Barely any diversity in the cast. Just a bunch of boring white men. Yikes...
>redditors are now spreading anti-quickplay propaganda
>>696957421>One nigga>One womanits exactly as diverse as it should be.
>>696957130My wife only lets me play an hour of TF2, but sometimes I play 2 hours on Friday night
Okay name something better
>>696957531Yet you allow her to invite black guys to the bedroom
>>696957130Heck yeah!GOTTA MOVE THAT GEAR UP!
>>696957130I moved on only because I got bored and stopped playing. TF2 is the only online shooter I enjoy after Quake Live died.
>>696957617It's called having a healthy relationship. I want vidya, she wants Jamal, so we compromised
>>696957130To whatever's better than TF2? What game would that be?
If it ain't broken why fix it?
>keep making anti-tf2 threadsmoot point faggot, how about YOU play a different game. It's not like the new sex-pest players that just jack off in chat make the game more intriguing to play anyways
>>696957130to where nigger there is no hero shooter halfs as good as tf2
>>696957130You're black and jewish
>>696959686>they'll never release the heavy 2.0 update or the anniversary mode update until valve decides to make a 20th anniversary update documentary sigh, there's some new shitty maps at least
>>696957130I played this a little bit on the xbox 360 but that was it
>MUH UPDATE MUHFUGGA>destroyes the base jumper, GRU and amby>adds non-weapons like the gas passerFUCK updates, never update.If there is an update im unleashing 2 million new aimbots
>loved community servers on 1.6>they're dead>move on to source's>also dead>move on to GO's/2's>also deadThe massive attention CS got over the past 10 years as a compfag game probably didn't outright murder community servers at least in the older games, but it meant that these servers just fizzled out of existence and literally no one spoke of it happening. I guess since there's usually at least 1 zombie escape server still up, that tricks people into thinking the communities are still alive. At least I still enjoy TF2 and jewtubers are milking it for all it's worth so there are always new players.
>>696959686Mmmmm yesss more cosmeticslop and another bunch of maps that will be empty in a couple of months + some clipping fixes or whatever the fuckThank you Eric I'm gonna buy a bunch of keys now. Btw I'm still waiting for the last issue of the comic but take your time it's only been 8 FUCKING YEARS
>>696961437at least they are working on a new comic. maybe then we will get a final update to the game.
>>696959686>>696961437What do you actually want? I bought this game and am happy it's just playable again, personally.
>>696961526>What do you actually want?Balloon race/whacky_race, instant_respawn, rtd, class_wars
>>696961526not him but I do wish they would at least revert more of the mym shit such as unfucking some of the extremely nerfed weapons and ideally going back to quickplay and barring that at least make the casual system less shit
>>696961514>at least they are working on a new comicLmao you don't actually believe that do you>>696961526I appreciate them actually doing something about the bots after people lost their shit multiple times, but these shitty updates don't do much for me. Honestly I just want the comic to be finished and maybe an actual update with new weapons and balance changes but that takes actual effort so it's not going to happen
>>69696152624/7 32v32 instant respawn rtd koth_harvest
There was never a single moment in history where TF2 was anything more than mid.
>>696961214you have no aimbots
>>696961437>>696961732>wanting them to finish the comics when the original writers have been insufferable leftist shlocks on twitter for the past several years
>>696961526new weaponsun-fuck the nerfs to existing weaponswario ware servers
>>696961892You are so wrong that I feel bad for you.
>>696961526He wants Eric to add the "His youtube dad has powerplay enabled" update.
>try to branch out from Tf2>go to overwatch>it's drama queens banning everyone for "not playing the meta>try fortnite>it's a bunch of 10 years larping as Darth Vader as he has buttsex with Rick Sanchez and Naruto>try Splatoon>laggy, unplayable P2P servers with no quickplay or even the most primitive of matchmaking options that you'd find in a PC shooter>return to the safety of TF2Every day I lose more faith in this industry.
>>696963215pretty much this, no other game has yet been able to replicate what makes TF2 so much fun and it's sad that there are no real alternatives
>>696963215If you aren’t into military shooters you’re pretty much shit outta luck.
