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>indie game
>it's actually good
What's her name, /v/?
islands of the caliph
Looks neat but would look better on a CRT. 1992 era 3D is eye cancer on modern displays.
I don't know man there's no point in playing videogames
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None of them. Not a single one. I've been burned every single time by the slop you retards shill.
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Monochrome Imouto
The website has been burned by 2020+ newfags like you.
It's a shame these kinds of threads never get any replies. Some of the comfiest games are hidden beneath a veneer of indieslop.
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Whats it like? I've had it on my wishlist for a while but haven't pulled the trigger.
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I've played CrossCode like 4 times and I don't think I'll ever get tired of it.
Hey, you need to add Indies I like to this like Noita
I will never play an "indie" game. I pretend they don't exist. You couldn't pay me to play some tranny game where the bad guy is likely some gay shit like depression personified.
I get the suit being yellow but did the knife blade have to be yellow too?
Imagine the fucking seethe that went into making that lmao

Being preemptively and performatively miserable is the most tranny mindset on this planet
Why is this pixelshit monster catcher supposed to be better than other pixelshit monster catchers
I simply do not believe they are real video games, wound-dilater.
Braid is the only one desu
phoenotopia awakening
I simply do not believe you have a soul, tranny-obsesser lol
Have fun with your faggot games no one will remember in 7 years.
Sir Brante
Age of Decadence
Colony Ship
Have fun...not having fun at all on purpose, I guess
correct opinion


/v/ is actually a normie misfit cult. you people are brain dead and worthless
>you people
yah you newfags can't go one post without telling everyone what you are
like a vegan or a fagfag
Pizza Tower, Ender Lilies, pseudoregalia were super fun.
There are many genres which are simply not represented in the AA or AAA space. Anons who shit on indie games unanimously simply don't play enough games.
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>average /v/ user

no, I just see the useless hypocrisy on this board. I hope you contain yourself here and dont go anywhere else
>Sea of Shills
This one always makes me chuckle
It's the only one not afraid to blatantly copy Pokemon and make it better, it feels like one of those "what Pokemon could be" mockups of Pokemon Gold/Silver
nta but using the normalfag term for normalfag is a surefire way to out yourself as a normalfag
anon, get down! he's going to tell us all how new he is for a third post in a row!!!
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yeah you're proving my point you have nothing interesting to say, and you're in a cult
Aviary Attorney
Bug Fables
Darkest Dungeon (1)
Detective Grimoire + Tangle Tower
Dust an Elysian Tail
Epic Battle Fantasy 3-5
Ghost of a Tale
Katana ZERO
Outer Wilds
Project Wingman
Return of the Obra Dinn
Subnautica (1)

Seconding Crosscode and Pseudoregalia, but opposing the Sorcery! quadrilogy
The best Supergiant game.
Pizza tower was pretty rad
>but opposing the Sorcery! quadrilogy
Genuinely curious why?
But anon, I have to use my own (extremely low) IQ to figure out what games I might enjoy, and if I fuck up I lose an entire $2.99 since I'm too retarded to pirate too. Why did you do this to me?
Absolutely vile taste
The dedication to keep editing these is admirable but Rabbit and Steel was actually good.
It's a very trial and error game, one that encourages savescumming through unfair consequences to your choices. Also the game takes that ability away from you in the final area, making it a slog
Agreed. What the fuck went wrong with Hades 2?
What do you recommend, then?
Game for trannies.
What would the Binding of Isaac be? The Sloppening of Isaac? The Binding of Cuck?
Vacant Kingdom
>It's a very trial and error game
I mean, it is faithful to the source material in that respect. Is it really savescumming though when it's a basic mechanic that you are encouraged to use? I played the game when it first came out and you actually did need to savescum, so the rewind thing is an intentional mechanic.
We are agreed on that.
I wanted to play new game+ with new options and I'm pretty sure that removes both the rewind function and your spellbound for some reason
Weather update: losing rewind is a choice (why would anyone ever pick it?), you don't get the spellbound which took the wind out of my sails
Missed opportunity to not call it PsuedoAGPallia
Corn Syrup 64 to the slop chart it goes
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Understandable. I won't pretend I'm not looking through rose-tinted glasses. I played Sorcery! like ten years ago and loved it. I also did play through the first three chapters multiple times before the fourth and arguably worst one came out.
... you made this picture didn't you lol
I'm also a shameless cyoa-lover too. It would have to be pretty shit to not get a recommendation from me.
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>What do you recommend, then
Pizza Tower
Neon White
Unity of Command 2
UFO 50
Spelunky 2
Nuclear Throne
Dawnsbury Days

