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>reddit devs gets successful games
>Twitter devs gets successful games
I've yet to see a successful 4chan game(VNs are not games), why?
Katawa Shoujo is more successful than any reddit and twitter-tier slop

Notch and that furfag toby fox shilled their games here so they are 4chan games by association (Minecraft for years had the "sup /v/" text )
Don't you know OP? All of the potential 4chan devs got into sewing and model kit painting instead, it's a pretty common pitfall for 4chan game devs
Why did Minecraft remove that line? This is just a normal video game fansite. What's wrong to reference it? This is not /pol/ no matter how hard they tries to grift
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It's simple anon, Chuds can't create games, and devs that come from here, like McPig for instance, will instantly stop associating with the website for publicity's sake. To be a creative, you need to be in touch with yourself, and the sheer volume of people here who hide behind cringe culture and outrage politics in order to live a lifestyle that ends up making them a shutin who hates anything unlike themselves, can't really create anything.
Why are 4chan devs ashamed of being 4chan while reddit and Twitter devs don't mind showing their roots?
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Because 4chuddies are too mentally ill to be creative and understand how the real world works. You would think that with people constantly bitching about video games here for 20 years, maybe someone would actually try to make something good. But 4chan users are so obsessed with this site that they let it consume their personality, while developing a twisted sense of pride. People want 4chan to be relevant, but everyone outside of here knows that this is the internet's biggest insane asylum. Companies, advertisers, content creators, and the average person don't want to be associated with 4chan because it comes with a well deserved stigma. You got too used to anonymity that it made you forget how to act like a genuine human being. You convinced yourselves that being a good person is "normalfag" behavior, much like the hooligans of the real world convinced themselves that kindness is "pussy" behavior. You also mock other social media platforms for having a stale sense of humor, meanwhile 4chan's sense of humor is the same 2 or 3 image macros followed by slurs and whatever buzzwords are popular at the time. It's so stale that even AI and content farms manage to be more original. At the end of the day, 4chan is nothing but a zoo full of deranged monkeys. And don't even bother saying there's still "good people" here. For every single "good 4channer" there's 100+ lunatics who can't be made sane with all the psychological treatments in the world. But with that being said, you will never be a successful game dev. You can not, will not, and should not be a part of the gaming industry. Even if you did somehow manage to succeed, nothing will make 4chan's reputation positive. The government owns and monitors this website, and the only people who come here are either mentally ill freaks, tourists, or feds.
meds onegai
>You can not, will not, and should not be a part of the gaming industry.
>Does not elaborate
The faggots who kickstart their games here deny having ever touched the website when they make it big
>"... and the only people who come here are either mentally ill freaks, tourists, or feds."

What if i am all of those things at the same time? I wonder...
Because the normalfag crowd don't want to buy 4chan games
because normies unironically think 4chan is a mysterious hacker
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>Literally proving my point
The lack of self awareness here is unreal.

Because other social media platforms have infinitely better moderation. On top of that, having an identity means you can feel shame for your actions.
>inb4 "muh free speech"
You have the LIBERTY to be an asshole, but being a spergius maximus who screams every slur in the book and treats people with hostility is gonna make people think "Wow, this guy's an asshole, I don't wanna interact with him." It's almost like your actions have consequences.
because the only game that actively did reference 4chan (minecraft) got those references cut and Notch basically made himself a poisonous entity within gaming. Not like it matters, he will literally never make a game again.
>better moderation
Yeah, I sure love getting banned for not joining the hivemind
I’m producing things but I don’t want to shill them on here.
I would never expose anything related to my real life to the lunatics here
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>Translation: "I'm mad I can't say slurs outside of 4chan without getting banned"
No sane person thinks there's a "hivemind" man. You're so far gone. Sure there's popular opinions here and there, but unpopular opinions can trend too. You're always gonna find people with different beliefs in life, that's just how it is.
Nobody wants to be associated with the "internet hate machine" if it could affect sales.
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>This is just a normal video game fansite. What's wrong to reference it? This is not /pol/
We just got raided by jealous tourists lmao
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Bug Fables
Not a 4chan game
No fucking wya
Yep, back when it was simply called "Paper Bugs".
The fuck
Damn, so 4chan actually made games?
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Pizza Tower
also shilling FIGHT KNIGHT (for free)
yeah and we never recovered./v/ is the worst place to discuss game barring forums like resetera who are just similar dumping ground of shit tier posts but on a different spectrum
>Chuds can't create games
Minecraft and FNAF are games. And they've sold more than every trannytard's pretentious digital ego-wank combined ever will.
You wrote this entire essay just for me to laugh and point out how mad and suicidal you are. It's like a slap in the face isn't it? Shut up tranny faggot.
Why delete
>Proving my point yet again
You 4chuddies never learn. Very sad. Many such cases! Have fun being rightfully imprisoned on this site for the rest of your lives.
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Here's your (you)
4chan is...le evil...
im pretty sure notch (the guy who originally made minecraft) used to visit /v/
but i mean, a lot of devs that made successful games could be 4chan users, they just don't brag about it, the whole deal with 4chan is being anonymous
what's she gonna do with that?
It's basically /pol/ no matter how much you want to cope
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>mutts are too busy jerking their shriveled up cut cocks to identity politics to post it
Lists of games that had their wips posted on 4chan by their devs at some point.
It's literally just the same group of grifters who makes circlejerk /pol/ thread
It's like saying reddit game subs are bad because of r/gcj being politically obsessed weirdos
Sweet summer child
Project Wingman you retard
The quintessential home-grown /v/ game is Yandere Simulator and you all know it's true. That is literally the best we can do: coding so shitty it becomes a meme and ritual humiliation of the lead dev. You can seethe and shit your pants and deny it all you like, the simple truth is Reddit and Twitter are better at making vidya than us.
You had nothing to do with that. It's like feeling proud to use youtube because there are youtubers who are millionaires and you use youtube.
That wasnt the point of the thread. OP talked about 4chan made games, not personal glory chasers
refer to agdg
ror, world of horror
I believe several more
besides, troons and shit get really mad about this place, so as an aspiring dev, I won't even mention 4chan, so I'd imagine most devs do just that
What are some "Twitter made games" and "Reddit made games"? I'm not asking for games made by personal glory chasers.
it's just a troon malding man, ignore it
well, don't ignore it, call it out
4chan made serial killers and mass murderers too.
The entirety of twitter of reddit did not make a game together as well, what is your point?
4chan doesn't need to make games. We suck off japanese devs and give them free advertisement space.
I'm not op, keep seething.
Risk of Rain

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