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We literally live in a world where Xenoblade is culturally more relevant, more popular,and better received than Final Fantasy..
Oh wow, now it really WILL be a shitty harem anime.
>Nintendo streaming platform
Hold the fuck up, since when?
Did Nintendo saw people pirating their old shows and said to themselves "We can make money out of this" or something? This is the first time I heard of a possible streaming platform.
Tits or not watching
I hope it's Rex impregnating his three blade wives
Besides maybe Pokemon, Kirby, and their movies what the hell would even be on their platform? Sure as hell they aren't licensing the DIC cartoons.
It's a trust me bro tier leaker
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Hell yea
they have sony making a zelda movie, maybe they're having more companies make content for them. if it's a streaming thing then having a smaller catalog at launch is in character for them.
Unless it's tied to NSO, you can't just launch a streaming app with a handful of shows and a couple of movies. Who the fuck would pay for that?
A lot of tendies would, honestly.
But remember this is all fake in the first place
it probably will be bundled it initially, whether or not it gets decoupled later is another matter. maybe they'd do movie+movies and games as 2 different subscriptions in the future(with an optional bundle for all 4). sounds like a nintendo thing to do.
There’s also the F-Zero anime, Fire Emblem OVA, Mario OVA, Kid Icarus shorts, Pikmin shorts and Animal Crossing movie.

Not sure about western adaptations though.
>japanese humor
>American green text
Probably the same people who made amiibo the most successful Toys-to-Life brand.
Are you really acting as if FFVII wasn’t the same thing? Come on now.
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its not, but they are trying to make it be
Oof. It's over Xenobros.
You have posted this exact phrase before, and you are just as autistic and retarded now as then. No one with a brain thinks Xenoblade is anywhere near as popular or culturally relevant as Final Fantasy. Normies have heard about Final Fantasy, they have not heard of Xenoblade. FF14 alone is more mainstream and popular than Xenoblade as a whole. The fact that Xenoblade 1 is better than most of the FF series has no bearing on that.

When will mods do their jobs and ban schizo troll spammers from /v/?
>the xenosuc's delusions
By that logic, phantasy star is also more relevant, more popular, and better received than final fantasy because PSO2 had an anime.
You literally live in a world that's just you and a big dick shaped like a monolith thrusting in and out of your mouth.
Xenoblade is more relevant that FF because it is from a developer than people actually respect.

Cope. Seethe. Dilate.
Aka "my uncle works at Nintendo" of the modern age. I'll believe it when I'll see it.

Though I've been saying they should do an anthology series about the daily lives of various BLADE squads set in the two months between the White Whale's crash and the start of the game, each episode by a different guest director, since Xenoblade X first came out.

Now that I think about it, a similar deal could also work about different Blade teams on mission for the Garfont mercenaries.

A straight up adaptation of the games wouldn't work unless each season is 52 episodes.
based and loli-pilled
>Abe-sama looking down on nippon from heaven: “just have sex”

