How would you save Xbox?
>>695182224the issue is that they are american. there is a general lack of competency and passion in america. they should move all their operations to india.
>>695182445this, but only ironically sirs
>>695182224Good games, with no no faggotry or niggers for starters
>>695182224Imagine funding a CAPCOM game and then it's all on all platforms because Phil doesn't want to compete, the hell is his problem
>>695182842he just wants everyone to enjoy games, manconsole war babs are deranged
At least one or two of these things>free online>game modding support similar to steam workshop>play with any controller, including PS5 or Nintendo>allow porn games (popularity boost for japanese market)>officially offer normalfag-friendly emulation with shit like retroarch, without dev mode even (if they can't pull a Connectix against Nintendo or Sony, then at least try to get Sega on board and sell Genesis, Saturn and Dreamcast roms)Want Xboxes to be basically glorified PCs? Then go all the way by offering the good shit that you still only get with PC.
>>695182224If I was Microsoft I would embrace PC gaming and do what Valve is doing, but not in a directly competitive way.Make a Windows handheld with a Windows 8 Full Screen mode and develop equivalents to all the Valve stuff like Steam Input, etc. Microsoft are supposed to be the software guys, this should be really easy for them.The "everything is an Xbox" marketing is actually incredibly smart from a business perspective: embrace, extend, extinguish -- that's been Microsoft's modus operandi since the very beginning. Put game pass on PS and basically make PS plus worthless or force Sony into a battle of pricing which they cannot win, make their only worthwhile exclusives exclusive to Game Pass on PS/Switch. Easy win. Since Xbox is based on Windows, I guess they could even make a desktop mode for their consoles where players could download Steam and buy games on there.While it will cannibalize software sales, it will benefit hardware sales greatly, as people will buy Xboxes for game pass and PS exclusives on Steam. Also as a mini PC.Xbox's future is more than what the traditional console business model can offer. Phil knows this which is why every time he pushes further into enemy territory, he looks weak but gains more footing. They're playing the long game.
>>695182224Abandon the series s
>>695182445>they should move all their operations to india.They did the opposite, they imported india to their company.
>>695183009you are just cheering for the death of consoles. Competition is good and healthy way to create better games
>>695182224go back in time and shoot don mattrick before he makes xbox RND the fucking kinectgive pete moore a fat bonus to stay in the company
Just give up and put Master Chief Collection on PS5.
I wonder if their strategy will be to only release COD, Elder Scrolls, etc. on Sony and Nintendo consoles if they allow game pass on their consoles.
Restart the backwards compatibility program, actually fucking advertise it this time, let us use any m.2 ssd on the next xbox, stop pulling games off the shop, embrace indie titles like you did in the days of 360 and rebrand them under xbox live arcade, let people use stuff like java or flash or vulkan to develop games instead of restricting them to the microsoft shit, get rid of game pass or at least restrict it to console only
>>6951822241. Abandon the Series S.2. Create a "What a Cartoon" equivalent for cheap indie/AA games to check for potential new IPs.3. Make all new games Xbox-only.
Divorce the Xbox brand from Microsoft. There is no other future.
>>695183848>vulkanTroonix faggot.
Release an Xbox version of the steam workshop. Drop the series s support as a requirement for anything.
>>695182224I know it's failing but because of that used series X consoles are pretty cheapI plan on getting one sometime early next year. I want to play the new flight sim. Finna get a joystick.
>>695182224Just fire Phil spencer and his loser attitude and hire someone with backbone that care about Xbox brand and exclusives games.
>>695183692>a console management company funds games that are cross platform>this is killing games!!!literal retarded faggot nigger
>>695183509>allow porn games (popularity boost for japanese market)not gonna happened under phil, not even the biggest shills of xbox, Mages (creators of steins gate), bothered with him>officially offer normalfag-friendly emulation with shit like retroarch, without dev mode even (if they can't pull a Connectix against Nintendo or Sony, then at least try to get Sega on board and sell Genesis, Saturn and Dreamcast roms)they cracked down on emulation the moment xenia was added, we jokingly said that it's nintendo doing the usual but microsoft doesn't want to cannibalize its own sales
Port Microsoft Tinker to Xbox.
>>695183906Frankly, I just want Java so they can port Vintage Story already
>>695184009that would kill their console which in turn would kill any reason to fund further games, PCtards are so stupid I swear
>>695184173but it's not killing their console? their sales are higher than PS5? theyre making a profit and are incredibly succesful?you're delusional, retarded nigger faggot
>>695182224Doesn't need to be saved.Unironically it's just getting started.
>>695184275Not that anon.>their sales are higher than PS5?Do you have a single fact to back that up?
>>695184327yesjust look at how much capital Microsoft and Xbox division are throwing around funding games and acquiring other companiesthen look at Sonylollmaothe proof is in the pudding bud
>>695184173Everyone talks about xbox being shit before phil spencer and game pass, but the xbox was in a second golden age before game pass around 2015-2017. The problem is everyone still thought xbox had drm when in truth the patched that out 13 HOURS after launch in 2013 but people still act like it never happened and it's still like that. The problem is they didn't advertise any of it, that they got rid of the drm, added backwards compatibility, got rid of the kinect shit and just left people to assume shit, to this day people are just now realizing the extent of the backwards compatibility program because they never fucking advertised it.
>>695184275>their sales are higher than PS5You are so fucking liar.
>>695184374You owned me.
Invest in the currently booming markets of Chinese and Korean game development.
