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Where is that nintendo faggot from yesterday saying the switch 2 will be a game changer because it'll have cod and sportsball
>announced spring 2025
>full product reveal summer 2025
>launch holiday 2025
Nintendo hasn't tried to compete with specs for a while, they just make great games that make use of their hardware wich usually have a gimmick that make games on their platforms unique
>Digital Foundry
The same people who swore up and down it wouldn't be backwards compatible?
>being a tendie
l m a o
Yeah DF have been lying for decades. It's nothing new.
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I don't have money for a Switch 2, so I don't care
Lol when did they say that
Seriously, who is the Switch 2 for? 95% Nintendo players don't care about graphics or performance and they've spent the last 20 years training their audience to not care about them. When was real the last graphically impressive Nintendo anything? The GameCube Zelda tech demo?
It's going to hard to sell a system where the only improvement is the games won't be pirated day one for a few months.
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It's for me.
OP if you trust digital foundry in regards to fucking RUMORS OR "LEAKS" you're a nigger.
I would probably trust them more than Nintendo
For me
>trusting a non official "source" over info straight from the horses mouth
Remember that not ONE single "switch 2 leak" has ever become true. All anyone has is shipping data and the nvidia hack, that's it. It's not enough to get a full picture.
>Digital Foundry
Have these guys ever predicted anything right?
>targeting 720p
lmao even
The same people who expected the PS5Pro will cost $599 and will include a drive. They are absolutely clueless about everything outside their comfort zone. And when I say comfort zone I mean they get a bunch of insider info from HW manufacturers. But as soon they don't have this they are basically making up shit based on news articles I shit you not. Just watch their weekly shit if you don't believe it. If the gaming sites push something hard they assume it is a thing.
>PS5 Pro didn't include a disc drive
I didn't know that. All of my keks

What a fuck up
>Switch 1 targets 1080p
>Far superior hardware with a DLSS crutch won't
Are they idiots?
It just dawned on me that we're in for a new era of dumbshit predictions. I had almost entirely forgotten about it and how insufferable it was.
>who is the Switch 2 for?
People who enjoy video games instead of gushing over plateaued visuals?
It's DF, what do you think?
People who prioritize gameplay over graphics
also known as people who actually play videogames instead of shitposting about them on mongolian basket weaving forums
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>"won't target 1080p"
>when the previous gen from fucking 2017 does 1080p just fine
I remember when fake leaks used to be believable
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As long as this machine has mario, smash, mario kart, kirby and pokemon games I'll buy it
Deckchads we can't stop winning
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>you NEED to have muh photorealism and muh 4k raytracing or the system won't sell!
It's astounding how mindrotten snoys have become from having no games and getting blown the fuck out so hard by a tablet
>Digital Foundry
They STILL don't believe in specs T239 has despite all of them being widely available since the Nvidia hack years ago.
They are inept faggots who can only count pixels.
Deck doesn't target 1080p either, lmao
I'm not poor enough to buy a switch/switch 2, I'll just emulate the 4 worthwhile games it gets across it's 8 year lifespan in 4k. If graphics don't matter keep making nintendo ds games it was the last good nintendo console anyway and they've clearly given up on home console development at this point.
It doesn't need to most deck games run at 1080 perfectly fine, my friend's steamdeck puts his $3000 macbook to shame.
I'm the Nintendo faggot from yesterday. I really do believe that Nintendo is not going to fuck this one up. I think it will be able to run every modern game respectably and this must be the case because it has more power than a PS4 Pro and almost a Series S according to leaks. It will be able to (nearly) run COD at 60 fps 1080p because that's how Black Ops 6 runs on PS4

Everyone is underestimating how much power the Switch 2 is going to have for being a small tablet without a true cooling system
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>Digital foundry
More third-party games in general (it's the actual Playstation console for me) and it's the sole platform I can fully trust for my nippon games too
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Those idiots still think it will be samsung 8nm, even though it makes no sense.
>Nintendo would never chose 4N, that's too modern despite now being slightly older than what switch used when it launched!
>but Nintendo would develop a totally custom chip for switch pro, actually produce the chip with devkits and then throw it in the trash because lmao
Never believe these morons
weird flex but OK
It's for NOPs.
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>Are they idiots?
you tell me
A 4nm switch 2 would cost too much for children to beg their parents for.
4N is 5nm, and cheaper than Samsung 8nm.

