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We're so back bros
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wow cucks are at it again?
god i hate wow faggots
Buy an ad, millennial troon.
>no honor on release
>same nost style content path
so tiresome. I hate the reddit cucks who just want to "focus on the leveling experience" getting your rank 3 before 40 is a part of the leveling experience on a pvp server you dumb shitters.
Classics chads stay winning
So is this just going to be a race to endgame again?
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this is how it will go

>50% filtered by leveling, usually level 40
>bots will be up and running immediately
>streamer communities will powerlevel and attempt to do silly things like collecting tolls at menethil harbor or setting up a devilsaur mafia
>the gigantors will not move from their comfy naxx era server where they are kings
>people will be selling grand marshal/high warlord, scarab lord and leggos
having fun = being "filtered"
maybe i just want to roll a level 1 ork and death walk to Ahn'Qiraj because it's... le fun?
I'm glad they keep milking u
stopping playing is a pretty good indication of being filtered anon

i do appreciate random dead bodies with funny names. mailboxcow was my favorite
yes, i'm filtering myself from the hell of level 60 gameplay by quitting while the game is still fun (before level 60)
the peak of the game is 45 to 60
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>Dual Spec version
yeah no thx
You guys need to let this game, and the whole company go. It's time to move on.
didnt they try this before with legacy servers and they were pretty DOA and dead after a week
Why? Classic is fun.
i love how the only thing that constitutes "fun" to casuals is just playing like a fucking retard intentionally or not and wasting as much time as possible because lawl im not serious bro im high af lmfaooo
The first time they released WoW Classic, I was moderately excited, and I did play it.
Now it just feels like they wheel it out every year or two to squeeze a cheap payday from the nostalgic. This is, what, the fourth time they've released classic?
Everything Blizzard does is motivated by the most noxious and soulless greed. They have contempt for their own players. Blizzard is a complete travesty.
you're angry at people having fun on their own terms, you're angry that i enjoy taking screenshots and reliving memories from vanilla WoW. says all i need to know about you. 100% chance you're a balding man
i dont even play blizzslop, stay bald and old you projecting casual shitkin LMFAO
It's going to be molten core raidlogging within 2 weeks max and people are going to get bored and the servers will die out within 1 month. STOP IT. STOP EVEN PRETENDING THIS IS GOING TO BE ANYTHING ELSE. INSANITY IS THE DEFINITION OF DOING THE SAME THING OVER AND OVER AGAIN AND EXPECTING DIFFERENT RESULTS.
I’m pumped for hardcore.
Gonna go undead rogue like all true men.
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>giving a streamer gold/gear
What causes this behavior?
Fatherless behavior
Going to try playing alliance for the first time, play troll shaman mostly
Anything really that different playing on the alliance?
A bit more of a linear story instead of lore, but the leveling quests feel less efficient, lots of "we put your town in one corner of the map, and all the quest locations at the complete opposite corner of the map"
I fucking hate how MMORPGs just lock you out of 1 day of your week and you can't do anything about it.
>person plays game for the third (or sixth) time in their life
>for most games this is perfectly normal and many are designed to be played multiple times with some differences
>because this game is an MMO with a subscription, Anon feels justified in some retarded shitflinging
retail tryhards hate us classicbros
I've never played WoW but whenever I see screenshots of the world I get the urge to go explore it. Should I jump in on this?
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>Join MAGA boomer guild
>Play at our own leisure
>Raid on Friday or Saturday night
>Half the people are tipsy or high
>Everyone cracking jokes no filter
>Have that one chud who makes funny black people jokes
>Black guy in guild give him the pass
>He rates the chuds joke
>Overall very relaxing atmosphere
>No one is sweaty
It's literally so kino and we're all playing fresh
no noobs
Too late to start. There's nothing to explore to begin with.
yeah, classic wow is comfy as hell. it's also kind of a pain in the ass sometimes, but that contributes to the oldschool comfy MMO feeling.
The world looks pretty big tho.
I'm used to the struggle that comes with old MMOs, I was just too busy playing FFXI while WoW was new and never got into it.
alliance, humans in particular, have an actual over arching story that justifies their leveling zones all the way up until the first raid which has significance in relation to the rest of their leveling experience. Where as horde it felt like the stories/lore was almost self contained for each zone with a few exceptions (horde had more lore about the lead up to AQ with the horde specific silithid side quests)
play then. its fun to explore for a first time. the game will be full of autistic minmaxers who know almost everything about the 30 year old game though.
its dead on arrival flopSLOP shit
Nobody cares about the world, its fullblown minmax speedrun troonism where everyone races to beat the game in first week
>playing on pvp servers my entire life since vanilla
>this time my friends and i are opening on pve because we genuinely cba with world pvp anymore
it used to be fun when i was a teenager and in my 20s. now it just feels like a giant inconvenience
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What server is /ourguy/ rolling on?
he is a political streamer now, he can't play with plebs no more
Look at what you wrote just now. Somewhere in your life it all went wrong lmao
Who the fuck would care what you think?
He's playing on the Israeli servers
pve. probably will have his own layer. won't play beyond the first couple days until he has followers to powerlevel him
new servers open in like 16 hours?
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wait they are releasing.... again vanilla wow? what the retarded fuck?
Am I making a horde mage or warlock? On the PvP server.
Neither, you are going to be smart and not fall for the fresh psyop. Just stay away from this dogshit for your own mental health
No, I'm definitely falling for it. I'm just not sure which of those 2 I'd rather play for world PvP.
No, they're just making a few new servers.
you have a better chance of escaping as a mage
So how long until WoW Classic Fresh Cataclysm? What a fucking joke.
Streamer niggers are only to be fucked with.
Now all we have to wait is for him to actually learn about politics.
>Black guy in guild give him the pass
Are there seriously people out there that wait for a stamp of approval by a black person to say nigger?
If you don't get a pass and say it, do they issue you a fine, or something?
Retail won
>was looking forward to Classic FRESH for years
>get back into OSRS a few months ago
>by sheer coincidence its bi-yearly seasonal mode launches the same fucking week Classic Fresh finally launches
It's not fair.

