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>more than Metaflop
The last AAA games came out in 2008.
The investment terminology that was used to hype up investors for videogames simply stopped applying after 7th gen and the shift to a more speculative market.
germans were a mistake
is it a meme that these are funded by the german government?
I unironically want to play this
How odd if true
Given the political climate in europe that all governments are enacting soft communism so they can acquire all the farms
If that were true you wouldn't see white people used in the image.
Simulators are pretty popular among zoomers. Saw my brothers son play some construction worker simulator. irl those are fun but long hour hard working jobs for peasants. So its comfy to play as a neet
How much did it cost to make? I can't find any estimates on it.
Looks like a good investment to me. They are selling better than most AAA games
Devs are swiss iirc
they can reuse assets
i doubt it costs that much to make
x25 as you know
most simulator games are made in austria and swiss though
>hwite man and real woman
How did this survive in the conceptual stage in this modern era?
This is the only way to keep Germans busy so they don't cause trouble.
Why don't you just farm for real?
Hard workers. Its a simulator after all. Minorities are mostly just on welfare
In small projects, developers have no right to vote about game content
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I gotchu Hans
They made 25 of these? What do they change between games? There aren't many ways to plant the same crops.
Just like yearly Fifa, sports slop. Maybe some new tractor models. Farming at least might get a new scenery, nicer visuals. Easy money
white supremacist propaganda wtf
Do you guys know this game has a esport league?
You need your own land plus its a lot of work
Do you think anyone here is able to get out of bed at 4am?
Should I take the autism chore simulator pill, /v/?
>Saw my brothers son
It's called a nephew
It's crazy how people like these things.
>Work all day
>Get home and play "Work:the game"
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>farmkino 25
>truckino greece dlc in 2 weeks
Their last game was Farming Simulator 22, so unlikely that they spent 10 years on FS25.
farming simulator is a triple A game anon
I personally love the Snowrunner and Expeditions games. Sims are so relaxing.
>work a mindless, bullshit non-job
>come home and play pretend accomplish something tangible

makes sense to me idk
Don't be retarded.
People romanticizing farming is funny to me. It's one of the worst jobs in the world. Did you forget that the Peasants did this for a living?
farmchads stay farming
>white man and woman on the cover
>wholesome farming
>close ties to their land
>no niggers or troons
Kikes on a suicide watch.
Farming simulator is huge in German so I wouldn't be surprised if they weren't before, they are now.
in the game you don't get triple fucked by hail, equipment failure, and a swathe of new government policies that require you to pay endless fees
farming simulator is swiss, but the german government does fund tons of shitty indie games you never heard of (and loses tons of money in the process) because they want to build up the gaming industry in germany again. it pretty much completely died in compared to the 90s / early 00s due to the insane costs and bureaucracy here, it's just not sustainable, just like everything else nowadays. the country is going completely down the drain due to decades of failed governments and focusing on foreigners and refugees above national interests
This version they added
>Buffalo farming
>Your farm can be in Asia, not just Europe or USA.
Germancore game along with Truck simulator
The entirety of the playerbase are either in job training or German.
I used to think like this but it starts to dawn on me. Just doing tasks, seeing progress, listening to some podcasts or music in the background, slowly building up progression over months.
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They're swiss ? And I suggest you look il the aftermath of the German question.
Powered by the sole autism of Germany
Can't wait for the biofuel DLC Gas Ist On
I don't believe it. There's no way we're out-tisming (or autisming, if you will) the Germans.
Swiss are Danubian as are a good chunk of Germans

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