KEEP ALL TOURNAMENT TALK ITT!►►VOTE:—Timer:►OC►Nominations:►Qualifiers:►Detailed Rules and Info: (embed) (embed)►Character Limit—For qualifier poll>Game or Franchise Series can only have 3 characters (i.e. 3 characters from Metal Gear, Touhou, or Pokemon)►Judges:Yotsuba/v/-tanTre/vr/Senator Armstrong►Hosts>Ballsanon !!TSeJH+Shkly>Coayynon !!HfHRhjBcrKX>PenisAnon !KoAd713y0Q>Samaritanon !!LKu0yr+rtFu►Nominations: >>696524528►Qualifiers: >>696609638►Previous: >>696701428
Aaaaand we're back.
>>696708870You were warned.
>Freddit FazbearGo back.
Sorry, sweeties, less than 600 votes means this thread belongs on /vg/
Come on now /v/, show us what moves your hero has
>>696708897>Five Nights at Freddit
Why did we die.
>>696707596PC Tan & Steam Deck tan shouldn't be on since they all came from non vidya sources.I don't know if this also applies to Z Sabre as well since he originated from the Games page from Homestar Runner.Should we also include a poll of minimum votes to ensure that we don't get people who intentionally
Summoning perifag.....
Don't recognize FartAnon, but thread seems normal enough.
>>696708016Ohhh I'm so scared; what you gonna do, whip me?You must be jokin!
last thread tasted good, gimme another
>Gary jobbed to a priest once againAAAAAAAIIIEEEEEEEEEEEE
>>696708897Lick my fazballs
...What the actual fuck happened?
Peridot Sweep
>tell anons to wait>new bread up
>>696709031IT'S ON NOW
I blame AngelaNIGGERS for this deleted thread.
You deserved it. Behave
I just wanna say I think it's hiarious how much spite is between angelafags and ayinfagstruly a perfect match, they both absolutely deserve eachother
>>696708870IS fucking over dude, 5 and Laharl gets raped before the jannies sperg out, and delete this thread. also, fartanon or any other tripfag, please don't make more non official threads, you don't want to provocate them
>>696709036Were in charge of the tournaments now
Bejita? Won
It was me who summoned the creature known as "janny".I thought it would be a funny thing to do.
FAITH is a decent game, but the protagonists aren't very interesting.
>>696709107No you ain't, retard.
>>696709110Kek, based, canon!
>>696708991*Urp* Waiters! Get me and this man another thread. And you better be prompt, or NO TIP!
>>696709107>Were in charge of the tournaments nowWell said, my ESL bruva
>>696707596Bracket looks good as-is, no changes necessary
>>696709065>>696709124Nah, we need non /tnt/ hosts.For one, we're bringing back the whitelist.
Who's in?
How long until the poll is up? An hour? 2 hours? 4? 10?
>>696708923At the bottomBut without any boredomVote Seraphim in bottoms!
What's a king to an OVERLORD?
killzone bros... i don't feel so good...
>>696709141that anon was right2024 is the worst year
>Fatfuckcatapultzombie is behind this
>>696708923>>696709134The madmen dancing amidst the chaos
>>696709137John’s story is pretty cool thoughbeit.
>>696709192>For one, we're bringing back the whitelist.You just killed any faint chance at a revolution.
The Janitor Sabbath is going to come for us soon.Confess your sins before you die.
*UUUUUURRP* ooooooh waaaaaiterrrrr~
>>696709160BURRRRRRPPP!!! 20000kcal post right here!!
>>696709241weakwilled spineless faggot
>>696708951frankly they deserve to stay after that poll fuckery last night
>>696709192>we need non /tnt/ hostsbased>we're bringing back the whitelistehhhhhh
>>696709107>the jannies have taken direct control
>Is this is the end of the board?
>>696709218The Prophecy was true.
>>696709218>2024 is the worst year for King, Queen and Mr>It’s the best year for MsCurious.
>>696709236>You just killed any faint chance at a revolution.Is it because it is white, no? come on now, /pol/fag
>>696709192No. I hate /tnt/fags, but you're as retarded as the idiot who made the unofficial /a/ tournament this year. Hey, you're that guy, right?
>>696709197The poll is being redone
Send me OC requests for the Crazy ave and Conker matchup
Lynch jannies!Behead jannies!
>>696709137For me it's the opposite, I think the game itself is just OK but the protagonists are great, John Ward is my favorite protagonist in any piece of horror media. Though to be fair the game hits harder if you're a Christian so that might have something to do with it
>>696709151Ah, a fellow proceeder, good to see you around these threads.
>>696709339You know nobody's taking you seriously, right? Kek
>>696709253My hideously obese cake-eating KING...
*siiiiiiiiiiipppppp*mmmf...pshaah....*smack smack* mm*siiiiiiiiiiiippp siiiiiipppp**plastic noises as i move the straw around**sssssiiiiiiiiippppppp*... ... ...
>COOOOOOOACH>How are things going, Tubby? Glad to see that buffets are still open in an apocalypse. Don't worry, don't worry! I'm not one to judge the size of someone's belly! I just think those high school kids would have had a better chance at surviving if you didn't hog the rations. But it's survival of the fittest, isn't it? You're doing everything you can (bar working out) to help that little family of yours. I'm sure they're just grateful to know that they have plenty of emergency long pork should that poor heart of yours finally give up!
>>696709110...the cuckold competition.
I can feel my fat levels rising
>>696708870Show yourself, skeleton warrior! My name 'tis Glenn, but for now "Frog" will suffice. The bracket dictates you shall be mine first opponent. A fitting duel, indeed. Draw your blade, and let us begin!
>>696709241>I have gotten banned way too many times for posting doodles.So You sayin' you been ban evadin'?you're bitch ass is don
>>696709318you know what you must do
>>696709351Crazy Dave nailing Conkers balls on an electric grill
>>696709404okay you lost me now
>>696709384Kek, nice
>>696709380gimme schum moar cahkuh *hoommphhnnmmpph* uuurrp
>>696709281What's the point of making something that is against the rules and just gets me banned?
>>696709318>20+ replies of failed rolls trying to undo the curse
Fake thread.
Okay, are we stable?Well that was weird. Anyways, repostan
I summon jannies to delete this thread too with this 8
Sad about Dazai but at least my 3x3 is still overall holding strong.>>696707432glad someone enjoyed it at least. it's my first time campaigning since 2019 with armstrong less a campaign and just an edit of him punching or shaking hands with his opponent each round so i wasnt sure what to do. Of course I'll support my hee homeboy.
>>696709318Darlene still hasn't gotten her cum tribute. It's only going to keep worsening until that anon fulfills his promise.
>>696709432but darlene, I already did.more than once.
>>696709491I banish jannies to hell permanently.
>Phonecuck disappears>"Fartanon" appearsLeast obvious tourney troll
>>696709491Ancestor is a janny lapdog?
>>6967093182025 will be better6
>>696709112Ew, go back to /co/
While the shitters embarrass themselves, let's talk the real deal. Who all has plans already in motion for their mains?