>>696963381And not for any lack of trying to fuck up TF2 either, TF2 has a whole gaggle of faggots trying to corrupt it
5 mins in i have yet to join a game
>>696963563press the queue button then retard
>>696961924The comics' ending was written years ago, they just have to actually finish it
>>696963563Works on my machine
>>696957130Let people enjoy things chuddie
>>696963449>If you aren’t into military shooters you’re pretty much shit outta luck.nta but thats not true either. there are no good military shooters that came out in the last 4 years. battlefield is dead thanks to twenty poo call of duty has been hot garbage since 2 with a few exceptions and i only play the pseudo realistic shit like squad with friends because its unbearable otherwise. extraction shooters are cheater infested garbage and theyre all shit even without cheaters.
>>696963215>play marvel rivals>amount of visual bright shit on screen is nauseating >chinese slop that's fun for only a couple hours >some characters are so broken they're unfun to fight against
>>696957130valve already assassinated this game with mannconomy and matchmakingi moved onto nothing over a decade ago
>>696957130Make something better and people might
>>696964395>play marvel rivals>controls are somehow even more janky and unresponsive than 15+ year old source games
>>696964395>>696964610Why did you expect anything from a Chinese overwatch clone duct taped to marvel?MARVEL.
>>696964395>>696964610I looked at characters video and shit they look uninspired and boring. Battleborn would unironically be success if it was released today considering the slop we deal with today.
>>696964725i was expecting ue5 to be retard proof yet the somehow found a way to fuck it up. its honestly amazing because its really fucking hard to break unreal engine controls.
>>696964610>play marvel's rival's>fps is a consistent 50>turn all my settings down to maximize fps>get 70-150>realize mouse sensitivity is tied to framerate
>>696964725game's design is decent there's no dei hiring from the devs because they're chinese so the characters are cool looking and the women are hot. And beating the shit out of people as spiderman was fun too
>>696965103>realize mouse sensitivity is tied to framerateyoure kidding
>>696965103>realize mouse sensitivity is tied to frameratewat
>>696963215Give me like five years, man...
>>696964905ANON, UE5 IS FOR RETARDS.
>>696965098ao oni lookin' ahh
>>696965098you need to be 18 or older to post here
>>696957130Already did.Played from 2009 to 2013 (whenever the later MvM maps got added), then again from 2020 to aimbot spam, and then finally stopped once our favorite community server shifted their servers off to a shitty location that's laggy for us.Love playing but utterly despise the playerbase, which really sours everything TF2 related (it's a multiplayer game after all):>Meet Your MatchTrash addition and faggots crying "saveTF2" due to bots and other inane complaints was peak cringe. Join a fucking community server zoomer retards.>e-celeb worshipFucking hell due to the autism overdose of the playerbase this is absolutely horrendous>self-inserting OCs/character personasA double-edged sword. The high degree of freedom and customizability is very welcome, but damn it lets loose the worst autism the community has to offer.>hostile against competitorsThis was something I agreed on especially with regards to hero shooters released around OW1 despite being incomparable, but the worst is the unreasonable comparisons to DeadonarrivalLock which is absolutely nothing like TF2 and a clear sign of dementia.Obviously I've moved on with fond memories of the gameplay, but man the community is so insufferable that whenever there's bad news in the TF2 community it fills me with joy to hear.Great game marred with the absolutely most childish playerbase ever.
>>696965263>>696965306Oh ok I'm wrong, there's actually negative mouse accel you have to edit a config file to turn off that prevents you from moving your mouse too quickly, which is in every half assed console port known to man
>>696964905ue devs use visual scripting that they call blueprints
>>696963215i never tried the first splatoon, but splatoon 2 didn't feel at all laggy. splatoon is the closest pvp series i would ever consider an alternative to tf2. and a hat in time is the closest thing to an alternative to the tf2 community, people just doing stupid shit for fun where everyone has their own collection of mods. and smash bros is the closest series to a competitive alternative a party game taken way too seriously
>the furry pound is still the only populated non-cancer community server
fuckin' Concord was the closest to being a TF2 replacement for me, and it just had to die due to people being moronicFML
>>696965741>Obviously I've moved on with fond memories of the gameplay, but man the community is so insufferablei stopped regularly playing once the ubercharged servers died. i like to play tf2 from time to time but its just not the same without the community. im still in touch with a lot of the people i played with back then but most of them moved on to pure unfiltered shit so i kinda fell out of the loop with them. it makes me sad when i think about it but it is what it is. i doubt they wouldnt have moved on to all these gay games if i didnt stop playing with;dr it was mostly the communities that held the game and its playerbase together. f2p was the harbinger of things to come that killed off a lot of those communities.
