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>02 / NE [NSW] Dragon Quest III HD-2D Remake - 3.500 / New
>[PS5] Dragon Quest III HD-2D Remake - 1.200 / New
>Two more newbies, LEGO Horizon Adventures and Dragon Quest III HD-2D Remake, follow behind in their chart debut, claiming 13th and 14th, respectively. This leaves the top ten much as we'd expect to find it.

>dq flopped outside of Japan
Wow. Big news
femroto erotic
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Why does no one care about Dragon Quest outside of Japan?

>The 3DS, PS4, and Switch versions sold a total of 5,000,000 units in Japan.

>By December 2021, the game had shipped over six million copies worldwide.

europe gives zero fucks about dragon quest
who the fuck cares about Spain?
>Colonize the entire world
>Harass them with a religion that tells them they're worthless
>Years pass, said victims are now obsessed with your religion and language while you're still trying to figure out the best way to kill a bull
meh, should've remade DQIV or V instead
I care
I feel like the fanbase has grown quite a bit since DQ11 but it just has no cultural penetration here. In Japan it's THE RPG series, the progenitor of the genre. Every time a new DQ game comes out it's basically a holiday so they strategically release them on weekends and such so as not to disrupt peoples work or schooling.
In the west, most people think of Final Fantasy as the definitive classic JRPG.
what is going on in the UK
There is a tiny contingent of 35+ year old gamers that still remember Dragon Warrior/Quest in the US because nintendo power gave out a bunch of free Dragon Warrior games back in 1991 or some shit but that's it.
isnt it like 60 bucks? its a nes remake for 60 bucks. Thats a hard sell, man.
I enjoyed it but even I don't think it's worth 60 dollars. It felt more like a remaster to me. It played basically identical to the SNES version outside of a bit of voice acting here and there and a new class. It should be 40 dollars
I think the combined nicheness of JRPGs here and it's on the surface pretty basic in presentation didn't help western appeal
You gotta remember the context behind Dragon Quest, it was literally made as an accessible Famicom game meant to simulate turn-based role playing games Yuji Horii was already a fan of which were already derived off of tabletop RPGs
What was the appeal of Dragon Quest in the West for people already familiar with those sorts of games?
That's were my brother got his copy. With a one year subscription to Nintendo Power.
>Only sold well in Japan
The heck? What the fuck did they censor the game for?
because the west is too busy with identity politics and DEI bullshit to enjoy the comfiness of Dragon Quest
I imagine if you wait a couple months it will be $40 in most places.
In case somebody cares, Baiten Kaitos sold almost 6k at launch in Spain.
It's not only low for DQ, it's low compared to many JRPGs.
>What the fuck did they censor the game for?
the modern audience
Pakis and mexicans can't afford games
DQVIII was the first to be released in Europe. Then IX didn't get much marketing and XI which had to sell despite barely having any fanbase here. We got remakes and ports of the other games over time, but it's not like those were marketed a lot. So as a result DQ is way more niche than some other JRPG series like Tales or SMT.
Why does every sales shitpost thread use statistics from this country in particular?
Spain REALLY hates pronoun shit.

They call non binary people ‘non Binaria’ or ‘non binario’ depending on whether it’s a boy or a girl.
DQ games are just okay, it makes sense they don't sell well.
Literally who?
What does that have to do with DQIII?
People are boycotting the game because of the type an and b shit.
Hey that was actually my party comp during my playthrough of DQ3. The Sage was a Priest before her job change.
Tendies BTFO
>Dragon Quest outside of Japan
>ugly as sin shitmake as well
Don't even want to pirate it. Would rather just play the original.
good fuck square
>>Colonize the entire world
>>Harass them with a religion that tells them they're worthless
You mean exactly what the British did with a slightly different flavor of that religion?
Oh no, not Spain and the UK!
That's because it isn't called fifa
>People are boycotting the game
This delusion again?
no marketing unironically
SE would rather go under than allocate budget to DQ marketing
Well yeah it's not fifa
Why do girls blush in the middle of combat, they are in a life and death situation for christ sake.
That last bit is it
It flopped everywhere. Why would you even play this slop over the original?
This thread is full of seething FFaggots seething over 16, their remake slop and the MMO expansion all flopping in the last 2 years
They should have done a remake like Romancing Saga 2: Revenge of the Seven.
>physical sales

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