>>696709478>Barred from Queen /v/ 2024YOU RETARD
You're on a path in the woods. And at the end of that path is a mansion. And in the basement of that mansion is a Blue Demon. You're here to slay him. If you don't, it'll be the end of... well, not the world exactly, but we still wouldn't want horrific monsters roaming the world now would we? More like, it will be the end of some moronic group of teenagers, and a moronic life is still a life. No, demons do not count. Neither does "she-who-shall-not-be-mentioned." Now, go. You know what you need to do....What do you mean I already said this last thread? The board ended? No, this is the first time we're meeting, and we wouldn't be meeting if the board ended. Now forget about whatever nonsense you were on about and go slay that demon.
>>696709418In past. I don't really draw anything on /v/ because of it. I wanted to draw my pick at least once byt these threads are considered off-topic and I rather not get banned so I can chat about vidya with anons
>Couldn't even get into Next 128Luka, you idiot! What kind of (fake) hero are you?!
>>696709478The Bubbabros request that someone submit Bubba or his friend Winston WerblerThe Bubbabros thank you in advance <3
HEROBRINE... We have work to do. Through Barred, they will know our names.
5 and I RAPE everyone in this thread btw.
>>696709547He is a villain who wants chaos, afterall
>>696708870PREDICTING THE E8:>Raiden>Phoenix>Geralt>HUNK>AM>Shadow>Wario>Gordon
>>696709384>How are things going, Tubby? Glad to see that buffets are still open in an apocalypse. Don't worry, don't worry! I'm not one to judge the size of someone's belly! I just think those high school kids would have had a better chance at surviving if you didn't hog the rations. But it's survival of the fittest, isn't it? You're doing everything you can (bar working out) to help that little family of yours. I'm sure they're just grateful to know that they have plenty of emergency long pork-heh Long Pork my ass
>>696709560Well, I'm going to have to deal with a godawful UI that's partially in Korean every time my guy makes it to another round so I can make more shitty OC.But I do have a plan, hopefully.
>>6967095395 and you go to
How long will it take for the poll to be up?
>>696709591>Herobrine>barredHe's not allowed entry. He goes to Next 128 with the rest of the losers.
>>6967095526 says it will be even worse
>>6967093182025 will be even worse 8
>>6967095965 and coach rapes you
>>696709565Thread was deleted because we didn't vote for Narrator
>>696709565I trust this bird
>>696709318The tournaments are permabanned in 20263
>>696709634i've stopped using characterIA for this very thingis there any good añternative to this thing?
>>696709596This 5?BYE BOZO
>>696709647Oh, right, that's a thing. That means both Barred and Next 128 will know.
>>696709647fuck next 128 and fuck the copers who insist upon it
Do you have any merchandise of your main anons? If you do, post a pic of it, and I will spare a vote for your main.
>>696709574>In past1 second ago is in the past>byt these threads are considered off-topicaw shiet
what is 5?
>>696709747GET BACK HERE YOU JOBBER WHORE. I'm taking my 5 back AND your butthole.
6 y peru tiene la mejor gastronomia
Y from Ren And Stimpy should have won!
>>696709634The hate pillar is such a gold mine for exploitables
>>696709797baby don't hurt medon't hurt meno more
>>696709837>numerto the rape caves with you
This retard is falseflagging, he made a new ko/v/ thread with the quote fart fetish pic, with an iphone filename. Unlike the quote pic of this thread, but just like this thread's OP
Wait for official Round 1...Heh, wait my ass.
>>696709351Have him riding a lawnmower with a Monster Zero Ultra while it is early in the morning and Conker is hungover.
>>696709817>el peruANO5 and you are forced to eat 92 tacos
>>6967098675 and you go to the cum zone
Im not a dog but a cat
>>6967094915 and Captain Torres ends this tournament in a definitive and elegant manner
8 and you kys
>>696709879Seconding this. That or straight up running him over with the lawn mower
None of this would've happened if we changed the fucking contestants again
>>696709865>does not roll>misses on the 5lollmaoa kek if you will
>>696709868my nigga quoteanon is WEIRD AS FUCK but INNOCENT.
homosexual boi
I only vote for cute little boys
>>6967098827 y nos devuelves el huascar
This is the King of /v/ 2024 map. Claim a tile and draw! Each square tile is 200x200px and there are 64 in total.>you can request any tile that is adjacent to a completed one. Check the latest update to see which ones are available or have already been claimed. We will start off with the main four corner tiles>you can draw several tiles, but only claim one at a time. Don't be afraid to draw more than one tile since the map is quite big>try to make your tile connect to those next to it as best as you can
>>696709868>he made a new ko/v/ thread with the quote fart fetish picbased. these threads deser—>with an iphone filename.disgusting
>>696710003Claiming A1
>>696709969reverse image search is you're friend
>>696709837what does it mean though?
>>696710003Claiming A8
So what the hell's going on? Where's Round 1 and who's FartAnon? I just came back after making sure everyone I wanted nominated was in.
>>696710003claiming A7
No results will be posted in this thread or any fake thread. Report this thread and move on.
>>696710003I'll take H8
>>696710082>Where's Round 1Deleted because hosts were rigging>FartAnonOur savior.
>>696710082We're staging a coup
Instead of just the E8, all those that make the cut for round one should be disallowed for the next year.
>>696710057>>696710003Delivering A8 (I had it finished already but i forgot to download it to my laptop)
I just want to say I just wanted to post gay fart porn and be horny for Quote I don't affiliate with the fake OPs
>>696710082New jannie deleted old king of /v/ thread, and then sharty caught wind of it and made a new thread (two now)
>>696709994lol cope you lost to a wooden piece of shitviva chile
>>696709994todos los numeros excepto 1 y te regalo Chiapas
>>696710082Tournament shitter who took on a new name. Trying to stage a "coup" which no one is taking seriously.
>>696708870>Rance didn't make itNot like this bros..not like this..
>>696710098Actual kino
>>696710097>>696710179We got this
>>696710174Cállate marica
>>696708951You fucking narc, you
RANDOBROS... we need help
Tom Nookbros, how are we feeling?
>>696710249muy tardedisfruta MÁS indios
>>696710223DoctorGreen is based for once
>>696710097I'm not risking a ban for reporting this. If janitor likes this threads it's a 3 day banana for false report. Especially as I don't know the correct category.
>>696710097Sorry radio man, but it looks like WE hold the cards now. Ahhh, it feels good to be on top!...Of course, just know that whenever you make the next thread that I was ALWAYS on your side! And since we're such good faithful pals you should throw in a word for me with the voters, yeah? Right, that's what buddies do!
>>696710119>>696710126>>696710160>>696710165>>696710181I see. What a horrible turn of events. I already feel like I don't have the energy for this one after sitting through Ms. /co/, Mr. /co/, and Qo/v/.
>>696710290ok pero el prepucio no te lo devolvera nadie
Those brackets..are not..ideal..
>You take on the Bottom 128, I'll take on the Top.