Especially since you need to reserve allocation for multiple billion dollars for a foundry.
Nvidia has already paid tsmc but let samsung run out.
This is the company selling an alarm clock in 2024 for $100
>it won't output upscaled 1080p even though switch 1 always outputs an upscaled 1080p
mmm mmm, yeah sounds like a load of bs from retards
>The year of 320p upscaled AAA gaming
$500 is right in the range for christmas gifts, once you hit $1000 nobody is buying this shit for you and you need to get a job at which point you'll just get a gaming pc, or a ps5 pro if you work in hospitality/retail like a serf.
I am not saying that Switch2 will be a power house.
But what the fuck does Digital Foundry know about it?

Fucking clown shit.
it won't be, but it will respectably run cyberpunk and all third party games + mario games and zelda
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>but it will respectably run cyberpunk
It's a handheld console which at best will be pushing ps3-tier specs, are you on meth?
You are a tech illiterate retard.
Bro. Look at the stylization of the '2' in this leak of the ZenGrip. That's probably the '2' Nintendo is going to use for the Switch 2. They're making it edgier to get the hardcore gamer crowd

The power is underestimated
Hey maybe if you're lucky you can get off the meth and stay alive to see the switch 3 which might be able to play cyberpunk at 720 with some ray tracing
>It's a handheld console which at best will be pushing ps3-tier specs, are you on meth?
Are you? Because the current switch already does at least PS3 tier graphics unless you're in heavy denial.


Shitty youtube link I know.
You tech illiterate trannies always try to pretend you know anything.
The switch is already more powerful than the ps3 in literally every way, moron.
They already said it plays that Matrix PS5 demo.
Dunno at what resolution or framerate, but it plays it.
Wow ps2-level settings on crysis ramp the gpu and cpu up to 100% to run it at 20 fps.
This is what nintendofags think is acceptable out of a 20 year old video game, and that this is a direct comparison to cyberpunk 2077
>target resolution
Is this a legally safe way to admit that FPS will drop below 30?
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>The same people who swore up and down it wouldn't be backwards compatible?
The best part of disliking someone on the Internet is that you don't have to listen to them and can just make up what you think they believe.
Snoytranny, that retarded cope failed.
Eh not exactly, the CPU isn't good and memory BANDWITH is very limited, but good devs can make it do higher than PS3 tier graphics if your smart and skilled enough to do the job. Cryengine powered games seem to be the best at showing off what the switch can really do, how interesting.
The CPU is more powerful than the ps3, if you use multi core.
I imagine Nintendo gave the guys greenlight to show off the grip under the assumption they wouldn't so blatantly show the Switch 2. Either these guys are retarded, they have what they think the next system will look like from shown specs and have a fake stand-in to represent it, or they are going off the design leaks and spitballing it while using a fake stand-in. Part of me takes it as a sign that it probably won't be long before an official reveal. I expect January.
>digital foundry suggests
Stopped reading there
It's not even real crysis it's crysis remastered which is objectively a shittier looking game that only exists to cut down features of the original so it can run smoothly, which it can't in this case even with and overclocked processor.
If you ever get cyberpunk it'll be rendered in fucking crayons
Wow you're actually retarded.
They literally did say that.
>that make use of their hardware
>echoes of wisdom can't even hit a consistent 60 fps
You tech illiterate tranny know nothing, stop pretending.
And the remaster has GI, the original doesn't
they literally said it wouldn't tho and tried to parade it as fact
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We currently have Switch ports of PS4 games that are virtually looking the same, such as Ace Combat 7, Dying Light (post-release), EDF4.1, Alien Isolation, Nier Automata, Yakuza Kiwami, etc. Plenty of PS3 games also prove to run better on Switch than in the OG hardware, like DaS1 on Blighttown for instance.
I dunno how it's possible to pretend the Switch 2 won't be able to achieve bigger feats by comparison.
Literally ps5 resolutions, it's over.
>It might not compete with handheld gaming PCs performance-wise as a result
Then who is this for? Kids want PS5s now, not Nintendo. Asians want phones now because their specs aren't shit anymore, not Nintendo.
>It's not even real crysis it's crysis remastered which is objectively a shittier looking game

Which version of the game has SVOGI? Here's a hint, that feature is also on switch.
Nobody wants a ps5, Sony buys them themselves to raise numbers.
Holy cope
Sorry, it's actually above.
PS5 pro is 720p already
>And the remaster has GI, the original doesn't
Ok, the original has volumetric clouds, NO OTHER GAME IN EXISTENCE DOES
Plenty of other games do, including tears of the kingdom.