>>695182224gut 343 like a mcdonalds fillet o fish
>>695184436>>695184451seething sonybabs>xbox is DYING!!!meanwhile theyre growing faster than ever and their games are selling like hotcakeshahahahaYOU HAVE NO GAMES ON YOUR PS5 STILL BTW
>360 era was king shit>then something happened>first the new consoles turned to shit>then nothing but trash gamesxbox got too big thanks to 360 and then everything got too corporate
>>695182224Undercut the PS5, reduce prices across the board for services, go hard on digital sales and push cloud gaming as a way to save SSD space.Drop the "We are all friends :)" PR angle and put competitors in your crosshairs the way manufacturers did in the 90s. You WANT console warriors to advertise for free. You WANT loyalty, but you've gotta be able to maintain it in some way and this is how.
Series sales have improved to a point that monthly sales are now comparable to the PS5 in the US and as of September 2 to 1 worldwide (30 mill to 60 mill).In the grand scheme of things, 30 mill is serviceable and there is enough space in the console industry for 3 platforms regardless.The industry was filtered to 3 post-2000 and it's been that way since.Xbox doesn't need to overtake PS5 sales, but with the games coming out + value of Game Pass it should sell better in the next 24 months and overtake the One sales numbers for sure and lead into next-gen with momentum.
>>695184563>then something happenedyeahcalifornian soccer moms and normies got internet access
>>695184549What about this one then, faggot?
>>695183692>Competition is good and healthyGod i'm so sick of hearing this phrase regurgitated everywhere. Console exclusives are anti-consumer. I would stop buying Nintendo consoles if their shit released on PC. Just like I haven't bought a PS5 or Xbox Series because all of that shit releases on PC. Functionality should supersede the games. Consoles offer very few experiences that you can't get on PC. The big one is local multiplayer. Nobody is hooking their PC up to a TV to play split-screen with friends. If PC ports even support split-screen. Also, Wii games aren't fun on PC either...Game consoles should be focusing on creating unique player experiences like these, the way Nintendo has been doing since the early 2000s. I don't know what those play experiences should be because that's not my job. But you should have a good interface that does something unique or new with a unique controller and experience and it's not priced to hell and back like VR. This invites more unique games to be developed. It stirs creativity and innovation, and justifies the console exclusives by the sheer fact that they wouldn't be possible on another platform. Maybe I'm a hypocrite for starting with>console exclusives are anti-consumerand ending with>justify the console exclusivesbut the point i'm trying to make is that with or without exclusives you should be offering a unique experience that makes YOUR system more fun to play the SAME games on. And if it spurs the creation of unique exclusive titles then that's less "anti-consumer" because it's natural rather than contrived.Ok bye
The PlayStation is the one that will be doing it tough and will have tarnished brand loyalty in the process. Selling consoles at such a high mark-up only to follow it up with no games and flops (Concord, Ronin, Forspoken, cough), with nothing to look forward to.This is because Sony has gone all in on the big budget title sequels but have realised that it's unsustainable. They can't make a profit because less people have bought their games and they're making less. They make nothing so they're selling nothing.At the end of the day, the inconvenience truth is that the Xbox simply has better titles coming out as well as lined up. Add in Game Pass, and Microsoft clearly is the leader in IP ownership, subscription models and the future of Cloud.We are on the cusp of a rejuvenation led by the Xbox platform and people are too narrow minded to realise it.
>>695182224Force all my dev teams to use the creation engine and pump out fallouts and skyrims
>>695182224Free online that doesn't require Xbox Live Gold
>>695184902I supported kinect because of that. But general audience and developers that bring the actual numbers didn't care about it. Kinect 2.0. got it right and I would've love to see it get games like steel batalion and rise of nightmares but this time with tight controls. Phil killed it too soon, yet another retarted decision of his
>>695185098This, that would actually help xbox but they wont.
Phil was the one that fucked up xbox more than mattrick ever did
>>695182224>implying I would try
>>695182224Honestly just scale down operations. PC officially won.
>>695182224A Conker's Bad Fur Day sequel starring Clippy.
>>695182224go third party and fuck the console. also figure out a way to move the xbox crowd over to pc so that people don't get screwed over, I guess.
>>695188084also this
>>695188249>can't play 99% of your library on xbox app>50 games added to cloud gee thanks
>>695182706In what color do you want that dragon?
>>695188975It's what I live for.
Steam on Xbox
>>695183998He is is the only executive in Microsoft that cares about Xbox brand and exclusives games though.
>>695187604Xbone was the point of no return in console market so Phil's mistake was trying to push it for one more gen instead of making hybrid PC.
literally just let me install linux on it.all of its problems would be immediately solvedtrying to turn OTHER devices into pseudo xboxes is retarded, i'm never going to give up steam to use the fucking gamepass app, it's garbagejust let me turn the thing into a pci can already install linux on the ps4 and switch, the stubborn retardation of the xbox is doubly retarded
>>695190696No, if they gave a shit about Xbox, they would've made game pass exclusive to consoles and not put it on pc. That would've pushed the sales of way more units, doing it the way they did was suicide
>>695183009>he just wants everyone to enjoy games, manThen he should ensure good exclusives games first because he's only flooding more an already saturated market
>>695184902>Nobody is hooking their PC up to a TV to play split-screen with friends.I do whenever games support it.
Bring back Bullet Witch
>>695190456i'm tired of that loser defense. The way xbox is going i'd rather it died during xbox one gen