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bitch got fat
She is just showing the first signs of pregnancy.
Its mine.
Perfect. More body - more love. Just thinking about thighhighs on thick legs is melting me.
Maybe I'm too American but I like 2021 more
the devs have never played a vn and never will so the idea of stylized character design is too foreign for them
Noooo as someone with an abnormaly small penis this makes me furious
Whats the point of remaking a VN? Much less a VN that came out 5 years ago?
Beats working retail
This game is literally inspired by pic but less pornographic because the West cannot into eroge VN.
Did they update the art or something? If so, why? Original game worked fine. Wasted effort.
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They could have spent that effort doing a new game but it would probably flop harder.
Wtf is that massive downgrade.
money :)
also probably wanted a console version and since consoles can't into system folders he had to redo stuff, might aswell throw in some bonus content for returning readers at that point and a price tag
Why make the effort at all? It was high res enough, it was well known and established and it's not exactly the kind of thing with replay value.
wasn't the game free?
Salvato is a cool guy
They still use the old sprites, this new wave of art has purely been promotional for stuff like the box art and whatever. Next game from this dev though confirmed to be fatties though if they keep this artist
They missed the point of their own game, you go in thinking it's some weeb shit, possibly echhi even and it ends up being horror. Now the art lacks that subversion since the stylization is hampered in favor of a chunkier girl.
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Literally nothing wrong with a little extra fat
shes just pregnant with my child
real men like em thick like 2021
Belly needs to be 5 times larger tits and hips needs to be 30 times larger.
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Might as well wear a gigantic sign that says 'RETARD' disgustig fucking tourist, Dan Salvato literally said on interviews that he played and loved Tsukihime. I hate this narrative that the creator of DDLC hates VNs, that's the cope narrative the illiterate collective of the fandom runs so they don't get called losers for enjoying a Visual Novel. That or they are underage and the idea of horror game with a twist got them, in which case their opinion should be discarded anyways.
Now is aimed at amerimutts
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It doesn't matter what his intentions were. He ended up making a trash oelvn that's only enjoyed by normalfaggots who've never played a real vn in their lives and think every vn is a dating sim.
>bitch got fat
they always do
>"""inspired""" by
you mean stealing the one ending that was translated to youtube because that was the only piece of content westerfags ever saw of the game
>m-muh developer said
kill yourself
>it went to her thighs mostly

and thats a good thing
It went to her hips and waste.
Anyway, the redesigns were stupid. Giving them more "realistic" designs kinda misses the whole point.
Waist. I need a nap...
You need to stop phoneposting, buddy
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>retard spews misinformation
>spergs out and derails the moment they get called out
KEK way to out yourself as a moron. First, yes, intention does matter when judging someones work. Jesus, i'm not here to argue DDLC is some masterpiece, but how about judging the VN itself instead of pointing at the cancerous wave of newfaggots like it has any say on it? I swear if this was le undergound nipon only VN you drooling drones would be hailing it as some god-made work. Blind contrarians like you are no better than the stupid children that came on droves to Doki Doki, get the rope already.
She sits around in an empty room 24/7, what did you expect?
hey, bring back those goalposts right now
nobody asked Dan. Kill yourself.
it's more realistic
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Oh no!
if she's supposed to be fat this is disgusting
if she's supposed to be pregnant this is hot
And that's a good thing
yes, but i think its fine if consoleniggers have to pay, honestly, they deserve worse
why are lardlovers suddenly reaching ddlc threads
Following the same pattern their should be an extra chunky 2025 edition.
Doki Doki Culinary Club soon.
is there an option for old sprites?
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>having an innie navel while pregnant without being fat
You dumb as hell, boy.
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>tfw no bed-sized Yuri gf
You're too American.
It's free on PS Plus. And it's still free on steam.
>PS Plus
so you got to pay
I've had PS plus for 10 years, and I still haven't paid as much as most of the faggots here have paid for their precious "rig".
i forgot that you had to pay for online on consoles
what a joke
you were able to get it free on epic on valatines day of this year (thats how i got it)
im only there for the free games dont think i spent a cent on that shit
>bonus content
you mean ruining writing and story? Plus didn't do anything good
>tfw lost the .exe
It wasn't much but man that cupcake minigame was something.
hell yeah, brother
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Disregarding the fat aspect of her design, the new artwork looks boring in comparison to the older art. It looks more like fan art rather than official art
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Software bloat never ever
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best Monika ITT
We all know deep down Natsuki will get the largest
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Nail Moronika to the cross!
Skin Moronika alive!
Set Moronika on fire!
Hang Moronika from a tree with her guts!
Toss Moronika off a cliff!
Chop Moronika's head off and put it on a stick!
Drown Moronika in a lake!
Saw Moronika in half!
Beat Moronika to a pulp!
She went from borderline anorexic to fertile.
her hair became unpractically long