>24/7 dustbowl>Class Wars>RTD and saysoundsOh yeah, it's gaming time.
game really needs a randomize loadout button
>>696966969that's a lot of 69s
>>696961526Remove spyNerf engi stackingmake heavy more fun to play, without ignoring weapon balance like how those 'make lunchbox its own slot' retards cry about
>696968576low effort bait
>>696966969where the quick respawn duel maps so i can spawn camp snipers all day
>>69695713024/7 2fort is where it's at, thoughbeit.
>>696957130No other game allows me to make people angry with a bow and a jar.
>>696959441Tf2 is a class based shooter not a hero shooter retard
>>696961214>The spy>A class about stealth and getting backstabs. >And give them headshots on command for free from basically anywhereYes, anon, it needed a nerf. In fact, it should have never been able to headshot in the first place.
>>696964610>>696964395>play marvel rivals>game's basic run speed feels like molassesLike, not expecting everyone to have sanic-tier movement, but does everyone need to move so fucking slow man?
>>696957130>MOVE ON>Winter update hit today Lmao.
>>696957130Based is live.
>>696961384>pic relD:
adopt ad-hoc
>>696957130It just need balance patches
>>696957130just as soon as a better alternative comes alongi was gonna get into overwatch when they added PvE but they fucked that
>>696971553one of the best bait images ever made
>>696965904That's because furries unlike incel dane and zesty nigger actually like TF2.
>>696969256Were you around for glasswars?
>>696966969>play class wars>get defense spy
>>696972212at least the round is over quick and you can move on to the next
>>696970267>"on command">"for free"not everyone is aimbotting like you are, tardo
>new """update""">no one caresas expected of mid fortress 2
>>696972151no. played some maps but mostly the block ones in fun servers
696972416>cares so much that he has to shitpost about it for (You)s
>>696966969Class wars is the superior version of TF2 and how it was meant to be like the start>you actually have to play all of the classes>counters become real>no random spies or sniper faggots ruining your group battles (these classes are why vanilla tf2 is shit)
>>696972416It had no downsides and had range rivaling the sniper. it made the spy...not play like the spy at all.
>>696972692>no downsidesBesides making closer shots much weaker and the weapon in general having a very high aim requirement.>range rivaling sniperoh no, spy can be a worse version of sniper with considerably higher aim and positioning requirementstruly this is OP and needs to be nerfed now
>>696972692>it made the spy...not play like the spy at all.So should we remove demoknght too? it makes demo "not play like demo at all" therefor it is bad and needs to be nerfed
>>696970267Kill yourself you are a faggot that only complained about the gun after people called it problematic 5 fucking years after being unchanged. You are a smelly third world fag and every day I pray (((people))) like you lose internet connection forever
>>696972870>>696972896>>696972927>People carried by the old Amby and could never get a backstab
>if you don't like a nerf that means you were "carried" by that item
>nerf everything but the gunboats and escape plansoldierfags, everyone
>>696972501No nigger fuck off.
>shitter crying about being constantly raped 1v1 by a fucking spyLOL
>>696972896demoknight plays like demoknight, no other class plays melee only, but amby spy was just playing sniper with the character meant to be sneakywhat would be your argument here if they gave heavy long distance headshots?
>>696965904I'm filtered, man. Every time I've stepped into that server in the last 13 years there has been too much genuine furfaggotry for me to tolerate. It totally ruins my serious business toy soldiers fun time, but unironically
>>696973247amby spy plays like amby spy, no other class can sneak around and headshot:^)>but what if (completely retarded bullshit)No.
