned out by now, leaving newcomers and slower players.
Literally just ferry a thousand logi bots and have them sort/build things through an automall
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The trick to Gleba is treat it as a straight line, don't fall for the ebin loop memes where you clog up your belts with half-expired goods. Once it passes the factories it's time to throw it all into the perpetual oven.

Also bots WILL fuck you over. Don't get them involved with anything that spoils.
I think clearing out any egg rafts in the spore cloud from a safe distance and stopping all attacks does indeed make defending easier.
I COULD do a cringe parameter gimmick every time I want something or I could just build a big mall to give me everything I want at all times
>I think I'll go back to Fulgora and try out a quality base next
I've been postponing it until I get legendary quality and foundation, so far I'm just gambling there with no real reason to return. The only real quality thing you absolutely need from there and can get without too much commitment is rare/epic mech suit.
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Imagine thinking you are hot shit game designer when you cant figure out a two ingredient planet with two hours spoil time
Gleba is literally the best planet of the four new ones

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Its almost like its not a feature required to beat the game or something
Those turrets are useless, same shit with lasers, teslas and rockets should be all you need
Research electric damage if it isnt, it gets like 70% base damage boost each tier
My base is defended by nothing but teslas around the farms and two artilleries, one on each farm
lasers are fine for the wrigglers while your teslas and rockets focus on the bigger targets
>filtered by the loop
my gleba base runs at >90% efficiency because of the superiority of the loop design
Your teslas will fucking obliterate the wrigglers already as they shoot the stompers because the lighting will jump into them, the turrets wont even get a chance if you have enough damage
Im not saying to take them out now that youve put them there
>loop design
bro, your power generators?
Fruits are free, power is not
I just stockpile nutrients at the end of the line and burn them
Theres a reason you unlock the heating tower already at Gleba and not Aquilo.
that's what infinite rocket fuel is for, you unlock heating towers because they accept fuel at 100% so you can get rid of any excess on gleba which is what I have one tower for, efficiency is the goal since harvesting more spreads spores, the game is telling you to not be wasteful and it's not like you're producing any faster either
>Fruits are free, power is not
Do you mean the same fruits you use to make infinite rocket fuel, which is a hilariously OP power source in heating towers and vastly superior to spoilage, nutriets, raw fruit or any other bullshit you can put in a heating tower?
>virgin efficient design vs the chad 90MW power generator with 100% at capacity, turbo belts
I mean, you can choose to play a nature preserver or be an industrialist

You mine all the ore on Nauvis without any regard for pollution anyway, whats the point NOT doing it on a planet where resources are free?
That power pays back for itself in beacons and in more teslas
More throughput of fruits means your machines are never starved of nutrition
Fruits stay fresh because they are always on the move and incinerated if not processed, leading to more fresh products (not like you should care because all the finished products dont spoil anyway)
Rocketfuel is a separate power source on top of that, its also used to launch rockets

My base has 3 heating towers, all being fed at max 1000c heat, with max heat efficiency
One of them uses rocket fuel and two of them spoilage
Theres so much nutrients flowing around from so much fruit being processed that it doesnt make sense to keep that shit flowing back into itself, because then systems will just get clogged.

Its much better to just let go of them, let them rot on chests, use them for CREATING CARBON FIBER, you know, the unique material of the planet, rather than try to save every piece of the white garbage and try to re-use it
Use that power from the heating tower to improve your base instead.
>Aquilo is cooler.
Maybe, but Vulcanus is hotter
>whats the point NOT doing it on a planet where resources are free
because mining more than what you use does not increase your productivity, on nauvis it makes no difference on but gleba there are clear consequences and you are implored to find a balance

my production is throttled which attains over 90% efficiency while making 500 spm and I could very easily scale up if I wanted to which would only increase my efficiency since the more you use the less spoilage you produce

making more garbage just to burn it is not an argument when rocket fuel is literally x100 superior
>Theres so much nutrients flowing around from so much fruit being processed that it doesnt make sense to keep that shit flowing back into itself, because then systems will just get clogged
Or you could just use loops with some basic circuit logic to massively reduce the amount of garbage you pump out (and spores you produce) instead of having an endless stream of fruit going directly into the oven
Rocket fuel is superior yes, but jelly can be also made into iron
And nothing says you cant use both rocket fuel AND nutrition
You need tons of spoilage for crafting different shit
You also need power on Gleba
And fruits just happen to be infinite
Like i said, you shouldnt be caring about fucking spore production at all on Gleba, if you do, you are heavily outmatched and just arent using any space logistics
A single artillery on each of your farms is enough to defend against 90% of attacks
Arguments such as pollution have no place in factorio because you should have solve those issues before setting out to do other shit anyway