I'll choose to play OSRS' Leagues, but man I'm sad I'm missing out. In 2 months all the hype will be over, everyone will have level capped and be deep in raiding.
Turtle WoW is WoW OSRS edition.
If Blizzard wants me to play, they have my email for a month free to play to get me addicted.

For now, I'll play Ascension
He said that he's not going to play it because he already played it once. Same goes for hardcore.
2 months? I was there for OG classic. People maxed out in less than 2 weeks. And that was in 2019. Now its going to be far far far worse. You are going to see metaslaving the likes that not even 2019 will compare. It's going to be the most unfun version of classic yet. Need I remind you people were metaslaving the fun out of SOD phase 1 literally 3 days in.
Body type 2s don't play World of Warcraft.
I said 2 months because Leagues in OSRS lasts 2 months, obviously people will be maxing in WoW much sooner than that
So it'll all be ogre by the time I can play it.

My sister plays WoW occasionally, but she plays Retail (she wanted to try out dracthyr(sp?). I don't think any of them play Classic though, no
People were asking for 80/90% parses for BFD, a LFR tier "raid"
Zack doesn't play video games anymore. He has thoughts and opinions about real life now.

>we are back (again)
just stay there?
Just bought two months subscription. This will be my firs time playing classic!
Sad, but that's the way it is.
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There is 0 discernable difference in quality between official servers and private servers. The only real difference is if you wanna pay monthly gibsmedats to woke rape INC, or want the excact same experience for free.
Recommend me some good private servers
>devs make shitty changes nobody asked for
Sure it is.
>and you can't do anything about it.
do something else with your time, maybe?
dude shouldve stop playing games long ago and took care of his mom.

fucking psychopath loser
They all died the INSTANT blizz annouced fresh. It is what it is
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Mage or rogue my niggas? Can't decide
mage. you have to think that you start with LITERALLY nothing. having free food water and teleportation is fucking H U G E
then, you also have the ability to aoe farm
first character, definitely a MAGICIAN
Vanilla Rogue isn't as fun as you remember, and Mage is kind of busted with how much utility it has but there will be 10 million other mages because it's Vanilla.
Blizzbabies are just strange. They choose to pay when they can get free private servers that are universally better moderated than Classic.
Modern private servers are filled with bottom of the barrel 3rd world shitters who can't afford a sub to the real game. It is absolutely nothing like playing official.
>bottom of the barrel 3rd world shitters
why do you pretend like retail doesn't have that
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Muahaha spice melagne
they just milk wow addicts when tbc classic drops with wow tokens easy money from suckers
id prefer politics learning about common sense
I really hope they're keeping the boosts and tokens out of these realms, it already completely ruined TBC launch the first time.
they dont
12 hours left?
Yes sis
Vanilla era remains token and boost free, but of course Wrath got tokens a few years ago so they do feel like an inevitability for vanilla.
Is there a single healer or tank upset about dual specs or is it all rogue and woyuh dpsbabbies shitting their diapers?
Of course it's only rogues and warriors pissing their pants about it, they're the biggest babies in the game.
play spp its better and now has AI chat
Anyone else seriously going for Scarab Lord this time around? Feel like this is the one thing I actually give a fuck about achieving in vanilla.
good luck trying to get that next to streamers who are spoonfed by their mentally retarded viewers
I'll just buy the carapaces, idgaf. Also the streamniggers will play on the PvP server.
most of the streamers have said they'll be playing on pve servers this time
That’s like 40,000 carapaces you need to buy.
So can we beat the queue by logging in hours in advance and waiting until two to switch over to the fresh tab?
'tis the season.
but the classic chuddies are the true tryhards....
You can at least admit to yourself this is not healthy right?
so is running around like a buttblasted FAGGOT seething that anons are playing certain vidya
suck it BITCH ASS
>Servers go live at a stupid fucking time

