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Does /v/ like groomercore games?
whats so groomercore about it?
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more like coomercore kino
>Furry game comes out
>Fandom gets a grooming problem
>Game dies
>Rinse and repeat
There's a huge demand for ungroomed minors in the furry fandom, and furry games are made primarily to increase the supply. Let me guess, you think webfishing wasn't groomercore too? 9.5 out of 10 furries are groomers.
when has that happened?
autistic people are naturally attracted to furry shit it wont make a difference if it's sexualized or not
>schizo ramblings
I love /v/
>He can't handle the truth
I've helped take down a lot of pedophile rings in gaming communities before. A high amount of them were furries or had associations with furries. Do not trust furries, the vast majority of them are groomers.
You're retarded and I hope this game becomes successful and you seeth at the success
furries and leftroons are the number 1 source of groomers
>PC gaming..........
Than you fir your service. I'm sure you'll go after black, latino, and white gangs that groom too... any minute now.
furry shit is inherently sexual and if you won't admit it that means you're one of them
>it wont make a difference if it's sexualized or not
lol. lmao even
Diddling kids is based, therefore groomercore games are too
Newfag moralists need not apply
>Fandom gets a grooming problem
That's literally every Fandom.
>i watched a video about it so i was a part of it!
very based anon!
I only see furry shit there, chump.
this has become so asinine that I'm just going to start grooming myself out of spite.
why is everything a core or gate?
hey I saw a webm of this game, some anon was playing this game and was filled with cum
youre thinking of webfishing OP, not atlyss
>Fandom gets a grooming problem
It's the fucking opposite in my decade of experience with such a wretched fandom. A bunch of mid/late teens wanting to feel like an adult asap to the point they hide their age at every opportunity.
>Release date Nov 22
>Currently Nov 21
>Coming soon TO EARLY ACCESS
So the release date is not the 22nd.
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The characters look too developed for my taste, sorry.
why do furries get away with making games that are just an excuse to exhibit their fetish when it's apparently evil to have hot women in games? Is it because furshit is dysgenic?
Modern media knows not to touch any furry topics for clickbaits due to how ravenous that community is, and because it's a no-name indie game.
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>be discord mod for a large yiff server
>around 80 people join and leave per week on average
>10% of those people trigger the age-mismatch detector or show signs of possibly being underaged
>we question them or track their presence in sfw furry servers where they often freely spill the beans
>most of the time they are either confused/memey 14yo little shits, horny 15/16yos (the largest group), or 17yos too impatient to wait a few more months to join adult spaces
>half of those have fully sexualized bios with hentai/yiff pictures and pretending to be 18 or older
Like >>695193851 said it's pretty fucking unreal how many minors actually throw themselves into porn communities instead of just jacking off in peace at rule34 or e621 or what have you, like they're asking to get groomed. I've moderated both hentai and yiff servers for over half a decade and the issue seems more prevalent in yiff servers, probably because of the "creating a character you identify and are identified by with" aspect.
Furry servers are also SO FUCKING FULL OF TRANNIES holy FUCK I don't even know why I keep doing this pro-bono job.
Why in the nine hells would you moderate a furry discord server anon.
Unless you were looking for fresh meat to sink your trannycock into
>Furry servers are also SO FUCKING FULL OF TRANNIES

there's literally no difference between pretending to be an animal and pretending to be a woman
>Furry servers are also SO FUCKING FULL OF TRANNIES holy FUCK I don't even know why I keep doing this pro-bono job.
The servers I moderate I have explicit "no minors" and "if you're a tranny, proceed at your own risk" rules because I ain't wanting anyone to walk on eggshells in my groups.
lmao even
This has to be the weirdest grift I've seen all month.
>age-mismatch detector
Unsure about him, but I have a bot that checks for frequency of certain terms used by the zoomie/alpha audience in the regular channels. Same shit other social media locations use to 'guess' your age-range/sex/family status/etc.
First it was just for shits and giggles, then I actually liked the people in the server and the challenges of keeping shit tidy and any retards quelled, but then as someone completely unaware of the tranny menace I slowly learned how deranged, unstable, petty and autistic those people could be. By the time I wanted to jump ship troons were half the active userbase and I didn't want to let my friend's server collapse overnight with my departure so I've been waiting for a proper replacement for years.
True, never saw that connection before.
>join and enter age A to see the rest of the server
>join again and enter age B
We have a bot that keeps track of the ages per user and warns us when X =/= Y
I would probably trigger everyone's bot over that since I never give the same 'age/RL info' twice across anywhere due to how frequently fucking everywhere leaks information/gets hacked/logged/etc.

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