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Metaphor is Gamespot GOTY 2024! Congrats!
Do people still think it's not winning at TGAs tomorrow?
>women is speaking
Nope not listening
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are you chucklefucks really going to celebrate this when the sole reason its winning are the leftist pandering politics
But did I miss the awards? I was busy putting up my tree last night
It's still behind Astrobot.
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He's right though. Get ready for Persona 6 to ditch heterosexual romance too, for being "male gaze-y" and "problematic".
>get ready for Persona 6 to drop the boring social link calendar system and focus solely on dungeons
I don't think it will but it will have fag romance options 10000%
>akshually removing content for straight males is based YAAAASSSS
I'm not surprised you think that, faggot.
Chuds eternally btfo
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It's insane how funny these pics are to me, I don't even care about board schizo culture
>no Stillbirth and Monkd in gheir Top 10
no since according to lefty/v/ Metaphor is akshully not woke
Anime weeb shit getting goty is ridiculous. Shows you how childish and uncultured games journalists are when they find the story/writing in a game like this good.
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Rebirth went and filled all of Midgard with black people, even the damn indigenous villa is full of blacks for that sweet representation check, but it seems it was for naught. All it needed was for Metaphor to come with the magic word "equity" and all journos flocked to it, forgetting Rebirth ever existed.
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>Rebirth went and filled all of Midgard with black people
JRPGs and games with anime aesthetic have been snubbed and ignored by the goy awards since forever.
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Famously leftist game Metaphor telling people marxism is a fucking retarded idea
We all know this only wins goty due to the politics and not the gameplay.
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>We all know this only wins goty due to the politics and not the gameplay.
I wish.

I wanna see waifufags meltdown
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Pajeets and sandniggers already seething.
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Its absolutely over for Larry
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Total Metaphor Victory
What does this have to do with FF15 schizo? He just hates all RPGs that aren't FF15.
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>Get ready for Persona 6 to ditch heterosexual romance too
You didn't play Metaphor. It literally has a canon heterosexual romance.
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Bros, the JRPG genre peaked here. How can God Atlus go further with Persona 6?
P-studio is the zoomer team since all the oldbloods went and made Studio Zero, and theyve made P3R and P5R 3rd sem so Im skeptical
Bring Hashino back to their team
anime weeb shit winning goty is embarrassing.
Maybe you western tards should learn to make good games? Not a single american games for GOTY nominee and this is an american show
fucking lmao
election's over fuck off back to your containment board already

Junah has just as much romance teasing as she does, Caterina get me some too
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You have been bamboozled by no more than two out of context screenshots yah dummy
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Metaphor may be like Persona, but it's not Persona and not having romances in this one doesn't mean anything for P6.
Soul Hackers 2 is the only recent stain on their output.
Never ask a metaphor fan for specific moments or scenes that makes them say “the characters are so good/ the world building is good”
They dont remember anything about it
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Well deserved
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>me just started this game
>already harassed by " diversity is good"
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How come astrobot, rebirth nor balatro fans made a thread about some outlet saying it's goty?
Metaphor fans are just that insecure
what website?
Oh yeah... that happened
>How come astrobot, rebirth nor balatro fans
Oh yeah some no name publication from huehuehue said Astro Bot was GOTY definitely means something
Its even worse than that
Its always threads about either “look, metaphor was chosen” or “look ffvii rebirth wasnt chosen”
Its clear it is just a fatlus fan
You're a dumbass who missed entire louis threads. Maybe (you) didnt play the game if you thought this
>gets saved by two deus ex machinas in a row
I thought SH2 was actually OK. The dungeons were boring, but I thought the characters and combat were more than fine
I played the game. Nothing of it is memorable. Well, maybe a couple of moments, but thats it
>deus ex machina
He already knew your plan by the time you beat Zorba in Grand Trad. The second time you fight him, he absorbs too much melancholia becauae of his might is right philosophy, proving him wrong by irony because he isnt qualified to live in his proposed world.
What are those moments?
>He already knew your plan
He didn't expect to get impaled with the spear and admits he survived through sheer luck.
You didnt play your game. Metaphor sucks ass
rebirthfags have been calling it GOTY by default since january
Well, Gamespot actually gets traffic for a start. (Astro Bot is also very good)
Hello speedreader, he didnt expect you to put up a fight, not that he would die there. He was already talking with Zorba before Altabury. He himself said if he died he wouldnt be fit for his ambitions anyway. Maybe reading isnt for you
Hey dumbfuck retard, again, Louis admits that he didn't expect the spear to impale him and that he survived the chandelier fall through pure happenstance. Do you understand this now? Do you want me to communicate in ungas and bungas, is that more your speed? Now stop wasting server bandwidth.
>he didnt expect you to put up a fight, not that he would die there
>admits that he didnt expect
Post the dialogue where he says this. Zorba was LITERALLY THERE to get his body, what the fuck do you mean he didnt expect anything to happen to him?
The airship reveal
Louis dying
Hulkenberg crying and apologizing to the prince
The prince coming and the reveal