>>696710367Here’s the real thread>>696709668
>>696710367Just give it a few hours, it'll all get worked out
>>696710223>>696710293SamePUTA btw
>>696710389as always, blame *ngela
>>696710097With all due respect, kill yourself.
>>696710389I blame Ruinababs and Roblox, personally
>>696710424fartfags get the rope
>>696710097Alright, don't worry.
>>696710378Well gonna keep that in mind for nextKing thread too. These are same threads afterall even if the OP is different
PMbros Freddy needs your help
Wait, so this isn't even a legit thread?
What did I miss? I'm fighting that fatass crocodile
>>696710516roblox doesn't deserve the hate
>>696709194Fucking hated that cringe calarts beanmouth style, John kricfalusi is based for once.
>>696710630Rolandfags who come from Roblox do
>>696710098>The anormous shape wiggling its tiny tentacles like it's dancing
>>696710546>SchizobabbleG, put this SameBITCH in the Goku Room.
>>696710593None of these are, mods are deleting Ko/v/ threads as they are off-topic
>>696710546>what is multiple devicesSee?
>>696710671Do you mean "amorphous"?
>>696710690>I AM TRANS!Sista... We know.
>>696710690Based mods
>>696710097Psyanon more like PUSSYanon
A second thread has hit the catalog
DoctorGreenbros... They are mocking us
Why was the last thread deleted though? Is it over?
>>696710798It's Joever
>>696710659Augie, your dumb cartoons suck. Again, go back to /co/
>>696710798the host that made it got banned
>>696710741My bad
>>696710803>a manlet trying to start shitlollmao
You could not live with your main not making it in.And where did that bring you?Right back to me...Next 128 will commence as soon as I have completed the form. In the meanwhile, these are your brackets. Randomization method was used with the same program/number as the main tournament.
>>696710745What?I'm not trans>>696710751I don't think it's based. I like this kind of OC stuff because it lets anons be creative. I don't participate to avoid bans
>>696709775The IA didn't tip you off, beforehand?
>>696710690>>696710751SamePUTA btw
>>696710845No problem, anon. Just make sure to vote for Pit!
>>696710826To clarify, this is shockingly the actual form. I don't know what side FartAnon is on.
>>696710842good riddance
>>696710894he probably copied it from /tnt/
it's up
>>696710826>>696710894>faggot hosts tried keeping this from us on /tnt/That should tell you all you need to know
>>696710826You could have stopped with the /a/ retardation, but you had to double down. Faggot
>>696710847What? Sorry I don't understand equines
>>696710939It loops back to FartAnon hijacking the thread.
>>696710894It's just a coup, anon, not a genocide>>696710963BALDBALD
>>696710826>Shovel Knight's picture is King KnightRetard
>>696710913Once again, DoctorGreen is based
>>696710389>no more PM reps due to a handful of faggots who wants to stir shit instead of making fun OCWhat a way to drain the fun out of things, thanks god other indie games fill the void but you guys are fucking pathetic trying to stir a dead joke for this long.
>>696710856>All of those characters I want to winWho am I supposed to campaign for...
The only one I'm mad about is Jensen. How the actual fuck did he lose to the god damned 3edgy5me sisterfucking twink andrew graves?
>>696711050Fuck pm, its fucking slop
>>696710856WOW ALL MY PICKS!!!
>>696711050this has been the usual ever since 2019, not something specific to queen/king
>>696710516Wdym? Been out of loop regarding pmoon drama here
>>696710939Isn't it on them for not making another thread as soon as the last one got deleted?
>>696711083>3edgy5me sisterfucking twink andrew gravesAndrew is hot. we can fix him
>>696710939Not really, this thread sucks
>>696710921Not making much sense? I'm afraid it's too late to piece things together now.Everything that will follow from here... Is simply the consequence of action.
So, Geralt. How much do you have to offer?
>>696710826>answer isn't jannies????????????
>>696711083I don't know, Anon. I genuinely don't know.
>my nigga coach vs AMFFS i like both who do i vote?
>>696711214That's literally the answer, thanks
>>696710856>Jimmy (Mouthwashing) vs Michael Davies (Faith)
>>696711214Oh god I'm retarded, thought it meant all-caps.
>>696710826>CJ vs King Dedede
>>696710826Why did you not use my picture of Doomguy? Are you a chicken? >>696524573
>>696711157>this thread sucksbecause you are lashing out at the new hosts like a chimp throwing shit in a zoo. just settle down. give it time. you'll get used to it
>>696711182What’s your worth, weird little whimsical creature?
>Ganondorf vs Bowser>Mario vs Sonic>Frank West vs Leon KennedyI didn't know the Hosts were such a huge fan of Death Battle
Danteeeh, I told you to qualify and gather funds for Limbus Company, why did you job, Dantehhh
Need info on my extr- what the fuck happened here
>>696711250Wait to see what OC the round produces. If you are not decided by then then just flip a coin
>>696711286Piss off, Icon of Piss
It's easy: Actual video game characters. Why is it so hard for these retarded hosts to stop leaving the vote up to this board that is constantly raided?
>>696710995>>696711136>>696711291How does he keep getting based?
>>696711313>the Hosts were such a huge fan of Death Battlewere? they are. fuckers still ruin db threads
I'm going to BREED that Princess.
I think it's bullshit that we are forced to vote for every single part.Some of these have characters where I didn't play one of the games. It's unfair.
>>696711050i think it's funny cuz in the game ayin also hates angela and angela also hates ayin and a big theme of the game is revenge and being stuck in cycles
Why are we allowing some "coup" shit again? I am not on board with this, at this point, what's blocking us for making or own king of /v/ with hookers and good picks?
>>696711250Coach since he's probably losing
>they changed the g-man imagecowards
>WAAAAAH IT'S MY NOMGet fucked fag
vote for my stupid faggot son or I'll rape you too
>>696710826You better vote for Crazy Dave because HE'S CRAZY!!!!!!!
>>696711480you know what they say about overconfidence being a slow and insidious killer
Your main can only win if you post a cum tribute.
I don't want to voteDunno what's going on
>>696710856Professor Layton and Vanguard Lindamea?now thats funny
>>696711478Nothing. Start your own anon, I'll back you.
>>696711292Me? Just running a shop to help adventurers such as yourself. Would you be interested on something?
what are the brackets looking like?
>>696711527Based Pick
why don't we have hosts who know video game characters
>>696711509Be real with me bros, does Quiet stand a chance?
>>696710826Sonic vs Mario?
>>696711609I know, that's fucking plague knight. Stupid retards
>>696711509I'm going to FUCK that PrincessI'm going to IMPREGNATE that PrincessI'm going to MARRY that Princess
>>696711478I don't wanna sound like (lefty)/pol/ but: You are gonna do shit>>696711531>eternal gay wants our cumbegone incubus
>>696711313>James Sunderland vs Harry Du BoisKINOOOO
Another child? How am I supposed to fight this?
>>696711609WTF King Knight vs Doomguy R1! This shit is rigged!
