>one of the hardest final bosses in the main series with her fat ass nuke gimmick>comes back like an incidental dumb behemoth in the decimal installmentswhy was this a final boss again?
>>695189575because Okuu a CUTE
>>695189575Thank god all shmups are just memorization tests anyway.
>>695189575>Incidental dumb behemothExplain what you mean by this?
>>695189575ZUN seems to really like using her, she is even relevant in the ongoing CDS manga>that moment when your pet steals all the protagonism of your own self-titled mangaif only ZUN knew how to properly write a character that isnt reimu marisa sanae sakuya youmu aya suika nitori mamizou-
Because She is cool and she’d fucking nuke all of Gensokyo unless she was stopped. That’s enough to justify her status. Just wait until WW3 kicks off in a month and tell Oku is final boss material.
>>695189575She just had a little power trip and had to be brought down a peg
this ISN'T the thread and glory to Taiwan
>>695189924its kind of hard to explain but when she comes back as a boss in later installments she just kind of fights you because of her dumb "haha kill everything" mindset and when you are done with her she just forgets and whoever you are playing as moves on to something else....So yeah you are just kind of fucked if you dare to reach the depths of old hell and that weird elevator in hisoutensoku
>>695190401meant for >>695189905excuse me have bird
>>695189575To her credit, it's the first time a in post EoSD a 2hu final boss was an actual threat and not women getting irrationally mad at each other over stupid misunderstandings.Kanako unironically almost ended the world by giving a bird a nuclear reactor(bird) to swallow.The issue is ZUN doesn't like to create irredeemable shits that deserved to have their life snuffed out. Junko was probably the closest.
Where is Hou'Yi when you need them
>>695190497>The issue is ZUN doesn't like to create irredeemable shits that deserved to have their life snuffed out.*cough* tsukasa *cough*
>>695190706Dont say that niggers name again
>>695190803i can fix her
>>695190706Who knows!
>literally tasked to kill fucking reimu>winning quote in vs implies she could if she wanted tobeware of this fucking fox
>>695190803Ok but ZUN will never canonically have Reimu kill her. Only male youkai get killed in this IP.He knows that every 2hu, even Wriggle, has an autistic group of fans that would scream at such a thing.
>>695190497>women getting irrationally mad at each other over stupid misunderstandings.its always funny seeing the girls constantly shit talk each other just for shake of it, specially in early windowsthis is why Hina remains best girl
>>695191076rip all the male youks killed in FS, they were true niggers.
tanned cirno would oneshot okuu btw
tanned cirno can't even win to my dick
>>695189575He's strong enough in soku though.
>>695189575>adding extra limbs and eyes to spooder haram and gross>giving the nuke bird a literal bulging CHEST eye, a stone feet, and a fucking cannon yesStage 1 boss moment
>>695193005She's not a convincing onigumo without the back legs.
>>695192217such trifling matters do not concern our little tomboyish ice girl
>Reimu gets light hearted and cute themes in the phantasmagoria games>Marisa gets mischievous and dark themes in the phatasmagoria themeshmmmmmmmmmmmmm
>>695189575>her fat ass nuke gimmickIs that why she has so much fart art?
>>695194661>Is that why she has so much fart art?what
>>695194661I dont know what you are talking about but yeah probably.Im more concerned with the stupid amount of unironic furry morphing art Alice gets.......Just why.
/v/hu... nyo...
beat it, fatty
>>695197894can I quote you on this?
>>695197894not nice