Are you actually retarded?
Crysis 2 has GI, still looks worse than crysis 1
>release 2015 hardware in 2025 with a 2025 price tag
>people will still buy it
nintendo is a cult
>Plenty of other games do, including tears of the kingdom.
>Are you actually retarded?
You're beyond fucking stupid if you believe this, hurry up and drop out of the 5th grade I don't want my tax payer dollars going to babysit future coal miners.
That's literally the ps5 pro
>720p on a 2024 console
Not my problem you are a tech illiterate tranny.
It's a fact, look it up yourself.
You know absolutely nothing about the graphics you claim to care so much about.
Blah blah blah I'm not reading your dipshit nonsense you think there's volumetric clouds in totk which uses 5 textures for a cloud.
Sorry to say, but the ps5 pro has multiple 720p games already.
most third-parties have a pc version, so that doesn't strengthen the console at all.
The photos of the case and PCB from September were real, unless someone really rich thought it would be funny to drop $1.5 million on injection molds to fake it.
I accept your troonycession, tech illiterate tranny.
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One google search later, you are actually a subhuman, you are now demoted to the rank of "nigger" and will sustain on a diet of fried chicken and nikes.
... Are you retarded?
Alright so I'm going to get Switch 2, I have a Series X, and also have a laptop.

Based there's still no reason to build an expensive PC.
Keep telling yourself that
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I'm glad people are recognizing that Digital Foundry has always been full of shit
Can't we all get along and stop arguing :(
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Just get an expensive laptop it's the same shit these days.
Look at the actual article, it's a volumetric system.
So the same as crysis.
It's a shitty billboard cloud system you fucking melon sucker, the guy admits it in his post, yeah he praises how "Great it looks for 2d"-slop but this is common behavior from a copium sucking nintendipshit on their 20nm dogshit smartphone console. The crysis clouds are volumetric point data, crysis remastered removed that shit so it could have 2 dogshit billboard clouds just like totk
It's 8x A78C CPU cores (2022, originally designed for laptops) combined with a weird Ampere/Ada hybrid GPU that has the raster hardware of a 3060 but can also run the latest version of DLSS. Assuming they put it out within the next year it'll be pretty much as contemporary as the PS5 was.
The same as crysis:remastered
All volumetric systems use 2d billboards, retard.
>digital upscaling
>still no 1080p
I say bullshit. Nintendo is pathetic when it comes to hardware, but they're not THAT pathetic. I bet the internal target res will be either 1080p or 1440p and possible upscaling up to 4k.
Then it's not a volumetric cloud system.
Why are snoytrannies always so sure they now anything about technology?
I hope you get 6 ray tracing cores on the switch 2 so you can brag about ray tracing support
Yeh, they're not even trying anymore. Sad.
A 3060? That's good enough. Wow. Hence why the 2 is going to be stylized in such a way on the Switch 2. They want the hardcore gamer crowd with the Switch 2 and the specs are going to surprise gamers
Neither does crysis then
>unironically willingly wanting the mark of the devil on any hardware
I think "demanding third party games" is code for "UE5 slop that is lazily downported to the Switch 2 after launching at 720p30 on the PS5". Games were able to hit 1080p60 on the Switch when they were designed for it, and the Switch 2 SOC (from what we know) is orders of magnitude faster.
There biggest mistake will be catering to backwards compatibility . Mark my words . That’s like $40 bucks worth of extra components and backwards has never been a seller. Ds never supported it past 2006 and GameCube was taken off the store shelves as soon as Wii mania became big. The only time it was worth it was 3ds and even then people didn’t give a toss
You do realize even ps5 pro resolutions can still be sub 1440p, hell sub 1080p, it is not about hardware but how shitty nu devs are.
Go learn a book nigger.
True. All the consoles only ever get a maximum of ten-twenty real actual good games in their life-times. So many games aee multi-platform now that almost all of the games also inevitably end up on the pc.
Oh no, a typo.
Snoytrannies really are pathetic troons.
Considering it's Nvidia ray tracing, 6 cores would be better than ps5 pro
one thing i hate from the gwaphix nigger race is resolution faggotry
i would much rather have 720p 250hz than 4k60, it's just so fucking good
>numbers are evil
Kill yourself glop worshiper
People don't realize that the 'Switch 2' is going to be the N3DS of the Switch line.
It's got the exact same design, a lightly bigger screen, will use the same base OS as the Switch, and has backwards compatibility. It's more than likely going to push for 1080p in handheld and better frames with a few exclusives while the Switch lives as the budget option that runs things worse.
>literally proves me right
I accept your troonycession
>Seriously, who is the Switch 2 for?
People who like Nintendo games and also Japan considering the Switch dominates there.
Agreed, except I'm not a peasant so I play in 480 hz 1920x1200, and have the option for 4k 120hz
No console has even given a shit about 60fps. And all the consolefags have been trained since their childhoods to accept 30fps. As usual, the pc master race marches on...
Instead of making a more modern and easier to make cartridge they’re stuck with outdated tech that is meant to fit a 100 go game on it. You also know they won’t make internal storage than 126 gb
>considering the Switch dominates there.
How is 1080p not standard in fucking 2025.
The clouds are calculated live with shaders you actual dog fucking inbred hick.
to be fair, there's no game worth playing that is bigger than 100gb in install size
You lost, tech illiterate tranny
>youngster never experienced the family computer that struggled to run games in the 2000's back when there were continuous progress in 3D
mustard race is a joke alright
I do, and i still stand by what i wrote.
We already know the storage from real leaks. 256 GB plus microsd express for expansion
For third parties, Nintendo will prioritize simpler graphics (which are also less expensive to develop) at higher resolutions.
It's Nvidia, so RT would be on its 1,600 CUDA cores. Comparable PC cards can easily handle Control with raytracing at 1080p.
Nothing wrong with that. If it ain't broke, then don't fix it, as they say. Due to how insanely successful the switch turned out to be, i always figured that the next 'tendo console would just be a bigger, more impressive switch. This is what i would have done, and i'm a very smart dude.
You are a huge retard.
There's no additional hardware. T239 runs a compatibility layer for Switch games.
They are using more modern cartridge. They will be using 3D NAND technology which will make it cheaper and with higher capacity.
>You also know they won’t make internal storage than 126 gb
Nintendo is sending hundreds of thousands of 256GB UFS3.1 memory modules to a factory in Taiwan.
That's been known for months. At least try keeping up before spreading FUD.
Nonsense, I played control on a 2060 and it ran like shit, that's 30 nividia rt cores, anything sub 100 isn't even worth turning on rtx.
>they just make great games that make use of their hardware
That hasn't been true in ages. Gimmicks, I'll give you, but that's all they have at this point.