You know, the moments that actually has feelings and production.
They couldnt even add a scene of the airship flying across the magla storm to hype up things
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You troglodyte. You cretin. You imbecile. You scumfuck bastard.
Thats him gloating, dumbass. He's saying you shouldve tried harder
>tactical Genius
>gets himself stabbed
>survives by luck
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Well done
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This is only getting praised because journos are "allowed" to like Persona games.

I avoided this game and from what I heard of the story, it's what you'd expect. Atlus tries to tackle "heavy" themes but they are shit at writing so everything is a caricature. I feel like Persona 4 came out fine because they kept everything to a set location and a set cast of characters. They tried to expand the scope with P5 and this and it just comes off childish.

Also, it's a game about becoming a king and you can't romance anyone. No one players Persona for the combat.
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No he isn't "gloating" retard (Louis isn't even the type to gloat to begin with), he is stating this as a matter of fact. See the thing Zorba says right afterwards - it was purely by chance ("fate") that Louis didn't just fucking die.
You're simply wrong but I have no doubt you're just going to doubledown even harder. That's the type you are.
>posts a reaction image from a game critics also loved
>Communist enabler game gains journo circlejerk award from Literal Communist journo website
And the Sky is Blue
>Louis isn't even the type to gloat to begin with
First thing he does when the king dies is to arrive in the funeral aboard his airship, float down like an angel sent by god himself with royal flowers tantamount to proclaiming himself king and saying the king is dead and he deserved it
>by chance
Its not by chance if he already had contingencies set up with Zorba anon. Just because the MC missed the heart doesnt mean he didnt plan for it. You impaled him, too bad it didnt kill him, you shouldve tried harder.
I'm not sure why this is even a discussion that needs to be had.
He just blatantly did not expect Eupha to call back the spear. https://youtu.be/1hTdM7JmDcU?si=ze61RQe-lgxp_jpL&t=2440
>Post the dialogue where he says this
>"A fine blow... you've surprised me."
41:00 in the video I just posted.
She's hot desu
Ahh yes, the "communist enabler game" which literally endorses hereditary monarchy...
>Metaphor is also perhaps the most earnest and compassionate game from its developer, with a focus on injustice, reparations, and compassion
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Ya seethe?
Just as the soviet union
I didn't play it (not personally interested in turn-based JRPG's). Just it makes the people denying that journo's aren't glazing this game because of leftist politics look kinda stupid when they outright say so in their reviews/articles
Just because a journalist insists a piece of media conforms exactly to their views doesn't make them 100% right.
how do you even know?
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SE BTFO. time jannies and pseudo sequels can fuck off
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>I didn't play this game but here's why it's bad
Silent Hill 2 remake is my goty. Thats a respectable game with good writing and no anime weeb cringe.
Silent Hill is literally a Japanese series anon.
I know. I'm saying its not anime weeb cringe like Metaphor. Its a respectable normal game.
>/v/ is seething that a brand new IP turn-based JRPG is winning GOTY awards in 2024
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Objectively worst girl.
You're so cool, anti-weeb anon. Look how dull and closed minded you are.
Characters are constantly criticizing each other's ideas in a game about fantasy politics in a world where they make sense, game journalists and /v/ are too dumb to not relate it to real world bullshit
Because you can go look it up yourself or just look at >>696949968.
Like, 7 or 8 juror sites posted articles about their GotY ahead of TGA and half of them gave it to Astrobot. One to Metaphor, One to Helldivers 2 (not at TGA's so it doesn't really count), and One to Final Fantasy 7.
I'm surprised /v/ cares about this stuff, I thought the consensus here was that journos opinions weren't valid
>FFVII loses its home turf to a trashy atlus jrpg
kek never thought id see the day. I remember the seething when cloud lost to L block like it was yesterday
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Eupha is best but Hulk is great
Wukong is gonna win goty. You think Geoff will make all the chinks watching from billibilli sad? No way.
>Japanese dustborn is goty for faggot game urinalists.