It's like 4PM for me, but sadly I work an evening job so I can't start playing till I come home. I would have rather the servers went live in the morning, but I guess they figured everyone would be at work.
Any other rogues gonna level with improved ambush spec? It's pretty fun
same in EU. it's 11 PM. but I took friday off so i'll play through the night to at least get away from the starting zone mayhem
If you think that's bad, I play solo on multiple flavors of personal server.
And I love it
>Remember playing Mage in WoTLK
>All the utility
>Had a lot of fun
>Realize a lot of people will run mage simple for the utility
>Can charge for portals and shit
>Warrior is such a basic boring class
>It'll also have tons of people running it
>No reason to play pally, or specifically ret pally even though I like pally lore but nobody will play with a ret pally

It's boring to play the class everyone else is going to play, but I don't blame people for doing that. I never really had a favorite class, though Mage was probably the one I put the most time into. Warrior was just boring to me, and also, I liked Paladin. I guess I'm a boring person, always found a lot of the classes to be boring to play in WoW.

It's just lame to be a Mage in a SEA of 100's of other Mages but it's because free food/water, portals, slow fall, etc. I feel like you'll always have fun playing what you want to play, so maybe I'll do mage but it'll just suck because you won't really stand out or feel unique, though the same can be said for people who play Warrior. You'll play Warrior and be among tons of other Warriors in the area. I would play one of the lesser played classes in Classic, but there is probably a reason nobody plays them, and no reason to force yourself to play a class you don't even like and know you won't enjoy playing.
Probably because something like Turtle WoW's china invasion has yet to happen on official servers. Hate them or not, shards were a good call. Now all they need is just to drop Dungeon Finder and replace Ret Pally's Redemption with something else and we're good.
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they are, but chinks are contained on their recently re-opened servers
Key word here: contained. By the time private servers do any containment measures, people leave.
I don't understand the point of rushing on fresh servers, especially on PVE servers, or like a RP server. Isn't it more fun to take your time and enjoy yourself? Why race other players? Some people will have more time than others, for example I have to work tonight and by the time I login to start playing on the new server, I'll probably already see a bunch of level 20-30 players who just played all fucking evening, meanwhile I'll be level 1, but it doesn't upset me. Those players will simply get to level 60 much faster but then complain that they have nothing to do; that's how it always goes.
It's the only time you see other players questing etc
Chinese were great thing as top-tier raider. They kept the prices of consumes low and their chink buyers funded our gbank. Chinks also kept the pserver numbers and hilariously enough were better at random dungeon/hc pugs than your typical slavs & huehues randos.
True, and also, it's fun to see so many people in an area actively doing stuff, like going to Goldshire and seeing packed VS going there and seeing literally nobody.

Maybe I always picked the wrong servers, but a lot of times if I wanted to make a new character and level him up, I'd never see anyone else despite the server being a high populated one.
I didnt know about this. There isn't anything out until MHW anyway so why not.