>>696711609why the fuck is gumshoe doomguy
>>696710856>UT/DR characters got way cooler match-ups in Next 128 than they did in the King BracketAsriel vs. Mr. Game & WatchGaster vs. RanceMettaton vs. ChihiroAsgore vs. ThwompRalsei vs. Serious SamKris vs. Captain OlimarBerdly vs. HadesJevil vs. Plague KnightSeems way cooler than what Spamton, Sans and Papyrus got stuck with.
ok, which one of you fucks is responsible? I spit coffee all over my goddamned monitor because of how stupid this is
>>696711596>>696711609That's all you need to know. Everything went down the gutter in 2022 when that shitter balls anon took the reins.I miss 2021 king of kino man..
>I voted for Mario and Link
>>696710519This but swirlie eyes instead, that's the Japanese soi face
>>696708870OC Anchor since the faggot didn't actually care.For the record FartAnon is not associated with any hosts and will be executed at dawn, regularly scheduled official threads will commence after this is over, we don't know why janitors decided to nuke ours, but that is the situation. we apologize for the inconvenience.
>>696711609>>696711647>>696711678it's a joke. calm your tits
>>696711698That's the POWER of randomized brackets
>>696711487Was it Skidibi toilet G-man?
>>696711609What the fuck is this shit.
>>696711609This isn't a match btw, I just edited the two together because they're dumb mistakesShovel Knight is against Postal Dude, Gumshoe is against HUNK
>>696711731Can I eat him?
>This but swirlie eyes instead, that's the Japanese soi face
>>696711708Should they be removed?
>>696711609That's what he was nominated with
ok why the fuck are there two interim threads in /v/
>>696711793No, are you crazy
>>696711609Duke Nukem's pic is cancerous
>>696711731>and will be executed at dawnare you underage?>we don't know why janitors decided to nuke oursyou need to be 18+ to post here
>>696711731Get fucked. We deserve real hosts.
>>696711821And? Did NONE of the fucking hosts wonder "hmm why is Doomguy's face on this Ace Attorney character"? We have 4 of them.
>>696711835That's not a real host you fucking tard.
>Torres went from being merely 6 votes away from qualifying to not even making top 256I know his anon was campaigning for other characters, but it still hurts
>>696711395Not so fast, villain. If you dare lay even a scrap of metal on our beloved's delicate flesh, I shall bring my all to bear in slaying you, and then I shall slay myself for allowing such a perfect woman to be defiled so! Such are the titanic depths of my passions!
>>696711509Excuse me, but I cannot always be there narrating your every action. Didn't you want to be more independent? Well, now is your chance while I have to deal with a certain demonic intruder. But rest assured, I have more than enough power left from when I... Uh, actually, that's not important. Just try not to get yourself killed while I'm away.
eeeyuck! hey plumber boy why not wash those overalls, it smells like blood and dung
>>696711846It's weird how I'm starting to like you
>>696711698>they're doing opposite posesKino
Go Bowser
>>696711821g man was nominated with fucking skibidi but he got changed
>>696711731>>696711848CIVIL WAAAAAAAAAARQuick anons! Which side are you on!!!
>>696711848Fuck off phoneshitter all you do is spam cartoon dad cuck shit.
>Hosts are getting kicked out of their own tournament
>>696710097Yep. Time to kill yourself.'re currently at 56 / 64 spots. Not even 10 spots remain! If you want that one niche pick from your 3x3 to have a chance at something, I'm all ears!
>>696711897>1 minute apartapply yourself
My pick is against CronoWell GGs.Don't even know if that's the real bracket.I just wanted to have fun but this is too messy for me. I wanted to do at least some writing as I can't draw but no idea as any thread can suddenly get nuked
>>696711897>1 minute apartuh huh
i fucking HATE project moon
>>696711776AAAAYY. NOOOO.Uh, Fartanon highjacked my trip too
Why don't we show Big Daddy who's the Mac Daddy around here? Ha ha ha!
>>696711890This is why bowser aka chudser is better
>>696711938Mad rat
>>696710826>Master Chief vs Christopher Robin>JC vs Agent 47>Ganon vs Bowser>Little Mac vs Big Daddy>Freddy vs Shadow>Mario vs Sonic>Pikmin vs Luigi (first nominees)No fucking way this is random. You guys sure this is the real form?
Yo, what happened to using official sprites/pics for the nominees?
>>696711948Pretty sure I voted for your pick so stop being a whiny baby, you still have a chance
>>696711924Well FartAnon hates tendie shit so he has my vote
Seems a purge is in order..Bring my hammer! Light the pires, call the hillsbrad militia! We have non humans to hunt!
>>696710856>Nahobino vs YHVH potential R2YHVH came back to life somehow and Nahobino's gonna fight his ass. >Dagda vs KnucklesJust fighting because they want to.
>>696711885You utter FOOL! This isn't even my final form. You have yet to see what the meaning of true power really is. I'll take my prize for Doctor Eggman will be watching proudly as I take you down with my bare metal hands.
Yea, I'm thinking we won.
>>696711881At least he will always have his victory in Villains of /v/
>>696711731For now, I'll post the first page of a comic I'm making. Vote Wario!
>>696712002There is 0 shot this bracket was not rigged to some capacity.This is why we should have gone back to seeded brackets.
>>696711640I hope their bodies are being rolled into a ditch as we speak.
>>696710856>Possible Uboa vs Herobrine in round 2
>>696711938Surely this is his chance.
>>696711868>And?Nominate with better pics.
What the fuck is going on
>>696711927No I don't
>>696711661>What are you saying, big guy?>Ah! I believe he's speaking in the ancient language of the primordial gods, from before time and space were even a thing!>Whoa! That's so cool! What's he saying?>Something like "Graaah! I'm going to eat your wings if you don't beat me, Pit!">Gah!>Hah! Just kidding, Pit. It seems to be something along the lines of "Creation will fall" or something like that. Seems like he has quite the problem with goddesses.>Well, that's just as bad. I won't let you down, Lady Palutena!
UPDATE: Shovel Knight and The Knight are fixed.
>>696712057But anon.... it would be unfair for bottom seeds to go against the top guys from the start!(ignore the fact top seeds are still pitted against bottom seeds in most of the bracket anyway)
It is most unfortunate that I have missed the mark by such a considerable margin, but I am proud to have had the opportunity to qualify. This endeavor wasn't for nothing, I have gotten to see many amazing works of art of the competition during my stay here. Best of luck to the 128 gentlemen. Perhaps next year will provide me better fortune.
>>696712054>Spamton will finally get some OC this year>it's so he can get clobbered by WarioI accept it, excited to see the rest.
>>696712105It's his turn to fuck demon bitches in the name of LAW.
>>696711881Because he's a literal fucking who meme nobody talked about before or after and won by pure luck on /tnt/. People probably mistake Pixy for him because nobody fucking played those games.
>>696711567Sure! Let me see what you’re peddling. If by chance you have potions, give me the strongest one you got.
so where is my opposition?
>>696711938Yep, I'm thinking we're back!
>> me less. you are giving me a bad impression>>696712014This FartAnon seems cringe
>>696711881campooner pickirrelevant when the campooner is gone
>>696712123This is what happens when people don't listen to me.