When Kip acutally draws fat girls that are acutally fat he's one of the best around
Kip just prefers to draw accurate American women, most aren't blobs or 9 feet tall they just have massive beer guts
It leads to absurd situations where his fat chicks have skinny fat look even though they're enormous. Where girls that are huge still have arms with no fat on them.
Has it really been 7 years since release date? I keep telling myself I'll get around to playing it. I've been putting it off for 7 years?
Her jacket no longer looks like it's tailored to have breast cups
I mean, I still really like it, but a huge part of it taking off was because it was so fresh for people at the time. There wasn't really much else like it. If you know its tricks, it has fewer surprises for you. Otherwise, the characters are still quite enjoyable
Doki Doki!
Hold on /v/irgins, I think I have it somewhere
i will not slurp the cum
don't call her moronika wtf...
Got both of the rars for both parts
>Doki Doki!
Retard. You are somehow worse than the fatfags.
wtf, my PC just released mustard gas!
Holy shit, didn't expect to get it back. Thanks man.
Worse comes to worse I would have had to poke around on weight gaming or deviant art, but I keep local copies for a reason.
iirc the creator actually hates visual novels and doesn't even like anime, guess what he looks like
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more like
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>its worse than I thought
I have never seen someone play DDLC as their first VN and then go on to play another.
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Natsuki is a menace.
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Maybe food shouldn't be so tempting
To her own waistline
So your argument is because he read the most normalfag VN (Tsukihime/Fate) around, he doesn't hate moege?
You lost me.
she more waifu material now
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What are they feeding them these days?
Just look at them
Well whatever it is... They should have more of it.
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>Still no new games
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there ya go
at least 2 different people are in that reply chain. i didn't move the goal posts. i think think doki doki is fucking shit and exists solely to reuse vn tropes he heard about on discord while feigning superiority by not actually being a dating sim (it's instead the worst genre, cutesy horror)
where did you get this, I don't think I've ever seen this belt-buster piece before
Yuri being the approximate size of a small car is megakino
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>seven years
Did we EVER get ANY news on Project Libitina?
They gave away DDLC+ on the Ebin store too
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From here >>695512532
An anon once decompiled all the CGs and put up a folder with all the game's assets. Sadly the thread and the folder are gone but the games are right here.
For England, James?
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Bless whoever decided on the button-up-jacket-over-sweater-over-button-up-shirt look
A few threads ago someone pointed out that purple bitches make for really good fatties.
Got to say, I agree. It's almost natural.
Yuri has to be the fattest because being the attention from biggest will overcome her shyness
>Hex Maniac
Checks out
Thanks to this thread, I'm craving some Yuri so badly, so thanks, all for the pics. Cheers.
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This list is missing the 'chouli
>Self aware VN
>Worst girl is the one who's self aware
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Dang, forgot about her AND Shantae
>ywn have a fat half genie girl dance in your vicinity
why are we still here?
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To wish her into existence!
There's definitely so many girls missing, but hey, we can just list em out and appreciate them.

Gotta represent my love for Ishtar. (And Tailtiu too)
>those fat arms
>and backfat
>and fingers
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Shoutout to the queen of Th/v/rsday, who totally counts as purple
natsuki is just cartman from south park
>>fat arms
Never cared for chubby fingers, but those are the details I've come to look for. The former making for a good pillow and the latter for yet another set of folds to grab.
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>Heavy, pudgy, high schoolers.
Teenage girls are really into Totono and Saya.
>don't believe the developer. Believe me, a random faggot on the internet
the original release was free
now he wants to cash in. breakout hits like that don't come to the same indie developer more than once
fuck all
superhero movies need to fucking cease already. This looks so shit
dont care yuri is still my gf
The true horror is when that thin girl that made you fall for her, become your obese despot
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>fat girl's eating habits start to affect the people around her
>she becomes a feeder and starts playing with someone else's chub
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>western dev
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>he doesn't fantasize about a fatty holding hands
you sick fuck
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There's a thin line with that type of raven hair
You don't have to. Just remain on the real route and you don't have to watch that or any of the shit that follows.

That's what makes Totono better than DDLC: it is your choices what make shit happen. All the weird stuff feels like a punishment for your retarded actions (even MC acts out of character) instead of being something that just sort of happens just because. It is entirely possible to play Totono and have normal routes with normal endings or to have a fucked up route without a happy ending; DDLC has a single route and forces it on the player.

In Totono Aoi is the worst even before the NTR. Not only is she awkward as fuck, she has no chemistry with MC, she cannot cook and she's stupid. The only reason to follow her route is because you're thinking with your dick, and the game tries damn hard to prevent you from doing that route.

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