Let's go Shadow Priest
I rolled a mage in the original release of Classic, but I barely got to 40 before re-rolling to a hunter.
Mage's unironically ruined Classic, and I will die on this hill. All the boosting, the ruined economy, the GDKP: Everything can be traced back to Mages and the degeneracy they enable. SoD did a smart move by making it impossible for Mages to ruin the game, but by then the devs had already ruined it themselves so it was ultimately a moot point.
Fuck mages.
Didn't mean to quote
I'm waiting for Classic Classic+ though
This is no going to be anything like classic was 5 years ago. It's going to be race to 60 and grind BiS gear. If you're not playing mage, warrior, priest or paladin you're not going to get any dungeon groups. No thanks, I'll just play on turtle or any other private server.
Hope you like it when Ivan decides he doesn't like you and bricks your PC with remote executed code bro
Be that as it may, I still only truly had fun when playing a Mage compared to any other class, and this wasn't even in classic, but back when WOTLK first launched. Mage is really the only class I've ever had fun leveling/playing long-term. I've tried every class, and I don't even find most of them fun. Druid has a lot of versatility, and that is a plus, like it can do all kinds of playstyles/things, also Warlock was kind of fun, at least more than a Hunter was to me.
>This is no going to be anything like classic was 5 years ago
>It's going to be race to 60 and grind BiS gear
Sooo, exactly the same as last time?
>salv and fear ward > CH and WF
>you may run into people who RP, especially with no RP servers
>you are going to miss the barrens, alliance level 10s get sent to pvp zones and horde players do go gank them
>theres going to be a bag of bags under the sink
>ony is much easier to attune
>no rend buff
It makes the zones feel more alive when you have a number of people across various levels. Playing way after the fact means most people are already at max, you won't really see many people, let alone to group up with unless they were alts.
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This is from 2019, but Icy Veins looked at site traffic on their leveling guides and it shows Warrior and Mage were the top two classes, which I'm not even surprised, like I said in another post, you'll probably see nothing but Mages and Warriors primarily.

I just find Warrior so basic and boring to play, like even the class fantasy/RP isn't even fun. You're going to be generic soldier #12923 to represent Stormwind/Alliance.
>You're going to be generic soldier #12923 to represent Stormwind/Alliance
That's the best part. Being a random murderhobo is way better than being some chosen one champion faggotlord
>You're going to be generic soldier #12923 to represent Stormwind/Alliance.
Literally the horde (orc/troll) starting questline. You suck at professions so you get to be on security detail in this god forsaken desert
I don't have work tomorrow but I'm too old to do an all nighter today. If the queue goes until 2-3 am it's over for me.. an afternoon/early evening release would've been the best
I'm going to spend six months leveling to 60
Warrior is exceptionally well designed for a vanilla class and mogs the shit out of other melees in western games.
To this day after tons of changes and reworks all the classes went through arms isnt very different in retail.
>Pit fighter
>Martial artist
theres lots of ways to RP warr you just suck
Yeah I get that, Mage has so much utility that other classes lack (free food/water, transportation, good kiting, top-3 leveling speed, etc.) that once you've experienced it, it's hard to play anything else. Another issue with Classic is that if you aren't playing the most bleeding-edge optimal class/spec, you often are made to feel left out, which pigeon-holes people into the same 4-5 classes.
Maybe try a Druid this time. There's some quality of life to it (free Moonglade teleport makes getting over to Kalimdor easy, good travel speed in general, surprisingly good leveling) and the class flavor is top-tier. The playstyle is very different than Mage if you level as Feral, and at 60 you do have some options for how you want to play (although neither are the best).
>Fresh is when retail actually feels like an MMO
Turtlewow is years old and still has lowbies all over the levelling zones. How can slavtards do nothing and beat Blizzard at their own game, with their own game?
I love turtle but the server is really old now and I still want fresh. I did max on turtle several years ago. I do fresh every 2 years, I'm a masochist like that (I don't play more than 2-3 months of wow in a year). Turtle is how I'd imagine classic + to be though.
He is not worthy of being called a guy or a man. What value does a person have if their views are easily changed due to some Turkish twitter outrage?
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>no OCE fresh hardcore realm
So how does this work? Like if I resub and login to classic, do I just pick a server? I heard there is only like 2-3 new fresh servers, but they're like "mega" servers with high capacity compared to other servers, so can you reserve a spot on the server? Like can I go ahead and make my character?
I'd resub now if you wanna play tonight (assuming the queue will let us in) The shop servers went down last time in 2019 iirc. You'll have to reserve the names youe ant once you log in
>One server per type (pve, pvp, rp)
Ahh I see, this is a trve Blizzard launch. Doing this on purpose to generate news articles and get everyone talking about their totally crazy fresh server launch.
>We never saw this coming :-O

Fuck you I just wanna play
>Now it just feels like they wheel it out every year or two to squeeze a cheap payday from the nostalgic
you have no idea how many classic private server "fresh" people played on every few months
Well, I have work tonight, but I'll come home at like 2AM, you think I'll be able to get on then? I figured I would. Are the queue times really that bad? Are we talking like an 8 hour wait time to get in or something? Other anons told me the servers were "mega" size or some shit to allow a larger population/people to be on it.
any good guilds on eu horde pvp?
only seen redditfag guilds recruiting so far
Well its hard to say how it'll be tonight but in 2029 the queues took several hours to get through the first 3-4 days (like 20k every time). I doubt it'll be that bad, but I wouldn't expect to be able to log on without a queue the first couple of days
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>Rogue or Mage
>Horde or Alliance
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So, I'm confused, I don't see the "Anniversary Edition" tab, like they said to login to Classic WoW, click "Change Realm" and then click the Anniversary Edition tab to see the servers, but I don't see that? It's supposed to be three new servers, but I don't see them? I know they aren't live yet, but you should be able to pick what server you want to play on at least according to Blizzard you can.
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I think he meant it in a different way: His black buddies aren't snowflakes and also like to crack jokes. Just like you don't ask asians for a "pass" but you sort of indirectly "get a pass" so to speak if they let things slide or even laugh at them, too.
At least that's how I interpret it with my colored friends.