Shocking, I know.
That would be embarrassing. Literally everybody would know it's rigged. Wukong has a Metacritic average somewhere in the 80s.
>8 sites out of 134
Wow...it's fucking nothing
>Literally everybody would know it's rigged.
Everyone knew this already, were you not around when TloU2 won?
This game's a fucking Emperor's Clothes situation. Nobody actually enjoys playing it, but they think they should.
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>what are trends
lmao, if it does win don't seethe too badly.
TLOU2 had high critic scores, Wukong doesn't even have that.
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It already won in my eyes
waifufags would seethe so that's good. lol
I need to lick her little cunny
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>the outlets choosing Astro are literal who sites that probably didn't play anything else that year
>The other outlets had it near or outside their top 10
My wives won
I will be here for the mass seething tomorrow night
some 2016 tourists and pajeets are seething because of a game that doesn't perfectly align with their nonsense politics or losing their jobs as shills for other jap games, I just don't really care
>renown mattering in a contest where the nominee with the most votes wins
>trends have no precedent at all
You could have 800 literally who's, if they all for vote one game instead of metaphor it wouldn't magically lose because "more people use gamespot"

Like I said, it metaphor doesn't win don't get too mad. It's already trailing behind other nominees.
Honestly I'm cheering for Metaphor to win but I wouldn't mind if Astro Bot or FF7 Rebirth won, both are excellent games too.

Any of the other games winning would be a joke though. Especially the Normie Ring DLC.
>You could have 800 literally who's, if they all for vote one game instead of metaphor it wouldn't magically lose because "more people use gamespot"
Just pointing out that 4 out of 134 sites choosing Astro Bot doesn't mean anything especially since it's not leading the pack as hard as previous winners did and it doesn't say anything for trends since the sites that voted for it aren't popular or widely read.
>Like I said, it metaphor doesn't win don't get too mad.
Why? I don't expect it to win because it's a JRPG
What about monkey game?
Why do you assume that those outlets will vote for Astro Bot to begin with especially when among those sites are niche ones that only cover RPGs or Japanese only games?
I'm still waiting for a sale.
I said earlier >>696957169 that'd be the most laughable result. Has any game before won GOTY while having a Metacritic average in the 80s?
Nta but monkey game was the only actual option on that list that wasn't astroturfed as fuck (elden ring dlc shouldn't be in the list at all its dlc)
>worse atlus game winning goty
that would a terrible outcome
In the low 80's? Nope.
I finished the game and don't see what's so special about it. It's Persona but with a worse gameplay loop, far worse dungeons from 5 and that's it really.
Wrong, it's blatantly the most astroturfed option. There are plenty of games this year that reviewed better than it. Silent Hill 2 has a higher Metacritic score, why not nominate that? "It's a remake" isn't an argument considering Resident Evil 4 Remake got nominated for GOTY last year.