Go fuck yourself, natalist scum.
It's gonna be Xenosaga the Animation but with Takahashi's new retcons shoehorned in so it can happen in xenoblade's main timeline.
Nice, I hope this turns out to be true. I wonder if they will just have it do some scenes from the games, or will they do an original story with characters that aren't directly related to the heroes, but end up meeting them. Would be nice to see something like someone new joins the Garfont mercs and watches Rex with Pyra, Mythra and Nia clearing a bandit camp.
I want this to be real, so i assume is fucking fake, fuck you!
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Tora and Poppi spinoff maybe?
The only thing that will make or break it is if its 2D and not 3D animated
If the rumor is correct, then it won't directly involve the main casts of any of the games, but we will see them in episodes in various ways. So I can imagine an episode where Poppi shows up at the School in Fonsett because she was deemed as truent. So a bunch of kids get to interact with her and they go off on an adventure and the kid that is the focus of the episode doesn't like her or something because jealous and then almost gets killed by a monster and in comes Poppi in her various forms and even brings out the Poppi Buster.
Just watch they just made the episodes in 3's style.
Good. I am not surprised
Maybe with this a mainline xenoblade will sell more than the 5th re-release of the pixel remasters. Not even being a hater, but you need to be out of your mind to believe xenoblade is on the same level of FF. I
Final Fantasy XV also had an anime series
That'd be great, 3's models and character art are the peak of the series.
i just remembered Nintendo Pictures is already a thing https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nintendo_Pictures
Impregnation ova when?
Didn't we had some mini shows on the 3ds about Pikmin and kid Icarus? No idea what a Nintendo streaming platform would be but it isn't impossible.
This might be the most retarded """leak""" I've ever seen. No one with a brain would believe this, right?
This is for game CG and motion capture stuff, it's not an anime studio
Anime studios use CG and motion capture, though. Why did they put Koizumi (a creative) in charge? Why did they name it what it's called? I think they have plans for Nintendo Pictures that have yet to come to fruition, and may take years.
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I can see it now
>Nintendo Cinema
>80s cartoons + the 2 Mario movies
>Donkey Kong Country cgi cartoon
>the new Xenoblade series
>smattering of Pokemon episodes
>.........that's it, now give us an extra $25 a year as a separate add-on to the online fee and expansion pak
And people will buy it
Final fantasy? The series with multiple anime and feature length films? Doesn't tales of have like 5 anime series too for that matter?
If Nintendo puts the original 90's live action Super Mario Bros. Movie on there I will kneel so hard.
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I know you people would deny it to hell and back, but a Xenoblade 2 anime would be incredibly popular and successful.
Why? No one cares about any other anime based off jrpgs. I think outright adaptations are stupid for them.
Xenoblade 2 is arguably the only JRPG that would maybe fit better as an anime than a game.
No it wouldn't, the best part of Xenoblade games is playing them. I like exploring, combat, I like doing sidequests, and soaking in the atmosphere and experience. None of this can be accomplished by watching anime.
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What do you do if a Japanese woman walks up to you and does this???
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Do you know how bad that would look if Nintendo made their own streaming service when they have a Universal theme park?
The affinity system in particular would be sort of hard to get across, the satisfaction of building up a specific blade and doing all the activities related to them
Astral Chain is just shallower Evangelion with police but it's a lot more fun because you get more of the flavor and texture of the world through gameplay and being able to walk around the spaces
Exploration and such I can agree with, but you can't have watched many shows of any kind if you think anime can't convey the atmosphere and experience of the game faithfully. Hell, the game is practically half anime already with it's 14 hours of cutscenes.
It would have been a great gacha.
Xenoblade 1 is more anime than 2
Square Enix is clueless and incompetent, and this predates the woke era of media. The last normal, mainline Final Fantasy game that was loved by the majority of the fanbase was released 23 years ago, and even then, people can agree that it showed signs of losing its way. The fact that so many people played the aggressively mediocre mess that was FFXV was actually terrible for the company (give gold medals to those character designers, BTW; the pretty characters sold that game). People seem to forget that continuity exists in the real world and that something selling well isn't always a good thing in the long run.

The only people who appear to know what they're doing is the little bubble within the company that is the Dragon Quest team. They should put them in charge.
>But they won't appeal to the Call of Duty audience!
Square Enix shouldn't give a fuck about the Call of Duty audience. There are tens of millions of gamers in the world who have no interest in playing Call of Duty or Halo, and there's a big overlap between those people and people who love classic Final Fantasy. And then there are people who play Call of Duty who sometimes want to play something completely different. Like a turn-based RPG.
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Who the fuck are you talking to schizo
>any kind if you think anime can't convey the atmosphere and experience of the game faithfully
I'd argue the opposite actually
There's a small subsect of anime that are better as shows than as games. Otherwise, I'd rather have most anime in game form where the schlocky nature of their stories, pacing and progression would feel more at home with the interactive and obstacle-clearing structure
Like, look at something like Scarlet Nexus that reads like 99% of seasonal anime FOTM shit and I have to say that most anime feel like they'd rather just be games. It would certainly save the animators time to only have to make the character model the one time
Something that is not interactive cannot replicate the experience of playing a video game. I don't mean that anime can't have atmosphere, I mean that it can't have a video game's atmosphere because it's not a video game.

If there would ever actually be a Xenoblade anime it would probably not be an adaptation of a game, but supplementary material, or a prequel of some kind. This is what the 'leaker' Nash Weedle is implying in the original post anyway.
Shut up Barry.
My father's boyfriend works at Nintendo and also confirmed it.
They charge like $20 a year for P2P multiplayer and $50 a year to provide 4MB GBA ROMs. They can't afford servers to provide a real streaming CDN which would require more than 4MB of bandwidth per user. It'd cost like $50 a month.
>give gold medals to those character designers, BTW; the pretty characters sold that game
you didnt realize this with Lightning's Game: Part 3?
nintendo is moving away from gaming
We've known this since 2007
Imagine being against babies being born lmao what kind of actu8ally fucking twisted ideology would advocate for that shit
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It doesn't say the casts won't appear, just that the stories won't be direct adaptations of the games. I would expect something more like an anthology that fills in various gaps in the game timeline, like how Malos was somehow still alive in the XC2 universe in order to become N's blade in XC3, or the identity of Mythra's kid. Maybe something to do with pic related
Square Enix is more likely to put their anime on Crunchyroll than on Nintendo's streaming service.
You'd have to provide things like schooling, housing, jobs, social enrichment, and an inhabitable biosphere for said babies during the course of their lifetime. It's kind of cruel to just create as many babies as possible so that they can die homeless, isolated, and uneducated over the course of their short lives in the new 110°F summers innit?
>Mysterious portrait of 7 characters in-game with great attention brought to it in a side quest to coincide with the 7 founders
>completely unrelated actually
so funny what this shit happens
I hope they go back to their love hotel roots
Man I remember hearing people going on and on about a photo when the game first came out and getting so confused seeing this and thinking that's what they were talking about.
>maybe finally we'll get a piece of relevant lore to flesh out this dead fucking world
>nope just another big fucking nothingburger