I guess you could call it thick-skinned buddies but in a racial manner.
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I don't like world PvP, but I'm gonna play on the PvP server because the Normal ones feel "incomplete" to me
Anyone as retarded as me?
if you plan on doing any pvp then go horde, alliance is always terrible at it.
Me, I don't enjoy PvP at all but am still gonna roll PvP cause I like having the option . It's retarded and will frustrate me but pve just seems like a pussy way to play.
dead game
Alright apparently you won't be able to pick the server and see them until they actually go live, kind of annoying because I'll only have enough time to make my character and then log out to get ready for work, but it'll only take a minute to make the character.

I thought we could go ahead and make the character on the server we wanted, but you have to wait till the servers actually unlock and go live. I was wondering why I couldn't see the server list, because Blizzard makes it seem like the server list is already up in the game, but it's not.
roll a D20 for both. i rolled one for mage or warlock and warlock won.
PVP servers are more fun as in they give you more options in gameplay, e.g. eliminate the faggots farming water nodes in front of you, start a huge fight in front of MC and so on, but overall players on PVP are less pleasant to play with than on PVE servers
I think it's fair that you can't premake chars/save names
how much world pvp is on pve realms?
i like participating every now and then but don't want to be camped when just trying to level
I don't give a shit about names, just want to make sure I get a spot in the server I want, that's all. I'm told it's a BIG server, so I doubt it'll max out or anything, guess I'm worrying about nothing.
sounds like a dumb idea, if you don't like world pvp, to join a (THE) pvp server of your region
Why are trannies so mad at asmongod
i have no clue what you're talking about
I'll be rolling PVE this time. I really enjoy having the option to pvp, but i don't want to get sucked into endlessly camping people out of spite, or getting camped myself. been there, done that. Time to retire
Alliance Warlock on pvp server, full on masochist mode
wow guys if i download this will it portal me to when i was 12 and this game was actualy fresh and fun? or will i be another depressed loser trying to live in a fantasy world that died 20 years ago??
>get a spot
>only one server
I don't give a fuck, it's an old MMO with an unsalvageable story. The combat is fucking old, it works great, but it's completely outdated. Traditional MMOs are declining in general and I'm not seeing any evolution of the genre in the horizon.
oof good luck with that anon
Don't forget to document your trip to acquire your felhunter (IIRC?)
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hit a nerve there with the dalrend sword reservations
>50% filtered by leveling, usually level 40
that's exactly when WoW stops being fun
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kings honor friend
>play in a few guilds for YEARS
>these people know me
>3-4 black people between the guilds
>crack jokes often and always the first to help people
>occasionally get drunk and joke about niggers
>white people freak out when I do this
>white people think im racist
>black people give zero fucks
>black people don't think im racist
>still occasionally talk to black people to this day
Who the fuck gets this mad over a 20 year old game that has like 20 different iterations playable on multiple private servers everywhere.
reminder >we are opening on the pve realm because we're sick and tired of world pvp after 20 years
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no that's when you get shadowform so leveling becomes fun again
I don't how any of it fucking works, okay? It's three giant mega servers, but surely, they have a capacity? As I said I'm probably overestimating how many people will play, but it sounds like Blizzard purposely made the capacities on each server bigger than normal to accommodate that. I was just scared that if I waited too late, I couldn't get into the server or something because it's full. It's why I was going to make the character as soon as the servers go live, but I have to fucking go to work tonight so I won't be able to actually play until I get home but at least I'll already have the character created and ready to go.
>Chronoboon means no dispel meta
Priest will never be fun in this game again
I can still MC ppl off the boat
>i enjoy taking screenshots and reliving memories from vanilla WoW
says all i need to know about you
you are the worst kind of subhuman faggot imaginable
100% chance you're going to kill yourself someday
sooner rather than later hopefully
why don't they just remove the world buffs?
world buffs make the game incredibly more fun
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wait what. your screen should look like this. minus the russian section if you're NA i guess
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>he doesnt make a toon that looks like asmonjew and has a similar name for a retard to trade him gold on accident
molten bore awaits.

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