>project moon out of nowhereprojectmoonbroken
>this round will only get 400 votesCan we admit that these tourneys are dead now?
>>696712159I'll give him a good fight to honor him!But I'm sticking for my main man Wario to the bitter end!
>>696712227and who the fuck are you?>>696712268300 of those votes were rigged by the hostswe are a community of 92 anons
>>696711163W-what are you even talking about? Who are you where am I? Where's Michael I thought he was joining this thing with me?
>>696712054If he wins. I wanna campaign for both, but goddamn do I wanna see Spamton pull a Comeback Kid and finally get his E8
>>696710826holy based
>>696712304Why are you suddenly on this bit, Green? You participated in the hosts' last three tournaments after all.
Well, fuck this. I'll see you guys tomorrow.
The following matches are matches where I don't know who to vote for. OC will easily sway me here:>Sissel vs Joshua Graham>Nero vs Roland>Steve vs Nyarlathotep>Fox McCloud vs King K Rool>Carl Johnson vs King Dedede>Patches vs Edgeworth>Gordon Freeman vs AVGN>Meta Knight vs Dagoth Ur
>>696712268It died after 2021, the new hosts shitted on the event, 2023 was the last breath, it's over, it will be over, this tourney will be a fumbling mess, jannies will purge, we will get nothing, we will feel miserable and you will like it
>>696712331He's more schizo than usual
>>696712031Spoken with a heart as cold as the metal of your exterior! Nay, it is YOU who have yet to see true power: the power of TRUE LOVE! No violent savage can scarcely compare a breath to that of an honest romantic, and it is our boundless love that shall tear you down, villain!
>>696712331He's an attention whore. He says whatever gets him the most (You)s no matter how contradictory or stupid it is. It's sad really but what can you expect from a tripfag?
>>696712304I'm who you wish you could be.
>>696712331Fuck Tripfags. that's why
>>696712123rogue janny deleted the last thread (and a bunch of other perfectly fine threads, fuck you jannies i was reading that carmine thread) and banned the host, random unaffiliated tripfag is """hosting""" temporarily, assuming this one doesn't get nuked too
As anticipated the right column of my 3x3 did not fair well, slightly surprised to see Olimar did not make it though. I will keep Olimar/Horrigan as I update this for Round 1 seeing as how it seems they will have a chance to push on in Next 128 though
>>696712390this is based howbeit
>[NSA held tournaments] were the last breathThat opinion is worthless and so is everything else said in the same post.
>>696712348vote against roland, PMtards suck
>>696712261your honor I demand to know who this Imposter is
>>696712428Trip on
>>696709586I got you, bubbabro
>>696710856Cut vinny and jerma ffs
>randomized (the one we're using)>seeded (not the one we're using)
>>696712348Nero's theme song is really cool.
>>696712471>everyone is me
>>696712348go left
>>696712486No wonder Geraltfags were obsessed with randomized.
>>696712159I'll make something "for Spamton" later, but it'll be more of a joke.
>>696712486One's soulful the other is soulless.
>>696710003>BS themedBased
Guys we have two edgeworths here one of them is obviously an imposter
>>696712486I want to choke that semen demon (and her brother look-alike) in semen
>Roland is gonna job even earlier than Don this yearKarma for PMfags being some of the most annoying faggots in all 4 major tournaments.
You ARE voting for Charles, right?
>>696710109Based and AM pilled.
>>696712486Post more alicorn
>>696712486>Long Quiet vs Quote>Narrator vs PapyrusThank god this didn't happen lol we'd get steamrolled
>>696712486Wow, Geralt would've gotten utterly raped. No wonder they wanted randomized.
>>696712376More based than usual you mean.
>>696711938SHITI didn't manage to get Henry of Skalitz in barred
>>696712606GR-15 prevents me from doing so
>>696712590Alex will either die horribly, or get spitevoted out next round for beating an actually beloved game character. At least campaign with class.
>>696712590Holy shit that made me audibly kek
>>696711938Wasn't it 31 slots available? Why did the poll end at 35 instead?
>>696712393Travis Touchdown... is that you?
>>696712585Come on anon! Why thou art is filled with vile thoughts? Why let some bad apples spoil the jolly tournement?..Hahaha..why didn't I make the cut
>>696712590Holy kinoNext thread OP
>>696712491probably some of the most annoying self righteous faggots in these threads that love to self sabotage their own picks because >hehe funny i HATE this character arent i cool fellow PMbros?>ugh i like this character but she's too /vg/coded im voting against her...and shit like that. somehow the gachafags of the PMtards are the most sensible of the lot and actually campaigned. they're fucking weird.
>>696712451Sephiroth is BANANA'D and SLAMMA'D!
>>696712590Holy fucking based
>>696712191The road to a clean top 16 seems completely uncongested
>>696712590I'M YIIKING OUT
>>696712651Too bad, Bubba time
Hey /v/, Feraligtr here again!I'm glad that we've managed to defeat that liar Hypno, but my buddy Ty is gonna need your help again to defeat Waluigi!Trust me, he's the best king for Mado...I also heard he's giving free berries for all of his voters! Isn't he a cool guy?
>>696712670Most likely all of the above to be frank and don't worry NTA but I'm not planning on being too rude while campaigning
I suspect the form is an email scalper and refuse to vote until I know for a fact this is not the case.
>>696712590fucking kek
>>696712683he's in next128, it's not over yet
KYS KYS KYS KYS PMOON FAGGOTSLOBCORP AND RUINA ARE SOVLLIMBUS IS GARBAGEfuck the directorMili is GARBAGE and sounds like a 5 year oldand the music sounds like it was written by a kid in garageband (except lobcorp)
>>696712590Not voting Alex, but this did make me smile.
>>696712503>put his trip onFaggot
>>696712590>accidental fanart
Heya, I saw someone last thread mentioning a disappointing lack of Dr T shitposting, and the simple answer is that I got unfortunate being a wage slave, and had to work the first two days of King /V/ where shitposting for Dr T would be at the height. Wanted to try and do some more involving him avenging Dr Eggman, but working for most of the PM means you’re too tired to shitpost. Still will be watching on and seeing who can win. Voting for Sissel myself.
>>696712590>>696712670Honestly? Alex has potential, his first game sucked, but I played a bit of the "remake/soft sequel" thing's not that bad, it's way less retarded and the memes that are sparking for it are alright
>>696712486>Could’ve had Spamton vs. X>Sequel to Spamton’s First Round in his First TournamentHosts are gay are rigged the “random” bracket.
>>696712808>Ruina is soul>Mili did most of the soundtrack
>>696712831Dr. T, my beloved...
>>696712451Bro can’t even handle the plumbers; Sephiroth is cooked against Donkey Kong who will just banana slamma’d his supernova back at him.
>>696712660Post ALICEcorn then... Fuck i forgot where i left the alicecorn edit, have this happy alicorn
>>696712707yes, for the real Edgeworth at least and not not you
>>696712831Ganbare, Dr. T anon.