More stuff but tired of spoonfeeding turd eaters
haven't played mainstream games in years. indies are all I consume.
Miriam is my wife and I love her big juicy tits.
Dominions and Conquest of Elysium games.
for me is cuckold project
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Here, I had one more idea to fill out more space. Although OFF might be too obscure at this point
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some one should spend a day coming up with more creative titles for most of the "slop" ones
but Coffin->Sloppin is easily the best version of it, keep that one
he shits up /vrpg/ with it
Troll logic.
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WTF did I just read? Is this really in the original game?
drova, literally never heard about it before but it was worth
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I've been playing Picayune Dreams recently, a pretty neat and trippy roguelike, similar to Vampire Survivors in gameplay but more lively. I liked the overall style and some weapons are cool, though there doesn't seem to be that much content overall.
Nine Sols is my GotY

Astlibra and Monster Sanctuary are also quite fun
You zoomers are so hateful. Can't you enjoy soulful things?
A zoomer couldn't have made that. They barely know how to open MS paint let alone photoshop together something that well. That was obviously made by an experienced and very salty boomer.
Lately I've been mostly playing indie games and they are pretty good. Gris was beautiful, Tinykin is really fun and The Gardens Between was interesting. The others were fine.
The Gris devs just released a game called Neva.
I played and beat this game and absolutely hated it. This is coming from someone that grew up playing n65 platformers. level design was bad, music sucked, character designs were fine and they nailed the overall artstyle but it genuinely wasn't a good game.
>n65 platformers
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Amazing Cultivation Simulator
Ghost 1.0
Fights in Tight Spaces
Cgained Echoes, Sea of Stars, Cross Code, and Hollow Knight are fucking garbage.
I already played all of them. Please add more to your image so i can buy them
This is a good recommendation list. Thanks for your work
Gold Saint
what game?
it's an h-game isn't it
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>clearly rip off pokemon gold/silver
>looks like your generic indie tranny shit
just take your meds, already
Holy Knight Ricca
Yes, unavoidable rape too so no virgin challenge runs either.
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that's easy. pogo3d
dwarf fortress
Siralim 3/Siralim ultimate
astrox imperium

I've tried a few and they were all garbage.
Gonna say no, this is not a good game.
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Lame and boring.
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Don't spoil anything for yourself, just play it
Yes? There are less people at relogic than super giant or yacht club, and those are both indies.
Not good enough. The gameplay was just too shallow.
Momodora Reverie under the Moonlight
Baba is You
Crypt of the Necrodancer
Atom Zombie Smasher
Hyper Light Drifter
Faster than Light
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>Momodora Completed under Two Hours
Don't get me wrong, I like the game, but it's also pretty shit.
I sometimes forget just how small ReLogic actually is even though how gigantic of a success Terraria is.
Because it came out yesterday and they paid brown people to make threads about it
Tell me more about this game OP
One Finger Death Punch

Fun game
Heat Signature.
Basically procedurally generated hotline miami in space. The dev is a one-man army who is probably the most consistently good indie dev out there for the past decade, he's pretty underappreciated though. I wonder if /v/ knows anyone as good as him that isn't known for one hit wonders or just sticks to one genre over and over.
I loved Heat Signature but a few too many problems were solved by hijacking a ship unrelated to the one your mission was about and using it as a battering ram on your mission ship.
Maybe the devs are trannies, but Unsighted was really good and I will therefore look forward to ABYSS X ZERO.
Batbarrian: Testament of the Primordials
I like its feel, but it's also very identical to other games, like Blasphemous and Moonscars.
Modern Classic
most of these are indeed shit, so i'm glad it's making people seethe. enjoy your (you), you've earned it.
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Renowned Explorers: International Society
Dream Warrior
Are there other turn-based combat FTL-likes? Shill them to me.
Re-logic does have a genuinely tiny headcount. 11 people, which includes the founder and his wife.
Their most recent update post said they've sold over 60 million units, 33 million of which were on PC.
which publisher tells Re-Logic what to do?
505 Games, but only for the console versions. The PC version is self-published.
It's just 2D Sekiro with a brain tumor and retarded characters
Skeleton Boomerang is pretty great. Godlike soundtrack, a pretty fun-to-master gimmick, and it has a roguelike mode DLC full of new levels that I hate because I think that genre sucks. Also, it's getting an update soon for some reason.

