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just got my chromatic
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Is that a pepe the frog gameboy!?!?!?
I would have bought one but every color is awful
that's cool
what are you gonna play on it?
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Dios mio
I don't want to watch youtube videos about this thing, so i'll just ask: does it emulate games or does it play them natively?
no clear shell no buy
It's FPGA. So a gray area between emulation and "real" hardware. It will have the same amount of input lag as original hardware at least.
This isn't even the usual chink retroclone? It actually requires cartridges?
Does it have zelda? Mario?
that's a game boy though?
What's the point of getting scammed by these companies. This is basically a 999 games in 1 plug & play
it's made by that guy who sold oculus to zuckerberg
is that a bad thing?
>This is basically a 999 games in 1 plug & play
so you have no idea what this is
it's a newly manufactured GBC with a metal shell and a display specifically selected because it has the same resolution as the original and can be used in sunlight.
it's a gameboy for richfags.
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i got yugioh dark duel stories i got revelations demon slayer and dragon warrior monsters ordered
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Very cool anon
can it emulate other systems too?
you gay hoe!
This is a good thing. Even if it is expensive, it relieves pressure from the original hardware.
I believe it’s supposed to be bulbasaur colours
i'm sure the FPGA is powerful enough to handle other systems, but i doubt it would be a good experience on the 160x144 display.
the analog pocket is a better choice if you want a multipurpose FPGA console in a gameboy form factor.
It’s a dedicated GBC with a 1:1 resolution screen
The screen is the big pull
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mogged by a 30 bucks chink handheld from temu
Looks like shit. Should have just gotten a Vita and hack it.
why nintendo is not sueing?
ah, makes sense. cool device, pretty steep but I can see why
Can it play roms or gay cartridges only? Does it use AA batteries?
If the Analogue pocket was better made I’d get it
But the form factor and DPAD are terrible
I mean you can use a flash cart
It uses 3 AA batteries with contacts to allow for a rechargeable battery pack
just buy a gba sp?
Fuck cartridge faggotry tho yo
I think the GameGear shares the resolution but I’m not sure if it can fit the game carts
I wasn't interested in one of these, since I have two Analogue Pockets, and some modded official handhelds, but then I found out that it uses AA's and I became more interested. I hate how everything has moved to proprietary batteries. Still not quite enough to make the jump yet, I am sure that they will have some cooler color variations down the road.
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Jesus Christ stop getting so mad at this it's for the enthusiast gamer.
2160 nuts of brightness
Wifi for link cable functionality worldwide with other chromatics
Wireless for link cable local
Bluetooth 6.0
FPGA perfect accuracy
Pixel perfect shaders to mimic the retro look

It's worth it. It's like getting mad at someone gaming on a Trinitron CRT despite them not being made for normal CRT gaming in mind.
any cool gameboy games you recommend i get?
The colours are the starter Pokémon and I think the pink one is Kirby
It's $200.
why would you want a fucking gameboy in current year?
what the fuck is this webm
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Yeah, they just don't do anything for me. I'd like something more like the classic DMG.
i have a vita teach me how to hack it
its the mud wizard
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>um big oof, I can't play Zenless Zero on this thing, how can anyone enjoy this?
Nigga I play games on my 1080p monitor upscaled from 720 at 30 fps, do you think I can afford $200?
Which flashcarts does this thing actually support? My startpage-fu brings up a lot of conflicting info on what carts will actually work.
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Isn’t the GameStop one close to the DMG?
Got mine as well. Really impressed with the screen. Check that your screen isn't tilted, and that your IR isn't scratched
I think that’s just the review copies on earlier firmware
just use your phone like a normal person
gamestop one has soul
Why don't they support roms on a mSD card from the get go?
Doesn't the analogue support them already?
And the old German flag
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Just google it. It's so fucking common that it's everywhere on the internet.
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new card bros
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There you go, design fixed.
>only gb/c
How in the fuck would anyone buy this instead of $219 analogue pocket?
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Simplicity. Perfection.
You're supporting a weapons manufacturer by buying that. You have blood on your hands.
You could have gotten a Vita. hacked it to play nes, gameboy, ds and others. Instead you bought a gameboy wannabe clone. Even the screen looks like shit. There are better emulation devices with better screens for cheaper price.