>>696712831my knees are ALWAYS respectfully kneeling for you, Dr. T-sama. here's to a better king next year
>>696712845ruina's soundtrack is shit, game is good though
>>696712670Nah it's funny OC.No need to take it so seriously, dumb jokes are half of the fun in these threads.
>>696712831That's perfectly understandable. Will always respect your stuff, Tposter.>Voting for Sissel myselfFantastic taste!
>>696712821that's INVALIDthat other anon was not me
>>696712808>[Slop made by PMoon] AND [slop made by Pmoon] ARE SOVL
>>696712838we could've also gotten Leon vs Tom Nook as a sequel to Wesker vs Tom Nook and Leon turning into a furry
>>696712738Just you wait, creep... Once he wins Next 128, he will be sure to guard our Queen from your filthy paws.
>>696712670>At least campaign with class
Does Pit have a chance?
>>696712486>Sonic vs Metal SonicFUCK
>>696712967i say this and look like thiswait wheres the image
>>696712590the OC that saved the tournament
>>696712997Going from John K to Bill Cosby isn’t much better
>>696712808mili haters confirmed to be anti-pm fags
>>696712831god bless you Dr T CHAD.You'll get something, somehow
>>696713012Shotacon here. Nope
>>696712808>PMtards when they see people shitting on their games (they need to prove they hate their games more than anyone else)
>>696712679They like to be cruel to us, giving us the chance only for then take it away quickly they love messing with us
>>696712831What does the T stand for?
>>696712168A shame. He's genuinely charismatic in Ace Combat 7 and the entire series is great. Metal gear with planes ftw.
>>696713059At least he has Palutena...
>>696713059We can't give up hope! Vote for shotas!
>>696712754NewSHART... These polls don't collect e-mails. The former host tried that on /co/ and was ran out.
>>696712831>working for most of the PMDONT WORK FOR THEM!
>>696712168It might be cause they probably got filtered by a game that isnt a walking simulator or a moviegame
>Ancestor qualifies>ruin comes to our tournamentYOU DID THIS /v/
>>696712486>Mario vs. WaluigiKEK
>>696708870>>696713145SamePUTA btw
Vote Alex after all he is...
>Laharl (Disgaea)>Judas (Midnight Club)>Doctor Edward Richtofen (Call of Duty)>Dr. Frank Sloth (Neopets)>Baldi Baldimore (Baldi's Basics in Education and Learning)>Joryu (Like a Dragon)>Calypso (Twisted Metal)>Girsu (Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel)>Mac-tan (Console-tan Tuesday & Battle Rockets)>Diskun (Famicom Disk System)>Morgana (Persona)>Boris Badenov (Rocky and Bullwinkle)>Saki Amamiya (Sin & Punishment)>Timer (Pop 'n Music)>Chaos (Final Fantasy)>Jeffy (Super Mario Logan)>Orbulon (WarioWare)>The Grox (Spore)>Catapult Fat Fuck Zombie (Plants Vs Zombies)>Poison (Fatal Fight)>Red Velvet Cookie (Cookie Run)>Bub (Bubble Bobble)>Malt Marzipan (Fuga: Melodies of Steel)>Kefka Palazzo (Final Fantasy)>Ham Knight (Batman Arkham)>Not Shane (Town with no Name) (Whoever nominated him consider yourself a lucky fucker. One seed higher and he would've been illegible) >Ichiro Dazai (Shin Megami Tensei V)>Connor (Detroit: Become Human)>The Kuun-lan Commander (Homeworld Cataclysm)>BUBBA (BUBBA GOES #2)>Taash (Dragon Age)If you see your man here, then congrats! They've successfully made it into Barred from King /v/ 2024! I'm off the Polls now, see you all very soon.>>696712651You have my sincerest apologies. I'll make sure to erect a mourning shrine in his likeness.>>696712679Either people not abiding the fine rules engraved in bold, underlined italics or comedians posting something silly
>>696713198Tendiefags…we got called the fuck out
>>696713175Then what does it look like on their end? I have an innate distrust of Google anything.
>>696713246>TaashI'VE GONNA BAAAARVE
>>696713246Praise the lord above he actually made it in time. I figured I'd have been late.
>>696713246We're coming home.
>>696712686It's a weird, almost classism esque rift that happened after Limbus came to be, /vst/ tards became jaded and spiteful and feel completely betrayed by anything PM is pumping now, they essentially became self hating faggots who can't move on and need to prove their hatred against the thing they love all the time.The ones that moved into limbus or dropped the franchise altogether, are either alright or clinically insane, but with the funny brand of autism
>>696712486I am indifferent.
>>696713281Just vote in the fucking poll retard. Vote NOW
>>696713176can't believe Dr. T is getting a canto and a mili song....
>>696713246>Calypso>Malt Marzipan>Not ShaneMy FUARKING barred champs
>>696713281Don't Vote :)
>>696713246>Sloth>Girsu>Orbulon>The GroxKINO
>>696712686It was probably the funniest turn of events with them, it's usually the opposite that happens with gachafags.
>>696713246>Either people not abiding the fine rules engraved in bold, underlined italics or comedians posting something sillyfucking bullshit reason but sure whatever floats your boat
>>696713246>ChaosIT'S TIME!
>>696713428yeah thats why it stuck with me so hard, its a weird change from the norm. not sure how to feel about it.
>>696713246Remember. Whoever wins here gets to yiff the Nazifur.
>>696713246lets fucking go dazaibros
>>696713246SAKIBROS, RISE UP
>>696713246Wait if there are less characters than usual in barred does that mean its going to end faster than the other tourneys?
>>696712686It's funny because they're all the same gaggle of retards to the rest of /v/, their attempts to one up each other in hating the other side mean nothing to the board.
>>696713538We're going to fuck over Yakuzafags
>>696713342Is limbus good? I've heard that all gacha games are slop...
>>696712670Worth it just for that pic alone
>>696713670It's got engaging gameplay for a gacha and is pretty "generous". Characters are likable for the most part, and it greatly expands on the lore of the setting.
>>696712670>Campaign with classNigga it's fucking /v/, no one here has any class.
>>696713670its basically a watered down version of Ruina, the story is fine and it can be hard at times. i dont play other gachas so i have no point of reference if its good compared to others or not.
>>696713670It's ok, just don't actually participate in the gacha, it's a retard trap.
Coach is gonna beat AMs ass.
>>696712878>>696712912>>696712915>>696712947>>696713047Throughout all the heartbreaks and long nights, I know my faithful minions are still here. I thank you, and I promise, next year’s mega crab will be more powerful than ever. At least now I can spend time consoling Eggman over his lost to Bowser to get him out of his funk. But, I do want to say one thing…MOBILE GAMING IS CONFIRMED THE TRUE MASTER RACE! PC-TAN COULD HAVE NEVER DEFEATED THOSE SCALPERS! I’M AT LEAST WALKING AWAY KNOWING THAT PHONE GAMING WHERE YOU CAN PLAY BOOM BEACH AND SQUAD BUSTERS TO RECOGNIZE ME IN MY GLORY IS SUPERIOR TO PC!>>696713094Terror, as in Terrorism. Seriously; he was originally Dr Terror before having to having it to Dr T to avoid controversy.>>696713176All my best ideas and energy come to me in the middle of the night! Just so happens my notebook for writing my plans in is hard to find at night…
>>696713670It's decent and very F2P friendly, but it doesn't have any riveting gameplay dynamics if you ask me. The gameplay loop at least doesn't force you to do daily shit again and again constantly, they are more lax regarding that.It's a dumbed down version of Ruina basically
>>696713816I would certainly hope not.
