Games that appeal to men who prefer older women are appealing to a modern audience.why don’t they flop?
>>695187335Why prefer older women? The only difference between older and younger women is fertility and number of prior partners, so younger is generally the better choice because theyre going to feel love for you more unlike older women who see you as disposable
>>695187642Because old women are hotter
>>695187642>theyre going to feel love for you moreOnly because they don't know any better.
>>695187642made for BWC
I want to like older women but scared because I want 4chan's approval and don't want to be labeled a cringe and bluepilled cuck
>>695188543>don't know any betterit's just how life works, you always get more attached to your early romances, everything afterwards is just a blur
>>695187961The older the berry, the sweeter the juice!
>>695189243>>695187961Old women are drier than a desert. You will not get any pleasure out of a roastie or old hag