HorrorVale is a game I liked way more than I expected to. I figured it was just going to be a good enough playable Halloween special with lacking gameplay because, in these types of games, it's usually only a vehicle for the art and writing. But it was fucking great. It's still what you probably expect just a lot better.
Troubleshooter: Abandoned Children
incredibly, only 2 titles here are good, but they're really good. anyone who actually enjoys playing vidya and has played everything in this image knows which 2.
needs to add celeste, slay the princess and psychopomp
Althought I disagree with this image and what it conveys: '$camming Bitch Nobeta' only wants me to play that game.
Sea of Stars
Freedom Planet (but not the second one)
Hollow Knight
Redout (but not the second one)
Axiom Verge 1+2
Celeste (not trolling, but the story is trash)
Inertial Drift (same as celeste)
Hotshot Racing
Into The Breach
Return of the Obra Dinn
Shovel Knight
SYNTHETIK (haven't played the second one yet)
Fight Knight
Lost in Vivo
Anodyne (not the second one)
Seconding Crosscode, Darkest Dungeon, Outer Wilds, Katana Zero, EBF 3-5, Project Wingman, ULTRAKILL, Momodora: RUtM, Hyper Light Drifter, Dust: an Eysian Tail and Pseudoregalia
Opposing Sorcery! like that other guy because it's functionally anti-adventure propaganda. Its annoying and it sucks.

Seriously though, if you think that indie games are trash kill yourself or at least never come back to /v/ ever again. Stop pretending to like video games when you don't.
>No shitting on Obra Dinn

Feels good.
What's that about? I kiss my younger sister all the time
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You got it, its about kissing you're sister's womb
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not indie
What does Dokimon do better than Pokemon and why should I play it?
>I only play the popular indies
holy reddit
name your niche indies faggot
It's short. That doesn't make it shit. I like the simplicity.
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>not indie

>Game made by one guy
>not indie

What? Of fucking course it is.
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Hark the Ghoul, it's like an FPS Bloodborne and also the only Souls clone I played that actually understands how to create levels. There's a demo, so try it out.
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god damn I wish I played this game sooner because its fucking great and I somehow missed all the discussion around it because Im a slowpoke
Fight N Rage
And she has the same joy as the imouto in that pic
>not vividcope
wtf how many versions of this image are there? pretty weak showing regardless, lots of "slop", most earlier ones had more clever titles
also bug fables one is literally not an insult, i am sure most small devs would be happy to be considered "an exact copy" of the game they aped
>no asslibra
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Copper odyssey is cool
Cave Story
Genuinely entertaining content regardless of whether you enjoy the games or not. I clapped.
Blue Revolver.
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Gravity Circuit is cool in a very straightforward way. Nice aesthetic, quick movement, sincere plot.
My only warning is to practice avoiding damage rather than just caveman'ing through until you can't. Because you can do that up until like the final level, at which point sunk cost really kicks in and you may be tempted to put on damage reducing upgrades and that's for cowards.
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I like backpack battles
Now you get to wait for the next game with the rest of us.
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For me, it's Nuclear Option.
This game was awesome but way too short, at least it has decent replayability though.
Any good indie games released in 2024? I still have yet to play any games from that year unless you count demos.
Nine Sols was good
Nova Drift
UFO 50
Zachtronics' games
Play Last Command.
maybe the problem is you
I don't like how well done the shops in this are.
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>none of the indies I like made it in
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>no noita
I bet it's because you couldn't come up with a single good pun for it
Gimme your 3 random favorite games
kohaku is... a gamer...
Use Shader Glass or Reshade if you feel this strongly about that.
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first H game i ever enjoyed
Snezhinka Sentinel Girls 2
Intravenous 2
UFO 50
Nine Sols
Bo Path Of The Teal Lotus
Staffer Reborn
Mirage Feathers
No Case Should Remain Unsolved
Aero GPX
Rogue Flight
Minds Beneath Us
Rise Of The Golden Idol
Victory Heat Rally
What games do you enjoy?
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I liked indie games more back when they were called "freeware games" or "shareware games" desu
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Seconding this
>AAA game
>It's actually good