Circuit logic is massively overcomplicating whatever the shit you are doing 100%, the only acceptable circuits you should have are
>Dont put the funny egg in the machine if the other shit is not in the machine yet
And even thats going too far i feel

My first base used loops, what a massive waste of time dealing with that shit was
Just burn it all
I see, not only were you filtered by Gleba, but circuits as well
Nigger, my ship has combinators for nuclear fuel, emptying out the cargo, asteroid filters, and a single foundry crafting both ammo and the molten metal
I use the new parameter shit to build train dynamic train stations that pickup random shit and know where to drop it
I think i know what iam doing
If you have start to use circuits on gleba, chances are you are just overcomplicating things. I havent felt the need to use a single belt reader in the whole place
Actually, one time i did make a shutdown switch for a belt lane
And then i realized that i didnt need it and it was a retarded idea in the first place
You can use the same argument for your platform, why use circuits for a more efficient design when you can just make the platform twice as big? Asteroids are free.
Is Gleba as bad as I hear? I need to go there because I saved it for last, but I'm worried it's going to kill my interest in continuing. Even Aquilo doesn't look as daunting.
Because space around your spaceship landing pad is not infinite
My current ship uses every side of the spaceship to input and output shit except 1 side -2 spots
Spaceship building is not complicated, and i admit the shit i did is not some best solution there, aside from the emptying cargo filters, its just some stuff i was trying out, trying to build a small and efficient vehicle instead of brute forcing some fucking square of guns and foundries
But power on your spaceship is not infinite, and dont fucking compare space on your spaceship to a fucking PLANET
Thats just retarded