>>696712670Can't handle the bants.
>>696712670King of /v/ is not about class. It makes the Queenfags cry.
>>696713670good story, you don't have to interact with the gacha stuff for the most part because of how the shard system just lets you work for things you want. i'd only really recommend it if you were already into the story previous games set up thoughbeit
>>696713816I would certainly hope so.
>>696713816Probably not. I mean I voted for Coach, frankly I don't think AM should count. I mean literally everything people care about him comes from the short story, not the point and click game. The monolith design, the hate speech, that's not any of the shit from the video game.But AM is more relevant these days since AI and all that. And he has been a perennial favorite in these tourneys.
>Kingfags trying to start shit with Queen again when they're the ones who raided Queen to vote in a literal tranny into the top 20
>>696713821>to avoid controversyWhat a limpdick excuse. Dr. Terror sounds hard as fuck.
>>696713904And this is why Queen is the better tournament
>>696713794Voting anything but no is retarded
>>696713938No? 90% of the stuff people talk about in regards to AM comes from the point and click game. His angry yelling at the cast, the Freudian trio inside of him, the yellow rapist, etc all come from the game. AM's presence in the book is actually somewhat limited.
>>696713972>[schizophrenic babble]
>>696713972And that was based and fun. Even Hexfag thought so.
>>696713972And Bazz was based. Fuck Queenfags for rigging out the concord picks; wait until the princessscholars hear about this.
>>696714034We don't describe the contents of our posts here.
>>696712590It looks like Alex was doing this behind everyone's back and now they only noticed it's perfection.
>>696713578>>696713246There are 31 characters hereAnd barred is supposed to last as long as the main tourney, that being 5/6 days which equal to 5/6 roundsdoing some quick math reveals that it BARELY reaches that timeframe31 divided by 5 equals 6,2 and if its 6 it equals 5,1That would mean that there would an uneven character in the matches UNLESS the number of participating characters is increased to an even number... Like 32
>>696714039Hexfag is an esl retard.
I don't know about all of that but what I do know is that Recette won Queen of /v/
>>696714039Meanwhile Hexfag isn't even here. Shows you which is the more based and fun tournament.
>696713938Do you ever get tired of posting this bait?
>>696714039bazz had more music than miku btw
Who cares about w*men
>>696714156What does the Princess have to do with what I said
>>696713854Is Project Moon any good? Is it still good or is it beyond its hayday?I mean would now be a good time to be getting into it or nah?
>>696714195This is why trannies are based
>>696714120>he doesn't know
>>696714120Retardbro he literally made the best fucking OC of this tournament with the Wario cartoon
>>696714080Then who do you suggest to be the lucky 32th barred character?
Queen still has the worst winner (Rigcettey Lemonass)
>the doombitch still crafting his false narrative of PM voting themselves outDo you hate gachas this much?
>>696714245>>696714252I don't see him drawing the HUNK storyline. Queen remains based until then.
>>696713578IIRC Barred also includes any characters who were put in the Hyperbolic Time Chamber during nominations
>>696714228nta but what does it matter if it's in its hayday or not? the games are still there and they're good. lobo and ruina aren't going anywhere, limbus is still getting updates.
I lost.
>>696714080Barred host has a fetish for three-ways so that's how he's gonna resolve this.
>>696714282don't bonk the bong
>>696714252He promised HUNK. Also the Hex Manaic beating Baiken was better than any of the OC posted here
>>696713246unironically a better list than top 128
>>696714253Move vinny and jerma to barred because they should be barred from the Next 128 tournament. Unifuckingronically
Jack Frost being the only SMT rep kinda sucks but I guess he is King's Cirno, it only makes sense
>>696714335ok how's this
>>696714312Alright. What about the fandom? Whats it like rn?
>>696714282Not a false narrative when they've proven it to be true multiple over the course of several years.
>Take a nap>Wake up to this shit happeningWhat the actual fuck is going on? i thought malicious retardation doesn't come until like round 3 or 4.
>>696714320...the biggest Reddit pick competition, which SpongeBob won.
>>696714389fuck these birds, hope NOBODY visits their shitty forest
>>696714253the one who was late of course! HENRY!
>>696713794>>696714008some people want to watch the world burn like me
>>696714409The janitor struck and all hell broke lose.
>>696714409Phonecuck has been sperging out extra hard this year.
>>696714389CURSE THEM.CURSE YOU.>>696714409>What the actual fuck is going on?Welcome to Syria
>>696714383>We almost had CHADgda in the main bracketI am both pleased and disappointed at the same time
>>696714403It's literally one guy posting like multiple anons are having beef with each otherYou underestimate what schizophrenia can do to a person
>>696714409I'm not the stepdad, I'm the dad who stepped up.
>>696714396it's fine as long as you stick to stuff like /v/ threads, despite what people here want you to believe. just talk about the games, i really don't know what you want me to say here
>>>696714320>...the biggest Reddit pick competition, which SpongeBob won.
>>696714439The next 128 of queen followed these rules, it would be inconsistent not to follow them now.
>>696714396as you can see with these threads, used to have weekly threads on /vst/, after limbus split into /vg/ and /v/, /v/ is /v/ and /vg/ is /vg/, all that needs to be said there
>>696714228Limbus' story is honestly really good right now. The gameplay is pretty bland though, it's >gacha so even though it's a generous one, it is still annoying and shallow. At the least, LobCorp is awesome though. It's my favorite management sim style game and is a crazy experience on a first blind run.
>>696714457It's funny how he was this close to qualifying despite Dazai and other characters having the actual campaigning. However if you ask me, my ideal 3 is:>Raidou>YHVH>DagdaNot that Dazai and Nahobino are bad at all, Raidou's just rad and Dagda HARD carried his own game and is important enough of a character.
>>696714456That wimpy kid page from rodrick rules is right
>>696714228Personally, I think they got better, even after changing to a gacha medium, their budget and quality regarding storylines, soundtracks, character designs, in game models and animations improved a ton. Of course they suffer from gacha hindrances at the current moment and you WILL NOT get some schizo bable on Lobotomy levels Yet, the most weird, lore heavy chapters are yet to come .If you liked Library and want some more of the setting and good character arcs, I think you will like, dunno about the gameplay thought>>696714396I can't say for certain since I interact very little on it but, a lot of secondaries came into the franchise thanks to some Roblox games (based on Ruina mind you) and that soured some spaces apparently. Besides that you have your usual schizos and twitter blackfag trannies. The /vg/ thread is quite decent and the pixiv artniggas are cooking
>>696714513Sonic doing blackface in a pathetic attempt to impersonate Shadow...