Wukong is there to appease the Chinese audience, nothing more, I just hope they aren't so deluded as to think they can get away with awarding it GOTY without everybody realising what they're doing.
>worse atlus game winning goty
But SMTV and SH2 didn't win anything except scorn from fans
>especially since it's not leading the pack as hard as previous winners did
Funny you should say that, BG3 had a similar amount of votes and was ahead by a similar number last year around the 10th-12th.
the gameplay is shit though, games 30 years ago had better gameplay
Prety sure the only 80 something game that ever won was dragon age and that was one of the first years, everything since has been 90+.
What about Persona 3 Reload?
P5 was like 50% time wasting filler and the combat was braindead even on the highest difficulty. Just those alone put it far below Metaphor.
I can't be the only person who found it refreshing that there was no dating sim shit in this game. Baldur's Gate 3 was just obnoxiously horny and I got sick of rejecting everyone who wanted to climb on my dick.
I really enjoyed my time with it, I was high as fuck during the 70 hours I invested in this and it was a trip, despite its flaws, it had some very interesting ideas, and music was great.

I still had more fun with Rebirth, I also had more fun with Rise of Ronin, I think.
Are you fucking joking? It's the most astroturfed game of the year, you have chinks screeching about how everyone loves it then it turned out that they're basically the only ones that bought the game.
Dragon Age was in the 90's at that time, it just fell over the years.
>BG3 had a similar amount of votes
No it didn't you fucking liar it had a huge lead over everything that came out that year even at this stage that's why people knew it would win.
bro what the fuck? I thought Hulkenberg had a flat butt, what is this cake?
Yeah it was painfully obvious BG3 would win from pretty much the day it released. The praise that game got was simply unstoppable. It got to the point where it was honestly over-the-top, people saying it was "the best game of all time" etc.

I don't feel like there's a game like that this year, so the possibilities feel a lot more open.
huh yes? Like with the bg3 dick sucking /v/ will suck this dei garbage
>1mb4h its le out of context
That all stemmed out of /pol/ refugees genuinely trying to make a media scandal over the "bear sex" joke, from that point onwards it was inevitable that half the board would circlejerk over BG3 just to trigger the other half who hated it.

I don't feel the same rage around Metaphor, there's a small cabal of weird autists who turn up to every thread to call it "woke", but no larger controversy.
>BG3 had a similar amount of votes
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One little mod fixes the entire game
Must have been removed from Nexus.
Sex with Maria
Ah, well in that case it's entirely unheard of for such a low scored game to win it.
The best thing I can say about this line up is that every game has a chance one way or another (yes even Wukong) but people are in serious denial to think that any game from last year had a chance against BG3 since it's biggest competition was a fucking expansion pack that got less than half amount of the awards it got followed by Alan Wake which got a 1/3 of it.
The good ones are on Gamebanana
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BG3 literally only had around 11 total votes before TGA you fucking dumbass. And only 2 or 3 of them were from TGA journalists. You can go see this online you know. Stop being retarded for five seconds.
is there one that makes the baghead chick white?
11 is more than 4 you fucking retard and most of those weren't from the jury. Astro doesn't have a crazy lead like BG3 infact it's literally running neck and neck with Wukong and Balatro
No but my penis likes that particular kind of islander brown
You stupid mother fucker, around 11 total votes on that website, only 2 of which were from TGA panels in comparison to Astrobot's 8 and 4. Learn how to read you seething ESL.
idk china always likes to be numba 1 so they might've dished out money for wukong
>around 11 total votes on that website, only 2 of which were from TGA
That's literally what I said dumbass
>11 is more than 4
No it's not you fucking retard, you compared 11 total global site votes to 4 TGA votes and not Astrobot's 8 global votes (8 isn't that much lower than 11, you're acting like it's 8 vs 110) when in reality BG3 only had 2 TGA votes at that same period of time and I even posted an image to prove it yet you ignored it anyway because apparently Metaphor having the slightest chance of not winning is making you have an aneurism.