>Even consoles are using memeLSS now
>Still can't 1080p
Grim. The industry is dead.
Switch 2 will have Dlss 3.5 minus the frame generation, so ray reconstruction should help.
Stop being retarded
That's Turing, the Switch SOC is a weird mashup of Ampere and Ada.
Who the fuck expected it to be powerful?
Fucking hell. T239's specs have been known for years. It has 8 RT cores.

This is actually hilarious because all the posts like this itt represent the level of understanding Digital Foundry has about Switch 2. Which is to say, non-existent
It's for kids dude. There are new "generations" of kids every 5 years.
Nintendo sees itself as a toy company that make games for kids + others. The piracy thing is likely a huge part of it + a long toothed console means a lot of secondary market sales that they aren't making money on - their consoles are not loss leaders so they are missing out.
That was with dlss2, 6 cores isn't enough to infer shit form
The performance increase is marginal at best
It is.
1.8TF portable, 3.6TF docked.
Digital Foundry is run by retards
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It's about features.
And you pulled 6 out of your ass.
They already confirmed backwards compatibility to their investors you tard.
>"wow look I can undock it and make it run like shit!"
Dlss uses tensor cores, not rt cores.
My bad, it's 12 RT cores, actually. And it's the Lovelace ones that are more performant than earlier gens
Did Digital Foundry actually say this?
WHO in Digital Foundry said this? I listen to their stupid podcast all the time and I haven't heard them outright "suggest" such things with any certainty. The individuals on their team still disagree as to whether or not the Switch successor will have backwards compatibility.
dlss performance isn't an issue it'd run on one tensor core, actual ray tracing data is derived from ray tracing cores, more cores = runs better and looks better, dlss is just the smudging to hide the difference between real ray tracing and infered ray tracing, without enough cores all you have is a slimy glop of bullshit ray tracing like the ps5.
I think it's safe to assume it will be backwards compatible, since Nintendo's president said it would be, in an investor briefing, where lying is illegal
They have ray reconstruction too.
And hitting the same rt level as ps5 or series x would be plenty for a handheld.
I just saw a clip of one faggot suggesting the BC might be digital only.
Which is just a retarded assumption to make.
It's significantly more powerful than the fastest APU AMD make for handheld PCs. At least for the next few years you won't be able to buy a Steam Deck-like device that performs better than it.
I doubt you'll even get that, and ps5 ray tracing is trash regardless, just because you make the screen smaller to hide the fact it looks like shit doesn't make it look good, there's no such thing as a good looking switch game and there won't be a good looking switch 2 game.
If you think that, you are a retard.
Then you must hate the tranny deck
>it'll have cod and sportsball
The Switch outsold its competitors without COD, and it already has sportsball.
The GPU has more than double the performance of the steam deck anon.
the only reason the ps5 and xbox series aren't lying dead on the operating table right now is because of backwards compatability
They are just usual retards that use "because Nintendo" as an argument even while they have the spec sheet directly from Nvidia in front of them.
They will keep looking for the worst possible scenario until this thing actually comes out and smacks them in the face.
Then they'll say they didn't expect it performing this well, just like it happened with Switch
Are you smoking crack
Nvidia always had the lead over amd.
are you surprised?
He's actually basing it on the specs instead of getting upset because it hurts your feelings
No? AMD already leaked the benchmarks of the upcoming Strix Halo (their new flagship APU) and it has half the GPU performance of the closest equivalent to the T239.
>OP thinks the Switch doesn't already have sports ball
>>696966732 (me)
To clarify, I am talking about the handheld version. They have a much faster version but you're not putting that in a handheld unless you want it to be thicker than a Game Gear and with 10 minutes of battery life.