You bought overpriced garbage.
>trinitron not being made for normal crt gaming in mind
Nigger a sony crt is made with the same purposes as any other crt. Its just a fucking TV. None of them are "made with normal crt gaming in mind"
What the fuck are you talking about
I will now buy your game console
It’s ok anon, you play GBC however you want
Damn right, if they released a blood red color I would have gotten that one
Vita is over a decade old and is more expensive than this on the 2nd hand market.
hope it's the blood of [group the media told you to be in support of] just to make you upset!
Why do they always do this cool shit with Game Boy? I have a lot DS carts and would like new hardware to play them on.
Because there isn't too much you could add to the DS experience. Also it would be a lot more difficult to make
DS hardware cloning is a lot harder, also might be made difficult by sourcing resistive touchscreens of an appropriate resolution
The DSi XL is the best way to play DS games, it doesn’t need new hardware
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I have an RG35XX, pretty gr8, currently i'm playing Parasite Eve on it.
dark duel stories nigga
palmer luckey is pure evil
Absolutely worthless device and you're a retard if you buy this at full price.
Analogue Pocket is the definitive FPGA handheld and is only a tiny bit more but has an open OS.
I can't think of a better compliment coming from your ilk.
That is wayyyyyyyyyy better than chromatic.
Much cheaper, better screen, higher resolution.
Good job not getting jewed like OP.
Yeah I know right, oculus is terrible
>replace emulation device every year
No thanks
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I got the Miyoo A30
it plays everything up to and including PS1 easily, I haven't tried to push it farther but CPS3 works so the arcade stuff is probably good
it was like 40 dollars
It's very small
I like it a lot
what's the point of this thing when devices like Anbernic and Retroid exist? just get a Retroid pocket 4 pro and stop fucking around

>inb4 FPGA
if you're that of an autist just get a modded IPS Gameboy Color
Is it really? I got a nice Vita two years ago for 80$ total from Japanese ebay
Hadn't seen that one. It is a bit better, though looks more NES-like than DMG. FOr me the DMG needs those maroon buttons and the blue front for the text.
Looks like I could actually get one delivered to me same-day right now... I'm tempted.
I would buy a screen kit if they sold one standalone, but they can fuck off expecting $200 for something that takes AAs and ONLY plays GBC games.
kill yourself already you broke faggot
>if you're that of an autist
>IPS gameboy color
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>if you're that of an autist just get a modded IPS Gameboy Color
You would be paying about as much and you would have a worse screen, shell and speaker.
are there any chinkhelds that can play 3ds games, or should I just buy a used 3ds? I want to play etrian odyssey and monster hunter
You're looking at higher end handhelds for that, probably more than the cost of a n3DS (even as retarded as those prices are these days).
Because it’s quality and the screen is native resolution which makes GBC games look better
You’ll be able to buy new button colours as far as I’m aware
even if it could look at the number of buttons on it
>You can press the middle of the d-pad and hit all four directions at once
Okay, glad I didn't pull the trigger on this... I didn't need it anyway, but that's definitely a sticking point.
I was in the same boat as that anon, and even overseas the prices of used 3DS (ESPECIALLY the N3DS XL/LL) are fucking retarded and they're in the same horrible shape that Americans typically have them.
Where you seeing that?
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When are we getting an update to the GOAT?
wtf is that?
Imagine playing NeoGeo on a crappy LCD that’s widescreen and doesn’t scale with 240p
Mahko's stream video from yesterday. He demonstrates it several times, and why that is actually a bigger issue for the Game Boy (it can cause games to glitch out). Apparently Luckey claims that they will push a firmware update that only allows it to recognize three inputs from the d-pad at once... but why not put a fucking pivot on the d-pad so that it's not a problem to begin with?
But I already have a vita
>$200 gameboy knockoff
>$40-45 cartridges
What the fuck?
>yet another pivotlet d-pad
Why can't anyone get this right
hey it's cheaper than game boy games were back then (adjusted for inflation)
they're also very niche products, which they likely understand only maybe 100 people will buy so they have to be priced higher than if they had a big audience.
I'd just get a flashcart. I have one that I use whenever I go back to original hardware instead of an emu device or my Pocket.
I don't know, and Palmer Luckey should know better. He's not stupid, so I don't understand what the motivation was here.
200 bucks isn't even that much anymore thanks to inflation.
The website says it's an IPS LCD, why lie?
Your cellphone does the same fucking thing as all of these and is 200x more practical
because you can buy a ds for like $10
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But I already have a cellphone
You never posted in /vr/ huh
/vr/ is super anal about the rules. post a chinkshit handheld there and you'll be banned within the minute for posting a console newer than the PS2
fucking LMAO
shut the fuck up retard they literally have a handheld general where they do nothing but talk about chinkhelds.
its also where they make fun of ripoffs like this.
just ranting here, but there was a huge shift in post quality after /vr/ changed the rules to allow sixth gen discussion. the board was fucking unusable for months.
What game?

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