>>696973160>melee weapon that makes you die to a stiff breeze if you're at low health, needs to be nerfedlollmao
>>696973401>No other spy can sneak around and headshotHmmm....I think the sniper does that
>>696973401long distance headshots belong to sniper, now go learn how to backstab and stop crying
>removes damage penalty on flamethrowers and miniguns>demoman retains charge ability on shield breakfinally heavy can be useful in vsh maps
>>696973247>but amby spy was just playing sniper with the character meant to be sneakyIf you unironically tried to play sniper spy with the ambassador you're a fucking retard.The reality is that it was faggots that got clowned on like rocket jumping frag comp retards getting domed and cratering.
>>696957130I haven't played in like 12 years broski
>>696973462>random 195 crits at scout speed is fair bro>i would totally not boil to death if this was given to heavy or even demoman
>>696961526Rebalances and removing a lot of the nerfs added. Half (if not more) of the game's entire arsenal is basically useless and those weapons would be viable and fun to use if properly buffed either with new stats or back to their original state.
>>696957130I already did ages ago, shortly after the sniper-spy update.Day of Defeat is the superior casual class based multiplayer shooter franchise from Valve.
reminder that the ambassador is still effectively used by good spies, meaning anyone crying about current amby is just a bad player
>>696973802It's still being used by retards playing with aimbots.If you were smart you'd still be using stock or enforcer.
>shoots 3 rockets at a heavy>while you reload he pulls out his melee and runs at you at sonic speeds and crits you to deathyou just KNOW this would be removed in 2 days, yet soldier gets to keep it
>>696973949It's a heavy melee, it'd get the fuck nerfed out of it had we not been (thankfully) in the blank period where balance changes aren't fucked with.People are so fucking retarded I'd bet they'd complain about the fists of steel being overpowered.
>>696963381Garden warfare was the closest for me, but the playerbase dropped off pretty fast after launch.
>>696972501>the superior version of TF2 is an entire team of engineers effortlessly gunning down an entire team of snipersIt's really fun, but I don't agree with how you worded it.
>>696957171Not much out there. FragPunk seems promising but we'll see.
>>696973868Enforcer? Do you mean the diamondback?
>>696974747Diamond back is the I want to get two cheeky shots off and immediately die option.Enforcer is for people good at spy because you can trash vaccinator medics and wrangled sentries, and stock is just good.
>>696973030>hahaha you were carried by your great aim
i use the enforcer a lot and the gimmick is useless 99% of the time. the fire rate and random crits on stock are more worthwhile. it does feel good to kill dead ringer shitteres through their shield every now and then, when they're not overhealed by the kunai (almost never)
How 2 aim in scout mge?
>>696975749try moving the mouse around
>>696975398>i use the enforcer a lot and the gimmick is useless 99% of the time.Then you don't.The enforcer literally shoots through wrangler shields, has NO fall off and can out damage an engineer repairing it.Drops the medic in 3 shotsNear instantly kills Kunai Deadringer spies (or just kills them outright if you're disguised)Genuinely, if people WEREN'T completely shit at tf2 or retarded they'd realize it's basically spies best side grade.
>>696975749don't move mouse too much, move body so crosshair lines up on enemy
>>6969702671. Headshots from the Amby only deal 102 damage. This can only oneshot spies using specific knives.2. Revolver spread is piss poor. Any shot after the first can’t hit the broad side of a barn if it was directly in Spy’s face.
I still love the game but>Have to rely on Valve servers for any semblance of vanilla (Shit)>Community servers are either massive globohomo shite (Skial) or fun wacky game modes, which is fine, but sometimes I just want the regular game in a regular rotationIf any of you say "just make your own server", the state of australian servers is quite sad right now. Jump maps and HaveFun! are the only ones with reasonable amount of players... and 24/7 servers. It's like people forgot the magic of comm servers is variety.
>>696977629Valve servers, are alright, not a replacement for a community (keyword being community, not community server), but they're perfectly fine for playing the game.
sorry chuddie but I'am not leaving my trans safe space
>>696978474ebin...totally on the same level as devs pozzing the game themselves