Anon, even a 1080 Ti, that's almost 8 years old, mogs that thing. Nutech is a fucking joke.
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If the leaks of the component plates are true, does that mean the coloured buttons are officially doa? I really believed it was true seeing as slot of there releases last year went out of there way to colour buttons prompts on games like paper Mario and smrpg
The only definitely-real leak of the actual hardware didn't have buttons fitted, it was just the shell and the PCB.
>tech illiterate tranny talks
Given the amount of AAA games that have flopped this gen, does anyone even give a shit about this graphics-whoring crap?
1080p docked (upscaled for third parties)
900p handheld
anyone expecting anything else is retarded
We have seen ps5 pushed lower than that.
I would look at series s for third parties
if Switch 2 can match AMD Z1 or Z2 extreme from the handheld devices then it should be good for Nintendo's first party titles and then can run multiplats
if CoD and sportsball come to it then it will take a chunk from Playstation
only on portables
in the desktop even the 4090 trades blows with the xtx in real rendering because goyvidia would rather pander to AI jeets than make real hardware on PC
Yeah, but that's nvidia being jewish, not incompetent
720p native with 4K DLSS for tv output is all it needs for marketing reasons.
Again, we already know what's in it, Nvidia have leaked like a sieve. It should be twice as fast as the Z1 Extreme.
I know
>muh christmas sales
But jesus fucking christ I wish Nintendo would just reveal it. All of the rumors are beyond tiring.
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It'll hit 1080p and above docked, and if it hits 1080p consistently in handheld then that's all I need. 4k is unnecessary on a smaller tablet sized screen. Every Xenoblade better get performance upgrades year one as well
>will be a game changer because it'll have cod and sportsball
It will, Switch already has FIFA, 2K, and MLB. CoD is inevitable.

I think you'll be disappointed when the switch 2 launches and isn't as powerful as the steamdeck OLED
it will easily be more powerful.
You weren't disappointed when your steam deck wasn't as powerful as your laptop and desktop so that's false.
The fuck do you mean? Try playing the same games with the same settings on a 1080 Ti and a 3060/PS5, the ps5 won't even launch them.

LMAO kill yourself retard
The OLED model. BTFO'd that Nate grifter right to his face on his own podcast
But they're jewish
Anon. Again. We know what SOC is in the Switch 2. It is the Nvidia T239. On paper it is over twice as fast as the steam deck.
my battery inflated, I need to replace it. I'd rather just get a new Switch outright, preferably an upgraded model.
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the switch 1 already beat the goydeck lol
It's not for kids. Kids don't care about it, they're on their phones. Kids care about Nintendo as much as 40+ year olds do. It's for low IQ manchildren who're too dumb to use a PC.
Sounds like desperate snoytranny cope ;)
>it's expected to target 720p and 900p in demanding third-party games
>it might not compete with handheld gaming PCs performance-wise as a result
wtf are they talking about, current PC handhelds are basically stuck at that level of performance too.
Repeatedly resorting to fud posting that you've been constantly btfo'd on just says how hard you lost and how big of a mindless corporate drone you are.
me. I buy Nintendo consoles for Zelda and never use them for anything else.
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The only thing of value are Alex's PC settings optimization videos and PC graphics showcases
I ignore any of their opinion videos, podcasts, and reviews
>Aiming for 720p
This is getting stupid.
>PS5/XSeX performance modes regularly go sub-900p
Yeah, it's pretty pathetic for console hardware
Even ps5 pro does it.
>It’ll get x , y and z games they all rely on a robust online service !

Boy I can’t wait to connect my phone to my switch 2. Put in Id verification to prove I’m an adult. Waiting five minutes for the servers to boot up and then get kicked out of matches every ten minutes because of servers overloads . I’m so excited brosss
>snoytranny is posting generic seethe now

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