At the time I wasn't mad, but pretty disappointed.
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and that's a good thing!
Where did the meme that Xenoblade is more culturally relevant than Final Fantasy come from? I think the fact that a Final Fantasy MMO is single-handedly keeping Square afloat is more than enough to say Final Fantasy is more culturally relevant.
Ah, so it's climate doomerism. Go ahead and kill yourselves then since you're convinced we're all gonna die anyway.
You dipshits will believe anything
It WAS a gacha with blades.
It just wasn't a microtransaction game with endless roadmap.
Xeno rumours are shit, remember that rumour that the next Xeno game would be using Unreal only for Monolith to confirm that they are putting together an engine dev team to overhaul their current engine for next gen.

A series would be good but why not have Graphinica do it in 3d with the game quality assets, they already do cutscene animation for the Xeno games.
What other Nintendo IP should get an animated series?
Disaster: Day of Crisis
Oh yeah, it would slot right into the 30 seasonal isekai harem trash with little way to tell it apart from them.
>Nintendo streaming platform
This plan didn't work out too well for games workshop
Sin and punishment is their only ip that is actually "cool", everything else is for autistic losers.
Kid Icarus by SHAFT, duh.
All good answers.
I actually love that dumbass game, but it's really made for a campy live action adaptation with Roland Emmerich disaster CG.
stupid people have always existed that they are mostly nintendo fans is worth of investigation
If it's real I also imagine it's also for any future movies or original series.
There’s absolutely no way, if Pokemon had to close its own Pokemon TV, a Nintendo one couldn’t last.
>DiC Mario and Zelda
>Mario movie (not OG)
What else is there?
I'm gonna say Fire Emblem.
Mostly because like Xenoblade, it feels impossible to adapt to the limited time frame of a film.
Stop making me lust over the idea of Xenogears adopted into a 32 part film series.
The AC movie would be Japan-only. It’s too late for normies to care and fans watched the sub years ago.
WarioWare could have 3-minute comedy shorts.
14 hours of cutscenes in a game that lasts 120+ hours if you actually PLAY it.
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>canceled halfway through and the remaining parts are crammed into a couple episodes with Evangelion ep. 25-26-tier production values
I would insert my erect penis into her aroused vagina if you know what I mean
>The finale is only available as a storyboard animation used as the preview in the last released film
>animated by studio khara
>Nintendo streaming platform
Stopped reading there.
How does one find such a woman?
All shit answers.
No you see, they made Nintendo Music so obviously they're going to make Nintendo Netflix next.
>Nash Weedle
>Falling for lies from one of the biggest fake """""leakers""""" around
No, i don't think that would help.
This has been the truth since before 2010.
You don't.
Part of me wants this to happen just to see the westerners react to having the next nintendo adaptation be an 'anime' series.
>110 degree summers
lmao pussy
Ever Oasis
Let's just assume this is real for even a second.
>Likely no Kid Icarus show
>DEFINITELY no MOTHER/Earthbound series
>Definitely no (new) F-Zero show either
>No Wario/WarioWare show
>No Rhythm Heaven show
>Likely no Star Fox show
>Fire Emblem would get a new season/show literally every year
>Pikmin would get a mini-series at most
What would even be the point
More good answers
So the shitposters really were xenofags kek
Wont matter. Wont be as cool as The Falcon Punch or Falcon revealing himself to be alive and saving Rick/Ryu.
A Smash Bros series would be hype but we all know it's never going to happen
>ending is cool so the prior 50 episodes of slogging through mediocrity and repeated CG footage was all worth it
Well yes, but they could make way better shows as a whole.
We might get a slice of life Animal Crossing New Horizons animated series. Could end with the island rep getting married or something.

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