It is fine to put nutrients on a looping belt on that SPECIFIC factory, but you must have an exit for the spoilage immediately, that is not the issue and that is probably the most advanced shit you would ever need to do on Gleba
You dont start fucking looping back your nutrition from the end, that has less than 1 minute lifetime back, ever, because its just going to spoil on the nutrient lines and take up important space on the belts
If you are belt reading and controlling lanes based on some arbitrary shit, you are just showing off
Gleba is the best planet and anyone complaining is just expecting the same old shit everywhere
Gleba forces you to think outside the standard factorio builds and understand inserter filters
Gleba is the best content in the game, filtering millions
But somehow you can't admit that your Gleba base design is not worse despite numbers telling you otherwise. It really sounds like you just were filtered.
>read belt
>enable when thing on belt < X
so advanced
>Filtered this filtered that
Is that the only word you know? Are you some kind of robot?
Where did you get this idea that i was filtered by Gleba?
You just think you are some fucking big man intellectual fucking terry davis man, for reading some belts?
Its absolutely not, thats whats so funny about it, that you thought that i didnt know how to do that, so i was filtered by Gleba?
you somehow decided that the easiest circuit condition in the game is "too much" for gleba, so you just overproduce by x10 and throw everything into the furnace, this is what you think the solution to gleba is
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>people are playing their sandbox building game the wrong way
Oh, the horror
>Pentapod attacks
Tesla coils completely destroy those. Put four of them in a row and they'll stunlock everything to death.
It quite literally is, its so simple that you dont need that, is what ive been saying all this time
Belt reading is literally useless for Gleba, what are you reading on your belt? That theres nutrition there? Its not like the inserters dont know any better
What the fuck do you need a lane controller for huh?
Do tell me your solution to Gleba, big man
Thats still four more tesla towers (and 28 more niggawats of power) than you need on any other planet though
have you been paying any attention this entire time? do we need to go back to square 1?
Actually post something coherent for once instead of just repeating "filtered haha!!" then maybe ill pay attention, or not, because you are 100% wasting my time with your bullshit already thank you
Ok I'll bite
You read the belt in your fresh fruit loop
If there's already fruit in there your agri towers turn off and dont overproduce eight billion more fruits that you're going to burn for no reason
I think this is a complicated question. The benefit of looping a belt back is that you can then have a belt 100 tiles long that only has 10 nutrients on it at any given time, by limiting the nutrient-maker (either by circuit condition or by just not having enough nutrient-makers to saturate the belt). If you don't loop it, and you have enough nutrient-makers to saturate it, then you'll have 800 nutrients sitting on the belt (8 per belt tile). The total amount of nutrients that spoil per second is proportional to the size of the inventory held on the belt, see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Little%27s_law . So you want to minimize the size of spoilable inventories everywhere.
A bot base could achieve the same efficiency as a perfect belt base with less complexity, by just requesting like 1 nutrient at every biochamber to minimize inventory sizes.
Anyway none of this really matters in default Space Age because the game is too easy for it to ever make or break your base
all your questions have already been answered, now you're just throwing a tantrum
Biter defense on Nauvis with default settings is harder.
>Just stop mining ore when theres ore on the belt
How is it any different from Nauvis, or Fulgora, Vulcanus, or Aquilo?
gee I dunno how are resources on gleba different from the other planets hmmm truly a mystery I have never played the game
>understand inserter filters
Huh, but you need that for space platforms already, unless you like your grinders clogging with the occasional asteroid that refuses to crunch down.
Direct inserting intermediates while providing each "factory" with its own controlled looping nutrient supplier works very well. Only things on a long belt are the raw resources and bioflux which have a very long shelf life.
It already happens on every other planet by default, you absolute troglodyte. If you can produce more stuff than you consume (which you should be able to do as to not bottleneck your base) your belts get backed up and miners stop mining
Gleba is harder to figure out and set up than the rest but once you get over the initial confusion and get the seeds going it becomes the best planet of them all. Aquilo is an easy puzzle with a very slow solution of just mass import of everything from other planets, it's a test of your interplanetary logistics and your ability to adapt your designs to the heat pipe dildos everywhere. If you have everything set up you'll have no problems there.
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Oh yeah, I was meaning to ask but was too excited about my shiny new robot body. How do I get this to work? My space science is set to only produce and send science packs when needed, which is nice, but it sends pods with five or so packs in every few seconds. It looks stupid and slows down deliveries from Vulcanus and Fulgora. So how do I make this work so it only sends pods down every minute or two when needed?
> the game is too easy
Thats what iam saying, but efficiency is still not the goal on Gleba, at some point you should have created defence systems that can handle anything thrown at it, and theyre not even going to do much because your artillery is just going to take care of any new bases, its not much different from Nauvis

NOT farming fruit and NOT using fruit are literally the dumbest things people have expressed in this thread
Glebas resources are different, in that THEY ARE FUNCTIONALLY INFINITE
The Ayyliens are literally not an argument, if you cant defend your base you got bigger problems than 100% efficiency of your factories