Seriously, shut the fuck up and take your meds.
It's so fucking good bros...
Metaphor is terrible it feels like one of those on rails nu-Pokemon games
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y he brown?
He's not that brown. Eupha has a darker skintone than him.
Actual Indian argument.
I'm just saying, Will's skintone is closest to a southern European like a Spaniard or Italian. It's nowhere near being proper brown like Pajeets.
He's one of the 2 brown races in the game, and has to prove to everyone that he's not a barbaric nigger
Why is he brown when this is his dad? And why is Louis white, with blonde hair and blue eyes?
Gamespot is shit. They're the same corrupted assholes that only give scores for ideology instead of merrit.
Elda aren't brown. In the Sanctum you see plenty of Elda that are pasty white as fuck.
Racism is bad. Deal with it
Judging by how pasty More/Hythlodaeus is, Will's mom was probably much darker, basically black. I don't think we ever see a rendition of her ingame though.
Inherent racial differences are real too, and the game points this out
>show literally zero sign of attraction to MC the whole game, totally formal
>except when she gets charmed

How sexually repressed is Hulkenberg
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I think near the very end of the game you can see the stained glass window inside of Academia and it shows what is probably Will's mom and she had the same shade of brown skin that he has. I think Elda genes just overwrite everything else which is why Will had no Clemar traits.
Refantazio combat wasn't great desu
Luck is literally the most valuable quality in the world. Talent cannot defeat Fate.
It's fucking trash. Romancing Saga and Fantazian put it to shame.
>pedophiles are defending gamespot
I really loved all the status ailments that would never ever inflict themselves. Whoever made that decision should be launched into the sun
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Metaphor is the greatest RPG of all time
It's crazy seeing people seethe at this basic truth
Funny how these two games look like fucking trash, but only Metaphor got demolished here about the graphics.
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meanwhile, in game
And are these "pedophiles" in the room with us right now?
trying to compete with Lightning
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Do you think women with small asses don't exist or something?
>are you chucklefucks really going to celebrate this

Most of /v/ wont, some woke parts of /v/ that just like to make people mad because "Lamo it owns the Nazis" will

Everyone KNEW the woke game would win though, there was NO doubt
You called?
>Censored to have no body
>no romance in the game
>we won!
rebirth snubbed
only a problem for consolefags
Go to prison.
>Everyone KNEW the woke game would win though, there was NO doubt
yeah wukong or stellar blade should be the winners this year but that won't happen
instead they will give it to this garbage or veilguard 100%, even elden ring has more chances despite being a dlc
>or veilguard
Ummm... Anon...
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Good riddance
>Shart Piss: Pookong
I just finished the first dungeon and killed the giant egg monster and now I'm shitposting on /v/ instead of playing because I'm kind of meh about it all.
All of these games are fine with the writing up until the last 10% of the game, then shit goes off the rails and nothing is ever explained or really makes any sense. Persona, for example:
>people are sad, and that sadness became this monster.
>shut up, don't ask questions
>just roll with it
They don't even try to explain how emotions turned into a tangible god-powered monster. "It just happened bro" is apparently fine in Japan.
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Meanwhile, the only good girl
great game
i'm happy that jrpg won
The second one is the best part of the game, it's all downhill afterwards. If you don't like the game then unironically just drop it.
False, the fourth dungeon is the best.
Dragon temple? The etrian callback was good and it introduced the best girl but imo it was the most boring one.
SH2 is also divisive. You would have purists upset. Metaphor isnt at all divisive, people who call it leftist havent played the game, its from a beloved JRPG developer who's made its name over the years and the only slight against it is that its "muh anime weebshit," ehich falls apart because the goy awards always snub JRPGs
>Romancing Saga and Fantazian put it to shame
>shartenix fags still seething about Atlus superiority
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Will this make metaflop finally pass Suicide squad?
There is literally nothing more dull and tired than anime
One game turned a profit after a month, and the other is shutting down in a month
Anime website, go back
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>post yfw Metaphor get GOTY tomorrow
>tomorrow Larry is going to finally hang himself
I'm going to miss our banters, retard
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metaflop pity awards won't save the stock lol
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No one cares about awards.
I'll see you in the Game Awards sticky tomorrow, anon!

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