>>696714575The robloxfaggots make me cringe and want to pluck my eyes out, but I haven't actually interacted with any of them /here/
>campaign for my pick>open poll>rape FartAnon>vote for my pick>rape FartAnon again>close the poll>RAPE
>>696714513JOBdow after getting his ass beat by CHADbob...
>>696714080>>696714253I guess I didn't specify it enough + the post didn't get a lot of attention but Hideo Kojima (Metal Gear) was added after the poll results came out, He somehow got enough votes to qualify and was moved to the Hyperbolic Time Chamber.If there's enough of a Kingdom Come: Deliverance fandom ITT then I guess I could swap him out for Henry though.
>>696714545not a Dazaifag but i did want to see him make it into the main bracket due to his campaign, i dont know much about SMT but it was fun to watch with the selfie and everything.
>>696712651If I could draw I would do Henry just passing by and congratulating the winners of each round and then walk off down the road
>>696713246I hope Boris Badenov would win!
>>696714643Why would you want farts on your dick
>>696714518Whats the difference between the /v/ and /vg/ threads?>>696714575Alot of secondaries? What did the roblox kids do?Did roblox send pmoon into the mainstream?
>>696714575Gracias doc
>>696714670Dazai is a very funny character who I think fits right in with the rest, but isn't the protagonist, isn't one of the flagship demons, and isn't Dagda (seriously I have no clue why he was voted so much even if he's kino) I'd love to see him compete someday
>>696714692/v/ will check any photo you post to see if its from /vg/, and /vg/ is waifufag central
>>696714575How big is pmoon's community on 4chan?How many folks outside of inflated post numbers?
>>696714739My HERO
>>6967147694chan used to be THE hub for PM discussion
>>696714692/vg/ has a lot more ritualposting and circlerjerk in-jokes than /v/ due to it being a permanent containment chamber for anything PM. The same basically goes for any threads on /vg/ vs /v/.
>>696714691FartAnon has a pretty nice mouth for my dick
>>696714767since he made it into barred ill definitely vote for him there even if its a cope tourney
>>696714692Kinda? I don't know the inner details, but some famous roblox game with (all the anime powers and shit) ended adding Roland as a skillset, that made kids aware of Pmoon and eventually a lot of Ruina fangames started to pop on Roblox, which later added Limbus characters on it, that made the franchise popular with kids and now you have a bunch of them following Pmoon stuff,without actually playing the game, cause they are phonebabies and Limbus runs like shit on phones
>>696714768>PMfags think they have a chance in King when the biggest half of their fandom are all waifufags who don't give a fuck about the menLOLLMAO
Here's a side tournament poll for locations in games
>>696714768so they've got some superiority complex?
>>696714692>What did the roblox kids do?not much to worry about, their effect on the fanbase is incredibly overstated on both boards. it's not like they're coming over here or anything to make threads despite not really playing the games
>>696714545Raidou has a rad design but I don't think he's much of a character. If I were to go just off SMT Character design, though, I'd go with Space Marine because the Demonica is Kaneko's magnum opus.
>>696714856Kill yourself.
>>696714872thats kinda how i see it anyways, it never made sense to me.
>>696714916Janny btw
>>696714457If Dagda ever did get in, he should be standing behind a generic anon egging him to kill all his favourite candidates as his Kingslayer.
>>696714767also, with the selfie thing, does he really just take selfies in the middle of battle or is this the overworld? >>696713535
>>696714979Meant for >>696714856
>>696714803Is PM conscious of this?>>696714806So did everybody with a brain just move to discord?>>696714882What a shame.
>>696714820I'm rooting for Laharl and Dazai in Barred, don't care if it's a cope tourney, as long as support is seen and recognized I'm game>>696714901Fair point. I guess Raidou does have some personality though, kind of like Demi-fiend, but Demi-fiend has the excuse of being the protagonist of Nocturne and pretty much the flagship protagonist. Other than diehards, nobody is going out of their way to play the Raidou games. With a recent ATLUS fuckup I could see that changing real soon, but not this second>>696715052It's his idle animation in battles, so yes he does
>>696714668On one hand Hideo being in barred is a fun joke (that could get old fast)In the other, he isn't a video game character while Henry is one and a fun character the kind that can murder felons over an inconvenience and excuse himself with all of the guilt of a schoolboy who didn’t finish his homeworkI say to swap Henry with Hideo
>>696712383She won't have to love me, but she will learn to ADORE me!
>>696714575Since we're talking about PM games, here's some nuggets from when I beat Lobotomy Corp after queen. Playing Library of Ruina right now, it's pretty fun.also most of the girls have WN+Apocalypse bird's wings, I just left them visible on fairy squad
>>696715107>It's his idle animation in battles, so yes he doesthats pretty funny
>>696714856>>696714979SamePUTA btw
>Both spore characters in queen and king were snubbed into barred by out-of-tourney meta circumstances.Noticing.
>>696715136>he isn't a video game characterLmao didn't play Metal Gear V
>>696715163The comedy of Dazai is that he starts off as this goofy fuck who has nothing going for him, pretty much just some ugly vlogger, and then after a certain scene he becomes this psycho in the pursuit of lawful justice (murder) because he followed the angels since they'd give him a chance
i wanna get into PMOON but i dont wanna be a filthy NEWFAG
>>696715291so he totally went off the deep end because someone actually recognized him as a person
>>696715250not him, but is V worth trying if I hated Peace Walker and couldn't get more than 2 missions in? I loved 1-4.
>caring about being a newBITCHwho cares just play the games
>>696715136>Henryfag so desperate for to shill his reddit game that wants to kick out Motherfucking Hideo Kojima out of barredThat's low, even for a redditor like you
>>696715362Yeah but it happens such a short timespan (And he lose his hat and his hair turns spikey) out of nowhere, that it loops back into being funny
>who cares just play the gamesokk im playin lobcorp
>>696715362It's more than that, Mastema basically told him to eradicate all Nahobino because only one can take the throne and reshape the world and all that shit, but that happened because Dazai was already following law because of this hot angel bitch
Boring thread
I never wanted to get into PMoon even though some of my friends play it on a regular basis, my exposure to these tournaments has assured me that I made the right choice by never picking up anything related to Lobotomy Corp.
>>696715414I like the vengeance route more for him, i wasnt expecting him to go so fully evil like he did.
>>696715414In original SMTV, yeah it was pretty sudden, and that's what made it even funnier
PM this PM that, ALL worthless gookslop! Should be buried and forgotten by TRUE KINO!
>>696715414>>696715432i see, sounds weirdly funny, is it fine to play V first or should i play smt in order
>>696715392>redditI just want my boy to have his moment to shine
>>696715465I genuinely avoided playing LobCorp for like 2 years because people in these threads have literally always been faggish about PM and it gave a bad impression. I am glad I gave the games a shot despite that later on the universe is really cool.
as a person who's NEVER played any PMgames, I think PM SUCKS and is FINISHED
>>696715578Playing V first is okay I think, it's definitely the easiest to get into and Vengeance put it at the top for me
>>696715392anon you're in fucking king of /v/who cares