Name ONE (uno) instance from the past decade.
This is based.
For me it's free mods that are as good or better than indie games.
fucking kek
Nine Sols
UFO 50
it's impressive that you came up with an epithet worse than slopporegalia
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Play Lea's game!
risk of rain
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>wow that's really pretty, what's the game
>dokimon? oh no...
>go to steam page
>it's a monster catching game
you're burnt out
take a break
i genuinely can't get into any games, maybe i don't like vidya anymore
Sucks to be you.
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I've played it twice. It's cute.
Anyone have recommendations for a good sandboxy RPG, similar to Elin but without the base building bullshit? Preferably well suited to controller play on a handheld (Steamdeck, Ally... etc.)
Does it have pronouns or any other gay diversity shit? Been burned too many times in the past
based and redpilled. indie cucks never recovered
The autistic puzzle shit turns me off from it everytime
I fucking KNEEL
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based. fuck indies.
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I've started it at least 5 times over the course of like 8 years and still havent finished it
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Any games with a fun magic system?
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I'm trying to take a break from it, along with outward, both magickas, both rift wizards, soulash 2, dungeon crawl stone soup, modded rimworld, modded CDDA, wizard of legend and underrail.
I'm seriously considering making a game of my own just to scratch the itch.
I tried the demo for that game, my computer can just barely handle it. It's fun, but man do I suck at it.
When is Mina the Hollower due to be released?
He said fun.
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The game is just ok, but the magic system is definitely fun
Brother that game has been out for years
I got up to the part with the fucking mantis enemies that spend half the time under the floor and those things alone completely killed my enjoyment of the game. Fuck them.
how much brain damage do you have to have to enjoy a thing like this
based based based
FTL and Balatro are the only ones I like but I don't play many games.
OP game is jank and shit as expected
Most 'indie' games fit into one of these two categories now
>2d shooter pixelslop
>western/korean animeslop

Anything that isn't that is at least worth checking out.
Indie gaming was a mistake. The truth is, to make games that are actually good, you need multiple different people who specialize in different fields. A writer, a director, an artist, a musician, a programmer...
The better indie games that come out usually are made by small teams that have a few guys that specialize in a certain field, or are made by a turbo-autist.
You would think that with how accessible game production is now, there'd be much more creative games being released. But most indie games actually all look and feel very similar right now. It's likely a consequence of our society changing and not how people approach games, because before 2016, you'd get all kinds of really creative flash games coming out with unique visuals and earnest writing, all made by 1-2 people. People nowadays actively avoid being different, despite claiming otherwise and attaching hundreds of different identities to themselves
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BallisticNG, there's always a thread up on /vm/ too though I don't touch multiplayer myself because:
isn't really why I like Wipeout.
im good
any indie game that's actually unique and not just copying an idea?
You aren't really forced into engaging with the settlement mechanics in Elin, though they are probably the best way to make money. There's also much less focus on them in Elona, assuming you haven't already played it.

You could also try out Hero's Adventure: Road to Passion. It has some balance issues and accomplishing certain tasks can be pretty grindy, but it's good at affording the player a lot of freedom without becoming directionless.
I really can't think of anything like Skeleton Boomerang.
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Siralim Ultimate. Even being 3 years old, I've not found a game that matches the absolute addiction
>slop stranger but not slop ranger
>no ultraslop or slousk either
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World of Horror is actual dogshit abandoned Early Access tier but everything else is fine loser
Recommend me a long immersive indie game while I'm feeling lonely
Hat World
You don't like games retard.
Wasn't Castle Crashers an indie game? I'm positive it counts. I would vote that game as my favorite indie game.
Absolutely kino soundtrack.
I mean it's shit but the way they mixed it for boss fights takes it from like a 3/10 to a 15/10
UFO50 is genuinely GOTY, if you like video games you should play it
You shilled this to me a few weeks ago and I still don't want to play it until the post mortem update shows up.
Fuck you and thank you
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kingly post i kneel
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explosive scout best gun, rocket start best perk. fite me fags
DROD in general deserves more love
based iji enjoyer
this year i played and enjoyed void stranger, heaven will be mine and picayune dreams
i played guntrho and the epic blunder, any point in playing others or just more of the same?
Iji's world was cute but I still say it's Hero Core that went above and beyond. Game is fucking sick and deserves more love
yeah thats my fave game by that guy as well. probably time for a replay
ask me how I know you got filtered by void stranger
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You should play it! It's really good! It's free!
The steam page has some of the worst trailers I've ever seen.
>but way too short
nta, but I hard disagree. But I also believe games should be shorter in general.
Append any year now
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Buying small indies that pop up in the discovery queue has been a kino factory
ok wait for this one sir

I've been interested in that but I'm waiting for the content update to release.
nta but i didnt realise there was more content coming out
i got about 15 hours out of it as is. the ost fucking slaps
The later games introduce more mechanics and enemies (and stuff like alternate weapon types to change up the pacing) and also turn up the difficulty quite a bit.
The worldbuilding also gets surprisingly in-depth.
None of these games capture the feel of WipeOut HD/Fury so every time I try them I'm left disappointed.
Great demo but the bonus boss is too autistic for me.
based. I wish I knew a good slop name for Noita though, never did stick with me as orgasmic as pixel physics is

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