Theres a difference between a filter inserter thats controlled by a combinator and one that just keeps chugging shit out
That shits not required for Gleba though, stack inserters NEED filters to work on a lane / output with more than 1 item, otherwise they can get stuck
Even if you think they dont, youll soon find them holding some shit like spoilage in their hands stuck for 2 hours
and you are not producing any more despite mining more because you just throw most of it away, how are you not getting this? it's fine if you're just lazy and don't want to bother with super simple circuit conditions but why are you here trying to argue it's somehow superior to be wasteful when it doesn't increase your productivity one bit?
>there is a creative mode to help you play around with it all
There is? I thought it got removed.
And in this case, you can turn the "soon to be" useless shit, into useful shit like power, which will then cost you nothing
You produce shit on your lanes, lanes are filled with white shit
>White shit gets used, now lanes are not clogged up anymore
>Left over nutrition gets to the end of the belt line, gets used in machines for carbon, left overs get burned to make extra energy
But your stupid ass just sends that white shit BACK IN, to clog up the system at 1. "White shit gets used, now lanes are not clogged up anymore"
Should have just burned that shit instead, its not fucking gold, its just trash
Imagine mining fucking scrap on Fulgora and just stockpiling everything instead of trashing it
I bet you are fucking making green circuits there too from the gears and copper wire, instead of just trashing blue circuits
You know, for EFFICIENCY!!!
use circuits retard
>Produce more
>Lanes stop
>Oh, i can increase production to use up this shit, nice
Thats literally how this game works nigger, you increase output in one place, you get to optimize the shit that uses that stuff
The game didnt change when leaving Nauvis, you increase fruit output when you are running out of fruit
You increase iron ore miners when running out of iron, or smelters (biolabs)
You dont start fucking trying to optimize your nutrient usage first thing, thats literally micro optimization
But...you dont overproduce a shitload of stuff to clog your belts because cicruit logi...you know what, I give up, you win. I genuinely did not think this level of retardation was possible.
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How do I define interrupts? I can't for the life of me figure out where to click to start making them.
man, someone got really filtered by gleba, OP wasn't wrong
Or just dont send that shit back in to waste space on a completely white nutrient line, to spoil and take space
Besides, theres another issue
When your shit gets used, the stacks of the nutrients are consumed, when you send that shit back in, you are sending like 1-2 nutrients on a BELT WITH LIKE 4 ITEMS ON EACH SLOT, wasting even more space, its absolute throughput waste
stop thinking about the bugs feelings and just overproduce, then overconsume, and then overproduce again
No amount of belt reading is going to fix your factory, admit it
>A bot base could achieve the same efficiency as a perfect belt base with less complexity, by just requesting like 1 nutrient at every biochamber to minimize inventory sizes.
That's what I do. I think I actually have it set to 5 or something like that? Enough to fill it to the inserter limit and for the bots to be able to fill in one trip.
>placing down combinators to control what is being requested from space platforms
>realize i could be doing this with parameters
>cannot for the fucking life of me remember how to do parameters
>had to google the friday facts post about it to realize there's a tiny button at the top for parameters
the whole time though i was thinking "at least i'm not one of those retards sperging out about not knowing how to remote build in space"
The only thing Gleba filters me is the ore. It's easy enough to set up a loop to make a lot of ore, no the problem is it's TOO EASY. And I end up with a dozen boxes filled with both. I probably just need to tweak my setup so I'm only barely meeting my iron/copper demand because manually starting/stopping the bacteria loop as I need is annoying. I GUESS I could automate it with a circuit condition to only start the initial Bacteria machines with 'only produce when ore dips below X level'?
>end up with a dozen boxes filled with both
Just limit slots in your box/es? What the hell.
>waste space
you claim to understand circuits and somehow can't manage to not overfill a looping belt, nobody can help you man
Fruit will never clog up my system, because im either using it or burning it, its very simple
If im burning it too much, thats not a problem of the design of my factory, its a problem with me not utilizing the fruit
But you know what WILL clog your system?
You would know if you fucking read the post you were replying to

Do not fucking put your soon to be spoiled nutrients back into a lane with your fresh nutrients, back at the start of your factory, to be "more efficient"
Because all thats going to do, is its going to mix, nutrients that have like 30 seconds lifetime, and are not stacked anymore, alongside your, stacked, fresh nutrition
This is whats going to clog your nutrient belts, your machines will be starved of nutrition because guess what, THE NUTRITION YOU REROUTED INTO THE SYSTEM NOW SPOILED!!! WHO COULDVE GUESSED IT??!?
And you literally dont even understand what iam talking about because you keep talking about an issue i already explained you can do, aslong as its a loop for "its own factory
Theres nothing wrong with using a belt for all the nutrients, and sending only the spoilage away, with a priority splitter for the loop itself
Again, already said this.
use circuits retard
Again, not required, because my system will not get clogged, because im not a retard that sends old nutrients back in with the new ones
Lets see your solution, you keep talking about it all the time, im sure its great
this guy is off his jellynuts
imagine throwing a tantrum because people find a better solution to the same problem
>This is whats going to clog your nutrient belts
Yes, because not only is circuit logic too hard, but also filter splitters. Please stop, I've already conceded defeat in this matter.

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